Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1863, p. 2

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re * . , ê~j Ibo Brocm., Ppvaa fo e or vte Let-JirasNicel. ,&feultural Weis-Brown sudPat- son. î- 8traw Ogttrs-Do. JlompimgMalie-e Ilbrm.Weuted -A. Lge Itesni fer "te-Do. ,bard-Dr. Davis. t'ad-Dr. Armstrong, Tiré Cireas-3nd ef Auguat. ONU 0ONE DOLLAR A YEAII WhItby. TtiUrsay, JuIy 16,-1863., soruettrlag tleà% Mîphi bc Doue. ifors tirt Ontario ira recreseusteni by twe taembers of tire Cabinet, acd tiraisi great expectatta" frouatire fat have boom mnqnsed ilte ncs uaof tise'rats-payers of time Coufty, vo désire te pint to-tir. psi, ljcai qoocd weleir nit hbera piisbed- for Ontarilo, untdr smmêirfarvorable ciroumu- stances. Tire Cosristy cf Octaie hereto- fore bas suIfre-suffered morescouaidor- lag lits geogr-mpirical peetin-tirse aey etisor ioeelity in thre Province, fïera tire vent of representatives capable cf under. standing mmii aiteediarg te its local inter- ear. Tire eecbora voted an'd lected, sud ran a .eeck aginet each other for chat tirsy clied prneijle.. Tireir oven divisions, mcd tirir utfortu iste elseje. cf repremea' ltures left thmr iiutcogr rifa ence te aaaist in promnoting thre Conty je. tersais, or deveiopicg tire naturel advac- tnas eviic i is geýpi-phbicai posiion Oen. lttbl. L te occtrpy. ,Simce cas tire Nortir, ibrreaghiils active reprtsete'ire, Mr. Meqr. rson-arni Victoria ce tire Et. rtpreseet- cd by tire equel! active endi 'eegeti- John 'Camroe, tepped ni le bts-eaOnta- rie, an~dis r-gbtfui trade nortircan. A governaumentvead wua. tirrouir Mvf. Movri- soi'@sexestlens, buell &round by Orillia, andi semas tire Severn, te tire Meaicoka ten- rtary-some 14 miles cf a roun-about- wviereas tirroargirOntaio, lire original goy- eraiment surveyeni road, tirai distance te 4he front veuld bave tion seveni. But Ont&- rýe laid ne represfetative te prese lis dlairas. îmce bail, acd tire! Masmoia roai veuit -round iry Orilie Daton, kacauloy, Cardon, Draper, Hlyde, and airer towshsiips norti, properiy iributary te ibis meirty,vweve, tirrouil bMv, Caeeo'a er. ertiomis and influence, attaciren to Victoria; and tise lengit acd bisants cf tris ceuni1 depri-ven ef thse traffie tisai vecid low fvomi nilg. irih oe. e r e a ven omPo caton R oani Funni totewiclUp anad intaeoitien ecimh i ta hr cf i CevasLne tnertiav and leekeni mrpoflt miri asid tprisn vaytiem, àcd vlYirsile tbeyb neea s . tre e reae soine -$10,00 boasef oenv icait ed o ttie sanie Cein e n If our vereaetave vre ofje Tre ioriet bet- a ulatre epp9rtiiy o Cnov anddsenr, mcd oieng ;est c rhem oenopetontirrayivs cf t. et iealncrde e tse lueove the Phovine lime devbus telaotie So «iS useares.n 'Irstinir a repmécsentaosma'de.k. tr. oma 6r' reas oppontunsti wi11 b SesIon fer 'qaft poile into'pn-aétt tirir poliuy sotu eflovaice viii ire eavîng cf "~0 ralgir ire efihteal, madie by mlnts neceaaery eX,)3l, r; val of dreit i 'la" saneo"0' tire polie 'or slowiog'aw iitelesessilom r elssvance vou lie sceepteel by tire conn- tv-p as a gore aigu or tiiei earnestaOi5 la tierpromises cf vetrescirmetl virile teZ ncegleett o availtircumielves oethtie apports. nity.nov si tiasp presosited tirera viii go tesow tirt aiHtbirirtalir &bout eeo Mt & 'Dy intire pule «penditure-.is clv t e f muchSI1de consentse. - , qs A Letton front the flaci W ds. hii1 Co lutire, oods -.