j..FIRFST PRLIZE SEWING MACHINES forêer. 1 tdo net i urgea iii. n paper addvêsd ta the Con- u nt aioni by the chiot Magi3trale n ce- or dhfargeti t mn-e fw lors, or tuaint ny of yen have 'jonice thonl I in the ceadmet of irs,y il 1trust t in je jw of ".Ré imeibiltuy resling epon me, ýreoive no waet et respect te ie any uniue careestnesu1 may play. lé t doubted then -that 1 prniose, if uotduped, would wViri"andti <ue bso ifs Px- ýf ni nePy afîci boed ? lîj debt, ;Fuid restere thé cnational pro. perue uole both i ieeflitey ? l Lbit wo liere. Conzreqs anti EX- iscknre lus adoption?7M11 n >net PepIr reepoidt,,)t a unilied anti oit for vru? Cao sve, eue they, [r Mitutes81 certîtitily or se centhe vital uljrcts? Mec 1 only by coricorI. [t lé nt- uft imagine beltor? Objeet is ihe stili the question we fdn btter ? Theo degmas etf aît are iti.içdequaitéte the stermny le o,,c;lli(ie pilet iliigit wih titi we mut risu witiî the occa- four case is iîewy, se wo tîii»t a a n rrý% ,w; w niaitldîB- Sl ,and ilien we Smit avsue ititljg. o rawt cut tescape lbi. ot t hi'Cenzrcoe wvll ho re- it îýpite of curslves Ne pur. Il1canCeOor ieisj tulticiance cao or aeti)hor et us. The flery ,hthirh wn pose wi u lihu et nor or dishoîter tae <o alest Wu siîy liat we are for time hoi %V miltiwill lnet forgelt îat îyi3 IiWA <e IiekHW 1mW-te Thesn. %'Io wrld kitea-, wc in save it. Wv* eren wýe hère' ter ati huer thc regtpocsibility modem, le tothe slaves. iVe en- )m lu te frce, honorable alie gîeat hî'ue preserve. )bly sure or munly oose Ilhe ýpeofe the oarîh. Otier monues udf ibis coulti not fitiu., The n - ~ ~,genereus, just-a if ttllowudl, thé werla will fer-, (1 etitt G Ad meuit terever biens. AiuuutAmLi LN'om nsl or'A tTStO..ih ýrti.î iiteot-u i e? ~ie 1 fo-ewhl, shrewd, nire- reply -11'i dvertiss b'cisuse ih we Mas. IL tVtacîs cew cilto. mhat ii tili btter, il retalîls ho d iti't thlek I am deuti while ,entue in the paper, and kuow te serve îhemn." ro OyféT t EAvEae.,-Whoc teeo r have huais incaulieusiy eaton, L yboir raid and li'uavy un the' we have gais infAluable remedy ini rwhviel haIt a pint ny bit drnnk, 1 uicltly dissolve the oysleri d creaam jîly. via liit niay béeternu juet 150w5 ciousst île le ingreat abonidance N, Gutoautit Bulw.-Tht Lon- j Neus infri-n s iî ht Mv. i o bucm iaricti on Tuesday lait, ei, lady wis jtleshare ber lite's hl hini la a mise Nelson, dnugh- 1aie wol l kiomn publishier, wbeo any mithe étince li Eeïiinbuigh. ['s weddjei trip wiil bu his rie. reet uit promperiu.y. t iitt-ly, uniy moreitan tourage. uAi sslike a peucit ?