Whitby Chronicle, 4 Dec 1862, p. 1

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mux, Ls taxeiYed lu Neupar. ýt ttce rate o! 8 eéut..pe d12 centK per lin., eschr di %vit uucvertserâ by e Iadvertlseinent4 muct BA*K 0F ONTREAL, TI*OXA2 DOWV, Manager. STAINED GLAII¶ WORKS. W. inubt1' t4rrofoito Wcrkm, 71 t-i5 -rc, ocîi CAZERON & A(iN .L 3 UMtItSTEIZiS &ATTOJtNEV8 AT LAW, 1lelorttthae('uiîitv ("iucii Untarie- GEORGE (t. DARTNELL, Alt<fiAT'rSIiINEY, eQN1VEYAN BP cor, &('., &e. (fllce ov'r *(;. C. Grmoo;' lrutv,,ure stîore, llrock sureet Whuttiy. J. V. HAMl, BD. l&tlStTElt-AT-1,AW. FI-I«K >strent, Wlîtsy , C. W.i T> RRITt11iR ANI) ATltFYA-.W B>'>fe..>psi tht IZlgistry lOffice,irî" Slre t, NiiiV. NURRIIION & NAMPSiON C trcli Scet (1,ttttt. W. AN(*t1lS t)!tlliN.1iJ. A. SAICS(M. Torrto ut, lv 20ý, 1511. , G. 1DA U LL D, orliar ai iaiiie.- m Cii aery foir W. H. TRE5IAYNE T~ itUdTlR, OUNY <il WNATTOIZ oi,& c t., lise rémosvelut t h' ,0109u ever Loves &i tevîl's C resu&. Mclîer- son Britck ltock, Broek-Sî. WbiItIy, Au&e. , 1 î(i. 40 ROBERT, J. %VI LSÃ"N. B AIltISTESti&- ATI'<>ILNJX AT LAW, B SoioîftAr m Chfieurr. &ec. y'1i 1 ly, J W OtUce'-'WitlIme'm t 1klrci traul, wtch y CHARlLES C. J(ELI.ER,. ATXONEY AT L&OW,- S4LICTTOR IN %i fLin I)lull,ue. " er thui Clroi~-cl. olise, B3rock 4treut. Wlit1,Y. A1so v iît alîi d t in tiite cvillaeuof Bc'uvur- toi, To%,uicîucfTiralituiiîutyo! <li-, tarin. 4 R> Alt itST E U.ATTilMINEY AT 1LA WV. 110. B>licitnr it ilCi uoct<'.Nu' crv Piilîc. &.- 5>ffle-ln Bivaeue"s v hîiuiliiss Sitreet. tlte -4 J. 14XER GfItSENWVOOO, A ' voinwitv poat to e unltrv «flIce. ou n oqak ttr, u. 4R ~W, CiACEI.& CO NVFYANCING 4ÉA4ibce, I'rowieeAbert, twe 0doors vasi or T- (1n, estre. W. H. 11ILLINGI.t BARRIce;TEIL & ATTIIIiNETY AT LAW, OfltcsWsllae'o RilidiqisBroct-iWiitliy . .W. VALUIWuTiLL BROWN, C iNV ~'ACEi, tOM "TiSONEltFOR Ctikiiîgr Aticlîavits. Acuoîutat, Laîsd. Ttic'F #ion Court, Nuîtary Pnlilitîl <1,- (;itral Agent, te MsdicalIli. N. H,-A 1)ii hsi iioentruusod to lisCase vili ha îufeiusltly attuînded ta. 32 Cli '2 YACI.and (oiIuie nti. em u,Aae terniS, ulaPromîptteiiititanees uuads. toi plen. 10. 1841. S R. J. GTUNNý M. D. S "IJIGlIN TO TUIE COCNTY GJAOL, BYron Street, W l itisy.4 .1.SJL¶TRM. R. P tVhill G, hJtQlN A\'cD ACCOI- (iIEIlVr"nàauiit., meOpst ,.%I. ')livu-'s Iotai. l'srtlstlr stefitltn prld te diseussa! DR. G». A. CARSON, T>YRON1 STHIlET, RSOUPI <OF TUE bME. Belloiiusucs' tsilte, Wltibyý. Ever>' siten tou iciven te Clroircdiseuses, and lunuiauY amec warants sa cure or ni) Puy. 1 AMXOS W. CRON, R1CIIITECT, CIVIL ENGINEEII, ANI) GISON & BURXET, RP RV 1N il, 1AL ILAN D 8 URV EYORS. P sogjrai&eyi- Land Agents, <ouveyaieers Wiih calm ta nlted- wOrdip great ihoughis ta i uatlshg -ladest VOL. VI. P(OLPIIIN SALOON. ETTIU rîFRoYAL. LYcEUM, King NI t r uto, g0 Frac Littih *wirr S TA GE HOUSV>5F MNILLA. ISAAC FElýtoN, Proprîtor. BEST Wiliue