iiigO FI'u d go Bell for N. 0. L'Ive. T' nt Whuf 'ibly. on Saluurdi v. SIîriiiis&c. -Tho<-t. îtL '>c. 7, r<liCon. Pc-rnon ýy Nov, r),1862.- Thoumas yer, Tliurs4;ay, 0vlolibr 30, V43 rONE DILLAU A YVAfl iredl 4talsi.'ati o r <ie QiCeu. Qirb ,c Chmroiic rle rn as f'iliowi< timnotr <liaIhaî get.uaoil i' the 'bois;(r <eablo to s Frcncla hat Ille Quecl c r<l iudcn i ,tem. il alil&ataiiiiorutihr thr.on"inu tavfr icor o t.lei. 'Th,,Pa1rk a lrai, spysth t the uljct or UtIrý @ journer, andi ber .stojnîirîulanGer, vras to letn"ult.witb lie 'rurieus a or the '1,uyui Famiuly aîpou his nt stop. Apsirt fr om thle imnprolha- bucil an occarreuç., <lie li¶itPOsO iteen16 tour Lu oneetf ascI a iitu. aidiaary chatmcîor 1t atc il sMu. at theéïn!zouuty tfaat could extract auy saetio r n catilvte hani ice. Tlh. invettivo geniaî et :1, redaluer lins, howover, rnana<ivd facinro 7ro t otnueeoft he m t taun',)inucmeuts' vlihc nti0< i trompe cuiwpui rccirc. As ef eunioity WC egive <bu para. wilil ve have lluded, te saw a<fertile i-tga~tiin iiioccatimi.- y ifs possessr. Tli, the, Patrier jourticy oftnela Quen or obu IMRnua 'hppthe <o .tnofua'ta e caunc;ll %vliich Seouns likdy te' important rvomts. We belle aw ihat attbia ouucill le dc the Qaeen 'in favot cff<lie Prince ls was deeidod. 'nt <liiiteu or ilbir yiou dutu. I1theatiepoo th0iciPty. anditheir friendi ptrtook or& w rrEilly ex<clent dianer, nt the Comimeroial h FTi. Mr. Crnà eor's cilterilig ote g 'vittiofanis geqt$wasthe i:bne ofrerterà I Commpu4sîlaiogi. The. chair 'vai occupied th hy thie Prciident of the Soieit Johnla cf tthe :)t1a1 I Ontario Couiy SOPiet>y acting li lrri 'r. h standing <Quts 117he et Q locul, tht P. crie. Wales, and the rosI, A ofthe. rnyil farnily, snd the GovornrorL Gecrasi, ir rspeýively proposed by thefi. cliaidruiotiand respouded teio Ith ail due Il "The Armr "dNiai Nvy" wqaroaise tom. th îid-h he <ho reaideut, to e bservod ihiat & uqud'ýr eîih~Cireuatanees, snd viuaesoa <i în, he ayrjîct oret t&1%rst <lie etlor -,ided t the i1zc, it beh-)ovd'Canadians t d o î,îepared -for nuy emergonicy, and rmidy to' ani ilofrîa'l th -mielvea, hLir -homes. and hir loi l,'trtliï under tit circuurtances. The P' "l'le A ýrkiç<1urnI jiterests of Canada" Ti wao the neit toas, tu whichfMr. Shier' a' )Ir. Shicrt'Zve 4"thuasucoîflcimpeti. p tors" respeuti d to bl Mr. Jéelfrey, who of ivol lu1Y uheered. . se Tho e tith of MI-ii' telir ,nuneflfialf iiropatsod h b M. Sprowle, and draak. vi<h hi tbre't limesq thrvee. doini whnt liilie lacculi for tho society, Cl hl(îf-1 iit atho 'wasouly iJoiaig bis ditty.- fa IIi expreqse*I biqs aiaction with tte . <0 ntzilen uof itowusiinip,trusted <bt il wb w.auld Ibc eatinuied,ui that ail SIould n id Q iii itu.efficient ad atisletory worki;ng hi Mr. PLitelifF in a few excedingly, oQ)n' 4 m>aetrytniarks uext proposed the otl xbnth hoPresg, coupled 'ita tho un4 of Mr.ý URiýgius, te whicli the latter reaponedd. The heal h e Jud es, jf the Seoretsry hi Onsd Treaburor, eof<lhe Pmid.u& t rlhe Sýuuth Onul4eSociety,- <ho Ladies, &c.,ef were nertmeveally drai, sud à ppropri4 p> ate!y r<podd te, after wvietc he eoni ll pany sidjouract,3 <nhesr the readî,of..1W in îîiýize..which weroe elare4 as follawm- F. lUcegter agod Ra=s; Ist, Thon. Guy,, Lifftpr 8hearlîn, ,i at 1lt, Samuel teuil, Znd SiluIiich, grd WiliasmJeffiey. JAleatr Ram Ls;a lat Wm. Jet. 'P on lyrnrIf xaeb;p4 r>' sad igt phieencýu:thaven taNt Gen $eh W vau necessiirv Vte 411 ith a'i~ ireýs set,'ri < .