-He ;g a brave bird hobc'nover t-A.Ss ,tder, Truateof tiré iara Bvyac, Plaintif, billm'>andi deicieCeg- l5phrllOé in endants. r, ing der WVANZER99 CO2YIIINATION Preintuna scwvig .llucbmnçs nwiitiîzrfor Ci'r, T etoîit L Maili IL. ti l'X itzn te Tortiioal. xi2i)tvl, 2.LAî~tI l 1180, set. ultiitttîctt . 6ian ît,%%liLie oR.M lri tisf iuîtai tr iti-lt.so 11r as-tr leaedt "tîuztr's skCOa's tittv-t-iî,Matetilmleut Walitecr & i 'u.'s tI, 'rs u 1lste ver tlt otlirs, h y Cth atr. oif.%rîililiMeinlau- tIIre, et lte Meiiîtttt Iîî-ulýiLiîî,,, Toiosto. îlî,,, is tte t t ' t Etra ltrizew iut tute uuvvrîîl C<ott- Ai-r*tîiiltiiti tl *Lrse-a -o iioilu- toil, laria î tt it . . iii,tstm, l'io -ville, wuîut- lus- ;"îtur.i -ui-srll iti tatct, e -cry pitce tîti -i- ti itn îtte . ii tt uit-il WIii i t' uite t .s xdavNnlig th. evI. w"ser & (' , tatiteuttin ueieitîti- tr& W-eutti &se i )tr-r .'IeFilo-îiss u tt(1jinraîtu- iîuu ist - nlttn tit -r tt esirtîb in ua tmOw itrîtI usI ltti cli tirs 1ir'î,iv e ceod 4s l;rt, t Ii- uc ii dî estti i t rt-lî tipii& j iai--- i g îl ' sl qIivtieruýtnm.sdu ýrq etirî te-s tiîtuîîît-t httrs tii-t titI îîf cil ilitsli Otieritlioitt. lu. ieiutt-t u rîmit iitu rutîc iL I-ititî abet)i-t4on -t of reuîir, ttndtiit i4i ens1 - !Y uiuti-I 'lle pubtli tt -sm tit tî iti, ltt 'f', îu lot ci ii t ti vv-IL-ttuo Over ai l eos itiui in tii. h. E% ,ý, tîth ettili litîtve i'uValm Acil t telîe Wtiiiar tio .-u SasItu Maelines t-cur tIshe - t i f IL. Nt %Wuiiur & Co., iltituil- ttul 91s lite Iîitto. 1- 6ý JAMES il. (;EIlIIE. Agetnt, Wlîi by. WÀThut1S, gLOCK8, AND eJEWELERY, le TH£tATKST STYLES -JAMES JOUNSION, WaîcAIsInniuer anti JewoIlr, Biraok Streimt, Whitlîy. tc. 1101, 162. 40 FRED. TAYLOR, p APLTANMENTAT1V, 11-ND & GENEIZ- li tL Tlcsfo)r Croiwn Lauids et t inei, crhums %bute ise i) eparttémeit of Cr.îwtiiLsîiu,4Petýimîsod i 'toukts ot Invention autti Gor.sl I J-suieîas s i the Pu¾lie Mtie ultoieud dlteTille exeenimîdidLeegal Âdvie givoi-,Fris. otChIarge, .iaslc "io. S11cO n;Co h emr T. Korritz, lisq., St. Otisrines; t Ii . . 1 _l Z a e lîe îs, o w t rc a in v ' o n . . O u l-D o - G.Iaký1I J. evdt:e Llu-tmil . 1 . orzlosk St 'tutrit Orrutci-CoruirorfeBuade anti Fort dIreets, Qtiicu. -y Oeioiief 2. 41î-eo Wn 1l4FiiIsut buluoveu1L uis Flour,,Grain and Feed Store - Te) BROCK STRE ETf, North Wusrrd, eext daor ta A. Logan, Tinsmitis. Wtiîthy, 02c't. Oui,, 186ý2. 82 f COLLECTION & COMMISSION M RI. E. L. 57<0W, MonIveal, C. F. C OLETINO u-defor ntsialireMer- Qarslev, t- titusa, atuti T-roito, ai o t$s- isis ta ito. Alil ,letn duly repm-- t- oU, atli roceetlui pratuiputiti cîstî1r. Atidresecmusittiutinui-il tMisutresi QGa- Proîurieiore Mctttriuît sizetiUe JuohnLovel, SMontrcal, Suîsttietr til, 1862. a5.ly Sheriff's Sale of Lands. u» ef OuItario, ý ]Tt-Y vrtiue of a WY -I BIBLE DEPOSITARY. I?