SOuIndIqions; snterîot n'oeeus nioduuit it f4. travetaord; t stlingsud' 1teiltive tîoctlct. le AL-BION HO TEIL. utalc"Taes, WRIIzTy. JAMES LiLACX, lit l"m~ptieot. <rnit (lTrutik Iiilway ibide. (S1ýq4a histIeif Jtluiliitqt.yq'Pt, Port i.Wo -u tîcu.i l iii' îiitpublic, llîît lie L4 Ieue tclit . of 1ut el loire, l u aIlleuîîud ttrsîdbas Eutatut t il iz--'uîsrefîit teutionfor tt' - alii uucre. W'.tsJî.19, 140 4 ]KAST WIVN t)9OR IJa)SE, ITIHY, II S; ) CAti-ls' Aiti rucd it a leman. ni natirtci.cnartu t Ill oivtl u tt!tîlrate ibîul iteiuuuuiuiulil5 lt iratelian,. (Good iuýtliîitg it<i uatecivt'îe r,.i VICTORIIA n1o't'L W 1l.tIt ci' <Ti~ illstiItT<ll.(Lite ANGL -AIIISiC N JITEL. let zoîSîrlilte fittct,.ilc t t heibvo nid t eola1îiittîctl liuui,îtlite vus'v f uulorîtisr ',i~r. îi,'uuîtutî Ut i(t tti ruvefilit pîublie~. Ve llii il e . ;î, ttiiltt5'a i .t t 1q u< lra 161 T 1.1,1til-, tti iett itt IVpiiiurltthsijIlcr l I"IIIi. .,finriî Ii h'14: -ts tti t av-iii'rtîuit , I h c Iucltv igiuuoa lypîruail, îîil .uiI)Wio i lui n.lites. a Tot titI lit- vlî'îIlitîtr -di îu.itunîtu l v il md utai *olé .. uu stîuilandstîses'tcyUthiîig iu titu UNION IIUVEL. mANCIiESTElI, lIEACUIt. (iate à. JtuetuALI.'.) T e ,ltrU > blet i. clIrlu i ét"UlîsIt t, ueàI, tPWIsu. I sa1itr rit nîu'utt it.. I iti h-u t Raet s'itti-,l1ors, antd ci2isrs. CHAS. M'CLUE, 27 Prouprictiir, ALMSON lIOTEL, E AT MAi-clEiT SQJA itE. l RIT, $.N11T,17, rrutOr. ExucelletUl sereIn- suuti-î.Every atteu'ntiont iiid tt lt, eifrt IIE I R0iPtIrTOIZ-h O(Il?'uS WutLL tktuiuwiîi Saoiu,î,t!uvilitiw;ucuspatioliu ut taeuld ";T, NiClil 1AS;. KiugireLi, Trornte> (kelttSlh >M r. llcrlay-. Tite praînises lus"a i I 11uîavty reuwvstod iithtliatit, tue 61<-id n-) itu the tr»tie4le. Itter> roeauruit dalle ip lu uaec. Ailgar dian ltîd P le- paitii' lta wvhiitiiua hat thte hti-trands art lurnittied ta center, GLOBE 1IIOTEL, UROOKLIN. T ItIR ahne solit kuain, aid cstnbtisiied lailî l ic il îrctlss,tuve hettpuutctissu't 1,> ctsuuctic',and lta !'isirtO ti intilnale Otits e %vîlii su lie ic ubaud, tittti-udi per miiit..lec sitt 4ici gsieete. Tu1e rîti4. lt-unec Ile ,wiy iuiitt suîtt4 rioll.itel, stîud eu<îli(ituuty and cuiifuccs1ll fllted up. isd nuuc uiulîrt vit tb ha tre il -t the pzrt -f te Iirýunt os:ucr t tidi rutthlie (G,uh Thue lta i i ilava s a foutid pleuti'ully cîspu)iOiel ithiu lI te Inicbsci 'rhte !i<tiiwin% eciilirsceot a lietuof ltquiars ta 1)et ttlite tbar, w litcsaesud ret.ui. MeNauu'iton's Gttnlivtt. ?uoh<s1 taaiiy Pi'usîf. - utuiuotaîil cter sisierier wviulteva. Oid Tont, illaund (in, he#t liratida ou <'ogulsec aid4 otiier lraitîim,'aort, Sherry,ud (Cap< 0o04 $tâïlllu vthAaudy tice Ostior. ALEX. -ALEXANDER. Broccti, Ju>' 9, 161.29 CANTON JIOTEL, secuaecmtmdâtiou fot Traveilet,. WI. CU'rIIBR.RT. 4,-SutPropriator. RAILROAI) MOTEL,, ILIONT STREEr, near te Market. WM. POWER, lurohrietar. Belevilîle, Oct. 2h, 1881. 