Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1862, p. 4

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Thet Loyal Irismau in iAmeneRa. l Irio u ocle yôc'd 1k. ta wear yaetr coller?1 McccI0 w ha yoat ,lhit-eny slave 1 The divil 1iy awny wih ï 1cr base dollar, Nie toc, dmrty coin if a-e-mev. Ccitt du Iaa y i t$cla py frouaSnell a pynas- %daddedi i wltat IlS liketo know who«hl gel, IVhuit fur ereoked crowtm jeu gf_ýe your troopis Whoiaocer uotliitng but a power o' debt. My wellth and gondit put'ny klnd cf tait on, And get tie if yomt cen le pey Ihst seute, ]lu l h b f"It eejeol cf lt e axo, Andt lu lleglanoe own Victcrli'a uteimu. 1 PLplit-nl yon vile linmainery wagem, WVi11ui 1i 1 il îy fLN witim11 tac oh pmltliry Binetle Britonnii'A ftmg, behind ban agie, Couaetripticn Il ye ttirttn, 1[retire. GJo Surgeant Snep), lon't talk ta, Paddy Carey iýcr teulpt ine ,owi with Vitmlcmry pay~ Of itloodshetd, imerin for nie (4uecu, l'n 7emry; Your blatriey on thia bcy la ttrown away. l'uit iot te le inîpowed ou by effrontery; Mie nation la lte ,ewel ofîlto ec.ai tbeenve, l'Ilt a ywnng ]iait fronthLie ould cocu- lice, errah"Ire soitendomt'tconte ovor mueo.- The Lora ti thé Lat Ideral Com- greâMa The Clinton (N.Y.) Deumocrt givea the fuilowiug ms the proceedinga cf lte laut so&tacoît cf Couggress-iînot copied front the siuiord, but put dowitî ccording Ie our ne. collection, andi warranted correcct in the mani." We doubI whether te proceedimtg copieti faitlIuiiyfront the record would show te lest etedon of the Abolition Con- -great. imty nmore favorable ligit: 1; An art in relation te niggera. 2. Ait nett10otencipate niggers. 3. Attnet tu prohibit wlaet dye.cell il im inte Trritories. *4. Ant nct tu aboliih wittdyc-cailit inm lte District cf Colombie. 5, An net conccrning Iifgers. 6. An oct te comfiicate niggcrà. 7. Att oct te anticipaI. the vosanoîd babiea or Contraba~ticla. 8. An aut te emencipate it ggera who - iight for ite Confederocy. 9. An net te inake 'cm fghî fur thme Union. 10. lin oct teu makefreeti igrra love work. 11. An oct toe ducate &&id niggere. 12. Ain net to make papor worît more litait gelS. 13. An oct te maeoa littho moto paper worih more titan -gold. il1. Ami ut to free acmebodyse iigg'era. 15. An oct [n relation te moud niggerm.. le., An oct te utake white folk& aqueal. othenwiac knowu ce th. Tox Biii. 17. An oct autitoizingte Preaident tu dit White f6ika. l18. Ait oci autiîoriznglihe President to Ur n ngreca. 19. An mnt te givo e uoa tle more paper. 20. An oct coiicerning niggerm. 21. An oct te meke omnibus, tickets a le1 ltender. * 22. iAn oclte ocompensate Congremnen for uinga their înfluence in obtaining_ cuit- tracts. * 2-3. An oct autloizing thise[an of more omnibus tickets. 