Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 2

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a" uaiuaion s rificnn tse pré. 1- p ert dWm, Pilippin on Mondy Sepism. m 8sa coUlm DM s$,-88--1Tca. Kyérs Àuciloneer. people beIieved .l s.And iher. are, -Iq o-clckA. M , en lotNo. 4in weplkeple Isbo hae verse the, unuihul ths <1h feon. 'Pickering. dis property of alot>' laregarding fr nelgbbors, the bat. - Iml Jobît Snell, on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1818.- tar *I t hey ho dispasd te belleve ait>'.ne Jppneî Wodrtîf, Jsuctienner. v of c Mu ~tacu Péation. T- n Matî la the admiîted position o e se . ~ fi~ O~urice Company 'nov?1 Theoffer of the Ceanty Pr7 for lte Roa sind HagboW, las eUted it for wuas A YE R (nobs~ t el o)rdd cfils rga ONLY ONEDOLLAR A M oul %a]t g l caltyn of the prs. suceeed Whit~ ~ J7,18 mesnt preoou ou. quenfti> * Iélu4 'lres mqstbs, note, in thilten là ! e t of the oeil. eutWt Tb »Ovss ena n d tbs1>fémuçof edin hicapital, -"I . ýt s. rond f&<aa N bis 21- leptovsace. - piaulé lu gravelai aexpeuse af,$1,000 ; ohine - i~ebulit a breskvat* esllg $4,060; built on Tum TLeSoUleude ottLe prweut Administra. a lighi bouse, eWstrUg!B j:.aoduraing day, the lhpé4,r lte dsfeaaé of tis..province la ibis psnlod îLe>' gajd 'lllhar lasidental tote Te apiatî t ram iLhecouréoe ib.>' Lave *~l~5 tc &sbrX~essli' 'hin relation oiL.e Kitias "d our te ecet <l ad am, epers, a&IlWeia tb. repaire on tL. RaI and B H !toges rolunteers. rIîis by afl'oting tbsm *whb ther vkb 'alLer iiedentai renéý and M a oeokeya retine for maklag provion besides al ibis, lie>' paid over toilae gev. Yod fr tL. dsfeàts of 9he cduntr>'lteis>' eronent, Maise o f ibsir aet reveaû aand sale ef L waek ýto test the lôyalty of ihe peopls. exclusiVe et ealîsdini capital, thLsusar of o E4'Is'set eui witthe lsli ltent oetComany ac1<>l c. on the li am"m jr1 e !olitars... ..J of.< t. JuIlsgo, Thé Coinil atuAR.-aure e6îs han1 hl taré out aud lemgAplw.ynist bas n i miner . ad>,ths 191', amt 1 âswr' ' saq.,Centy l'e >ait Sic Ouir note relative 10 Landâ or-'n 'a' -i. -.- .'.. - . i 01. te-.* Ait5N»-0 etroying ltse-paîi otie îeRoa frei Ptank te Gravelai.tan 7eCIn > u -le thoy coulaI adept na -- exPens fe *2,000 " îLe> " rebuilî a Agestfer the-amnor-mbaicipalities vhbi hi> thirinprei ilihtisbm.braiater <îaiting *4,000 :" îe héilt a IL. Cant>', the ra.on"glretcived .-lcfw lIts. The Macdoald. .liglat houas, a lÙd-durng tti pnd thé>' betcnglug te tttosesvra fon began b>' ignornug puîdahI l ùw' 1 anepese " sd <orwicfo Xesi red litl aibogtbér ; bei- beillscustodia,n- 11 iott.o thI--Qeunty Corpo. I~ ithgetièr Ibir ésiegaIlibis thte 7-m le s ov'rmtent ration. The question therefore, of vhsn ~îseîmen-propose argan Las thoe andor te achoîdge- sud 1ev attea, these tand salua aboulaI Io <k. gdudsacs'sf f»m.' Ilpaîd oser te the goierament tb. sumefortaksela s apitforthie repregeae- providesas iL he <k< 49,000m" lIves ofthibsMuniciplitie!, intte Cana. dril -tothit>' Coenil thons te de-tenainéi>Issnn. dii-ug asui ft. Whai robhesaT -an>'1860, By.Lav <o,74 vd poissa, ai. !e ogîcer.' are te b. The Compul t méliai good roasa- rectig thal on thé 14tb-'Msy colloviaig and paid. Anytbing ULn, front 4 ot graveI"-oas yen thésila issus your Warrant ln tLe - eaistent yuL vibai efthîe very lest Iemeihed maIs, vbile tiseal va>' talte-Shenui', sud ihat an tlis e4 viwitwat ILs regi. ander the" ir 'Ita ,"-rovinoe - jecoad Monda> la--May', su eali follovig breaitwater year, yenU shuta issus aýsiemîlar, warrant, on> demnd cannat Wal l th /.eOmPailY autborWnig the sale et lands for upaid thé truih is ILalîleasd ligittit .