Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1863, p. 2

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ouni Ontanlo--'M. Pettetgil &Ce to Li-oi Xne î r. Saper Phosphate of Lite-C, Draper. ONIY ONEX DOLLAR A. YEAR Wlltby, Tliursday, June, 4 163. The Warni.Iu'eeinge, Tna ddressing the Ceul>' Conncih M. Ratelul bas adoptaI a ver>' proper course, sud oneui mii vstrust mwil serve as5 a future preceent-tita iayiug cof tie Coumt> Mtièrtes ithia his cognizancenWbuteLb Oýftin t b. shaLpe of n,'messa.c' This b'th tbe rui business-Cake course to ho pusssed. Thi Gorairumentandssmtlhe Whilby Rond, T'hapay _presotation'by Population for their ail. ure sud trrsacbery deservcd ne better fte. We look lu vainufor' auj ovideoce of ab Ii. ty or statoumanship iu the speech of Mr. Mviia. Xi lat'et even astustificatioin cf bis owa inconsisteaey, snd îimply am-. nuls te tbis: that for thei salve cf "office bie Was ruady te sacrifice everytbing in tis Way of principle, and cfrered the bad auts cf bis - predecessors iu office as an excuse for bis ovu faitllessness Xôrth Ontario. lTe Proclamation -à"bas iss ied tfer holding the election for North Ontario. The day of -nomination is fixed for Salue. (Tay, the lSth list., aithedis illag-e of![Ix. 4ridge, snd the-polliig 15 te commence n" the 2Ouh inst.-tbus. Suday wiil intervenu between the -two Jayiicf poili ng. The holding te elèctioù: ai Txhridgc is Ra1ilun- usual .change, sud lis remeteneas frum the contre cf uthe Riding, ver>' properiy givec rides te soescomp laint., Vrcemanten bas ben iladwyb horeîpofore the place cf nemi nation. But Vroomanton la lu the centre cf a Conservative lccalit>'. vhile the loaïe cf tlxbridge lW pre.-niinently (rit. 0f course 'te secure the nomination for the Cemmissener cf Crowu Land- would ho something gaiud- and the Returuing OfiUcei, ne doubt lu ciiedience te dis powersîhat be, seieted Uxbeidgu.' But il viii avail uotbing. Mr. Camercn'oi isucces l beyond qeestion. Me. Maudou- gall ver>' canningi>' reliid upon, ohtsining t'le Cathôlic sutpport Watcount cf bis vote upen the Separate -Sébeol. bill ,bat bie reckoued withcut bis boat. Net s Ca tholie vote-aniss IL b. that cf smre et. Ticy are murs <f1al>' detaleinlua ýr oem Captis Rove, publisisilinluan- lecimutmm-settleentnothe r adit-y d Companiy, odece psy,$20;0cJ0 vith- ô daji, ain,uderln diitIlîtclaums cf r set, whiieb ruavides tfitt aimattars luet.t betwee tIt- ovrnument sud ocmpsuj shbaîl 13Psuhmittod tIo arbi- on, tic>' offér te i-ave thc 'noie mat. 10 arblteation ; bindins- themselves te crer vlîta-ver *Abee mo)nut-ofîea- w.> be, 'ruis snixu>' dnys airer ila bu- miadi. Te this tair, -houa-at proposi- ,vIhtlis thei ephy et careLiliecal Ré- chment Goenrmeutt a vend i ot a word of cemmanicittion iti theu ipan>' tii> resume the w'rdi,anud ie. à in possession of Mi. Chester Drapr;- i-set exactl>' et Mr, T>capunbinseit,, f hils brotbor.in-lsvw, Mr. Camxpbell i more bigh-hatnded prmceemiu, me i as>, las nover been recet-dedin l itory et Canadiata Administration. iniqaitioashy nuet procceding- rcedy wsll find a parniel. lHere su>', vilinz and auxieous- to psy y t te i t t arltbiag, >4t.wblbe panies lu- au-esc le- ibie iom-ru- torgiven bindreils of iheusauls d tuis COaMpan>' ttntoil'mrs t'a psy ied1 t'PcUtioal spite tovar-is the mnofe the Compan>', sud tiie Imlriflence tie, electimamofethme r,,General, sud ihb- Commmissionm- vu Liands, - ileNrthmnid m!Seti. arc tIse euh>'.explanauiona cf ,wll admit. , Thi e oupan>' d atui.srcr ain no ptaciug lh. case au an earlfi6îr date, fie, lusîeeenoftat1 subisa ' e e"fariosi a wroag pur. o f Soath-Ostai) ni, 1mev M. -The>' kuew. tint he ianet ieaturer. fThey kuca tn - is word, nsud a mn tiat Ion is principles ; tint he is cit rîhliable aad'trsttwrti>'; it as a reidint ira idetititd isii eigibors. As a risident us for tiiesupport cf rs sud ftiends. lits op- Mevat. professas te havo îe sud bis coliengues are 1a polu>' jasu uov, M. betrael' lbepludges maie electors oet-Seuti Ontario. ed hé 'tpolitical- prnciples ur0re -rfe . The con. Il downta ea ersonal eue, sl-If sac- higier gouds- s bis'frieumls anm& nelioehbrs poolules. an Me. Moi~st'a Iiôtsainstion. Os Naciloagail geL. - Mr.