24. An oct declaning white men aots us gond ai niggere '. if lte> behave thent- beIves. [Laid on the table.)] 25. An oct te epeal thot elauie of thte Constitution reiating te te adaiai nmof iW Statea.,9 26. Au mclte repeol lte nest cf the Con- stitutiona. 2 teJ3caluiittnspiedgîng titêc4Govenn mineI topa3'fer entancipsted-niesi 2§ý,V4n oct authorizi lia>' forsid ngoa Set in relalimg t n act le maietem a 1ht iuwmier.I 34. Au a ct to mmake ltent a good deal 35te. Amu oct in relaîlnta conlrmbanda. 36. An] oct concernug niggers. 37. liesoluttoni cf adjonrnteut.. Il Ait, .emmy, Jemnut>',"aid kind.beart. cd Dr. Ponaonby, Biahop cf Derry, -teaa SI'WO> IIEIFIERS 83 caai d, beth are rod 1 eîd Whitie, o-te withî a eliort l andaiSlong %ltlto e pel on lier forchooi.'Te alter bai lier righl hqnit brckon off, Bmne White ciher louis, tuituimoine whît, tndc non beliy. i f tloroforo e ttid animais are met rederîn ücmor -eiitmeved,- 1 shiahlliSI te sine te the ligIi&alt idder, et aiiy place on lot No. 10, iii ltltfin ttthoicecasini ' l'iititing, onLthe lotit t'cund-keepea-. SU-sin Québec Goyernment &gey. -:0:- BLtineabsm fliutl vîit Lthe CROWIN LAND snd otleer PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attunded te. Aime Seecrcd byr ti 1 mchalcrlber. 4Add7C8B prmpiid. E. J. cilmtBy, c.Ett, Ana Suee-t, quemmo. Quoboe. MdarthOrd, 1380. çOntyof Ontario, îTB hereby given thoit the TcÃŽWilt Cfou~ert 0) Asaizeansd NIA l'rium, Oyer, anid Terminer, mund Genoral t;cci deiivery, wili b. hoiden iii. and for the Commtty of Ontario, It t fiI.Court l0ice, lu th. T>Wvm0ot Whitby, on Thursaday, October 28rd, 1862, nit th ientor. of 12 o'coeki-n1aon, oi whlch mli tton,ller4, .Justies of tic lPeaoc, Cuitablisa, mIl offiers concerncd miii teks notice, and gov- NELSON G. REYNOLDS, lor C. lcurse. Wliî>, pt. 101h, 182. 5 Eairm for Sale or To Lot in B each. B El i£' 9i ace-t of Lot 22, ini te QUI Con. of autl Te'ownlulp. loin uwly miii lettreui, Fram i I-uttiiséudNewmi itrii-a ycîtnitrcîtard -gi-nul iWu401 -titistt-ttý,tn torfreslu wator. lit'iie-Iiaue io-roemi.oigireut. Ftrfr the ji ,irtit-tli dtuf tîritti' ut-tttldLFIIEDEiIiIK t'JOU ÂFtlTl irs Tr, ercto. er 1 ROIJEIT McMIOIIAEL, 34 \ - lont Penny. AND) FOR SALE! M 1loiZ. IlAITELL'S FIZIT AND> lthe b.ut eeen cu itte t bt iceferkt-i It i ii it,ýut ttural sitte,mt t lthe unt salcotuu h%, tue Itritisht i tl-aiia (i'-îttiott-fomît UIme îivo '-tf-rei l itcJnilhtitiout> n wiieltu cxlii- bt i attetmtirtliî ml cf ttte Colouiiea in'tle girat indumatriol cxiiliiion itnI.euticttof 182, JOlIN BRVA'L. Agent for Ce. Onterio. wliily, Aig. 2th, 1862. P.1.An Auîrcîiticcwiîntedt te ictiri, te Shoriff1s Sale of Lands. Couita- 'f Otario, N ~S Stttortay te wen- To iVit: . 