îJ TUE~~~~~~ ~~~~ L-nlî mtîepbI uInieit u new anti wefl selett stock of BIBLS& TESTAMENTS l mand i wlut tlt6FPS',lniiïeinmoIre InOW te Lie f enti utt theé P p 'itary of, tihewt')îy ,Ilraneh Bible society. TIti stock itus beoil su lecleti by thé Deriosilsry i Jl erOnt, aidwiui ho fouetidta enibrace v,lîîcm s tn various styles etf i.11int]n, plain tsnil or-îansctd. D)Eorsrr-At Mr. james llails licoandi SI)hee6love, orîerof B or-Ir ndDnatrds MWhiIby, Nov. 20,, 1882. 46-3w Tailors, Shoçrnakers, Carrnage Builders, Diress Makers, and Heads of Tamiies Goiuerally. C"Mi at WANZAR .9 culs. sewilng machine Whllic, W lu tesetbo, large n'sortinent of"Il' 'aiyadManufnutog -Wti î atast lnprovenmcnts .nd t iow prktos. JAMES H. GEIRIUE, Agent for CO.unty Ontario. DENTISTRY! PRS. CJALLENDER ý& CARI) S4urgeousa,Dntt, k.,R msoe r. Canreton Lynde's 1Store T ETIL Ouele inth- n tco4ftfbet nner, T fd nonodmebut t le be.t Ou n'cst eppro0vcd nticril uoed. Vie iooig cxperieneof ut r. Callender -kltd s.ittitr thoroisglikeotyledre 61 the prac grent 1 eefitto be drivod t rom ac8c pro- sirouition of thohe 4eIlimrnet, andi bentitulit orignîîthe tecth.t. p>u their preucrvu iiîa erent fouioftheheeilth, "Ilppîems, and ennfort of in kind depend.1,7h 1r operatinue in thi< brai of tiei, prefessi oit eaniot f5.11ilet ýgîviast- iciocilmi. Let the afflicted witliUouuuà dtecth. oiiy - iit them ine lime, bufore tliq disensoeth tctri i t ir t oid. AiM iF111 1,TEETIT inemrtod ti Gtold, 8SU- ver, IiialtinaPlie,,alo epov ticelbrated,and il% mnn-,i ueuîie iîoater the i nt mt e p nïtiproed metnt's etopitet by dei & adov ncadîiI efoic i o p~~roct 0 thmoolest iut only the ,iatr PU,-,r-,ili Il," tlrvclbut the roue ted coin tort ofbe wescr ofticir u tific tth, is liro- inotofillt the iiumc imre. In the diorabiliiy ou the inuttriao l îîsd. uand the horînony in the lflelini ut color, the greatro iîi,Çîtiewili t'tîrticniar letterdi 4ilstiveil to t1e 'cure c roirition ocfeiîildrtm'i tetU,. Purtîxte shoniti attend to tisas vury iniprtstîtdùfs t,> eir Ail operatiens wu%-rrjmtrd ntiefactory. Ternis aen"" i e mntt f~.2 STOVES!! T U LAIGFOLTTOO< ND GICEATEST wuri, &c., eau bit seen it the StoreO 1the tandur-ignetid. ,ttovos ni cv ery style and quialty and tiaal ?rioes. The ounia; eew patternt îtove hass been teltrodtecoti emouzmt Ollier varOiciis THE KING OF 87N)YCS, IRON DUl7E, (;RA4ND TRU. PRINCE ALBERT, DA VY C'ROOoE T, -FROTEQVONIST, . jIrCilandISce.. JOUIN BI3U;, Osh.w a Â4vertiseïnn ts. WI-JZJA.M rd T RIP ST. X .. F. LAMBRIT. T AIl9,'R and PPU >E-lic St. Oshawa. Gutrineiiti made to erder lu thle bet -stye auJd fiihl. 