Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1862, p. 4

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j..FIRFST PRLIZE SEWING MACHINES forêer. 1 tdo net i urgea iii. n paper addvêsd ta the Con- u nt aioni by the chiot Magi3trale n ce- or dhfargeti t mn-e fw lors, or tuaint ny of yen have 'jonice thonl I in the ceadmet of irs,y il 1trust t in je jw of ".Ré imeibiltuy resling epon me, ýreoive no waet et respect te ie any uniue careestnesu1 may play. lé t doubted then -that 1 prniose, if uotduped, would wViri"andti <ue bso ifs Px- ýf ni nePy afîci boed ? lîj debt, ;Fuid restere thé cnational pro. perue uole both i ieeflitey ? l Lbit wo liere. Conzreqs anti EX- iscknre lus adoption?7M11 n >net PepIr reepoidt,,)t a unilied anti oit for vru? Cao sve, eue they, [r Mitutes81 certîtitily or se centhe vital uljrcts? Mec 1 only by coricorI. [t lé nt- uft imagine beltor? Objeet is ihe stili the question we fdn btter ? Theo degmas etf aît are iti.içdequaitéte the stermny le o,,c;lli(ie pilet iliigit wih titi we mut risu witiî the occa- four case is iîewy, se wo tîii»t a a n rrý% ,w; w niaitldîB- Sl ,and ilien we Smit avsue ititljg. o rawt cut tescape lbi. ot t hi'Cenzrcoe wvll ho re- it îýpite of curslves Ne pur. Il1canCeOor ieisj tulticiance cao or aeti)hor et us. The flery ,hthirh wn pose wi u lihu et nor or dishoîter tae <o alest Wu siîy liat we are for time hoi %V miltiwill lnet forgelt îat îyi3 IiWA <e IiekHW 1mW-te Thesn. %'Io wrld kitea-, wc in save it. Wv* eren wýe hère' ter ati huer thc regtpocsibility modem, le tothe slaves. iVe en- )m lu te frce, honorable alie gîeat hî'ue preserve. )bly sure or munly oose Ilhe ýpeofe the oarîh. Otier monues udf ibis coulti not fitiu., The n - ~ ~,genereus, just-a if ttllowudl, thé werla will fer-, (1 etitt G Ad meuit terever biens. AiuuutAmLi LN'om nsl or'A tTStO..ih ýrti.î iiteot-u i e? ~ie 1 fo-ewhl, shrewd, nire- reply -11'i dvertiss b'cisuse ih we Mas. IL tVtacîs cew cilto. mhat ii tili btter, il retalîls ho d iti't thlek I am deuti while ,entue in the paper, and kuow te serve îhemn." ro OyféT t EAvEae.,-Whoc teeo r have huais incaulieusiy eaton, L yboir raid and li'uavy un the' we have gais infAluable remedy ini rwhviel haIt a pint ny bit drnnk, 1 uicltly dissolve the oysleri d creaam jîly. via liit niay béeternu juet 150w5 ciousst île le ingreat abonidance N, Gutoautit Bulw.-Tht Lon- j Neus infri-n s iî ht Mv. i o bucm iaricti on Tuesday lait, ei, lady wis jtleshare ber lite's hl hini la a mise Nelson, dnugh- 1aie wol l kiomn publishier, wbeo any mithe étince li Eeïiinbuigh. ['s weddjei trip wiil bu his rie. reet uit promperiu.y. t iitt-ly, uniy moreitan tourage. uAi sslike a peucit ?