Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1863, p. 1

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a lattthew Tcefy 1' &U'iA wAjm.al U5 cmwaa'uu /làoi-cnt.anUxoON -razOUIEwoiare lx sàon voix, av ~W. il.IlGG-xINS9 1 AÂt his e aitlrag irtab1tohmmat, Brook -StieetWhitbyo #Ir Noxi Doot tO tho..egttry Onee. .LDVRTIEXETS 'VOL. VIL ALfdetisemob.nts mereurcdli Notipar- J'oh. lola ataebarged at tho rate ef 8 conte pur 1- iirotastinsertion, and 2 .arntra Per linoecd COMMIERCIAL but*bsequqnatInsertion.1101 AZT1 S p6aalcontract a ide with rdrertloera utacaL TiOT the yaat.JANtES CRt)CNER, taýdsocutlnta drertinemeaite muet THudnmge au -- iCOMMJERCIAL" h' bt t ~ ~ ~ . Ljirilio l, iad ig slov- ie Iie~itir~?I 4~vuff~~'n tirrecoption cf gaaeats a EU 44J4I41LI~ 11arrirons a dintance wvi ____________ed til taa-arderireiir C - TVie értimbliag anîd oel i BANIK 0F lMNTREÂL9 peleras.aarr ad I withb zatc er.tii-tWiir8, Ci-il anad attetmive <Jtlcmet THIOMASI »Ow, Maag9er.- STA'INEIà GLAS@ WORKS. -W. BULLOGJC IVIrhrtaute Worktç,75 aitn Stret, Tomraito. CAMBIRON & rdAtODýtE.L, 'RÇBRIIsTERtS &-ATTOINESAT LAW , . aelctorn te theo liairet Mnietre i, euh u*unty Coetril of laitrlia, Whlth, c'. %W. 1 EOR(T5lýt he . DART NE T> ARItIIR, ATTORNEiY, Ci NV EVAN co er, &., &et. 0111cr tiurrîr epposito the liegiatry (ffia,ilret Strrct W)iath> - J. V$ RAMI- ý1AiisTER-AT-Iî'AW. t>FFIC-BIIICK B trWat, WIlîltby, C. -W.i »AIRIIiBT£It A-NDATTOItNEY-AT-iA W. 0111os-îpiau letaatiiigisrty office, Brc BARIlTEM.t Attornieys, Soiciaoraa. &c. IilICE-WrtlritAAeiancaroticrl(lali'ta tVlinrcii Srept, 'lormoa, ('.'W. ANGOUhMORRlHON. 1 J A 1Torcnato, Jaly 20, 181. 8 -a- M. COCIIRA?<E, là.. I. B. 91U tINTÃŽ CgOOWN ATT')RNfY FORt ON CU aria, 13 rriîrer atand atrae 1,;ýw. 1; to li(lIt411cerr, Noiaryv Publlic, &c.- eUMeé-lai Bsiciov-1rNew 1Building, hliaidro G. IR. DARTNELL, »AÂ1IISTER & ATIhoINET AT LAW, -*dJ$lcltorin*lhaiacery, &c, Wlitht C'.W. Office- Victia i lildinag, Bt-ak aSt. * tty.* CHAÂRLESCV. KELLER., .ATOIt*NFY AT TASlCtINRt IiOa ro, <'aaarèyriieer.- &o. offle(-iai irlceix buldlaig, erer tige cGlio clie, Ilrock street, MWIlal)iy. lti a rbraîch office in titatvillageof Beavr- tai, Tovtrliip ef Tîtorei, aid Conaity et On-- tarie. . 40 A TTtINFY-AT-1 A W. SOLICITOR IN' Chiaicerr Notttrr t'PulIie. rnemî b' tsto llefrtlice, Oaailreck lirati. 49 rJOHN flILLINGS kW CIIANEY, e ofY)VaAlICINQ ofcPrinace Allie a, tare daarvM et J. W. CALDWIML BUROWNt Ctnbkiulg Affidavitia, Accottant, TUnnai vi 410 n Coti, Notury Putblca i eaeal Âgeaia, Ujxirlalge. OiecKa t eetarin>oppo*tle iht. Médical Iiuîl. N. B.-ili baaiuluonnaatrtd te hîrci e viii ho proinultly atteaîdrd te. 8 c ONV EYANCElt, and tutlileîr eQ B,, tc., &I, Drbito eulle.'tod on the mot eotarible eri, und iprompt remittancem '1evitasept. 10, 181. as R1. W. CLRK, rd. I0. ' rnli -le dabTEr Kat tif iarnii& Gb .oie nJraok -Streeit, Wiitby. 44 R.1. GUNN, M. D. <.;URÃ"o N ifQTO VE COUNTY GAOL, * illyreîa Street, Whitiiy. 