ýýi eotainy itaât Paid: taes.:ThjefiiisîSe ae-s ahélanOctober, i4n are. capable et re. is oEfcem - bbr muters,_sratary and 1860, and adjonrned ta Maýréb 1861- nas that vîi srss te gateeperiîtý&1ieaytWpaid alitThé Finanee *mmittes in Januar>' 1861, Inelea ~ d hiaddiionraCOmmended (and wbicb, vas dopîed bhi va ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -h pstei ,att lecouncil)'ibat in ordér .Id avoici con. drédso ehfl laaOf Pa i? he"! *MV$4,0> vbaî à fusion >'cu ahould net issus yqur warrant 0 InlaLsm-iaI Ilhe Fuw.oa letf swindiers I tferasecend saleutilthebé,rprscediig salIe m« bspgeuaai. of eNt5 ,& 9d sbe said iiach a vusfi.alh>'closed. ]y-Lav 74 -vas iben z(uli -ég»,,Abt ibLs ýCeMpmey's paymng soineamte,ýd b>' B>.Law No. 83. direéting >'ou ton tbomuI. ldtlas of 11.v e that, ou lie 9tIt December 1861, the se. ot '~ :pu 1 e ieetj' ond warran iald-be issned ta tLe 8h. tke Tok inàdditéà,, mgsa t rtbrILe, b. L o rie, ijL Tisis hé Isut, BY.La pasaed mý- r 1.i~~ain ldth )W mopecs gie WMtl*y 'Roi1ýdé e *i"Dg tô ibis sub3eî, sud it eau>' provided lem> Ear <> ,mkfl hem.-- Ijý ày Wieons esliicb teok plbce in Jans de 6 lu W eý eüa üoýao thegraate thirýàÏ*-snd Octalier 1862. ti5~ 10-sIe gesl. té,. Thé Is~t saleois net yet Beal>' chesed, 4esyoeý fb este s in he de pln' zo ' W-an hiteuntil lGth or î7titof Gèle pnotesuky 0( aithé.ment ils pimpi, spies, sud seesadreis ofbar nu.. -'Therefore, undén an'm'y rcuet. Com~pany,,or fil.g all ialis. aetii t- bu deaired toa carry -out the and sebsuenuted ln * .- aaacioés c09ibis Ceuni>' Concil, ne Wha wls . owa d t warat - cotid le iseb'yen fon tLe upusahatnd a a*' sas a uemd, s> !eae of the Pr:. The. pq o Sils e taabuidbngathl 17k of Octotar neit. ber te Lave tle spe. i&vebeemtiroapght.dowm, sud il..> go to Heretofore ec saalie bau' laken ý place Isantàge et beng )ild pro"S ltaithe buidings viii net le eady'tttiler a By-Law' psAsdbhiLshe Count>' &Pl' seool, viii. ils for oomalon fer tePil sna e s. C-ocncil, gesernitsg thé tinte «fsal. In te terp ouite amdrilienu of 186S.'WItat wiII Mn. Movat do jousr report té t4e Council in "Jane 1863, Ïtheet getting,îse mah nov ? Wil» h suqes the virtue o e s ynaIa. e b wsorede, h fhovn î nighitsk hLai ma>natiOn, or rontaia lan office a feu' bonis '! t 4Natibe lai sle, wbleit @boula legali> givilegesi nta bive or days longerutil 1 hois igueuniniene>'talée @Placethis yéar, vas postpuned in- et the oppartunilles itebed out ? Coaseqasen c f tIL. sWiausamicr of lWs lainucg ~ .. - 4.