Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1863, p. 2

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y" '4. 'tue545 NE DOLLAR A YJBAI Thtirýs'ly, âily -2, 1863. iltSl'ONtout7'tT. -' A Iruc Briton, communicatainq, reccitoti teo i, wcok. WiIl appar n exî is- onîan 13ev Cnîîial Route. <irnIa. roï8'LvIsn tIse agita- ýhl Ciltràatiu of a sLup causai gimu i3ay te Toi-unio vas at its aduler of' ibis papor bing on a r<ugh lb. oounity te ts Mcmi )int, waote as icileva on ch.' Opinions as le the practicilii- ttructinug a route (te Toronto,) a-y ver>' met5. WihL ana set et itj, praciicablity ila1tsîceguso Others hoidth îe epinions îLot> the. cesi aud labet veulti Le ss§-Tbere la uotbng vbîdlu uid net aecoocplimh," and ibat erts on!>' aa uff#dontnumber ris of moeîy andi men previdoti costitihodon 1 The nôst en- th. Toi-cnte rouis cesl ait goewsIwolt anitisu>' that d&ë La ho. avee.-,t.n, .,thed lice 01 el r' - r untier these u_"ieogiaui Bay or thati mi-i couldd hopro' f scriouig doubt, BILy te eller )esides Toi-veto sited, fot aele Wc coustruccd .1 apents --ut )à of tho pro' Breminesihs te -Whihy or is. tc, bc placed in oontradigsunctiou wIULthe-Mas,11M5~S sAicertained capabilitics eof4aier rTotsociP in nt Gibson whloh were being surveyod. And the te- anOttaw thon negloot ours ? It woa but performing Dity, ora flery-. a proer duty ou the part of the o Cunty iuron, or 1 Co a f Ontrio. to îay open the ad- Canal? - hoe- i taW lllL'Ëiheir oCwu county pes dfoetr msesed, 9-à W~fhleml4 Co. thoy da not do' so' -ntario might bh. vee a p pssd by-Énd the facilities which the ttWn by oi couuty posossed remain uunuow,-the ia3 that t' oiepabflitiesof cillter routes would bc the bcest ro sertion um __-m taken it cousidoration, anauia. tlu cfnty- and tluî4 Pl S (;r ne action were taken,) romain negIccted obteined b1 and unkno Wn that ho, (M r. Fairbanks,) survey titro - ~ ., - -*..~ ~waîl. for0 urged the appropriaionu orthe prêtiumsar îicrvey. Unfortuùately, hîo said, thi O prm'entativiof ethite ccînty hedomt their ;Iltemsts, hure ; îLe> ver-o unnoquainteti viIth t acts, anti it vus net te buý ex pecteti thut tc>' wocld put thetasoîrea ai n gi-cat doal et ta-euh!.le oget interui&tiuiu te the d-tiitnrneothe cas1I Witiesi whcreý tse>' rasiieti. But let iol.County CoucÏl.ý ef Outar-io,.aa a bodyrsev> ils evu ulieri- t>', anti place tacts anti figures bofore tLheir cenI>' represantatives, andti ieir laims essti dnet, ho ignoroti. Tho prolininer>' uurve>' vocit furiullasoeO9ing tangble-, somethioýg upu wiih--lt tie)' Lad au- lthe daims uf the cotint>' cotilti ho rged. Ttuwvend suppi>' a feugntatiou te vork upemi. WVitbunt il ail cime vas leur, anti urelia- bis Opinion. Li1 ' consitiere t hat 8s ceuni>' nepresentaiivè's, tLe bcd>' et ahic ho hati the Lenor toeoamemiser voult net -have discisurge t ie-i- vhoio dut>' wiuhut taklug action imi Ihia malter. Aov vos, thse time, ho mid, anti if auj appearance o f apatit> resaisedonc the ccnety itself what could ho expeoteti from othor seunoas, wicb nigisi bae comffictlug intereaea? shlow tise boi' nieler, ho seiti, Ite h laid hotore tLe public, as ouI>' a prolimin. a- mrvsycould, andtheiccouncil hait s- quitt itaielf of its duty. Iftthe n'ich ceun- t>' of Oulariô couit net afford tea peud $600 in ondor te show tise favorable pemi' tieu ini vhich tLe ceuni>' vas placeti. Tira>' wanted statscsc-data -lie b.d ai, te go upon, snd without thous the verdon or mev body' Ieltse>' ns>' yappoint jin tLe shape of a deputuion weulti ho powerlSk. Mifr. Fairbanks rrerredta t tisa Chicago depotacien, chir