-He ;g a brave bird hobc'nover t-A.Ss ,tder, Truateof tiré iara Bvyac, Plaintif, billm'>andi deicieCeg- l5phrllOé in endants. r, ing der WVANZER99 CO2YIIINATION Preintuna scwvig .llucbmnçs nwiitiîzrfor Ci'r, T etoîit L Maili IL. ti l'X itzn te Tortiioal. xi2i)tvl, 2.LAî~tI l 1180, set. ultiitttîctt . 6ian ît,%%liLie oR.M lri tisf iuîtai tr iti-lt.so 11r as-tr leaedt "tîuztr's skCOa's tittv-t-iî,Matetilmleut Walitecr & i 'u.'s tI, 'rs u 1lste ver tlt otlirs, h y Cth atr. oif.%rîililiMeinlau- tIIre, et lte Meiiîtttt Iîî-ulýiLiîî,,, Toiosto. îlî,,, is tte t t ' t Etra ltrizew iut tute uuvvrîîl C<ott- Ai-r*tîiiltiiti tl *Lrse-a -o iioilu- toil, laria î tt it . . iii,tstm, l'io -ville, wuîut- lus- ;"îtur.i -ui-srll iti tatct, e -cry pitce tîti -i- ti itn îtte . ii tt uit-il WIii i t' uite t .s xdavNnlig th. evI. w"ser & (' , tatiteuttin ueieitîti- tr& W-eutti &se i )tr-r .'IeFilo-îiss u tt(1jinraîtu- iîuu ist - nlttn tit -r tt esirtîb in ua tmOw itrîtI usI ltti cli tirs 1ir'î,iv e ceod 4s l;rt, t Ii- uc ii dî estti i t rt-lî tipii& j iai--- i g îl ' sl qIivtieruýtnm.sdu ýrq etirî te-s tiîtuîîît-t httrs tii-t titI îîf cil ilitsli Otieritlioitt. lu. ieiutt-t u rîmit iitu rutîc iL I-ititî abet)i-t4on -t of reuîir, ttndtiit i4i ens1 - !Y uiuti-I 'lle pubtli tt -sm tit tî iti, ltt 'f', îu lot ci ii t ti vv-IL-ttuo Over ai l eos itiui in tii. h. E% ,ý, tîth ettili litîtve i'uValm Acil t telîe Wtiiiar tio .-u SasItu Maelines t-cur tIshe - t i f IL. Nt %Wuiiur & Co., iltituil- ttul 91s lite Iîitto. 1- 6ý JAMES il. (;EIlIIE. Agetnt, Wlîi by. WÀThut1S, gLOCK8, AND eJEWELERY, le TH£tATKST STYLES -JAMES JOUNSION, WaîcAIsInniuer anti JewoIlr, Biraok Streimt, Whitlîy. tc. 1101, 162. 40 FRED. TAYLOR, p APLTANMENTAT1V, 11-ND & GENEIZ- li tL Tlcsfo)r Croiwn Lauids et t inei, crhums %bute ise i) eparttémeit of Cr.îwtiiLsîiu,4Petýimîsod i 'toukts ot Invention autti Gor.sl I J-suieîas s i the Pu¾lie Mtie ultoieud dlteTille exeenimîdidLeegal Âdvie givoi-,Fris. otChIarge, .iaslc "io. S11cO n;Co h emr T. Korritz, lisq., St. Otisrines; t Ii . . 1 _l Z a e lîe îs, o w t rc a in v ' o n . . O u l-D o - G.Iaký1I J. evdt:e Llu-tmil . 1 . orzlosk St 'tutrit Orrutci-CoruirorfeBuade anti Fort dIreets, Qtiicu. -y Oeioiief 2. 41î-eo Wn 1l4FiiIsut buluoveu1L uis Flour,,Grain and Feed Store - Te) BROCK STRE ETf, North Wusrrd, eext daor ta A. Logan, Tinsmitis. Wtiîthy, 02c't. Oui,, 186ý2. 82 f COLLECTION & COMMISSION M RI. E. L. 57<0W, MonIveal, C. F. C OLETINO u-defor ntsialireMer- Qarslev, t- titusa, atuti T-roito, ai o t$s- isis ta ito. Alil ,letn duly repm-- t- oU, atli roceetlui pratuiputiti cîstî1r. Atidresecmusittiutinui-il tMisutresi QGa- Proîurieiore Mctttriuît sizetiUe JuohnLovel, SMontrcal, Suîsttietr til, 1862. a5.ly Sheriff's Sale of Lands. u» ef OuItario, ý ]Tt-Y vrtiue of a WY -I BIBLE DEPOSITARY. I?