42-ly> DIA NILLA ROUSE, T IP iiît titî1ers~d iega leave téo infortn hic Ifrienti, aitd tiw trael-inugpubiei, tisat lie haut itetilte ahuuva suajlIkuinonsotla'i ud l'ueti- 'fy trict Intentionti ehùýuios, and b3 auaaçr,î adoulttiuu itapaver for the cous. fort uuud -!îvauîieueî o? eue5s, t e itna s aare (,uti to faabli aceont>dtciioufor pman sud hersa. AIu 'tteuluve andi .urat l s~er a1vsuý ait ai- tondausaut. S. CON WAY, Propriator. - Ennis, <loet. 29.1861. 49, RUSSEL'S-HO EL., T-UE B EC. IIF iice-;ze Preprietarsaof thealsec' chaeir friauidâ sud paireu,tisaI titey tbaveu ttu- reuigly reujoviitedthe4 ieuitalinit-dar* '.g the vînler, vhil alî on&tsetni Dov te effertet tise Meinhora o!f<lue Logialatur, sud th. Tra- velling Publiacstterlar -aceogsuodsItin. lu addition ta thse apurtuesatisiey lia lhast Win. <orte liehave titisParlors sud Bcd-recuis lit a largle lieuur tnee btl. viicti, for eeusfort sud euicilnaC, are u iisrpaseaci lu thse ci1y. WPL RUSSELL . &SON~. Qtcoec,Mttreh 1j"181.- ROUGE ROTEL. _____ WIITBYC. W., TIJ Northern Hotel CanuintozA. Th Tlscureeug hualuos. et t h he<uoirofavor knotuiotet, bas rendared it necessary for tthesubsetther toeonlarg the. premuses. tlia hssb doue cote io aeonuidcratle cient, suad 'niade ether l' teruteng and I iprovensents, t a siSurol silil forlher tb.e mfort sune accommoedation of uts guetil.Theuaele i.s vsys provided vitis thes bestuîlanesso,ad nouelbutthebet braudi, of Wlnoeao4 anduquotskept-outho pmenlres Tavoru icceperm napplied wvicaesalo. GIvea (?Ailunc >'oupamcs. 'Bobathetsaretaonsd Ourtir, avyc11attend- sItes, o.sisîod b>' Liak, 4te take chuarge ofîcans. (atte.Oct. 2Zrd, 1851. 41 STOREY'S ROTEL, T llÈ ctî.îerilrileci hanus'pnrutuaceul itule culice uevl known it raîiasio ruimutue llote tîrotriî'iur. tir. Joîe,, egs la sîsîtocace<otuiA Iricîuîas audtlii rpublie, tisa ttheîti#u litsiuov ini excuultuut rier for uhe îuccoiuol slieîo! gtultat.. 00111 rtatlOla Cuolitaudati4îu1ttet MOutOr- ste t'lrptsrx-. lua tstenionî, tcàid te tt'- nibi l li itg frott ita0côn lutryu Excellent sttili- litiuu aal tiututalers. To the Travelling- Public. anc. Fc1'ly aceopied hy'T. Encli'îjt he ît Vil~,ce ii Eimon îd isavlig fflitdtitliup int ur stylo, 14 tuesc,uueârt e , otcîuauiîica ail tituse vitegin tî,i s cuItlie iliîîldt. - keepîutg nolhiug bbut TUlE DEST 0F LIQUORLs à CIGARS Ane iii lU !'uulill tilic flittuui-Iueltt, i]thett leieips fero!theua camiolu. Ait t atitituittu-u - iat, u bîita. rj.-.<c whn'iuo r itui un il euhl lity tlt a L-pouiltimizc-'utarrtubiy accota 0 0ON'S 1-OTELq IVOON & BROTHER. WILIMKAUIFFMA NN AJIHITEO T. Qc- 144, Bay ftreet "Toronto. MALT VINEGIAR. A LT VI1NE(.A H cal. sov be tîstiniii argci Litciattaî iitttttisattise Whiitbv"tBrewveiv. NOW IS TuZE TISSE. (4ET YIIt LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark%. tsI rrlze, Pîcture Gallery- TF yon tot taîirca sorrect adsîtu ie-like Anîbnu- JL tylm u n, cntovpeiclttcrgruupli. or tile 'i'raufer, <riLikenoeas icn aLoahet, hroncah or ILi.for J. A. C. ti do it lu tisa brat tyic, aittStNSliOK - ROUtIBAY STREET, NA IS ATIE WS, NoriL B.rignsd Mercanutie Pire & Idfe Insurance Com'ly. THIOMAS 1)W, W l1titV, Sept. 7',184.2. 