v 11#0 nr Âtî lhai rlnlln tablixioient, WtetMhitby. OE, D=ALR PER ÂNNTJM, »YmRTSEENTS! A L14hdi-,er .otit4 niciinned bin eXnjar. XI- ul, nd !hiz AaI thîe;rate nf 8 eitits Ver hUa rallt lnaertian. tand2etits r liano, catit subaï lentIiertion.- , c ontraat.madie with ativentiscrf bV be Olux. BANK 0F XONTREAL, TUIIA4 DOW, Mannager. 'BrAMNED LASS WORKs. W. IIULILOCK, t4rT.ormuîe Wark4,75 Ttennc. treet, 'rortuno. 'CMRN& McDONEIL 1 %RWltlRt4&ATTORNEIYS AT ILAW, 3.FilitDrmtotlieonnliqt Cnneii tneirin- GEORGE Il. I)ARTNELL, A RRITSTEiT, ATTO)RNF:Y, îNiyu 'e, & -r &. Office neer tG. C. Gnrî-'.- Steitb% (W.i N. G. rAxI, WIth caltaiPKrintd word., trent lhoughts andi uuflrlngfin VOL.VI.WHITBY, C. W., T ~NOVEMW foi]. tbgtriî thdenemor iie, .und nonnlm Oi( and ber aeing lîcad i~Xn Ilai lin fromvn 1" 7" mhu igtat :'t' it. Ili. tomii!" Juaikto tthe iid, and thue 00.unit vo>, itititr liftieang malluoty a doyv r heau tylosg nulît ti tem ofuai e oise: 't, tn bier luiattuir iusai, ae WI cald-1 ite. e u eiulri î t it elet! i i>v, If Jle oily,' tt i(5o ione semeJive ittttlyaul ha nid tiii ecti te Of lte Bonden. nai de. ltae ri. r16 encag t>',p tthe etil ail th in coursc, e8 unaît arked. The flino id thleir ceen. anti- ltto 'vit %afety andi rapidi>'1 Iti n- Citcmung. Tt t ,on ltesiike saiepi. cail R. W. CL AN 11.D j mon'at Storé4 Brimk fu.at, Whitby. 44 TO E.DOSUWMVES. T lIADVERTISFRI 1AVINC. flEFN 11RE. lltor.d to heilli In a fcir ire a, bravey reinedy, *ftrr huvini, IIIIffQVOII = vo vetr writb a pevero lng affliction,, ami tilit à l'notl diaXenste. Cî,îîioî-4 îxnî uIn liokà ktiown t to b iwnrr.rii hemeonA <if Tc, aill io dc.irt' it. hobill 1iiil etdn ciiv or the p'e eriptino n.iiiii(<fréé of ci rgo,) wiiiithe îir.toafor rrprioranti n.igt t.g"Mn. w1iell 111o 'v i ivilla 1tK wc vitr V-* itZP 'IAN'..Attnu,. Baîvifýittm. &e. Tue <'îlv oit-. Veti lt. tmivtrtiiir l t.jin ftile praOiip- titb Ife benefit, thie ifflkceîi net,tlrtfid întîr- 1i11ti11U witio hi 4 în Ire. t'4î iîîILUable, aitl ulîri oe .v e rî'r mli ry hi. reminedy m* il wail eno.t uni ltliiîgaiîil nia> prove ia Irlttwislintiticprescription xviii pleusit Greenwood Quarterly Pair. T IIF, tt«util Qunrterlv- Fuîr yUl Like place at te Vu*-l4g0 fieew ,Ott [WED-VESDAY, 3rd of DEC., 18-62, eupîth ~i îct i lt tîit teri ltl, (ltittwo F4ti » vri ani elleanf rneiarlninr lisipleoiicitta-, &a., lt it iiteedt un etîiîeiitdî tin. 'rient villi, il,ý expectéïl. he aitOîîî;,ii- lily largte neteîoel e umit thî eetie ur An Atictîîneer %,ili ne ont bondils iitini. JtDJTII STERLING, Cyreniiwnoil, N ocut ril13 1. 2. 