Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1863, p. 4

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liE T. alttedl s litle norti, cf tiie umedhte possession gît- en pl OJOHlN BENGOUGUL, JR. Witby, Jue , 1868. 18 The Confoûjions & Exporienos AN 1NVALID. I'abIisbsd fnr the bnnef, and asIL vsrning and A CAUTION 2M YOUNO, MEN 'Who sufer frcm Nervouit Debillty, Prematuire Dtssai ofMaiwiood, etc.. gauppiyiig At tie. ,Ame 13w., TRE MEÂNS 0OP SELF' CURE, By 'one ho hlsin% erei ïimiraci ster beint it to greit expre nd ljiiry tlîrongh mcdical hiltbug aud quîceke ry. Pr plivk gpîae, aiujecolpies Mey'lie bad of the alithor. NAT[iAlNlL AVAIR E9 2.>. Redforl, Kirg s 'n City, K. Y TO THE INDPEPENDI>î EL EOTO R s OP T1IIF COIJNTY OF VICTOÎ'RIA i hIl eI, ei,îsedh sltgenm e lclora eft Ieo n e oer myelt Ihifte firt',. e preeatuttioi ie I titi îîext raria.m,--t, Ihave doter- cit le tlist rolext ued noir h.g ebîicit yeu itsiv îlires. ,Ra'-irr-sentatlii i.ne*ali-nimy mvol, Me.,ind 1I ci"i, ppeai l.e tleut gs the pe. D etun>' ainerI>'ii a o a fbr thesetienentetcnr Cotituîoe 1y Issenrt front the itattueut cf s cuiker of 1iseprealtetArImiulotrsîion, le h'al arioinst fur Canslaa i un er- t al." 1 rermard an efficient Militin Ion asi of theu tiegproesIig imrper- àte Openit )sud Setliest cof Tewitlt lof ltse rmisaI pomible' on. Tuai AIilptrstifoi of which i liber re0ommIuniet- o ti,,Lexisaitre, Ile3"7%1010Grant tir lite Smttlment of re snd Milsextension nt'111050 e eýoi- laisvwlii4eit ImVo dmie n annchi gooi., ut Adiuistriitioiîliante pnrsemig plilcv, suici - i doms. i itficw Inl. i W87rliinilb.eProvin",ensd ee!c4lîRltt ft itis liiten mperÇaîssuls eTulirae1t', th11LIprocu * hierit> ,fno firt,, r conMeeue. u.ted .1a Iheir ietesiuis; udfer ban>' other. rossons. Iîhiuttt defeait. i 1tiieretefre, effer Inyle f "ition Candi-laIe «PUjinthe (kusr- iesi,. tli'u aud onpîv'rluuittypprnilt, 1 a-lfl 1,i*t'ire te dai>' s u pollinIo te -lit Ir dflereit an'iiis onme such plieustilns sains>'-4 i.e ieeaary. houele ha b. (Im'ionn-n,- t;IDNEI BRITII. qu ts Itt1868. URIDING OF TUIE 0F ONTARIO. lte fovoer G enenaàl, e s-1Ie t-- f higîsExseii-. Parliat, yen iii short areise yoîtr ek-:ctive (an- ot ibhis dimsoîllion, Illiste irve yn tfir la-e>reasiotta, asti coiýiteuîplated, a-heu yen n slect measu 'eir epre- FOR TITE CQLJNTY 0F ONTARIO. Ne.-' ,Wu'- ...........joue 1 13. Wh 2, M Z. BURMIAMe STORACIC OTINCTIJRE CEWrIFICATIES. Presa Pi.J.sr Creji (OAÉmisû ,soIAmeljsu llcoyeut bUt«eE&ied fie receipo, use by Mr. EdwBrdo ec a'aknhsrnuc;the. iu nrdiusareaitl cfa perecbtiv bannieu. ciainrir, Mn =o1901 sckia, Terie,.iStomaahirs. 1 bave Iodr Utcalexmiedte-po Tine s am uts= lco aim oLl H5~EJ>JNRY OROt, PissaDr. Ifdfler. ihoafe. Mir. ilda-rd Corter banng fruuhed ums wiîb thi l(euis use i n thlaîe ams.uro t Ibt2oucbj Tnf ir.Ibv uheitaticein i. si t e ia-i a oGuut uienl mauy cavss f Dyspepa, &fs c &vjoo c( Sie digmrueetrps. 