5l Sherjft'u sSale> of Lands. Caîiuii- uofOntario, . (1)diStrduy tuc2stli D. lq6tu, ii t 2on'ock, iucon. viti hý, olaoiS h's<sie Atatiat, lit îuoy ofice, l inte Court Itons, l ithe Tuwsn of Wiiihb, Intie CeoInt% uî?Ouliila, he i,<tle,'alori ierast vIiaiel lit uaidrneîtoî54dafeidAt* s everadl>' pom-1 sosi iii Itaheîudertne-iionie1Ilanadeansd toeue. lt toie ercîuî, soizcut lv ralutuder soi bu- vir-i t4o e!ertetuc it'rite et Fi(sri Fitclit, vit: . l u theaCourtol ee'sBnh Ilenni' Witîiaocs, Wilus Brooks audiFrtder- ici, Wtitui(utar. oss f th -e st aeo f Abr aiîlitiritige, a flanhrupt îtlt<~ (;CorieScr Loi 11,4fla01 sosiTiiorsi,. - tuite (loui>' yCourt. Nanti Iui George Rain, DatuiclSln, AIlîs otht prol,ensmstat 10il. -> f Itaetu, ilui Pto'vti-e o a Cua uüith iY 0scIem of ,l the 1 aCcoli. of tisel Jeca eor tract'of aii] g., snd bhirn ice Tovui Cauli>' of Ihitarbu, iitu L beig sanpUoed of tl luntuse Court o! Qeeci's Beitith. Carueton iLysîde? iu coud id DR TOMÂS'A.RKSTONG, Phyîoaslageo &Accoucheur, l LENTîATY. o!the Moea1 al ocf Can- COUXIU.RAGLAN A& ADREIJEN, su tsesrrondtnir uotghbothood, tht ho yill vimil tîcogo villages e.î Moridny sud ti hrs- das> dnrlng mcnli woot, cifclown : SCOLUMIIJA-aI «tMr. 'Walter iii'. botel, 1> toi1 i o'aleek It i heprcnnoi. RAG L & N-sitT.cyto'obolât, il toi o'lolc. AgitBIDU 11-at'Aiex. WhleonsSte 4 do, Atl(étow.a in tout o the I,,homin uframe, ron, (whiteb Dr. A. tas moaor peial etugyb) 14cg<'nrcs inca,, ,fdeese o or ux 41*ing, 0noo ea'itto flore ttet l t 'seices îusy- prOV ovlent~fd! tcit Iî,Sîfferi,,4 fsud fflited pis.-e tdeîir lin t,,ediaal Charge. ;ýe'tltl1i'luWli.tlty,evcer lowcg& Pwi' DrýY Gndcs Store. 44 R. IV. CLARIC. M. D. naiî', StoreIre ac, Wtîttl.y. 44 F-AR1- lO) ET Il lE sile.c7rit.er lising milo rrangementil te) Vit thite ;)141ecoutry, is prcpsrcd ta. It ithal t 11'Ieîuld tarin,, ai pr(,iset ttu filleaccu- 6, pattonknuwu as Cortiitiocci'0 asea,iSO chasted sud in a s logi state o! eîîtivation-o ituate an tflictsounda*ry eftlî C orp'oration of Wlîitîv. 11 Tie F.I I i'toviizîZ i-4 uîasriy cil (onmpoted, und tltf prvinises lin pertece order. Týoney per- non =c~iro a trAt-elso tarin, ne beotrop- Acsicîeî.o id alise bc made for tihe s-tock sand ilzupiclluits. Appîty tii, ROBERT MILLER, t)11 fileîi)roîîîèiâm. 1'. t>. Whjitbv. Novptuier 1.5, 1862. TO OON3UM-PTIVES. T MiE ADVIiRTIS FIZ lIA VING IIEEN L'E- I?,'oruâtoîîiaftIîint'a fe--tcek, bia ver with àa eere a nhîg fsmictio,- snd that 'ad <list'as. o lsom»lioi-is auixious la nldt Tu ait vue ioire it. ho wili seud a enr of~ tisa preeriptiin u'.edi(freoct:ige)witl i 1e îirrtins lot prepariti n cd isg tie saiua, w4ilit cley st-i fuinsi a SEc'It oit 0n'V rioo, AnuiYu. iloNcuîur, &c. The ont>' <oh- ipet flite adicirt!sinsen i aullte prescrîp- ieiotte etttit ic sfitcteçt, suot pre1ut infor- Mationu wtich li conceivas te ho ineetuabie, anit tîiîopep avery sotfarcr mwifltry uts rauedy as il vîl) con t tutu oathiuég, sud u ns>'prove A, lilessilli'. 