Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1863, p. 4

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ýiT, - J va) ito tr'ee parts of speech- le qaue.-&ittly doro je at de enid dore ha lb, D15is àsubjoot and lilke a crltter-Socondly dore la afeel Loarthly dere la an>'- le, and. inade fi ret place~ ýy, sud dat ain de reason blariy of de Poet, "ldoroby 307 bureau., amrn lutrouble, e oder lin. of business-; oud as a woodon leg in a s oin. folies am mild as a ler-Yes, SirneI-Dore ase pour as minuey cau hs.b emaciated a-pile oh braidder bumansâ. lu corne niggEr said wben ho had if de niggen le a good bis posterit>? Nothing) but a moeknerv, like a box u a dead Nigger, or a tu a thinui>' hurnan widî utdere wbat ame de nlggen? masu, barring de colon to. ame se as black as him Ob ýot'ei in de namo 7?--Look ut aan',-"a rose by an>' une iou ls sweoî l"-Yes, Smi a to our subjick-0 au> communications amn de A bird Ii thebond amn de s I A siitcb iu tirne isave 1 Picib do cutton>wol -on' a de ears oh youn intelligen d,. broder humains, to dis osophies whicb ainn kinder ,ila to de digestiun oh your [furry uap your tîuderstand- dis arn no bogrue uubjiek, Ictlous and buily1 Dey au * male uigger's face lu a -Dis edvice arn buckwleat sues to youn comprehensious o de bttnîoro dem w.viîh Store (lem up lu de peekets sud fork ahere outfrre ,t6a ob yournetn-üries, whan eiinarticulate confusioùa or amns I do conclusioni, cittevm, I b My detructions. 1 defy- dis latter eud. vis aiy ure about it, did1 i I-tnoî teriaic ction, ponîtents, un an>' othen .tMCRL>Ei.--A chockÃŽug1 tiy taleen place il) Amren Tribune'. curnespoudent natcs4tbe cincumestauces ofI ýaeti>' as follows - 1 earu 1bad commndmt of the ont and durng the eveniug iproachiedtitonpost anti llenget b>' the guard. the counlensign, Canerail are Genoeral Corcoran.' mstances, witli a robel aimity, an euemy might ýe andemtiCol. Kinubal Ccorai-eupesa aithout Ueo. C. atierepleu to bridle %vu seizeti b>'Coi. !meut ofithe moment Gen. f pistaI sud fired the faalt ep feeling on t he sAubect, n flu genenal>' cuuIaurot Lieut. Col. Kimubaîl wase icr, alW 4 taiversuiJy jri animent." Ca @4 ~ th n e es 'NEt 1IwAHl'%<0 if the Fedenal. seig o no :kaat tiaong in Theo vesuel, i au ereploveçd )soi river, 1105V Confederates, d plantetia e 500- e aigbt bluff', ghe wau obliged a dene undon. t an>' warnîng rat shot carned pasd ibrough exjlodod ber >uld unre a gun replete areck. w reake hir opposite uie. umtlaua, iWho bort Urnme ince, ititnia boat& to eaclerli banded ame tirme point- distance, mairk: direction, but own. Maaked nm e"outelnînR 100 aOres, , attieted on lOL 83,8 L ;Oo dweUliaf and well *by letter propaldi) AS HQDIGSQN, W *WATSON HODOSON, Whttby Apri 8, ~ Myrti., P. I 'WANIt&gYI PIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINES WANZER'S-COMIINATION & Preauluca Swlag rMchiaes £T -ONLYPIIzEBwfrd.,I for 1tanily Provincial Exhibition, halinl Lonaoai, Ltpt. 24tni, 2thI, 26t10 aud t7th, wae gtveu te, R. M. Wanier & Co'et, Ttîey ao tcok thîe anst prize for Family Sewiug Machiîîefiwitb R.L1M, Iv>emzr & C (,0nibilnatien, ntt he Prcvîloîal l'air lîeld nt Toronto, thupt. 