4 in NO0TI-CE. %j KF N iTIrCE Cît t o iietîi ill be iii thte ?ll rrgate C9 "art otif te V o f iv ni tî. ruf, ttr2ie, xîir.ttîitil of Uhrec mieka 4fritin uIl first 1întlîitieîî of tbL L'iiht-,ii ly Jîiii Wior îî, tir)t tltiîit or Pi(,kvr*îttr, iatiCè t iQitn of nintarin, RBiit, ta i ituiuelu iiuii; IANE ANS Lîw'IElf. titâoiiUrc lited tîritti 1 iti a f likrt~ i iaC. ible. Th louldeti ut utg one I>OLPlII'< ISALOON, ~ EXT 1V70TltERIOYAL T<URn INStreet, Toi-tnte, :Ar F ree Lunch uvtny STAGE HOUSE, MÂtIILLA. .- IS.,AC FENTON, Propnleter. B EST Wines and ltitore; îttnn iue 1>ntiiilitiii à rti~c -. tiinai ci iltihveiîi-tler. î AL131ION HO TEL. JAMES ULACK, itrnpnietiîr. Gru.,ùl Troak Railwily 1Jictel. (.tiotAcite~( idiwy Ppe4Por$ iflktbYi.) rT" EU Y U D t*10NFP IMITO rON li piuiesiiin nf thé iabot liotei, thé boalocas of wii0li Il(,wili li utare ttryoî n hliii am ftwcî>iîîn. (food Liquore intt ni rVila Exucllentîu il ilog--nrifii ttention for loti andi Iome. .JOSEPHII IJFitoTThlINI EAST WINDSOR 1IOITSE, WITTY, FIl E411,î1îîVe- ltýimi itlite.il li la antiînd rotîroil pnrt nf lihe Toiwn, iîîiliîefront rli, iiîi. aî~îuntuîi t,, ti ravellerit. liioi B RIISTER AND 'eONYAT1A.~ t'(' ain tteiiiiiven'ituIt'r 1>fie'-ppale ItUitinryttlkcBrck VICTORIA XIOTEL. NORRISOZo & ~ ~ 1TIT $0 ii CîTT, Pil1l11tTETOILt(it 13A1ltI$TtR~. tterievu' linii'iiniu. tl. I nut'iýtluîii'.) 2 ChoeitSLretItrtilt, . W -AN(.'LU-A.%lIRICAN 1OTJEL. Torionto, Joie 20 i1 jjIitN.yADut u.ti½ttirfin- lau lul e tl Ot o rt,tuei D PPrt'.py RE(;isTI1AU1, M ASTI-:ll XTt-,,,- i-t- I-ho oA ti teilittilig icimelu-iert j10 ornlnsry.toti Xaliiii 1itiîetrv firIiI uG ilIîE W.IlI.TltF.SAYNE INtETti l REI$Ti,. U~l (E> .iTe)tT il .iH rrdores ui ti nitîIi- t rieuuti B lie . ki. et liný "0110v d tntitrý,,nis .11.1 te titv(ýIethîiît i c, u.t li t o îuti%%, iueèr & . . ý i niiineite ii i niiottin ier- y îtierei.lîotiîi fl tt.1utt irtitiliitti 1l i v lj"ive @ito iýteeklOi k, l.eh-itieh iîoriiîrît'îieiiiie %Ii-lr. AIititii iiutt Wyiitltyv, Aut. II i.40 lit lthltf 1ruuitiv rtlii iîtitî l l fmii Iid jcîtien. - iviial- atttitif aî i t- iiiilitîta ertte. Tute table it îuîhl îîlîei oih evvnrtthîitiii hlt434 MOURaIT i . WILRONi. itti. GtuttI d caruiul nel le-r teLiteh ARIR eit AT rltl~'AT 1L&W Ilo" B$tnoChîniriIV' W.ZIt:Y. C FA RLE9 C.- KEILLER, Mt\îhPOFtfi Viet" heu intg. nien tiîu mideniltc .tt'r ueîiuutîîXu It lias elu hiet lv Brack 1atreel, 'W hit'uv. oplitîti î tiIrit teîi. Alsiv, IL ei ilt 1, lut lite villatctufBIt-t-er- lcitunjiite., iqutirt, i. utoîdta . ton, Temnxli't(if Tii ra, audCttuîîîiv tifuhi, CHAS. XufCIUE, 'AUL1ISTEIf. ATT4 lRINEY A TTLA W. u-fAST NtliIIeT $ÇIUARIF ilt>'u B liniuii~ner 'uteiiii E d~~ M ri,Priîii.tr.Emilit eitit- I>fe-.lu. Blein v tç0-InvPld i~, ».