10 3-81111t (Isuy cf Oct., A. D., 1642, at 12 eitck. ioeuwil b e acld ly Piteh Auctimi, at nyoetilce int Ii'Court Itonce ini tie Touwniof Wiitly, the itdtt, tille.cni n tcrmr't wîltîeh tiîuiiticërneiiiiicd ciefendeta set-emtlly posacts, ijutlt untierineitti One lanse amnS ltemuiemia temonî, m-lcz,,5 ly iue u,îter iud l#Y crtue of îc-iîin wnlttmof Ficri FAcimia, Inthile <'otiity Court, tIMlt- lifet ia. hwx lntfv.mue Village ila è4$3anel 49, lu Broklio, assm'en 'aimîpliel'd plamn, beixtg part cf luI 24 iu the Glu cetu. uf Wlitbyt. - In lte Ccult Court, il MoDaugIlR1, plaimttiilf. va. lîngit Caigau t. Jila- 1, 1862. Shoriffl Sale cf Lands. Comnty orf fOntario, 10 14' <SATUIIDAY. te To Witt:i Fiftonth dayofNov. A. 1D., i862, mil 12 o'eio inonn,$18 le'0çld by Pubîlic Auctien, etiy cfflce, 1lqu the Court IlUlte, ho tlàe Town of, WVulby inLleCnuty of Otforc, Itenfitlesmd interesO whloh lime .tndent4lemed defàtmists aasu1prp- seit. in te tiertaentined landsa sudtemie- mneula Itergen, mized ba mieuneder antI by vintue cf centa'W- wta p( Cr iFau anud en- Silloni Expemia,. vis: - ». lu tte Court Pf Quegn'a Beoeh. Rowliand Burr Admnistralior, a oigeacdu tf the permnai esau-ad effoct, riglits &num eredits et Clrk ltehaitmChumchiil., cessemi, Ieft muadmnuater.mt ly Sophia Jlai ahunctill. - PWantif, Thomas Beinea, Thoma Sbartimaed Mieli MoUcutigi. in le Conrt ofCommù Pleai. ltewlandud 3cmAdmninistrmton, ad o027higamd ef titepereqnnel *esatee nti efloctn, rig ti: anS - retlit cf Clarkt I1teoî niChurchil,h, eceaaeti, left utiudmltletaied ly Sophia Julia Cbcrobilil. PlasntIi Thormai Baneî,TliaSbortipssand Ilhse lu lte Count cf Cemminon Plca,. Rowland Burt atlninatralr, adoUipingadvm cf tLii permienal cotate and effecle rigimle anti crédiits cf <JIank lAthanaChurehîilt-deceeeed, lefe uadminialered by Sephia Jmlia Churchill. Thomas ai aes, Thomas Shortisa and Michael Cjn 4a.~C Wi latt Ira] l mer-oh 16, 1962. G MAI»IiNES, upvventtemâmd At iew prlcea. JAMES H. GERRIE, Agent for onut uei. i. - I I)ENTISTRY r DRS. CALLENDER1 & CARP Surgeons, IlentLsto', &.. 9Rooma aver i Carleton Lynde's Store DUNDAS STREET, WI1TBY. T EETHt ilied lu the mont perfect mammiea- and noue buttme boit und muait ppreveti meterisi ceed. Thte loe experlence ef Drm. Calienden & Card sndîheir îboramiitnowide elt liteprec <Lice of DeuntmryensIle liten t teppreoiato th. greel tceneftt it, t inia-ved fla-cearefel Pre- asnveutian eofttoîe all-limpcertait, and bemtitl orgene, Lbthelliet. VpVnn llir prmeraatien a iretit Seal of the lietiit, icpî,incs,i, tandiSenfort of manilnti epend. Titeir <ttewatousinth!