22, 23, 24, 25 snd 28, 1882, a ti alan lflut proy u waswarded te Iliair Singer for The Firxt Extru Pnlxa wu alan giveul for Non. i sud 2 Sîinger'b Manufacturing Machinas. pize of a sint1ilarelaewetcre falaoswardd -Wanze'm & Co 'saFI", ily Sewinit Machine sud Waizer ,i&CJuSineen's Mîchinels 6ver, sl uthors, by ta ý Boaril of Art. i dMînufis- tures, et the Merluanios luetitute, Toronto. The>' aIs tmok Firai Extra frixes et the savorel Coututy Agricltuiral Failre4--et llîmmil- ton, parte (lt. St. Thoma, Beseneilte, Whit. b>', Coburg, Bruwntvila; lu tact, a cor>' piace aimert that bave beeniexhibîteti.4 tr 'AWanr.er & Co.'s Comlitîation anti WiVani. & Co.'ý sInger, Excel any Machinast tumt otan re tinuoutatureti iu theoUnitedi Statea, or Canada., R. M. Wo)lier 4 Co., have eucu'edet inl uni- ttnsr the oncat vablaieproparties cff the Whacel- or & WVilen anut Singer Machines, suid romov- ing thoae poinita t tîh würe net decineble lu s Firat (;tnuns dtneutic art'ole, by addiug sotie 010w iventions for ahich tuej hava euusoia patent ini Canadit) have suceee d in prodîtcing a pî;rfec-t Secwiug Maiechine, whiot. bemng simple im 1 $ prluîciples is eat4ily timderatooti. requiriug tesaq thami an nrdîniary amoumît of sicill inlutt opeueini. t~ ncarate comnsttion rendoers il titttiîe hble te getout cf repliir,cai dit ile ousi lue oonviriîod ot its aiN-a-ntiges utrr ail otien, Uen & Co's. Conihinationi 'suit v lMachtina. Iear ta satji of IL.Ni Wanson & Co., IHamil- ton, on te pltto. il JAMES H]. GERRlLE Agent, Whitby. J. MUIR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, kJO KIC. W. FFEIliigscrvices t to tulloe; anti for JtIle couve vleucocf thase desinring theo same, finegasten of te engai tisysatwili bu kert su the Blore of tr.T.J. offlida, Briak1in, abieh au ha. refanreti 1te b>' parties prevBt-oeteLavhng baein bille pninteti.- Bncokltbu, Sept. 9, 186s J, MIJYJL, 4utciioteer, 2. Sheri.f's Sale of! Lide uniy cf )itario, tfN Saturas, theo 28nd 'lu Wbl J3 iy otfKay, AD. 1850 A12 e'elock, n rn-wlt ho olti b>'Publie Auie tic]) ekt mu>'fflne,lu the Court lluuse.Imathe Town of Whtb), lathe Caumut> of Onitarto, theo rlgh't titl e nd intanest w Lob theo und-rmentiou-ed tifeteemissayeuulyposeaos, lino euntianmen- tionoti landis aud tenomentsl thereon, se;îed b>' me, moder ant-iby'vIrtue eof certain write cf Fiani Facis, riz- ila eCourt of Qaaeu's Bench. The Ontario lisnk, ranl~ George Wsituice, -lu tine Court of Commotu Pieu. The Bartk -of Moutrea,ý George Wallace, PlaetMai, - 'Va., Iii tino Courtof (Queeu's Bon. John Warren, rîaintwrf ln the and .g Bitidili *c] watredwitb an excellent ton nd X giesfr m ie rouiCauig Tei inis vey liberal and easy. Âpply, (if by letter, rost-paid, to HSMUQAY Wcekly GZe euyanorSix weeks, and senti accouait to bove h'es. i Oe p - .