4' IIRoMM S DEVERELL9 UL D EU, àka &c., GREEN STREET, JOXHN METCALF, L pRx oF';,rlg IE FTI 1)IVISIO N COURT, G coaprnlale titi Towaliîî ilBruck. Ad- ROBERT IIFEARS. C LERKC AND 'TitE&S1RER OF 'TJuE. STeavairhip cf LIxbri4jgu. Addroatr, Uxhridgr. (' ItER QIF CoUNTY A 1ND SUPERIOR (ioerte,and McintrtoitaiCouttyCetti- III.Âtr plin aidoraeental paiter, W hit by, 2 A. pRýxIWGE, E1~RCUÂ-N1ITAILiOR, ]IROCK STIUI1ET, ;-,"' TAURANT.ý-Conr etbrit aullx- pianade Streta Torotato. itefreohnienutâ 1 W'1 H UR&TEbgUN , WI T oce-ow liit tent,#We; IITBTlok JtiÙeusgi127 ing st, West," , AIorAnto, O, Aa olôda WILLIAM BARBIER, ?ràvullbq Agent riRN~II#UTEL9 Wbjttny, Sept. 2, 1868. Il làLF.WAY Proprietor. te Inforn i*emu- paitrootir Iaithe «na niewly reaiuvsted niraperlor order for aaad traarica. Tm- ai lied thle thoeamuet raid Ceailie o tiniiL- forationi. are titted uap iinu14 ",rd 14afely eccoed ,Lîquars aidCigare. AMESCRUE. TIiN W E.91EV. PltOl'ltlTO>iL<UCC E- el aur ta u.t. 1'itrl.) DTaliy Stazes toeai Northa, Jhl 'Wlitiy, aid Oshalawa. 24 GLOB3E HOTF-j_ Titlan tîd pliiAtiahâvebacbeota Iaîariaed liy hice oAlîîmriler, 'where lie' vii lvmv lai. ia,'i lladîIiiiaî reay teoted pcrsceally tu, th<-p iiî naitsofIiaigaetoot, &o. Tub ~a - i s beeibroticereaatly andi e.anlfa)raaiîl * vfitaîd up ; prilîteai, îarîareîî, &C. arial olaria sitrft wrter w tai maI, ai er éerv inde ri imprenicaît to titarlr the Travellerr-i licrnedtarlaai: litL-iaiiticTabîrlm, oaiatital. 1,1 aepuhii nt miiitimer. Notice tu Farmers and Othieris -r Liq ~ ~ ~~n aceiVi'l.aaa a il. tnrne', Fauti- la o'eu ta'. îii cm barraI ; ?ttitîin'iq Wbirai-. ai'a i.. eauPor'. Sherry, -taul ('3#îLriirek Iliiaýl'v -f'or m %taeeak, wiuh r Ilit of iiquir% tid iaa r'arr ofitheuir -octt nitndg. AtilQtativv, iiîilear, ad liburaica t I lare. A. ALEýXi%,NDEIL 2luo;îa a.1011, 1893.4 STAGE HOUSE,- BANILLA. ISAAC FENTON,' Proprietor. B ~T WIîeo il qours; lrat rliacea att.etive llsitlc-r. 1 A L B 10 . IHOrT E L. JAMEII BLACK, 14 - l'rîprictor. EAST IVLNDSOR IIOUSE, WIIITS3Y, .Wu. eAiirry. raisaTiit. r IllIbovilotIbIle i tuated lia a pieamatand -tlraarirt of the Town, oin lte fronit ramai. ~4a.l ccaiiaaiaaia o r travelîer. Oood Stobiinu caid tteutive etierg. 22 VICTORIA MOTEL. 11 l1 A lmI SCOTT, PilOlRIETOR. (Lite &ÂqCJLO-A!II.RICAN JITEL. ruiir#<7m ALtEli. T 11r mat"aaarh"r l" ialtted îap tilt iuone oui extabilmhod Iotel, witla the row uitd tlllrdîa everr #teo-fiiinlatlon ai iii4ictraeriaiub alie. cllta lina a ocli. Goa)d ntAbaiiîg mal aaaaerx 10 JOHN MOGG4DGiL ar1ýimlCilier denbitbcn4e0lal'ioran it tieîdé IL xtý1 li trve litgpublie, tlat he biuiaier'- 1> pnilatroI, poaîtndan ad faarcnge h e ib ior hotel 1<(ormierlv aeripied b> r . Atklaaeo rsud tuit the traa.rvelling ninaiiî ii flond colim f ertlll ateeaaaaaoalrttrittaîokieteat%. ie I tali% iwell nupplaidvath rverytlag luaiar UNION IMOTEiL. iur 0cataoate It liabeei ar1 fitird u raidrrnovrted. CANTON MOTEL, D UFFINS CREEK, PICKEUINQ. 