A3JYERTISENENTS.1 Lncery Sale Offices wfll not riensi liver at a deis, iluan banka it; or Britishsi l- ýai value, te the kTIIICK-At Wfîtby, on the ýthe w!e of Mr. Patrielk Fîtz. ofa dauhter. DIED. tPAR-&t lMontreal on the. 2th 'd Kieutear, Esq., senr. editor and r of' the Montreal Heraid. Il.-A..t lhbrldge on the 22nd coniy Stn of William Smithi, tEîq., of tufs Counf y, iged 2 yea 'anud W1TEJXMA.RKETS* Fai Whist 90e to 95c, Spring 100 te 18c, Peus 48e wo 62c, Oasa33o tw 37c, Hsay per ton $13,00, Beef $3.50 wo $4 00, Porlc $2.50 tW $3.00, Geece each 30e to 40c, Turkceys eacli 40e to G0c, Dnc1ks each 20c te 25c. NEW ADVERTI8.EMzNT5. 'ianery Sale IN OHÂNOERY. Henry William Woodward T) RSI~TANT tn tlic, dorme of tbf.l loorl p ( tlrt lu i.filtIL thi tac, buriîîgdate. th 'rwi,oîti%nth tda y of [arch, oneîfeusand .dgli liiilud sri-ttw,l, ad.lo tt l of rtie xvitde tbèrîf earfiuî fifsTwe-,tif du, et ýiiN lnuber, !fl the vcar aforcoalaf, -the flu Sittata' yi, if i ivinig lit the CzJ-TWNSIF 0F BEXLET lu TU1E COUNTY 0F VICTORIA And l fw1uic otposed ot bof nuMber Elcvel fil the -'r roth cocseoisd Lot nîîmh Tfell, ifi , i-mîî~..oriiior<01 le 'l'twtlfifp ffeyicifle éSOU fi> U WJBTC AUGiiT 1ON AUCTION ROOMý OP Friday, the NInýt1eif1h da of Decefl Next. w!îlitýu aî..li'of iGorelieu Prî]i uir.M tr vN riîso f tl ad Cut . i fîh. TIte L-to lira wdd, aîîd lire cuvlîred Vifîfi e ccil,ii titi) ier. T iiureliaser ic0l, utt ie 1 f t s slc r l1-)wii or lf ii' iprcoaao r1-oev le t tjide , o ii'.Solîd of stu hafan ip l i O iilt i o li( ay cf Si li su i sha) I 4, teîtil1ied lu thie ci a..iiCud bu TDie itAwfllf4 Uc selaaratelY. Ii ii al thetreseth te eOudtileusoe? s nsëOulpilaa citafiied in the goucrat erders F,-r f iterprtilaAappf y tote oie A tionver, JOH uire, sud) W. H. rREKATNE; Esquir fer ci iie cu1rt ut Wilby. D1%te'd hi is 24th duy et' Novenîber, leu3. GEORGE HL DARTNELL, 1,. Il. TRZEMAYNK, Vendor'asolchr STRAYED, H ( It(>M ot NEo. 16, lu thîe 2ud Con. et 1 FIVE SHEEPY Couistin utor,-, Ewessand 8ÈT.auti. f bi r Wîreb9twilf be stiltiby rewal, IL H.THOR-MTON 2iev. 1, 1882. 46. LATJ ý00W1 Or L Maedone] IN TER MHITI3 1W1 date tllii'il fOuI.. lteirt wiid Wli dii' dre frut 4p ire or 1 'Ytiil tl *, te thi t T tf lys B62 vu of CHANOERY.- IRobert Il. Lawder, Trustee of the Eitiite, of William llryan, Plaintifi', CtirfehouLyudo, (hy bli,)asd Chairlesi J. Cogillf, Fredarich- Ceg- giff, ai > d othera made parties in îbîl Mastur'a Office, Defendants. JfU1,SVANT tiithe ilcerce of tfhit ltor.