Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1863, p. 4

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la v do fl if voknr anid vhoila execiaîing i4, ta boel the asr- ancesthat Ms hs >' ydoilguot aud vii ho aklfllly carrbid out. The. poUcy>'of in- vaslémi wuo ot fomed lapon lMiby Ith.e - igencies of hà iiituation,, b>' pr.asùe, of publie opinion, nr by orders freinstnpe. ror authi.crty. It wuaadelb..riTlyehosen byhiumslf. fRe khu at bc ilaebd ta en- courtier a sor È&tb. hat t My on. Hé. coomprehendr.4the op'rit, reouutCOansd charactet o? thé ensiuy. aund h. appreciat- ed the fidelil>' eud heroiam of; liàa ow troopa, and t1e interpidil>' of lits o'n. lietenants. Wolgbing éverything ha de. terunined tota î.ithe step, and iii. Execu.' tirs mafcioned ishi.determination. Ttlivas' a maternent liable ta grave contingancies. and! pet-ils, aiîd that could on!>' be justified Iby he reasonsible prospect of mouring jiteal adraniages. We beiere, th.iorefore, llal grand eventualtiea-are embraced ini the plan, andi vo entertain, the moet man- guine hope that tbey wii lie accouplîiahed, beeause vo impose go Implicit a eon6deune binbe great alrategistitbwe tesignea, eand the great-soldier isho directs, thflucrae- nient.' TitrEHrs&e CouNTsvmato.-To atlenipi lri fathoun man's nature, diaposition and recul iar pamabons by i fmatii-s, or to acie bis sgenine b>' the, highl of Iii, foroheat!. j e)tausDot eoui'an abur0ides, ibut.ra redicuouas -ans. Ye t i.the iuune lime., ve admit that the counîonanice leti ,iiîo!eth-r! reuile as au Index tof charaetett. W.Va il kuai that every haman being bas, ai limes, a certain oxpreaiun i ih belrsyR lit tluhte, 701 thal vlieh vouid mîemp o.man as a VIliinvulti prove the ia- cenrs of anoîheir. W. have ail boar'd o? the judge ish va icintiedodfatheb guilt- ci bis prisoner by -the mireo cclofhiabinshing. Tii. prison or on luarn tisaseridence af geili., char-' g4 the jude a ith merder sud the inze - vlich imuiediatly aefresed oh. cbookt or the lauîèr vophti have proved hlm geill>'. eordlug ta bis aisu mariner or drawing infre.onces. Thui tis vii viii lucalletI Physilognomy, for shal it ans mera eou -a cenlesive evidenco of guotdesa, WINî operae oppogite lu aniother. The coe.ile- ance.s o? tome indilvidealuaare- netcaphie .o? beiug affctedby mental causes, ishIle thtse cf thers change with tueur alightesl thenîhuts or feeliuza. Foolsa sud bibliers noter have fiue coua- lenatnces suad the coutnance of a nman vin h&% bêemu veli educattîd lineyer eue- burrisiteti vheu. le meets bisi lulpior. ,Oneefaci. la latilptabie -Il la tiis -vhen- eror yae tunpet a mnsu, ishe, vimun