'Particti wisiîingthue prescriptionu viii piuse PE. V. )WARD A. W 1L;>N, Sinî. Wii.uîustuotbligt, Kiîg'e (loiat>', N. Y. T %AKF NOITICE tchtat applicati o viiibe us .,,da ýtii Z &etione Bsrîuli in, fEsqtira, Jite of ltae $iirrogpuce Cort af thue èouty of Onta- rie, afcertheincictir.ituclî cft* rcs eekfrorn tulijrai utiuiautioior ttis lmcyc, hy .tui Witsesu, ut lue Tes'uustip c f 1l Lceiogt.î'e. (*I yo f 4)y1etiJuiarto,Bil itt', to l'a tppîîutcd grar- dia., o ZI' A N , ASN LQCK L unuI4& etîlidor tiet lte \% otirad l,<oek alç Si% $r"LbAllMi k tir of Outuaric. ThAtcu.t bi 7îýiîdayot Novernbtr, A. 1. 1852. JOHN WILSON. CIIARLef C. KgLVIR,,, SolicriLort'or Applilant. 4ý-3v DECEMBB.R 4,11862. ----NO.47, iv 'cv-v * Pas titi b" itkl meulecsju«t nov ile 6çi,,e1%e Ivinsd gay; 'seis fro, in ta1tr Ma71; NIlt inlgletq, of xbann>'Ihun, Coty tiba1(twoeu j tio iWo Preiiibe chckw meti, îuOv-Paine, Wsi ' hi tl' t'iv)t homeo agiin- 'sitlill ttngfr l'at. lick 'teIi'lit e sevîi1 ny fo TA s j , ttie roup te tw,,uw, t nu Wa:chiîig for Palt 1-oo josns zigt.fromh ie too.ct- A11 ni oig' kpilir tiîllist, fetttet (l>in 8 lêît cle gsrot lierugtî tu e it, wateratig ur u . A Rontauce o!f the Border. STYY L& .STONC. The next day, bcbng the twcnty-ninth 0c Augnat lîad beeni determined on by Sullivan for the aluaCk epon thealavage llies. Trw Indilns, tOe, vere avare that the blot' Was sDoon tebe ,struck -a;ndilas 1hp devsstaîing sud uutiMely flood.bad inspired theni witb sopersîitiou forebodings, they resolved ta bhold the Black Banicoet of o va,at a ceuncil of the chiafs ta tuke place ai the village that nigbt. The Poau wow was nat of frequent occurrence ; and -wben sunimoned as on the preseni occasion, Âu cases of emergetcy, or oun tbe'ýeve oc groat eveats, i i vùith « view of dfrhnn tlhe future b>' ssistauceofe a fuaulias}<rý4 toe onijured'up b>' their diabolicalin cautatiarw. Brandt, st thiÉs tin ,*as in as great a strait, as Saul an the evo of te battle of Gilboa ; sud the Pov.wow wvs sumntoncd for mucebtle sanle reason, ai that wbich induced the former ta stoal froM bis camp in tbc nigit, sud hold cammot witb the aId lady of Endlor. As the abAeit of the uigbit srew on, tie ouncile fire vs lightcd amidsî a grovo of lU pilles, neci the cabin of Maekwab, tins affordiug Alice aud ber nov associstes an oppcortunity fci a fuit vies' of tu he ncesaue.th iroel, other bideous aud deafening yells. Thte unie, tb. plscé, the elrcunustances, vaald have rcudorec! the appearance o? ibis Rav. age groupe, sufflelent>' appatIing -te tfie .stnateat heari ; but to tb. youthfot