- çnî*i- i eit' dî cf finiiibar, fiii hc y-.ir ir11 Loiird hu hieiis if igli icudcfîîd '-eue. iîîîîî tht fi tiîîf rder i i.i,î iiibeaîiiig ethte twetitiatfî day uofN.. ihr, oua iosiiîl ic hi.i anre d eud ,tw i. Tthe -mirift< fîroferty. befug afiaîîfandi*igil.r tfîat îfîît Parol or fîtof Land, beitig cuiibi,"od ruwu Loti 'iiiiiiibcrs hue iindru-ifasodttfirty- 1 oe l itîiii su ttd llifrtv-meven, auod lice lotti auihtiîrty ciit, wiî.'itoftBruck Iftrc.t, 11iicrtli 0i rl iuifIia stiet, iinthée iig vrni.Of Luit îiiimbi-r 1 tatiniithe vud Urlen.i, i le htue îlii i 8 1 flitbi> tlia Utrieu cf Lhe li c'iiidmiîîterof the Cu~îrt, îy' EVI FAIRBANKS, Pt., Auctioneer. Iii thuaT-ei of c i X'î)y, oiti >iiciiiiy, Ifhe Oni the ilte rim,îîf. -4 a agruif Frate si iyda, Et.iniirc. Tite fiircha.auýr cuitii te tfrne oft'msla psy îfc n iu. 1 c huf-it n",tj[(ttdb fîr cncry fîîu- *1ui' f, tir'ic îitial. h.'u tue 'uiudcr et ,Liiuflcitnn, aud tba fiaftura ewilftfftceae mîtîîh Lem tii div iii aisiif lOit i uclul ayrii fîiir11eriii.rs' îl uiuitle iit ho fe cýuvty- îîuîf hi tub. fltitu iaiufc i ail ti.'r n-iut lîe aiutetta tsaleR tfîec'.' suî.f ii ii fe iiaiiaraf ordere cf tfîf For tîîrtlîi'i artcfars s -pply te tua Auc ciiLet- 1.-a Faai kJr., tsd W. If. Tre .yna, %4rîiuiur's iuufic 1r, sund toe i uideri- on oIilnuf ililo hCurt ut.tifiitt - GE(}I{IE IL DA. R ELL, VfI A 'CEiAu. 11" UlUSiD el.Ythie Tacri- . c. L,.lii. ;si 1wTwî'îuu-uutvtu dan cf e lisciguorun 11cr tij..îyQi"" Nintria, anid fle'irt' iWi. Assi.cisn1iiMI. 1-t ima ii. idtua f lu La: .zr oc Iiiifi- J r . ts litvit fi n. 'îNr liii.'if- ut1ii- ieaî-. f1;i. n n thal l 4iiiii iliýeiiiiiiit if'du îîcr lîerntue rwenl) $evenlh day of Deembier nei, 4-taetir ifaiir tu~il' the îIL.Anduift la edi:rîtî.(i t a t4qp' ilft Iis crier, tocetir wftfu in Note !,ian'qi. il' ii> tfaîinr.il I rtfete cf n in,'~uî~an u:iui~î'u o in uîc, ti iw't Wiîit- IV mt -t . fa , ' ,iiac.'tIs .belte the "aid È'ui i-at'îL I k>il f Detenu:II*hs.'t X. uitd to 4.2 ii liiti t;i uîî,meî i 1i1riieli wî' i titil f e l ie ad juy, and îlia tîuri .to buncarat-tf ficli tii.' lîtthen ,îltiîu muf ideîîdant. Tc JAMES, WILSON, - tlireîatiiedDefendaet. raike Ný*otice i.liatif ynu foueot uusaer on deur to e ib'illf parsaot eu tUe nîuve utiiet, tUa luii#tiffa¶iay ebta'it ait irder w reate tfbflls.'eoiif4aseif a'.aatuist you, itr thea Court iay griot titeusifutiffs aKcure- lif is isi4iuucy tcaytittfitiX teois file est .fîtmwing, îîîîîf iuil witl 1,01recelve sny fuater not.ice ou ttue latare pr(ireedicce fîut his cause. W. H. TREMÂYNE, IJNDER andU ite ?spweretiitaîtIl od ihi a arlloMrg gm eandeu- ted by Qu etfâwand nl ai tnfull - witistpro- jîarty telfItuzsd lby fuff uttiia the AUCIlION ROOM.NS. or, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Esquire,ý %,C'UN au Wzu% 31? ON Monday, theFird day of December neit At Tfwef veo elock, suoeu1 iz >-TUie Smut1 West. part of lot iiubemr Nioetn-en, !ltheitIil $ coiicassiofeu tfe TOWNSIItP'0OF BROOK, Comencueet thte So)Uti West angle oft t0. ssd Lot; Cueni North tîe feres ~ teurteen eiatsi; t)îeu North tweuity-fotur dý- paec, East Teitty-oie