introun. Pd ila nnoty, lnova nuit hov talooh or Ppesie, ishoitearma eappeer t u e umtýesa l birr, snd wluruoe bead appeàirs lire a p;eeiW of mochianismu ,raI>' epan il. lî sla stam- ger lui good compan>', sud is aisesu igne. Everv mn abould carry about hlm an nir or dizniîy, asud shoald ael as if ho vau Proud of thé trulithilt hocposesaged ce immortel ocu Aa thinkiug mmoid. Thé, rcutetare andthelb. jerptual etile are ,the dowr>' nI an idiot, erthmelatter lt soute- limes theo heir loom o? the paraito-ishere yon fiat! ies. 'ou vilii sldonu mnd lalili. gence, and nover digait>' of character. exettie NiAGini Rvi.-Thesretie. thoe lie-%beeu try*iog flue exporirneut îunduuî the rivar Niagara hlai the ,vriîes a3 foloa .:-Another atteunpt nado. vitlu a gimlar Iran o? about lton la veizlil, ahlacebed ta a No. I1 vire, toi>' auSpeuddt, a soual t t ,impede aii af the vei'rht. I thoen let the ù faîl from te hristigthe tlieItiglut lu <'et. IL @trucka the surface fuirl>', the poit daist, muat baro unit ome )it waa 1101 lauger osa orÇ sixltt oe econ01d. vbou It mathe bis appeer- agzain an the sur-face, abuuoeuan' fuet dovn the Streiaa,ati akipping a-, lilea cchip uctl i Iwvascheclueti by i re. W, then cemmenceti haulinf l Y, ishiclu mado the iran hounco uIke a Mian a cakee of ice eîruckit iland euti- se sport. I amstatiafedt ual'an mets!_ pecifie gravit>' ta pierce thal carrent, viîb a monuenîun eqeireti b>' a Isl M6 foot, Tii. relacit> of the. rou,, irkiug, 'nsi.hats beau equal ta oslt paraseond, anti consequenti>' its antum wv>s nearly 6,000 paeumtdi. is e ppnkd tothle urrent wag à.bout iperfilcl !lnce. This ylgitVe ats of? th.enturent. and ti hei&.mre ime mi. the Titan farces tat sbave beteu aI ta s-oop outtheIbmbd o? the Niagara TiLz ~ orUarto.-A nmier'a sevant mles o? Kirriomeir. Br b.d Io a laIe bnci. her bedranua, the vwiadois 1 ttuvardd the, elU-dam, ulue ,amen stding ai.t te u-ide C Eatuost conversalion, oe a bueiile er arma. This 1 sh girl's curiomil>'. sud ab chaerefal>' -atcbed tfii the eepl. Jutige o? ber- STOR1ACllICTINCTIJRE A licucheimi prmparaton fiw Dyap"daa. lou or A~. lie Flatulenéea, Vakîîen or S8izmahIl Omnatal tty, Age. e. CERTIPZ CÂTE5.' ont ,~Prmjol e Ccel> <ità i Cesd eIAdeyùa) 1> hsrmby Sc vehaife ailmilaed th. reeeili use b>' Mr. Edwrdcorker, ila a=kng bis Tneus'a1 ib je Tpgedienisaleut*apmcfmtlv bannisi ebsamier, su. weeid actat Teeil end Stnméàlcs 1 have (enlier eleulealy exmld thie ~peem 'Tiacluru'. end o a t ltih ut i nin a le ltéine Metlr. vamr. otr vn whdm ht foml Fed nu= oî4ar.8ls s ta mo Taieiure. I have nhelatien In si s bt J i pu.casti Tonte in maur "'Ocases e ppmm, s o=usber ai)eofhe ibtlgestIrce orgues. - S DWVA R 0 %t..iLoo aF. 1M. . .RC.S. F. Front Dr. >Bacel. Toronto. i base axainee Mr. Edwcs'd Corceri. Staiesebiý Tîneite. and i Sd il iu b. cnmpoiaed Bf reecultmd en liui. sud eertiinl>'uprareta îb-urong aicahaUbit b tel.iII tCommuîn c. JANTES ~0r1. D.. I R. C. P.. FMag, 140151er onulustunes uf Medicne, Torct.. .