Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1863, p. 2

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jat..lf Pt-ni*ng-Tliomas !Xuston. àin-tiaberi E. Pers-y, thse bieubera ut tisa Ontario x. Wilson ans! Eda-ard' Olives-. ie-J. 'l. Pers-y, e-Tses. leloîsy, e-LCPsse Ifs. Franlit, et al. rremai ne, Solilituor. kle-SheiruvIiev. Gibsosi, et 'E9. Tremnayie, Soliciton. l-WaRhington vs. Frankilin, N. H. Tremavue. Solicitasr, Wlîtb, iioisla, are h26,183 ONLY ONE D.OLLAR A YEA.R Wlsess untiiers of tise Cabt bave no conifidenceits eue nnctiser it is not at al etrang-e tiss.itheis public shouls! refuse te coufide ins liotas. The tact is ksdispnbabiti usai Ms. Sandfield Macdonald! dons ssot trust lia (Isit colu-agues. flea ea clie Men ibaesjoies] tieis- constitîsncies ni' t heimitsrg iy procamigthoîs- she-esîco tts'repncýseiutatîis by pifpulstian, aud -tbis oppositionub s'-pas-ato schoo5, a-hon tisey ba t Ill ie saine ime, in jois- itgls Cabi- net. -'abandnti ise thes-mos- ans! acceptes! tisa Datible Mjosity dotrsasine, ans! aho tiares! net isisspes a e-ms-s in bis lseas'iss in opposition ta Separate Scisois. Coii. fido ii us tai îoitical raitots? le tiesjsises thinu in ha s eari. Men a-hem hchuais ta res-rinl faisehoadtla daceiro hissu'con- siltuelicier, fus- tisa slire et joiniig hie Cabinet, ioha ee-erendy ta hater ps-moi- pie tsor profil,assd preelainu consistency 94111isuagia-ss-y political vrstue,0 tisqarsa- ual tis enaist obîsin is confidence os- respect. Tisee-ondes- is tisatieha oila bis osa-epersousi stsd pulitical louer by. @e leusmasaratimn iitis tisau. Evssy day~ - must ie ho a sy out fplexiiy te in, -mss-- rouatieti y sa n ma ris eaahes-y ifor tise Premier ussti et-l tsîdeotand that tIset recusasa eho braits faitîs a-uhtseusePo- -plo, wouid, if isai- ira internats rouis! ho ses-vos!by tsi del'g, soitiseitate te bets-ay hlm. Fcas-o etsalos etoffice ant ilm -emolsuucssts as-c tih.ess11Y t ts siich is ud tisais-at tliser master, 'l'isy teeltisais- osis afil f -tsbasnenbf-if sach mon .un have a faliiig oetiL s a-t, asnd!iluroture isearti- Ijissie tlite issan ta a-hasàts ley as-e obliges! 'la isumiite tlissuselvuas. Conufidenuce! tises-e ise no sucS a-o rs! insuse or outiie tise Cabinet fos-tise ps-sent bin- istu-y. Thisas speeciy taîl ou tise reassesu- bling of' 'ariamout atter tise receair, la locies! fora-as- ta as a cestaistiy. Thoy b~ave atrcady damntes! tsernseivssi n tise publie opinion of tise country. liban liai lte Globe speaks te jus (ollea-ers in regardU 'te tisen.' sleetegur sth ytu tm' A- (m, s s-un es-,tis v s-y woak, moreover, 1>0o cain ssif htuormers a-ase to- siotn tht-s îstnclsn.-auilogs tIsais i l oity nî iug ie liiras' Isy v o'ssh ntisesas in powern? Possitsv tise cie-rgy it fancv tisai John A. Macdoanald i île t!toss- e-os-h smore, nsl-y tisas S.Msread ans! thon afay, would Po otfstscs n fietlc. pninciples il-. is a rossas-y btiiairtis Cpiture, bo- ,tises-earec]taforiners e-ho aceni te %uiate iithoîit stiinkissg tise restultli tetet. But w avte novties ligisi- us- of it iising, realisosi. Tise Uppes- dhan usemi, rs tftiseGovernunt pruhahiy gante se fan as ta be palt [Ilpiiin, bt lite Rts- puity in tise 0 sýi'nd4 %'iroi e udii ai lie coinesace- cf Lis tato. Tise Wos-k sud the Psy. s- Liegisiatora blave tliton a rosi. A s-sm avý-c eeir i3mi in orties-te s-o- thsis- aastes! nasr-gios aftur anc ionr 's'iaa,-.stslng. Tlise business imuat avy -os-h. (lue montb's labos- so ig tus-os a-csrest ta seeuposate.it isewee,-tÀ100 for tise tlais-iy tiys. F afiosr suais laborionîe ornion, (ual into acutsnntishe caii,) tise ceunts-y to:b l asgly ieuettted. la il? is thiere ta show ft'etiaexpostiture lé aud moncy ? Oas- readersmust fins! s- ilisemeles. W'se-b ess-acites! in Unles esuptj, itiy speehes, andi oui retas-ns be e-ostitise meuey, a-e eT- nohiii Oie e1 -Dae-on tisa Itampag,» are tels! tisaiMs. Drapes-lis spread a rssruistiun te bing iimiel? eut c"i4dme tas- 'tise Sautl-Wars!, in a&tlas oftà tie siguatigh of Mr. Hall, raper wa-uese a delogisie for Zone-, Tos-onto convesstibni. Tise people le littew notbiu,, about the matter' isavin- boss-s!of! iieir elesos- reps-o. 