eftais twouay4lâe laki;Thon Seuth sixtendeiteas, XLsfaoe,- NEW A DYVE ilT I S EMENT S. CHIRISTMIAS'& NEW YEAR'ýý AT liY LAN' just fteceived, a large supply of In oxe, hitboxes, aîdquarter boxes.' VEILY CIIEAP. CANDIEL) L EMO N ORANGE& CITRON PEELS. S. S. ALMONDIS, WALNUTS,, FILBERTS. SPICES, &c. c LIQUJORS, WINES, &Ce I 00 75 barrels Prime Chippawa Whiskey. - gai. fine oid-Heinesy's Cogrnag, vintage 1860. grai Mediumn Ilennesv's Cog-nac. gai. Lowve Medium Flentne.-y's Cognac. gai. fine old 'Port Wiie. gaL.fine 'able Sherry Wine. g,-i1. fine old Jamaica Wtumi. gai, Uloilan(ls Gin. 300 100 90 '00 75 ALSO, CIIOICE ENG[>ISH BLACK AND G REEN TEASf SUGÂR319 COFFEES, &o. 1EItRY'S BUILDINGS, Jrock Street, Whitby. 46 100 TUBS oet BUTTER, FOR. WHIICI TE HrGiES MARKETVLE WILL 1BE- PAID INq GOODS AT CASHPRCS JAS. MeCLUNG & Cu.1 AFuiTkS Broum'sPrices o-- Conwc try my. Hyson Tea at, 2s. 9d. JAMES ,BROOM, - <Seoleldes 0f 4 Stand») Fii'st-rate Yout-gc Hyson at 3,S. 9d. JAMES BROOM, (Schoitides Old Stand.> Extra Good Yoiring Hysnn at 4s- and 4s. 44d- JAMES BROOM, l2I2bs Sugar for $1, t BA Tender* il eei. st W, weif as-pi truct. %Y A T TO G!'T ictured BMOTS, f ie fA melf fiîg fileprsei OL> ILED STORE. 004, Lliired sud Fity SOLD RED STORE. 'I, . 8e dl aili rocciveutders;iliutff fo r L'üS1 OF WOOD,-C fe wliere the Wvoei r îî be~ ideredi ut wsrdilig tf e cou- JOHN SHiER, Ceeuty ,Eniiaiier's Ofic, ourdy Enginôc. Whitby, Ni,ý. î9, 1,ý82. 45-2w. T mn blefmers ,ýesuflirdte tfh, than thfe keapitîg the feet to"Ij hre -I fteila htiieSaa is leii jueeat of th4 LThfa fIseseafly tue case kcep onu*ia t , and ntaifu tfîe fcaienthe if lis proed lafthe ouiv asfe ramaiy lIe ba- At ih1. exte. .1 va BOOTANB SHOE ,stsfflusbiiieiul, alaazeast a cl(f Ioot,,ç ina Stiecs yct îîPÇed l in îii.y; enibrgiaiuL Ladies. menls', Wonxena', & Childrens', nh aîîaaaualfy fow Prîces. T lis wojrk tapriuelpalfy trade up îîuder hIA cavu siiperfiitoiideuiar cii11tlie-irnuiîiai, aut caial tac iiigify rrcoîmeiîifd fiievtiry respect. _A enf I wilf ti» aaiffciiie .t 4tdyitnoers wliai-e tlîey cii bast surie ttîeir ewu f utere lu ie :punefiase oie)i ansd Shces. WILLIAM BURNS, Caf dweli's 13f ok, Break Streib Wfuftiy, Nov. 18, 1862. CASII FOR SIIEEIP SEINS & III DES É ILLIAM Bi(R-Nm, Broek Street, W4ufktb>. Nov. 8, 1432.45 F-ARMýý TO LET. to iigt the (eId oeeuitry,hiA preparod tw Lut tfîat spicudfd tarin, se preseut in tifis oecu- 66 CoiuiigTOares,280 clered1, sud ililh stiile of 011111 và tou-aitiîun i 1thuabuundary of tfîiiCeril.rution of 1Y1u,ýtb.v Tite FOI PI cîîiîiiug 1%ne-irly af f rom pleted, anîd ttUe prî.lututs ilupertect erdtr. 'vo eiiy fer. sou ni0reg irig.f ot-cliaii iras, noubetter op- pertunty cviu,bioffer. Arrà luýemnu ot olai ielsi> lhos midi for the. Ajillly tw ROBERT MILLER, 01 tfhe premfses P. . httby. FiRS A J P Ç AT 1IOLLO.WAY >, I A 8B0 N TO-lVt1! i tE 'rhe %valîil eiî f, rIrtj i iiii i ii t iru- . ife.Wd r. evrriy Ç'l'!,iiai a. irI i ': ae t, ya Itick tii ,iZî ie ii. .