-Cnmerou's abectin n l, vs are as- sured, heyouildoalit. Bis bonesty 'ad candour tell everywiere in bis favr. In ail parts et Lis Ridîng hebulas met viti the mosu uuconcaging reception,:,nul bis majonit>'Iti tima viii h. a larze encreasa upon Liai b>' vilci bc defeateil Mc. Gould, M r., George --Cerleet Prince Allient, is, vo, are tuli a candidate in the fi-bd, e nu- quisition isviug bei-n praseuntei Le bin te coeeonvane!. An attempt, vs andur. stand, vas aiso mails te ming onut Me. Alexander Kennedy, tie reors cf Mars, and Ramna, se as te dinide Mr. Camereu*s tnienilf, but ibis bas proveci abortive. Mr. Marclougahi aa' sav eu look outfor an- chberconstitenu>'lu in ie. Certain de- test awaits i iluNorth Ontario. Wu publiai elsewiece, tic address cf Rôtu. Sidney Siniti tte slectors. cf Vic- tons, lun lus canvasaofethle Cont>' bu bas met- witi thc mont abundant suceu. On Monda>'be held ateetingea au MeCren. di's cenners, sund ai Simpson'a tavrn. Portage roal -ou jeaterds>' au' Baisant riv- er ýrîdge, sud imi lie eronîn; ai Fenuion FaIll, nl cf ahciavre nunnero usl>' ni- tende!, sud pssscd votas ef confideneu ande support lu bitu, Tu is staitue biai Me. Densfoiwili bu dettated b>' as man>' ns Puas ns cBaouL-We regret t le aina tiat textensive bauts aud outildminbgs le1ogiua fin Mr. Jobln Sire cf Boecer desreed-Ity fiee on -ths 28th ait. 'Loss ptimateti st $2i0O-uun1nsured. Tii. tire lasRaid te bave been tie vork cf au incendiar>'. Dit. Caieon-as vilI ho seen in cuber celaunni, lu Lubeau thoRoyal bouse, Wbiihy, on Monda>'sext, sud aili remuiautil' Satardsy, the ilith it, Al afflFcted aiLi diaues cf the e>'. or oe ab oule! mmii tienselves cf Lie protessionai servies cf this celebrated cocIiiýatnsd aursLat South Qntarte,.-The Noauusation. The namemiinmtionofe! enuidates for tle rspreseututionocf Southi Ontario in Parusa- meut, teck imlace on buMonu>' last. Tic hisuinga 'rare erected in fronut of Ihe Me- chaules,' hall, and vereoccupitil b>' lou. Oliver Nlevat, and' a nember of Imimi politi- cal supporters; Wm. Laing, Esq., Dr. Gen, Dr. Hlain, H..Hopkinsa, Esq., Eh. ilul, Esq., Johua Richardson, Esq., anul meveral other promineut men cf dis Riding s-crs niso ou Lie iumtings. Tie nomn- ber ot- persons - preseut vas viriocal>' estisateilfat troaxtiarte te <cuc huanda-ed. Sheeti>' aller eue o'cleek, tiie Returning Officer, Mn. J. H. Peir>' asceuded thLe bustine.and i nvilail- Lth e mbaa-a i porter iic~s te bav'e hcitate Whsat, hé asked, would Il ltnaitten debeutures b>' Dr. Clark,1 theca-n- !i theige-imrîm, whmu maevm immgr $14,000 lut o hi-, bande, th ic ae Cicof camItpaigu, sud f,;ile4i, t500 acres cf lAndl te Clarl< Gamuhie fo? J Iis tlîtics, sud sdniptanc onue liling anu acre, the licghtfîl martnnge-1 heie iiîh Lie mttnck ou nie-ut of the ptOblic dlonail. in giving sà(,-cime gemerai vrent strâiUi 000 acres cf iaud te Lie Hudisorn Bs ' Coin u ad faileil, anothur genetr ps -ansd- 'a variet>' of other thingi 1 e, and n duiféenct Iplan, whic iebunoecd net, go ocr, but for vhmcb he Ltii Lberai" pnrty cf 1 te late Adnminstration aas comidemneil. donc. Mr. lîtcwst coîel *luntîst oeuin," observcd Me. îlw- Viat liei bali takui np Ir rit.i "yeu'dumnfied reforma