Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1862, p. 2

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Guewoc&. s-John Smitht. or Andenun ffm. Dniin it--M,.Tahany. -Jacobh1llryfn. ltion, Sale cf Land-A.. Pare. uîy-Juss. Bain. IPs-Jas fBain. Cochrane. indet! -R. Hicuks, ATCTION ZSALES. lot No 5,ius thi Stît con, Whithy, isday, Qte)her l4t 1S62 -Thismîs ...Auitiom. -- - At this rpsit!i.ne c, f t-b. late MWn. P-art- lti, on 0ctoh(en th-Jiîhn VicGilI, Anc- tionce. On Ti t Ns. 9. tiithle Cth con. cf lPielcur. - m-, îon Tir-ly ciji, 1862-Thonia --- Myer-S. Auctiiauierr. - . -- On Lnt No. 10, Tisse Liii', Pic usnilg, ai Satuuu ey, 0e-. Il,IEti'-Thcis. uyous, On Lot Nao. :),bre-Iten front, ran7e Une, rickerinlzi on Miîruc!uy, Ott. 13, 1862.- Th ma lyirs, AiîUion. On Lot No. '22, ttiu','on. Picerii , on Moitlty, Oct. '-0, 18f2.-Jas. Woot!uuil Auctiolirer, -On Lot Ni). 5, 3-d'i -u. Pickzeriiî,, on Thunsdiiy, Oct. I1;, l80.-Tsos. Myera, Anctioneon. At Gi-eiwoo i Village, <un Monday, Oct. 27, 1862,-Jaine-s Woodniiff, Auciioneer. -On Lot No. 3,iii thse tItIs on. Wlitby, on, Friîiay, Oot i.ttl, 1862.:-Th.oinas Myeu-s, Auetiiîmen. O n nnlhi.l oifn et No. 20, in the Zut! Coli.WMhiiyV, 0on Mondluye Oct. îlihu, 1862. -L,b. Yirlbans, Auetioneen. On Lot- No. 2, ii tIse 4tIs on. whithy, on l2uesst!uy, Oct. '21st,' 1862-Thomaîs Myenus, Auctiniteen. Wlutby, Vtlîri>lay, Ottober 9, 1862. ONLY ON1E DOLLAR A YEAR Jýteceptîoui cf te(Jaivernor (tenerai at The annauniuiieaus cof the Msy-s'amis! Wrden, Clumi [lis Eucelincy t-he Govere. or (Ipcnal vwouit! aruive at Wbiîby on bMon. ilay luit, and 1eceive adrs!nesafroua thein - respective cipirîin, uougrht a lange coacceue of pensons imb the tos-nt!duriezi the t!ay, s-hi kepliasseuntin- ro-m eau-ly Mseout en o1clock the min- otb Corporations met- ai the utol, aceor!iuig te prevlous-ap- froua shicb il vas agrees t-bey se! in procession. t *as 12 ýweîer, hafore ail swu&gotintq lun the tucant-ima t-be large crowd collectes! arousui!t-be plaue te n t-bu proeedumgs, vire ciarmet! it of gbos! ihumour by tisa en- rainaq o f thse St-efeîilqe braus .b -jseeimeaexcelsat uiei thse day. Tise Major recaiveil asouaeing tisai[His Excel-. 1 arrive at- balf.put onec'clock ty Station. Short!>' affer uioou1 inu wus put- into motion, the muag Meurs. T. W. Robimusosu, armien,ans! J. ICeaip, wvbp5mw'. ?pauaaat, acquitted themelvuu k ýn style. -Tise M;&yor, R. J. ha Coamt.y, andSi . B. Fairbanks, e of Oshaw-i, beaule th ie pro. a indsotiae open _esrrnlag pair of heantifuloluing vhite ir them, Use metabenu of t-ha Coanity- Coanicils incana-s ibu-niti, N. G. Reynoldu, Esq., il hy tise [Ln. O, Mowatm, nmni. ,t-h Octanio, Hon. Z.Burnharm, ge, foiloies!. ans! efterwusi-d officis in canniaeas. Thene sans Of tisae-clercy ans! geuituy tty in ct-mueantI a lange he geuseralpublie iu cerna--es, :ke asd <ou fomt- ; tise shole pre. Selves and felrow.c#tizens beg te offer to yonr Excelleucy a cordial welcome te ou Town. .We rejoice ébat your Excellency'u int!. neus affords u an opportuity of renewing car assurances cf devoted leyaltY teonu beloved Sovereign. anid of nuflinching at- taclument toe slejrlens-Bnltluh Conatitu. tien. We liail your Excelloncy'u visit te Up. pur Canada with unminzled -satisfaction, bêliuvÎn- that the spntiments utteret! bv yonr Excelleney, -dtiring yonr progresi throngh - Iis' important section of Heu- ImiSety'u empire, lwill tend gIreatlY te îtrODgthBuI, andencourage, UsaI lOve and attachmenîte tu retBeitain which now se bappily exisîts, 'and! 