Whitby Chronicle, 4 Dec 1862, p. 3

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LAMP 8TOIEb De be'hlY the Choapet bOtrrliîed D ROCK 1ILS. linesgil of tulieRd mortetrp 'tel.. 185f2.47 1, 4ilu gc i aIt ., tt I e s 2l3 I lq7m EHOLD FURNIIURE-1 dervi iltioiîîIl.as Ch ei11-i it-i Y13 cher 'NT1,ICE. ii fiait iiiîl iîîî tii ii- iil o r inoi A. LOGAIN w 1ti-w 45o UBOHANIC3 S STTUE LFCRitwll be Uoed 1atholron- by RIV. Mit. Ç1tANT. 6 6u? -4À tr nu>un>'," WIl enunin'oc etaI ,ýéîlloolèlk Duillas' Crciuk., Due, id, Thè2. 4 Fruit and Ornameutal Trees! et1 L c,0 fcthe iyfiu Wlilthv - u Tfîuics wvimiiîuz 'ta i iircliiee (iooçl Treu t"u1 id Oliii ef1% othi ippurhîliy Aida hwo or Ifrco iliTiîligeut'mon waifed awýlt jnv&eliA for fruitlrtie. 'iy guîi. Btiihuoca lghit. Apilulu - - S. S.. WILLIAM&S 47 Agdnt. L OT zi, iL 4 cuoiAuu Sott. * Appfih tu C.À. JONLS - Box 331, Totonito, 1P. 0. Il. W. WOODWARD, 1ELL1N GOF F! IN CHAN CERY. Robert H. Lawder, Trustee of the Estaf o of William Bryan, Plaintiff', ANDi Carleton Lynde, (by bih,) and Charles uJ. CogglIt, Frederick Cog- glUand40othc'ra me 'parties ,ie p UIIS U AYV t be l'cet c'îu f t!!,' honora- fMe Cou1rt. mcdol Ia li'onebciringite tue sovertcc,îuiî1131y utor>ccsîcr, lio year f' uur Liord mtinofuemî-I iglitluin~,drcul andi date tlîu twciîîh-tuî day uOf ivîhr;t'h thliînuild ciglut 1'uîîttred it,.suy twi. 'li fuîl,3-ng pri.i rpty. lhtiin ail au( iîdhgîiîîr tht <irstpr.tor tract of Laind, hoiug o«îîpcM cf TîtLoUts ejuib,ru uomlioîttrtI tnd tlrI nut e hi.tired'îtu,4 t ,ity.ucvou, mAtd-,eue hîîit-!ait'tuitirt)y cliîlt, wa,01 of Brück Street, and .o tîîlfi t' 4anditrot. , ii the TO WN 0K WHLTBY,) Bliiuîg part (of Lit îîtîilir tweîfh < envoi) 1le1b1c acciil-OlIt-sclufim 'Ttwneldp e cf hity wuilii c 1-01a b>' .'P'iBfTC A IlJCIT'Yi1 Au it ', iii id 0îîîunliir4iiiad' Mti-hir of lthe t i tlîy -o6m'uuF.-tture,-l BOOTS, !V ÂR3NSJrActne. (ilet t <i oilit-Il ia- lii.s Ii ng iio! s O1,I) 1RD)STOHÉ. At BAl\1 OLO RED STORE. Wl0 iv Xii-.~ u<ua.43 John Bowlcs, Pli inifl'. m . 1Henry William Woodward, -M -- i -C p17IZStJANT ttheue i-re oftubmu orle - C ~~ Cîîurt oîî.î , l i i itie, fa'iitîigit tlieî ~ i -~Twliit%,-iuiiitlî dîliv ut' Mluuuu, iiu loîciighh ;E ~ I î! fiuiîuiiri-ot e--iki(ttuI îll d ilufie lial iîtdtr :3 e m -tî lîicrulai ---trfi <utliii he' Twiotlt-tidai Ila fi,- . îîuiidig ini the OviTOWLSHIIP,,FBE iY .\MES LY~N IititY, .4 titWDood Bromwn. und uîeuicle Lyndo, munl Jabez Lynde, .rstocs of fic s!tuf Cerletoit ,ynde, f by bill,) and John Gev- hili, Thiomas Caverhili, Defe n- mts, %T't) tot flue imueuf 0tiislourrîfl uuoieiil-l t' ceu e tioirig date lirtit day of .Jiuirin tihie yéir uf v hiio-inil i'igît Iuindred îîuîl etIN- fic fiuîirlu;r iietl îi-brcin, Tiuttu 'wia-.e îiî!aib,.mo ' f îaummaier year cuuui t1tc foui a imîg A1,E P 110?ERATY 1Ia thâT #n of NAbhty, me tîua rv 0F ONTARIO, WILILBEBL 