ýrôm Dr.,SoeU, 2broate 1'i Mat. utaen iSc-llacittg Jhet siteul qiya ia ertify asala tbe OtoaiuacbTinewleoanti baviuig mx amithe bmprepraibe. i1Ibm), i vuel;aded i t PtWlitI <Sîu 30111(bîNsouTr, M D.. Mt. i. C. M. F1nlant >Tageibmr witb«belm rnteDr HIfuILîeagDr. lier tarat, r. OiDauDr. Kts.JD).Ldasî. Dr. Row4i andtni fthe n Imrec>iil mebufts c oI5 md irai pnoculbmttLis. Ppared ouinlu>'y Ai tbe Dapelot Ceilurur Si, Tuttaute And utlti br&aIlthum prineualDruasu vsCa=&d. WANER 8- IMT PRIZE SEWING MACRINES \rU SE1~MACHINEZ WANZER810 COXBINATION FARM FOR SALE. T URmE"- balf of Lo' 17. Ila thiî i4th Cauu. Broek, conItitiiug9 1 s s.85 acres etr>. ant inl ego;oag mie of utittuîia.Goued "lidii Ilwtt terca. i. cti m- mexellt "'Ittt~rolarut. blg ilsfrouOar.uiiig iton, ind 2>4 m!Iaafronlcrtoi Tai iusv ryhlral mid easy. Appi>'.(it? liy lettr, (Mt TIbOS. !,IULAIIY. th.ltawn t'. W. Woakly Globe co1r 'tix .veýl, 1ui1sentI account tao -e ea rePs. - -. . j - ' ~I4Zai _ côc ~~0 a <x < .an M > 'Cu~ ~ ,~ aud Heds of amille 55ealy 11.11 ~ ~ ~ E.. mt aA C',Svnt-ahn Mach, 1de02. -ss - ir ,,aRaeofMaiSt STOVeSly Thé Tôronio Coflege, C. W. T KlI 1ZqTIUT>?.iimte'l itluthe Mg- CHAN I-S' IN8TIUTE, TORONTO, ins ' xt hocit adcd to BRUYAN'T. $TRATTON- In C09. lillin of xnner<ieiOis.e.caa, Emiloid in YmYork. BmllkIm Phtlàdp4tt, Alban,m, C/ if?,G2e4uD~ ei,6 cop,. R. Lous P&Iku nd Irmete Plie abjcct oftlît'mBe Colictea lato lmpart te Yoiîi<ir Mon and Litile>., tharough and-prmcu- cal inittructioi n l'a iekejinCommtereial T aw, Commartini Arithmetie, Spencerlan Bu- minmaPeîmaasip.Correspondence. &e., nttd tott theit foi' any department of hrelnesm thoy minv chao,'.t.scholoiralîrpm leuellit Cutilm wiliI ntitie tii. studtnt 10 o nplete lixt eno in any Colleta nt thi.e hnin, ia v aicee ari wliî'ît Atiti(nnnl CI org.. Tio Cllage ix open Dayaniti Evelg., JAbMPS E. DAY, R tit Principal. COLLEGE TEIT9BOOKS. Brln Stretton's (komer > Book-ti otao aga kctiiuîg 216 ' lt!,l Ar- Sr F 0R ENC ES. A1~Mirrtty. Enq Arlur RMIL .r FEsq. Tins. C. Keefr', b. P_ . mce Lewis,. Esq., .lhn McDlniald. Esq ý. linutile J. I. Lonan Atiain ('ronku.Eq. To'tato; h4mnelnlînn Eutq., M. P. l'.. Aini rwî ma. ihr .Ine&oi, Esq.. llizUtuii. For. inrthierit-orîn:dlion, plcamé catl et the Coiteqe or mond four cetolorue ahîi citenar, ln- coi ' ug léttre cliii». Air 'BRYANT. STBATT<>N & DAY. Toroî.to, Mid>l, le6l. *EW OeGe8! rjitlE suu.