47 JOHN GlIiCIIRISTo D -LER in Ffie o id Staplel)ty ed ;iJ nl Stiiuit WILres,, (,roceriem, 1'ro)vieiolii 47 -.S. B. FAIRBlANKS, SOLCITOR, NOTARY PUBICO, &C. &o. tJ Oshsw, C. W. JOHN McGILL, TICENSID AUÇTIONZZII FOR CANADA LWest, otera bis services te tho lithehii tante of Otario and iiDrhaîn (bonntice sut- tend Sules by A-mction Ilouseliîod Fim'iiture, Rserchaedize and i tlser cfecta, t a reusonable coission. - 10 Oshawa. Amrsnt1850 INSURANCE & GENERA.L AGENT TIIE SU]3SCR11UIER 18 ?EEPÂ2ED TO Teffet Fîre, 5Life and Marine Iluuirance JUaka kt m-asoniable rates, aunii the meuýt tespoitai bic <Jt>pauises. E. JE. SKAÀE Oshsawa, J uly 2, 18612 -C. N. VA Us. DRACTCALDUtWeOshawa. pf~ Dental Rooèse, dlrectiy oppo- site the Post Qttce.utr0ne on Bîmeoe Steptthird tior north of the ÃŽmtao W. H. GIBUS. & Co., !&[PORTES, amdGeera Merchants, Ring au. issSi ieo<mêStreets. <Oshawa. 1Iron, direct frocs G latggw, t ?ow 1)prices for cash.47 SCOTTISI! PROVINC ASSURANCgE CtIti ESTABLISUE»D Incorpuratcd by Act of fe Capital One MiÉïonz 1 Invested in Canada $4 HIEAD OFFICIE .. moi A. DAvtdsoéu Parker,Se S ATF 0F PRÉMfIUI.tverytr Assevunees cfoeýtoîl and tialir brt éctiblnbimîtitýdetiùttrefée land. JOHN AGNI Wlîithîy, AuigitstS, 1862. THE BUFFALO Mr,4P,(,YANýT-ITiE LLE GE, CORNER i c Aga Iîitby - '0-17 The Celobrated. Ger.v,'î! sucuît lirk 1iîtîte 0f floeus - t is tee o trineuîiy tîou et aukinis et lwuti suittisu on, lut. Tue remerdý '4i nCillibiée -r me' Itortice Frote thcwstîlla e ttiie tq<u~ ti tiav .1mou r oemmith e 1i. aiýt ei X.yea"m,nti 8111 uilit t ti l leuîîlled fer liîcsuiîg ente, andtti crilifif',t-lmtcm. Its tltiauy i oqithiy pieuti tipp~lic tu nmailt or ht(utts." JAm 5(lEt P'ickerintg, Tel,. 12, 5081. 441n jestire t', 0vt),iil oacýityl wtt1 peulic, 1t tiuht'k iL rîglit te r,utem or ceuruîrà teà tieCii ilui li. My i uie girl geil ce-- verotv sciiic, -t.tuitili ce. tiettlier rctuit-r) wîîu tîtbtftuit the ittiiuiciy aýpicutiOn of, ylqiie il i;ite i iiwjîuti-rip iv rueircil. KWTJ'tl W . LLbt , Jr. 1'ikerng,-lteiiry17, 1881. P4eu$it.-4iu jiruice te yen, andi the pub lit' ini gitc.ti tîtit ilrigulte 10rcctitiitm sotir (,).iat (ttui ii, f-r i ir, tuf titis, -Ictulues, Inn-t tlts,&0., is ,,îlitiliy ies chutasvwiuc-titt-r îuu ii tî etttr bea-t. Dota Si- lt utrie tout, utiq as a iity t oirO i 1 lite tîîtiti, I1lmit Lritit titnin-. mit-îd s oir c-lhot-ieirtîttîit (iiifor titi- ture c'! froi ubîiteumu tie, ir iid itîti îlu tf dnt0-e rd Imi- tziIiLiIiitL.E1 . 