mission to Quebec anti trgeti epon tLe Couneiil tLe noc"o r i' fproing ubo practicebilit>' uf the rilate lbnough tUsicounty ;wiliontî iis initial step-té urýe.Iei,è>,ls'unrg e>' Lad ucîhing prectical ta s&y i ltsiir ove favon, anti unioma chose momi iniorestei tok ths initiative chiens iveulti not do it fer tbem. Ie repl>' te tise reeve et Pidliér- ion ue e mit( gay, wacItle ciq o~t f any ho Jletter -fro it îiq iii M~lîly ovorq thrcugli e unie, la n ist be Suap rQof cen ýy tira 4sa =ugb tli otixens tQ îatisfaââc mpunîe <q e. raggliiig pîceesg da oilîdron scàièt lév took the hons vheu we refu~se to e8t4bllsllthe tru:h o~r eoti, ;iand or pu dy iaéîet- 0cr asertions, bu felly. 1To puh cen po>. lbtgond il, aesyeue 't 'hitdyiut d h ition on the o octry, daeopia on cur owài bod IIt,1 mxertions, and tti caigo 011ctualîy, a msu r una orsaty tcssedwtlz, :1eini vey is tho first stop te ho taken to aceom'n c rio antIhof(, n dsîy,<pilen e niaa in- plibh that endi. On titelyronpî;,e1erab o tevicîorv itheci mccl v-ote for the appropriation, freling that ii y'o'rdngd~r deing mson fly carry ont thc almosi uie- eloipiiwi. iin pctn C I ';-~~~~seinLtite L,- oron e mr oprtn inons feeling cr Ibis Couuty ce Ihis SU,) ' ee! acnddtea j-iet. Thefi, if vo are se favored by pa vh m llho o , d b. urtho opi cono turc, as mauy voil comptent te judgêeino m>,n as cirt iico etronigly insiste, îLot net oaly s precticable l lîtoIýces. - route, but re'ally a fetveerablo lino lt a At onwe a-lodk,4he ShesiÃŽlT, e cn ceea! throegh the Ccuni>' ectually exista,- dte,s, andi a number 'of gentIluemo-çfi it wil! ho feeed. And if baud Mr. Chatir. ieadin" frieîttiuoftbutta parîiý-ascpnjid muan, vo canuot conteîuplate the immsense thse humtiis. The result et tihe polling hi adraaet iis Ceant>' veulti deies ta-m MIb diemt Tovnhip.9 wiutlthinstaiedý Sucb a work. It le boyc)nd. cur copre aInt -I Me.MeCdOugtlldeclaret cliccîcti byi liensien, Ie jumtge of 4h. olidrtul effects inajcily o f 24.- un cur promplrerit>' darlaablo fromu a abip -Ni-. Cameronm came forwatd, antd for- ceeai. Net tomsay omis word, cf che boue. mally pre:oaîod ngainst tho roturei, upon fits ho hactirived, efir lu construction, the greantis cf bbryr>' anticoruption, bfî the atçu uipoo ncnt t rmcnaUt1woeld 1Mr. Macticugail anti bis friends, intimnidia ho peu! in circuiation during thse pregresof tien cf the. elt'ctors, andi improper éeIIduCiý the word, ioulti ho efthîe more value te us at the poils. ieîaiiy, than the corimcruciion cf ton Grand I Wobliev. ho vil!l be able o b uitai Trotik Raillays. Thse IReai'.ofPickerng tLe protoust hejonti ail doubi, and ti't' the; obiectz to the grant on tihe groand chat if proper tinie wii! prodece incontestable ern aet' co uttctd hi. Tovnship wouhd net -dencer in support of aven>' objection talion.ï aeap any bomiofils froin the construction of Thora vers mnaeyle Mrvdaou îal the vonli. Wby air, a waî t e aolwti, whe coelti peoaeniafloest tier trulh,- .#ouid i-oll vosivard trous theslins of c",il<euumerated. instances withiaa their ovne thai veulti net cul>' cover the 'Tovnship of kaowlQdge pi-ail>' teety cluing tise.day. Pickering, but wrold Continue Ilss otýn r Mr. Qameero n lea' h-lotspeech, tise. rpregroiss, to ch.eatd'@f thse Prevlnce. Joau e'rot-ted his thunka t,)' lhe- aleterg. IIj roet speaimg ongeenl grounm. say, vboe' uithtia it vus pocuiiar'il gra:,itying te lêý the particular le. àbuld %lca tei, tor asseoin luthe gaenes mention ha had vbother it cemme.ueo4 t all*s a tn t at ayen, ot h.Ue place hehe sldzimtsei- Eat Whitby, or al Port Whitby, tise