'e, If, bc gels tw reps-sent tise Ward,' 'k ailil be j5si la soinssuris uknosn ta tise râtepayerz. Mrs. 'ovisenlly tais s ime by thse fore' Tise Questlono Thse question iseasow, a-bat aili be the 'Position ofthtie M'iitny -issuParliatusut meetu after7ise recess?7iii e uertained iseyond ddaubt, tisaitishe Premier places! bit rsipation in tise bande t' the Covereot Cxeneral immsdiately atter tise adverse Up, per Canada vote againut Mmon tise Selsool .Bill.'But, it is said, tisai since tissutise Gritsabave been veU aviippes! bibm h ýJçees; thaitbey base lisstd tise rod, sud prômims! te do.janytlsing ans! everything in future, sud tisai ebereupon thse resigutiîon ae recalies!. IL ie alleges! tisai bis Gril supporters base agrees! -ilstiste Premier ta vote for'tiese mnste gebool billa-heu il relturns fs-onutise Upper Haume, wiîis saine trifling aâmendmeuts avicis iilI hoe îurpasely usade in os-ner ta enable thees 10 do so0 ; tisai the;5iaili est husisl(-pie, or sweali ow auy quantiîy ut dis-t requis-es! of tiseniThis, wenld be.qeiite v'iraterestic orth tie mn, sund nai sf al ntrpniing'. iThe àlobe heeor aya: "5 We canuot disecover tisaitishe Go. "-vrrmeni have yeî persuades!-a single itmejsber te records!li own cundetuna- ltion by vatissg -for tise passage of "'Ms-. Seott'mi Billwlîen itcîsmos baîk untram tise Upper flouse,1 os- to support a "Represeutation Bill wbicb ignores tise "trac hasis, tisai. af population. 'Tise par. Ilty stands a-bore ih dis!. aud -e irisa it "aili stand there unil itis tes ias policy "cars-led irinmpisantly inopracticai ope. rtion. liss- a-iltise question stand tison? Drovru, or Macdionaldtfoth ie Griia ? '5 Tbat's tise question." Osur 'Towvn Baby. O(us-rToisn Papa taire great deligisi in bavns6a sik about tibe Toisn Baby, Tisey appoar te ossjuy tise il Responsi biily" as -rei as tise digniiy of theis- postion-"9pa- sition," ns Ms-. Draper e-oalsis ay. At tise meeting of tic Cauncil on Monrlay eresîng-tise baby, andti -ba aas ta Se donc a-ila use 'baby? sud e-bat oughs ta ha doue cuces-niug tic baby ? suri ait about tise baby, fermes!tieseotle subjeci et discisamion. Lnciily--uttiike eus- pas-us- meisi men- mambeots-ceire nopsy fos- tisa tieo speut ovrs-theis- grava Jebate.- Tisey do, boa-tirs, unnacemsas-ily bus-n tome fuel, aus! consume considarabin ga-,neo cbai a11, In ihose items aàsavsilsgmigisht 'las affectes!. Ans!, we- isnsahiyaulanit a sîill grosseressasiug, in an iusps-dmode of ireabsuent of lise lasy. Sisicestise finis! iss- ofet i tile innocent mu Juno'leiast. up toe ire sanot tino, a porio d ao' une motîtie, tishe-si Ses aspais! tes-ita main. tesiance $72-78. At tusa rate, and aldes- this management, a guosaz may ho ýmamIe at a-bat tise baby isilI h liiteiy-io csti betare it is seaed. Ansi tien sisat is to becume of it,? eThe cabus! la-t mliihave ta Se ps-o- vides! for. Sî-sioaly aur Tua-n Fatisers, isowaeves- provideut they may be ais ncb, asdi tieir 0e-n damestie arrangeussuls, bave siseW isu litai lnesi t'ro nuraing et a tûwu aby., Thee.- i oîavs iu lui for il into same eisBsitable iisuituljea,-wisre dlsoriest in.fant cbildreu are s'scives.- o'Tisera it wouis! be properîy cares! for. W.> as-e teini tSrearcs- mors than eue suais- in Tor-onto, a-bore hy tise pajuieni et a corn- Ipss-stivaly susal bal ull 1, tisa ciit a-ul bc admitîti. Lo Bttes-fas- te psy ton, s iaenty, or ia-onîy.five ponn'lis doavu, lu titis a-ay, and bonris of ail futtre expense ans! iatbiiiy. tisas -gouo nlutise presont, s mannes-, paying oui uaascertainod asu ton au indefinis peties!.