~ i b: Gb à cer,,. r- . .E à t; t- 1 The Torono Côllege, C.. W. T tUS INSTITUJTION locate<l lu the lMF,. >T, OS NSiIIETOfflNTO, lheu .j11t totO etideai to J3RYKN'T, sTIATTÃ"N k ol C'~. eleain of Coerelatllego.,etab- lî.h«t lu New 704k lrok1eyb ýpxikddepâa,- ~o.tL*,P&td daerovidece. '.ibe ohlecof these Colleges le% to impart te Yeu ii;Mon aud d ýie, trougte and practi- cal ineltruction luiBok-lt'Oepii î, commercial Law, comnmerciail Aitlnnotic, Speuceriaîî Bu- Mines. VenmansbiPl oroPoun e c.c, sud to fit t lem for fi .depa àn e o i.linese they maelooli. Schoa ehepR sed ci ilatadoi. mîll ouitille tht'e stod o enomplote lis e oure fl 411Y Coitoga 0n e tha lin, cuti vice rerm~ wtlîoîtadditlon1t charge. The (Jotiege te, opon Day andti Evclliig. JAMES le. DAY, useetriip. COLLEGE TEXT flOîKS. el-ait S ii coojg 44 "9 Commer- diat Ar- ithmnuetie. ~2 Mcx. Mrray, Esq Arthtur 1L.MMae- K4q , Ttxs. C. KoL«L,. E.tic wik e , Eaq., J.)!Il %Icl)onald, lntI .1.<'îcrn Adaiii Crooiuuî, Esq.,< 7irno; lauc Ilîtotanatu Eq4!.1'. P., Adam iBruira,'. aq.,liuart Juson, I'.. Jaamln. For Lrtturinforination, pleoaeeàI aet the Coloee or mand fur etangue ant culer, li- BYNSTIIATTON dûÂT - DOCTIO'R DAVIS, i'tutiîuiute treat tiiuuees f O. - f a Private Nature, NEW OOBS~ M N 0 , qfBa *£Wl kte, <te W ATgIIEg, ICLO KSq 1:1 e n dle,1e(f as t AND 1 ie* iralintimt Of the vniuu f, is iit te Voueratl i,]4esei, amuît l'y hie p- e iut i.rnn of beantig, its wort tag7es are * E~ 5 M hi'~ I oihnliîu in fromn3îte 6 day.. UILiYVILiAdLiL~IA , pInndrv y ynptjntim, pronolncd tilu>met y viuro't fiv Is lit ufutlible remienic. lx TUE tÂTEST STYLES 'intiemitueueaittnn daicetreoteti b>' louer, anti med'iuinrc. snt lu any hart of tue ontry oun e- JAMES JOIINSTON, 1 tt i '-"n efée. Watehnniîer anti Jwollinr, is ti, e tgte g uconail the Doctor cati Brook Street, Wliltlny. Fou urreuun4tat ttIlè aimapunsible for Patients te ie i'acu' ut t ri uloasbn ecruruý,et- Atd itea Oct. 111h, 1812. 45 r ie w'ci o'nn.ttied ut Liii office-if bin nit, 81 _____________________ - - Dr. 'Ilavse' Female, Moutinly Pillg. Tailors, Shoemakers, Carrnage A K-dîS amui relii.lc reclyfor Surpsi ndm Fuiîn!i'Peunen.Pt-tut, l. Senti te ln%, cd- Builders,, Dres Kaker, dru, îl'in,.îfrve. No tetcusmawili bo ami4aered and Heads of Families ~ lr oti oiiînc rîuîg AÃŽrie.ttem imotet ho atitre&nueut, (pun 4ýpat,) Generally., A, Dtvi, M. bD, Toroîntc, C. W.,.ati taiu WANZR apuutcie stamnp if ami aneteor i. tequlireà Cati at W N R& Co'$. 'Soamua M îttmmur uî ffilu iers irotîl Ea. m., it]29P. It. Office, Whiitbv, anti uur t1inoberge a- ertuione Toon tot, Miirr'lîillt, 18M1 2l Wtth latua.t irnprevemaent und ti t ow prîcca. L'LYr - ýU JAMES H. GERRIE, SOTS 'OIC M~t ~ ~ Agent for Ceant, Ontaio.r À81U E i STOYES!!à ESTABISHE»1 Incorporaedby- Act of Parliazs Capital <One Million Sterling. CHEIPER TIJAN EYFR f Tvestelin Canada *400,000 T HF, LARGESI STUO.A ND) $3t/TE$T vinlet>'inuSteves, Steve- Yuraîlu.re, Tin- wane, &c,.