00011 auccreaedrtion for Trrvllciai. W. CIJTHBERT. d' j i.deiele iod l «bve teiafctnhiaij frîaio. îad ii.trvehllngpeablle, ttart ho- tikeaa tue èatb<ve v-ailkrrean-botei*,ut tre It', b>suet c îetoatbrerand by eneo'raorlaag te ledoai hllaavr for the rom-' fort llnd canvetleaice cf ratitl, t.menr i hr oçfpublic patronagec. oaUqo iaCir. aictrj li tble ocmmodatlc « as ltaoadlefe. An teetive and cercli] iOti ain sira- tendnace. Miatailima, tint. 29, Isel; proprlctor.ý TOISEPTI MOON, L4TS O? TRI19 076. 0 q nota otel, ted fçrmenly cf Whitbv, rai- pouaiea ta hie- afrienandm the.Fubiki thrl h. bar reutod tCa bove veil-icceva- hetr, iiihl tg aov- In firAttrate eider for tht raoeptioli cf. 0aiente' ieLi osridlgarn. G04 1te"lIng aid aiattentivo <ltier. 1- G&à# r*u d rUk EaIl*ay iio*i. 004 sud Velejoes loft iton cagevlstb.the nm iii bo propiesîy erred alvosaig h. art Iva1 of JAMES PRINGLE, Wlsithty, April 27, 1043. S - 7-- ~EVEL ' tL rat.iae, lae I!nprpovçufit, S3 Overntmeaig Piano%, tae oby t"" faec fr tiraisabeder., FOR d&LZEveaylovfor Cash, br approend papar, At long or-short ne, J. V. BAIE. Wtty, Dac., IM2- h > NOW lis wlifElTIN. ' t; mairetttng'IdumeshWg .tocte emsprogrs, iwtegBa!othediood.- )AYI, OCTOBEIR 224-18630' do4 eolntiora airred i up' tbeae. b laaad gmina another quarter roL1p~s ceev-voe bard i theiir basf ri, and4mg~gmmong th'en"Isves it, sraI hip -thoyg pçud 'Wh," îuWlg, and woe tea te oai a t bat f (ho-4l eatan ta e.tv- to11, as BUOOKLIN BiOUsE, EDWARD BO'WTON, . .. .Proprlotoa.. 1J X1LLtT commodaatioai, wod Strit- i2i lieig and Shed ronto, and nttdntivé (nletio. Tlioe prembles linve benu aawly rnevated thronrhout, anad are iiow in te but of order for th% reeeptioai ofiaaioita. Agood Table, in- purortLquer sud i Cgra. 84 VICTORIA HOTEL, viOTOatRA coinrzits, atiUAo. RZOBRRT COWAN, - --Proprietor. T RlE bovii ai'll-kaiuwn eid stand bas bren rotiiatd, aid nrwlyarrrgod by the prto4«ttproprleter, ad amn good accommode- théi Coietv. Gpod ]Ii.ior#i, a woll ne pplied tab1i, aexcellct entrnv ttaliaig. Give hm9 xcirid deaa't pass l l y. 26 RUSSEli 2$ Il O 0TEL QUEBEC. 1111iE iaandcrailned Preprietorsorethte ab;ove I atned 1IIOTL, bourciportfully to"erlze their frlcidg ÃŽ114 'ptroux. that tbcy have the- roRyrnvmeard tiacir roçtrallnmoat durat.g the arla:ler, wlhilcnb n ithcliaetow te offer te tli metaiera 0fr the Leff'laltare, and the Tran roler iPublic 8uaierlor acomamodaitli. lI addîtinto the àpartrntx thlin la Iinn. ter, tey barve taew Parler» rid Bed-romeeiliCa liareihue lairr tac Il.'tel. which, for cuaifen rand convince, lire aaiaurpaied latlte City. WX. fRUSSELL & SON. Qicbrc, lMaîrcla1l, 1 soi. Nofthern Hotel Cannington. lont M ,v~na.ea...il Ya, lr: enicur yoon elculi sem ibis briglat sun let to-a %ad 1I sbould nol.' 1 Wiy, Dod, lad feowt' raid KepusI> cbewvflly, 6'Ibia is ., t et-ive gé Itai Ccolonel.