- It isoisui net t suone save expens; but.together aitis tlieing for-tise céhild'm gos!, ie-oui. eus! ail future gs-mlhng, An attompi, aan aas-e, Sa s aready bison mateienj ibis di- rection, but aitioutaucceus, Applications a-es-omaide iy lettes-a most unussal mode --an'd tisus tic failure. Lm tise Mayor, os- smre-pessou atisorizes! by hira. if a femalei e muc eislieettes-, aait upon tise supesin' itetent ofaujof thetcSasitablIeisouses iu Tas-anto, into a-iiehfunudliugs are receis- os!, ans! a-s r-s--at it, tisai satisfactery tes-mm eau Se as-rives! atfita sreception. As-. McIloogali Coadernnol int Nos-ih Oxforad. At a meeting et ciectoot lintise North Ritiiug ofthîe Coust! ef Oxford, Sels! at thea Hlasringioni Scisuoilieluse, ltar#.is2ti mal3., to take ie - ccuides-atiou tise Hua. Wmn, McDougall's action on tise separate Scisool Bill, tise tello*iug - eolutionu aveu unasiaunsly adaptes! :_ 5 Moved isy Ms. H. Monioe, seeeauled by Ms. J, Mathersons,sas!d Restslted-."Tisaitishe Heu. M. Me. Daugail bas betrayes!tise interesta of bist constituents for this aireof oflie.'1 ' Severalapeeciseseos-sdelivered esonMn-5 McDerugaWl, politicai course, ansd bce aat tionounces!'u isaviýg btray -. te confi. dence reposes! in iim ys ' consttuansts.,- - JAS. HIUTOHIINSON, Jr.-- Globe. Seceteq NiE- MAI OUT.roun-We proiveé4 à vos'liement fr'om thie 'Poat « Ce - ii-Il0 Tihe Xiusstry and thse 3aglstrsscy. Tise mauiner iunaviicl tise t' Reformu" SMini#try bua ppgiated tise New Magistraey %vas thes ubjeci of aarra dis ssssion, and! croated nouts ail amusaement in tise Ausesu Sbly before tise adjourrniseu lasi weel.- Mr. Wash, tise menuier for Naorfolk, re' foctes! in mrrng termi rupon tise course pursuas! in bi,,;caunty, sud cosnplaiuaod tisat tbeappainîm'ents n4'e lt-etrofap- tizant chas-scter. lie retsd extrsscls (roui a document te sisew h lis h app4iantïs' bas! bee-a made, asnd 'tie neasuns giscu fer' leavistlis le s1a=0e3 ot respectaîble gentlemn off tise commission. The readiug et tise' document crorates! greait amusement, not Only ausongst thse. tiesbera, but amougss. tise audience in tise gt4illrese. Samplea of tise or 1t!sgraphy pposi. e isi rejected", or ds'snissed îuagisirstas, ýtasnDu a-escast fol. lows *cds<jna os lice ooss"" storan. Fes.sts," titThi î tzanO" &C- Tisese noies it is stideustoos!, aere madie hy àn istnnn-bl essiëtaslen Intely elecies! te thse Upper lieuse 1 Wisst a Cotmanlary îsupon tise intelligence of Griis m? 0f tsle partisans chas-acer of tise appoinimnts in tise CAuto f Ontario, tisas-e rau beun douisi wisatercr. ,Tuntise' wiolebatcis sof nawly muade Magistrates, tbtei' s but tise namne of oeeconmrvatve-iY.-. James Mc-i Cseiglsît, ut Pickring. Net a 1 ingle -cou. sers-sure hasen plsses]oi tise commis- sion in tise Conses'vatire Riding of Noràs Osario! There s.oo tise nume of a Magis' traie, of isirty yearssttanditssg, Mr-. Abraisam Dagshjaw, was sîruck off. Mr. M. C. Cam.- cran, wil ire irusissipsy Ibis respects on ibis buliject ite eentlemen, slo oècupy tise Tsesury Bouches. Tise corregpsasdent efthtie Monts-cal Ga- -elle suskas <tise tolsving commenta on tise proeedinga sisicî took place in tise liante on tiese ubjeet. Tise member for tise county of Nos-folk,1 Mr. WaYâii, put thise ouse its posse'aîion ef tomne eusions tacts lust nighi (Monday, msi5ch 16) in,,relation te tisa usanner lits wiscistise tuaszitraceYthtie country bave1 been playes! with bytise preseut Minigtere for political pus-posas. lie mores! frs-i raturn ot ise, comiion ofthîe Pence, issues! racently foir tise counîy et Nortullis, asi udoing se holiemadie sosu e tatemesiLs ta tha afrect.tisai politicai coiisideratiois bas! intiuenced tise Goi'e-smesst ms leaving, ail tise commission meu wso lias] for ycars been upons k, Thec Attorile -denerai ats? thse Postmasier Geueral bnti denit.d thi wisass Mr. Walsh railsers-ttsriled ihem (romý tsefir ps1î'ey by roduciîîg a copy tif tise reinu rom heit Clark efthtie Peace ofthtie sîsmas t iserif ie on tise list in 18<2, le wbich ba] beauasssi'i no)tes in pesiti2 oppositte tinierturtom f tise parties, sud. upen wlsicis tise Govcrsnsent bas! Sp. parenîly stceet. Tisalii ishus! aaiWnes fro)m,,iis Provinicial Sicretiry't office, by tise permission osf tise Provincial cray nti tise Solicitor Gesses-el Wat, altbougisl tise latter Lad tise cauidor te- admit tisai wisen he gave tisai permiission ha a-sa underp the implressioni tisai tisa pancil marks lias! boots ruhisas!Ont. iL lis!hasupposes! 