-- tî ogID niOi atten tie lait-sais." TefatIite Goverua.ent ased. - #( th i lrefbre. ai ibis tliane a ans rigtiy iformedo ho reqeiredir egniate .Aa time.ofssscIssale set nuin u100;: Andi - -b>' BIALv"framntitis it appears ILat yen s astral ~ ~ Mr. Cmkba'a lan DcomeNu p ibis tedesisdi b.c iennsltb gétg tlua ofieai srr4el.This viii s eal fo.ofate .posposaJ Ja.su-or Ltii.,ear frein thé for ~ ~ ~ Ms dtitai.Bt atsrrupi sud uuemulous Iinlat >' '5sss i nber cf lois to oolsr 'IThe yu a erd e .e îil la eisaipae nCaa faber cf the lots have ceniaial>' net in. t ave ths mark I The ess»ed aluce lie," sof jeu. report, pad mebhaie,naudsv1 neiler buaaptb.r-year'taxes beeu addsa l Mwet, n ýoblgeato NIT'r ACI. -he aitMeeingofta the lots.- Tlu ,ssasber and amost umen, l- oligeI * WmsT Ros5-Tb Fai Metié utcbsigeable 4gaiiat e«Ch lot, being peteise. Ui9gb t, af S abard the Onlarlo Tuf Clnub, talles place over7 y t o.éaysttt e' a ehn yeur gecota- a tP u eIhsuad s8000-tIhe Wbitby Courssunithe22aI sud 238rdmendatioaa te tls Voua:>' -Council vash boa,.th Is ; the i tua<oler. Thre autnee n t slappeas ii peDned. tu- - tisI >'l by thé4 fénmnta' otharer lànsin. Wt tay oeti Whsn lua ny te report of itseTFi lesîanten nd u>' emi. ~&nses Cos. -auý 'der conaideratie - ala behut ciyo. Wài a sfl's>' ia < ,îl oa> ithe question et a 'Liçi . receiv llic ae Course vau eoausbsd, Ili shenul, sale vas diseussd. Iu repl>', as ftii '"Rorm"-iîo las ontrlbuted lassai4 tho isaorta cf ilt he ewrm ofet iuCb meee..ede, I remi -bIsiSf,(Mn. FerrY.> Fînace. Camnaites. My DMaaa83a1-I anm jours 01 te 201h îli, On tii as on al I Laveb i thankiyen foi* msneatin aiviieh yau base vabsibleaIsicàs"and ssis ai ibis lime, doeI tesl under fer thé minute mannir nv gene lie othé détails, sund bl yoar viewa in vniîing. 1 feélt t leau abrngihen t->' position in' 1bifart-isue a warrant inai vi e b.statuts. 1 '9aLte agree viîb von es-te gatUve'q U t4 Coqnue, tl- le cahi yonn Itteaiten ta iLs-mail [aw 74e vas net I fancy framed te a Warrant te issue; hét ton appase ressens it extended the ie ta - loving îLe -ei piration bcf fie J B>'.LAv 83, exteade& tibis tne lu berj but in tLe preent cem, I vithont a Dy-'Law, aotvithotaitiW forts ta brin5 ltse malter Lefare làq éil, -nd would laneM>'opiuion satté au impenative dut>' undar the %ai, Dot-îssuug i wsrr'snît for sale of là Year inu 8mars fan taxes. I hai lsfenred ibthensiler ta the tNftlen; nieya Ifin6 by ateuter -neeed th rent, accord, vilta>' owva-f t .it té5710 oyonrself, sud lu orde timt t ter ma, ho placeaI mare fellylhefor v iii as yenu 1uggest, send hlm tils or a copy ef your correspoudence,à dais refer the matten teLsOouunty toi, (or Lis vnitisa opinionl as te M unde. the elrtuasuanS. In t~he-mi e Act provideis $lat of tbe tai or sny fise ypars, or for of sncbà amount as a à prescribes ths Trea. cani) unifer ais nana and seat o.$' 1 iinié tbe Mv. Klnnedy's ameaidmen<, that aIoysale ons, Io statuts is distinct enongh that in the b .had _inl 1864wua then, pot and'losi, Couaty absence of any By..v exteadiag the lime aid thie report, as given Isut veeky adcptýý tefore the Treasurer shaîl issue bis Warrant-sud & itboaVt as BIaw No. 83 oaly refera tW the 1De. oîCuranLQ reresl,. yminer cember %ben next eaisning 1 canui ses On the ihat your action should in aaiy vise bie Before bis llonor, JVnitBuiNîîG ç Pofthe youaguide ibeSeh.The îollowing crnbrace!tbe rémainder of ftc béIaÀaRi. thé proceedings, up bo thée rising