-tire greeni greenm 30 voode i W. lama. reeeuv& a naturel euroai- 3 ty.. A ciild ou tire foresîWrtes us oun tsn Paper cf asatce cwmr amiaufaere-ea-I>ii closeni in'ac enývloee litt.-the iua@tti velvety bircir bai-k, crittma hoasatir. cr -"Tise grééueind' trei- ~ tg la camp tirai'. tipeî'cilleed vmY of teWuug agret il(Camp le toncicvjli sd arrexprossien for- <a-et tire féreat cirld.).Well to.cemeIthie peint, theo ce receiveni a letten fror tire BannitRiver, tise& wc i S je honnithe Musicokra, sc se- MIt virere te tire Northr et Laite Huoas vritten fut"' fainby acd legiblyoa e 9b bar--an en- h retope of hireir, nd oassied with tire fin.te glticous gum of theUi'lme. Jle, tire aY of a naturel eui'asity lkte&s.nstsr -Pwa mon- I lookt -pon. lOld Jcetm 'doudn't beat -il rWun byî a long ceik. KS lnd'ma-"vboOOappti untutoreni mn" (Ol stop tirai,) tembl brogt it ta Mfnrar tarnorta, and it - seifortir :- Ana-moci'- M.s-ea, TI -Mac-mme !-'Wiraî oelaasdinih speliug tiv. and readieg for a Obrisijan people4 A frev Mr doe cof excelent speekbeni treat came cir tire letton Iirai tire letton iee!t vas Atie great cnnoaty. 0f course Il mas. sîstec gèere are a h*ý,'Oilr asiatn ute le- as foi telligible Easgllirh. -$ 'We have 1tegce tire paper tiraicoir Iwo heavonly faiher provideni for hcirl idren the , cf tire foesi -for',tisest i ia gum piion total eru.ir te seoit fn it. We do cci -date tirer trie letter for ve art sa fmir removed trou thog civilisation tisaitire suas only chocsw$ lfiîi for thtee iorur irneg tise tventy-f.rur and T the racea la neyer seen. (Tîs nov manieT et giocreee.) Tire sport to e 1 u etj liae l qit are <f curs,)Troa,otler, tm miîMe, marcin, deer, viii est, volt, beatr de $: elk, moose, tartie!, ke. (W. e Maligo On dipi vii tire trouelati.cmý? OuGr eermpodeeitire 'ny .,î ip ie1,'are i.t er)ado1i ai 1*rt* t ,ey 'I$1h every- lesty îig irey émi 4it&6is viti thre exeep- cxiv îioaso e ir -wacqauf chicS vere, as lange enly u ~$1.5 99BIrzck lbses"-WSo ever knem Wiit. isy or Wiitby sportimen tirai bu net ireard cf nîBlck Tom"'? 0Ou Totm id mmey a dasi viL tire boit fe tle ie tho Province.ý Whitby'w afend of ira-and vcitematis l ire muauaninstitution et tire terre, andin maaldag tve-fovty tiau re hi 1:meton.- ooiy ý ire "vetint" roatly-to v.a, an ever "elredds.dled." Witi K.etteni it' bck tit old boa'&gat wMU ùver be fovgettem. Wbe oTma va u i is plmy dy, --virbe epthe o upes ief st a maeuetablé t1tr4un "béMu< tirnsiden bu" idde ofà hom for t $à5> gnou ".B. maid 2fro m -ea 'frothe empe ,.T noune ida age.,a e- rie off dock. cd, as range :pecteni ru rein a >lr ire ectors ap to date, voeea ,WïIeon*#I3,26; li-bgr M « Brovo $32 --rrLiidel7 vers $13; Mv. 81.1gb, $3. qr. R oberte, -T pre r o- Wi tire amomiiof fends onh roievs: IHaleée, $66,29 ;-50 - total $230,19.. WiMr<v $100, Gofevement Gamt of,> &a re ro1-epts aettre GàArieý-t3tklsg esme as lest year,) $1,19, veaul il cf fards avaliaisie, $919; or $7 D the fun 1s oflustyear; *e,ýr gate, irever