'hicÉ ve eamneStly trust wil! even centinni te bol Aautii, guiahin- characteristie cf the rrovince of Canada. Reartily thanlsing' jour Excellency for tic htonon yen have conferu-es!upon--us, vo nnitet!ly pray that ionï life, hinppiness, and proipeuity- may bi the portion of jour B'rC'ellency, Luutlv Monck-, and .a1lyonr Excellency's familv. <Signet!) R. J. GUNN, Tovrn-cf Whiiby, Octoher Gili, 1862. The Warciin nait. advancdndno!reifd- - Ta is L- thlî e Btiirgh t IkmnoraIlm C/aries Stsnlcy, Lartl Vise-t. -Meaec-, <'orc7rer Gereudof Bruits/eNomrtsh A meiea, e¶ýe. 1 1 We, Ifer bMaj.esty'fit!utifmi 'înml lovai s.bjeets, the, Wanilen ndnt Conne-il cf the Ccunty cf Oniau-ia. oui hehaif cf the muha- bitants cf the Conmty, nlivpu-arhyjour Ex. celletncy with a siuîcernd ut cord!ial u-elcouss ta tise Couniy cf Ontario, ans! tesiu-a te express ta jour Exseemney aur gratifica. tionat jour sufe arriuai, ande ouriseor c the honor conÇu-ruts on us. We reg,,ret-tIi-si jouir Exceliency bas hein confines! to Bo0 h. mites! a vl'e of tItis Couniy, fou- se bail wishet! that jour Excellency ouuIt!sue the largo tracts cf landt hat have betun redeotis. LAs fu-cisithe wiit!euneuus by hyCiisu-t! y ea .manry, aut!masle by thent, under tIhIbe- iing& cf mightj Ce-at, te yieid abuusîantly t'O the staples of Canada. We hee -it- sure younr Eutelency cf oun unabatet! loy. alty ane t! îachment te ibcs penion, cnd Goivmernut-cf lier meut gracions Majesty, ans! cen inalienable love cf t-be constitution nnden vhich vi enjoy 50 many privileges. We siuceu-iiy hope lt-bt ur cauntmy.may bu blessed witb puace undAr jour Erei- iency's admnîistration, ans! that unt!am jour fosteuing care she may make rapit! progness in uverytbing that- tendu te mise ben in the estimat.ion cf natiFns, ans! te make ber people trumîy grate ; if, bovever, bar peace shonl habroleen, vo eau promise jour Ezceliuncy tisat ber people vill proie Uemselves woriby cf t-bain ancesters. >We trust t-bat yeur Exceiiency, Lay Monckuid famiiy, bave heen piesset! vit-b jour tour thu-ougi t-is section cf tise Pro- vince , ans! ihat yaur mception bau proves! Usai the iusiaiitanso f Cansada West are atruly British àa those cf aîuy part cf this great- Empire. IVarden, C. 0. -To vhicb Ris Excellencj replies! ai Mu.roa MAYO, Ma. uWADztî: I thank jeu sincueeirfcy tIhe addnesu tisai yen bavepretuented t! 't tme, -and 1 wshas aI thicgae time tec express tbrotughs yen ttes inlsabitant-s cf t-is tes-n ans! neighisounsoos!and tha Ceonty cf Ontario tny varua ackcovle!guaent-s for tise kiuit!reception t-bey ha~ve ghven me., Tise aidresass-aor5 lrqe ciseets e ve givea for t-bu Quen, t-ru. for t-be Qevernor Generai, t-bru.fer Lord Muigrave, muid bre for L.ady Monck, witis a viii. Severai gentlemen cn t-be plat-fou-m venu presantet! t-o tha Governon Genenai, vitb al of whum l4p eqiuiUy scook bauds. Lors! Mqnqks, sffability, aut! pleaiin- mîcuer, as vuil as bis fine mani>' appeanance, 1 màde- a mosl favorable f uspresien peealvise sas-ans!, approaciseulhum, jïnd were tise t-humaeof unhvunsal encomniu. Ris Excellency aut! suite teok thuin leave .after aà st-ýy of abnnt an C uoum, amidîst puat cbeemhng, the' 00cruel. expmssing bis saras acknovist!g. ,,anLto te a Maor for.