'àtliay avers Atil! ilegible lie %ould saut have coin- scnted t1iAt ssans i shouls!>ere tise- Tisoso notes, plaeed ibereàiL is sais! byin- honorsbli3nember et tise oier liauso, as. SpriigFair oi thençWhitby WVhIit tfnion Âgricufltsrn Tss annual Sps-ing'rair of suid Est Vbitby UnionA )grk cieiy, came off ai' Bres>hliu 0 lasi, tise l9ts inst. Thseaveat ligisîful, sud tisecOüncourse or? sent unOually large. Tise s -wavesnt otise most satisfactarj aud everytbissg passes off avitit gaod.feeling. As au, instance gress u t tise : soiety siliethb may memiioti, tislaiat tisef grain show iscîs! at Asihburni ugo, tise cistr ies numberi bu tisaijust iAsd-being tise ti Quion, tise numbor tof nînios v about 7Zs per' centt otan suer spsaks9 well 'fOr tise gond insu tisa offices-s. Tise Agiiùtu.rai dinîser w tise -Globe lel, aud watt a-ait isearty spprechiais besîowed Mr. Alexander exceilud isiissl celleucy o-f bis sliWiser. ,htws 6 T1he foliosrisg uidth is it ot prise llest .I10 bashels Spring W William ilosuisson ;2mi, Jobl 3s-d, John, Willjs. 'Ieet '10 bi.4110tn18 Baniey-Ist Keissie; 21sd, Wm. -Parigt; Canîdar. Beat 10 busiulo Pass-1 it, 3 sou; 2nd, Ms-s. MILKenz*te 3 lieEt 10 lissiietsOst-m Spenseer;i 2s1d,, i'hsaussi Evsans; John Michael. liait 10 'iusiselîIs Ptaises- îrortby; 2ssd, Mrs. McKenzie. ileat, 2 huisS Sans!Clever- D)rydes; 21dt, James Jacekson lIa-par.. Beet 21isuâiels TimotbyS ChsarlsasPlaxtons 2sw], JeisniDry William M'stw. Bast 201li aTsinsip5sed -Is Rowlantd;2ssl Chsarles Hoit. hast.>3t 51);-s Mugols! Wurtzei 1 Danstas-J iea-lanrl i 2nd,Gîtas-les Best i 5b-s Csrs-ot Sced-Ist, C 2nd, -John Michael. liait 2lis FI-tx Ssed-lst, Ja Br'st ta-o bulisels Cors in Joli5'rd, s 2sd, Jasusa Sinitl Bast fa~t Or us- Sieer-Jst, 1 chai ; 2nd, ditia. Bemt fat Cow or IlJeîifr-1 Mitchel 1 2s1d, Danîie'11(oIliday. Býei 2 fat Wcthers-I-st. Jssi ]3est 2 fat Ewe -l1e, Dauiol1 lett Lumbor Wtsgtiu-1st, ton i 2nti, John Cru4e. Best Iran Pleugis-Isit, Jams Znd,îGeorge Prentice. lest Wooden Pleegiýs-lt, Pattersen;- 2uti, ditto. 1 e4t air Hlsrsow-Ist, <i dice; 2nd,' Hepburn &L-Ketebun, Bt-est 2 isorïe Cultivator. -ut Pattersen; 2nd htUo. > est aingie lerase Scffles-1 Prentice. Bast Turnip DrilI-lst,-JStiSE '1est 2 boras Roler-isi. itoi lus!, flebran & Keichusu. hleat Wshbîug Machie-lat,3 leussample of 1Drain Tiles-li squire, s0 in t th agi a be. To anatisernsame tm aitachsedt tiez-ou- -dositation, "s'lo eoftleia umdlig as-t o? persan,unufit, do'i appoit h iim';;4 his foffitifousu eocnsiastîsg ilubisaexsreisingr lise rigisite-r ote as lue pleaseel, wit 'bout conmlting tise iesest- of tise Qovornucut. Opposite tise naines ota-a are, piacçs!'tise ios05 "no stan5fding iu ociely," ' ita mneans set tip ini tise nterance ot tise iadi- cal sibboleilh.- Ancthes- is set doas.aan "ignorant ls-alies"-isntsilcr 1 prosuipee s Fientt; tue iFextis1 denciuces!