Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1863, p. 4

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Buaitt At %ÂGHt-Tlii8 morning, ait, MoOlogan umada the errent o! the us burglar and church robbt r whose aid. es~ bave of laie caused 5no uch ex. iet lu Hamilton. Ha gives his usm, An~ B. Lailey, sud ià respectable in appeariance, though the adroitîus whleh heolithiato eluedtithe efl'orf s ýr police proves hlm to be ou fait at roeso. He issuanEnglishman by h ut bau l ved m.nny years lu Canada, i about tblrty years of agn. He form. roriced for Paimnerton of Dundee, aud Lo employeti b>kMr. Samuel F. Tay. laie of Aberfoyle,. nov reidiug iu n. Taylor isuspected Lai eyes hon. and digcharged i ii»froun is employ. , ami shortly afttrwards Mr. Taylor'a ry vas destroye by lire? supposad to e vork ut' s ine-endiary. The prison. io a now lu the cells perhaps kuowu bing about it. Lailey counmenced ions iu Hamilton by xobbiug' the treet Maîhndiet Chnrch o! a sinal ýf mo<uay, thet proceeda uof a Snnday 1collection. The MaeNab-3traat tuai, Church vwu thon visiteti by the individuel andi lert -mins o! some andt lanle notes. The prisouar cvi. r- fount church robbaries in Ilamiltdo n, buines-rsthcr a singular fact Ïor lunua few'taasalterho piti bis ýmonts to Pr. Ormisto's3 chrci anti t20. Ieo appears thon: tc have gone ift sud rohhed the Prashyterian there ahldn0 svaay vith hlm a goiti holgho the pestur, Rer. Dr., )Solit hich vas fountinluhisepoasesein rnin-,aud eau aaiiy ho ldautiflcd. lue vilîn his partislly eti'ed the ion, cumnemoràtive ofite proscuta- Mir. Thotupson hy his Bible clauinl Frik, 185,5. Having returnedti l Lo, Laiîiey about three vache ago .ess ta tho e eftryof Rev. Mr- Inglia' -anti during divine service abstract- lu silver. Home the prieoner's bus- i thte hclipractically ceaseti, uext fiud hlm hreaking lutu <ha store o!fbMr. J. Q F ieds, suid p$18. Beartimor's store vas aisu tiao anti a umalilquauiity ut monoy, The prisnor attempted . many )lacea, but fildottea ccomplish is On Saturtay Iîailey uraneti p ut îb'c, aut taking Aarauage of the try absence o! the landiorti t'uni -r iieronslv relievoti that gen. o! aume $14 vhicb ho t'uunt inluthe M. Al gooti fortunes bas turu, ile's has unt provet au exception. tan got on bis trait, anti fiuely 1the rillain in hiestien. The indé. le police tietactiea vaîchet Walker'a -where the priauner stayeti-al iedey, but éav u othiuug of hlm.- or.jnug hovever, MeGiogan arreat- in bot1 anJ ho la nov Iying lu the A cautpletc st o! burglars' muais ýn lu is p oseeio. -Hamilton tonLra CAMPece 1 AunitîSu TO TIE eND BRIGADE AT THrE AîiM.-IBetore ut, lind i egun, anti vhilét hi. mucn il ini coîntrin, Catunptîcl bad sprlke'u rigud a tfev wor-du-words imple, the ini t part wrkmanlike, yet 1vltlî tho ire o! varlîke sentiment: mten pou are going imtoauctionu. Re r bfis-vbcever ilé vuuded-l tro vhct bhis rank is-whuever is ust. lie wbiere o h e tilti the- wnCoutlc ta attenoni ul. No soi. tnst Co carryiu-g off wonled mon. mIdA4ie r duis such a ting hie narne stu k up in his PeriAh Churclu. e in a burry about firiug. Yuur wili tell wbeu it is time to open estesdy. Keep ilient, Fume ion-. eu,"' '-tboo who lçnov tbe oit sol - tehll bu io% hvoice would falter thet ti fegîires vers kinlig-" Nom-,i e areny vitii atoitune: maic me, t' the Iligllauti Brigade.