J4UM'BIR! the. Portt Wlltby auttýl Laite. =or,« und Huron Roud Cn- ) foot Pino Luber t he Habor, or itmRucbpointa Inthlelre. ai"îay bu egreed e h hhMtch ext.. tloagthrquired, & ayiii> oflca of thei. lut-bor asater recoiveil at the office et the Conpatny, (in or belure i5LIa Jolv; WATSONý,; P. W.*AL8 .&i.R Co. 868I. 48 'inter Asseiublies. miii>' wilI takt, place on timia h antanto a: the t Imuttalte, Whitbv..., ionbitamtie!?Ttekets firn Z. )rfreom W. H. BEýCKETT, >ok. Igeoret4r>'. STRA.YED n lte $rd Con. id Wlitby, lit YKLLI>W Ci>W, witlrwjito a old. The oaw ler u. requebt e uu- mwnv, and! rm>' hargout. roEN FITZPATPICK, i23, 8rni! OOaICVM.4oiiuiliitby' 48-8w le ofl.-e ) Du îisbpr, tinthe tir. Twmiu lt h -trtIear etLthe MlÉeutv Qciî l a tt'unta, mnintî Ir st-J 186u'. ho City Bank, Piaintifis, ANDI Mexandet- iMclhael, John s.neron, and] lectet- Camro-n, plilteatima of tlse i'limtatila, mand ing by nildavlt thnt Aller lue di- mmnij i)endmwlt, Air-xatler hie- 0* be iootd tuvba e ricît wit ami the. B111ii ticauýc; tt la tr- e satil l)fordanote Alexansder hMc- Sor luforu, the y~ of Pebruary _nozet, 5nurt to tth et Di il;A!ud itlisi a oopy of tiiu lîtder, tagotlier ceo rnqîîired b>' the (iciiorat Or- 7lrt b. pubti)telîrd ii, tie Whithv Arpuper, piubtt-dîed in theTow'lan i te Ctlv o tuî iirr, îlot mss mbotlore te FirtLdiv tif Fcbrua- obcecomtimio ucdeà ci etwtek pied,> A., GRANT, hiegistrat-.1 Tîko ýtitnt it t yuti qiturr. thetii. ii! pnneomiiut tise liîtltt nia>' taimi aot iticd f tii, o ttawr i 1 . imr reeviv a umy tTirttîcrn- rýaiceediiga iM i tlociuec. 48 1,0 U SALE. -rte, IinI ii tiiVilit tSALEî <er> lmîw for ali, ia vîig a i -rt date»-. J. V. HAN. 'CIANICIS! su, r*i%-egitI lîrthe. ugîlt-' ýItr-i.ay, !tL Jus.. ext, loir .e e>teileiîaii it-lltitn tlit Ibert, ktmA ri itmudtO ntatrio Ai lute!>' oot-tl[mtcdb>'minat- N 0 Ti C E. 1,LL pcermomm arc tîerc"ir cuutoîied angiiitî .Or îchaiîit r h iliat Ig ltai.vui note ofiandt «ade tir tri A. Riieok nnd tViltin Buek, !il fiivor of IraS.'i.iuck, datod April 1860, for the mati of rwo l'Olinda. MORE LIGUT. J T4 ItlVl,'eF1 ail! n aie Toronto ând Woodeick eekIkiîid Rock 011, ef a.super- toi quality. W! i'NLSN 47 lir6ck St., Niorthî Ward. ]REMO VAL. A LOGAN 1îavitifi renînveil te the preai * Ji" rwr~ arttdby S. FULLAER, begi, tltfora i lt, publie guriermty, that ho i 1FF Ot! WÂNT TO <UIT Romo Manufaoturod BOOTS, Call at BIAN'8. m" iia . .lling hix prosent atook at Cent. lne ln tine. OLD RED STORE. U13IT I8oentlved, One Hîîndrod and if111 pair; Lndiemand Gantlemnan', At