1R 9)WA R 0 W ehVR N. Ik.L A à% SEWINGIMACJIINES WANZER'S COMaINATION Premof w.Sewing Machines T IIE ONLY 1'l Sewiug MNialii Provincial EI.Ibili mihe.nl.Uctq1iepa 11.1111P.1o,>oei .iesr te aoup ton, ou tse plI TTi tct eîery placel ëI. rblitsie sud el an>' Machines lu tihe United iececedinlunui- tac lte Wheel- ~Evers rtile1,,aud sver' vuietyartioIl n the 11ie ttalesed.ana iiglit profite govr t t Pr.sd Trnk Ril1way JIeiieil (,%«M me qfR.G.q Dp4gPort Wxily.) knownpremifl wih theview of smilflng ge*aud vehiclea loft Inu charge stthe in betvil h.po eri' sd ifor, sairt he. snlst mcf tthe vurs b> 1h.h Cars Zust or W'ot. Gond Stabllu.g, and careful sl*%tion. JAMES ?EINGLE.Ol Wbihby, April 27, 1868. FARM ]FOR SALE. [J Enythal fofTA't 17, lu tb#i 'J 4th (3ou. Brock, contiliiulo Bigildlost veR vslcrcd, witb su excellent ton, aud 234 miles froni sverton ni rhr,.enI nlsfo Irlg letter, -Pcst.pid,) to I18 'Ief 1 Teimoiervli4r& a hd". a wel, C. h% Wookiy Goes.opv or osix -wets, sud seud seconut to anove sdress. TaUors, Shoeýuaker@, Carrnag Builders, Dress Makors, and Remds oflFmilien Generally. Camli at wANzAR *C'.Sewiug Mmlîlue ttffiece. Wbitb>'. sudpsec lite large esserlsuent OfFanil>' sd MsuInfsclurili SFWING MACHIINES, With lalsitluuprovemsmeàud uI 1ev Prime. JAMES H. -GERRIE, Agent for CeunI>' Ontarioi. Mahi 24, 1U2.I STOVES!!1 CIIEXPER TUAN HFR LA RGIST STOrK -A% DP QUE)Te$T a-are, &.,eau b. OacuAt lte store of the, Stoveo s qf ever>' style sud quodîti aini Pt aIl Pries. Thé popuilsruc -paterni ftove bs bien lutroduceemiainngat ocher vsrietien: TUg xi orû0F m FEq' IRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE' ALBERT, DA VY CROCKETr, PROTECION18r, .~ Mr Cal nsud . JOHN ]3RYANI 45 Broek.st., Whitbv. Oshawa Âdvertisomnts. WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D. 1 N G ST E T, OSfHAWA, CANVADA West. 17 F. LAMIBERT. T AI/Lo sud DRAPB-lChig 8l Oshava. Gannenta made teo. rdor lu tih bt style1 ald fho. 47 suId vlia gfffl, The. Celiege la ont PrincipalI. BOOKCS. 'Un netavopegem. li~y4c <i 50 Mmq, 'flis. C. 1<efer, .b. F1, e MoFq., John MceDeusid, Itgs-. toph~leJ.-1- IL Amernu, Adam i ronoka, F&t., Trowu, Iaq., Ilih, for iurtber lufnrmnitlofl, pleMe a li ait the cllage or siud l'or catalogue sud circular, In- ciomlngletter sasip. Addrca, BRY.A If, STRATTON & DAY. Torotto, Mitroh, IRAS. DOCTOR- DAVIS, eontinues t oIront (dîselpea Of a ptlvïte. Nature£5 IN Born sexes, av rNIerx- W Zg sacez"a. Ife bas devoled Yesra te 1i1# trealmenttof thé varins fernisoit the Veneresi aeetseg, sud b>' hiepe- clilar pr-,cc..s t iteelinz, ls a-orgt elagea are subdnd itfr 3tol6 das. spuam glptmims, rmonned b>' go 8en daleiv as icrable, eau h. effetuai- inedcln eett toians part- of th. ecunut> On re- ceipI cf A rasasuabtle e. Persons vtilng 10 constltt hoeIoctor eau dosPo wlth ttie utrnomt seesse>', Dnshi]%offIce la se srrged tlinI it latmcsiliefor pi.tiente te gaesè eatoiir. ainleffs hy c')inut Advice tree a-tienoei'talued ait thi Ee -ifb>' mal, $1 Dr. Davis, Feuilfo monîhlilleui. A Faf. sud rellaloret'-eclvforftinupresaten sud Femaio Diseses, iie,$I. bond te su>' ad- mres. l'et free..NoletIbis a-ll be navered nuiesa ltye> oulaiu s reustttie. or pomage Ali biera tnuat be adtmdmi, (pcst.psld,) L. Davis, Id. D-. Toronto, C. W.. sud eontaln R te alIrafS nuavger là requiremi. t offiec our fr $a. ni., t09 P. nM. Torouto, Marcdis1,58. l 1>' SCOTTISR PROVINCIAJL ASSURANCE ICoMpANY Z&STA2BLISHED1825. Incorported by Act O'f Parliament' Capital One Million Sterling. investod in Canaa *400,000 CANADA: HIEAD OFFICE- - DMONTREAL. A. David son Parker$ Secrelisry. 1- XARM EINSURANCE. rT il sbooriber IR prepsed to offéet vossel or1caizo I1uxranoe azt e liortext notice, aud oi roduced ratog lnu lb. mofit reipoiislble êomJftAl4 .e. Rs. Otsbswl, April 2, 1868. 1-1 NOTICE! P RIMON~ S r l pWor7 sittIni mlu St. Andewl% ttby', u em appli t te . ndsTIffndeIL 8eeretuury, *JOH1e ICITH, Treosurer. WfbApitII14, 10.14 H'aEtED JUST ]RECEIVED AN 4980RTTEftT ef Lad i s BI ock - ~WiTll IXEELSFOR DANCINGI. 