(-Kinig- AN lunPuESéxcz.-Aricuuu Ward nie re iutnnut' the forcst was once ospectibie pjersan, jutxs'ic for te boarygbno warrants en buasyiu' rlggrrerly ho n-,a amalstie euss. luto tbrms. arrovu ou those shores i ta Chris, Columbhuqý, tito eavovie oousý aned bappy, They vere-un- ut' scceasioiu, ruim, draw.-poker, aut as go'ralby. They diu't diecua, 'ey question as a customit. 'I'hoy z tgrose, fara Blanks, dlirututre- Associatoti Prose. Thir habits tsequntiy gooti. Late suppors, ;ii gué comaînsie,thieves, yardj us, prtty valfor girls, anti uther tîlitan reflnemout veré urkuowu hem.?' go thie absence of conts iu circu- the gracera o! Nov Haven ae utmega lu tbevay of amal change. > împrtnnit tocisions lu blockade e mnattes have beem - matie by the States Seipreme Court. The bock. tieeiarad pert'ectby lega1, sud' the* ud other property ut' blooka.ded e0 lawful-subjecte ut' capture. TUS ba paseti a bill te creash.a >rriory cut of Baterut, Oregonand il Dakota untier flue usme o! Itiaho, m Julian for Qeru o! the Mountains. d front the esateru bcnnaary of> ita thse 27th moredian ut' longitude, m the 42nu1 ta the 47tb-poialiet cf jccvcring a huudred and tventy. asauti square miles. The vhoia of thse Rocky Mountains sud ai thé ,tre of the great rivars are ineludeti Iu the plains vasi t' the Mon. inenîtte u at Omno tweive s. Thée<'ie. FOR SALE. Sei'erai nuperlor ».wly-.oalved Two Saddle or Buggy formes. Alio a qeaUtity 4çOARROTBI AMD 4Iw$. Âppiy to On he arqharenProporty. 9 Lot 20, $rd Con. Whltby. FIRST PRIME SEWING MACHIINES WÂNZERIS COMEINATION & Premtum Sewlng machines -o- T IIEo;\LY PRIZE swatrded for Fsmily- Sowin&, Mahines ny tho Jîidges ah the P'rovincial Exhibition, held inluLondon, Sep. 24tni fJthe 2fiinand ls7th, va. giron hte R. M. Wliîîrer & G'., Tlîcy itl-ntck <haefrac prîza for Ysniily Scin achines with R. M, W.uuzer & Coe. 'imhiliîaticit, ah the Prcviîîciuîi Fair heltiat Turouito, Setîpt. 22, 28,-24, 25 nti 26, 1862, anti also tirst priai vau awarded ho thoîr Singer for nuuîtuetory. The Fi rét Extra Pize w"i al.,ogiveu for Nos. 1 and 9 Si nger', Mauoifactorinîg Malines.- Prie f similarcharacter vore eiuoawarded tsater*,s & Co 's Flutilit' sewrinx Machiine alii Watr,&e îo.'é Sitter'tt Machines over al otîters, 5v the 1 Ilofo!Arta anti Mantifac- tra., at lie Meclîicéie Institutes Toronto. Tb»y aso tiok Firét Extra Prîtos ah the maverîit onnty Agricuititral Pairs-at liaili. ton, Parlé (lai, St. 