îJ TUE~~~~~~ ~~~~ L-nlî mtîepbI uInieit u new anti wefl selett stock of BIBLS& TESTAMENTS l mand i wlut tlt6FPS',lniiïeinmoIre InOW te Lie f enti utt theé P p 'itary of, tihewt')îy ,Ilraneh Bible society. TIti stock itus beoil su lecleti by thé Deriosilsry i Jl erOnt, aidwiui ho fouetidta enibrace v,lîîcm s tn various styles etf i.11int]n, plain tsnil or-îansctd. D)Eorsrr-At Mr. james llails licoandi SI)hee6love, orîerof B or-Ir ndDnatrds MWhiIby, Nov. 20,, 1882. 46-3w Tailors, Shoçrnakers, Carrnage Builders, Diress Makers, and Heads of Tamiies Goiuerally. C"Mi at WANZAR .9 culs. sewilng machine Whllic, W lu tesetbo, large n'sortinent of"Il' 'aiyadManufnutog -Wti î atast lnprovenmcnts .nd t iow prktos. JAMES H. GEIRIUE, Agent for CO.unty Ontario. DENTISTRY! PRS. CJALLENDER ý& CARI) S4urgeousa,Dntt, k.,R msoe r. Canreton Lynde's 1Store T ETIL Ouele inth- n tco4ftfbet nner, T fd nonodmebut t le be.t Ou n'cst eppro0vcd nticril uoed. Vie iooig cxperieneof ut r. Callender -kltd s.ittitr thoroisglikeotyledre 61 the prac grent 1 eefitto be drivod t rom ac8c pro- sirouition of thohe 4eIlimrnet, andi bentitulit orignîîthe tecth.t. p>u their preucrvu iiîa erent fouioftheheeilth, "Ilppîems, and ennfort of in kind depend.1,7h 1r operatinue in thi< brai of tiei, prefessi oit eaniot f5.11ilet ýgîviast- iciocilmi. Let the afflicted witliUouuuàdtecth. oiiy - iit them ine lime, bufore tliq disensoeth tctri i t ir t oid. AiM iF111 1,TEETIT inemrtod ti Gtold, 8SU- ver, IiialtinaPlie,,alo epov ticelbrated,and il% mnn-,i ueuîie iîoater the i nt mt e p nïtiproed metnt's etopitet by dei & adov ncadîiI efoic i o p~~roct 0 thmoolest iut only the ,iatr PU,-,r-,ili Il," tlrvclbut the roue ted coin tort ofbe wescr ofticir u tific tth, is liro- inotofillt the iiumc imre. In the diorabiliiy ou the inuttriao l îîsd. uand the horînony in the lflelini ut color, the greatro iîi,Çîtiewili t'tîrticniar letterdi 4ilstiveil to t1e 'cure c roirition ocfeiîildrtm'i tetU,. Purtîxte shoniti attend to tisas vury iniprtstîtdùfs t,> eir Ail operatiens wu%-rrjmtrd ntiefactory. Ternis aen"" i e mntt f~.2 STOVES!! T U LAIGFOLTTOO< ND GICEATEST wuri, &c., eau bit seen it the StoreO 1the tandur-ignetid. ,ttovos ni cv ery style and quialty and tiaal ?rioes. The ounia; eew patternt îtove hass been teltrodtecoti emouzmt Ollier varOiciis THE KING OF 87N)YCS, IRON DUl7E, (;RA4ND TRU. PRINCE ALBERT, DA VY C'ROOoE T, -FROTEQVONIST, . jIrCilandISce.. JOUIN BI3U;, Osh.w a Â4vertiseïnn ts. WI-JZJA.M rd T RIP ST. X .. F. LAMBRIT. T AIl9,'R and PPU >E-lic St. Oshawa. Gutrineiiti made to erder lu thle bet -stye auJd fiihl. 