- repliidbedaiod, 4 l' e thi. mitipàa miAcago muaItee trtaner o ballets a#%, sud I Witt, tee.' Pilmeemaosgacie in b . hwov- tIr coicol, am idl estaestly,'la Qeposia. I>edd, niantermven - Bradway agalo. tua aste euReramtsheend of mi> tlmé. fIfailyo 1iTbere's mi baV A'AnA mise,' malalKeneuab" warmnilf Th Ue>altitres $iciueLmand, madDodal seqiamad to ciïï to titsuui 'Qé od bianeu be* 1Godllesu i1 Oh, w v-it isgt jour tarjbandls have pulleal off myhat. Go&bye, fer a fow- timate& Theti me àsa lorf-4 - l i aiof. fer s prayer 10 b.the - Altàihtfor v-hdean -snatiten 1PlCo me g'j word ta, thes sien usar4 ght tse@ ' .rM-t& 84 WMv4 o souner sbiteniu, andl the =* araned, hanthe, aptai0 c"é bs-titI7n cmke, siutadjutmped cm 'the: ra.'nador. andmet éat. n wum Da Of A' the Airts. (r~trver? beatitul à -a niterby Berna lnraoheroi e t l i vlfea..4herair vas1 carnmsaby Willia m aeill huiler ta lie Daite ef Gordon, and caiBad -I.MiroAdaimirai Oirdon'm nîrati.pe,"It -s elatiload on the oid trae,"The iélevijraocf iol l" 0frse tir rirta the v-lad cen blaw, 1 drarly le'.esot; For thon. th. bonral hale livei, The e sutahat 1II'e boat. Thoafh wild weoda grov- the rives nov, Bmitli dry aid nglit, my francyà fliglit bu erer v-a' my Jette. 1 Pmer l nthie devyfltov'r, Sue iorcly. geot, aldfair; Ihebrrliecr volcelu at 1rbird, WlV mairie ciar thUe er: Thare'it nit a bentitîr 8ev-tiant priigai, By foaiitain..aliaw, orgreen, 4O1.4 ont of hiu he t Ibis d4nt bow tahope, monlk fired again ; and tit en a pale fae Çame e0oa8W'tô' 1odd'i, ana a olemn In waa the BrBtmate. ,Dodd reizéd hie band convàk Wly, and pinied to-iheý pir.ý àwte'Oàâ ,oÈrâcùi~np( iish tam a 4 rid, witbaWlao f a brave manau Cept.,QtuÏilÏ 1I ad du ard ' .&t thAt aiooeat ilasrnatr-guaxr fired hiia lait gaoa.Ii ena',a cbain-sbot on bcard'ihe r.étidang pirate, took o<.a.Por., ugo..à h an'"puaitelean intio't -hoa-"-~ aver :861 far ýtx windwavd, and' eut lb. ehopuers foamuw10do orly thitugli t.hat trembled -#»d qodded, týpd'preunly. en&pp. eà"t alcrcack, and beain doyn li#i. abloken'treê; kifhtbe yard ad, sal; j liBt~ O<?îe Ohà4 ' d - Anti ,b'rh _____ ~WHITBY,. G, TJ &«s-mgo tea y, tewere tvo geuabnela ilt'rtlo ga, te.-.wi1ýoM te pirata'. mp., t vas notmlogtter unwesI-omaie aiel Xonoly,aid iir. Fulalovef, vere 'Iprtsmen.an d rival theoristà.' . 5r n bln sîoloui fer a smceîh baie;,and'si fl ounce hall. Fullalie for: a r ifle of oartrraction.maay a doughty argha- t tey- tad, admai tay * itrggio.g la; ceitter coulal ceuvert ' le other.- lit aiullaloieo birated - thaï by going a'trs ïai .uahwud d ,4 Md -p,. aI one anolter, Oine oe lie oibr b. cenvunceal. ael, bat,' Mid i Knoaly ri .i " ie viii iao neuviaer lue, of pig ai hi. eaioraies, popplaig atmà frienal x 'r laspiai vont.' baât i. trie,' oaaite oltaer regretful- SBut I re 'on v-o miali nensr b. ibls o # izby arguament.' dates are mamag ealunes; mnd ih ra, by the lacrity v-itlh vhcb (hoe creatures lomded teir rival iMbmu- that ta thein lits pirate dametact h as a pirateasmia selirton. Indecia Y, la theacmt or chmi-ging bis. piece, _te mailler: mev- 4g àiy. , rtIsse ieoriats vere no aconar 1 han semeîhing eccurr-ed te malte 4mico serious. They v-ove, sent for la m ýte Dodds'acabutir; hy fetnd bitt gi4 sitravDOW.Vvtrir. ïMômn selit t the tapsai» and jili, get tb-4oOs nrdy ou thea iards, aid tien ý*"rata out full o el esi, mcdtarbled, geloin, v-o vas steoplsgrge- a bly iasar the