ntight be uesta her figure tis Pressai year. ALTCUAT1ONR UvrTa& PR-ct::1,1s. ire Prise lia tireasettled 'mutirthefl- cng.tiaeratlons: tire fourtir prise_ givemi yeav ta herses, las ail tire classes vas te* oui; Bells, 3 primes of $4,3,2, Cut- $3, 25,1. $boep $3, 2, 1, viiisota~ uria'- Mr. bMovat's suggestions as te prises te' b« oSereni fer r aimwewe pted -rbIr-hUt4deii, hocever me v-g an edaeut ta have t rire s yean, sud mmmc Mr. '116 ea prir-. Tire ameedment j erzed tire votes et tire uover ndniseconder. ceaasetleni upoe es the prise te bu wdon by tire Society for tire boit tee be cf Barley. A prime fer tares wa. ei, tire same as car-rets amc sangolda. 'prîtes fer butter vere manie $10. 4, 2, Cheese $Y.4,2, >1. ,In the departraeei Agvienltnrai impleunents the diplomea mifei t ufrous tire,,Et ef pt-ra!rpa e e1igirt miierations mue madel is e, hes'Deparîmeeýt, and the prises for se.ireing cere eitreculon, andi placoni ire hoat sets of isorse-siroes. na motion ef Mr. MeGill, a i-eselutiee cd mvarding a prime ef $15, $10, mcd te tire beai Bmnds ef Mausic on tire ucd, te ire confinen to tire Couaty ilt Levue-Nertr muniSontir. TROerTTINGA" S YLKIWG r-mass. ir. Carpeuter, accompacieni by htr. wecarne bofore tire Board of Dlrec- - a' -'valker et sera 1 les trac - aiUédlryeveeiti3 eeir té taire place ue rday evenine ,tise'21st' lira i, cl,' cete! eat tract local attention. MieCar-rlira Eremmiation leeoee bave been oen uiq~ue, isateful, miBd attractive tiraitliey alwmys attr-acteni large creeidi. Tis occasiontvo irpV# reasocaute believe viii surpues li former d- ,an md ce feln a tithre pub l uiyappre.-, cage Mis CrrojrWee V' r \acisinz ictimate Iii. intention of .jiitug b3r ý- ami, Grerrneeod, andi Clasemoci penriesi. Catlys le orden me attend patients$jMrtrocs- lealr'tesa. Tire doctor viiicomrmence iris, visita by ýtire ecd cf tire present mentir, andi fmatbornotice viii ire giveea of tise exact nimys.' The-large eouete f.Dr. -Ar-an- ertng's pracètice is tise Seat pncof of bis siljl as a piryician. C:IvM. Loganr vanta heases, je- trade fer gced Ilan. Seo idverisement. C. Remvp.it--Wlie asapirit Mercis. eut. advet'tises a choie clavai Wine for simniner- ase 204 per 4ozec. Qcfiat Appolnmtet'. Rit Exqel4np ol e over-no.rGenerWl hua k ma e ma"t*!nt*a*aNlte &ahnriit Oeorce' Thene ja seiaethlig laumosm ing k tir (],aeWs eLea and'MKde, ina ?.ammaylranla, vblcb are îraiamitted tous over tire vires 'by cerpàpeipn etg.cf thre Nortbir repebli- car' Amerjean pneus. Truc h je, thnre la thre positively lhorrvibiq TIe lies oeiy are la terrible iit' f'tirewoeeeed, tire a$ag mc ad tira dead, ef tire spoliation of oves andi villages , cf artii!ery duels acd cavalry' chWbrges, and cff henn-to baud eu. ceentera ad a y o eta'; but cot- vitrsandms, i l poitvey mmctsing te coltie grotesque efforts. vhich ire maie toe arrseusater te appie ar victory. and indiapctabie. lu'" esmnte ire gain. Until Leeaitdasescoend ime rec,-esaed tire Potomac and invadeni Pen'iayivar'im ail .n tereet in tire affaire ef aur neigRbooUrs acres tire lice Wan disappeareni. IFigbtinZ Joe" and gdmdettl lialleck,"m "Ol Lee,"-4be deceaeff lamecued'Jacksnn, Beauregard, and f14dD iavt-their salege andi their doinga.