*sn ho meset ate .Store etltha 0;ees f ûvony style na n litv aud lt alt Prcos. Tue poptila.?uwlpatternuStev 4VZ~.EWUIUmWl, heu boeo intretincod omougot ethêr rto-s ME .8KEN6OPF87->VE8, IRON »UZE, GRAND TWUK, PRINCE ALBERT, r DA VIYCROOK1ET, PRO2'EETIONIST, 4,rý qwDCOandSI s. JOHN BRYAI 45 Brook-t, Wtnltby. t' -Oshawa Advertisements. C A N-A D HJEAD OFrFJCE A. Davids@fl Parker, RATE 0F PRNi IM vt en waill bear favorable camup etitiom as itaRegulatteos aucun Aseuircaice0 effocte2dai md Oethe actie u dncted wtlnt r6 teaiti. JOHN AC The Cc Itsilies FNOT1ICE! p ERSONlS reqoirin,,iPews or Sittlnue ln St. .1Auidrow's Ciîurc , Whltby, wl[ plose apply to the unîdeîsigned T. IL McMILbAli, tlocretary, JOH3N XEITfli Treestrer. 'Whltby, JrilI 14, 1868. 1 LADIES IIEED JUST RECEIVE!> AN 4SSORTTENÇT of Ladiés lk WITII RIEUS FOR DANCING. AT BAIN'S. W1lîitby, Folb. lity- 1881. 2in 41 40 CENTS FER GALLON l GOOD ROCK OIL et ltae abote prue et LU1VEla ]N Are receiving large supplies of- To Brock Street, SHIG& SIJÏXBIER'OD$ ORS In La-dies BonnetsLt, Rfibons1FORs- -FLOWERS,. PÂIRASOL89 GLOYES,' IIOSJERYI &C., tbey have the ncwestshapes, colours, &C. They havo the very îîewest styles lu GEO. YULE, Jit. PolnRes headT'rwc Lustres, Ohallies,Bra 10 Barrels FPirstiales jthoas, Thibets, Jmmt roecti:, Wiiolesrle atnd Roînil, Cteapaut fan O.vrir.uiC; Engligh and Fre nch, Delaines., Wlmitby, Muunclm5, 11.82. 1 8 <>i - MOSPIINGAINE) SUMMi)ER SI ILS -AND MIM4TLES m O)NEY to Loin et ceiithtpean cent ongrt elY oas finm property in tie front Town- alilue ef Yinic, Oliteninu, anti Peel. Apply te JOl1N 'Y S, itarrieter, Ciureli St. MESSRS. CÂRD & HAWKE, DENTISTS, DUNDAS STr., WHiTrBY. B) EG te lîmînrtn tie in nahitfniats of ibis Town J>aîami nroumiitg C(rmitry, ttîcl the>' luce enteretimmuo-atc i t he bDmntal Pro fectin, aiant itii- luuupj'y te attente tiail]o dars entruatet tehir Ire. Tceth iisun(teti un Gold, Si'tven tir Vulcanuzti Rihber 111fS. Teettuitlieti or extrnioteti in the hast possible ulanor. l'artiemtiar ettr-nttuu piti tnterogniation of (ld rcuu. Teti,. Ait aorkwa: tatel. W. IL. C.XD. G.W. AWKE. F EIGthit nt v bmir reuirenl tue asinof mmuutinor, 1I have prnIitreti itimi Uicpeso tuf N. Itawkr-, aîom 1Il, e pleanunro lu Cnroiucug tri the uiiuy lt-rida wliuîhave hithert-1 itou tc uir couon. Mnî. Ilîake connese trecommoîdmu ilu has hau t ai ex Meance of oteinsveau yrea'e blimte professoni ti theCity of' Toronto, anti eurrouttdin'g cotit- t-y. Wuth tunmrei for pamo layon., amîd a wii.li for the coitînunuc ef the saine in tie Io comae, Ibeg te reniaiun, Wliitby, Féb. 25, 18<11,5 -Otf the newest materials and latest patterns. IN T11E WOOLEN DEPÂRIMENT They have Choice Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Eancy Tweeds, Sîlk mixed Coatings, Vestings, &c.,, An em prepared'to -nake to order, by first-class workmen, Gen- leeni' Clothing in the latest style, with promptîîessa and despatch IN THEIR ItEADY-MADE C7 CLOTIIJ.NG DPÂTE'.