47 JOHN GlIiCIIRISTo D -LER in Ffie o id Staplel)ty ed ;iJ nl Stiiuit WILres,, (,roceriem, 1'ro)vieiolii 47 -.S. B. FAIRBlANKS, SOLCITOR, NOTARY PUBICO, &C. &o. tJ Oshsw, C. W. JOHN McGILL, TICENSID AUÇTIONZZII FOR CANADA LWest, otera bis services te tho lithehii tante of Otario and iiDrhaîn (bonntice sut- tend Sules by A-mction Ilouseliîod Fim'iiture, Rserchaedize and i tlser cfecta, t a reusonable coission. - 10 Oshawa. Amrsnt1850 INSURANCE & GENERA.L AGENT TIIE SU]3SCR11UIER 18 ?EEPÂ2ED TO Teffet Fîre, 5Life and Marine Iluuirance JUaka kt m-asoniable rates, aunii the meuýt tespoitai bic <Jt>pauises. E. JE. SKAÀE Oshsawa, J uly 2, 18612 -C. N. VA Us. DRACTCALDUtWeOshawa. pf~ Dental Rooèse, dlrectiy oppo- site the Post Qttce.utr0ne on Bîmeoe Steptthird tior north of the Îmtao W. H. GIBUS. & Co., !&[PORTES, amdGeera Merchants, Ring au. issSi ieo<mêStreets. <Oshawa. 1Iron, direct frocs G latggw, t ?ow 1)prices for cash.47 SCOTTISI! PROVINC ASSURANCgE CtIti ESTABLISUE»D Incorpuratcd by Act of fe Capital One MiÉïonz 1 Invested in Canada $4 HIEAD OFFICIE .. moi A. DAvtdsoéu Parker,Se S ATF 0F PRÉMfIUI.tverytr Assevunees cfoeýtoîl and tialir brt éctiblnbimîtitýdetiùttrefée land. JOHN AGNI Wlîithîy, AuigitstS, 1862. THE BUFFALO Mr,4P,(,YANýT-ITiE LLE GE, CORNER i c Aga Iîitby - '0-17 The Celobrated. Ger.v,'î! sucuît lirk 1iîtîte 0f floeus - t is tee o trineuîiy tîou et aukinis et lwuti suittisu on, lut. Tue remerdý '4i nCillibiée -r me' Itortice Frote thcwstîlla e ttiie tq<u~ ti tiav .1mou r oemmith e 1i. aiýt ei X.yea"m,nti 8111 uilit t ti l leuîîlled fer liîcsuiîg ente, andtti crilifif',t-lmtcm. Its tltiauy i oqithiy pieuti tipp~lic tu nmailt or ht(utts." JAm 5(lEt P'ickerintg, Tel,. 12, 5081. 441n jestire t', 0vt),iil oacýityl wtt1 peulic, 1t tiuht'k iL rîglit te r,utem or ceuruîràteàtieCii ilui li. My i uie girl geil ce-- verotv sciiic, -t.tuitili ce. tiettlier rctuit-r) wîîu tîtbtftuit the ittiiuiciy aýpicutiOn of, ylqiie il i;ite i iiwjîuti-rip iv rueircil. KWTJ'tl W . LLbt , Jr. 1'ikerng,-lteiiry17, 1881. P4eu$it.-4iu jiruice te yen, andi the pub lit' ini gitc.ti tîtit ilrigulte 10rcctitiitm sotir (,).iat (ttui ii, f-r i ir, tuf titis, -Ictulues, Inn-t tlts,&0., is ,,îlitiliy ies chutasvwiuc-titt-r îuu ii tî etttr bea-t. Dota Si- lt utrie tout, utiq as a iity t oirO i 1 lite tîîtiti, I1lmit Lritit titnin-. mit-îd s oir c-lhot-ieirtîttîit (iiifor titi- ture c'! froi ubîiteumu tie, ir iid itîti îlu tf dnt0-e rd Imi- tziIiLiIiitL.E1 . 