of both vs4 Mot faitbfuhly our servant. cotuts on Tbtirsday. .af the JOHN RATCLIFF. ÀRR8280x. rant. ~~~Wardén C. o- UaTt 5505 hib But wheai the Ceuncil remembened thé "unty Treasursn' ot rcmen gn_?ial ; Mori, fr larceny, reponted' hit véek, 1 M;ted vlien théy remémbsred thé report of thu vas senbénced to Ïwo roontha imprison- ¶ieé Fiaance Commuttes, <théi discussion therit.méntwith bard laber. onsn teatUyec ofth oni D. Events, for larcény, te tbrenionîlis vehion, aid hé aqaiscéccof he O iaiî mprîeoainaeaiî, witb bard labor, in the e I0-1 herein, and tLs preiailiaig opinion ameaigat County Gant. ,Cou'*aIl thé mémbers, thast theré vas te be f0o Joseph Edtnondson, -two mntthe. rertas: sale the prssant Jear, was there net, he Ths Grand Jury inade flt, folGwing asked, cause for astoniahmeaiut . AltogeiL PR ENâEN * er Ibère vas sometbiaig about, ibis malter . 4 w vichlie, (Mn. Perry,) wau net'able 10 Tbat in aecordance witb the dotiez ité. c.fatbom. If the course of îLe Treasurér poiéd upen thein thty bave visited the1 é could have senved, te auy exteat, thé Con Coiiaty gant, aid, fouaid :t in snch astate of ed y titeret, theh ie, (Mr, Pénry,) coula un, laln- n rera usteumm ns denstand bis motive ; but wbere thé elTéét credit le thé governor of thé gant, and r. of bi. action 'asthé cenltrary-vhéré tliose i autbonity undér hi m. ae e p éîoevsaiss..rcol rmthbésévèrn! questions put tn thé nf nsiand thé Malter. Brock tIna. prisoners it*appenr.e tîittatét'ry iecessary sLip I 18 only ; but Mara and %ama attention. is paid titeté wlilst in confine- l $&;Scti $4;l-n.ment, and that th.cy havé genérally con. gog,, Pickémiaig $30 ; Thorah, $46,. ducte-d-thém,éelvtc.s wit décorum. UXb ý 0; Wbitby, $ 11 ; and the That bbé?blave received at thé bande Town by, $40 ;-making alt.ogéîh. of the Counay .Attorney evéry asistancé, ér a tbte o of $483, by réason of'thé anid thé>' congrataitt thé Court oipon thé sale, in-conséquéncé of beiaig hroughî for. lightneue of the cateo 'dar which miuet hé 2 yard théè preséal lime without ths addition héneficial in thé cousity and proves that0 of thé bstn per 2enit. lVhat he, (n thé inhabitatîts of i bis counîy are a la«.0 Perry,> cc mplaiaied of, was this impatience abidiîtg people. to salI. vhen oaie léwas iecésssry ; it ceUt;-CeUwR. I v as ine~xplicable to binu. .And lithé ah Wéednésday, Sept. Oua. r sec fthé Tréasurer, lhe m:rely hrouagî lv. Vte-'tîo 9st.l fradan openi repart. wtouceasurnag lalIj4f-r es fortaxes oné or thé other, se asu that éxplanut. Verdict for pait, eii ; r. A. 1Ilirriýnn lion mighî hé mads., ton plaintifl; I. J. Wîtlqoii foîr (1ieitrvtn ai Thé Wardeai entéeekinto a short ex-, JTram vs. Çabill-uwcr 1 or c planabion of horé the Tréasurér had called Costia. Vér9içî for plaititl, jit 05 o. *. Pl upen hbu -thit hé (thé Warden) was J. Wilson atnd\ N. G.