kayitola. hastii, belteal the ciia doorF, atial --éiteeus ernueiiissin IÇerealy!,s face a vaaThey v-dos matae wit mur- Fr tagazo se eloquonit y erao u. fni' m*nied laimarît. anid ope rdh. nir toïbeulvitî'dep caotiony $î et ît ii oui a qena simple digaiiîy. - 1 'ColilaMidbe1yon are su olal ftjeiid Ice sl!,mfat nans0t1 Ibut 1 sateas you i#hiy,- s"d Vis-taI niyorag 'grtis. mecud7en about, yen caling ail mecn eia t f osttng YOD, tibaito-me Sgmm;oaot. >, Xy dprfalende1 a 'e ielucky:eauougb t0brihug a ne uboard tle s ab9p; 1ere ibint, Four'tee ouffl4 v-aig ,le e Do; Oh, i The iierongleiz1,ac laaaotei.ait tiai. aibove faoer al)lykaîlnwaa Untelha* ra-elrecdi t noceoinr>for tii ttbcrl ber te enlnt-rgo the promnisici. Be ha. doaniof)taiai ocnidfrahle ûeat. ad amode t'tici liratiîoaimat]i itaprovcmeti, to eaere atili fiithair hie cmaifbrt .nA rceoaeaeodarboa af liii L'iaietai. Tie tnetile i. ilwraa prndrai itia the Ilea lne imnia,aad aîoaao liait hc brait brataima of W lîîr. ad lýiqaterorpt onrie hpraai. TArc-rn kooperit upplied vl.oelel. Cive a CRU1 ieyen plase.. Bl)i, erateaviaral Omtle. iviavo slai ttend- ani, trnisted by Dick. la teke echargo eaftajnaaa. JOIIN %ARD, d"ranihac'-tti. Oct. 23rd, itili. Pr),ýeo 41 To the Travelling Public. T r li.>eaHaer hmvlew l.ea>.ad tli. Preui- meric laitciy occapleai hy T. nelîli ltiih Villaigai of Eptsiai, iaidl laiviaag fittod thoto ep in atIuîl atylr, j iea. prrparuil tO eamlinedrie al] tbae v-hagive hlmai rcr11 Hoelaiterada itcepiniraaothiar.r but I TIME Il IKT OP LIQVORS àk CIOARS Anti lii, 1rhli l i)efiîrrillited vt iti l deuicaiieo% m* die eea. An -tetively liter rlwvrkcenlîal. Tiit c fiiyer himvlcth o ea11 ltaay reir ia;ran bllie, oeaafoatabiy amcoau- modat'd andidv-luttendti. WOON &BROTHER. irrvir 1 y a mr Io v w v-v w w.wdB"M" 144, Ba~y Etrooet Toronto. MALT VINEGAR. '1AL.T VINlIGAURan nçî bo itailuinalargo LLorgarl1qaittl., îlt Whitbv.Brewerv. Nferib Drillaansd Mercelàt1ie Tire,& Life Insurnc.Com'y.- TROUAS 1DOW, COLLEOITIONatuade for 'Piiblieberoi- Me I ehua. ,Phyptl4uluaiil othera, In Moait.eni "~ atar, OCttlaa *4 Tar, roi 8 olte aires lu Cmamit.-'Ahi tttii!ectitmn aiuiy,-vpo: t-- ed, an proëca4i pv.tnmptly peai caner. Pu abe Cnaa linecaony, *c., ire, Pon. treai-Ei IttA.MilliWioieaarleBoakarIlors Moüatrel, Soptonaber StIt, 1849.' 56-1 ]JAS j LEOVYD bhlaw Offie le Ouatante ii imyosff"LýpOn. Dean South orthlit 'Wbit.by, ena 8,13862, »OVU ALOON, TETTOItI IIQTAL-LtGZM, King Jiatrcet, Torcete, 5?roLchavr Upea Cthe IBanuks o' floviag Clyde Tc ue raeaia itik Iaem brrv ; But %vilie tiiir r im tle ale r'putlon, My -amnie dinigia Clem e'; le Luecy aroIta %hoefarr erced Tuieiireat oa' toeia; Batu rage anai gay oonfei It nue, Thaeagta dreat Ia raismet govîi. 