$msa 'sidritul- ing roia-dyi;sciantic ter Mn. Walzls 'tateti a-biais a-asttes-iy undeserseti by tise partj toi a-hem it e-es applicti. Thonu, a-oliss uia tie eounesd aà a "vos-y b'ter Tory,' s.notber as, "a-anling in prudence'and min' cation,'¶ sadanotises-as e a-s aut, paizan'l "No oduostion, ses-y ieddjeuome féitee-i is set opposite tise saise o t, es, avis gave mos-tti offece o t.he Chiafs eoftisa Qteas-.git couvecsticic by torifg oui a ta-eue berse fesaz t-Ms-. Welsh's electioe. Auotier is mitriro as "moet bites-Tory, education vos-y pone.5' Anothies l pro. nucenelunfit, Socanselbc "figisaoccasion- su7y, unfit feor ffce ;'land! 150114 of tise petent maiks drescsibes itu victissias 'îaIier pu-rtesesh blisasd vos-y bas!in l asaesimasi ef ChsalolesiUe." ' OATS, 1t, 15.; 2d, 55c..; 3î P- jsÂ, 'Ist fs-otnu65c. la'75c. ;2 3rd, fs-eus 0cý. te 65c. Cicvzit Sen, lait -4.05 per Znduts3d, "nse.75. TTuVu, lst, $4; 2nd, $4 ; 4s-d, $3.75. 20!b Fi,Àx Suimli ai 5c. M rlb. -201bTesasa' SagsEE sos"si, 2sid, -10c. 51b M~AsNQo.» WoaRxTZELSEE», 13t, 30C.; 2nul, 25e,. - CÀaaoT SatnIst aiObs 0C SO.' ud'bsu 40c. CORIs aEta, lost '2 buslpls breugisu $1. BUT - 1es-T-sOus, 40 ceont s-erusbssi. Mr. John MeGill Acies!-U' Atictitineer, ans! gave tus lenefiliof bis services gratii tiousiy.- Tis A Lsv' TstoT x TE '>m Es-.4 Ex- îY and Ealst Town (J'sanel. 'War l<oey, al Socity. - - M~~ONt raMs-h2,~O. Theo sut timportant items ot War nus tIsé WbitbY Tise Tuown Council met antihe Town are,- that inatstemptiie ta pass by Port Icult alBe- h lait on Monday evuuing. Tise Mayor Hstdson Commodore Farragut a-as sreptsm OUa Tisuro"ly took tise chasir ai 8 o'clock.-Ali tise meai-.os!. Th isefgitiug 'a-as desporate ; lh'e tar a-u de. -bers present. 'United States sloop oft aes UMis8issippiit persans ps-e- ' 1tTITIONS. a-as bus-ntioeeaolier veAgel a-as campioe- irrngee 0f OrJ. H. Greenond fosisudotisem rayi- ly îiddied ; a third a-as isady crîpples!; for tise opening ofthie aide lins betseen isantéSoutbwern sorves, ans! is out wdâ eb caracter, lots 22 aud 23. sro:Schrsuceadicntdi- tise bes t f 0f IJacobs Bryti psaing tas- a roduction 1cd by tise.Nortiseru 'reporta, -wisiei sserti Ot tilire1 - initho Hilas-s!Liceuse (rom h ' the <vesales passedls! tvy aus tesnio, w ntiaihs de r pise sstey siia e uion vocaon-m. riiy disposes! of. Tiey, manie an attacîr irt Spriag Tise Mayas- laid on Ise ta.ble tise repos-t npou the Cesifèete batteries on tise 1 14 ivo jeansof tise Andutors, Ms-. Campbsell bronigis UP Biatlrwaicr, buti "failti ta carry tisant."1 et 47, At tise repos-rtlte Comrnittee, on Finance, The camhpaigti Opens Weci fur tite Sotuths.J rdsuc head Ms1-. Powell tise report at tiséCommît- Soosi ae tsait isear fs-onuRuses-ans. n!icetetee uPsinting, isiicis aers adopins!. There is mention of sesere tlgtiig -ilsi eos- 79-; or rukt-i. etce, -but noa panticulars -as-e giron,J rense. Thsis Thsis pos- 'eo ndd pesntl xhpt tisai a train fs-onu Louisville Soutis,1 ragenuent et Ms-. Maniold, ft'on u cons! er'Wood,sup. a-as captures! ut Woodisurn, a-u (loerai .1 1plies!Mss.FuIione, $8 to A . K;R.ç, Bs-tnuan osn boas-. -as given st axpeneae ofhunial11utftise IsuleMs-s. Pou, ý ThisEchsmons!papessdeclare tisai tisei 1 wartiy tise astd $21 .2.5 te Mrs.. Murisurty, for support Confaderacy lais ans srmy of- vaternut sol-t oftie dies-s in tise fiels] whicb is able tu e-ithitauad1 usoaira uTO Nt-11. the stiach tls he Most poaverful isîvader. If i the uex- CS5 u iersor loru.smnn. Sonne 4silitsi irmi.isas are repartes! is cd Nui. o!tii suore tisais- $ pv witeb#ai- ditflcrent 1places, init varions sucesson os: luises! fer support or isie baby in fut us-e, lieu saides, but t ofyase tminus-ormmport- fea-sMs-. Cmbslsa itutjailie untiorstosx.iance. ti'sot.ls, iapiei ssangTise Dereocrms'i;spociai tram blowa-fut tu Ps-ydou ; itis chus! cossid hoht-pt for ttisa aun-t, tisa î9tis asys. tise rebel acontinuas! lsllissgt andti tisaiMs-s. Mos-iasty, Wo a-le achsas-ge té, ansi at Vicksburg, ratas-ding tisa pro.a t, Ms-s. Me.