ING MACHINES -rInd esIGe ono, trbolimle o .i.dely be#ay love you, oannot fil, every ine wmnt, W5l'g eat."P Aliiliat 1 fel, 1ell." wau Mary', r. rad m In fa ton. îvhicb bal reeovered VaCImnexi..('But J shah b.lhappy, riflly happy. accordinz t*theiii. l IOy aniicipations. Ye fear, will %VIbat reasons bave you for 80 fearing, J'iel ngvery liberal aand cosiy. AppiyV,(i j -~ TUOMAbiwa (lidhW SOIC peniyO t~lrsxwîs 01a ef~ 04n by ihaeno brilliant expeeLation-yoiJ2~W O AC Nt R arely, 1 believe, so says the ~ "' -* , . r'8 evenîfuini listory, ar e bexpecltti. r-.4YBrATO' ~ '"~ ~~ ,ri renlized. Iftrot in er at,theil1n NýRS OBNT Lit :ril .<Z 1 avlnei o etapne8 ~2" Vsoften andl oriant viner, bavte eard Prm..î 'Vln Mchne ti rexpressions of deliitin ianticipation E c Setii Mchns cnnaing joýl aînd o.rien ha e 1 nat j Us wIIEOL PI,,ayê ,r on "' ngtheinby a vo .To nightInîT ewina'it iliinas ithé Jridge.îi tt ie r. * "lîinlgProv rilal Fxnbzin hi 0 ,idnIem .Ci/ e cot0 lieIp doing so. 0, ieènreumbler, 2lI,21h.Ctr iiiTti, tuasi Lndn, to li -- __ *'rrBell I ihat thns uifreat vay to harpl. IVWstîizer & en 1s, <a *0te epeitt little fr-oui mere externat Tiioy lso tceèk the uît' priza for Fawly ýèizMý,ilineg thli. Ni. W.naar& ,ot -These are aven cinaiîging and COMIlrinticlr, uIt the J'rcvinrîi.ui F& boi t. a/ liein~g away. And, aboveaail, laitine orgep Toronto, se;'jt. 22, 28. 24; 23 anti 26, 18%2,Prît 9 dulo Ar'ut priz4 vît startit ta their ISinger for. l'et te lok for inaiioyed pieasumes i n tlarruf rcîory. Ur mwerried 1f. There wiIl be-there T4i Fimul Etri. Prlzrî'a irogiven for Nois. ts tbe1 it he vers naibure of lhirnga -un. 1 ail 2 Si:îo'sMrufutîrigMatii sa E n (tIL- .r~tnltisbaîvean yonr Lusnbaud nd.rA rrzrs& u' ?aîl îui Melr ata iislref, and ifi1 have formed of iman's Warrzrm&C r iera stnsiral "tnt cto la#n u ithe auj vii ilhave ther r,. Lîthea rmof Arts nd ii fe IA C Ig f'.1 e eariinth çayofsnubn'shn., Tlry alkoitrok Firs Extra Pizos ut tie *îo eqe li b iade fryu ha osvemul Cotnu Agirrîtirrl Fit-t îi.A ND i i* 1leun wïI e hrdr or outhn o , rnia ruit I. St.'rinrias, iema Wh, ~iit- fil. b>, Cqlînre.Brpwrnauvili , bin ct eery piste \Vhy harder, Miry ?"hberu r e beeruaxhlitlu ror this -veason. Iloth Mr. Lue and L e Wrrnzem & iCo'sCnibîiint J WdE wrnrzcm & C.'s>itiwner, Extuyl i boaiis r' Iiuf bav,1 tirs far in lire, movedin b tiitraI v 'eo narîo4tcîtnraeI nn i 7ii tle 1il -'rdinate Poiions, and intra been in thea States or 0rnda. ' .~5Y4 *H~ bbi mf slmitig omvile*notiea I U. Wouzem & CO.; bavea 4crna Iin lini- JAMES JOJINSTON, rut palerK ing otee n u ill e lier tethe încetCvalri'ible Prý-ý ea icoÎt he WIneea prfri, tesi urat vas. asa, er &IV'r'ieon nriSinirer abine, nî emor- Wîuernnad .iasroiiir, r' ti i e.urate<ed of me in hie vay of îr iteqe i orrî wrio re tottdhiiia îuur:niÙie ~rt~ Ibis sot'srlu.nesie gart de, b> ly in on lrr îaI lily tliiotelitwili, adwa