Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 7

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I i .0 ~ F ~ -se" Sor uomiànner of d. i regiment t Quebec, îg tb shoot the Ser. isentenced ho iseive yeur' imprisonment. ~a i h qnare o on Wednesîiay. n lias been d iscovered 10 with is Iefthbaud whenr (iAignlA of ViA1y and -kid àhave already adopled te wfuljes of Lord Norbury'd D death a thief who had itYon toae a gruap t It yito litoe edeterniy li ýow.tuil coat thuit old Sour. aaed hilm thatheh sts.rcheàd en ued il for a boot. laed with bis uic, a barrai Si one pair 11a callaige, io, a sprig and a little 6110 giv îouch uik turnlpq ?- ofthe cow'a >va urnip sui viii b.é tV' lndeel,' ni1111 thoe.' Here, vaiter, sunt t laîuy. ýh Bir penny Dea vot, e la that. airt' , 6ï f fi>yjv. s firgi i ~t. JOH)iN LBEjRT. The po ew angreit, 366*. 81àIn)os CAPTAIN GREENWOOD, WILIouetu mhrmirhii-i lceî. at nomeay, andl Friîlay inrrnig ftcrtOire arný tuEnofth tcPort Ilmpc iemi anmd Plorolo trinu ,Port hope, t.. *.....9.30 A.M. coh,)r,........ 10.30 A.M. Col iorne...........00 linon. direct for R>clîcter, frrivi hie in tima te connect wthî the Npw Yo anitirwBiiroedÀ to N'eW Ork, pililIcIp r"e.agt Incî,syraeupew, Boiaff w ad .ther po.Intmotne! lWeýt. Ianrefro inteWfest ýa Grand Trutik lluilroadi, wIl take the t Steaimer t Cobourg, fv4oîzî thc Eset wliIItake thie teamcr ut Col- borne. Retur lnita. th 0 steimer wili icave R0-Of-ae ter avery Tae'Iav, Tittr4îlay. aiid Sitorday. iÊtX oloek, ASi~., frtho 'îîîce mentiotîe'i pluace«, cnnnetng wth Vie Grand Tronk Huhî'wat-.for ail pointa Euand mie! Wt. Fàre ta 1IT410 $8 . 1 For t'rther Infirîat oit onquire of A. Cch- rafl, Port IHope - Chi,4Elliott, Coboutrg, or J. B. Dewtey, êhcr~ Port hope. J nly 2.,1. .81s ,,,M&RTGxAGxE SALIE. WJYL BE SOLD BY At McF.iroaif cti, ith t-AVI-nLLAGE 0- F OSfA WAi Satuday, the l9tl iy or Sept.,' 180i3 At 'Ton o'cicick Iin them orîmînien. Pnnant vte th* Tarais o:f a 'amror of Sqah Wtrinstdàthe m lomeiîtndîii>errnM' r in tho ycur cf our Lirdl, 1111, undmnadehe.ii twacu Peler Luiising of th.flirai huit, (iMiierinmi lsanshng, hi.u vwife, of the eRC,-Iie! part, anti William Gienncy cf the thire! Pa, t'aend ailu- signunont tiiereof froîn the amimtilian'Gen- nev ft6 Wi!l Iaml enry GilbM. ,Thc West hait ni lot ilimlmcr 5, in thme iîhi conesm@an of thie T'va-nap of Stiîgog, la the (fontofOiitarlo, evintfteunmit b dmouanura- moentt ioo acres eofLand, b he ie or e i or leas. Tliese prerniae, 0f wliich aconider-, able po i eaoremi, ara sitîrated on tIme main hOsamd roue!. upon the premse. )r ircLe àasssto Tertiof Sale~ , a- -p t e William lihcnry Gibbh, Esqaire, As- s'gne ufMertgugeo, or le the undersigrice! nt S. 1B. FAIRBANK8, itohieir for Asiguee cfMo rtgoee., GREAT - WE STERN RLk -lt6 Mit LoIMPROVED FREIGET LINE a hi FL iiiv inliri eare a gA04< eniitio i i Q. Vi ïlll)hcil!e