-liant for plaintitt; P. busy aaid thai thé Tressnrér léft héforé A. Hurd for denedm t. et * hé saw him-léaving a linr asking hiiiTusa, et 0h optiniont as te the salé, and ihait he (ttie Grerwod vs Wisgntbi ept. 1sh. r Warden,) thén wrote thé lettér cf tb» flan action for revéry of a -lawyer'e bill aof dc 22 r. Mien ai sk îe téhé hé T éau. cost. Verdict f4n plaîiniff; £ 0 4 bfd. .Nh a tfoN léa l lo hr o t h e T r as r, R . J. W ilson for plaintif. rMm. P e ryT htj, Tmly onoî,rtir n t ci &ynolds e. Crosby et al --A c ikon on Y . - b T h é w nujl,i ,rtrtint ;bavé ac td p fe m isso ry , n o ie. V erd ict f r p laiaiti f ,tl t d illefi.vr but ie tifi; l rlIa iav.aMtir $13r l 1 ît abpigtu<tirotré *3 18. R.J. Wilson and C<. C. 1(elr hrw iav n éd l the C t in fod s.g hé deféndant. rustainctus ot tht. totvtîuhip of Thîor,-th, t aadvintagnous te that township that Dslyt téry-: salé shoultl go en. Teirpîtr f-h atmr )D a-m. Sanger àskéî'l if the.re- n-ère neo h îonéoso it tlioéR~t ecfrésqpondcnrr. iauvl whetber lité icaru wene arresbèd hy ia Fouééi fteneral th îîîv ,Soicter[tiact' rtro advised thteaiattecd Sclièaîck la-st week, sand geni tic- le nwtg ltte vi tien prduéd orid the Pêdéral line for putahishiiig thé t!' Ow y.= ué 000, ahieqt steg m-d -pr T .i-Paxton Jr. Esq., Treasuren Co. of Mi,é liightiforthé 4aagtçéu ha purs constetlation t jaL Ontario. i.ke thé ayibi.tstore anal rudaaepeal isltrM. As Îaits r tute luessea é(taepfothSe ntid SIR>és. radbiat ee.'.star, as te bomaééa str, i teanIn answer l Ouer ?(iol f the 27nd Utigproaalaeétpeas. orsasurance ina a1 o Dii flit. desirinir me te advise wbetber yeu 'Ttc the Cnéssf the South, whei Ietttoer roan nre requirsd te issue a wuant for ,sais of 'ru 1409tus to keeaumanid glryaai. aa - Bye Jean in arreara for Taie eshg, le Bay flow Pepeean sd btest wau Amertca'é atitt rata of opinion tisat anieis the ssément 'Tititnysd byahépale ofçthe t'urtatî demain, Bi Lw et Upper Canada section I124, h is lYhic tarteunaler Vinés, andl stings frém iàaCOU m our t Té ystr *Ae théil thétbe éetsa. t.mndn inipémativé duty ppeilatuiuhausa iaurt varfeel am beC mtte tLe Sheiff cmadnghm AnMlMrobthe tuai viper 'uéalhsUbeny'ubheel T' tXlw levy upon the Landa for the arrearis due Andl thé Créasf e ô Soitàs»hal la triumph renient iih Oerson vith- its Cosa Unfl a#directed Té tigttunslafrerîtmuianal gtey again 1t tiida clherwise by tLe 'Cenudil under By.Lav -t-e réslolution -on ciber order- uscuion 127. t iiiebleaietjs.Sée, 'tià the4ar starothépe, t Like t e sécréted 5,zue hagaiethe iinasa; Yours tmaly Frot te shoee etthé otir tethe ibnieva'p, ,, H. J. MA(!DON>ALD. ! aàetrushfre am htefToïdtétt'pjôen.iLth Solicitor for-sorporation. Pttig its féiîs la ilth air, "lie we hotlty déclare o M.Biekeli coaild not inderstand vbv %tWthe r n of lM#Sealoallin tre ' graO îL te matter vas crowdErr. There wntild i'Tlght us t tecorédeansd gtory aquin 1t - L have tisaine mors illegallity, and no more I lai an responsgibiliiy ce the part cf thé Treasarér Anal ifpeace saeélal beh petssseand justcelnieal, 78 by vaii;. And warls byae *q 4 ip ls,ba pioéa, ad nay a- 1fMr. Thompson conild net eeé-cni-m liebal t a eane vhile vre hmrtiour pai, il e ai -'ig thé bitters of thé 'Waé4eé. and 5the. fiance ç tysrasîiaanddambtîeiteir niaeons 1 ficlent fer the Tressurer's guidance. Itý vas, h. said-the course taksb by thej Trmauror-tbe onty sas open for bita W Mvr. Kenned~y *gain condemn6d the ac. tion taken by thé Treýstrer, and said that the Treasurérhad tol'd, bita, (M. Re:irie. dy,) -a-fortnight àfter-»the June