-vere less in the mec'e mins tran tire eperaliona of tire Fren'ch before Pmeba, an'tire atrocities cf rire Czar* Alexander, ini P-ôand.. But vjtb' tire raid!'cf Leith ie Northand -tire au- counne eof consternation, cotinje Harrisburg only but in Baltimore and Washington, te samyotbing cf New' York, startled as tirsi emaporium vas iry tire mari ccttieg. eut or rathier eteaiing aveiycf a V. S. revenais culter froua tire hrer>Tott in tire bromni ligiri cf day by an impudent rýbel "it.ae" tire tiouâtinteresi feit bore jr' move wva efaisebce mn epey 5V a ta it vouprove anncyir'g and msechievetas noble docbted. Yet il vas ceoiratily ccc- ceived prejeci. -E'vudeetly the intention wur te prevent tire fitli of Vicknsburg or, je nmre degree te cempecaate for il. Tirai it bas bai tise latter effeci few dareest mnd reliy tiiking mec viii derby. lIy il,1 "?ighmtig 30e" vas haffieni, a cn' tesal commnder-imi.clief app:binrtedi mcad Les advanced and plendenst, witje Washington waa ceiy mliciting for irelp. 0 f course ibere vas a figisi-ibe greatesi fight tiret tire venld ver, nov ; lorôdina Wateriec. Chilianivliai, tire 4lma, ' lnkerman1, Magenta, or Solferino, *a net a cireu >t- stance te jî-and Làee, ocnt Meade, drove back hie oppolensteitir terrible simàgirter. For tirre2 daya Lee foughtard baving fîîeght and -$tond itisgreundtilt it lifighting was done, retjred vitir noesnemcy te fatiers, ie vire sh leeen, secdieg home bis pieu- der, and being ready 'Io figirt once more. Tirs conduci of Ljeo, vho gave battis e an vas net forced int oe, ns, crertiî neigiheoure sevdeeiiy mieconstrued. Be- cauise Wasbington vas oasnet ie te capita- ats, Yankeedcm issiieve tirai victory <ie ibere. 0f 120 cannons possesseni iy tire Barbarians, 118 verpseau teO icapter- ed and eus of 75,000 men in ail 15.000 *ere manie prisenbersata Gettybcrg, l2.OOOvwere iilleni ard enindeni, acd the .remainder wyels ý skddadic." after tira mabrer cf Bulleis Ruen, te a deep and roil- ing rive-. upe'i vhicb thereteerine po)n- tuonsi, cor erdioary beau i Tirai vas tire dreamn-a kinil cf lie wmijeriresils eff'ect upoeW.ailbsires?, and epen Range, open' deck iocngen-s aria bar.room oafors But th(' muh ns, mcd i Ltia ee -iras non yet lbai, a single Lgen *t Gettysburg~, er 1elseebere, ince iris -invasion cf- forei-rn mii, 'viticir ie Iras imIteraandi pareleni 7.030 Federai prisoneca. New japprisilirr tiia te bar -Of m-at rai echirevi'iimtly iroer- rt-ct sistmmenm of success On tse part of tle:e N'orthblié ?- Tirey deeive, no one, entresç bis bim prejudîces ire snob tirati iii rec. rdil7 evalien' .1a truei. rirai hicbh li vewuild feien bheijeve,.ali be rues. Tlîey mnake cusmynpatirai i itire Surh, and desPis tire brairgarta. Il is mueis bayn question tiraitire tbirty.