~1ii Iliir htVlr:t,Âr ibi. u t. ls i ilîiiid air i r i ee dy di--,, trc.i. ,cuea tifDebility isiid Wuicu Am. YIj ' Fra .îciiî.u.îa . 1' 5-iirre sit di (LATE? HIAMILTON & ItOB'DElTS.) 't iiirjiiliiili iliîsiii i i i> îiîaann Ile ila i f th e - ii.>O'd Tt c elci vtsii 9 r..,hiiîta i.aiî'irt'j ur> Latet Nvtest n-MiianazyandMian iiîth ý1r jet iiaflie e-ica uvt liiiteiiiifnwac)u CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. foHoeiajtr(I!gPillAarvie tuil 'ruJ :~ il e /c aol.bIfi.'I'theI/u ur'.' Iu'îss F R E-S Il TjE ApýA ND) G R 0 ' E Plt[1RiElS! Amà mu.îirrhira, ciuo BRANDIES, WIN ES, &o.l . -e id %uýli dIN,. C:> AUl parties intlebted te the laite- firun are reqitested te cuill and nuake Ctiv'ae.-~iil, lwa'fpnî Nos,-,i aud 2, Tili's Build1ings, Nov., 1862.45 Vitiau'îiu$ Waisf;li,, 8~ CAUTItAN 1-a re loii ils __________________________________________________________ Wei> fi1iînii.j'.itti.'k'idLad tire liNiýo'i qe ,WsWtuitka ci iafli'si. .i Us îdsniitoris;lmt ut, iihh fX uimi Vi I F l a-i tiititmt Ia ndifiia 'ttcj 1,ii . 4".11 _ty là l'aie fom iAt u n i l ' 'inn nni ot'unciiuac;~'~l îi~ Wl r10-34 1 lias removed ii'om bis old preiiseonSimucoe Street, to CORNER 03' XING AND- SIM4OE STREETS. The tieiv ôstubihtont lu.sý been FILLE!) to rc.pletion, witl an: IM31ENSE STOQIC 0F LIQ-JT &GROVERIES! The là rgest butaI hy uumly siiîilar eqtab)li,4iîmen t in t et'irnty. The WTINES and LuqîîOrS emibraco ttebcbot briundsl, tho Groceries have bc m, just receivedl Fresh! Ail ire offorcd to castomers ut unlieard of Iow prices. %ht Ç~'ES--- The bast that can be proeured. at $1 per l,to1 CRIOCIKERY IN GRIEAT YAIIIETY._ A few More sets of pure OFINA ut îuiff ird of low priccsý Choice GYLASS- -11 WVARE. À largeo Stcik of' BOOTS AND SHIOJS, saitud l'or iiter wear, Whftj very low. ter te- A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TrO IOTEL KEEPEIIf. THOM~AS MULOAHYï - ig f the BiqTeilpot, Bîtef TfCkorner of Riag awi Simeoe -Strcetq, Oaea. OI Oshiwa, November, 1862. 45 OF anci~. reakzfast, T WE ultindbvfg'hli tfte shwratioius aud iupronehneli Corner of ' Kig and Beg te intitoite te their cuRtoieeîi publie s. lsrge tfuî h fey lfs Returned to tii. Sanie OPEI Stand.) FOR Stand.)Tee 2211-s of good lUce, for- $1, Drc ThILi THE GR~EAT ÀMi SBfolUk IIEAIT 1 TO A.~X~N) iftoenth Day of Decemýber xt:1. e lîiiiroitiii f fGeor-elleire iiellI, Esquir.'e, tt itael u.rut200 Centr. OS ulia.Hi rfulficrs t N. IL-Oîrru'ia ieorif istrdei ara, Sherifi s Sal A. GRANT, 11 2N t,,oV. 2 1 M JAMES McCLUXO & CoO., RMVLNTC.IYugIysn iraWL BI - ci-,on leBrock St., wkiitbi, E OV I O I 1Yo n f 1 11*111111V %l- QA 11zal)ý ýS'T 10