-ofithe cijd as preseut, e-as ussahle to ltire 3rdt, Johniscare i' t. Bscaston of tisee-os-k sowsea-hai, Tise Mayos ais! tisaihe aise underatoos! Tise river iie balling,suni tise tousaethtis Joislu Hoig- tisat tis e nis! e-as stt ai ps-osant in th, ise deto tts cmiggunibv ut d,, W<tliisn pl-tee a-hans it ourht te hie kept tishac Ali is dquiet ai G ratna-os. Luth par. stntes! Ibis train goud anîhos-iîy aud wouid tc a- earngdmgs ls sm-s ,Corsiclias gi5'lstisa nsumeif necesary. . tsc ia- s -gsrsdi5tt5i5t Ose 1ds, Jonsis Ms-. Gilsoi aaselto solsa, but dd usd terbt1otfctin'Tele mfI -Ist, a-ue isat iras toIt] ii in confidensce. lRe aaw isuh eiatot ss:: ~ tela isbrtyte gve isa nîh ru uet ise s-cit he bib ë ue lce tdfitMs-s. Moriarty a-as in, a consntnp. uion1 r i i-cisiot't ieevca tioi, ns!tua. br dugste-, sbabat btentin eof Ha-*ines' BlufF, as!tiit thse Sthl 3rs!, lieus-y iataiy coulies], isat ssos-e bres-osa, hics Miionli isas -ene up te gars-itou thc place. 11 ber eîs-sschis] a-elntaiuti-saw, anti ahich jorshdwste ai---1 Seeti--Isi, U easut filta o e given ta tise cîsîls!hi atsit irueofilksborg.ao-ts bi s -Ydei ;3rd chrge f te Twn.'lise liiehusans! equircr ans Seutisd I Caîstain Waiisce objectes!tu tise clause, ut ofMercis 2lthb a thse tuoIingu1: eBarnard ittsisbatritsaiMs-s. Mforiarty a-as a isealtisy Tise enemy lias beau shc-ling tisa sreck c WomaJi, and! tisaitise mattes- ahociti ha iatt of tise oGsriaa'sf Long Islams!Il See!-ltisstis hst thbie commIttas on Ttisu1 beaal-oisara-ise ail is quiet.Y si [lait. Ps-epes-ty to bc nialst wiîis hy tisern. 'Te Enqntirer oars s-liv a desputahILs cit. aslai, Capit. Itove conîti not agrise witi tise fs-ont Charletstonsive a ra l-usi t a ttactsk1 lait speaker, ans! îbossgistthe recommanda is expecleti, exaept itmcsliataly batore 'isa If %ines Pile. tiou et the Fissance Commuttes e Iouree iiamisps'isg titIs, icsih. is e aon us5.ot L as-lit, vieth e NF)ISse iras ps-olsc-y madie. 2s1îfAs-i ie -as siaesm t. 1 Captaja Wallatr rt-p lies!. I c1 fanîeti-auTos- eiporCasi-ltens'ient a] 'amne-Mit Ms-. Purry s-onsidsresl'it a nattes- ut in-] big sas-c ut' ongChalgeste lasci duirîci'h nitcmusisie tise report came off tisi-a" ,t ieet-ee n tisa ,1mb, James train, it -ias tIse cossucil a-hich wauld repart s-onjitin aisnd 0si tisa satter in Isae cuti.eo -aw u su- i Titi Savsssnials Republican says ..-Mauy dn s. Mitchiell, aies! te tisnialsats tliseanxiety ofthue rÇen.i'pans- a-su n dutlcilds- 5imu insaht ity us-i 1Lemoti. ileman belongissg taesise com:mitteco05n îTe-sing fQr eanti obrbusod, ans] canit-,gevI Jus. 01" - Toe-n Property, (Csîîîain WisILbsc) bib tis cssi etiong s-,o s nus-m4at, b-causse 'ruils-oid natls-. Tiaut committea ld iasoîr been transsprntation is tessiîsssh)iztd isy tise Gstr. u ià Wslr- organisas! more tisasite-a manilss, and ip oras-emnt.,t te Ibis montent 1:tna!e tto repos-t. Ans!d---bd- Blroa-n &nais, a-haniho committos on Finanttce tuuk Fouts- , Pi.--- riday, tise l 3îh np Ithe malter, lisviug sàibil ps-esedte fatts oc îteVlaee aetn orge Ps-en. ilseus isicis tisy coissitisred ueo iigis, ands! ' eqitltieVlaeo 'aetn 1 s. racossnstitd ta tia-ceunîil 'sreduciion, a -s8sisiisis ý ss-ies! i arepos- titauasi - Brownvu ans! isen tis agreses! the s-amoral et uls! sîan, o cisanme of JohiuChuIti su, '1 b tise chus!, on accunt ai itm net baiug, pro. ' isas!beersias!sIenjlY calleies! b eerssiby con b at, George pes-ly kept, îhlly tons!ie enieMars( cap. thssseîesiigstOsLce.tetsm tain Wal lace) ,tise 01 ne ciaat Ilie caunicil cnsiuiin ' imst 1a utftua e-n s Cisytan. Bas-s!la-be'aanis! do ho-scaillingyobees e ssii eiug circule-. nst liansy; tisins, 'andti nsisting ý,tisit -sMrus-.ah1 ase ybsd sossîs!reasin vise culs!, si] bestili pais! tes], iLwas dates-miinas! ta bis!an inquats M. Clair. a a %seair. Ilie isggeQsieti ovrs-is rentatv, e-hid accars!ingly tooku Ist, Robent ihat tise cWid be placerd in chatrge eortbtise'plac ou tisa evusning oftt ie nxt day, but tt MaYor, andt iat ho be emnpowertd te em- - - IO ' poy i persoti aï he tliseeisi fiLtaetaire o-sgt iejsydctrgtstss svsi .C.charge 6o'fI, ti a ràts 1ete kces1ng , gallits tieasary, 'tbey asjeurues ustil- 10 a - per aseele. o'cickrlI th llo-ingdaya-bs, slter saI - Mr. Gibson sand Ms-. Causes-on5' (usoiners clozle exatnitsatiot eorsers-a i isitesies, - - - on Towvn, Propos-t7) toeîter 'witisa thoreuigh. ina ection efthtieh to amtlîo ! 