îiree Unitedi go- vereixo States ef North America are ie lonirer se, and neyer wilI be sau agair', and tire indepeedecce osf tire Comfedermie Sraiea as -1-ra alerc erntn;ttittyas inthe OUQa Wdne.mae!ening 1l94theiwCon.gre. I. gatioe fte4adE~htK lno v; . of Whdib -met for the. purp oex o. lth-Tê ~ " presuig their regret at the departure of eao1bst wn their Pester, Reid. J. M. Olbson, *Wloîn 'quoiàit 9p9v tie draft being COrmMenS&dThO handsome writing-desk wus pre sented him riotcsnmbeing14 or 600, were orsned tegthe wib ~n adrsswh~h ws hp.with brîckrt clubs and itones. ft began togaherwithan ddre, wich à4 "P*at the headquartem cf the 9th District, pil responded to by the Reverend entle- corner of 8rd Avenue mnd 44th Street- man in a few s'ort-btaprp .ae Thre rnchinre. bocks blst'k5, &.C.. Of the draft at this pý,înt were enrPl esri marks. Soure gond music by- the choir cf 0~bidn ie, o Iewoeb~ the cburch, ccl'vèned the proceedings which enveloped in flames. Twro,4Jr irea mern tbroghot wêe c themee egreabe ¶ith axes attachîed the telegraf h l Oes In thre Srd Avepne, and at 11 c'elocl<toc cliaracter. -The foilowing are the addresses thera had bren out down and the wlrea and eplydegtroycd. h is rrid Superintenilent Iten- ccd repy . r'dy appenred nt the scene ot dLs±urbenc.e ADDRESS.and was much injizred. Thre police force are unable to clheck theriot. -lb Revd. Mr. J. M Gibrsm, LATER. DeAn Sia, Now Toitr, Julv 1-From the -8rd editioit cf the E »ening Poat we have heard It in with fée linqs of sin. of 1no firtlîer demnntratiotts h y 0tir iOt- cere regrlet, Wê Ihear of the neesthdat ers. Thie oiry is 6Usid with wilire rpurtg. comapels you tru leave tiq:Ynrrr soficrii. rlivoOpilyk-eha4 issued Lthe folloir'g amonest us lies been short. shorter thhnrpcbîrarr'- wie hall hopýA or anticipared. lInt brief M o-, i>rm ,Ne fYai Julya1d as lit has Ir. een qhave see'r suficient orf-2:35, il. m. l:lureum.q an liognizd yom teapp~cirt yor wrtl. ndeendnt riiiawftri assemblage his in virious parts YOU û aPrecttÏ yor wathindeendntcf the city violcr'tly rcsqsted acd by force et the god narie yac brouzi with yori obstructtd tt.4 etecrtion c f tic larve, ac- froni these wheliles had botter npportnni cornpa:rying their acos by the deNtructieti tics o c inoing yeur, sterling morite. I f prcîaertv. nnrî endar'gering Uthe liresr of On this the ave of 70cr departure, we t ittice-rik trggedl ir'the pr'rfcrmr'arce of fIeel a gtarefel plessàre in prosentiog , cluther luty arn) cf peacepble ciUxors, 1 do- 1 ith a amali token of our respect fur 70cr berebrirv ;irn al wbo ire engaged in' therne tale t ýn te prlpi ana' itliterorýhe, ritouw prcceri ngs to e niciit a ocer anti talet 'r' he îrlit s amîpste o .thoreturn tocthziWhomes an'd their q'suai em-- Qospel, mcnd also "or yeur wv.ean d ,enorgy. pîcymentt.- Ail r'ecessary mmeasurea wili s a citizen, a s <lrayed by yocr interent lhe t:lýen -ta preserve Uhe peace cf thre City, in' coir en!atntyorattention r ¶ite relaws ancd te put dulWma noita and kindness toetht' sick cf your congregà A l mi )rmrs tien, and yomrr renerai wortl Rea a man., In (S:giiril) GEO. 0?l)YIE, Wayyr#, thmrs taking or lerive, we dtsire 70e ta Tire rraiiitry ecert- of the lrnlsurrs e f car . r ndivided respect or the whele lrg c' jk epiigteltTi coogregatinn in' shich yon bave fer eou 1ev gieremt ci cavalry, nmas erdpfcd tei the monthair itered. seéfthne i rent. Jrist as ire go to pI'c55 Tlopfir'gthat tire Trcality in wiich r u ce bcheir t i he nacb lmbit rner) ti a e 'ne x t. to plirg e your laborg w illd r iti lrt m s s c c r 