of 'aIl Iinie, f itntmlcd, httuhat it % ani above ail, -reprrennttion b>' pummii- hutao ginito th imtue' tiei -tlInt grecat cmantititional refrnI." me mtler of Lime proett gd lu tmr rto obtaimi ulat reforna, Me. Nlo%atIlite ce-cLorq for their fsup iWett crit te o, ,IL wasiecessar>' t1men to Mr. BirrellI caie lortit Ple hatmt it wae a jtist t redy, timat up- fi-s-lîrefumi Fktatuil fier u;is: rn- uited in iLs deniand fîme hils htition te l' a cai obtaiuiug 'i; ;thatiLwns e ncesar>' fiat irei-. iii pirties glimould smppetiL. and tint ail f)r. Gîmmîi text cime Id Shotild oi tn nucompact lbody for itL au--ti Lie (eluitors ubîmt Il#,.f-lu tainumeut. 5cm-i 'ras the argumucnt Lthon, bîr-sînient in nappendu1n (obset-ved the, honorable gentlemn,), snmdc inset r irttîr u-ncq tiat anc ehould sumpport neo Ministry tLîat maid, m- o f tîmemimelvesA s-as ýnet willirg te conie-de tie muasur(*, 0ef rii emiijti 0nomtien snd williog nsiibue te give ils represeo -î aks- rerîaks, wi taionb by poîulatian. The mam-mxîn tlminu incs.aimu ttiow aa-n lie trgm-il vas, lut repreceentatiori ha-pepuiî iînlembutit purhmap- imtel tien bu the dry, sud aictory avili sm-on ic epirlimmnt, titi aoimmlieb rteachei l. egroirtîllientaken-topiip- time-ti. Il u Inr. Guito, hi port ne Min isury tbat vouid net conçecri- coulmmuu r-eilliia unilif rcprcsumtttiou býy populaftion, sud mmke iL ter commtesuthe peort-setc a cabinet menure, migit havre heen triug surtagaselie said, a meos or'rigmu; ho, (Mn. Mowat,) said l'imea, the tic nil-Vms of ie couit, -agrement thon mnide waa rigit. Hloyan huari a tian ike Me. Ili cri-r stisequec ivents changril the aspect man et is perennral ei of thiog.-tlve yelmrs mîade a veet ditien- resîien'ItIiiity positio ecc. Mien fine > cars the>' founi tint 'ne sucm almn n, 'ho hadli part>', great or siinait, in Lower Canada, sectaiîl 'ypeptlatiet ncilumitp waiti thui, nsd thum poiti- grand, ami fmunda mental 'cal oppoecte in Uppur Ganla refumieti tLa h-ctding tic igits ot Up, crulte witiî them nîmon th-ic qucstion,-m i c hevcny tanieexuîse, tic deaisoi. Tbuepractidal gnicaiceof- alsiîulouig timnt priocipi Uppun Canalda, lie a d oct phiBSCl (iniet ie lele-that tV away ; the>' Imd ucltip'led, s0 as to bu iu- tIc prnimiple irn thecocunfi oirahie, sud'it wivas Ieoltelynoeceesany TIC f<-t neolule astonisti for reformera te look ent and] do sente- moi-t veîmmmîncd by'me. tiing Le pmt an end te se -tnunh miagoverno-lilitredel instituenicy. ment, b>' assumng Lic reins of office. :Ie. pjmnçipl»*s-rone tema Meirat next referred id)te meBrowo-lionion-irs inddmm cpi ofa bundIh goerrotenu viie Fuai] vas pncimi-cd to srie s aant bis stakce thuir politimnai existence on Lime' set- fidm. lIrmi,-ili tîmir hit tIr-nent oethLiequetionocf Jiî-pnesî-itstionIfeic wiilmvmtie anlyti tîy populatumon. Ife chargcd tha t tie pro- Lii croi:it forIN Me. Mown femsscItriends of repreumtation b>' pepî- liidit i,- pnîicipîr-of et re lotien tien-j" L their eve-lastiog -dis- lmi,: 1lia, lie askcd, au gracu," voteil againsutitu aihtilitht>' livN;r. Modvit t ditatlyto ssii tiey couil&llou grappie 'mi ttÉcque-s- tmi-mît11:141 intei, ci tiemn Lhcmmeivem, the>'refuse-I others a f-in fliiii,> m-ctnmioiv coulil triai. Tic gove:-îor of flice îay, hi- sud, mîid flme m-na ry;t )f Mr haiog rcfused ra dissolution, tise <id gmo -mm cl:0printeil addree veniment netrnmnd te power. andl n-euthe mirnciity wim-th iai grovim-g verse, sol verste, crue i-loi-c, île trnmi-iniiaccoitmimitng ton next enie te the Toronmito onventiuo te fis, lme-nr-h-s-mîmesSit statei boy it vas coumpoeil.and Lîat il- mahat sa-imilcilîlae. (3.%bmNf uougi cver>' guana-te maould blave been -ti?