î~iur btte > unnune thetri T vlof New Gtui1. Br>ight iandti Cal ted' Gold EarRings, Finger Rings# Brooches, &o. JEýTCIl,f1)-(iobdinq l Auiinrinuu iutd GOLD AND SIL VER WATOHRES. Iluieautl Gt>itq G.uld P(hails. Egliish: Pated <G0LD IEROOCIIES Or extra qoiity. Alliinlnî,ti ti Steel Brixchffl. bIc wvofld ai,»> staire ilînt »' lit,. î>ow Iaedt t» hitock Baromters & Brewers'4hermometers, War'iîl.d correct, a4nucis iowcr lit price tien leretolorec hargeti. JAMES JOIINSTON, May 20, 181.20. ïE E-ASSýU.RANg ciCOTTISR PROVINCIAL ASSURSUFt, COMPANY ESTÂBLISHRED -1825. Ineorporated by -Ad of Parliament. capital one Million Sterlingl. X 1~* ~ ~ I UEAPR TJANI~VR.jInvested l n a"d%. $40010001 * Premiuutlsewlag Nsae TAiE ONLY PRIZE awitrdaul fart Ysmiy -swnrMaciiineà UVtihe Judges t tie Pro%-'teltl FExhibitioni. leld in ludueon, Sept. 2tii,, 2î1., ttti stil luTli, wvas gIven taeH. M Wtuniz ,r & con,t Tltey aime tcok Cite fiNît prize for ?uiuily Xewçing Machinest iih ILM, WAnser et Co';. Col iiîîsiticii, at he l'.e >ici&JuîFairt bld et Tutttitto, Sepit. 22, 23,24,23Uad 26, 186, mat al4o 5frt prlzi vas uevrded ta thaîr Singer for itueLîetory. Trhe imratra b>rlme vas almoriven for Noir. 1 and 2 Singer',. unibaneurilig Maohiaea l'riras oritsmi ii lin"erhE ermr almoavardod. ?.'uuizr',i &Çeu 'M Fanilyv wllu><Machine anti Wvttuzoi t (ic& 'Siater's Machina-s over al aIliers, Fv he lita hardo? Arts anîdManefààe- tueme,rit t4eMechuinios buAtititte, Toronto. Tlumy algn took Fimrt Extra 'Prizeu at tite suvral County Agrculttiral Fairts-ai. Mmii- tonp. Parie OeIvJ. $. Ëlit'nîa, Ber%nsiiie, Wlhit- byi C.IorgBuwuvuat vile ; In fat,c;ary place itre tilîév have bcaitexhibiteal. r4VW Wauuer- & (!.'o 's l.Tunluluaton Sud Wau-ozor & Co.'.s Siniger. K;qal any' Mchines lfIai cvcr veretu nauetuted lu the Unitd sttaor (aýetIa.. IL M.. Woiiz8r .&C., hava suce"edeinluuni- lit rtir cttvalwOdeul pmotieitof the Wheal- or & W ilton ul Sinzer MachInas, atitrmo- iiut titoepohtta viicî v. er. ult Isirable in n 1 1,Irgtt l.domemitie art mie. 1»'t..1,hiz morne nawinvtientions (for mwhiolîthîey liuce souuectin paentt in io-aeta) have mseeddileproducbog a perfect Sewinz Machine, ishieh inobismple lreite priuicipluslcs inly udersloodl. requirlni lues thauî un ordiummy atiailht of kill lu iaà !)Ilertttioît. 11.1 tîcoral.e ôltlrtiion edets it littie hiable tao gel out of repair, and4ià la ai 1eljimi3 The.publ'ie, ooi xetupnion, w1 he eaviitîaut IIt. advenuioea ver ai otherà niow in ,î-e. E.ery fainilv s1tld have a Wau rer & CÀi?,. Comabliuatiait esmffy iMachine. , hoar tie @taenr o? IL. M Wuzer C o., Usiuîll- loiti, on tae plaeo. f JAUES Il'.