- theaareaable ma- ception given 1dmu at Wbit-by. M. C. càmoron, Eiq, t-be measier for North Ont-aie corse dos-n on t-be special train vuicis brought t-be Governor General, in order te ho prissent- at t-be: reception, andet!eturnes! by upeciai immediately ateu-- wcnds. TIse vhole afatisinpasses! cfl'-ausagreeahie ail sucee8sful demenstradion in siici ail s-ho teck, part siere pleaseil ans! salis. iso the route of t-bu pro. iru>el St-reet te the Rail. Unn of Grammar mad Comm-ou 's flogCos! frouaem st-Sseo. ans aians aianu! tse Tise puinoiple* of ecisool eýganizaton quiraû a brilliant misplay hcweavae> - . )neOne.t pîat.form, Ceie-w as! vith uvengreunni, wazi niintain, bc adoptes! thuougisout li t-be h -sain ndoi h public seheeols cf the tosn. Thse pspis euato ans! airiit 7Ahashonît! al ho chassifueil acconsing tute bin ml reeies and dîpuly pncflcieeey, -anet! ach departuavut places! ceat ho Couîy C usa ur thu Ue charge cf an efficient- teacher, f the Town- onclth bwose business it ibifuit! hate glus in- iu-eas. awated the st-uction moîily in tiesa tudios shicis came -properîy isithin bis aisiguicu spisere. Th isu icalliecy. Peisciy at ol etebsmoe0wkn ffs. tains -came le ight-ans! s-uls! bt- be hat-moe wofe uow c, tef =.o'the sataatiotu cu.gtetli e'aen f -tbetsutai )inl tbe suqiiecs, Blesidea ithe division0 rthe pnpils ihto deportments wiib2tbe under 'standing îtsat promotion (nom à 1ev dupai ment to a blgher one, dopended open thl progress of the ptipil, would fsrnish an in cuntive I. exert.ieiî, andi couls! b. isd i a reward for dillimence aund protlcientsy. The union we nt!vocate ehnildt botsi mere nominal afTair, but tborough and effectnal-..nor meu-ly ré union ocf sohous Bloards for financial jsarposeu,,but one madi in reference to, iuý educational masuls. - There'aheuMslbu, in the first place, a uniet of îhuBoards-of Grammar and Canmse seboolÉinJtese sBoardl, and! thon the ma ter cf the Grammar uchoiol siould behapa poilnted Iiead master cf ail tha public sehools under Use cantrol of that Board. The sehools ihotdbe îhorotuthly classifici and! placet! uneler one system, so iliat each dapartusant should Ise a uteppiîîg iti>a<1-o t'de nexi above ut,. fiuîaliy eiaing in the Grainnar achool departmteîîs, wheu-e ile pupils« shouls! receiyu i;istmuction in the higlier branthes cf education, and wuc pro- Pose, if neet! bi, for the lt-arn t! professions, or lor maîuicuiLion fiiithe Pri-ùilial uî versity. TIhe excellence cf sut-li an ar- rahngemuent musicmmts!îeîslIosi aveu-*y relecin mid, withoat auuy leîîgth- eid argiiinent ta u siiii it.. l ryare, ii the fid"menîtal Priîscipleî of grouscîrical scen e, ifevijeiîît, tuiis. We si-e an indication of tlue popeuluir a1ic:uuî tlien, ini the Èfiet, ilsat iii 1860, outf of 88 GCraunnar selîooie, 52, or nearis' 60 per cent of shein, s-uirclueortc-d as unitet! with We re-eart! the union of the Graieunar and! Cominon schools as the inust saisfac- iory uiu4iai osii--safrii thea be-s ruite; .bat we are neso inifutu- 'i ait-m as lu suppose tisat î& lias nul ils de-. fects his sii cîber- iiutisti e eiues. TIve ttl*isk-, l5iîe- u ha the ObJJe-cli-unS suiich mite bc uiged agem î t au-e but u.iiling, counpared wiîb ttse aduusitaes iî ii capable of all'onding, siben sircieniy aus! Ionestly wou-kt!. A. common c'jection ià t-bai cf thse joint. Boardt!,ebre au-e membenu (<ho Gianimar Scîsool