- Eîuttî -tii .(ny tttttilii pllIo tltt etmfort S. nvrase~nromzwnoTRE TEILRAPIN. i Wiit Aitri titi litre uti f T. tIottnai W. il. LLN . B IRIPWPEIZ & ATTimIEVA'r ,w. J. '. C4LIWEL .UIIOIN, lion Oiîrf, Niir ltai tîeîActet. Uxtiridirp. 9O>le Kille îStroet, nfitriv OPpîoi.te- te Me1dien itial. N. 2l-411lobn.jîîea. .îtiruntl dte hist e viii b. Iiremiiiy 1attend 4 jte'. *2 E& !.E. ODELL, Itenvertln, seitt. 10, 81 i R. J.4GU et . . I..!IJOtN VI TiUE COUNTY (IAOL, i3y~roiSteet, Witby. p T~CASURIGEON' A\T) AQf'OU- - cuVronatoîi. <ffiee-ppoâiîe Mr.Ute lontel. týr[artliii îejtteutit lpid to diteaits nf woeott ant ild ren. i B YRoI Stt T, ' )rUII Q ITE NIE- eine li tilite, Wqriîitlîy. - very etîcit tiosi givee htribrouie dîii-wù,oand in inhiny aag" warraita citre or on ypay. * Aff 08 W. CRON, CInOTWT.', CIVIL ENGIIN EER. AND eý itlpte Agent lk GIBSON & BURNET, DIt 0V 1I iZ(!1 A L LAND SUiWEY<iiS. LJ>ittgltuittiLand AZu1its, (lîîlee aneera ilte. ~ ~ ~ ~ ýI-i[ liu*tdoriiaerwnUp. t'ttil Anîd othier laV aluaMe iodiclati for sale in adjotning townhiliîp. L"O' OnfoaBà e'ci d WondvIlle. Omo0. GIRSON. 1P. ]3UcNET, 4f Woilvil..' Ravertoon. 11i11(AS DEVEKELL, 'IP4L E H,#&e. &.,GREN STURËET, ýIVISIONC 00.111,' itp ?Brouk. Ad- 14 :ARS. 'RER OF TUIE r1 lE l itilîlrTOITS OF TUfS WeI, ikiliiui lom)l, tri. utu ilu nciu1btoc01n tuetciel -4T. N lCllti,AiS. Ki] i,-rna, £ieeuo ft i> et -itliuit .ii-.% -ty ruele:t Jetîit-A lti viitît ion i it ic I tlirad a ere i tt-I t, b.r. (LOUIE IIOTEL, I3ROOKL1N. TFuIlEsaluni-e meil knome, tIti estuu,'lluhed t ,l t-tti ttIpi' hav.-. ee len ut rchiai.ti Ilîit 1e t'il nas ut ili itlî t) ott tIttper slltI in tii- oelu f LisI iiests. 'rt etin ., ectuneve aistitIeuîld lîlteti 11p. à ittileffort vii lu e iart'e itia îtt- tor tu i, re-t oni-rte rio u fiiu ihil ttoe i nhtei li.t ,%ýfoîtipnitlttliy îti, îl it Ittle b Ai lttaaha tftqin e tue bittut cIeuir, vthleialet aîd rettil. (lhd Tom itmil uîl(ini, I)et lîranuls ci t ut;l oetîtr Brtinitime, Port, Sherry, coul Cape Gonod .'tolitug mithi Salidy the Osîler. AUEX. ALEXANDER Broolullit. i'uly 2Xii 29,141 CANTON HOTEL, D) UFFINS CIIEEK, PICKERIING. GiJt#D lacconiuueuatiou for Travellerm. W, CUTIIIEET, 4li-ni * Proprietr. RATROAIITEL, F I'O'NT STREET, nuer tuie Miarket. WM. P'OWERI, Propirictor. Bellevlle, O t. 2q, 196. 