in. eencooma. AltLoeug> Le did ntappear " calcuJlable beneits te the County osU R bolo, feira thein a hucoceful candidate, it vasý isucli a work voni conter, amebeyondOr oviug to causes vsa eett r icé caicelation, or tven our coinpreusion. dilt upoti himesof, or bis supporters.. -, Our more panicular ica-omUIs, luiie us Io caukld oeorbeek upon bis wbole political,, mke -t local Yirw ofthiis iiestIien,- bot 1 ireerith the itatisfactory lçniuwlodgo oc vhýilc voe<do m, elbois are taktng a natili:' s'ver'hvé rknapeg4lerto ailviev eftchia problem ofethîe day. 'For trust, or diappoisted an expuectaicu, 80- iL i oei!>' hacornaaieg i-chienshIo' act sihywre concernei, bth'I ' maenov avenlues of1tre t e s nough, te friomîds tailoti ecaesatise>'voul4 nt ceea seppi>' tLe imencsonsf western eoineie. menithe lotiger influences 'ef such mnas t bas heemi laîtî' staîtdinjetise lieue of MrThmames Pi.ato. swhni..A . . rWIJ Bmre 01 nus Party'ontpnotomilatfotkn )Y POPulation, ,snd .é"(.soo oved thse resoueti 'u n bu Ie houes, upon viii rwrîflyitred ; as yexM~omiLvaut1 ýf confidence ie tise Admi , htration te 'hidli lie beloina-et. Il@e vu ned thse elce. oTrs, 1hait if upoci the -mlbate on the ad regin bu ito ni bouse, an>' fiLnil "- neselu- i(nl ware merpîl, hoiolil a'a-aiurvote pu4lnst lt far the erinie reaqisoi, Imi if it af' :ra ,Cain up. i-ii'an iliitepentienlform, id ai o ntjr tc he menîeri viýre far- rablea, tlic Ministry veii give, it choir ipp)rt, lbc that as il ini-ht.,ý0wo-m'Cnr, the kuinisîratitin wtoct.go on ndip-idpenat of~ ch questions,.11, voting I A iho dt, ucocu e SepnaPa Sch()oll 1, hlie d oxientiet i. 'ev- privileiges to Cethelics,>but bail iuply sIente hIltw, M tubil le eil iere efîliloîi. '- Hocotait foreshud'ow cthing et thole>' cf Orthea Govoiiîn, 8 i vas net the. a propea-tirns, andthîe ieen changes -ibihaLd benmae in it-s n, , ousiti, ci< curse, inflee-ncP Ibi. ýmid>t 51mbse>'a, tuiet Le ihought. nol. t tRntýin- the strpphuos lIed breae vus' ji tisncuai- h.Le facticens e ftche Opue. m, ilie Loise veul tuils mee ls-ac ay-smcoer than its usuel time Thse plias fcr bye ycarm cocîti hc us vol! net Un asurlier, andt ho txpensn anti pnvenieuc-ofotan extra s;eiln savet.- e thlhci"htit rdn ato h ingginstuo high exMectatiens frein t *inemtitheiL expondtue. -lisons , Y '00,0, UUUoewhioh auj gatiag eelcteà and on tibgt amouet i, etion meut necessarily fie amali. T' 10 - ,t lied, boweveér, detsa-,eiued te ti. neina ot tfie tutlay me that asenulti hoe ono mne nua dpefloitsç. uenemt on the publie debl coclti"net ns b. redued bbet omises t bnir its Satany or £ ýrc, but Le coutIl mesure 8 gi-eat>' the boo8er immd ut bc said cf alLer mala-li mafLta-s cf that kIndu - va net te ho ioolred pracîbeal refonni- Gom'ore or, andi a Ltight futue e Ri matme. -1A,-d.8osptlrlAd-bm 4?-ibab ike to I ïf aiud a rbution hbWl 1,0o it, Mddrec i& â?Ã"tr Ii beat ton bushels et t t;'f25 fer cli the best ten, boshlol f àpving; Whest; $à fof the bout twepty tmhel4 éi f Oats; $15 ror the bçst ten'Jusels of pàs ; $19 for thé boit lis, of fretth Botter. il our' sbggesîbon, of à prize "rI or' l beRt ItRnriaged fare, .wltFvatUon, ftncing and buildingsnot.tc be çonsideredis open hsi' ilno to1 tho object ion, that the coin- pctition w,.nildlie confitied to a n sin! 1r nuinbcr>(uIipeTi, n~,~d ît h e:flyilt, he~ front -of the lTAnýg Yougi,hste, "Ab te thlleGaveremeut grant, tite lest Miuutryhe3h: t wuldho ncevuary, lu _the then çonlditiou ef the publie finances, to iredtie ethc arnorurîtby , i think, aile- foýurtb. -'the matter baes udt jt beeum ton. sidered hy tihe prebet