'mua gamecore i.ab, Chiai aircks ai t Mir limelpýcann aie i; She hicl% Meiait, if aie 3ye c'I, Excé'Pt lian lave for mu Tier na klnalve'clearest huer ho la ke hemrotlîîîîlaa mai ; lnaiitaiap ndaair i, inha ean comttpare, Wi, aty cvcct lavel> -Jeai i 0 lw, 7e wemtlli' vinds, blaw nitft Amaiii the licafy taet; Wil' geiilr tle. lre matir aud dale, i$riiag larme the laden brrr; Anad hrîig the Iaitîle bock tW me. Thoat' atyraru ai-ait an i em; Aie blîaik 4'lier Wzd baunilt Caro, sac luvrly La me Jean. Wlirt malu et~iu1vows nmoug tiaekuowes, il , Aot rtwce ir twr! Hôowf4à . te nicet. laow inre te, part, Tfht dray ariegode ove' 1 The powers aattaunotly ken. Toav-bainthie heurt la noria,j Thrt larme cai biaec drar ta me, Artai> rWeet tenit jeuna The.Piate and Jrlaamaaa lThe v-y the pirate dropped the mnrk, iIiow<td the black trt, and bore Up ira chues, vwu terible;- 80 dilatesanmd bonads. tho sudden figer on hi. nowary ptey. There were aient heartsa aanng the offlcers of Ibao î,eacful Agi-a; bot danger in a nov fori hakeo the brave ; and thir vwu their fleur pirate; their diamay braIte ont, in ejaculations n4t tond but de -ep. 1 Ruesh? s aid Dodd, doggedly 1 tite lady l' Mm. Bereal'ord had just couse on doci to enjey the balauy aorniq. S b"$,e sad Dom,; la a Loue L Statror uisoraî l "An l vittu. Wondsinirahi& mouib, Dodald dnsa!te lb. gaa dai. By tIîstilm e lasile barpe lad recover. .d lb. firit ahoct anal îhé order te cerowd s&.Cd ou île ship gall lis prias and bit niaioc e nuar itadignantly,1 tt v-lite fater Il-This emleabt i md, anal baî obeyedeors s «brisitas cr. whht e b.Mnalbis bandasv-ors sttiag err Mvg Ut b ù toalalcari-y on ts tacts, te otiter ofmeus Imving Wulraey ne ovaless o e ta, sieca l goomy, radb.ip loiu, eith tUeir eyea lueId. y a ort et sombra fasciaatiea, on taÃŽmiu tale andl lb.y literaIt> umted and Jarrea, v-ei Mii. Dkeofore, tar beart pepoaclby thé tovaly'dsy;brckailaon (heur sev4evithIhem 'What a sv-set mornlng, gentlemen. Âfter all a voyako i. a deli'àttl th'taiV oht ita8aplerdidýses i mud i Ut.very bmr- iaiasarau. Ait, andl ýFe'a al ittbe aitip maWillng &long; hure Pedrdydr enie bhetad se. tIis proîîyslip. Wtat pity i tis gofar 09. AhI ahi lai lse 'ltai dresaiful noiset'. '- Foriehorrilble amasiil lýits, fiatswto the mite ihor, u hose anxiuicrsonhI lit he mçcltery ot (Pipe.) ýl elw tmastatktiaoeflenal, v-sm caheriby Pq ou- lptI.schogua 'dëreua bletes'aaad'tnèreeusm*taiiug aetquarter is à& beoo. tlv-a lb.hecaptin slauung' ir a rmter i. truc, 'vter-caks the lb. v-mlepeursa eut sitb.hestipe te boardsa seupIwems ' ' "mua henu te e 'Clearing ltae guas) salai r- mi0dy cg ornttrf the Naft bis &urd.,- hitmiimi a in ttick siike; bird strieles rad groans, vererbeard fMin tIi. ébo6 i&a ý4be sioke- cleaned ;.tuh pra'kiaii~hrug ou anal-he rail struggliig: hi. f mail book-1 ed 1leace, lanea 1 of d a'. wornded1 lig 1 i. wvl'tbuag on his Iéle.-analtis lbe scappet imn bo âiactba. '-' The .hfpraishaidovir tU Èw19d, loaving ta ,sckroueýrstaggttod,-agdÃŽI.kon board.' But net for ln; the .prtfp, fireal his' itredrie mtermli a~ttenoi ing Ara - Split euïe etthe Cdrrô0nadWe, i# tv-e, Au killedai asanàd 1 ~ifeir ie again in eatvice, ment bis -wqcndedý belov-. flrang hisead overboardr,. ta .tie horror cf their foes, ana t'ame 'àfiëi' tho fiyiâe sbip, yiv-nilg cand .firing hir9 toin citiirs; Thee !hip *aï ildat. Ste