9j t temi n gut1uuoi lve to unforur hui lkgUctu l ttii'iitut ltuielli k hîuîîitee, andi Lnîuîie lîy etnielitittiloiitlinteu ,andi 1» fot tuti , nviluice of eneets,rtetn c hunt nfipoiile ii nrnittîte, G«t iiosueiia At itteinlive aitiiurofullitier utîau n at-. Poreo.49 RUSSELIJ'S il OTEL.a QUEJBE C. 10 Northorn Hotol Cannington. dosJ1 osiîai et,b'at mti othrrnllerations anti iorprovsimauia, te iecre "tilî fi ther -the ecninfnrt aaecmealnof Malu gtat. Tua tante la aiwayu, jrovidad viti, lte beaxtin A-9aisitd uOne but the beet brao>ds cf Wilitoaand i Lqeens kept ceitIhe premised. elaU eut yoe puas«. Btob te 'ennmned Oý-.lr, ilwiys ii t tend- ie, asPstoti b>' lit btait, charge .ufî,amis. !Snlles'tnl., Oct. thrd, Xlii. 41 STO REY'8 IIOTEL, il excellent uor 1cr fier ie îtccomm'îodation otf aie iilarires. l'iiit iciîlar aiieitiint i piilIn lfur- mie.caliittîiýthen li ntry. Exuelient etth- 'rrlto a.7,1. Pôreo.5 To the Travelling Publie. Jn goid ietyle, le enon.preparefl un iwennbmediîe ail tbit,. min give hlm a tau . eintvniui kecping notlîing huit TIIBDEST OP LlQUOILS à CIGARS Anc i ihio le ii he firniauiiriit Iii tit ,deiiocigis if the. a-iiî. Ai t at'ciiîivv (lter aiîe ii l itiuî i l.>.c mlii i fvni Ilini tii t), 0*11 tîîîy relu' îîpin fiîl~it4, .nifnrtahiy acenit,. ttn.idltnîiI onu wellatnic i. J(UIN il LIITIIN. \VO0QN 1-10OT EL, WO0O0 & BRTt IE R. WJVILLIAM lKALJFFMANN t>- 144,:Bay Etreet Toronto. AL T VINrA E GAwelit.ig Whjitbv I3re werv. 1<0W litTUE TullE. OF.Ti Ylliltt-IKy.IESS AT J.A. Clark'. 1 x1 mue Picture Gallery IY) fitlîesjre lu correct uait ifo-like Atibtr- 1 ,1, u.îuîneil ie, L.etterirntpli. iir-leatl,ot tfrjittiin on )rtu r ik n oa Iruiet, hroach i t1 Wilr, f*or i. A. C. n'uîu do îinletbe hutt style, tuti ut cienrt titie. i i ý IîtSl, I ni -tPIltEV! Norh Bliltisb and Meurcatile Pireé Life Insurance Com'y. TIIOILASD»tW, Sherifr's, Sale of Land.s. f7ouiv i Otariný, 0 N 1aturlay the '201hl 'É' Witt;f Jdayoflaeeiiober, A. D., 18112, ut 12 o&nk ueti. mii be osid by ItiitluicAictinita ah mv iffice, 41ite Court oft torn, hrgit, tille, aîui iterct i hli Lt uieieu iî,nteti dcieî.rtduasetienilly poiq' motus bttfiertiîntici i tan aud'teit- tuit t teemît, bui.iei hy Tue iuiîý.rani 11Y vin. tuettcerttuuli mits t0 Flan Fituias, ViE: In the Coutnt niQiietiliu',Bencb. H!airv WI'na i'lîtBrook, anit Freter.. hck Wlitîîîre, Aauigriecîu cf tie et4tto cf Gourge sîiter, Lot 11, 6LIluciles.euTiinrioi 11) 'lie Conoîu yCourt. Nornit)tutGeorge flian, VA,. Daniel Ilitver, Plaintif, Ailii ilet't î>ccl Or truteettf ltuuitd preinittsl eltite. tydiit-, atucti einar in tilu Townt sli fiteoi, iti te Ct oy<f lOtario, in ie l o'triui f ('aiua, lîuitt' enîeîn î1 fnitue inorli.49) ocres of lie mest liif 0ntlot Ne le, lu the let co-, cf te s.dTewosuip of Ititeli. lut tue Conrt of queen's Beaich. Zatietta Burunmu, 1Carletont