Tuustees) wvio coutrol the orpOndituru cf moisies, aun are usot dinrect. Iy u-spuusihe t-o tisa peopie s-ho suppîy the fends. This is ceutainly, a very pieu. subIe consiuleration, but it is foantu bch more specions in tiseouy, ilucn-cjectionahle an ,injurions ir practice., Tise Guammar Sciscol Trust-eus are not, it is true, olsosen tiirect-iy ty the peuple, -but thein choice is, or may ha, int!irectly t!er liseur influencé. Thougi tise Couuuty Cuncil is tisa appoint-. îug peuson, t-bey uar mosîiy namet! by the Reeve ans! Deput-y cf the. Tos-n. Thse raIe ths, tIa he repiesetives cf cach musnici- pality shah conirolithe petronage s-thia their jutrîidictious, and! unless tIsaneau-a stnong ans! manifaît. massons for i, Chir nominstion is gcnarally coeflrmed. Ient-b. aptboietmcent cf Grammar Sebool - Trus-' tees, Use tosin dcci, tisrou-h iii repuee. tativas in tise Counîy Ceucil, exurciso a controling influence. Moreover t-haTtu-u taes aue generally rasidunts cf Use toen, sud, ini caseof a usnion, kDeglit.to e b un. denstood t-let- b.besuld, a!w a e &0~a.- Whaseyer unasuete igha~t adopt su a bod!y vouls! affect eac i nti-vidual trustee in thelau sie manner t-bat il vouls! affect ct-ber iudividuah msidunts. But as Usatish cf fan more veigbui ai au arg-ument, so fan as va bave boau-t, tnc practical cvii bas nier resuîtes! Jo a fitnanuiai point cof vies- froua thle action cf Use joint Boardis. -As wec bave mînuady seun, about- tbree-fifibs cfi t-be Grammarn Scis of Uppur Canada are Unit-ad, i vuCommn eSbois, ans! va have jèt t-o learu cf auj cases of imrt!ahip On cf fleaticial injisiicu rezuuiiag tierefroun. Indeus!, liere are tron, groundsu for argui. ment- t-at-a IBoard constituteil froua tva sourcees, somwwat a:indepeneat-ofcfaaeh ct-ber, -s-uit! bu a safur and! more efficienti bod!y t-bac a board vhicb danivet! iti aniber- Jt-y froua oee source otly. lu tise on. case the int!ividsual meumuhers being snijîct te like influences, are lisible tes vies- Mat- tens frouaoeapoint cnly, wiein- athe Otsar case. t-be différent inslunences tae sile Cisc iemheu-s ac expo)ses!, sihl natunalîy leet! tliissustetak a, sidmin ranwgecof cou-j sidenation, ansd bence t-o arrive at justes- conclusions. We do net dispute that ani iII.natnu-et, trouhîesonse mien, or a self. villes! tynant-, conît! Causa difficulty in a union Bloard! of Tmueesi but- such an in- iidom s-ours! be a source of annoyance1 andi cvil'on any Boiard!, onrfan an>' positio s-hee-a clles! upon t-o ici vitisothars, ind- tisunefore aJfort!î ne argumaent a-aînst- the- unison voe diocate. On tise 0115evbandI, in practical opuration; ve meliere the union Boards are feues! ta verk every vay satis. facteu-y ,andIaefgood! set of mei sncb a position, bas-a a lrtiar, chance for accmusns 1< COriTYCOU1EViL. neessirY te proceet!a.ainst the Sa~Ton r. SESIQN, this Occasion. SPEOAL-Tha foloiving amendui ont was then as!.41 dedto the report. leWbltby, October 4, 1862. 'u-hat Your Çoinmittee ieullreeuom. n. ADDRS ? T EgCGOTURIOL mIent! fliat the Wmrîien lbis mcqiwstet! tri sieo, as Pnu-uant ta notieê issd by- thu Wmu-en lit tthete rrangement as tb the:paymni) e, a eciaI moeting or the County C ouncil cf montyse ta thet Cotunty Tieasarer bc a as held t! .the Court. Houlsa, Withy, on 1â:ulie mpve eItia takncasiefn R s!Saturday luit. O tf calliug of the rolsary steps tQettrforca the mite.ueI the fcllewiag manihe.