'flotuas, iieméaville, Whlt- hy, Coioir, Bowniauvilie lui fact, 6e;ery place wl<rë tli.Yhatvabenexbibiteti. timWenzer & Co.'s Gotuination sud Wanter & Cti.'s inger, Excel any Miachines Iftht evu'r ver. tmanuf actîret inlute Uniteid Stateq or Guida. IL. %I.Womîîar & Co., hava tueccuiedtinluuni- tintiS <i îostvalîîae aproperties cf taeWhei- or & Wileon asud Singar Machinues, anti reinor- <nthtte point* whiicfîere nut deérable in a iiirmt titis, douicétiec ar*ce, by aulding sotua îîew inventiops (fîtr vhich t<îay have éacumcd a pilent lu anAda) havt Pcuceatein, luprodneittg c perfect Sewliu<rMacehina, wlîih ei chg iiuplo iii ié 4priiîploè I. eaciiy nnderstooui, requiptig ems tissui an ordiuary ainctinh_ of tékili lu its. nperuiti. Itýa eurata construction rende"s it littl ilable to «et ont o! repaîr, îsd t ix e osi. iv adjîîtai. Tha puhble, ois oxîoiuatian, viii 4 onîvisicot cf ito advanrtages over ail others noirinutie. Ercry femnhbvaiochlliarenau~ cor & Gî'é. Comiiîatiou rariiy Macine. Alil Glime Wann t& G.tsSewiug Machine% bour the teînp o!f1IL IL W aixer & (le., Hinmil- toit, on thte plate. JAMES H. QERRIE. iAgent, Wbihby. J. MUIR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ?RoE u IUUNTY UF-ONTkUIll, DROOKLI[N, C. W. O FFERS hits . o the blc; andi for dise convel l asi(to, eàrl riigjhe Rame, a reprtr of i in day ii a0ata thectiora of Mr.T., lt e, rokiwbioh each referredlt i parties previos te havlng their bis print13(1 J. MtTIR, Âuctionuer. Brooklln, Sept. 9, 1862. Shri!. ffle-of amda, ut y of Ontario, 11'ON Satuirday, the P8rd 'taWII; I~dsy of Mev, A.D. 1888 A 12 'loek, n(oce, ii ha aidi 1',ahilo- tisin t uMy ffkoca4nthe Court House,lin the Town ci! WhiIhy, In tha Coenty o! Ontaro, the rlght, titlie aiid Irect wrioh tesnduirîntloned tafentianta aevermiiy posaesa, lu the underunan- tionoti land$s sud eneaetnlathoreon, aezed by mne, under anti by c-irue'cf certain wrlts o! Fieri Fa",, viez-_ lu tue Court o! Q&uaen's .Bench. The OUtxio*Bauk; GâOTvs. Defeitdt. lu the Court a! Conamon Pieu.- The Bsrkof bontreal, -- ,Geir» Wlla .. Ia the Cout o! Queeu'a Beneh. John Warrnm i Paitf George Wallaceu, lu the Courtq Wilamn Warren, GeorgesWallace, Defendaut. o! Common Pieua. Plantiff, Iu tho Court o!COummoa Pieu, Thte Bank of Moutres, George Wsilace au& George adrson, Iu the Court of Commun pieu. James Hamiton and Charlas Robet.. t Plaintifé,u Va. George Wallace, FARM FOR SALE. s oscateofouItivaýtioii. Ooo ild t aiwtrd itli an excellent yôUng 0rohIard. beng 1 ilies froni Canning- tn am 2X< mlles from ileverton. i"me na very libersi antd oey, Apply, (if by latter, Pest-paid,) to T10.N JIC- 0.hiawa, C. iv. WekyObU or s ix wçeals, sud senti Improved Ta=m to Lot. T0 LET for a tari» of live or Pavon 7aaré, Tthut cplendid farut of the iuderaignetl, ci.uste on Quaker1111, noar UXBRIDGIE VILLAGE, contaling 100 a cr euceoi and Weil fano- od, Tho bbuilings arc of the vory haest des- cription for fsrmpurpox'i. ûmoti théhs snpplied gardons Ilix thé Connin laon tua lire- micas, anti a magnificeut, orchuril cotaning Upar of th rea acresi.