ïtii? îelie lnd edit giren for the secunit>' of tich eiii m tofemne 'aocmttd rejiro-se Lnwsanud Langumage cf Loirer Cannimî,. latijn imn ier teoi Cre ire plan. prepomed . ma- tasc ceptab-le, sud pur Ca fulin tîat bIlbat notlîing 'ras gainul. Anotimur gievance, te support ne go etromi lie gail, mens tiat wiic vu usd tic naine agre te-se-uIc ie quelt of a fi-eue eope, Lime cîlonit>' cf Lie pe- 1maI0w abaldoued he pie cuit-iliimi lippueCanada. Cofitran- .atiicta lie loti tlicelectors ta thaL gcc!mt utnstiuutioemispniiîie coutl liedîne Le Upî er ma-Iiciix neecd tics rigltoft miiorit!etie, Le 1v, whem-breau b lie l humb cule, the vol-seof themajonlit>' aras put at Mister Gemerai for liteil naught, sud theunmiaorty rmmed dcning Lie faitilessouss te principlu, ma-ole penlo-ilfrout 1857 tote idisoution santtniges of ticéchuetors of parliammunt. 1Tic public ilelit, ia said, to rutuni m in office. aas encreaseil, nd Lte oxpunditure more Seuh ntirotsr o uel tîan mthe revenue cacti Ycir. 1Large summs, Mt-wat's positiotn amui, lie sid,ancre i-peut asimiuallv, aititout Lie cime aa certaiuiy gnles-ci sanction cf ialson.Mr. Meat a-as monor on nicnlie enter oiog don.te givuine fliures slewiîmg ti e-e mîmsiect as . N mlrfhiency c ici ur-nei M.Lut-uer suit in at Ionutie)n, at eci *sikel-hlear ni the defcimcy anas the anodconimmunL. Ife Ihaï i' ycnr before theu Cartimfe-Mcdonaid Iinis- iog tiat tie c stsoethLe ý tre -mue loto office ? M. Moant hecnime a inui nI. Mevîît s-aii idehactilnot imsîer, gre-Iteet pohlutical protliga îlot lm.viog tic fligure:s for tint year». ed in tie countny. Th Me. La%%-4er-Hlaîf a million ert ioli rs? iutimbere of lieu- Adin' Mr. Mowstt ceullnet say, ani avilel ird -tîî hr-m iaLt t Lthe question bystatinig Lieu there v s çoné ip r Cîtoadiml A bue-n t- tiing -viIihrecoined the goeri- Loeaam a oritI ment wlih lic laed joiied-tiucy gave oe r 'tnL-dy te remoe titi1 awvyne secret sers-mes moue>'. Lie>'con- iuxcîy l>'t Liew a a riapted neouxomburs, qsubsidizuil no pr e v its eofahich tic>' coin Mei. Nicel, fBromkii,)-hIe mid voita amîeIlAgain, anything tut aut mwltimthe Leader aud Lie- York ima)dit? circmiisLnauces oUtLicocem A velue -IVint abolit Lie Quelicu ikr- for the exiraerdluarty ch emo, and Lhe goverumeut commissions Le cinbte tou dusce I. ils cdiltor ? coul have been.ilone te, Mdr. AMoanat sanlthat :thie proprietor oet more conteînpLuble lunLth tic York com isla beens ied b>' Lie gev- Canin thîn tuis abandoni ernuicut, and thittint vas tbie 'ea,on tay eue pubtlie mn. Dr. tuat thit paper atas nov lu oppfimition. M1r. ?omoats voLe on Lie Ise next tueeel Le Lie t"jo>li"perpeteateil qiimotiou mahici, bu sil, aiLi MMe Bceti, and deecribed hlow Liat cons3istent, but tie e, gentleman obtirieoil 1078 acres of ]andi te bc coutemilul am maile hiclcie la ua not s shadcv of tile, the Mr, Mov;it soued colt case et Mer. Jones ex-M. P. P. anti pro: Mmiar.T;èedoter r vincial Land Surve>'or vas luexu dancît NMeant's ceuxparisent upon b>' imm tic case c'the lmDuehman" chnginig bis plan -et c vie w vappointëd fumaI e secier ai ciange et prinuiple oet £40C a yeaw betwaso Detrolit sud Sindl- calldtie-m" Liberal'" part vici, tie residme of the Goveruor G xen- there aheuild be uailerunc vers lientu iippe siult te lu tice tter. in adepted j plan fumc& dto*diangs' io mer plan P Tskc, 1'roedikmJierg ? gi te the tt.ack ,ipursued i noth- Upur (ausalad Ih ld iy aîating mi oô ime tien bu n ecotway for er flv, und, se a 'o mnentskeil It rt. ' 1 tidf afler ia .at it wnse nt fi varml. tatimi" te C( 1imierabte uni- ig efoie ticiun- ce l Hie â, he on Wmil% are-sidemît ig ito. 1- hid li lie 'rocim ex- er s retimn frein 0 a ( ta enteitain ad cmne-m ased te le ot bfis friot c ,nin. Tii pro try,J osi