'iy f r i îr t. h 1Lexingtoin Avenire. himforrr'ation receiveti aPPrecigte yccr vait.e, arnd that y0u may rip te rwo o'clcck, states tirai the Mob hi$ meet wiîb asm maoy fririnds tirere, lis 70î1iccroea ri esoïne thoneRandsi Gr'. Mont beave bere,, il the fervent wisb and prayer iras edorod'to the sceire a lamre' nuarber of the ecgr'.Iateonorcftirs Canada Preiir f nrtrritri.rotn the Brtckiyr vy yard, teriar' Chûreb cf Whitby iand may tfl.eir ca ensidercule rumber cf regulars, 1blessilrîg, cf Qed attend ycu vberever yorrrrr t e :rîion r' iiard ve'rerve il; calleri oui, loi May bce cusi. Stw RitRr, Jrlý1., ('y p. o.-Up to ibis hor rtUi rirmt rîppeare ýto be ir'creas)cg-. - - 'ire e4lr'wnsg ii abriof re4nnrnffofcf irir * ~REPLY. -. erratiomra. It appnesr thait tire must. r ir.have bimemc iurcrtedl plan of reçi;f4mncû- 7b thre Conr-gcto f lc to'e r conîsrription, as- ail the wocekir'g Presbyferian chmh Wit C W m[ien 3 Ian lil*ent rriW ctrcmb ed tugehernullhme cf certin factcries Mi'DEn 'itres.-1 acee>Pt with l irisa iri arcrri tri te obuilding 'cm Thirdt sersT and withrcany thanuns this tekcen cf Avenirs, whereWtho drafring for tire lth yer raffection, cn' I 1cao assure yn t1irt district Ihall Co îravced , At -about haîf. the felnîgs wbie.hprrmpted ius bnstnwal lt t orti 0i3c!M Uiccrowd rrieed jin mand are warily reciprocater) by me. seiZ&td tireb X) ki ci lpaiers. rîsmnig great In' accepting it boee,. me n virlertce toirar the (îbe c -crm ar'd reporters sincerity express My coinvi ton tat lrmenît ciio manaiger) tae esr.ape, exce )t alteirsber uneservldonnmy art t idristrict dnpaty Vcrrdevpeulwiittta5blr ocîrtell 1WîrYolidréîrccver . Son alter hadforrrei irssane stiatocfMY shoirt, ilre bnililirîg sas burceri, the, demîrensq !lab®rd amfong )OUr ire1Tmyseif do, te Pr>.,t- nmrc-aiwile rtrrniîig tihe rip!îrerpart, whiitre eentintrt f Aucb a tes;timnonial or jerlonic ttc', nIriis liveou The nextbm ar'y testimonial a: i rl av entn'dirrg ,fýutireai t ai edotydie làgt tim" von vouir) have rht f'bot ingU' iir il, it.v8sburr'lr"î. Dinreg m eia amog ye ~ c 1 c Wrirrlil irrealm r in tire mûebincitin4 Doit cmy insiitY te dusrarg1 alie'Pdu4'titincr. AUil vaecive vre stiapped lY ti Yiaiiyt iilagAtedie acd tiredrivffnt taken of by the 'crowd. .whiclrhave devolveni on mrna*,jend, îb ch 'i'iw police ireo nverpcnvovTed and beatemi mthe fact. tirai rbis bis u h-en mv tlt cii'rre '1rrrmbly. A.bicksntbr cp 'aale bris tsm ri t ry micil to ha soins p-tl1iel r. 4' nutvd1i lt-; ot waeýr vy killor). A lien. yet ih by no m-ýans evers tire grm, nr o i l t1ncer't ci75 cf tb1w Isovoti rvtr ar- cf mivtins of, oeelert.r'vc rt niri, týarr-drerv mrp ira lino between Set wbîilit ila isbia ~t eume ILlir rard 45nh sreson Bcd 4y.onue, te au nre onmeylirorsin huirv.itwherrr îhey vore qu3ckty sitrrouicid y tO lok bac on y labra i, Whihv.,i ,iin4iîesly oe 'ited 1merehw Nho stor'ed and. -eevertbeiess'muet àsnfrd me theo 'ijhs -ea îiiini fo llmi rLindetbe e leescre when I îhinrk cf there ies-vioLnato- rrlcns'irr Ir mreeset rsptr'ar4driv- re cf tire interecerme I have iahad çvii)tirte cm, clii t i iiroti ii'bhouï4 jisiîs.