cap. tive it vas full of terrer. , And yet @lie vatehed ever>' movemueut, anîd endured thLe wittino; gaze et thc lavage chioftiin, as thoy daited their furtous glane upon hier, viîb fas' more fil-mnus ad ceuxposure thau; rcoulti Lave beeu-ezpeced. - Foritear>' ive haurs vere tise Pow' woys engaged ilu the ancanili sud fright'ut Manner vo bave ahiempted ta, dacr ibe, ain taIl figure, more hideou, if passi. b!.. tise an>' in the Savage ;baud, stepped, l'artli fron th1e shuudov .o?»a -glant puno, sud »eenl>' acade imb the midt, o? t he circle., Casting s suilen gaze upon the- muoltitude arouud, he inîîruated b>' Lis at- tidice suid gestotes, Ihat lhe vasauanimpor- ', n da esger, about ta istiet au ineauta- tian, or pettarin a spell. Hlev a.s egrimed sith -s blackt mixture aver biis body, aud s crest o? hait, lihce îhat o! a heluiet, isnistIed ulpocicr ishbad,wbîhiesevhere vat close. ly shieven.,The clark singis wee attachtd ta, liii etens, urici, vavoti sitt tie motionis.a? - ýcid auud bodv.- Circles cf brighi reti werc ý.1 ivu round bis ayas, sWihglared iu thée (incutre with a tierce' yelbovW, lustre. Frein liii girdle, caasposed o! the: preservati stin 'riseun mousraitle-suake, îied surte edad tail projaectiug tand clat- as if tbe serpent raîaiued its anima- i zdcpended ckn f gcoun>' cotaurs, ,riie,-equely arrangad viti s raitte, sud Lia i ,Iîunu i o? h$ isis uîttcstic crafî. lie 'utrrtched bis arias tusiards thse tapsozit - tdïiclîes o? the Irees, bsu ayeîfIlxed as if uti-mn nonie abject )f? intercît sud terror, orut coimaenced a 4banit, Lat Lirlit nioto- in cius, but varying us iis exciieuueut, real aw un sifacted, accasionod Limta tavan>'bis ges. >w cures sud posture, ucitil, aitishe close lie ep reeleul sits seeming erliaustation. Whsî cd lie mutstered lu bis uncautb rhythmn, ia>' py bave bea to tise fîollawiug elfect: ~. Wtiat viid, deep c'tour l ie asri ke tui)o'1t-ý lauasni,bt4es ltuîa W. Of %wartris 1des-t, thtînt.tuter li>'1 th DosLtwinil-pirini uiu aad msith, id 'rurouigctutiuelt!putics tIi-ctt utaruly isos t, -1iEcisflic-tiI mass uiand gtourny lirait'1 1,i on ar le. Mauitl*, no011 inut 'trims e It' 1 iAz lite>, bv îp srt ucîj spirit, -vuieae pisr it ti-caiIsrug igu evç'ry forlin <ulit tîî'î tausea 1 kuos dive, sluinberiiuýorawukel Tii>'fliercel lilsluig ove., 1 kon,- 1-:k0iuiitlli'd sa u ii; li eraten; 3.ite thîe td torel iln toivr the ao ve, -Gt5saaingt<il demp suudsue-e cuve ; Like asubsi'i'd wisrniur'.c, ien lu iaiowa Thse corntingoftl,§dire4 fotue. being covored b>' the river, the ailier rest. cd on, as bas already beci,- remarked, or wut rathor covored 1»', a high ridge cf -land, front which it wüs presenl> asmer- talneddto b. the design oftheL foc toen.u noy Sullivan, as sooa as ho shoiild *ba -close1>' cngagcd ln font. General Clin ton vas inmmedlatel>' #rderèd 10 puali up --the Montain, dialodge tbe fre, and b>' lturniug bin flank, gain the rear of bis worcs. lere tbe battlo began to be ani.