8B1 U LIC AUCTION, ifli airbanks &NMacdoiàell ,et titmi Offim te t uncu'ignod' star I uthidCourt, in thue NOFEWflïTBY 01< fL-MTi - r-L M >.. dixy of'DECE2IIIJ!R. 1862~, i' oittr ,tiiii i!o rgf urr Da- , Lie -M tîstoer t' Ibis- lir t- Ihie Lt, u i usI su,'Io i rs îfhri'ei nu' aîd Fivvtiî ree, ke;ýt41t i ir h, !f, onultih auihu lif My-îim$ iît squirq, i rou-in rtcyur1 atii ticilig là part fit t eîîîti -elx ii l iteu eLco iucu-i> SHIP or WHIT£Dy, i î-rutart htêre lu erecte(h a BRICK 'BUILDING, Moir.1IOWN & PATTPER- SONS a TettARE A à, Boiler, Weutto,wlilchi COUNTY OF VICTOLRIA, Apd d îgiZconîipuoîol ufLotimflcr rFJent, iti flic ut"Iiic itiii im î iLot iuiiher roli', i tC FI:;u tiit coI,ýi-qÉàof 01f' C i au IT TUE~ A-UCTION ROOMS IN TU£ rmOwvq7of ~da ON Friday, Ibe Ntnstecnth day ef December 1% i wîi îie Ri rlbaiunn utGeorgo llenry R)mgîi iiiîîriu, %Nhaeir Eatrî.urdiiiry uf ti4 1iid conrt ut 11ldlthy. TFie Loii--ero wild, and! arc coverod wthh ox- clenîtt liîuhcr. Vie ptiurchasor içW'uli, it hue tuîueo! sale pmy îiown II uneliait o! his pîrena ' îînelt,~h Vcndç,r, or bI e,ottrand tie buhisea witfîleI 000 unoitlî froun the diy of Sale, and tposà suach laet uneiioiacdlia) ment, tfîe put'ohupor shl iW vh0cntlu theuocou'ceuîo cjelt itopoe'iiiî The lots wilI hLea,! sc>paraeoy. Ini al ther rcî'paotua thet condition% of unIs 10,0utltlîm ctîtiudin thie gotçratiordora of tu.,' (',art. Fuît fiirthcr priuîlistppl>' ho the Auc- ttenccr, JohN F.ALBRIQ rXeitireancd W. Ht. rIRENAVYNEPEsqu-îre, Venior's Sr-liitnr, iîîud tie understgned Maz- tur ufthliZ4 Çoýirt get Wlityy. I)iîtul lis -241h iiîy of INovoinicer, 1362. GEORIGE Ir. DARTNELL, veiidor',soSliior., 41 OF VALUABLE, REAL ES-TAT-PE 1I -AT TUtE AUCTZON ROOMS OF Me,ïsr. FaIrbanksý & uazünciJ, ihioa .îî-î-f 'ut itI-y, (Pl. MilOiiîty, the r'if-Loonth Da'y of Docembor nex't 'a iith 1)t ý.--i r -hiîi-îiofi f t-cit'u iriy l)iirt;îuill, Eo kuiuti e S (il t i;üe iail i'i.i tLit (lifi iitc ,rîi'ci i-sagomaîhFrearme Dia'cliluztI" t p it3rccoîît ooîîe.b>'CarIe- to LN 111w, ', uqeire. The pulrclo. zr sLuîllctue tuile0<if s.tca>'e d'ua'n uta d0 iip i if ' t' luîiît ýi ' l e'y ffithl tircil (f'ft, pîîmuiiîiic îiiu'y. tuothîe Vnoulir uor the piiu be- iulti -iitctiitlîui* ctîua'y- litiic n ) -- (!i t c-.ih- 10 ip ullO î i', ai cri, tîi.ic 'uîitihic'iluttut g-îiuititideas oftti F-u' îuî-inrlu rtlui os lîl>'1,tii Atio ui GEORGLE .11. DAýRT:ELL, IN II ,"I~1Y.7lIIUR'ý )AX, the Tiren-i V. , ?~o i h tfii'we;îy-sixt);. 