-Anti ltogther the faroin ffors o-iif tlîê-best chianctoa s olvant tenanit to be hadlu the Covnty. -One ha]! yoatrs rtn yulh re intobitpaid dowu ln sed. vanoe. I T le r ready 26 acres 01 ploughing donc. SO-For fiirthcr partionlars apply ho GEO. 8MITHt or at tint fie on the pretnie%, P. 0. Uuîridge. JEWLERY, IN TITE LATE5TSTMLES JAMES JOIINSTONý, Blrock Street, Wlitby. Oct. lth, 1862. 40 Taýiors, Shoemakers, Carrnage Builders, Drees Makers, and Heads of Familles Generally. (,'#I at WANZAR & CG's. Seviug Macinie (ulceWiitbv lhy.s 0 -the 1crge e-sortitienh o!-11 FAndIly n anf4cturhug Witi lt st improvetuteutà sud at loy pricea. JAMES H1. GERRiE,ý 1M.:rci 2.S, 1802. Agett for Cotnuhy Ontarioi. ý. il1 BAROMIS I STOVES!! grnHEIMI TRAN EYFît. T rll'LAIGF.ST STOCK YAND G<REATVST Vawliehy in Stoes, Store- Fuimiekre, Titi- wr,&,eau lia seaet ltaeStore ofth 8toýe'ý erastylo and uisait and iah aIl priR. Tllpoplarnov patteira tove bas beau introduoodi IROI( DUIE, IWCall asec. RTI 45 »Bteql-st,, Whltby. Oshawa Âdvertisemeuts. WILLIAM TEEPEIT, M. D. K 1NGS T EET, OSHAWA, CANIADA 7AILOR andi DRÂPER-giog St. Osava. J.. arments matie to #ortein ltheo beet styla and faxhion. - 47 8. B. FAIRBANKS, SOLICITOR, NOTAEY PUBLIC, &oc. ttc. SOshuawa, C. W. JOHN MoGILL, LICENSEI) AUOTIONEER FOR CANADA LWemt, oftera bis sëervices to tIhe inhahi tenta o! Ontarla anti Durham Counttes, to ah. tentiSaies hy Auction Houàeluold Furaiturs, Merohandizeanamiothor caffects, ts roesnahîs commlaglon. 10 INSU~ & GFSNERAL AGENT IBER 18 PIIEPÂIED TO 1Marine luattrance -îk ýts, aud inthlIt not rasponai . E. 8AE 1661.25 SCOTTISH PRoItINCIAL A881JRAMCE COMPANY ESTÂBLISHED 1825. Incorporate by Aet of ParMlarnnt Capital One Million Sterling. Invýelt@d lu Canada, $400,000 HIEAD OFFICE--MOTEL A. Davidmon Parker, tecretary. RATE OF PIIEMIUM [ rny utoderate aud Ril iiler favorable comlperlison vitix that "doptt vothier ciunupaitîes liti Gnad.*on- cutosaMRegriton. unnoalilha1rl.- Amueîieffeeteit cuti otiier hninetîstan- actions cenuidueled wthout roft-renue ho .'oot- landi. JOHN AGNEW', Atgent, Whithy iVihiby, Angust f8, 180. 80y The ClebratedGerman O! -Ci IMES cots, breicos, froéht totes, ruuuingu 1 êtres, anti cli kiauda o! flieé.t voutu'. lt<# iste gretttestireniîdy Iiivuefrtîetlig cil kindsetoewoutua ad >ores itna sud ibemét Tire rertiefiiyleit ifallih)a fuir reUt.vnuetiorfes aîuîl cattIe siifferimut cfront pain. Freonthoucttulé o!cftuatiiuoxialo s 5,lhu eilicacy of thistuiahlc lrai»dy, the Olo- luit ihave Sean électei: "I ave uitetI Nrour ol the lutl six yeu's, Anti cm '>tis laitiet1hI.nitcquaicd for heaiuig enté, andicuritie frost'hihOSt. Ils i acy is equaîly gi eut aitplttd tan 181,Or 1heAut." JAMES GiIEI Te A. Kmovtit. Esq, Picle-orïiig, Pb, 12, 1861. "Iu justic e tayo, anîd as a duhy 1 ove the public, I <hmk tk hri2tiî lurecintend yuur cclelîrshod Gciiatt 01<. My lîttie girlgRt sa- Varlvscaided, 110nîneli se. Ihat lier reuoorry watioubtftil, but hy hb:e tlmely applicatiou o! yonr oi eo lé tîw eoirpitcîv curod. .NATTitEw SWALLU1ý, Jr. tit Siu."tuiluice hovoit, andthteapub lie i ueral, 1 thin i t rigltu ho reconiun'd VOU o<treittralad Germaiut (ii, for the cura cf cits, hruse'î, f nost tttem, &c., le eýqauly cilla- clous viiettier epplied <o minuor hecél. MEER R. IIOOVEII. Pickernug, Febnnîurv. IS69i. DKemtSn.