ý mnted, and vas sqopu eo:lcsted witl(dempc. ration. -The Indians and tories deserved the credit of fighting tuanful>'. Evei& rock, and troc, and bush, sbhielded itî insu, frein behind wbieh the winged messongors of death weýe thiek>' senl forih, and'oten, vith but too uerring an im. The>'y ie1d. cd onlinich by inch ; andy in t 'heir retreat, dartcd frein irce te trot witb the agilit>' of the panther, eftcu conlestiu; eccbnew po sition up to the. poi , f h aynt Brandi was the allmaîing spirit among, bis forces. 11e vu oer lu the Ihieklesî of the - lght, and used every effort te satimulato i& followcrs, and lead then in te vie. tory. Witeo this movemùeul upon the flatuk wa3 iu slow but successfui progress, the artillery ba! been brouglit up ta the assaulti Lu infront, suci hi decp.tolncd> thunder soon drowned theyelîs.-and wboopz of the sava- gen, whieh, tilt then, rose above lthe scat- -tered and lais powarful tire of the musicatry. As Clinton gallanl> approachcd the point whichcompletel>' uueove-red the fiarik of the eneuiv, Brandt alttmpted once more to raIl>' bis iforces, sud vitihto -assistance aI0 a battalion of bis Wbht auxiliaries,mskc a stand. But it vusî iii vain, thaugli tho desperatoebieftain exerted bini-elf te tihe elmoat, flyiugr frm point tcfPoint, ening 1te bc overy _iýbcre prescia, and1 using every-- means lu bis pover te revive the nov sink. in,- spirits, sud nervo the arns, of bis tfoliowers., The>' appearcd la 6e disbeart. eued ; the summer flood without rsiii, thc ill ornons of the Prw-wow,'snd the fortunes ,Of tho day thus far againsî theni, b sd left ibein but Utile beart for canuipuluf what the>' bogan ta ho perstiaded inuit bc a hope- tegs contcst. The eneny>, who habasccu- dcd thse stccp vithout CLitcring, continîued ta rush mmpeitiously auvard,until theobll was cecarcd ofîthe foe, aud bis flank cent pletai>' ined. Perceiving -,that theafor- tunes of theq ca>' vero irretrievabl>' lait, aud that there vus a prospcct of their nov being snrrouuded, the savagesî sud tiseir allies piecipitatcly abaudoned their works, crossed the river, sud fled ie tho utmoui confusion., À. riiaTtsx.loLn MvuaDzara.-A Peine. ratian vorlcnan, named Masseb, bus latel>' been dotected, b>' acclidut inchecourse af a ourderons etreer close!>' rettombig' that rf the notoriaus'- Frenebuuan Ddiiol -tard. He bau, togetier vith bis ace&n. plices, of - wisom bis ucother la' one, coin. initted 18 murders, On one oce.uiod Leo mnrdee t Ousdref,_ * iiter uand bie famit>'. consistihgginu&aI, of six persans.'