srequired e iirCrriti4 uu(for wbic i l iv ue se(oret so~ iehee.rfully b. given. But jour case js paten!lt mu Criifrnlrý uluumiuouaitad in p octr . tlin, 15e., "rn.No-ithuar M. Wrte nor ynm aif'iperrfuei StmeirrFNI uotinL,wiiih uiîrg irnipl - e- 1u reae ot ths iadig u niealf nits liriiplet i iiy nndetwodrr, ririenllTailors, Shoexmakors, Carnae - ic ab u thsyedn te oh , clatit ritnnur i e anrifiut (f akill ira ils J!v,111 o'i a mà in, froin coîifir med habrit of pert1ol. Il,-rîhilec rciiut ' os Builders; .Ixa Makers, Iiii wn wa in amost very l ' t littlirliaibia t LtaInt cl f repaiie, runît it is tari 'fnrt you Io y hi Malyoatvei joitoriilc aljn ti. f Tra.1pniauu'x.:For i,11uuti)r, a nd Heads.of Painilios Ivce in 1him. Thiis vout wli lnd a r~uiiae ism uii>srutbv aî ' Generally. nurd20 inid r & Crsl. Cornihîtionn EuiuilN 1aeýlriliu. illessas, indcAi, I len;nd itviii, Ail Gîrniinre Wrnîz,r &OoaicIirelrnî WNI r'.SrigMuiis 14 0o egard alla elly o tisracy b ar-h tîinnjR.Ni l o . - 1n i> itua btlr,. inn ai' n."ti 'uul, ~eth fuifî înea-a miai.p. toit, on thue plate. ri niFnIvn anfi;rir JAMES IL. GEJItIE. v 'r a 'i Agent, G A CHIIINI!ES, tVLry do joui alit so slrlnîngelny 1tntm, ..__________ lMs lime, Mary P usinaitBel, in a -hair. IWînb ta-lt îimprr'nerritî ,und taI rw pricem- liatse I love roun," 'rus tht qaick .... 'til rCot nut »ite. <yof MIary, as elle ipainad ber boad fipon Macr2,12 hojul,1der or Bell, andi gave wney bomvars. tiead words of tht lafia'r bai 'rrrild1\1 U i Ro ilîaomntîs, ~ for thteonlud né! nrte u eYli1 spoline, Youe yards saamiSued a t l-l on jo Hetiry. aînd tbui. wilih irr .-ri te1iwg tovardi hm, 1 cannot heur."* Mfary, von lire vuiîed for," said -a ser- f' !u, opeiiinmg thae huaber door. "S-ytinnt 1 aiU te mady bin a fas Mo- îe'replied M4bry anid then the sevnot Andui the tore bas corne, rit lest, for wi îu, aq thre rvinnarit of BeW, i»na v sir' inilubduEd arica, afier thir--y ers --"nalonp. Ishall 01155 jeyu ten-iuy, i, rym houe, Mary -iird auno tibie oery in thi!îliousp. Whst yoo bave itj$t ricourra bnick uptinnue nov, arid t 011 1n.' tn ue, If se, jour way, humble alnd 1-'- hnugb it 'be, wili c irahappiar one- W<îbh a sincesre huart, fervently do 1 Bell, that ao ehadow Msay euter (al -1ru sjn- abat your paah Caay liea &Mid >11i bnoe and floyers. But, eroirld titis nul n:i n ebon!it il-su appen. ini tin "i.rtoos permriun of Divine. Providenuce, i.îin am.nefuture lime, jour piîiov bc.~ i e a tborny one-that aven a sitig4 -10vWIncass n'on pour beu, lt it be ,uy ae t speak Lo jot, if-1 can do ne> Word$ of comrfort-îo jillov jour i1npoin my Iosour. If n10olteheart- * r-nana test ils fleet love for jon. mfi"u ýI sli pour out iii treasureà of affectionu, i, eblest in giving tîlnai, "ij111tlY andi avIllifull ineariq, :did tin' nîsiid tis than foid eactb other in their ce on tire cineeriaof tyolti, ig, fond gase in ascin a carïiest grcsipng of the l11- - cboki4ng vocets, la ite ýtoodiralone in her cltam. and vau la -hat of brc .LICENSED AUCTINEEj rcbJx f TFOR TOit CIO KIP (. IV. O FYES lis scivitas to lte tnic ; nd utlre tbeonviniîitèfîrrs telrt~gtireeame, cai bc rfrr-iy r> ha% iîg tuiusPrirtt. J. Mil 'y1R, Bookil, Sept. 186-1$ SherifTs Sà le of Lands. 