Lylide, o eoaucessieto t< .1 ua i ut it 11, M4n.? BER 27, 1862. the necesqary preparations vitre madefo e acl hviê Pwna.g the pight comferlably. sluenid the sceotili One.p7 nott omeu<ipQît tuem n nsc, ibnre. ver, ta mains of aill their slautghtuereti friencli ver. te juol aloo conveyed to the house, by NMe. John. to re sotn and honest Davitd, mto lia4 flot heepn Ilatt4 . an iinfeêliig or uomvdpeîî, f the of ithe ?acnonif humro f whiche h ià ve aîtempt. Nati<o eut a feehie dcocription. Tht.. precaontion tlhe wtt wn-q necesacitr>' Iokeep the bodie8 from thIe -plant fI feroc;otus jais cf lte 'olvca, mbcso dialunt Indianý licalingga alrdy innouu1ýded that the>' had fruits Ito sootfflit a breeze taboint it blondi, and eourxei ivere gathereninluto a feut wahich t cher Whil bpaiis to prey hs.d preparet for heir ban. tend(A d qurt. Moita.. Thtug te>' puasAeidté nht-ihe living et! ni mitE the lead d. wil lîtt a night I Who beai coîutd deacribe lte..aufferinas cf the. leuely ings;a~ and bcreaved parents uit tutt an hour 1- JIndianj ,Surropucleit by. he dead-tue w*ful cer oblaini laiiit> of the fout inrder of one ofthoitir tive AI etittiren eforP their eyc5, and oppress;eu great ij by thn ment ageonizing uncertuinty ai tii.or thetu the fate of the otter. .Andotycî lte>' ield. ltiintg ril not tuILer despair : lier didti iey wcop artfut1Y tîtnightt Theo ruin mitictuha t hu&sud. rjma 01 li- il>' eeermt>etmed thein, tue accumatpoeâ Ityi h-rrons prensent alih hte, andth ie barbet! ?hoifl orý tiva vlich lbcd penetrate t Ilir beato. i tiiY,'a I v-end te poasilility -of extraction; ail latines, i ii, net rrushi Lbom. Yet their grief, onit telr lit uii1 A itleoit, vaïs se een and satideep as the tige tu) ,t iinoe îj.rývery aouli, Titan.. ould bloo t irclievitti the peiguil.uiy *ofileir ano 1b tee 1i<teïe veje <enieti. We ftrbear, be. tv ITUO ut w d- l wett longer upon a icone huke and ru] tLii -pef r ring, tike lte encient artist, tfPpalling dr.or a Veil Over ltas. Ptitîieus tand "emio- rily %V iioiît mmiciime despair cf beiuf able failli- tingle P IllIhv i Peta7 leant>'t fherlut business cf tito morning vrai corent in Illje itu eins, anti reneir the atlt. erOed hiîlcsesareit or the reîu.ins -ofthîe hieticus buîîAlice. lBut-no relies were foitti, tihe dut Iltîn any favenrathle cireuluat-auces discovér.. striking ed, util it oceurredt l Mr. Johnason te ex- rig-inal. amine Iletit j~-lut tte Icdiatius. it mai 6mai7 then that a gltnumeriug ray of hqpebrolkai slruck t thro'ughIllie clark cleuti cf outersit>' wiihthawk, & hing over the bcircavet puarents. Titre lte plat more no. impressions in te obutb tboae fore duoi cf noccuals, inuthe Irait cf theiteitai, party : z 'befo,. tltey rnacliedth te fatal spot; but j'py fatin amen; 1te traites of iuvr depanture, ii Ile Jouit te ~drecîien of Anaquaqua, ttheiteaulquarters bounuted JOHN WILSON. S;OIkttr for Appleuuut. 