session, Mot poaiîively thaCf hrî*Would be'ne LEGISL&TIVE COUNCI1L. Quebec, Sept. TboSE &sÀXtek ths the chair to-di et 83o0ole0k- The Bill te re.tnite the-Ridinga f Wf, "100~, for Regitsratlian purposes ; the Bi ta amend the Division courts Act f V per Canada ; a&ld the Bill te render val the deeds f certain notaies decase vWers resd a third imne and passed. Eton. Mr. COPtufattintrodned a Bill1 eliéve persns wvue ma, refuse or bho n willig, froan conscientiona motives te I SWorai. I answer te Hoc, Mr. Rson ' IHo. M BLA atid sud tahie ubject aofuWering th York Roadî; fr sis te the United coui tisn f York and Peel, lWednet 701 reteh cd the considersion of thé Govert ment. On thé motion of the Hon. fr. REiitn the Bill for the pnishmsail of franudaIs vendira of grain w-as read the scon, Seulie Pivais Bis ers rend a sec on&. ime, ad îe-ouse theai adjuane( * 'LEGILT IVE ASSVMBLY- » Qu e, Sept.1 'he SetizcA iook thé cltir to-ay a The totiowing Bills were- introduced an( read a finit lime- tbn (J.aDmabuesrrs,.Bl o .lp tiino fr lqa b urviea. 1 i.b u h thé Iris raspectaig Sbérifi",t Sales of réal prqperty in Lov.er Cnada.,1 IR>' IY. TÂsse, -Bi te- rameaiti thé Aci respecting tthe Médictsi Profession and lhe salé of drags in Lovér Catiada. VMLO uthé motioni Of MtMCn. h!o IFr, s IMW nitité vsa s.nppoinu d to considér th e practicahilîty raid proprieiy cf ceaisîraciia a tutltetwéèn GeongianIBay and Lakie Outît.±i-i', .thé Way of Lake Simenu rand Larke stabo. Thé or-2r ias theai rend for- thé rdtioin of ishicu Mr. Cochhrn- bail givénti ntice, -"Tbt t iis fltt)jt- .feci-it thein duby at Once ta exprensstheir rt'i'p regret that' Hua Excellenry .bîtuld have héen ad-nised te mnaké the Judicial. rptuoiaitment by vhich r vacîîncy bas réé-tntly, heme rcate in thé répregeaitatioa cf thé Coun>ty fSt. UJa. cinthe, und±r circumtqtancécalctîiated "te prejadicu if ot destro>' thé indépendéncé of the flouse, tand t,, corrup t nt !ts source our, y tem 'of ariium enarny Ooven nnai Mn. maésE ti(] that hé boped the motin twould l bepcîeîponed antiithéh id made a motion of whiéh hé, had himsélf t'ivén notice- for Ithe producti-tu of thé nu pers. VThe lovervmteçiî ieisted tbat Mn. Cock. bur sbotîld procr'.d ,iîth bis -meotu ut once Or hit berUnnoveil from thé Pa- -Mn. Coucuuané aaid, that snchb hin; the Cagu héovoaild aîlow ths motion ti) hé &truck off ;hitbu oweutd cause R t o hé -éstort.d ishénthe papérs yere hroncht Mat- Dmrts,q c f Montcalmé, titeai me. 'éd for copiés cf ail cornespoaidétcé hé- tweén thé Goernméttasd lon. Mnr. Jüs. ice Brnuneu. First, in relation ta thé rave. of absence ohuaittéd b>' the -, latter last Jéar. Seconîd, in relation le thé no. ice given te- thu-Goveraimenit hy thé raid Judgé, thés Lé vouil thé sittini etofthe- Court during thé next term in thé spverai Districts and lcatîties linwhicbhéhovW83in- th habit cf an diîiinr bitturéobaiaîitig bis eave cf absence. Vhtird, i0ri reatioai te th arrangéméttints mtutu between thp Gov- ýrtaaient rail th, tnii lJl&de, raid whiéls maoýJ. P, oss J. ., Lhanly Tasser Torcotte, Webb' Wrîg Nas- m <ag4 s Bell (Laiaark>, laY Brown,-BuweaII4 Ceeeron, Caro, bert,(Covan, Dicksuu, Dorion t. SDor on, Erice-Dufresus, , kDuuatu