*QER Ri E. Agon, Wliihy. THE UNIVERSA.L CLOTIIES LAlO8TToV(l &A'I) G18ATPr T Varie'.>' 10 torest. Sla ve- FnnilitreTI'nt- vate, &c. >6uin on nu t tIsaStore eaIthe -SInea uf .ver stiè ntid q1ailte aniti et alt P.J.,% 'ie OTil ar s niw patteriu stkve ha-~nintrulluncoi LemuinLft <Cher varIitbleg - TUE KING 0F 87'OF'ES, MRON DUKE, GRAND 7'RUNK. PRINCE ALBPER7, DAVY C'ROUKlET PR0TECTI0NISTu c. Igroall andI See. JONBY , Oshawa Âvertisemeflts. WVILLIAJI TON PEST, M. > ING 1hSTEET, OSHAWA,OA2JAP-A T(arniente inada taeottier in the hast stylé ai fiulon. 47 S.1B. FAIRBANKS.- S 0111CIT011, NaTAIY PUBLIC . &C. c 0s1aaC. W. - - JOHN MCGlLL.. ICNSl ACTI(l7Ii FCf)BANADA L 'West cfeliti 115ervices teathluihghl taL fOtroandi Duham Coînntô%, ta ai. tn lp yAmetctoiu Honseliold FItrnitea Mfereh&nellx and oalli e fet.. ati emrcabelp cortitioul . 10 ERAL AGENT 1PUEPA",IEDTo tus mnot rem-nni; B. E. SICA£ CANAD'A : FIIAD OFFICE M ONTRE.%L. A. Dathîtan ParknerSecreairy- RATEI 0F 1ltRIiEMver>' inicrreteanti Rwill beir ?,rnraiile conipeaiti vitI that :1dontitelu>' ulittr cua1umiwim it>Oil 'ton- ditiona and rUigilstiolo nnaixah1l>' ibrl.- Aplurciiaes efféteti sud other btinetriC t@L- actians eonduucteti witiiQîtl rclIýruuc te Scot- ict. JOHN -,1w - .,Agent, WhitIby Wlitlîy, Âuuîruc;t 6, 1862. -3-> The Celebratod'German 01.1! -i sures, anti >1 ituidu.of tiâ avitit, It la the gzreAeal remtly knçi*.Iur itcaliitg ail kiids ci vonuitta andI s.o15lltuiand I hemt. The tenir-ci is tnfallIII iti' f&*jlg4viliersei5 a!nti cafettîti mtifilimtu -eupitl, .- Fronti thniasande o? t"tltmtt.lasI-o tbe nefficaerof.dtiilnvlktloalýle rem il', the <0110v- bthdvt-beeui selt-etti t: f -, 1> hlo-uel ytunr ail tlîc lestmii yenrit, a n d ttm s;tifieui that il if, n nc.1îaled for biealitîgr equalflyguet t3p#lilfoO I Ta A. Knwi.us. ttq , Pickerinug, Feb. 12,1861l. tqliijui.tiqe toyaeo,-euilas ra4pi-yI v 1onlic pnuie, 1 tht.sk liériclit lu revdmni dYltt ceclhuetlw ÇOertiin Oul. My lItirirtit gIme- veureiu' ,eaîtiedl n mcci , o, ;htalber rcaloer>' vas b uiat t l t >tIl 1titnp>i application 0f yont 4ilshe is nov eom11pletelv enred. M'eýTTl1F.W ISWALLOVI, Jr. Plekering, January 17, 1881.- tDr-&a in. -In instite t- v n ndthe Pull 1;.