'ar of thîe Reizrni ýf i-r Mjecaty Qîlecu Victoria, asud litlîo yuar if oîîr Lir,4 18ql. llir .Annei 4and ilîM. L wec iimtor naîned in the iu4 il îd temtanîeît t tii a;te Jautem Wtlmon, IDeferilaft. TTPON if c a",li<mîiliîîof tite Plaintilfa, mt u by eppî'i *îW &v itl d it n he fter diîe di- Weoit atdfed1anî cannot b1w ndto he mArvcd 1wili wa i Co yof' Vuttho Pfaintiff'î Bill iii thi. oies. p-Itii j-or 1t1 itI ic ôai&t *dcI'cîîlduot do uon or bO(c$f4. h TwiU eventh day of Deerber nmit, o Anwcr or doinuir tt he %iuttit Bul. Anîf it la urdure,!ilimt a e uqi>' of'tiiiuor-uer, hozetfier witiî the INGtice ruuircl ly tua Ganocrat Orîlerru of ý.ilîtz Cunri, Le pluibliutbuoi un ite lithv GAsîei- cde îîewaupr, îîmiluîitîîou tin t Towniuot Whft- hi"tIoCA lieifoutr woeks bufore bthe uid iP.i thub O ftho! ueauddofenant. A. OGRANT, Ibgûatrar. To JAMES WILSON, Ab4ove ,tm4 Jkeferndat. Talcs Notice vifit if yon do a nsanwr tor a4iuîr 1v ,i,4bill purnnue te l ce-4 U'o eh laintiffta way obtdlqn Orde tiý týlwtite1>11it 4 onemèuemlagulimut >'hîu tabuariuig-, ait(] ou wi Iniairtucc'vo uamy futhelîr olottra ut the future PrLoceadingâ ine hia cause, - - W. H.L-TREMAYNEl 86 t'lalnhiff'a solicior. F9ORlAGE AE INUxI sud y viruu. t' ofapawer, coiiiu- ki d ili a em'liln Mt magtc-lte Ua nxCeel- tei b>'îiîcEdwaiint 'ulivaiibc f'oIIovîlg pro. ,ir. it tti iii uud u ',.fiiJt... - NEW ADEI~it CRISTMÂS & x~$. Just Received, a large supply of [n bo-xe, halt boxés,"and. quarter boxerî. VEULY CH P. CÂNDIEI) LE31ON, ORANGE & 4CITRON PEELS6. S. S, AiMND, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, SIJCES, &c 100 harrels Prime Chippawa Whiskey. 7gal., fille old Tiiîw(sy's ('ognag, vintagv' 200 graiMediumn Ilenntesy'Cogac 30 gi.Lo -Mfedium lVn ys onc 100,g] gai. he iPotWinle. 90 gi.fine Tiable Shierry Wine. 109 ga. in 0(1Jainaica Ruml. 75- gi 1IadsGin. Ausoi CHOICE ~N~LiSKeLMAEK AND RKNTEA& 'ui~inx imsI3UTONo F OR WIIICIL TE WILL LBE PAID lI; GOODS AT.CASH 1PRICES. JAS. -MeCLUN43 & Co. JAMES WHITBY, Nov. 26, 18G2ý. r 0 o, EI~ Scoule try iny - u~'o u-o~ if f o o --I. D 1 Y F 1E îTý ill f hi J-ir "i ,i r i' [h &,AJjill (LA.TE HÂMILTOIZ & ROBERTS) FA NY&ST1ýIlPL E I)Rily GOi())s'O La~~Noveltion M1Ii- ry admnis e4OTLTxG D MD TO ORDER.o ÎZî-Iýil4û-TK&FASA N D GRMOE %,1 ES" -RANIS,_ WINES, &c. x~~iibfttuopiitt.ljrtivs indehtîud t hutu ii r rureeqt1euteJ to aci:î l a nvkc Y\ou. 1iandil2, Till' î dildiniqs, Nov'., LtG2. 4-5 1L1id i Qnoiud from Ilîts 01:1 pri isî e1on SînicnStreet, tb The aeit 084hu',hrî ut hi lî FIfLJîÙtretioli, wfi il.b un I31EN. The liirgsst lbif!- by' -any si-miL. r dtbbaetill the C tîny 'r i E'ES anud Liquiorit erbracolu Lite c b'aîtdý, tlîu- m Gliocrie Iavùben us"- î'ecèived F resh! Ail arc offered Lv patoneri at unlhýard of ow pvices. ue' CTA1ZTebea>tthat eau be prooured at $1 prlb.BO CILOCiERzY IN GR1jîx VARIETY. .- B THAM4r WVRb .'IL.l\M'X:tN Net'. ~ Ï( 16 5Z rTEIG~1EL~ WOIILJ KNW'T WOI» tilE!? ciii. ou <J p-us-a-ou A fûw muore sots of pare C{UNlSA att iinhea- WM-'R* - 'AtfWp S(jaekQf J300N 4, Mfl Tory IQWt' - i~r~jiuYçttir scOIJWI' Tro II0Tf Oshatwa, dyû½v&0àSb3Z lji Youlng ifyson, t~'Fh i o- £~i F irst-rate Younig Extra Youg lyscun Tl OW - il

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