by' lIRE ara le ternieý, nd ui te the Boýard icuth, Whtb MC)NTREAL A NM 1TTERLEDl AtE PORtS ÂuU Steioaaeo tMe (-reel Wesern Railteq, and ?oceiLakd Hfr4aa Ra ilway guu d atarum tai uJern hodianitRueio. Ar"emrtR mvaf eeh ei(i<1 hîo o twreen the GREAT~ WESTERN UAILWAY COM 'ANY and the f ollowinig First-tJlmis and- RFOAL MAuIL TIIRQUGW LINE. JAQUES, TRACY & CiO.' LINE, BLACK, FERRY & CO.'S LUNE,- RQ.V)IQ& SCOW N'S LINF GFORGE CIAFFEY & Cm>'S LJAN Et For 1 DAILY COMMUNICATIO)N beiveen MONTRE2L IandGREA&T WFSTEICI RAIL- WAY WHARFI at HAMILTON,, to une! feca 89 Catàewueîea, Niagaro Pitk, Buamlo, (!#li, LIu*1eM, IVuiair, &ama1 De! 2ahmilu- Lee, CUecao, St. Laina, Lia Iclinon [jy-Rates of reight &As 1>0vtand 'rme qekor Iliu by amy other Routé. For parhlelars appl.v at thie Offloees of aný'of thé, bov Llussof St" nera, or Ce Geheral Agent Great Westernl Ratlsiay. omeie, corner tr Cusîdmi Ifonse Sq-Aro ant CoimmionerPs Street Montrent. - THOS. BWINYAI1I>, Gongmral Manager. Hlailton, Anguast 18, 1168 MORTGAGE SALE;' BTvirtue of a Power of Sale contined in lB Indetare ut Mortgue .besrtnz dte Cimhe mu- AIIIU, ci~ 1( Saves Time, ýLabor, C lotlies & Money LTic tlîcrieirrul r! i eii nri luQt-fm-ti cmihi lvi ic. e!collifillac.m ala atrerigtli of fraiiimm iiioirfor prt,.m(ir, iund itlrru diltlii i. ý tlier ucicîîtl Tt Wlli wcîir fer veaswllhonl repiair. No Servant co break 1. A cbddaighm yeunsoldeau opcýrate t.ý Nocautioia orîikill requhjreàin ttsiçra. Il savés its cotin-clothingcvery ninc or Cwelve montis. !Every Wrlqgîrr ii a Cog-WIVIeels ta Waratâlievery purtienlar. TPhe thitimil itWrirmtr tank Clua FIiPST i'iY.MIUM, a liiloîmr NMcliiaîid Diîrîmi. rt thieor Vcrk fitAto ,Fi. 166,anmd wi I liolnueedsi periro li alli ere ùi.the W o&ci'!à Peïh at London. 1862. AI kLqO0#1«, Omuïer of Bay ui Acliidc Sto, <cp iOr8,> .Airanm on Msllaide St, le bas dhvot edyears tol irîihm iit, ea e'irkan( of IlalMig suimdi iiîîonuatv1p huaypIO iil lii crbhi .Y eired 1y Iîai lilîte reqID Yotîn in cii 1010 4ve d reL.llfaiÎCeetïqofiiu recpdy8cubdimil c relief i½ P'atrients ai a dihtiuice treos imîcicine usent tcu ny prt )f t ceit of a reaarmibml e. P ersoriuiwiehini' t-licrii (1ofï, iifvthte IItmIîeit 4c( au airrtmrod thoilii b fret wiOi ihmimdutt0m~ Ahi lettmni mm4ii lia imhmirr The Toronto Vciwui.#ierq Wnnted luneivery Tou lun rlttk('i %de-1 c Jioremons reiiimmiwlîitir ntc ilp'aCurîvasmr Ai' Pl"m, appoîîmied. bv ni iriittir)r tIi price Ciiriem eh i l cc. mIm nemu(ivme tIme Wnîmî min ly Emijiniat, ïti. W. H. CHILDS à Coe,IHamilton, ALEX.. mss Oi, a aa 1 11Nl o rtli ev ig re mlntr "Ii. O, 5ou - I ert.IN. i havithin Iii th~!of 1e ýi ne oEWyhiit &tmmm'i timliil4 iiam sila &iv aila fyiin ur fou ~ m Fprf a'leîlmmn sphye, ~' THOMAS ILUMSIEN, t-i~~~~tç. <n lale;ii-s. - -- Uudertaking and UphoIgtery, TIIF , tnîersigcied how ti inrorîn lim tInond% 914> iiontomerm, thtat l lareon vo1Ito 1* Thrýeadoors anmut of Il il-, >ueetor te re*a enînîs ot P rrv .dDîînS. 