4!..4i She.riff's Sale of Lands. 'et, iUVt: rJ ire tdav cf' Mnreh, D . ., lOqt-l, rit 12 uu'lotek ntuiui i lui solîl lie Pil'îiic .lin l i ilofice, lui te Cmit inl,itt.intflt Tttm-u tif t luili ihi' C îttty tif Iii nt tlot i tittile îtil t I e1( utmntt vii lite [itîl r deiiuct lfeilalits sevriily i' ns On-.iiit o ct'- iiuttnîlahit le utim ttui Wiliio G-nuttiriaui, ,m (1. Wtîrtî, andl JTheu 'ili in the Illcs nrlittr,tii itttty utieuîîîurî- ptriiiitrly kiltufitaui ttnsri' eh. " îi t!,-i t it . n c>;( - îuui the ou t.um tein iiit .,i lite s4id lot, nai tlte tiloite i t'ttiî-tttu luik.oli t tcir-'a Nortît ltWteu euga., iv, trullithe -si-1iJtu î~ 2bt'flietan lt t S-itrtttlolicthiLt , tnl Ettieri tiuit t htwmits ti llyl iltvi lIstut ie ute (:ittiii fitriyi.tuuutu liniks, mnort, a es i (leturre Jîlu landu' ; t LeliCe $oîîtilo aluleoti lantu twîu cittuiti autd litilinke ; tfbieoie uti ilîyeiu ttia luit Jaizrtee. I(ctîucclii tutd fot-ute iiks, m(or irieï, Io tht- pilace cl'btugiitîaiuig. Cliarles ltiubiiîeon, Jiblin >îIe'ladcrileet-'iuet'dni tlicetinule oetlià toi. a the laie Jolbe NetIlbadeat, N. E. li cffieuNi,qin Ird <Coli. ofTliÃ"ntului 50aeres, muore iluecm . Nk:LSOÇN G. iIEYI5NOLDt, telfC. 0. It . ttUttUâ . lirn 'n . ,tli.îeiur.tYvii.r. IRIGIARD- SNOW9 BAKER, CO~NFÈ0rIONER, &e. Te Brook Stmtet, Setith oet Iiak'm I{oeut. wltltioyu boil l>'Ut, 182. lut linzlî Watt A lu, Ald T!iit'î T ter cI loi. n %I ptili We de no% future et-eltU but s4tilt iLt de an ait-vioc B"' weakne;s of th amnai peln altowv itiip ite ahicdoi pare u-,;forthe lest the aitocli a belt freinie hein ustrengil hcfore its. Lite ditcoce of ofittitgtMi. vAncati tlita miae te nioclcas!ui iracki a censiderabie pari *f n tthetoost-salcru 'eu tlovrds the lait the nomuloeizeti r le, trace titen. ulike ievedth ie j'. belt.m item inosai wviic h spoke vilE' paver titan vonds. mais nôt lQncg;,and1 810"shadtbecn airo pic l i finensit>' ei picliones lof *belnir beti utot tquaItllod the senteul itaettate>' thte forcut, 'near lte days bitte, stod t Mn. Bextotov' l mi il lar bettue. tlm. et tht more1 upon1 parent emtif À beli and il 271 TIIOMIAS MY*ù4s9 L",îîLOAU ucrnEsgaa s-u ru thitetiiodius uif rnuigily reievitu lte wutier, miul tha Mietobenu. of velIitiz Public me adiditionti ta le a ten, Lhint venfi hme llýoiiae nain1 and colteoiuieuoea Vi Q bemardi 11 tpel l - 1