mcm i usmnblily, se 1îoCieaèi for pi lpur CannaU .mai, vi ~licl dil fo Acrulf anaer' il 'r>' 4 all, (Clien'. nne4t* authe i-ait itean4ft Le tiis ci . l1emtansc'd nt u Iectrmprm-af id as ajumetif>' lii miug 4vsil mccuuTi Wt mdhionnen sentition b>' popt myt.141- buen si ý)juIiitî tiecomurs -ct ~ ? ic, (Dr sm-âturover il l çm-t'e bs-rit seum 'e îts trOtc ndtit) 10n uOtrod Foi il;eho tend>', 8er ett- a!t'y Pt,1 bul t-ifti-lJ aun d 4tlpo lb tiîu rtaind Lb meul. cdafo, tn -hi pla tl ur>' teacoe of ngu? ie vs otng bui onatm aitmcu optes tue et le Iangtii, sud vasde- th iy of tic latter trans-- iire! if M1r. Mowat diIIan Bank- vas nov tryiumg 'du it? tri la e le-- id rd cD- mie o. r. ne- 19. ntt 'C- id ,se nr. i. ip Cil e-f mt mt mÛ- W* it avnd uemarmiciaef, îwxt spiceinsu- cession, decliuing to bu candidates. Me. Catupleli asked the cloutera te bear iu mind lu future the necessity ,for cet. ing a local candidate. and inentlcnad thse tnmies Of SeerLi capable gentlemen. Mer. Laiug lu a spirite&spocc, (but du- ring the delirery- cf which wc were un- happiiy absent.) exprcssed hiq intention 'etj going ta i the polis, sud deneunced thef Miistry ilu.4trong terni.t A show cfliands haring been called fort by the lîuturring Officer, wagdcclatred te lie in favor cf Mi e.moat. Aý polIl vas thon demauded for Mer.1 LDimig. Thse Réturning Otlcer annonced thatc a polI wouid bd opened- on'the SLh imet.,t et the fllowing pinces :-Town Hall, Picle- en;. Town Hiall, Wiitby ; Tovu Hall, aset Whithy ;ITovu Hall, 0Oshawa; sudt Townu cf Wity-North-Ward, Mucha. nic.s' hall; Centre Ward, 'Towu hall-,1 'South Word, Dmridensi brick hotîse. The liet.rnig Officer- uîtlued for thec cirerq for the Q'uecu, 'hii ere given %wmeh a wil1, aumi tî procceudinga termina- COVNTY COUNCIL. JunSsIn1837. =IPST DAY. 'WfiXby June 2nd 186 3. The Counuil met autith Court Flouse thit, day. At lialfpast two e'clock tie Wardeu ascunded tie chair,, vien tie fol- iowing membens preseut asaerd te their naines: Messrs. Perry, Roeu, Nelson, Brethor, Fairbanks, Kennedy, Gu>', Wiliis, White, I;etton, Campbiell., Sangater,. Gauthie, Maesb,' McNab, sud Wixeson. The minutes hmmvng beun rend and ap-. ptoyeec,-tbe Warden expresseel the great 1luenee which ha fuît in meeting again the munabers -of the Councîliand bis bappi.- nus ut s m nu> being presemît to transset tle insineeà of tho Coanty. ge trgstumi tint tie' saine attention whicb lied licou bliermo.-Iven to uhe basinss hefore theai hy ticeniembers woald aieo givea lu sport ibis occaîion, sud read tie felliovig MESSAGEt. TV the MNemlmrs of ltheCousali Coanadll of Ontario. The various Petitions sud Memorils b>' jeu iuuecsted tea me ai the close of euer JsnuaryScasion, bas bcu comîmeteldt foewardud to the preper quatera, and thule receipu ackuowiedgud. Scmmetirmioaimer the adjourument. onseof the Auditors (Mr. Beacb,>.in laohiug ocrc tie varien, accounts slomsg wiLhheuicCierk, feund-whuut bail escapem i is notice buq fore-tiat bue badin luthe proviens jear rc- ceived payaient of a .mali atccunt cf six dollars fer advertising, troin the Conu> fonds, sud fuit tiat bu uouid net qualif>'.* lHe wroe utoanie sîatinz itis,ind aise liant the Ceuni>' Slcietor-viena bu bailcou- suted-tioisght tint it veul id smmune materit.l différence as te bis tahing the dezlaration of office if tie other Auditor, qualificil. On cousnuing the Statute Iý coeid Sud ne autierit), whereby J commim appoint on Auditete vithout tie concureunce ef the Coneul. aimd ivrotè an anaviete himu te that efreci, simd leivi the matter ath it hland, the Couitty' Solicitor ; lie suiers cash account for the year ending 31st Decembor 1862, sud afier caremmily couuparing every item wîth thi, veachers