'l. mrr-e hoA1prt.a1pmioi al- ;tahemii oera f0r fun arî.lo.c. anâ4Itly s'îppi ly theaulne Al oora >ii; tua uplîioitery hule ptlnettially attone! Gd to. .KICt Wh 3y Mîe 0, 11G3,12 IV Tailors, Shoemakers, Caxriage, Buildors, Dress Makers, and Headsof Faxilies (~1 t Gonerally. IîIi 11utWANtZAR & C'..euwlrMr1int <Jflice, Whitby, und scc twI the it-eomîoortineiit WIth lat-st improvoeni întA nit 1ev prieeli. Age1t fur Con ityîî0taria. Maoi24, 1862. i ý trayin 8oa<to vo- Frirnit arc, Tin- wft-, &.- ramu-I)o ie 00ntthie torcof tthe unnderiimned. Stai. 'if vorv stylo miine!qualliv inmd il ou Pric ., *poe mvaro tmre huis eepinrîacno0itingap-t 4ther vvurioticii. MHE BING or SmOYES, IRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNRK, PRINCE ALBERT, DAVYY CROCK)v, P10*2ECVIONIS7T , e W-Culanud, so. 'JOR BRYÂN9 Oshaa dvcrtisements. IL ?EXPE8T, 3.Dr KING L T, OSHIAWA, CANA»4 AToR nd RîFIî,-kmrtaost and! famion.' S. B. FAIRBANKS. T t T ca ,r abIlalefirmt-elu Ivo 1 14 1j lI 1 .It1Iky DTUE * s r new rick Pwelgulnghe, *40, mDrwi .-ron i n g-fintue!,rlrBRITISH RIE VIE WS& Ovme, e Bel, a A Toes'Pinta.& -__ N Vouma tea ra îtdroI ec1i i utide kitchn ut- rV uaLcorQIÀTu t(ui aw tiPôi>j tla e emiibniidiniv. On the promiesn LN~J.. U~ thar-ro.amae,tmi gaZod staho i d jjjcomich i hane L No.QrRE tanbil1entl inta aca reince, aie Tiis EarrBiunon iRavrw (Whig), esotable prmvuto . IIOC LT0 i TsNuHBuTlftVlWneUhtTb Cr lite 1i- P, a.v;roptrt A C Te. aiTus r icBtas iU virw (LFbrel>. ch 'hu yaite 4o4 f stfit Tv f î 'w th es oid mrîj1 E OT nnt, l J h'Slmerciq.,P.L . ý tIlAkp1ilaIuii hatoi cnadeiêut1le priprictor, ~~pnce iPt ' rcea. ta t1l hhFL< , nDd nes, b"ui 1i.V.Ti>ssuies andMusiiés. Postage to L'e reduced ta ri railî L...îeS ~ JUI111 , ,, tfu ~Tho pric& miell iro as harotofore, viz: Dr. lin W.ta N, ER ANNUM, Forr. MIOIti tif te fNu Il rcmmî t Wîibyvm mmt miii ei fthe cfl rir ltvie *s.4 .Do orbly mie!u t 0-'-' l mmîtliomicu ot'tlie fiar Rotevaw ... 7 D0 ~ ET ~I~iI)LiI .iiîCkw0fiîmliMagasine------------..8 DO orclPer cent Dl.e ss- tha c,...-. cai 'n c-Irlntov'i A s e iîvlîwiici-lando.ne J18viow. .... n tIce is.i I . R SALE! CUFîi. ~m~îiî~ct ici, ~~2nî.r nfwî A' r hi......'rn taltviw . 7 DW ictoi, ~ "-' iFér lhi:ikwmcie!and ui tcalevlewu .... : 9 D0 tivc IQ1Nltmm meiiî Tîîmimery (dini2000 y: rds Stripei'l SIîiîrt*,rm t llîîkei an - the foar ItRevis. Dow c hiî b nmiu'r. ]ie meîîî uîmtlin 1000 vards- îic'ii.' l'mile ifor te i veo ire J>oni)îdieihs only fw ) 1 I3MILT IOETALOARD SCOTT & CO., bloîî th r îlm mil i ot 16, in1.1ie1ei7 Id < o. 40 0 -y î dsGi, 1- (1o . Pumbli liera;, 336 Walker St., N.Y, 'ir îii, wm luhiwî tr il aend3000 yals best I>îitiiis ____________________ milv, îî fuite v omliîOfi ,n iImhli t r 1' j ihiimmi iumlihim.reti tii1ii1simcilCi tirg-.inmeie .1 mltyi e, &1. Alsoitim' Ail of wehieih wa- îuc1m»tn rioiî' to <'g-'î ~ViC! <liIAU . ~£ fi; f"tr i tof l lN. l ii in 1w 4111 ci-r. ,mi-tt 1 vIî î.., 1tîî jtlf i C'ofmton, >.