î Va, vi klm bl!yond' a ejihli', or a 4il'voila -ometaor a eircnmseinut 1, lau b li tancrs wbieh mh.,t ;wuri border le mqie r mvicIion quch as trackx aient tohf s4uO îancr o e resi$êuu goulhî is'de jti,ï. bis shinor '. a k l'a e&)PS, ffsud -a "et<ho urtiwd pu 1.4sa2%vC' abuthitm; sailuarre thà t cllp- ',threat etr eveuOe, to be' the' a Or f itCirCuuItnt 'e fichmond e',aJadal LV"ou wà g(a5sder aud <hait, sud il 'ton bY, rivetare -,onerait.v deern Curviction. There wi cotifirnuk the 011 <hoe aten'lar. 1< a4aco ettOqutireiluto <ho nat '&auiy, aad sjjrujj lau 'd1iat'l eities.Thie onue. The ia a ed ms diviiM bd.,b salted or tho cele. wý aiiÎhî, eor due rm meovin& U-dlaaal-Te, isud Whethpl o,ther,'uaidi'r uaauotly. Ik vouhi P-eLapa-ilie' <tjm wbvhe-theitii or~ît the. Court, miçnu tar tt Wiîh , Onoqo orCrua .J.Wsouad An mer. son, of G(I& r dly ticheOaud JUrY Came snd -<b. lui it.h <he o fule- uCoiouîcy', IEIlT I*U'.hOnotabia 'A Ilturie, Tho Grà nd Juroti of fielq whiio g1 1 ont Lady the. Qneeu, mu.A y spreut. C, B., wu il mat visited and axaminoal thoe thrd,< rtvt!es were dravu V, irnu1onfe fo i P.M. Clark vao iure of the lonis,1 itit m 1 teilr ,P the id mur- s whielb uecesusry au unud, vbicb a punetuved and uhOUM' thie euquiry 10 mlin or riiy et pot- rtsut toe. e accident- <ho ealen- s~ one et ,d vith iwpo4<uýi re à uI. omeidliApp)IUbatMu Hi&i Ex-teeloncy thae Gcvoruor -Gojacra e ee lacem e to appoint Ibe Roveruot melxu re.-RP. ier look hlA d'tteu.,d4iit' Im pot 01<1< sbo P, vitnu s as als< cor Auxus< Gerrold, John PlîilipRPl'), woao ,alIpd value ot the oiulan sd> <heo Rtinepr placed tion hem. On bhlaiof defeiac, N ealled vue s'vore, that <hOl ,,esdae22u1A t V iA, 'vo bis ofi uthe 24t1a Marcll azsdischnrzed lon ibat. da ah-t t ube mort"gago 'C< Wmi. MeCabe ;;S inAieaof otor atp. Tilt1861, Ratiner1 gf< the olai xnortga<ge Utqar MeCabe ; Dr. Hfana "id il talacu offt<hoe 6%, McCa) nilglat.fepl ut es, Mfs toola enoumboereal by a"Y mr t9a Tho%, Caniugnýham 'vs'i bfilce while <ho moortgWe8i veto execeteal, anad liçrd -M O0ei mert"a"e was in satis eldj sud <bat IRtier's .teel Chas,. N'ourse provaad <hi 'vU piaceal lu bis bauds 011 1862 at <ho iuueice"6CfMr. ted agraulot <ho geouls sud R&iiier; ho suizil undor <th. the 3rd May, and t10* 'a articles seisod, Wn< aoîi done.Dr. .llflam~haul -bo ration oft.i vory secut nrecely pomi tiere <uey hutea "$,four pair k an sd some rtPitt on <ho: IC <h. vallev -ot the ,ald bo profemblle t<e <bit nc- at4imo of a'sujerior court, andPte r,.&m lu saune instances, an of. gl lié in', coufluebi ut for rélonget re rýtrià i, than lie wuld b4 lialilé tle ta Ride." disraosed of alli1the ludicîmentg on 21 à yW'tbê'cuml"ating r euhhaltir'd* â Weo t an' ilthe 2 It4 tbat. w" f[eCI, Sand JClow at <bey vilii think~ Iwice, botore thiy bothor usithe moro ýqeclray if we bare-the Raflway. l itby wiii <hp n, thor moro do go, when thefseo ull well ainewed iu eut own de. fonce. We intend, 01 eoirwn; te ho à na. tin'.Egiu 'vishes ns toeho up tte b maark or manbood. But she mu3t 'emema. ber à 'thatmnoy ila master." W. cannit aftferd muob, but somnethiug 'vu are bouind ta dt -and that something we 'vil 1do: if voe canutot hi.ve-a' Raitrond, vo muet bave à iniliiai, but ifl'vo hive tho rond a mueh oealler military fq)rco viii sus'vr. .20,000 weli disciplined, and. vell offleeaed, vil uf5Wc. Troops from Euigland eau then at ail times ha rat.<ied sloug the rait v-heu nee.i'd, and vo vou't, bu long buckliug on mur armour, 1111 warrant you. The effi. iotsan sumergeau t of te 20,000 vili soeor pnt-i.i all right. The rait, Sir, iB <ho wiseot cnurse. 'Tii but sixpencé a head, Iiat's thehumouror e if, se couse firing about Il aîî't afford if." HOWeverý-Gthd- tone, l- 'is a a tstop sa'vyer, sets the queitiou liti truc lght. Ile gas, an.d 3qts Iruiy, Il bat Jeff. Davii ba% made <tae 13uth a naf jeu." Tha'a ý&ouud e". wnybcw, and icvery eue hure, eut oet ho Nforth, sud every eue in Europe, 'knows th stme. Sa lot. Brother Jouathan pro- PAré Io swsîhI'v the ciii. with us feiw si. Aary.Tho dcb< they no l! eoîy.haIt thcir ta wamorvarto gather'io..the t»i have <bue*ivauta>teeg oel I!elfni 0 Cou