presented, yeur Atmitors prep-tred the ah. saract of receipta and expenditures, and of the assets >ad liabilittes : suc the suate- nient in detail cf tbe îaid accoumts. Mi- the items cf expenditare are voucbed for, witlî the exception of the sain of $480, paid nt dis Bank cf Upptl Canada on in- tereat coupons, the cause cf which appearq to your Auditors te be iu great part nwing te carelessness in putting ap the paid cou- pona by the officer cf the said Bank, as oe cf the envelopes ptirpnrting te contain certain coupons, was found by' yoar Audi- tor9s ta ehoqeite empty. Your Anditor's hex fartber te repo-rt that tbay bave carefailly examnined the, School scueunt,-aud compared the items with the vouchers, and -have certilled te their correctne. Tbey furîhur beg te neknowledge the courteous -and pelitu con- dtmct cf the Ceuni>' Cierk sud Treasufr whiie discbarging their dutils as aditars. Ou motion of Mr, Perry, sec otdttd hy Mr. Nelson, it was rm.oived- thut during tbe, esion the Warden leave the, chair ecd day et baif-pasut uelve o'ciuock for onu hour-and-ahalf, aud nt 6 o,clock for oeumr. On motion cf Mr. Camp iell tic Counicil adjourned until ton &?clock to-moreow * SECONKD DAY. iVeducada>' June lied 1863. The Ward uteck the chair at half-past ten o'elock. Mr.'l3iciceli, Reeve of the. Township o 'f Wiitby, and M1r. .Tohn Iall Thonipson, Reeve of Dcccli,-appeared.in thueir plaues; toia>'. AUl the-meinhers présent. COvae are<sa' tErOtT. The report of the County enzineer "ras, read. It vaIRstsatcd that a wster.ulostt aud ash-house hsd been erected iu the gant. -yard, semé raeeessry tepsirs made, and -utPliescobtained'for thte Court bouse, and gaul, the sceountà forwiech vers sabrait. ted. lu sppeared froem the report that duriug thec Ave monîlis ending 31lstMmy 40 pisoers-» temates, snd 7 furualci 1 Acre coufiucâ, for puriods varyiumç frotu 2 te 151 daja, aud uhat or %Le 31Mt May thermi remained lu gaet, 8 malis sud 2 fenialu prisoncra. That the aggregatu n.umbur cf .d7qon wbich prisouers wcre on gtaul ai. : 1wance duri-,g thc above tern u rs 1685-. 1434 t mne, mmd 251 f azgl,.ri e grmamte cý mt for fo"d beiug $143,77, or an average 1 f about 8jý cents per dàmy fer uach prisoner. Jn refe-re-uce te the Bridge auronmathe Bllack river the Couuîy Eugiticr stateA that Mr- TYrell, a cotumissiener appointed by the United Counties'euncil tigre,à ilu the plan n-urgesued, but objeccîd eta e extra wor rquiedin conséquence cf Me. Ittorsml-ilam, and ini onsequlence thèeof, ad cf the latenesa cf, the season for peocurir.g materiais dung liimhiugr, tic matter vas posîpoucd until afier the Jun Session. The. coutiact fer op(eniug the Centr e e oad througli Throrah, lias bf an let at* la 41 pur rod, ou the teo-jinu, maid 1, 8d Fer ted] on the Is1 2wd sud 3rd couices9 sienst, the particulars- cf whic--s7ru givrn iu tie report, wiel also statua that a fer. ter appropliation of $100wi!l lic reqmm7ied 'h ba sînmcegumme ounamie! in cocjonction viii to muie nago00d ainter Il Mr, Die-kie, Lie oiht'r Auditor, haî cern- 12 and 13, rercf tiro g9 piee-ýe inuAdit, avîici irmisu aili bu foune! rosI, lunLime 4t cf Y'siîsiimt'sutem cOtract for cleàning, Ou tbc i7th of Apii i e Grcek nohosud li!i; 12 feet aide, on tbq mu a ltter feout Me-mscq atenounul Itittuma tote ievtcn,i a MI-Michael ef Tooto, nlatins te s Loti 4lliitls, has lieun lut1 ne et Land No. 2!9 in ise lt comicessi n iproprimiteil.