* branchif eteh' profession coliot full tri givcemat- islaoion. Ltîesiitdwî icst etm onîy a-hit tem luntime, itefonti thie disitnegcts toc fiin amiholS. - AJIFICU LTEETU inwweantoiS j , I.Sil- ver, Platina. Plâ at ixoan noitli-thclebitdht,cil ijiisiv roeiomentled vuleimizeti bumle, efler lte aitest anS nicîtamriroveel inefteds adiopLt1 I y dem & Ca-r'l are m atn ellc- tenforneil, amtît s perfect iiliotehcoII,Og tittnet it n tte ptcrn- mlexîtrtu-uici im iprecveSr.l)it the lt-ise ci nom lot-t cf tht-etierer tof it-it- rtititilt Ctcl. la pr-- illoeut ttte stîtîto hite, lt Inte (l tt-tihilityv ut tht tetti ittticcii gd n i i t l-ti-it V ii tîtr iiieidimgcofvolo, IlIte graattâuitsf.,cioli wil b. foüni. l'tirticulattetenttiin Liccn tte eCure autl retuhatiemi of cbiltrinri's teetit. Parents Qim1id attendtt tis e miàvery iniistrtattSu' ,ti lu tîer efiipriimg. Ail olsertions wurrmititu-l utmtiftctny. Ternie noeacnahle. CotstittLoii frc. 20 STIOYES!! UI1EAP1ER TITAN EýIYR. Trie in. cat lesStt'c c. lirmnitirt-, Tut- wRrel &-c, toncb et tnt te tore tii the iutlcrsýigiieti. t'toeet '4fevery ehyli tin qnatîitmd ct al P>riept-. The popilttr miw patttern limoe hA em bonitroilitooti anomîgt otlnen mîrifc c TME KJN6 0F S 7tf'ES, IRON DUKE, -GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERT, DAVPY CROUKET, PROTECTIONIST, 4c rarCai lanS Sec. JOHIN BRYAN, llrock-t, Whitby. miss MONCKI Jinock t .-la.to Pllar-t'.sIIotlel. 9 I8 IM. itite ersen t- Jiop rt:tnity cf-!in onin - C thue Lie icandtiiS niietatits ei muiih ad cvieiitily tlii't etce inthtîe Mihhncry lice on bIhe t- honteetaictice. Afi;kietia cf ma-ricin SITK anS ST<A W 3.11.LINEE-e ecuteti teatia- ant i>rînmptly. -tLadies' mmmed entlcîetut' Pit and ti terIlIAIs repcureti, tiyeSsand al ieS. [li te lateat s'yleut. F. LAMBERT. 'T AIIMsU'd DRAIPER-Kiitg St. Osutawa. ,'tartinta nmade L ter[n lten tîtatle aid fmamin. 47 JOHN GILCIIRIST. D EALERI in Fancy rtîit Staple Dry liocti IJand SySnalWart'a, (roeertos, Pnoc-ideîs Crokery-, "c, &.,-King St. Eýmt, Oltawa. - . 1B. FAIRBANKS. OIIRNOTARY'PUBLIC, -&0. &C. JOHN MeGILL, L~~~~~O IISE)CTOZl 01CANADA LWest,ctera lim ssenviea e te In lhalai tante tiftOntant' andSDurminmiCocaitiep, Ceat- tend Selep, by Auction Honmcood Fumeiture, Mocianmiizc anti othor mffecttt, ao eacoualale cemnmiasion. 1 OxIaa. Anr-t 105 INSURINCE & GENERkL AGENT TapcSUBCRIBER 18 PREPAUMED TO Pire, lii.ant Nirine Iaaorands Kicks At remmomiiamle, aitS dilLime mcml rempoumi bi» (empanlea. Oshiaa, Jcly 2, 181. 2h' C. N. VARS. RA MCTCAL Dentint, Oshawmm #,Pooc-Dentetal lp.i '4-Lr ite tleotOlnee.