il uson <(Tbos..) Poley, Portier 1 IP Houde, Huntingon, Lafamnbois, 1 id nid D. 4., Kr-Doaiald Juo., MfacDo d, S., Macke-irie Alez., Mlckenuie KeConkey, MscParlane,, meoivrsn to Keller, MowIII, Kunro, Notma, j IW Remillard, 'iRD" Walter, RynI,, be Sèobley Simpson, Smith A. M., 8r S., Sircervlls, Irtop, Sllvatu, 1 !r dea, Tl1tompon, Waltbridge T. C., ho Wells, Wite, Wilson, Wright Amac ~3 LEGISLATIVE COtTNCIL V Quebec, Sept. I10 The Speaker took th' chair at' nt Inireply to Hon. 8ir E. P> Tache, Nfr. Latellier sdfd h vas the imuenti the Gveroment toatend the law re tu AgieulturalSos*dis. On the motion o 111-Nf-,?ac Fa ibird lime anid psed.- EIon.ý Mr. De La Terriere move, stIecond reading of the ?Bill b anme.nt ter thrq, of the Consolidared Statu, A Ion. fr Carrier moved that the he ont rend a second trne, but tlmit reatd ILsecond limne ibis day threé ni l'he amendmnent vas agreed te bl a re î s2 t u 1 1 , a n d t h e I il l v a s c o s e ff Go tbe motion of the Hon. Mr. D, néy, thé Bill (0 regniate the sale of e l ,iu r.,wer Canada vasas a lho lieuse iben adjounaed. > LE GISLATIVE ASSEMBJLY M.Dtifrémne < Montcalmn) moved f jcopy "r laconnfiled at the V, publiec departimena; eit.her hy j. Durion. or by bis wife, or by any proprieloir or co-proprietor of the ne, per Ièfyiclieur, for govrenmnt tic in5ierted in the sad newspaper, sine éstlibliiehulient,- o-r for any) othér ser rendèred'or wvtrk donc- by' the propr or voiproprfstor or theéssîd lewmapee. the aiouit or various altars"Up te dale. r.Mackeaizie (Iabo> oe amendtiet ib at thé folio wih, wordm added thtet-" aildalab copie-rfal clurittpres-eaiwd tuoGuveromrent by (Jolonizcsteur aiewpaler, for .prinbiun, adve-rt-'sitg, and a ataterrient or the ami paiti theréon, the d-iteg these accoas pregeied and the amnounts pald."ý' Moti.ai and',meidtnent were debatedl îUl ais o'clock, whén pannanit Lto miea of thé Hlousthe Speaker Ieft Chair. ASter dthse ee actasrneroutine huai uns traylsactecl, and thé Houqertleu rée aw? 1tlo furtber connidormtion of lIon. l3rewn's motioni for a Select Conmitte il quire and report forth-sjtb as tu the seenî position of the Public Builditiza 0ecii"ng ant.Ottawa. 't'he progresa making towarda ibeir completion, hba wheri îbey yl hé ready for occupait and the auta of money required toi comp tbem, a.nd thé Cotmmittee havée power seid for persons, papen sund records, tu report from ltime to timé, and of Morris' amndient thoreto - 'T thé vorda afiér' That'1 in thé morion Iefî out, and the following ingeited mut thereof -1 An humble address ba preset te Hi, 8Ercellency the Ù(kvernor<lene prayillS tbat hewltei>l 1 W " eLa vras Utsré¶tdon taie ise Cbiéf Supernatendéaî c )n bis officiai vish te oEngl )reseut year, wtth eothér pal ase same aulljeci. Hon. J. S. MACIOyAIt.î il rsespcting thé volanteer Ma. Hs1maNTINevaîs-iairodu in:.end thé Act respecting ili 7vaiship landa in com mon. A Reaonuicu Ibai a Bupj aHer Majesi>', paased in he WhAfe on-Pria>lait, aI ag reed te. On thbe motion of théeFlot, le flùs resolved te go ini aFrida>' néxite ocoaisider rantet le er Maisai>. - A Bill te estahiib an sen ni' i yare botl

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