-luI n igi&p to yotu, ala" a duty I ove t<u tieare 2, 1 i tiiuk It richl îui recoin- niciîd youo cbbrat, e ruusn 011, for tae cure offuost hitem, cols, brules, ant gisato o! suresr o! long standing. DNE lOEl SPickering, Forbruagry, 1862. 1 euftered front a hw auiniuc cuora for <vu, veaut viitout intermcissionu. Isvas lincadtiet ,'y your esiebrûtet i]l, au nai nov complet* ,y crd" J AIES FITZ(IBIBONS. Due o! themtiuet stiedcal mon iluthem ouuty irrites:- tg DEMIt Sut-Erery vLzre,all oýer the voriti yourjo'tiyr cebrateid Germa» 0Oltiecerves ho tic ovn 1huid istpous a hiessing ho mari- kinti.> I have n ouI it in the cure ofi eut., trul- sas, fro',I bites. J&c., sadnd ca ococas us t long stonîhing, ih hec neyer failod ho affect s cure.", Ta lehad tait av l)regaict. at hthe prin. CIP4i piacis o! h'tdmuccs il- the Prou itica. 6- R'MEOf 0V A L O FFICE out the British & Kmerican Express Co. Montreal Octeai Steamshlp Co and Glasgow LUne Steamers. Eenoved one door uouth of tihê Reiity Of- lic. BERT B. t 4BELL, AQO)teof CsUNt»IM l NIBU$7 Oili 40 _pe&U per GaioIn et 16 't*EORGE IYULtS, KEROSENE OIL! _ EKNSYLVÂNIA OIL 1 'LAMPS, CHIMNEYS &o. At Raatuced Prices For Cash. 16 G3OROB IYULE.. -Mr PIANOS FOR SALE. EVERAL irél-rate, lutest baproveinent, sJ Ovarshng euomadie up "'ihaltor" for tbeshacrtbwrFout SALE veryiov for C~ash, îjr approvet I aper. ah long or short dates. TO 13E LET F uhterme as msy bc agreed oou sa.sll la»st atebtwoen ctoyawO a andi ]Jrougham, oonitaining about 40 iacres ni gOodI landi, belng part of lot 1, in klicnceasiôu of Pickering, comforteble lhoiie and out-olficecc, poNOM1slo ! ile land en holiaé t a t en Ure, and of tho -dwellicg aud oilicos on tlie Thiirty- llirst of Moh. 'Aplication iu Whltby to W. H. HIQGJNS, Esq., ort: Chroulole Office, HENRY HOWELL, On the mepOises., Fabrtîary 9th, 1888. 5-tf, DIVISION COU1trRTS., No. 1, Whitb7 ....... ............ Maroh 2 NO. 2, P'ickering..... ..............d.8a No. 8, aeh ........... .. ...... 8 No. 4, UXbridge ................" 81 No. 5,.137oRkH49 7 .Judge, . . THE BUFF ALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, MAIN & SENECA STREETS, lé au impbortittîntk itiutheL rîntelhaiîî ofNa- tional mercantile Ç,ollegcé, loceud it he followiUg Çitic, via: TuRONT, Gý. W. BI<tOKLYN, ALlBANY, TROY, CLEVELANI), 1)ET1IOIT, VIIICAGO, ANODST. LOiUIS. A Scholarthlp iéccueotrom the nflla- Io Col lege, <intitlcx <ho lioiler <o îttend eitli- er or ail tho cGol!cgeci for aun mAintited timén. The Design of ihese Institutions, lx tb iilipaîrt t4o yotîng nen eud ladie, a thormu<k, praeliral bTjginieér~ îî These CoIleogcs trt) oriruîzd and oou- dueted o ,d hc io -cr oee separlitc I nètitutlon <io hest j,,e l acil:tiex for <rnpîrting c thorimeb coîniiierocnio'lieatios. and rd*nder iideu.ahwho!e, th4î. uîoît eooprelîeîî.- Rive and Couiplec é.stelli l tlli-coutry. Book-kee ýingiu i 41potrtuîent, Gotw iucrel La.