'o(lnced ta'ketsplace, tisayrs-eusnetliise n c î heproperps- es od awt t-hyfloigrct:-us d rom turi 1 î.10.-aima isavilig chargeo ofîtmutveas-. -'rhqey ites,-CaM. ' -a al, a-us expressedthelsseIves ini avor'tise aineuit- Mssye aIr .m i 0 .ve$1 taultpropsod byMr. Puès-sy. Iir-lgla- tk.Ai s- ogst Atters- mntefu ber dimsussion lise Mayor "o 11thih li-nssa" a scunte f'or gave Dr. Casoaso the autisosity spun Mt;. ElTira-o,-a agg reg a te abasS aiu ss aisi'scniinhsisle osir neiIsio rsos tise liist <s suReon ad sais! tisaithse doctur tels! hlm tisechus! 'arcte ns! aas-tae,- a si d-z~ M.Pr- utri si .einot4 fli'os'binuvid' boi stifna nd 'To e i was nnL is-ehsrialouuisdncay straugtl Causes lu thse Divored Court The Divorce Court gives ranY euýOu, revelationg of society, it ruilclssIy drawi aide thse veil with wbi2h matrimonial un happinesi lbasuIitherto been hldden. Mauj cases of dotestie misery are- brought t ligýht and renaediedl whicli few bellered t( exiàr. lMany a basudor vwite, althouri tbssy halo eacb other, aud lead a terrbI est aud dog life, yet profer to bear i, railser than have thpir quarrcls and mis condsset- brought before tise publié. Or thse otiser baud, tsere are gome parties s( lost ta sisamel ansd so truly indilTereut tc publie opinion, tIsat they rush reeclesîl) forward to Sir (lIresswell Creesiwella Court., as it <Wdre gluryissg ins ibeir mitteouduc.- Amonig ilis casesof tiis ind two very re marlsablues. were tried on Thursday lait. It witl, daubiesi, been Coli1ected tisat sufe tite years ugo tise HpatorableO (corg(e Anussis Hamilton Chsichester, tise haïr sa a snssrqu!sate, figured ini the Divorce Co-urt in thse uaL very eniviiabla position of boing the raspoudcnt in Iwo .1141i-Mamtly,in Llot yd Y. Lloyd asnd Chililester, and Maure v. Muré atsd,,Chichester. Bath thecse ladies were livinsg je Parig ai tise lliie, luthse filt î>l5e tise court could not grant a do. crue of dissoisitlon orf turriage ac n accauint of tise uisoossduct of the huband, and fromt there b in,,vi casioiacollusion beîweentIste îartiftsconcoarcd. Mrs, Liloyd atLurW;rdiî became tise miatresi1 of Viscunt F*ortiihassil loir detî. upon wbich occa- sjis- Lord Forth destrayed hmni.lu thu secossd suit, Mr. Mure ohitaitssd a dis- soluti Of umarriage, aud ahorîly afier. 'vard4 Mr. Chicliasler suid Mrs. Mure ware mulsle- 1P'fie 57tb section'0f th(- divorce Act ex.XP294I y ail; dawsî tisatneither pariv- ciolgal ss r « ugan iiltbree dçOsl. ter tise final dt.cree, ini order t6 t5ive" sthe îsarîVs-Athe posrar of o eaalrsg ta tise Ilouie ot Lords. No appUa esisus lodgi ed. uet.d hlir9 tihe esrpi rsiow of îhe ibrec mnossîstise h(!par1tiesmsn'id ,rs. Cli. istrhs.s isot giaslyuisth 0a ason, avio Wo'ýld thercsîre b.Is as't'ii, Ii[istýIIt'O afier LUii fîsIionis deahtth a ttle lut ,qi arppîcritly, was noî. gr ine10Mr, Chi- cl:ei-Ser, asli c bas iiartoe ýna lfre the c(ourt to '-et ha Marriagv wiih Mrs, Munrt dsizlarcd nuli sud void, aud ibus; bas, ssrdise, hi, rossison, Tisere Wî'es nnîthinc j'iýxcîifîaî.Y a etL arainst Ms-s. chichc.serý for sniisc(ossdlsc 'gîtl'le queîtio)n %V1191raised 'Il deturrs- hefor(le lil c'ourt, aud' tbohnojudgrnt ws gi en, arfromn "isei belIl frosu the beucbi, but litile doubi exietsq tissu ai tise act slow stands, Mr ~bcs trw2l ha once agaisi a fre m ins, and hi",îotan nTisprîïg Ihy bis owtl net ren- Iy enteras! jut i i scond mavrrii ge ýwitb b.r ýi;tltion, when ho ohtins'I is obje -:, of gs1tîifg tlhe ,uar1i;tsýe aunulisd ducs nl Ltea si..;rbt blasncbcidîsi ilI suft std muei lustre ta viepera.sIi.eld se OsePr ike Iigsrat inthselie oftords as ft itus-qsiislss. Tise m< 'tisr csewé; ibat of flippa 8V. Gipps e