~ Will be found a well'assorted and extensive stock ot Mens,,,aud BOYS Spring and Summer Clothirig, at prices to suit -the times. < Notwithstanding the advance ini the price of They show an immense stock of Staples in RY A i~t BWEITFi Ci 0TfRo P 1N DENIMS ANDI STIRIPED SHIRTINGS, Whîch have been well bough-t. and will bc sold for a slighit advance on old prices. GENERAL FAiVJ*'LY GROCEItIES, ANDI FIELD AND) GARDEN SEETIS, They show the Largest and Cheapest Stock in fthe Courùty, in proof of -wh!ch, plesse cail and examine their Goods-and. Prices, and be convinced. 1 2-31u. i862. 5OAcres. 42 acres cleetred ett a ~eeOt 5FeLrre cornprisng the lferth-'Wut eoTOeL' of Lot No. lu intihe th cicoeidomiof Pi*aer- îng. Thoera ns a good flouse aud Bar, and n0a offies. Ais8i a Ierge ani fruîitb5f rcad.- Nlgbt acresef FiItw hest an thue Fa rzTheo inremîses are weli wtoered, and elited in s muret letlule locaiity, witint 10 miles of tino Town of Whitby. Tenits liberel. P~&is8o5 iinmaiedlatoiy. Apply to lHENKY LAWILENCE, 8 Or t tîte O7rnid4 Mc. DRY -ri ET. IIAT j eau ho ore esentittl 10 ?IIW lhaalthi, then tii, lecping the foot 01no haif '-tîli Metîmmt flash la bol.'i te.½ rirçhlt onu hibrumala colti rc6olved by lleglrt fte f fot. Tutuim i1ecally thoeoao with Ladies wtpil lpi lîmolse weatlier, voeritaie out-il)liglt t Iots, *lmoily onsuiteai ta kuo'ýp ont theo wot, siud netain the bout in tue hav pnovnteti the i"îly ,'afe rouîcdy. Ile he et hie crxteiiire 0 TO ANDI3 ifWE F.aiett leuu tre.st oof Buiots n 14- Sh o e pemuiiiinWliiti)y ~oibaiî Ladies', Mens',' Womens', ensl nt triaisuatly boa Prucea. Tkie wî,rk iiîtiipa .tty up ionder hi,§ 'imisa ciutum.tns m the preintis, SidOici bL i, ltuv rennruumvi,lltuae rpe. A coilt. îli ýst1>eîliail unt t àti colonmtners autcre ttiey Onu ha,çst serve their eau iiiteneýsl.s WILLIAM BfS Caiieltu'ia tok B3rook Streot, Whitby, Nov. M8. 186-2. CASH FOR SIIEEiP SKINS &IIIDES WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Street, Whlitby. aev, te, 15*13. 43. MEDICAL HALL, BROOJILIN. P AW ES, Deueeluormii rg-, Patemnt Mati- p> * ines4, Pitte.Oit,, t>)ye stult, ('COnifac- tieor>', Ionce and'ul Cu uMûaticjliies siayson1 1àO bushels Early Kent Peaâ Fur Sîti by the Subsenibol)r. JOIEN S. M. WILLIJOX inerica Asrne<oaua TALA £100too; cats, bruts* saaid leil itti ieretoFt rere WVILLIÂMN TEJIPEST, M. D. K IN G ST E ET, OSHAWA, CANADA KWest. 17 TP. LAMBERT. TAIV)R and DRAPER-ilng St. Os31awa. Germants made to qrdcr inuthebe bot tyle and famhloul. 47 Osaswa, . W. - JOH~N MeQVLL, T JENS5EDA OTINZII FORCA N il George Walla0e, lu the Court o.' Cemmon Pieu. 'i uîisu W rro, - Plaintif, VA. George Wallace, ~ Dfuat Slu thne Court cf Comnmoni Pleas, he Banikof Moutrosl, rge-la1i ansd George Andamsn, Detentst. -eareed the 1" shouted abouît the ithe. States -ty to afflu- oti dotal of 1 il il- W*Ilt- 1 1 1 -

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