'i- rtiFturtîiry, iitt el si rt <rites iCu i tiittg czore for twî, try s tie rcîlubiteutui cl, îttil tiîstt-I,w coltupiett oaf tLeflIraI uineieul monii itthe Contty writes. eliai.Sa-Ee~weotl o)vcr te wtrlti yonlr jitiy cçeobrutejje't<er Oit tieqerves la be knowil. lt muîtt prove a blessiTIg tii ilttse- kilisd.. I vt lac s1 i oncure tuf Oits, brut- uer , fret Iite-S. &c, uitîS111:4tisn otemu a ifiou steelg-,ii t lJu-icr tiicd b lo ot -lre." Tii ho bei uiitmtit , aiai tte prin-, cupal o csf l2tie t hu Proviir O-6 OF 'IE cf tlie Brltlsbh& Akmerkcan ,ExpreSS (- O. Montreal Ozean Stemsliip Co à a, Giasgow Lino Steamers. Remnovotli til dour uh otthu ilegi-ttrv Of- AI.St)-t-Oltee5ot Cit'ELSOMNIBUS LiN rE. Wlithy, April -.,8412. 1 Only 40 cents lVer GailbÉ ut 16 GEORGE YJLE'S. KEJIROSEN,,E' 0111 'PEINISVLVAN1.4OIL 1 A&t Ieduced Prieus For Cash. 16 GEORGE TULE. A. Work of 'Absorbiug Iuterest THRJLLING ADVENTURES 1 MONG 1 71 TUE EMARLY SETTLER3S, - By WARREN ý(WIL-DWOOD), ESQ., Dvaýwc frotu ii leise meoveilfl prat'o :AnsutinseIit-rvasti 15-unitho nioSlteei s«mre, thworses ltiYimtke ai aIl tise wild welrd, anti (oarfnimchvi..eer of renuttîec. T'lue velame oeistis e foiltkihwlr igi Solg ottsems, coi -,MAIN1& SENECA STREETS, Ilail mprtanmtlimk iii e.greuteiiiu eta- tioltldwis*Cil,r-ut-ts:Ce IeÃŽi*, ttooated ille -TRONTO, C. W. N~EW ToR. - PMILADELPIII A, fMOOKLVYN, 1- ALliANT1, "- , -DETROIT, CiCGO A Necloarsbiv Ysmued erom tise Bullea- or or alî ttX 3Celtegesfrantfijileu1n Thse pesigu ot hese lu% iituticas t t limd rentier itmsea mtttoie, tite iiii't etsrh± mmsiiil , are tîitglit ii tlis etI lluregh id, 1tronctict;îu mnntor. Tise Spenceriti Syotem of* Penuman- .blp tanght y eoin' etl ut4cîl o4rionced College aects dtiytittd cteiitif:-?te vocetieumu Priîieitmeipaleusnt Buff.to, J. (XllisVÀ,Tr ,Forflertlisor informiontr, 1louîCiiiet-thée Coiekelimom,,rseni tr~auîlimoeantiCir-. BRYTANT & S'Il'RkTTON cà X -:r buI >1'0 'ii'mO. - l 4r tri p Bsitkis ,Amerait Aumraufe Company, Session ottf thoEItvi-uthIi rovisurlul aulia tueut ofiipperCino.,diu. inuracelltit-L, et nulIlsulili-tgatutt'ittoi ht -, OliiGN.1 (; co CO: nntA K., T hittit Ei. th, 1S 62. 4-lyuyseer at Joutr. G reei t Wui. Alo-gêîmst lilyt Gtd iuu o ta ces(auut tl> ou lusud. -Tt (m.tOi. jT A IlcrseIg g ldb uie c1 i ii 01 tî ri well at tG nn 1. tr oiI t'2 Wiiltyi"-e. ',tu , Z1862. 4 ýco- - c rt fo aenctku. Tie. tt 500tqeuuity, aisti no1(t-r tise btut tle oeuti FoarTerms and turthcr parlicaisura aipfmy, (if byrLettçr tpaisd), te t -JtES. ]111SON, - R EV. WILLIAM ES~ Sp1rtsMeeks=i 0 1 DIR-ECTIJMPOIIIAIIONS.1 nW ~1imh cri H P L ~ Iottledl ae et Beg to annouriðe ar rival of titeir FMIL STOCK. beingr the Wilîtby, Nes wogstusrtesent titey oser hi the isbcasire of offcring, art/ having bceon pucbued bétene the reetit greut c-tviiaice-on goeis, thoy wili be cable te offer- T UINDE Dress Goods, zShftwls , lManties, Ym* LADIES,' FURS, C !