% lit oÉs.., 1 hi eial t riglit W!Xit*nétii -FOR,-SALEI C o(POI;0 [~ thit 11xtumivs a antry (dri- von bawatr,)andpremisetm aitaIS 10, BARTLETyHOMESTEADp bongte nol heof lot 15, lu the laiC. eu.Of £,. whn 9Dut" 60 ms e lmaed, and Qrly 0" lfré West of Oshawa, Lii.". Il as«o04 twa Atory froma builii ng 8 M 45, Wall iflli nd m'th pet building thle far ifl-a ,*lmdapted for grenzlbgheltig volt atermd, &c. AIma Uthe »Orti, liat 1of lot Nc, 18 In ti. he ti. uam Whl:hy 100> acres, 40 1lared, and remalî,dr iii Wooded. Aime WIat 14 lot 24., lu BIh cau. Terela m, 100 noms Alan Brick lumusnAlot 1nt1licVillage of Coluintuà. For furthar parilclarm apptl' (if -by latter, patpald) to aîd Executor, Qabavas, JACO1B BRYAN, MARINE -INSIRANO1E. T lE L,'liicr ihtr is prep trcd 10 ffect ve«cel o i goIllu1uitce nt the,. ahortel.tunotice, aoui nt racducad ratem là titi mo->t respnible cornpniea.E. E. $KA E. Omliawa, AprIl 2, 1863.1-2 LADIES IIEELED JUST REÇEIVED AN f ISORTTENT of La>i'e> Blacit WITH 1E ORDNIG AT BAIN'S. MESSRS, CARD,-& RAWKE, DUNDAS'ST---WHITBY. B FQ Oir in the ialaiita t tisa ow'u autd etrruiilig eeiu:tr., th5t lie>' i,e etitereti luite.o-parîosl.i the lentAlIro- femioland tîi cl uholuuppy te iutttl te ail Ur dais aiitrtuxted tî îiitutireu Tctl lu eiistrtetî t»> î;oidî S'>, r Vuliltiuizeui Reluier iBase. Tecttfilleul0(lor extracl I ll tie beiît l;.cesillc luatuUer.. Patticular etteiion iid t'> lite reituult.tîiuuou Chiîdren'm Te-ti>. Ail 'cent ca ratuil F E E L IN G tan t ni>'Ii isi utt s r q i e i .th e iu.iaeçereeof notluor, 1 itavetrncirel lÏii Ilun versou>i.? ,Mr. leawke,. .grl uu it ke plemirt i ini utlrudutciizt 1»lit-,uutttiu reidu.bît.havîe litilCtt/u gieun ne tîttir supjport. iMr. lawke coine 'oidîtueii4,11, a:tl lîtslied itstix- preil"o of? or >.oienye'crs ilu tiseîtrofrciii un IteItî>' t Tritiaudsurrounid i:inîin- try. Wutii otut fui r puti tet are, nîtîl asvin1 for te ciuttl:it>ueu> utthe tante i)tjîuue itu couic, 1i4htIo retuuiiiu. otie idittl%. Wlîithy.FtW..il. 1C13, hi t . - oh - ý> --..------ -- - - British .&uerfcuAteausra.u-e Company,' I Gù1PORATI8i) inuderani AeI af theiZ) rd Sesision or liii> -Ilyenth ProyiucîalPrs mout ? tlpperCanuda. CAPITAL £1O000, cntacts. Rrery iîutorictiitii appIied ou sp- pliealion ta ticnnderagigpcd. -Marine Riai. for the. esaq) orfeior PurtA. - JOHINAGNEW. Travelling Agent, $Vron -treet '.1 tIi5j GEORGE COMMEC. ty ouii kMn o f luttter cmcîatantiy on luati. UJ N D E 11 T A 1 IN< 9,,,,U ai tripdu d Rau-Pst,d t Fusittuotiec. ýoitng litpcoIustuIntî nul rED'A. Ilearie tO liretu21hi beui t tTsn. G EL) URG E C, IIMACK. WhithyFch. 5th, 1862, -1 IgIney will b. sav4 and pureha- Akt U - ~JAS. M2C [UNG & CO. JBzo tW,-, -rtIffl At, Reduced, Prices trom this daté,. Fr J o JAS. McICLUNG & Co. - -o- C <> Wr(n For lucwnoad uthe, mur Pl I>ataîe forer l v 1 At ft> 4i'couins a y-Ui, LEONARD SCOT Wilkinson's Block, Brock Street, cLN &CPibihr,8 WVhithy, June, 1863.