-Ent-iuiee on Simeoe Streat, tiîird Soor nenth of lte Ontario IV. H. GIBUS & Ca., I FORTER8,aud GoerhMercilentm, Xî1g Im, dlneet fncml Glec«ou', asow paices for euah. 47 LYMAN ENGLIST19 L L Il.., A '1I2OIINEY AT LAW, Solicilen lu Chau- e3 ery, Genveyancer , &c. , Simoce St.pposmite tlIe ?oii Offie, -tmhswa. * 47 eand Saving boclety. I 1E iidermiLned il aiîppy te nictonee ta hàLmfriemi d the lipublile, ltaI Lime caad CoeaPermanent lBuilding andi Sav- - t gSociety, Incorprated by Act of Failasment. Capital One Million Sterling. Iuveatod in Canada $400,006 CA N ADA: -HEAD OFFICE M IINTRP.AL. A. Davidsea Parker, Secrtary. R iTE OF PJIEEIlUm veny malterae and ditiona il, lllm'mnitio* ns ouualeiy lîltentl.- Agmurnaum lreotet Inmd ethen bcamsneiae tramma aci'ima coimdmcted withone nefvrence t»e Oot- land.- JOHIN ÂGNEW, âgent, lWbltby Wliitlîy, Aittzzot 6, 1802. - 8-ly The -Celebrated Gorman Oil! (1 UIIF t r t-'.ioosfroat bit., runting sosi iîl 1hkitedauOf fleslm weuntis. iim i t-m-(jt rcneiy u tfer ietling miii kîtiii nt mtiat cui ýuo)nimsmn andi beamit. Tite romncîhy !l i ifilihle fonir Inglonstef antd catile smitre rit,îgrontltn Frotttiîu oîdîtf ii-i uniihammite tc efticttcy -f tti 'i.,jviiSîuiu rein a>, thea llow- i uv ttmitî-ied yon ilt thei. itslx y6arf, anti uniii sîtti-tltut tittît it ie iuuinaled ton hemmiiig uits, itl ti ilur frou.-tt-hiicm. lJa efflcacty iis ciutl 'pcet cmuîuiiu5 to umtin.)or iuîtst." JAMES GlLEIIJ Tol A. Kîomnuq , i'iciteritg, Fol)b. 12, 1861. ' lit o )udt-r u o, mtmid nr-c alty I ocre lte 1't iitt * i il t Oriit ho rec-itimnoii(tvotmr ct-liu-ieth .<nuîiitIn. XMyItile igirt geL se- t-trt-b- scaMthrl, 't111'Mnîtui, thuc liter remit-env uats ultal t t he ii ittŽapîîhicaîlun if tînt!01 èIlsite 1i',uîW couîp tt--areS. NIXTTII 1*% -iW SWLLOJW, Jr. P1lkuring, Jcimy 17, 1861,.î litteit siut-m juIstice luteand lte ;1110i lit lu gritral. I i tnt i hitot cuîin' votîr î-e1iiuiiîi-l (It-riiuuutiI, for Iie- cître cf c-uta, Ibouit-' it llt i . , a ie ttitl t-tilt-tu- it-ins wli1ettur ttjulieiS to lmti o ai-1_t. l'ituhen119frFitbr'l.nv. lsitCI 1)t-i st.- hit vjîttte toccivo itnI's a dSi ilîîtîîl outntIibraieS Guuýrmnitn<il, for tI itr o! fi-.t itets, etti, Iruilsut nacaKo tif moont-a cf ttn atnditg. PANIIL lIGOTER. PiknuFubuirl 2 1 'unfcldrnt-i a m aihîl niiîfimg acfor 1w,,i youunt witm c iu enuinii, 1I aflit, iîliîtcl te îry voit r celebraîti cl, attntm os eiiinplitht J MtEÏS FIT;ZGIBBONS. Ou.cof tIit 't nedical men lut le coumaty writ-ea: l)ram mi.-c'nnwieralc'the world yoîmn jitstly etrîncteà tlcreuuaitil hetirves te bc ktcuwi. Ih iiit proie ma blisg to> mcii- kintS. 1 have ue.1 it in, the citreeluta,brnui- mes, front lit,,,, &e-, andti ise ontlées et tnuig« altlittg; it lititocîevr faile t i a ce ure.,, 'l'o e InSut tihl !