Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1863, p. 3

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ïorth Vuitarto, at the next 1 raceive the aapport of the. lot, unles. holding views in h the policy aof the osn ad prepared te gir. thons a iosa present, amnagst themt Ir. Lyle, Mr, Payne, anSl meeting in dit;aus, vien Puxtco, (%vho appeared ta ngleman of Mr. l)irapt-r,) se- J, Veruion, imoto5 tth.fol. 011. the Suire of this meeting mmeta t Oce re8mnenathe ie Harbor at Port WhiîbÎby, iading froîn thence ta Lake tccwîsltip, with a vbtw Oi a te thii coonity, and tint Esq., bu ti'piiited Ia Scie- thte governmnent with .fer md jhât a cepy of tus iýrtso- t-SeS Io the nienber ropre. ling, and ta uhie liou. John sentntire ni' Quueti's Divi- nl objeceted ta put the re. s, 1l. said, out nof ordor, and ons wltatever 't the oh- the nmieoîii iziîîhabouicelleS. of tlc haeîdi>wu oyor- ing 10aIlt1e îttig, and the U ioetilib le document. it hariS-of I lle set'retary, Mr'. in Choeu-r Di)mper'r, baud- d olî1g jii now ii pi uce., oioogis a few tlonds or nîaîîpd 52c ta 55e. Qata ky $1 s$156 per ton. VERTIS1EMiNTS. i-rr1 i-ESTATE R SALE" I inwii. Aluiulîu, 'T IIOMESTEADL t- of ,le"! ,;t1.i0-'VillaOgord w.ol I clur s, .Auil Pu ý i .1u tE 41ct.ou OF4 eanici W uitaluader Wi. BRI.GIIB, Athi, u 14 u Viitv TtUl 1F CLUtjB, . 01c tityCiireOU isday and Fràyll & 11901 Jane, 1863. T DAY. $20 each, hait forfit> hI UI(ic '011sir, uir- Iho. mh h l ot Cliii> (oUi iodd Bred Ioauwlitfi if$10,open taoail hon. viSeS with tiie bent CI evervth ng in thidar- ket, suld noniebn'thetic. et tquera mpllsid at the bar. Good Stablilg and! ample Shed PlIoon. cAreMc recpcUul-ttodaaeinsidemand $andy,1 ' tiiluetços 04r,"alyso nd FeIorecii ent tiiOld 8taîîd. C. DÂWEs, I'roprictor. Wiiitby, April, 18d13. 1 'NOTICE!I T UEuudrsibed illrocivotanderm until T no(on, of the . 4th DAY OF MAYP NEXT, for ]lýiltluîs cîîd lbii1 1 0 c icc)004 of the keic am y-of n tin' TawocLshp o Whitty.FOrhicrtli,.r îîartîeiart,,nupîl> ý(11by W. BEXIL Towusliip Ceri;', ofth. i ork 9:0ulublii" April ti.u 4-i TN CHÂINCE R Y île-ac, ad lîariîg iflCaî.csl'or the, coîiuiencccon TUESDAY, tho 21st instant, At 12 Oo1ch-, î.oîî,,,i onelu' %Vlliei .1 er.. rur, qîc ciA t takoc tIotice and Li'ovLe inîi u%.i de rd aoîiug. ly. icuyeknhVP IN CHÂNCE. Whltby, April 14, 188. 14 CREDIf SALE! WILL BE SOLD BY AT WIIITBY, ON WENESDÂY, APRIL 22t '63 Tint followng alitiabie proporty. 3 iew Mileli Cowis. 1 two- rnI'~tcr. tibre ieGo%1wi 8 Pigs. t ncw B Y.- t <utie Uîrbgi, icî-ly new. 2 icw lcxr$,~s t I î10lot> diit 3 Netk îl' A <'tivattri ous Af 4'uliiso A 1Eo.- utottoiSlborLo a 2 1cg Chui.iîac i M FAIRBANSlJik. '0Iîîîta suFî-a:îcribe e ;frcl Iltiyxînid $îSol, Nor, 1e$26,0. Jt p u~u ~biio.et rencla Caiil....No. $1.00 per doz. tilT. Patent " 541..N.340 6 George B3îstwiîck. Aitos ilast. wt!-, Edward Sixortic's, andu Charles %Wiy, 1w Bill, and 0 crgo S liz4RuirJasopli Wodrufl, Ilieliard Miller, John L. kumeîoy, andi Richard Wood- rtîflýas Execotons ori'hl st Vii nîîl Testasment af Sainuol Zimntcuis, SoceaSed, John Cleiiittuuî, antd Alexander Mar- r-mon, ,Jirl PIowuuoy hryce, Je mcc iilîèvfaiir, Jolis)> hlcSIur- ricli.wiii othiersa, ttde partieso inlu tie Matzre sOlfice, Delco- fAitl ui - ai, , ti, t ouiudav uf 1>De 110TTUE VILLAGE 0F LWVERPOOLt I' TUE TOWNSIIIP 0F 1'ICKERING1 LEVI PAU AIR Satuxday, the Si * At twelve T I NDIJNGS, A si uppin, 4i nirl-n gnt ieri o'ontbu t hb u liitrihi. Ietiiilitib. .C .iih SJAMES BAIN. WhItb', Apîul tI-Ct. t3-2iî SUJ[MERSHOES &BOOTS. ut,, But i gio,005 cbrieig, en-ry itw d-àii tt) iiu5î. A-1s l TUIE LAIDIES' ANKLET. TEM SCýS1 -JAMES BAIN, Ol tu id >uro. W11citbv. ,Ap 1înic îIa 5fl aneüySl JACOB'- ~e 'tiaUace, MaLy ROx VALUABLE PROPERTY et M'î lit thse To wutshtip of ilickLrinig, lu tla cp,ârrz 0 0ox tno, R. Containig y iadieusnita, it-a byil One Hunclred & Forty Âcres, e"i Moîcre or lo-Sý islt-nip4lt iii Lot îuîuîo br Twaxs- "b tySa uur,ilui tII ii "it tuue -làoo ni hu îAd br ' T cti, JEPk-- îiuC>ig, 1 Iliil Ai il.GoWiu i li îîîade 'by P. F. Pàtsie, f Ti Esquiru, Pcvuea5 ed uveyor, .uod dittrdl i: Turoliaî,obnu)huleti i taoîsy: i Cuint- iuuig l'c Are iuîg the p.ireeI nuarked uuuuuio-. nt1ue aaid lala. 2 clid LOT 2. 