BlINI8 OLD RED STORE. Whitby, Nov. 5, 1802. U8 Ohanoery Sale :gIN CHANCERY. ANO John Bovies,, rWntf. HOUSEHOLD FURNI IUREJ 0f cnet-y demcrtpttoîî, n.4Clîeupp m ij tiLetr ttoumeo î ti ue Trate. Broui, andi Copper taktiniî exeiange. NOTICE. e Ittioist Inetîî- l # - v lînîon ut <k 1tare re -oe4eil to eintle the sanie b> the 1tt If-net., and sort (>Ouqt, A. LOGANýe ;Tii5 0- 0 Z t a-ce > e Chance>OilSale niCANEY JAEýSLGNIPanif ANDj CaltnLtde ia ot NihlioilB o n n Ohaneey l PN UltU.N RYth ('huuî-iî-s ont ytiitonitiez Land ax Lytw. ivi ieil.-,m:y u tl,) manei! Joîn, Cmv- cdietteims artbi,&Y tn i l jUIU.>the ta tue "lo r -r.the t tutu Iiaîroi -AUA L PRîî,Oîî- îîiFt.e.iie turiigdm $Ittitte l iît theTawti of Wiîttby thîe COUNTY OF ONTARio, &Qie an d o î re couen SEiLDB car>igo guexetuiejPUBLIC AUCT*ION,ý tia, 186! lace Aibeýrs. an! it, itakitaune tif of te Cou ty os ceh tie equal OMLINSON. ro SPAIIE. merly of Mar- perdeein, ut bc haimiids, il a piluapome trw r! W-, littait! Ut1o- lI iLs Brancheg ; aotlg, anid iasè e, na>' b. icara-- ast Mir. J.mea IL. 48 Msr.Fairbanks &Naodoiiell 2%qictlonsuotc, mt tlîi<hifleceafLthetudcrigne.! !Mîater et tiais Court, irathe TOWýN.O? WHflTBY The 27th day e »CE1BR,1862, AT TV LVI <>tLGec; JrON. Wtth the appriibouinn of George tIent-y Dan- nei. Entetatîtwrtof tliascortat Whltbv, ti 0116îeLot,liat t Iota aay,-Trowo Lut. imhir tr Futur aiid!Ferty-threo, EMwt of 1It-ckStrti-et. me fat!out ona plian tl b-alimety Jtubti Suer.' Ziquire, Pte Vin- viii Laud Sîutveyut-, ad bcbg a partci ohLt Nulxbet- Twenty-atx ira Lie acce nceaeneon oftigie TOWNSHIP 01? WHITBY, Ou mi! prapett>tiîere iaereoted a LARGE BRICK BUILDING, OCCuipe! b> Momru. BROý(WK &PATTER. will m na ni 41 C Steam Engine anid Boier, lýl mi Foutdr),,a ttache! thoeo, wicii wi Ib ineudedin sld sle. Defeudîtt pitSSUA NT Le the, doare. ntt LisIionorable Court madei m tht. otaoe, beming date- the Iiwmdréid mand iktwo, mand theinal order nd.j thoeiiîlbcmrîig date the Twet-tb dat- of Novomnber, Ilate veut? aferemid, the. ful- lowing SItîtt, lyIt, mn!dseng intheii 0G:)TOWx8flP F 1BEXLEYt INi TUE COUNTV 0OF VICTORIA, M Ad &tiz eompoiked ot Lot nuiisiir Eteven, ini the iSviittî eorîenueon, and! Lct tsiîmbtr 'Teni, lu tic ICtiflti concecaton of thie mid Tounaip uofJiorte>, wili e mai.! b> AT Tma ÂTJCT ION ROOMS Friday, the Nineenth day of December Next. wîtthe leyrnbtion et enrge HMon> Durtt-Cril, IEuqitre, Moiter Extmrtdinary of tue cal!. Court itlrIuitiy. -The Loti ire wiid, mtîd are cevered wit ex- oidiclit Llmgmer. The pltrehaaemalao!, mut