'i- rtiFturtîiry, iitt el si rt <rites iCu i tiittg czore for twî, try s tie rcîlubiteutui cl, îttil tiîstt-I,w coltupiett oaf tLeflIraI uineieul monii itthe Contty writes. eliai.Sa-Ee~weotl o)vcr te wtrlti yonlr jitiy cçeobrutejje't<er Oit tieqerves la be knowil. lt muîtt prove a blessiTIg tii ilttse- kilisd.. I vt lac s1 i oncure tuf Oits, brut- uer , fret Iite-S. &c, uitîS111:4tisn otemu a ifiou steelg-,ii t lJu-icr tiicd b lo ot -lre." Tii ho bei uiitmtit , aiai tte prin-, cupal o csf l2tie t hu Proviir O-6 OF 'IE cf tlie Brltlsbh& Akmerkcan ,ExpreSS (- O. Montreal Ozean Stemsliip Co àa, Giasgow Lino Steamers. Remnovotli til dour uh otthu ilegi-ttrv Of- AI.St)-t-Oltee5ot Cit'ELSOMNIBUS LiN rE. Wlithy, April -.,8412. 1 Only 40 cents lVer GailbÉ ut 16 GEORGE YJLE'S. KEJIROSEN,,E' 0111 'PEINISVLVAN1.4OIL 1 A&t Ieduced Prieus For Cash. 16 GEORGE TULE. A. Work of 'Absorbiug Iuterest THRJLLING ADVENTURES 1 MONG 1 71 TUE EMARLY SETTLER3S, - By WARREN ý(WIL-DWOOD), ESQ., Dvaýwc frotu ii leise meoveilfl prat'o :AnsutinseIit-rvasti 15-unitho nioSlteei s«mre, thworses ltiYimtke ai aIl tise wild welrd, anti (oarfnimchvi..eer of renuttîec. T'lue velame oeistis e foiltkihwlr igi Solg ottsems, coi -,MAIN1& SENECA STREETS, Ilail mprtanmtlimk iii e.greuteiiiu eta- tioltldwis*Cil,r-ut-ts:Ce IeÎi*, ttooated ille -TRONTO, C. W. N~EW ToR. - PMILADELPIII A, fMOOKLVYN, 1- ALliANT1, "- , -DETROIT, CiCGO A Necloarsbiv Ysmued erom tise Bullea- or or alî ttX 3Celtegesfrantfijileu1n Thse pesigu ot hese lu% iituticas t t limd rentier itmsea mtttoie, tite iiii't etsrh± mmsiiil , are tîitglit ii tlis etI lluregh id, 1tronctict;îu mnntor. Tise Spenceriti Syotem of* Penuman- .blp tanght y eoin' etl ut4cîl o4rionced College aects dtiytittd cteiitif:-?te vocetieumu Priîieitmeipaleusnt Buff.to, J. (XllisVÀ,Tr ,Forflertlisor informiontr, 1louîCiiiet-thée Coiekelimom,,rseni tr~auîlimoeantiCir-. BRYTANT & S'Il'RkTTON cà X -:r buI >1'0 'ii'mO. - l 4r tri p Bsitkis ,Amerait Aumraufe Company, Session ottf thoEItvi-uthIi rovisurlul aulia tueut ofiipperCino.,diu. inuracelltit-L, et nulIlsulili-tgatutt'ittoi ht -, OliiGN.1 (; co CO: nntA K., T hittit Ei. th, 1S 62. 4-lyuyseer at Joutr. G reei t Wui. Alo-gêîmst lilyt Gtd iuu o ta ces(auut tl> ou lusud. -Tt (m.tOi. jT A IlcrseIg g ldb uie c1 i ii 01 tî ri well at tG nn 1. tr oiI t'2 Wiiltyi"-e. ',tu , Z1862. 4 ýco- - c rt fo aenctku. Tie. tt 500tqeuuity, aisti no1(t-r tise btut tle oeuti FoarTerms and turthcr parlicaisura aipfmy, (if byrLettçr tpaisd), te t -JtES. ]111SON, - R EV. WILLIAM ES~ Sp1rtsMeeks=i 0 1 DIR-ECTIJMPOIIIAIIONS.1 nW ~1imh cri H P L ~ Iottledl ae et Beg to annouri&ethe ar rival of titeir FMIL STOCK. beingr the Wilîtby, Nes wogstusrtesent titey oser hi the isbcasire of offcring, art/ having bceon pucbued bétene the reetit greut c-tviiaice-on goeis, thoy wili be cable te offer- T UINDE Dress Goods, zShftwls , lManties, Ym* LADIES,' FURS, C !