-Ocneof e acrrrezatinoi<dering my short 'etaev'herp. O.rîilrr4i ri ýht 'and omi'tsaaiy beait- crjie ariren yee tpuileaner. 1", n L rt ),biacimmens and inen Oeit Jtd. 1 avi m n py tuInon'. wii Marlcy n îr w-cî icean:1 briii 'pnnly rrteurnd frienlis. and vitb Macv plenas antestufr ren i r' a andbs I4trstcýd c li c f ihe liridand Christain ireainsent I1h bave'ivis fait n'î'roedriver' xý and me of .reeemved nt your haumus. 1 shcrld fCdc l,-eir citmer ivs mte tpiecea 'ninrliekod heple camo tirai or stevenly Failher, may ru n jnltv. ri-si ri tire vic;imity woer soer' b 'ave jr'.9me ueim bssuue o mnmi£)-eliy their cs-rerri-and thte ricters 1ai ýprofit.the tie vbich bas hoccd us togeth a;viiermytiing ileir onoway. The , P fo th pat trpcmonh 1a. iilln %.r we ru 1 autc11Wed te PIs-y n- te e r f1 I rl a ti r i r 1 e 0 re ya )i.me n t . h1 w li r e ' C i r o i t h o r r i b l e a r d b e s t l y o n t .- itlr deep regret. 1 assure youthat i liav cr'i hae ee s nr12.tr siral arecs bve.my r'arsstvisea nc ov avi>lh-t e~nppme4. Somne 19 orten 4 &allalwY8 av-mywarêstwigesfer cdrhat tireir reccvery iW r'rct hn pelaes,4 3 1ycr temporal, bot especiaily forayourtint iOr'Iiî, existes s"t< the death or spiitul vlfae; mcdji-vii coiioe ti ~al>t-i:ie' butKerii'rly. 'At>utSty!clocit tire Can Breen. Wili ed et sqi0n cf mmèý deligateni ail netc-,3il poer tW mctinte clîy te Gev. Symaorr. NEW' Yoa*, JuIy> 14, Evening.-Tire T,¶ibuuSe and thetire7 offices are bavriceni. ed to-nigist vitti ennIes etf'printieg paper. A beevy force cf poluco is about tiser, and oastire aldevealk of' ?rieticg-houe Spaee.Mtefront cf tire i oe~ffl-ce inaa siall canruon ,vlh cir £ee 12'bal> it -'a dis- charge. Tire mob unIs p. mi. geat me fan dowe toWe as Fulton Ferry, visiticg eraey vessels, cempelinir raeabroani te joineon md estealing vbat îireyvatateni. à fulli force of Govermameet enipleyeos inat tihe 1ev Y'ork I'o'ut.off9ce ter.ight wjtb armsa nd ve ocannons. Tire forocioras crevd thr'i aflern ernai jnn'ired by a semsindrei n'ho saidti tiriMas. sacttetts nuqinijers had' irer1 mîpourathe peo- pie, e.t tehicii ioud Semisof etnogeance veve ittereti agninst bot. Nvtthtrt ffur- ther boeyrer mira eitenipted. At tire New 'Englsnd reerms tn-ntglat aaqîaada of con- vncr'er'îs nrgmr'izedl cmiiPreceeded, £uily ariaed, tirte rositlervitirof col lie rtn Lexingtenp Avenue, to protect it, if needeni, from tbm mob. The Tth, Sur nr4 1.t regimcinst»are nQv 119-tile seat of war. fi laiscedenefoci -tirt ibeY-hne huer, sent for, and thIe 'taS je expeçteil tn-nktrt. ~tacked tlite Jiet-ril- on Mocday nfgirt, 'tutmis n'a nally dni .etn)of9 by tire trPelice. Trhim morninrg ttumerocs v/iotfçemut t War New'a, YOitrffM«çorcJ'ily 14-VeOrt Vovlrmttami On' James River, wrrm falen pveea r by orr fln-ct yesterday. Art the ure e fne 1 g ars nq l -d een vu nr e t Tbe giir'bnrat Ufnion, Cetii ~niiy irre') excert Vert Wayne. Tire erre- - el loe-nin kffled mand veundesi and lpri- ioners is beiveemn 7(iYCcTad R00. Tics nt- tate commencem< List Fridmi' mnrtring, Tie U'njcn lheft on Mondtv mftemr'or, et Mfrtch tjne thon 'e"egeoet Vert Waivneev.14 prcg(-rcg ewrth otory prospect (if'ni srie4 e'ptrr. F're eunioS enu en-

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