________ IH R ma * c '-13C> c> ÇxF S JAKRCOPETI LATE DONUVAN, lVAI.td 1.N toi" "5.t To Br cl. ý trcet finili ar -UriWibJlyVlh ý2 2ý HAS REMO'VED TO PORD'S OLD STÂKD, >-m IIROCK sTrEET-F, winIrai. JIAS on lînnd, andi .; coîistantly îri#uiutettiuîlg (Jîtters, Sleigh>., Buit,.-es, H&o., of the Ial.est style,anud unruiSt 1îprîuv%-el1pattern, from the best iniateri- aIs, and c1îoitrest workînen ;- and hîîpttc b> strict attenîtionî to b u.siness to meri> a shure of publie patronaîge. O:Afew good second haîid Ctittrs on hanul. LO0WES8 & POWfELL,ý -Are fitireceipt of t}îeir New Stock of hihiswell .deserving c>early attention. -Frorntheir tunsurpacs- sed f.acilities for baying, cotinbîied with at thoroiXgh knowledge of the-requirements of th ir c-usomers, they arc pre ,pared to sel1 Goda ~or alaget> wll-sored stock, a.t Prices fîtr below anods rot anulre e aIons Tey onm-stgul inie. speiîdattîiolit terasotnet Ladies', i ssadChiJdret-is' Liats, onnets, FIlnwe rs, Featiiers B>IBBONS, PARASO LS. I WL, ANTLPS, &c. IN DItESS 01-01)S they sho-w t. hoice stlection of Br.adfordl and other inakes. EN 'VOOLENS' they have stîpcrionr lroaîl loths, -Cassirnere-s, IIEA DY-MADE CIJOTHING 'i eîidle-ss variety, aud-at prices favorable tw the 'buyer. MAI CLOTING maade to order on thie prernises by flrs.,t-el1ass workrnen. w tuvs As usual, their stock of FAMILY GROCSRIES %rill be foîîtîdvy'a-,.il large, atnd of the best description., ~ ui IN TEAS a largeý stock, fi:.esh anc11lFrag-atît, at inoreratle prices. ,1t iuut WINEIS AND LIQUOR11s of thè bVýSt.VrC*Su ilell and Cgar detn Seeds - English, Arnericuan ~ud Canadiat i Gî'oth, CHINA, CROCKEU Y cýsD G S0wEtelresbest ->lu and cheapest in the Coutlity, ini proof tof' whiclî, we avitte il T-'.iii, Spection 17 GREA BAIhIJS !WARER SNOWI DN.S ER &C. Blecl*' -Mlt DRY EEET. W IAT *in be more cu4 t Whillit)Itan l hue kecplug 1hft Pr llid vitîtti î nu tan." i. >'ngt el) tlrIngiî côli roceeefcdby liaglect ortilot (et. Thi. leae eciully the. cmaa çutli Laiwlioain damp eî,Xrnoi.t iweaîîer>. V.glttîrc ol tlii bi l iocB *lî ly npsuiid 10 kttep tlT tLlue we& , antI TeSinCthu heat M lmhi feet.' 4-,; prov .lo1 the 0ooiy t.ahreneay. l~la i., xtuîIt>quu iSOOT ANB S OE- Eatiiulu,îît ai t et.aeico Nosamti Sies ytut iîiîiuvd ln Wliby ; chllîîgeli Ladies', Mense', tutu»> v, t-it4utthtncipeîut liadp bc- iricttut iuu-lt le )rir l e I l itt1u1. t serve I- ilu hue( ptreîittae ui13t),11.4 ;l lK - WILLIAM fB SI IEE P S KINS à - - Broick S eiijuitului A ChO(IE LOT OF lu DelarlesCobumu~s, Ch is.lljs i>c-s alid Muslius. i lehlein Town. oet. 1100V Kt 1 whi',by, Yelh. rah, Isekl. 2iii 4

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