tednô c oiot toi throv aav. -Netof, ilf did site jako., 1:iheoblows lke ~waba~isigna of bife:diaappearad cri 'ber,:oeapit- o mea at tit vtaiatrItlcàîtnhou the main' »lidd bi.d o rdéred the'-crein of cf t nigging, armeal itriwibctinessn laid âiegdUiat. thn thefore ciale. Ho miro conapelled KeraoaIYlaid Frailve .to came devra ,,ouat. of.,iarm'a vayi ne virer oce ;thé iaeooth bore question. îhaW,*hrn ktiey vent rap. Wh e sat patient si]p rart e' îranedr i beri fopesi- oe detroye'r git:uinter coul-go,' 'raoteîhýrira ber v-alto, f1oýitdg>hW ith" nassusrars oead9d itad île jit toy ; dov-afelihat p< lato lb. v-iMer muid dvuggedj sttp'a fovefeot, slatpplng ber 1 open metsite psated forvtbé ma ai;, týhe uetev- - citoarq& toulyî tan l «jr a gnitidister;'sthe> ad iti erocwos triumph. 7l.ike ü-lb. lokaBut miosi lu.m atou bave i1v-o aiâat ýJb*-I = aouglit MnadiL. lb.pi 45A ai neîtts wltlo sd- ad t110>1l sii?, and genaa 18 puad bal *rough 0c ber fore.oai.M'est cf the faces v-ors paise on the quarterdock; il V-as ver, îtying wteft be shot mi, anal lit, .and mnake ne roture.i i The zaét double disargesent oua @hat ti Sm"ab t'rugb thé lierai. abii vwindow, ard' sàpiintei the iibralvark v4,h- anothor, Woraraing a seaciata îigbtly. * a * 46Lie dcvii fôrWaal, 1'outea d ,'o hroughbi Iunipai. B4a$issgire hlmà a, The carronsado Vas Urea1in .'a rermn b dous,'report, but neovsibe fflbct.- T'he' :plrto crapt *nearer, steering ir a 'aid onàt-I lire a anake 10 aïold tb. càrronads an, dring ltaos. tv-e homvy gaaisalternatol, mie i i1o devoted slip. Hoehilledel iasAgia nov nearly everymitot Tite tv-e ayalii carraqaets tpled roisel>t; andljeinpd a tlaroraghlt lelua okm*~sd lit il&Rofél 'Çuro, th.. 1,cried Dedi; i (em vithgrMPeî u ,ta7aore tcttoýbe'trumisal v-ui bail.',',n d-aitmy18prdosanb' The covard wiet tome- beragddianad give tbm a ehauce? -- SAt the, ntztdircbsi h-ge(opirate cblpped, te migenniot, anal kuociteda "osiîriuto* doad pieceopaathei.ferecosîbo. Dodal part hi. lm owna sti-stt moits cleareal, and go>ttr î saondefta tsar tomviy ladan wiWtrape. Several pirates folio dad 'Or' ,aieuded, ou*ntbccrov-ded dock, and-sm orneosappasred ira t»efore., sai; titi. aoerctaug. vý-ms lquit, .iraý fanor cf (ho uhip. But toi'esso i ads (liemieanymore cauions; he crep~t atiaror, bat steerad mc adroitly, ne. riglit aterîaegiaig ne mare titan.one caotaida (o bas,, while terakeal ber fore anda at vitit gs-pomnd. bal. TIb his lrbrihg-aituaîlon, 'Ded& kaýpt..s t 1 any ef it. mou baby as' possble u for ail teicoulddo, foui i!ere kîbleal mdd oeneai vourdeal. Falilavê'sword came! 1tee traie; k' is. te.aordaiab end the v-baIe; k va a flghttcf thanmeramcd cf mcvii;, oua ittb.he mrýmd. a noise'.1 1 Cauationsoand cruel,,ltepir.ata bng on >tse peir Irilg cetaesquarter an saireal ber a-hm taikdstn e o Mauher pisa bitter tiTuec. And liber' -irpiaiel Toseu teopoinwrarglî, 'the' partirag stirouds, -ilis: Mbilettd;gear, 2aaal buhem lbehreksandiiigroaras of tir v-ond- 1ed ad'teho unmltore* inlakma4rl-The à-v-wami cf agany pOnrai down bis dace_ Ob, if