Miniatry.» Iu n subsequeutt e oMr. Mewtat saju: -*Jii rnyinote this afterneon, 1 omitted la sny that iny idea iaii u5ge6fin- the pri. which, tbe prises arcawaarded, should bha' conte t ho proporty cf yeur Society, for1 I tàlce for gratiteul that the grain. must ha the preduce o e i.South RidinZ. Y ours Truly, 0~. MOWAT, Te J$ohn Sheir, Eaq. Mr. Mowat's suggestion'Eràre pnieticali aud wo think vill bce mado avaiiable by the Society. Mn. Mowet's genorosity in aid cf thoiekgricoi(urat intore stu cf the (Cotnty i-. tworhy of imaitatti.1 ii m ire a Pie-nit 40 tse i Scaim s, sud ailst regatiemi genea-al>', Dlana mtteut i yombig et îLte attere ce g'coîe niwjuu orvbo hL in to VgiigltAL5.- ffltp5ES FERRY, 171Enu mi otbfra reivMd the le, ier svebaIlesatwl Éill, Winchester and tii on owing to the fael WC iunioati0fl betwe tbis hi ,0 bun lJUeft booff sipS iii) dents frot. seîdidg aver thé wlvtes in#$var -fI'ttnight ho mcod i biewe de witeronc1arâero. A.notlier suited ta n.eIl ttacks w*1 feRsIPù fas' fee'n the oeswlîich i always wiuid in the mcr 6,11f iei hothe mos i iu rmoun able -Mak.- - ris ur N, ePt ing a truc report trbuUý'thi ihçYÏýsnâ' andi Att Crn k One triozceold hy îhome returning, eeh f th Puû1m* , ,f vdfYidg frorn the oth'çn in afl essentiel par.iijore&eoi by the tarrivali tidùîar. Hoever, i16ink the following -Reynolà's 4rsigdfrom , nard-'ive ef events in î1îis quarter rday ho cailled frôbm'ihtlz*icnit>'0c relied uipon, pvi 1 live £rlea 1dec it frore tho day provicûs and put in oc ce,,vc-rsations 1 havo bLad with officers - fortificîations oocircling W; r5tail.line ati fd T-now horê-'norîh antd west. '1EFitifir ds sllTVIIDAY. lE~ttteNCC For movrare days prior <o Saturd . y, the At twcnty minutes pait lith imît., Ocn. Milroy, Who wau lu coin. A. M., the Twcilfth Penus niand of the peut, Lad booen oxpecting a was onfiered t e onnoitre' Visit from îthý Ceufererate Gan. Ewell~, the Podg»Ã"va qLe -Roe vhose forces were reported teahocativana. their .roterat they repoit ing down 'tic valiey frorntic directincf bctvreeir tlioâ roadm. Ai bure7, 'i.Strattbàrï and Frnt lloydtl; Gon. Milrocj rdered Gen andi as a cens4equence lho vas net serpriiied Mm>viuh hiâ thé e; O hy, if he wasurieprrpared for, tbcir npponr. Twtt-eoi hoa4Ù auto Stng pokos vee kpt *lt u ilni f f fiàen(n, on both roads, andi upou t tlee ledin, te SU ion~atley Milond and Coder Creok ; and the Eigh- John Carlin, toe adçaice É& teenth Connecticut, Eighty-qoevontb Peun. t niWI idpsto noylvanian, One Hundreti and 1'wonty.tbird -wih a ecempany cf thée c Ohie, Twel,,fth 'Vîrginia iufantry and Thîr- Twcnetty.soceond Ohio, wvbis tocnth lPenwçyiriania cavalry. *1111h attery tacheti as ikîrmîshors b.d1 L. or the F'lieh regniar artillery, were post- ïng ot sirmmsherd froîi Ot.i Le, th,-, South ef th,- tevn teto dpute î y oue encountered.thos thoir adv~ec, ri1!pen hundreitiyards frein a-la iomaae lmiva li. icaie~.Gen *Ellîit j Eiarly le the orruing of Saîorday îLhe belind#etowui1% vTtVob pickets ou ibsý Front lieyal pike vere ýptevai lîng styî, cf fenein driven ie by tfýo advancé of the Eigh ke;epiug bis skirnm w'îve toenth Conoteetiout, colonel Wm. G. Ely, Sliétiigisltg ho1en eti oW vith oe esection o?'Uattefy L, pjfth re. C (Jnteoratd mkýiqri,éMsi gilar artillert, supported bi the Riglity- ihermiui;- 'he Tv.lti seventh Vt'eusyvwna. were sent cset on theha ,vingWbn foi-c ed e ef ston of tna escer ou tLe a. quarte tipomiem1 ni byinet 1nôt vam il àaid tisatner] -vo>.'ý r. Camipbell (i-e. of lsed tat a question of û aud a Dopa

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