s! o, ashichis i sas-la'ps isg u a sea 55 bas .ye easlru isiita ibeDivorce Court, - Ilu 1oh\assthe prarties prîncipaMim npîlic. ts rlova-KI i is igber circlv.s of society, nnd thei;r poi;tion in, lire give addition. ai impofrtasJ, eor cf tacta oft tbticase'- iant( tisase ocuedsro!asnion', parties 8i'. a lwer!ancre of lire soteexcuem tk! beaui mýAeafor tisent,,sîby sigst ihav'e Sifsncdl more througb ignorance titan aily. ig'aebut, astiste potitioner incone ctsti i-; tise 110,ir to a ruarquisuta, saud 1lilà %toI -alY hi 'b offciai ;appointseult in r an J sd as tie correspnondent iu the t a r ni ember of Pta.nliainnt sud a s-s aie aididati fr rn>perrage, tiey 14'Ve sOn 4U15. ci., snd ifttsçy lase any Ipe'ci 1141fs(or t'hemiselss, tisey wiIlýdecp' ýregîuet tise o<Iiuns iiey bave brouglsi uponi s eir arder. Ou tise cubher hands, it lias ben ur"od tisat tise Divorce_ Coî'!rt bas net Iiuwu tisat lsot .ot- cf wsorality smong, 1e as-fit )cracy tisai basbeen suticipate!,. mnuy calited 'ajsa sxs-oa bhousef, -bile i&isov a-ifé1 s Iips siair in beti, a-iolly neg la, alleieo!, chiefly tes! upon) a-kaiska-y, axason Wedssesday iithe flc ais! Catisarine, nidt s-il. Tiseisomnna-sunos bi anuy vcr> ir-at dijstance in t acceaoli hes- ieigisi. ,shc for tise yeung l-mps,, aud "'T 'tersl a" istng beau laudes! upo wâ ansnferr-edti 1tise bai busýiness, aud i0 tisat i rrasi, a-ay Sis4tion te tise village, hoomne ats! to ho piaced in' t WA81v.isGTJ-c R ssaBus.-YcU taiay t'ulr kit a vas-Y smisliinl o e-ah a baby. 'Tiat aushua- litle ye o is-fo. Wisan I tait yntisait ise lienurdistinct doliiate china to) be dos!.ingly mnpltsbeta-acu fs-stituifle <rsyittg îîsails, andi s u any uitle ruila utoffi Os11the lacie or tise neci ýjtissavstiee la sb-s-citas!ont lans] bathes!, wlsiia sal Is ues-n aiy-talk- voie cari comfnusaîns! tisa a-b4ýilasa bl ind ov mes-ciiesîs ittantioti.W s! votll yousha- of-ltiîssbalsy a-a't taiser enn or U030 's1iIclA wiiti, and ] tissalc aise rsi - anay or] ilmnn ds-het toes a-lus s},silt outbireaks, ansi iati t aeem i peois toA ejislias- cisubby litais lista, i#ben wetr teck sups-ebbtô'heýr plimi , a-beh Iil you tise atrnttegy tisal i hata lac usii'< trit'ga one1 stitf, ltile, rlelasas-m oOr ta cstmb.ic sîasî,an sd s'be franîhe lnioJriug5 wniicîs curnpany nrttempti to lqtic ou ber little s-ad a-or'ed sbooe; e-n 1 tell yen îha'tshe objirte ailteoîphen to ho tures! oves-oiunl- istmachi in os-des'- t etctise ,,trit) '.4as-inlts-frfein,ans!tisai ahisei; ju:t as usus] a-bls i Yqu ay lies- ontlie as-Sisi; a-hep 1 issfos-ns yon tit she eau ti feahersait out a-ba(,n aise tires, "se Vhat len eans't possble iess-ait doisi, andi at -anotier uie iili eus- hrsitupita aa is-cie, me tissa ,-nu cassi'î pusîýibly utrsighlen han eut; as!ahuyeni enenses-surVte tseas-scouts lit hav tebegis Stsbaes-e tisis ps-ocess ia fsnill cstcldes elieui isutnorai you tisai t-oyss.v aiibaThn you imat tiep m is le p I o se hni. s e ta not eolcoor or-egl -, - sit yen Itaro Isatdisiocatoit asty cf h s- tussuy ltillegs -mras-m, or' iu~- 'sf- - IoristifvIe s-l-h f a-lutheileist stniug' is tics], anti issety emes-gem tram tfis, ber dtsily i s-ry. into s staifetr îy ciasnes!- oed, essltlpsdcautess-.Fanny #'ern, Semase iv o, te-o mecn amemi TayorU 91)r Caiiia,,'parrelleni luina pcblie baissa eau i tise'Golden Quois, Lissîti, C. W. C"ahlagan tîhre va piste ai Taylor, a-loch mi dj itintd et noir the bteRA. M". Wilsonl, -011usahasas!w. lias poor isomniadit-s!oitSatorrlay cufthie ilsd aise- vetoe. Tisai of Ms-. Ferr tisen cas-ries!. Ms-. Powell m-ragist'mintise report ( f us c-Omnitteey recomnundiug the Closrk to as! vos-tise for tenders. (Stie as!ves-tiseuîent, Uapes-t asied. BILLI.ARDLICENF.'.55 ail moation of Mri famnIsellu athe, - , ý ý, ý '- ýý - ý - ýl« , ý:, > , , , l , , , - - , z . -1 - - -,. - - . 1 .ou"

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