-' R. baffled ail tLe resoecei of the police, sud vas detected at lut t5y mersebhance, À. Bertin correspondent, deseribiag tbe facte revealed ou tLe trial, maya :-ew fanm labourers oet1he Yillage-Of Wnrin, àcar Stargard,_ vere eue morning valking tagother on their va>' to their fields, sheri ht caes on out ran. For the sake of groater ahelter agatmnat the vet, ue cf thein proposcd that the>' sbantd proeed ta theirdestinstion for the rest of the va>'b>' sl pats lesding through the voda. This beiug agreed ýon, the peaats Lad tual beon long ln the faresi vhen one of-thaun espied a aimune cdistance throught the Irees the upper biaîf of the body>'of a man sitick. ing up eunt Of the ground. Their hearts leaped ta their cueuths. Oua siturtoal aoff ait tI he apaed ha Could' forth, whilo the ailier, mare slfpi rsed, trestcd moea stwsy, keopiung his eyca fixed ontbe ab6ject iu question, vhich graduait>' sa:îk loto the earth. 't'fie eussoMata instanty musde kuaonta the avuer of the estate the stran-e Ibing the>' hsct ituesseil. The 'police were sent for,1 anîd s nuubor aof parions vus ail duîspîach, procLèedietLQt ch. unysteriaus spot vltiieti vs poittIicceut by the laborers. At irgi it seeined us lhoogb th£ umen tuânt Lave dceaived tleea.- selv1en, Or reo cstr>ilig on a prctieul joke, for at. tLe spot ilîdicuc tcdeire-sp. ta be uoîbing Itia . a FtaitnIlle carts, a thie grass covered tis a crtis rourud shont. On dloser investigation, ilivever1 a4 $tit- vu fouud in <ho grassi ia the fcsrni or a square. '.fIt va but the serti of an inistant ta diuco6ver thai this vas tise top of a trziu, doar ctvered %yuL turf. Ont forciîm; thua' open sud destendin-, a lar re cccvii>' wu .discavered, frein sibicli, hwever, lise tatc accopiers isud atresdy lied. Tii cave -vas -founil ta ho tis re amfathîe vrach %L4oit:h vho Lad beu coudcusnced ta de-cii,, tu.- geteor wvus foutrcflhers. RAîCALI.rr AT SE..Several t ihili since veastated thutCtuptain Lisugisîsu Me- a>', iu comanad of the British 0sLip -Na' gasaki, white on the passage frous Syatia.v, N 8W., te Bouibay, felt in vih the sLil, Leodiansh, front Msufelni for Liverpool, in s Siing condition, and taden wsuS ieýk. Captain Mea>, aftet rescuing Itle crev, praeeded tote ehip hbueeif. sud teck s cuouu besaven ;foi' sucees88afuct ipmuasîer, penter. In the cum percoivedti tbt thb ia edge vere ali soîid; laser, us tise vesscI rý hâd been -iored ibras The cae0a wuplain Iris ji Bheriff s Sale of Lands. dsr clui 'otntyttQttar-,0 'N 8ATURIDAY, the. L Ta-it: [Ic~J ira-t dsy or MeRcis, the A. 1),[t 2 ,I iotek necou, ilihI oiib>' wt Pula-Auetlo.t, ai ts>' efle ît isez coa.'t lnuee, intheTnofTu ustiinlutise Couty ~PrO o! Onttario, thse rigt le su igi neront -vi' eau Oite indcdnoiuec dofoicudants severlPrst- pn-' l ii luutnthacni-utioed ati ulantono- .- IneuittuIioereina, sizout s>' isa ,uader' stsd by JOII nîrtuse ofcertoiu stlrts oe i Fiacuuit viz.,j lu-l0te Court of Queu'c Beti-h. g- William G uorsani, James G. Wurtsp sud 1 John) Wloit, - .5- pur 1>aeudsni. 16&udaW laiaand 'D. MODeuFgtil,, Tise SimIli Rit looise,- o! tue ie tosi,(iu eiasieiu eithtie, istif, htekîeduuuut. I1,Mura. - au s, ,MI

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