-RPE rS, &cl., &C-. Thcy wotuld direct the specius1 attentioni orf Gentlemenec 4 their extens*Ive Cloths, CassimereeCanadian Twtieds &Satinets;, tnder-fl.oth- ing SirsCallars, Rats, Caps,-Ties, Wool Plaids & In Men's rnd Boy's Top ani Body Coatt, V'ts mmq ad Pautv ofevery iityle atnd qtma1lity, hoing îsde up Ontise îircsiss, tise lit and workmashlip mity bé (de- peud itct01. A FR , SH STOCK 0.F.GROCERIES JUST RECEIVEI) 500) bligsLIVERlPOOL S.il'r,.wlh i h o ol Clîp. R.&J.- CALMPBELIY Perryts Bri-ck B3iiing, wilitlsy, oct., 18032.f - ---'--I --U e, 7~Esubaribera bo eg b ea yotir atletiontlu tise fnt et Lit iaying an I liarvet tli eoraning an a para, 'andti tii tés ti imtu unuseiin yotîr orck-r, or coliLnta yoir- sBelves, for tht-irjtsstivcl-lsiy Com b ined w xd aper Wlieh îis îmew reudy 3,for delivery ut til- woýrks il# Wltitby. Evcry uchica solelli s stP teork isîti atilatietm gtvirmteeil, u ap tiir tri-ml, or esl . For the jinformation o<f tiiosa tisaI t %,itotepurchaititMaciiiie-,anti Imvecet h it) oppo9imtity ot sieiimg thotus bin ie, wu woulil îIt-r l t t e o folowing gentlemnthuil b9Ii>gtL or tI 111M icadori, 'sua Stîurzltsn Brw , 'c ri , e îî Lttjiu, ' iit W'm & ltetsry I'toWel Viii.uutntpt - W ,titiLon, tiA. MiiAemIii l Ira 3tLl'sjiusO1 'T ,lu J4 lin-tts C tss Chres lîyWn,s*re - e-e rryth, Chancit Ilouttu, t î.s'r iy, u i tîie,.-" nirarcîet.ound hy ceemmittutcste DO the best oser pro&eîinl ie towu. MICHIAEL SCIINAPPAUP. Whitby, fnly 0,1841. LICENi'ýED AtICTIONEER IFOI THE COUNTY 0P ONTARié' T UEaedrst~gd re thse XActionev wIuo lino tkeenaticcseup te) the promeut 1 Lvneu Mrewyfn-ouî 2.'IiuosRIienry Wîuî-reTliorail, *1.r aleg letIerlrok 4..JîeWore-Pcrj. 5i. Leevi Foirhnînks. Ir. cni<the firm tof FYiiibanike & !ttîiiiot-erCecîîty. . A lbrt Su re - te c Bfr oek, Uxbrlig , 9. Jno. Me{ ill, ;tw. PA(,rTOncu Clounty . W L4by, FTub. 27, 1 Q 6. ASSERANCE COMP>ANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. une,, groti1on1îlindI riss o Rimhso ute ~ ouîp, oîei is ebt'nte tvfpr en i;li»wed ont Ilv t r il ' îo-rýro rircmuîîiin%, oe t 1st eOlegéo n prî ,oUit-ri ani Itînrabte sttiletmejit 0-1 Itt 1, 1oiit n rl n aise 11uînpu y îy be i>nrt wlîitny w itby, Fe . c , 18 2 - 7 JO-SE P 1 F. R AINE R Piawon-Forte IManufaeturer,[ý W a t 1/, oi trons i ,l uji, l, at tlu ise el ugtilaio ruît on ti th -tut syeUes At tue) l'r,,viiieiali Exi oit) 2 7 iitibr .ITBY, s'reot lu thé et o Witby, serifli wl 1 1 ,