îîw, i.î,îîervhî< Ar!thî,ti,e snd Pei titausl41ip, ere tugirla <ho nmust thorouggh and preetit!cal icuer. 'The Spencerian sygtem or pennman- âhip, ls tauglit <îy coîIîlott lirlnue xperitice-1 tcachere. Scholarship, priyisble iu sllvaîc, 40. College open day îiùd cveiluî:-no recatIons RC.tenot}'rlicipalo nt Illuffdo' J. C. Iaitrr &IL P. Pitu~i. For f urtier informiiton,;!dcesa cal. ut the Collego Roci»., or guet fur Catadugue and Cir- culr, nelcie bIer taxjiAddres,é BRYANT & STRATTON .Buffillo, N.Y. Oélîaws, Pec~îiihor 2911<, i St;2. Siym 1f theJN hîct-GiotrK/i 'uca. I, 4auiz.. 51 Hr of FOR CHIRISIMiAýS & NEW YEAII'S ATý A LARGE STEOGK!OF GENERIAL GRO.CERIES, W IiES & LJQUOIRS For sale Mt a small advance on Wlcilesale-Prices. LOWES & POWELL. M" OYSTERS, LOBSTERS ANI) SARDINES, Wholesale and Rctail. LOWES & POWELL. COA45 OIL & COAL OIL LÂMPS, Cheaper than the Oheapest. LOWES & POWELL. »Ccembor, 1862 Nos. 1i sud 2, McPhcioumi' liock, Bru k. t l., ,. IN ORDER TO COUNTERÂCT THÉE BAD) EFFEC'OPTS OO CROP>S; AND) IN S0ME MEASURE RELPEVE TIIOSE WEIO FEEL TE CRY OF "H1ARD TIMES," THE lIAS TIIISDAY REDIJCED lIS GOODS; to sucli low prices iqS Will ellahle every one, with littie mioney, t obtalu thoir little neçcqsarlos for the taduter, as well as9ixries for the comniei holidays. 110 willt thereoir, 8011i nutil ftirther notice 00uI MISCOYÂIDO IIAI. ROM 5d.- PER lb. -TME BEST NEW OURRANTS. AT 5d. FER lb, AUl kintié uof ri.xit, smoi ai Prunes, Dates, tomonst, &o.,. togocthor 'riih al kintis ut Sauce.asd, Spicos, ai, reânlcd rtes. offe--roitstei, green aud groun. - Forrs' celebrteti Daudlifon Coilce.__Go'co anti Gfuoctate cheaper ttsn Toroulto pricca% fleat ilow Caudes, Ducsromfi.1 Gouil ratent Pailla, 11d. -BosSlNo. i Noap, 12 barsfor, 's. I God Wîushbottrds-. 1q. Good Bruants, fr6m 7,4.d. -Irou 4ilrnm 7314d uteiIsd lMeaureé, Psud WoolcmuWxiro of -every disciîiti. cîcaertIan 'Toronto vhoi!flel prices. ld- ('îrd' Irut l . .U)îé t! l kuti l, l'h< lîîren stck of GroIlc,.Ier,' axîu Giu miewrl) i t C ettv. l'lite -iiIsptiiîî'i uî ud$uuinS u l~ ii~<tt Guatitu on ee Sûts.ltlmn' tia u'.'z-O.Titutnéutttt. idar~ciuty o tp c ,11e on The Choiccat Brande ii Wincs, llrantly, firom, ili. In, liloyMnoghl Obd Illurlîott, Mat, 'Toi h'. <III lin', Moîctîiti I ittît. t4îtnchlî.1Iriuii, suit) iout>t. VW> Brléé J Go's. ctand iîili,<eriBi ie , i elantd utu îlni4i<,2' lUpr vcetl iaper thati aiîy. olleho-buse luiite uoniy.ý Thoso who renictuber the eleliclous flairurnuth<le Lonudon, D>ublin, sud Glaégov lbeik Anti Oreci uahneî, esmFlowotîs l itu i l te îtliiSîirtore qat pniu'u> <rouit f2.. tL 4s- Od., mtaltud mieaur<itsju /uPuriiuîa' «pirlieea imhratcl. lb t,îrithr, il:on, t<ioiiof îyîîîî vitulire et t b Qnecill u rettipt o! e10, ttie 4Gsailrlia itii o" w'ell cire a iCim- conat o! ý>ptir vi-'r ut theito low,tt,<é itut iîttt<iUliiiT.ii,>. ci 1wîll tiiliru'r thuttut jircc iof diarg i ti'iit.iISaiu office, doue t1it iiquaîntitue uci; t nIlptrtiet>, bluttidîreneioithe 4)i111îtht' o ueýl1pýin cui shlotlifi t nul proUrit 1uie lt l 'h neîttie itt< uo t li i wibi tzte o ~ittC li' uuwiiexttîoanrettît.il yt1r1--ic. lt uut i rt 0itnt>iparties muîaiy eaýy abttutlizhlittu alt , t t Iîuu< riceco. ltrfo1.0 ta i WI~A large lot of EBouté ti Slioelaiah rry little aveu cast.t pne'. (,illousiear fromît ~ ~ ~ ý;e (t ti ti. Iuî" Ii frion i tilier ttdr.