the lime Oet ami, puy ilowil Oiae haIt ut i. iiitrenuqe trolley tantiié Voodor, mor M lîhier, n!ii tîae lne witin Oue îIsioth truinthe daIy ef Saie, iand apoi blieîi lait moit>ionei!paysneo:, ilieIbi-tirehaer shoul 4 rtlitied ta tihe cauveyac, undtbcte lt ilito ptrteou Thte lotii wiiI lie raid tteprtey. sI «ll lier rt,-îpectii tise eouitoni oft maie are tilpcuna iîined la the «cet-rai Orut-da>of 11hi Coiurt. pFuot- oier particolai-a app t tethe Auo- Lonert, JOWN P. ALBIIO, Ttqre, mmii! W. Hf. £REM&AYN-E, Esquire, Veimdîmr'* Stitti-, mii! Lheuenonigimed Mui- ter ol h IhheCoirt muL W hitby. Ditteil lidi.241h &of etNouoîaber, 1869-. GEORGE H. DAR",NELL, W. i, TIEMAYNE, VedSteholcitor. 46 SAVE BYA1T, TIG N OF' VALUÂBLE REAL ESTA Tp-El - AT TUE AUtM ON o tolm i or _Messrs. Fai.rbanks & Macdonell,- EROCV eSTVrE, IN THE TOWN 0F WHLTBY., Tueaday, December 23, 1862 Ar 12 o'CieCx, Neoil Bl Y Vtrtu eof as Power et Sale oentalne-1 ln a J> crmiiîi Murtqage whileiu vlu b.prodifoed ut tth ale, Ldie. toiîwlng Lotsin hoei.Town ef WhIltty, ln the 4Vountty of Ontario, being porta et Towiî Lot* Na.s. 29 an! 80, la the. sooni! 1er- of Lita, inothe firt-e double range West o! Brookt Sitree-t, in the Tôwuofe Whitby, oun wlioi are 40 x 80-ltqt, two ateri.a nigit1 on to ne femindua tion ati ocoopted b>'Jolr hn iicr. , inr., P. L t~,a d iweliing bli omi! office. On lia ibroeiap are me a ashei, a goo! atablo moi! coaich house$mus excellent woli, n! other con TIiu pt-oper-s.vla conuvenentiy altuato li thtie centre or tise rownon eaBiyrontStreet; an! Laa mmten aitipie une ltier aia*iiiuttiitor maa rieulo. TiiRMS-ono-tenth o e is.pitrcosuetnioner t e i ildovn. For tha bdaiits-torma vil! bc mitlai knnwn pOt. ami,. For futtlr parti culara apply ta - MESSRS.JONES BROS., 88lcllery, Mimnipe Iai&, 441 Toronito Street, To-ttto, NIWADVIiHR C. -RQI (LATE OP EHAMII FAM ILY GRl AND WINE& SPIRIT Mi NO, 4 Lailng's Buildingj ENGLISII BLACK TEÂS.-Their exceUeii knowledged, that nothing requirea te b. aaid tc YOUNG HYSON AND GUN1'OWDER. JAVA COFFEE.-Tià Coféee, for siretugtl pntTTS-ÀJI i dnda-Ot titis yeai"s crop. WINES 'AND FRIENCH BRANDIES- CROCKERY AND CRYSTAL W-.E ced prics. nei Higitest ?ricepaid'fer GOOD . 48 IS APPROÂCHIN( BeroýnI's] - 0 - Try ofr FreshlTe and Fresb roa.sted Cioffee, ofa gooci cup of either. DcSetber, 1862. NT S. itby.