1O1tl of ontaro,}O'NSitrday, the 23rt .ulU 'iec. nnôn, wili bc soid it>clc ù titi> ah nny ufhr,in tbaC(ourtliboiiseiir theo Town or Wtliitb>y, im hicCoutily offlatario, the rigltt, ttile aot iintereal w loir tir trrntniortd (ic<,ii,1 rtns severnt!iy pessuas, lathre urernneti- aia, under oiiiid ly aitase i rtain writà of Fieni t inra, i:- In bthu CourtI of Qaîeui's Jr-aei. Tubiata-ido ;n,i 'V- is. ' George Wnlliace, Ddoiantaol. lIlte C9rt tof Comooo IIas. Tuse Boula of Moutroatl, CGaorgeî Waiiretc. s> rie flafendtiLn 1IiiltaeCou rt of lnns's Bnooh. JonWarreni, George Wailace, Int6Court of cinunnon mess. WiliiianaWarren, -litf George Witîl'e Defeodait. la tihe Cent of Coromon PIes", TIir 13;w of Mouttrenil, 'ainel£e Goà !go Walaean George Andarson, STOVES!! le MF, &TT( ), rmrilAibel,~pceerian Bti. sinssPrninbp.Çori.odnr. ., att 1 fit tlein foraov dertipint of bbuuinesAttiîey MI' ehorse. Sohýolürslbps Itsieil iii na. Miloltn tht turent 10o o<ip lasIiqs , nrie Coll, V ie he lin, ndvt ire elol einrge. The CIlege im COLLGE J~XBOO0KS. keelilig 21 à 6 CoîTnoor- vial Ar- RE17ERENCES. F.a . tIr.... IafeC. e. ie Lewi- ., Y-q l. 1P. P., Adatn limovru, Esq., iRichiard josn,1E ïq.. lIzmiUan. For iitrrifoîahrplemîiiocrli uitithe k rinlege or suril 1for Cer-laie nn~rd Cirruriar, Ili- IiYAN, S'RATTIN & AY. DoCToR I)AV'LS. Of-la Private Nature, At Ma trome>' qfJJq'y elr Ar? *1a op îla.) foriMo olti Vr.nererîi t W111t.4anA i ie ~r- Cenlitsr y]IV.a of bauetl, ita 'rt Pl ILIrl' II1I' infroro '1,i ildaysý. codû y snitonirk, porrrd!)v i meijei mifntto anv Ipart oni ec Tnryo e- d oit', triiIit secaî'oy, as ri igl 502mî~dtirrut ut tahoossbl-foiptientq to sur aci nIrer irita im ernsnt Adticte fric -w' crpoliri t tire offleei-if ly nrirl, $1 Dr. Davis' FannteMonthi1Y PIlla. réînille Dtsrag"r. Ur1, l. Stnd t( :11aryid- drts- î'ôOol freé, No(, ear'l errseo vrileMitfrcthvConrr aritîc or pOstige 1)DtS, .,.. ronui, C. W.. ,rnd cotirli apfuZtrg twnp I woio>uwer ita reqriired. (iielfi mouesroin 8Sa.ini., ito1. p. i. J7oronito, Mardi 14 16,12 IV iSCOTTISR WMbtVINCIAL ASUR 1JK COMPANY ESTABLISIEED 1825. Iiteofroated by Acxt of Parliament. capital one Million -Sterling. )II1xAPEU r THAN IVR ntd ii Canada $400,000. ri 1 tRGFT STOCK ÂNDGUEAI'EST TVnuvieiy in Stoveaa, Sive- Fnrýit-ate, in-~ taa tttraInac eeru ut tht Store 01 tiie Priee .1Traopiiar lie- lpstiern Sfio.