$200>, sad )- tic Trovnsiip eà totet t wieh md icen auna of $5G 'li be- re 'Y sole! b>' i in oe Dis-trict Coouil buit for the sameto the birige, mi hichit ILappealrs tihealentI mad ms.bu'giet viii lime Muslckasroned. yth ounit> "f Ontario. lMuuidiately '$8 7:0 fer repaies cf lte la on emeiplt fticaies-e, h vent te Wiîby 30 for repýaira of Scug e sud viii Mr. Macdoleel, tie -Cieel, exacts- ccminu t tel a decil for the abore Lob. isThe Journal, Minutes, By-Iaws i&c., of _-4r. Campbelgave n d. the Jannar>' Sessio)n have icen exécute!it cmntiiilnsby-amof Pif ir- asatistnctory tJtIXtTO a uih smlOWSttinrd loacl bu cot maura amuhaa luri3 ii ic eI2u1 commei cosbtan ftmrcly, ia consequence sof tihe n. eLi>" to sirpbc mode recomnit des b>' Lie Printing Nbe. ui>' gnîe notiý ol Committe, and ailopteil b>'the Commui fer coflnin, a 'bVy-lîiw et nrcvigTeulers, saldltme Ceanty tIrer- ptng np an s-telaliovan ,h tising bau as fermerl been giron to the 1l, bin broken front1 nparu>' perfoeaxiug the printiag for 'th, Lowumulip. cl Ceui>'. -n Me.«0Guy isc gave t Ir. certain ocher by-lav et I F Permit axe te cai jonc attention tote h8oppi*ig iap Rroad ali lecas:et Georgu Spencer, an inhabitant cf N.Vn î"tice a hsCountv, vie became Icrangeil in bisIsanel .I'eial t intellect sonse une ago, and after celan On muotion - of lr. , - gering houh bis owu lire and tLeme rsof b>' Mr.'Brethçxr, Cocur le hi fasil>', escupedIfrotat t rns ; -fter 's ten e'cieel t o-ioe-rov m.leugubanel searci dt>' <caune! imin ube - * SCobueg Gol ac i sg lue couatai[ted b>' - o'< " i C --tIse Mayorof Bomvaile becsu e li as ta tound almnst luna 'tate -cf nudlt>, tearniug WThestoamshpJua '-noal frein hcîween ock te tic Cnmuron T honni. Tit tie gruhbing manIdIel- eo Ifle shore roýnd lu a distance tf about fer tie- amunut ap- ubat nu aidu;tionai East Whitby-TowD» DD8 C1II.- Columbusi June 1 1863. The Couneil met at 10 o'clOck A.rni. nieîbers ail present. The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of lissu Meeting read and ado.pU'd. A Communhcaltiofl from flon. Coin. of Crown Landis wa rend, canfirmng the- sur- vey of Lots 16 and 17, in the ôth Con.' 3y P. L. S. John Shier.- - Accounts. Presented of C. B Robinson for advertiuing, tenders for printng, $1 45, of Mr. W. Il. Higgins, ?rintinig Jlaws, Advertising and Stationtiry $23, 52;: B. Watson, beeping a foundling cbiid,i monili $3,00 : al of which on motli-o of Mr. Guy,, seconded hy lMr. R. Smith wns ordered te be paid. On motion of Mr. Guy seconded by Mr- Smiith, Mr. L. Fuster sddressed the Council. A Petition - igned by Me5sses. A. ý. Small, R. Mahersili and seven otherq wus present. cd aIking assistance for Mr, Phenix wloio l Rufferîng frein longasud Reyere affliction, when Mr., Guy, teconded by Mr. Anni ' mores that the I{oeve grant hio order on t ht' Ttreaurer for the sain cf $10, te bu, plac.d ln thc baudq of Mr. 8mai1 for -lhu beneit of-Mr. Phenix aud family. Careied. Xe. Guy seconded by Mr. J. ýpxith mores th&t the>Clerk. deliver to sny of the Ovaer- sueres of HigbWays, whut cet7ar tituber they unay require ou the order cf the Rieues or of any of the niembers'cf the Cocil. Caeeried. 'Me. J. Smith seccnded by- Mr.! Aunis mores that'the au'n cf $1000 bp cx- Pended in iuiproving roads and bridgçs the 1prosent yeae, aud that eacb Councillor .erpend the following sein in bis respective division. Mr. Rateijiff, $160; Mr. 0Guy, 1$500; Me. Annis, $150; Mr.Ii. Smith, î$t200.; Mr. J. Smith, $400. Careied. On motlion cf Mr. Guy,, seeonded hy , MIr, it Smith, the Recru granted bis ceder >on dia Treaswie for $10, in favor of the 'Clerk for extra work-writing and cepy. J. Shier, Esq., P. L. S., presentedl a re. port and diagrani cfthe survey cf Siniccu Street, in iju 9th Con., as pur-instruction> c f lsu meetingcIf the Conuc!l, and on mo. Ltion cf Mr.- Guy, î econded Iby Mr. 1IL Snitib the iteeve granted bis crder on the Treasurer for $12, 'Ur.