1 " II;tby, >'eb. fili, 1863, 2s10 4 40O-CENTS PER GALLON! ut the bove privecst GFO. YU9LE)J~ 10 farmis 1'Irs.-Class muAt rcOWIied, Wulio«llrIe Aud R eti, Cesap nt 'Whitby, 3Mardl i , 182. MESSRS. CARD & HÂWXE, »ENTJSTS, DUNDAS ST., WHflOBV. B ?M i tluforin the inlxsbilsa-eýf lis Toa-n aid mnrroîîndlng cnntry, lbst îhey bave enteted loto co-psrtuerahip lunlte Dental Pro- fesien, sud w-ilbé happy te attend teail or ders enti-astemi te their care., TeOetit inarteci on <$ld, 11115e! or Vulgauted Riaber Base. 1Teet l led or extracted- lu tie best possible niauner. 'Particcular attention raidi toeb regulalion of Chidreu'a Teth. Aila-ork vs ratet. W. iH. CARi). <. W. IA JE F MLING ltat my1businrmss requirn eitl u82ssitar.,ce ef anol er, 1I have procuredit 111 lte persen otMr. la-ke, a-hem 1 tespieasare lu lntrudnclug te thoeotan>'Irleumis alinliav-e hîhiierle, given nie- hem support. Mr Ua-k, cernes a-cii recetumeudemi, sud bass sd oan ex- Perience. et ven seven ycsrs lunlb. profession tu the Cil y etToronte, sud eurrou nlç oun- try. Wtt h tuks ferîpoilfavor, atîda-lavi fer te conunnane'f et bc»aie lu tus tej corne, I beg te retuain. Yoitrg obs<llmntiyV Wbitby, rot . ,188,S A LATE DONOVA*ý, IALKEY &CO. AND MANUXFACTUER 0F ký RAS REMOVED TO FORD98 0«D STAND, àu BROCK- STREET, WHITBV. lAS on baud, and is eonntantly manniuturing Cutters, Sleighi, Buîggies, .7.&c., of the latest style, aud most approved pattern, from the best inateri- itis, aud choicest workmen; and hopes by strict attention te buIsinefs W IlOflt a sbare of public patronage. 0-A few good second band Cutters on hand. SPRING GOODS, SPING GOODS8 Just reccived, àt good a-ssortmcnt of HIATS. BONNE;r4TS. FLO1WERS. RIBBONS, SIA.WL$ AND CAPES, a vory nice lot of 0f 41l shades and qualiies. Ilrices 1hîw to>.-uit the timei4. f3r3='Please give a cail. JASJ MCCLUNG a Wilkingoa&s Block, BrocT Street, Whitby, April, 1863. Prime Olover & Tim othy Seed V JJOLE SALE & RE TAIL. ALL 1CIYS 0F IH PORTE ]Y 9 - Seedainan, No. 4, Laing's Buildings. PIER EX, STEUi ER "NOIiTII AMLEICAN," E nglish -Blaick Teas, YAMLY GEOCERI WJJITBY, April 8, 1863. 1 s Orstthe DRY jI ..aoUILtT mesu lie o pot W bssith, thsn t te kei T JWDry aud Warm 1 One hait "the iliithat t*, ahrnnucht en thrlirhql c neglect of'the testi Thiilasp a-ith Ladlies çirInb dam> sudn veutureeuit il iglit *atm oes-m kfep ont the a-et, sund retain Il, reet. lia pro-îdeolthe uni>' a>'.rem0 at bim extensive BOOT A'NBD Est-i ii uta.tIygegt stpckc 'Aloem ti lpeuruiliW hltby ý ein; Ladies', et rrukirahjrl4Ow rices. The, aor k la prinelpaily miadeu An in auerm.nleet c e l.prouý lie h giiyrô mmended in every r A auaîI lie4enflient te nsai vii,,-, îiev *cao beft neetheir( iu t1g pu rý¶iu cd oele s ad Shoe IAliy, ~ 1. Ise XÉDICAL IAtL ÈROC PA W tWESIDesabri-n Dtugm,P c ines, PbiOia, IDe tn Hommr',tesAndCoue dicinu Breoiclin, C. W%., Feit. 2e, 1868. 150 bushels Eanly Kei Éot sale by C1litS Sbet-riy R ATE OFPREtMlIJM very mmitto eansd R il) bear favorable comurlsen' viti, tuat mrdptea by other companles i im iCntda. Con- ditions sud Reilaione uutsuslly libral.- Assmracliseffeced sud ocer bus;iness Itrans- actieus co-uducted a-itntreforeuce le !foot- land. -Britishi Agent, Wbtby Ssao Whultiy, Augual 6, 1862. meynit o f t> The Celobrated Gorpian Oil! JAMES REUNIVER > 1

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