-RPE rS, &cl., &C-. Thcy wotuld direct the specius1 attentioni orf Gentlemenec 4 their extens*Ive Cloths, CassimereeCanadian Twtieds &Satinets;, tnder-fl.oth- ing SirsCallars, Rats, Caps,-Ties, Wool Plaids & In Men's rnd Boy's Top ani Body Coatt, V'ts mmq ad Pautv ofevery iityle atnd qtma1lity, hoing îsde up Ontise îircsiss, tise lit and workmashlip mity bé (de- peud itct01. A FR , SH STOCK 0.F.GROCERIES JUST RECEIVEI) 500) bligsLIVERlPOOL S.il'r,.wlh i h o ol Clîp. R.&J.- CALMPBELIY Perryts Bri-ck B3iiing, wilitlsy, oct., 18032.f - ---'--I --U e, 7~Esubaribera bo eg b ea yotir atletiontlu tise fnt et Lit iaying an I liarvet tli eoraning an a para, 'andti tii tés ti imtu unuseiin yotîr orck-r, or coliLnta yoir- sBelves, for tht-irjtsstivcl-lsiy Com b ined w xd aper Wlieh îis îmew reudy 3,for delivery ut til- woýrks il# Wltitby. Evcry uchica solelli s stP teork isîti atilatietm gtvirmteeil, u ap tiir tri-ml, or esl . For the jinformation o<f tiiosa tisaI t %,itotepurchaititMaciiiie-,anti Imvecet h it) oppo9imtity ot sieiimg thotus bin ie, wu woulil îIt-r l t t e o folowing gentlemnthuil b9Ii>gtL or tI 111M icadori, 'sua Stîurzltsn Brw , 'c ri , e îî Lttjiu, ' iit W'm & ltetsry I'toWel Viii.uutntpt - W ,titiLon, tiA. MiiAemIii l Ira 3tLl'sjiusO1 'T ,lu J4 lin-tts C tss Chres lîyWn,s*re - e-e rryth, Chancit Ilouttu, t î.s'r iy, u i tîie,.-" nirarcîet.ound hy ceemmittutcste DO the best oser pro&eîinl ie towu. MICHIAEL SCIINAPPAUP. Whitby, fnly 0,1841. LICENi'ýED AtICTIONEER IFOI THE COUNTY 0P ONTARié' T UEaedrst~gd re thse XActionev wIuo lino tkeenaticcseup te) the promeut 1 Lvneu Mrewyfn-ouî 2.'IiuosRIienry Wîuî-reTliorail, *1.r aleg letIerlrok 4..JîeWore-Pcrj. 5i. Leevi Foirhnînks. Ir. cni<the firm tof FYiiibanike & !ttîiiiot-erCecîîty. . A lbrt Su re - te c Bfr oek, Uxbrlig , 9. Jno. Me{ ill, ;tw. PA(,rTOncu Clounty . W L4by, FTub. 27, 1 Q 6. ASSERANCE COMP>ANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. une,, groti1on1îlindI riss o Rimhso ute ~ ouîp, oîei is ebt'nte tvfpr en i;li»wed ont Ilv t r il ' îo-rýro rircmuîîiin%, oe t 1st eOlegéo n prî ,oUit-ri ani Itînrabte sttiletmejit 0-1 Itt 1, 1oiit n rl n aise 11uînpu y îy be i>nrt wlîitny w itby, Fe . c , 18 2 - 7 JO-SE P 1 F. R AINE R Piawon-Forte IManufaeturer,[ý W a t 1/, oi trons i ,l uji, l, at tlu ise el ugtilaio ruît on ti th -tut syeUes At tue) l'r,,viiieiali Exi oit) 2 7 iitibr .ITBY, s'reot lu thé et o Witby, serifli wl 1 1 ,

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