- shier's charge for Ilie Faine. Mr. Guy, secnded by Mr.. J. Smith, mmvu, thut the Reevu be aatiiorizad tej e:np!oy soute person te go te Cobourg aud, fetcli GOco. Spencer, au insane mian now lyiug in, gaci diere, (anid if the Couty SCounti lefueute psy. tbste Xesmtgrant biths order on the Trensurer for the amount cf-the expunse.-Carried. The Counicil thurm adjourmmed' until th( 1 1 eart Mond ayefJmiy next te muet at the 'Fleur of 10 oclock a. ru. 7bo liheEdiler cf tAie We(lby 01umoiide. stt n luticPrince Itibert ObxCerver- 'et tie 2s1 t icfMa>' hast, contiuining anu ne cc.uuî et a meetingý' bell nt Manchester ou tic Tuesla>' prenions, Hon. lie. Marlon- gpli, Coimmisionen cf Cr.-w Latdidlare porter]fas fuleava:- Slie (Me. Maedeegnil) riferred totei WLmîtiy Rend andi Harb,)r malter. - The Cocmpan>' mm-be 1usd purchamied-tic rend froax 0,evrunit-tit Ire-d net pmid one cent for il besidles ite firut inslmdmenl. A minotiLy' cf the aharehoidans- bail jetitioned I'lis Gýourunmnent t a resthc 'rcks, andth Le Goemnuent vero about te do se, 'liha a lurcf ffnu-ngtheni te-tise anaiepalit>' -6f Ontario." Se long as tliue ansd tolrepre2uata- tinmns 4ethne UcR ouICmpnns- ene ontlnil mitdu b>'te lime en-rnns; a te1Mt mn guomr otYer madie on lichait of the CloM-p.ny ceeus 41Quebee 29(th Apnil, 18U~. tTOo i lon.lthe Inister of Finance:- k Sin,-Thç unndersigmud, on bbaît et thte port Whiuliy, Lakes Seug. Sîmecoe aud hlarn aRond- COmpamlu inaddition uq ftenier elYere mamieb>' the Compan>' te thie Gjoeucumnnt fer the settlemett cf 'Lhe amonut dtàamCerenit, be- te proipose: Il 14t. Tbat te iCompany' 'ill, vithia firtepudsys notieîj, Ps>' 0?SC te Govéh-u meut inicusai $20,000. -,"2nd. That ti4hé iiuVsmach 6ym t Company 8 againe-t the Goveruimi-t, blelut ie sînbitraîlen under section 11lofthule ori- ginal transfer of the veeka b>' G'ertameuî me tihe Company', anIe oneri lu Coancil- datel lih Jane, 1852, ani ied Jul>', 1552e- alre!. Tissucun auci arbitraters mnhing the'r avaid, thq Compte>' vilI pa ' tea0or- vernment, vie-bm sixL>' days, thebalnce, oimmmil te bu mov duc Govurument on au- ceuint et purciase oftaimi venka, " .1JAMES ROWZE- Il J' IL.PERRY.1" FI the face ofthIbisproposition, Ur..~ Maudeu]ogali uMay'ic wilinig, lustigameii'16Y bail ceunsci, iat Govm-aeun"t ahenlsi e xunie ic reks; but I caussX eS bieve that ifir present, or su>' cuber 0-rernnuet,- woeul do an open injustice tean>'l Compa-. ny prTeparue! sud siaxions Lea Uttîs iLl lih. lities. I f 1 ami vreng luni>' opinion, the Comupau>' viii appeal te tise p eoples'ý' rspre.- 'ittive-a in the Fl use Le ehiain tbc je_. lce thas eieliltiens. Yours truly, - - JAMES R0WF0. Wiitby, Junnb Ist, 18f)3. Loua of tic Anglo.Ssxon-Letter or Ils. John Ycnag.-- Mýomtruali- May IPtha, 1863. MrRqrs FmHnAi &Andrev Al-ta, Moutreal: Gentlemen, - Famnslureceipt et joue lutter nf tic lôti inst.n- stating thin l w> pulisheil' anse la tie amuIrons cf cengeat- u'atiom reeented 'te me jesuanili>', I ans ve1mrted Le have said inat 'jeu attributemi tic- ba3s of tbe Angle-Saxon to the absence ort proper tpretstitionrui.ttsite - it iie!t*st- iug the cota.' Toc fimther sa>'tuaIt lt is of the utmoit importance, e' as, as vel as tastins public,. 'that elver>' possible tare sbcald be taken to, gscure the sufe navigation et the rente, andi tint jeu' wouutd' hagid If 1 wocldn thuei> e 'preations wviici n- disin l- Rt-Ince reee not' obseered.' 1 bu; te tlmank e-efer the epportuiit which youe latter bas giron me cf explin.u ilu- vi>'I t tieugithlfficlceuntprecauslos afFat net heemi taken l in tavigatlng of-the, bridge, s citneen eLeity Taylor, sacei Eheuezr' don. IL-. c:., toilowinir brier facts spei* for thrtu - frecreant mêmhe-wili Mr- Wm*hin&tn.

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