>rttgm'Ltm, andl4 thte pnhi- cija iplae4- ofbsti m ii i tthe IPri-ce. 6. O FFIC'E ofte Montreal Ocen Steamsbp C. and Gliasgow Lino Steamer Eemovdt-rdr'erSouti cf tlltilegistrY Of- fice. ROBERIT SE- QPBELL, AS-IhofetCAlMtaBELt* N'BS- WmtY, /Pr]l 23, 8d5 16 GEORGEBYLES. KE ROSE NEOIL! LJAMPS, CHIMNtnYS &0. At Redneed Fa-tees PO# Cash. 16 GEORQII YULE. A Work of -Absorbing Interest. THRLLING ADVMrTU-RS THE BÂIULY SET LWR,. 1-ac reg tmod mnking adyamic43m on Reni Ette. Ativaeescon ow le obteineti et greatly ne- dSIeS "#te. Appleatua ta le mentc hlicabd Otflee, Tomeute, Wta J. HIERBERT MASON, Esea., Socrdaanoîcd Tr-aac,'r. OMiSi-Meonlc 11,, ornotStreot. OPu TO, JOHTN AGNEW, 85 Vlutto4r, at Wbitby. 0 pr te e <t S c î à CI ' __ g r :'ti c >LUUG&GITN 1OTRIONEW& ISEN ifnrhci nnwn-et Pî t r ilir'o ilia.) .1 îii rtiof 1I u4loh t i c ri ntli ai î nd. tltorotgtîly rkpitired the mminc lie i ut ai Utites plic u pare ii i ri tte t ilthe ftrhort(, etitit- tiey, antd gu- nt1tt.teet l oîic., nl cuil mae fa ri î,l eiwti 1,vhei u tnitwre . u >t Ille ruic citti!, ti, tîîrie toe fiaIrerseî tit as Cci uift-ji.Tiiv cati have thu brun aiti cslîtrt4 for thitr ccii lite. D)ANIEL CROCKER. SEut Wlithy, Xey 20),- 1062. 19 Blritish Aneerica Aeuurauve Comnpany, INýCOIZPOIZATEI) ivtder ant Aet of thet. ['ird Sommioo f ttte Fuv~entlt 1Provincial P'arla mont of ljporÇanada. CAPITAL £1001000. Irmutrance ettiueted on Ihtiidiligsi aniS thiîc cttetti. lvyiliîlcrirîtiîlupiihied onai- pltiitoîîCoic îiitiermi-'ueil. àiarine lildo. tor the -.Soamoti or fcr Prtte. JOHN AGNEW, Travellhhig Agenta, Bt iiitrmet, Wiltthy GEORGE CORMACK. L UNBRNEAAT Crirtr n ttty cfe'i indc f lntitor conâtaittly o ad UNDERTAKI>G. Farm* for Sale. ~ iIE fronît 610 acrei (about 57) lt-reîl) niLie it ei 'f otNo I ii lthe 8:h Con. cf ttetoetllPOf Wliltty. T ir e ia 90o04 bous it-oiîd bni on the prenîlo- c,; aiao gîod orcrd il ani îrîln. T;iro ehaa 'kcl mt fli on"'i.,"nii1apningtrtroutct the farînfor werintg ctttle. T lic latitsof excoel- lott -qItelity, sa i d er lte b<riet t itt-tc enti vation. For Terme rknd furtt ion particuîcra apply, (if by letter "îct paiS) to JAMES 13ENSÃ"N, Brooklin P. 0. or tri 11EV. WILLIAM BENSON 49 Spar4 ~Mmikitm P 0. TUE BEST TIIING OUT NOTICE. js te get thos4ý gentlemen whe-hiavo been in te habit ef charging enrmous T Chat It e intei,tt il e al prfts, to publishIbt ofetprieds-it tenables a discecniig public to sec forG OD FR CAi tbemselves wherc thcy can do butât with their nioncy. After tii, lirat üel('ctcIter, Proxiteo,A Now, you mayeonu it'vanity, or auyîlingclse you iike,-biit. the C.aliforni ensul cthmceeecn e hs, man dotes take a litZpride in beinlte iuatrunaent cf sucit o rev~o1tion 1 in tthe inonder L t:tee o 1iimu ititit otilere trou -JAS. H. a(1ER trade of t/da C'ewtyi os enablee every. man,, womaan and phild, to procure the DMgit, neeosarics, a wel-i as the luxuniesetlf, with very