ho, eonld'but écamathe .open se -ssiaid Square tir yards, and, make a long Chas' of ~;pevimio- fitla v-Sia Wiàciaij i Ur eOtheany liova b. rppt dpgge4yai 1paetlye, opiov-ard tbat Qoas ,isibWo bope- FIAu lat, v-etohei. çip '-I oiocô 'vod -iýt Il aba.t,,ai peppered wyuLgrape'té imM 001 aoipeneal, in ftvesmiautesmaore hao ebolal f ;ut brbead bfOveýthe, lad. N& -The aides ceaserl, antar a-Sre ' &noaÇet e dard silence con-'the mea. - t aniothicg freshlaad hap,'ppeod; tls pir:ates te vwinai. yard, ana'dpanatfts to the > 'ie .eward -cf the' Âgra, 'hnd'foiiad Car4at, at 6'anai sarne moment,' ibutit he erclian"DaW î faey' ira liasit'q d. :bulliedo'ad 4im'red,-a a patient but ireineuadnoux nm4... iLvas flot Zl Io rabs -the 'fregîit apnitopae t-lai ut1bis sbip beforeý 1'the wind,., 4t aloly', &'double, devlng, maeton atroke! iSulrr bis' mouiter miijabailon the . oMier-Witit- out a taresmil lie conld nevera get' outcif ,anai cet awmy nad unstappsd tbe. broeni 'foreasi,;ùd'waeswpp n iW one, v-hon îhoy c- Ii. the age 'suip' bearnci' dcvi irfull sail. Notlings-eaeier"îban t'O slpot w evay 'cqIditey,ÃŽt' a fore, saliot drat; but te time 'wes!, abýrt tchu' des.dly intention tmanitemt the cumin- de~ iruétiotaSwift. : After o soleiqu silence,,çgae a sterm" 'of cries aid cëMeF. au tbolniegmm v-nt' te v-ork Io fil taad .b dai.tÈ Railu trere wetk*comrnanddrVbyý W. iroic, rable' viilin. .hsîqrn tse consort ttnuideredim but lteAr, e an'p~evsp d stenc more "av-fùarbanFortheil via seani v-it v-hat,,mjeg . ÃŽIî]ýçendrarinie' An f8oi'gis iýO~~tié fiat '!idom' :stable race ounte gangwayr.aoaie at the1 bore cUfile, ýtveo t aJgJa4W eý nied rae ase ed, thé g*riýitiP dovn on a brandredi maf.ciocékeand r grinnitag hilp«Sede, juge -Pm 1hey7 veaIdave coon4eaM'sieered ber :â1t a Bitih hrbor ibe water villa hie long v-ingbrokera-Ita 'uter crippio., 'Tevctriu ririsedal ati'u isilethcela rearel Dodalv-ih llbýt-unI- pet.,'i aridt sal Il Ho set là .courses, bont a noevr ýib, raid tbpeu io, mats mgoeal raflaag sud (lien put isa sip derd- before lié v-ld, v-hiait v-m uo.ri g tes Ii bès~ In, doingý liais~~~~~ '. rcmdUscrpbd Pirates, ater v-itituu eighity yaralo;an sec. v-a the tampaloa te' rake* liai; but. hi. ammaition beirag' short, 'mcd hie ' amir beiaig imminent;ficm tbs otherpirata,, t'e btitîleself-aonmmadte -s-ist the great, tsmpttim The piratesthpemgitin Wgi'aat Confusion, anal expsotlng a bacadade. trained a24,-" deadat ' Dodlmaan& WLiled, lts' m ziieai fop j. 'Cam yen twa Lindertite ota fei friaig taa "I attr-tietv-eesc' sllFrallalie, 'et,ý colol'?' mdl'appeai lis long"#ýili" ~Theoeb4p's '1ev-mne' aconer eroswoe, e schoone's ra ar ttan eIbmMrlay ,rn afi v-ith a biasock. - pop want thte coellel'carbiaze; ltb fie.- eut et bus han& - tr;il îPortoeuse wiii amomno f rage asmîcîd il U'p,7rnal.ý darted the gpu; lb. Yankeeî.nifle crack. od, but.a mment to bate.. ' B ang 1 went the piraîé'al gan mad'craah:. ed itolb.eAgri9a aide, and amed irecrls 'litsotg4uhter. "w - 1 > "' di dam, - 1

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