8-') Loliuig ii'Acres, bcýiuug île Nortit lf P~I- lt! lpr a uuîred 2, uni ic suifS llan. LOT 3. ICuotluif Ten Airesà, 1homj e lu o i ait~ 1tepru tiuuuoiu)td 2 onIuil siSplaui. LOT 4. Coutiiîlig Twetiîty Acm-es bsing tha paicel' lAt tb nUaîIbcî-cd 3, un t-he maid plan. LOT 5. Y Co)iitainiig Tivetit3- A nma, llg tle parces- nuierod 4 nu t'l ii ai iu, * - LOT 6. . 4 -j ABSTRACT, AEsquie, -Treasurer. 1862D E Jan. 1, To balance on band ........................ 530'91 Jan. 1, Dy balance of Counny Rate,................$854 94 "Taxes for 1861 .......................... 2ô86 86 Township appropriations,................. 1270 94 41 Taveru Licensa1862................ .... 620 O00 s Municipal Sehool Grant................... 948 00 11 Fines............ .................. 9 O00 Balance handeil over to Hector Beaton....172 89 $3246 77 $3246 77 N TBEfoft a TIr;moNE sotBE aESUE July, To balance fromn Wni. Dunbar ................. $ 172 89' JulyyPaid onyTearr........$533 94 >oundage Feo......................... 4 00~ To Roas anSdIBridges................. 2204 76 "Front Sherwood aedPalmer, sale of Rue 24 62 Officer's SaIaried...................... zoo o8 "Circus Licenses'and Exhtitiôns.......... 0 o l udap! CL n, SI1 ool Tai ......... 1250 "Taxes tri oico ..............5201 47 Indigent persans ........................ loi 12 2j4 per cent on Couiny Rate......1........... 113 86 " School Truatues, Municipal Fan ......1263 44 " Nn-Reaident Te. .......... .........1.061. 99 " Pinting, Stationery and Poâtage..... ... 18 O5 Municipal School Grant ...................9no 00 BI Cashonhband ............ ................. 3776 "Rent for Town Hall......................... 6 OU Uunicipal Fund fron Raeiver GeneraL,... 1264 64 $8793 '47 $8793 47 llaving examitned the accounts 'and vouchers, Ne ccçtifyr that they are. correct Wc 'have great pleasure in statiug that the finances of the ToxvNrship are in a healthy àate, as at the end of the year there -remained of the taxes uncollected, the aui of $1877 28. ADAM FULLARTON, WM. A. McCULLýO1fGH, NTEW AI)VERTIS' Beg Vto an nounce the arrivai of i SPRI!.NG xlIlIPORV Consisting of the latest noveltii THE BAURANE WILL BE YORWA Acail is respeetfully rei 'lihby,_Agiil 15,1. S63. SPING.GOOS SIP Jiist received, a good ast MAT'S, BONNETS, FLOW" SIL&.WLS A2ND CAPES, a 0f all shades and quahitie& J3riffl ÇOn.Please -ive a cail. JAS. Wilkiuson's Block, Brock Street, Wliltby, April, 1863. Sheriffo Sale of Lands. - NT S. A FEW DA.YS. TO LEASE, A Ta loi lHant, for a tarin etoaf s Northl £3. Wet par t IS, ia the mu Con.r 100 Acre,, 7helceared. Log loiuse anS h jaro, sud gond wel ,o! Water on thejremniseaf. Appiy t .H.PERRY, Whuîtby, '24t1u Mart-h, 186e. i ' *navle 2at«ml, edamiOhaîs Vu- cui, ie. itert il ionisa. Uudertaking and Tlpholstery¶ T II iinerm!ned êgitte oibrai Iiis trfsnds, ail citmer, hit h lasreutoved tu ttîepremise corces ot Perry and iîindais Ste., ulce.lie 6preparad W cakes&II otdera for titin' çrýda, &c., and !<ully sppiy tlco mao. Al orderi in th.e aphistery lino pn<ttIally attoi)d ed to. À-dl«CE. Wiiitby, Match tU, 1863, 12!y. ne Olover & Timot] W11OLES-ALE &RIEI ALL KINDS 0F IMPORTED IL., Seedsinan, No. 41 Laing's Buidîngs. PER EX. STEANER " NORTil MLERICAN," ANOTIIER LOT 0OF RECIEIVED 13Y ]FAMILY GROOER. WHITflY , i 8;t h6. LO0WES &POWELL, Are reeeiving large supplies or SP RING & 813'IiER GO ODS. In Ladies Bonnets, Bats, Rihbons FLOWE1I, PARASOLS, GLOYES, &, they have the newest shape S They havse te very newest F Poplin Robes, Chais and Norwich Lus Hl( English and Fi SPRING- AND SUMHER Of tue newest materiý INT11E W4J&LE cultntv -Androw 1862.-

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