(, lA A M ION LIUKE, 8 GRAND "'UNE,> 1PRINCE AL82RTI DAVY CROOKET, PRfITPfl7'ÀIfJT 4~5 ~ Broo-k-sI., Whitby. CAM AVA: IIEAD OFFICE - - MONTREAi,. A. Dstdhon Pasrker, SeeretareT. R ATE OF ITEN11UTI tory in cte ie rnr -viii litan fuvolahiaeruini'Lrisûit vitin rirrut adop'tait b> votbtar trnrpniii rt unmt o- .ditïýaiorsud Irua iotr usity liberi- Aislrneecs affceted und otlier buineaLps tratns- ecle~i co'rteehd itbotreferciieu 10 '>cot- jThe Col NOTIE! apply gl1raWibyt'h[elas T],.JNl c),Ilf,1AN, JOHJXITR,- Wirihby, JApril 14,18M3 rauia. *L-~~]ADIES HEriDj - JIJST RIICEIVED AN &SSORTTEXT WITIIWuLSFOREDAN4CINiG. SAT BAINS . 'Ml'itby, Yei tir,l1863ý 2in4 40 CENTS PER GALLON 1 GOOD ROCK OIL, rt lina aboie priocrt 10 Barrer!, Pirmt-cin*is ( , W loirlritni R tii, iIlien at <'pO Yprvq LOWES ~ Arîe rticeirng large suppliies u Iu Ladies Bonnets, Iljats, Ribhons, FLOWERS« &C., they hiave.thie newvc!t sha pes, colours, &c. Thiey havo iloyeery newevSt styl.cs in Peplin Robes, Chale andi Norwih Lustres, Ohallies, Blara-! ifhoal, Thibots, Einlih and Freueh DeIaines. MONEY. PIE IDSULMMI.Eh ISI IWS AiND<,INTLES ONT )XIto o#l ni ît p er 'ant vin finI CLMias larin praîpnrty in tlie front 'rwn-, alupsolY rkUntnel, rti ioo. Appiy ta Iia'mttmrnihSt. Sl -rii To ro r.on AESSCARD & AWXE,* DUNDAS ST., WHITBY.1 n ulsîrorà rn uivrrt,eta la rur féeson.ftînd mviiilic Irrupîmy 10 ttun ail imr dira orîtirel it un ir erel. 'fret iiraeîîionitluSibVar aor iaunt Teîti filleul or exrtr.mLtè,iinn tire bo est-il J'amticlir Attirtiti'îpà iulto tire ÇArluuori (Irilncîro Tîtb.Mil rs'rk îur rîrltel. W.IL. CA!). .G. W. lIA WK!. tinopoe0iînflrjInuvk0,'r~b5mtin iii ir trt1relu t' l't, trly rluna air iii hiitîrmrt, r niu-ri îe ir sni lmort. NMm. ilmtki for time coimninimreurofitue rmaiein 'lima b coîno. I begu tio rru-ir. W. Il. CÂIID. 0f the niewest miateriatls aiid latest pattcrns.- I111EWOLNDPIET Thoy have Choice Bread loths, Caâsimeres, Fauey Tweeds,1 Silk mixed Coatings, Vestinigs, &c., And a-re prepareri t ni t î7r yft-la) s workmen,'Gen- t1lee's Ulothing in the lîtc st -stylel, witlh p1romptlcuss 'aluJ despatch j IN TJIEI. READY-MADE G-CL 0Tî1 i7NG W A 3 'IME3' WnilI bc thunti'a we'dasore(maid ltisv tc tM n Boy's Spi-;ug nci7ne <3othn lu, t picstg suit the 1tns Notwi-thstndi ~ te iru îclluinthe price of Thev show anilim]]mlense stock ef Staples iii ]DENIMS AND STR-'IRED SHIRTINGS, Qin -* t t"her&i'n r ecet fts Tire wrr iiicratr Wluitb~y, Nîuv. 1$. Non'. 18. j~ ~ ~ ~~~~i Wh-1aeben rI bthtn wiii be SOM 1for a sliloht 1,7,dIlîî [on oIdpriCeS. - 6E'.NrERA.L FA3Y. LY GROCERIES, AND F'IELD AND GA.4RDEN SEEDS, They shiow th(- Largeist and Ch capest Stock in the Gounty, in proof of' which, piec se cali anîd examine their G-oods auan Pricosi-T andi be eoavinced. 12-3m.> - rvi British Antacien lFsurani 'NCQIITOIIÂTED nnotetn' a LSe-ioii ni tlino 4leveitir 1?V CJAPITAL £100,( Oshawa Advertisonients. WILLIAM TgIIPEST, M. D. K N STEET, OSIIÂWACA4NADA T Al,)ll mil RAJ-lip tOsa. <Gîrmnrts mnade to order ini that bept style and fsip 47 S. B. -FAIRBANKS. S (»gCITOR, N0?ARýý UBLIC, re&. 1 1 1 1 . lk-