- f ) 'tt. fro'utlti 4 iil t i'Lït<i ittt *2.21. fa"' 'r'i, ltoit it ! allu tilkcri il ierchultige e n itt t (f. ivi ttli u tîb uti ;6 l ave rrH( MAS M UI.CHY, Wiiltttr lire Mmrch 4 - te 'aiern a s~ a s Britlis Amesica Assuran#te Comapany, INCORPURATED undor atn Act of the Thirel Session o!ftoe rcnîh liProvincial Parus ment oflIlpperCuaa. CAPITAL £100,000. Irsurancaentecteet on Buling. anti thotu contc.ats. Evcry inf'orntioti supplieci oncp- pliestion ho liteadrsgci Marine Risks forthî eaoiorforPiirts. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Bvroni Street, Whitby GPOUGE O0RMA(OK. NDERT BRITISHI RIWIJWS TFis Enxi,-iuaii REvixw (Whig). Tim Nowrn I-Beînsui Rrviw(FroeChOuroh> Tue WaasTmi-zsrxEitREvimW (Liberal>, BLACXwooM EocNfroeuuîttKGizi.No(Tory Tho jrreécut eri Gcal sate, of Europeun u<Mai rs lit] runiàir 0tite i pnlications tiotiilly iute r- citnie411r «11î liefortilieonnir Yenr.TJa 'Mill t>ceilrîY ha uîidd1logroýnnd betyren the ls writreiînew-len crodo c poelioii, sud flyloir rintseofth e deily Joturnal, spd the pouileronti Tome Irtheo fuiure hlstoria&4 Ivrlt- ton efrer ihi, liv;ïin utret ad axoltementct thje uréa pulitioecrots o! the tie. hel havte pî,sad iway. It le t to se ?ariodicada îhât rètferdor inut Ioiç for sh8 ooly peally intelligi- blocfsud rolialo isîýitory of outrent evett, ed as An uch delif luta othpir well-establii.hed litorr ' V: solaýitîlfic, asud Iliologicl obeuractel, vore ti hm tpoirtio couamidcrittion of îl.r rintdiitg }iîiblo.- . 1f&AIy COIES. Thm e rciptf Vcioieri frornttlintBri 111 hirdi ré ivt ditiouial viie h tiOci Rl ' 1ithîîui~ho Li<1(y cali uow bu ,placced lu the iîîudi o -ihCrior aïdon iesoon sm tUio rfig(inl ultiiî LII niluy ( t if cfîir HRviews ...... . 8 a oo' For' -dy w îthc frîîr Rcviaws .... 5 0 iIo t r t nue ,t <i.t <loir i<cviewm-. 7 Otr Foýr iîifi '<i 1vw........... ' (of For~~~ ~ fhiwîî«oi<iii...........58 OU Fo tikoir),i two Revit vws- .. 7Of Fur andlwîwltîi<jirve fleviiwt. 9.. 4Do an-i Bhîkoda tlic four Ibeie-ws ... 10 m< nJur.i trrnl, aim heSOifs herd i,w ti/1 be< l A"ý i pur,.t'in f2 e et ri i b îieu it1,e uGO tdhoGIoh rderinZ ig for or «io d t<î;le t ('11 re (or lore of the sbov0' Wtiii.Th, FurOiîieéo Plc odur tif00 I.vcw ulîlbi <tit oe e dîlress for #Ii fur t'i , îffiifor lu anw sd ick- w110d for iý1i; cuti ci> on. J'OSTA(JE. T 1ilihtiluh v< îî1ý iiîhe i 41 ir aunuen Itic tii,, Pî,hieiiiré. %2 ltly Nav. 54thIdS9, 6 w York, wiîh su euileu't atileitimmediî qate sl ruse Cluerîo, «01 eicstsutpr 'Iîîîv .f- 1M e n ieii4t - wIlil alcluc iîid tItta iiot of tinott 1 » pwmtit,4 QY vr 'ru

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