little money. '1 bat lie bas Wlmt'y, soptoinbon, 1862. dono se, must be patent'te ever>' anc in thé County, as4 instance Comme n ---- Whiskey alune, which has been sold nt 50cts. per galion, 'before the Cali- Whitby Brewery forniaman commen ced sellingr it, now aclimmg at 30)cts. and that tee ine the- face of a Tarif, ncary faur times ?,a" itformerly wtos. But the-califor- niaman is not yet donc wiit aem- Bring alomig anzy manu's publsedlit ~ &W O /0,2miSed a~~~~N h- Californiaman will g«eyo discount cf 33 Tî tu:me per cent on ahùost ever article of fine Liquors therein Pub- with su exceýllent artice in lu cb qc ry May b. requiset, amido n termu-luo l ished ; thereby saviug your IFtfly Per .Cet, --moeintercat, I amn sure, coaerm. - titan yen would be wiiiig te pay knmôwingly~. JlotLttit aie eqa oheinre The Calforniaman stili continues te mli theBEST TEAS, that( le thte word-no fine,,superfine, taon extra fine, bot the Best-T ea, for 81 per pound. Ofi et wbich lac wili give a Li1beral D1scount te these whe bey 10 ipeunds or upwards. OROCKERY-At ustiani prices-a few sets more, ofpure China at $4 75 te $7 0.-And 500ý Glass jareserve jars-pinte and quarts nt 17 te 25 cents. GLASSWARE eo' cvory description always on banti. BOOTS AND) SHOES.-A fiesit stpply necciveci weckly at timrl low.prices. Als on*lîiîdl( a large stock of evcry description cf fla7c ir L ttirs togetitr -witl 500 batrels of dotnestie Whi.skcy, ýtrclttue'u1 pirto m>the la ~t Taiti and inomc- ontsale ttdte California Store, ut 3Octs. per gallon, for it-e Guttliiuanîd tiîpwrdd. -0 A LIJERAL DISCO>UNT TO HOTEL KEEPEllS.- THOMAS MTJLCAHIY, O'w-,Septemnlu C',9- 2Si<ima of the Bi- t.apot Pl 11 suhecribera beg le calt yonr attention tri tie ftîct thaI iayingiiindtturveat is Tconming on e paco, camd, thal now le lte timue te souS in jour ortier, on coînoyetir- sea-os, for thcirjutily clehuncted* (Jombined llo wer V and Reaper, Wîticii is now rutaîl> for doua-en>' aI their cverks in Whitby. Evony Machine solS ha set te work, ani Sauttisfction gucaiitcodtimpo a efaintrii, oenomiesole. 'Fer the infrmation of thosea t wutaant te purchese Machi nos, antiba-e miol hatt an OIapo>ttnity of eering thei in uie, w-e woulil neler tîtein te the following genthlemnVin ta bocîglît cf usital teceon,. vii: - Slucrînîn Brntt, Itutlelug, w mit. ttn 1unit-y rl'ctl, - Win. urgi2it, lV (iilltt-hi A'ItîtitutCochrae, W-mby Clesâeutiti ithk, 4 Tiviti uttut lt-c Vaulm .io11în T.hLtt]itII, Wuitby. Arc 1. lzrniltoît, Win. Mon, m WtiJ. iBlowe 'Vin. Suikeî L Co. lne-, Fl'urllmrGi-cal, tg A.M. Faru'woII, i ThormmttutWileox, Wmu ir tinukpretiit t II itry LLtl-io, 1Maripostu. N. B.