- m8 leeomne se llytc mend them. ryFine. fine flavour, is unequaled Choiest Bratds. at variety, -and at rcdua C. R OBERTS. ID -iee r r1cIl FIRTHER -REB1TCEB I _ CHIRISIMÂS & NEW YEAR'S AT juat Reeeived, a large supply of En 10F In SNfIl I lu boxes, hait boxes, and quarter boxe&. VEI RY CIIEAP. CANDIED LWN, ORANGE &CITRON 1PEELS. S.: S. ALMUONDSI, NALNUTS., PILBERTS, SPICE1S, &c., &c. LIQUORS, WJNES, &Ce 100 barreis iPrime (?hippawa Whiskey. 75 gai. fine oid Hcncsy's Uogn ag, vintagç! 1860. ,C00 gYai Mediumrn lemnes-y's cmg-n ac.' ~300 gai. Lowe MediumtIdnîIeýy ogac 1100 gal. fine oki rort-Winc. L90 gai. fine Tlable Sherry -Wine. 100 gai. fine <>Id Jamaica Rurnt 75,gai, kioliad'es Gin. I'N(;1S1I BLACK AND GR1EEN TEA3, SMU3, COPPEES, &o. PEÉlRY'S BUILDINGS, Brotk Street, %Vhit cff. a icr inn> ilit nehd. ttutLoà ~tc [l.At PILL* haveueiiiimfe te iiuleiuLy nmit ltmit Ili. oumi m. .imutilaio ïm o lkr.vMui txTH uu.ll liieil iurlgiaimiiiireutîufti thc iruapflotg fiiergmcm îof thicmere- to. a"milmîg aluare knslier Iifl u T tZs.smUl na It-lneraieoiiioiluihil 1à ,ulii-u htdeille,,tiiyo. g ea est'yt If) dtii lcr pruptir rfiv; e; uilliter i-i wvhmî h lrinIAg, hlire uio-Itydrmni <Ilsà emmetxiti. e t, delf. 1hite Restreclîiig w1! aîettrig remedy î1cs l (4enerai Debiiity nuid Wealiud.teo. -oter .tits or a duiatlever. miii! ,tlifr d e.rgai Ui o tihe SAyeîe.vant uiter ti> mi!rnîîhlfil- cure olilltLi all poveefui t.ouptçlr l>ml rjîît <li edy._ IO SDISORDERO. 1she onl!laiam, lt in u ry1iga mWi uttigMMii!emwnatig r-îety liat liiruI .Iii et. IImu lutwitgae1 UNRilEFUTJID FROO Tlg ictgn.ui iî-Nmum i.launamirnaj tte heiaiilu-giving c~ ttuiut i, tifitcat evcyry lvî mipuleur N 'Iigaicna r ilhi 1fluigueWnrsl LM,1,)ler-y'. Pl'll-i are thte htela~s ins.the tld or<ie f'>I/uciutg Âuttlnfm Di irtiI13, -i I)e onptictitiW tif1, Cheu Diueeoi4 FeniICoin- lit lteiloie. cSa.m C iravel, 46~ if you are fond LOIVW Nos. 1 and 2, MoPhemsnis Bloc CIIRI-STMAS EXAM[ ----O--- SENIOR COUNTY GRAMMA THIfE Pblie hmit.y.m>iy Exi 1869. Titnrs., Duo. mi,1lp ni ta 4 Meaiday, Dec. il, I9 L».. .to 1 Men!,iy, Dec. Isti,lj. te. Tuoaïluy. Doc. 15th, 9 a. unt Tucei!aTiDec. i5tiu, Ija. m, W.!,, Dec. l7th 1u. . m.là The. xmninatlorns aboye.na et-allye. e- by wrh,]s>oe. or l. eofLth. Whitby ill b, e &Um.. lest Teas fron 2s 9d to444J. 1'Owx of aifld.aTlbs Sugar for $1, 2'2ILs of good, Rice, for $1, Currants at 6dper IL JAMES BROOM, <Schofela" ld 04Stand.) WINTER PRESSES, SHAWLS AND MA NTLES. LOWES & POWE LL. Buffalo Robes,,Uead y-mado lothingz, Flannels, Blankots, &e, Just Re& POWELL LOWES & POWELL LOWES & POWELL., P-RoSh GroceRUo ITSe an Lior, and of th &c., &c. LOWES & POWELL Lobstors, Sardines, Pliokled Salmon and Gystors, Wholesa1e an~d Retail; LOWES & POWELL 1 jum s