î 'î..a, whm i c arm ld.roîaiiler anid wili bc sold fat loast 2.5 pi, Utî l l iîim lr thaîî prescrit pric s ti % .timt 1 m4 t 24, mî ii n.Virihmma, liii ro. hT;, r î t e, iith of BI!tçek'sfli. ,~, fo Cah.T 1.ML... JWiîi ry i1< 20 Aý,It,. Tirîl lot iiý i le in lluie f T I (O '.i____ _____________ t-:xnumar,îiwa. ~ ~ ~ I ---~ R Y IFE ETû Wihi a'Iow Yards of tho Pubhlical. rvaePrrs îîi hiirru mimtwtimr milt T f& mv-«lfý- 'îi miI itemimwimîJmhlv ririmiutot £NJIO 'S5-5 mi h1- il im,a! iV t, m11id rataimth'mlia in t1ic MES CR & HA.WKEf haI îir0îmic' 11ttivm my ueref aehy lie hie Ï 'inforl ýh!mBOO T A 7NBDS 41, uni T l 0,!Àrl i1 fIlrý r oî, mmmm î mliis - d ii,> o i rU il c 'i îIo t i lrv 'Ladiesm, attiiuiîoq pldii . th(l tiii- prunIl o,ahi I 11 71 I UIir ii iiiîiîitulîl i 111 evimkitro pi et W. 1.CI .îi ,it , iu-l iîn-ti liIciv. ew l iii r orte t l i ahti]Cr 11 tlmi-ii il~ll hliWie. inîi itmiio~ioiirrt i l ai.i ili iti alShe kî4Te iîtmm' I i oml tmzi ilii. ild .liImm miC hwhla li tnt. W1t11 thlm i;s tir m lfat Iav i', miii l i t~tmr ti omril i of tie i c timine mtinte 'iiiI mgtiip mieiC S r F 1 ~onn nhmdieît1i.C.XthX O I~ ~ SIE %.SINS&FH0 DE On ý1) GO1,D .AND SIL VER IV47V tios mandîlGoimîtî ,li <Jhamini Englio!h: laicai <OLD B1111 bt>fcnu qirmiitY. Alliltiiin 80 ilSteeil liuole. Il Wurrantce!correc-t, anime ihlove hebre1toor e harged, May 26, 1863. 14 Celebratedca il.l hîFods otwon ndaa TIhc remeily is hafmiit1 an9,itiamhsi.g.O British A.meric.i A"iuMrn.t'e Cumpany, TNCORI>OIATED) midcri miiAct of tha TWHi S 7io~an ofaithecEleventh Provinriali Parlihi Ireurmnce e.4iocled Ott Btiiding»e une!.their eoiîtto,its. Evtry iiifoýrination aripphUe! <namp- piliomtioli tatimo itidoerè;imned. Marino hisk> fortije SposorforýPnitf. JOHN AGNEW, Travellingr Agent, BiromI, mtreWhith;y GEORGE OORMAOKI. NhI1ER MEIIiAT Carpenster, ane! L Joiner,,Grecn) St. Whitiy. A luirge quàtxi. FUNE1CALR fuly mnpod u fnI utc-'mm-d - t h un wotIc. iofflw- -k*pt constantly A uorhe to lkitr n 11hritrn. GEORGECEAK ab5b, 18m,-i THAN THE OTHER ROTELS INWKITBY. .JC B BYANM flrJi SI Prices the balaîico i hori'to s.siok Drss îtu ,\ .v <Bonîtets. 41iIk and -Cloth' Matitles. 1at Shawlsl, - Ribo Parasols, Ji o wýers, A -large ils "Ërtm'nn t o0e 1pnner C 1 K -ejust to lhaldi a fi 1elot-of -VER~Y CHEAV. N. B3-Thçý Hi-ghest Pi-ice paid>ftr ]BUTTER.,. ""os. 1 and 2, 7Tils JINgm , ny 83 EIRST PRIZ' Ç 40RKER'S CELEBII42ED $IX[ M C STO~iAI1I(~M ÀChL1 8 T 1. C1-1C If CT L the, Plm .lesooreffg, peme)î Che s aiÂel sis Ut laycAo, iaî sil~dIiiif0~m bvMeE îikeu uîmiîeiA Tîr e leii ~ t r WILLIAM Bu R NS. - lfnck itret, W ith J A~SUflAo MARINE othlingf. 25 UIr 2- j Offl

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