-Tue>' weuld aise ilete ltaI they une imanufacturmng a 'upoior iAnS Heorue Puma -enw ouelti nequcalct-nuitg rteiisur.t to cliantd sec Ihemrn Mc- chiners before bniying ,eisems'lirc, fotr tlmny arc tjuite certatin flite styloetand finisli of teir Machincascviil rîîîgthein imb publsic futior. ALot, Stel Pîctigîi, Cnhtivttors,-Fansting Bis, Sculltra, Stea-cu, Milt Work. &c. WIiTYJ111 7 l6~. BIOWIN & 1>ATTERSONS., MANUFACTURER 0F ALL -KÏ1N 'Èr Offers for sale au very large anîd excellent assortme SOFASB1JREAIJS, LOIJN Bedsteads, Tables, Wardrobes, Chests ofUDrawers, Look-i Book Cases, Mattrasces, Perler, anti Llrwing Roem Chairs, Rocking C Chairs, Cane-sated Chairs, Toilet Tables, TÃ"wel Stands, &c., &,,in grest 1't grcatly redeced prices. Waaranted te ho luade cf thte lest materl ai Sim. Ile rmspectfully invtcsa exaiiatiota cf bis stock. Ever>' ertiei. tuned und9,r his own superltatendence, and con be depmmded mpen. l- UPRHOLSTERY IN ALL- ITS BRAi CaIl and compare and be satisfled before you go elsewb naite furi- bhyerewmr mtsmtitiee as o mit pur.- Sarllcle. >DW %in-R. - -- Wiîîity, Nov. Itt 85 -6a4~~ VINGAR VINEGAR!! lIE UNDERRIGcNEDIrAs POli SALp, T viîaer miltee tin qaliy, mummti', by hmmmef-ontl rmKmraofBtilk {îc iiofic(ella) tones. k -retWheî' e mmi ti rge f1 mmcii rnliil,'hlm andtail ih.ny,îtelcap, andS neally good an- liele,-itn anticle feuditychemina cal t ite lte lest everfmraTed 0i ii îme how-u.- - MICHAEL SèlrNAPPAUF.- Wltilhbv, jnlY 9,1661. 26 LICEN1SED AUCTIONEERS, FOR THE COLTNTY 0F ONTARIO. T1hIPn-lerxigii-eloire lte Anetioneeram te - Thave maèken 'tut Lieuunce imp teulte prelý> date. S' 1-neht & Nurkewvrv feýrCeul. - 2. riattiaIleîtiry vtcb-unclTomii Xiutatuitul Ititut- 4. <4,-0eg Ituteý1ru 5. It-1'urttt. ir. cm tic fiineof Fairbanks 7.8 nt-. A 'îtttt lroiî- c k , Uxillge, ciid-I ttt. 9. Jmto. Mt14 O!itîtfo iteCinula. W. PAXTON, . - - Ceunty Treasurer. - Ceo. Trn-iie'sO *1e witCy, Feb.l. .,11. Mý-sURAMCE COMPANY-- MARINE DEI>ARTMENT. W ILT, t caleta hlii nS Cargo liliks, et lbe VI'Itweset p'eciullo mol cf premucut; lueur-- to-crt.iit eneîo f twemitîy Penrent nalhwed oii te ttmritf tatepremiima cf orlamt saeîn, a prt'ept, i-mrai, and itneralale secttlemneol 4 eitil jîm-.î ehitnts oi aie Cumupany, utay be ieipitu.-- - joiS BLOW, - Agent, - Pocrt Witty- [Odicu ajeiing as. owemIeCe.-- Wtiitby, Frit. 25tli, 1862. - JOSE PH F. RAINI Piano-Forte IVanufactiff WAREROOMrI-, WIIITBY, C. O=- luIER nicy he found msohnito!rlPiano - u I-itai annimetet-l ifr'o, l t- tû <,6 4.7 eivl 7,ïii3< t ia Lilrt-S cf itiLt, de t a anti pimiotic lit msi ieiiiriicledArtists, ta bel puisou ti tttatltlf ntiprity of Toue hoù solS o ts)Il Lntm0w iaIeterni,fiai ramttS b' ttmlcnt-chinae.Orde rafrq Wli -tonalf 1 1»t No.

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