-s answerut! te their Alwihhrsetîlyvîentel >1namtiez: hicth repet.lysi)lit lu Mes. Camipbell, (Wbitby,> Fairbanks, 'Aften vchte eor as*adoptes!. - Gaunubla, Guye Mau-sh, Nicol, Papry, Rat- CONTY irrY ITot. 2' nt cliff, Sangsuer, Venluon, Whu-. D.: Beach vas appointis! County C. n Thu Wardu, expiainedth de objëeci ftheAuditon tha place ofMr. Cehsrce, daceai. a. upecial session, andd is arrangements adt! efr b- uaid c Ueya. -Pi courésfsbidnince wvMch hl!go fat taken couNT iy rirs. '~placé betwcen iuimgelf, the Mayor, mot! the Mr. lliggins'i acceunt fou- Cousity priut. 2n ic Atterna7 Geneal West, for the receptuon uug vas presentet!, ands!eaof ithe items J- c. f theGonvarnor General,, ans!gu,,,.,ested passes! in' commiltee. An objection vii s! the preprieîy cf a committoa being appoint.. raisei' that as iwo memberi cf the t inting 'Ch hlt taeocenper.uuîe vith the Tovn Cenneil. comrmitie vere not présient, andI <unuse.1 a.e omintte of fiv als, uhsequently ait- quently the- aceaunit net felly exaines! te pointes! by hallot-consis "ting cf Mesirs. anuis stîre ulietial tisisio as only eal 4t te Campbuell, Faiu-hankus, Peu-ny, WMison, muid foi a spécial pîurî,ose-, the auîlitiuu, cf ilue ve lmatelifr, te propane an aehtress ta he pre- accauiut sluld bha iefoeus-!unsil the Jaais-211 esentet!ta Rii Escellency. Tha draft cf au-y sesbion-anut a ueiolution puqitad ta ai. an adilneswas shortly afiervardî rt-pou-tes! 1 e secontUiictou, in ihe neatritinuîe, to ans! adoptecl. A cemnjuste cof five, c,111- eceive 75 ler cent, 211 siIîin' c, Mesorr -Faii-banics, St iiu, Arisouion Vpusssct to pay Use unesen- Vernollss-tiii Wlife nue! the Wurden, -Pr tIhe uutiil aiicwaiice cf $t 50 lý au- îl.)n2 - sas appoiieiîl o utmsýeeail neee-ssas-y te-r- stiui- hich lteCeuniuil adijîuied-t, siruc J rin areusnit! Carry theus Dut jouinîiy die.- - ails the Tas-p. - 211 TIs a rJe-n irouzlit ht-fore tise notireo ùT:uîyi~-'u ct. ,13. cf the Cuuîuil the position cf tire nîn -si- (~PCAll~:lG îlce-uttai fiil-et inthuit Uere s-salu 'here umisautsiiieil Iise-eu Lii ti, swuî Z thue- oufuîc tihe Sheiti'$aie $41000 cf cii ilid .tIsethé -s 11, i un oi uu.iur C hie ansius rtal-i-ml unt.the late sale,, -liuih dy ivcning It-i, for l iri r;ue Of nus 1<- 2 t ile Sberuiff îlm-cliuît! tD pny cicr siniliri ruug-ue-iu iictujué-iîInill- flic aijouiud Aii--alegiug Chîrt the IesaCw i &)rmuisilftil(,,ie0eîticui cf 1110 Sis! îuoîrequui-ehîuit to do so tnoll"10 iJays F\mit-liciy tise Cov-mon (etitus. Mu-. Fairli-z, RJItue o f ( allussaum M. afieiý the sae s-as conuieteiIt. Tisai liusvii;,Stiis-uLti-r iuuîutý teRecuf Ljxbrîdg, ut.- 2n - hin i Qehn ha(th Wacieuu) e-îtîd te!uîd-;ifrisuuîtihe iouix(ouiiti, unit!toole *f tiruo iAtiou-aey Genér-aI 'Test in rela. liart iii tii îiroccedlin,-s Iiy inuvitation.- J. lion tthtflic iui-r, ans!fthnt the opinuionumft ;Iit!leonitv nuis jriven to engsige the stisufi- the Altorami G-tu-rcIsi hat.tIhe Sheiiville lu)muid ut I$35,a Cominiutce %s-use-1 llat 11n sueh riglît as hée eluitnedt, toauetain ~uui- to sopelýriiiîe-d t1ie pLîiuîui, t flise noneY nifl?,0 darg attir the adjournet! ýl;-usrcg. T, W. JRuhîin ,Marrusy -Fitrqu. 2è sale- tocIt plaecé. le, (the MXtai-cen) tisere. - rîi.eul.oîsleIpwr partu fori, urges! the ueecsiy cf thé, Counrilîmuîi rteu>cits-Imx !iu-c-sing flch-' aster (in the Shenili'. i ansIi i vuivitsion ta tise (Crporatiioun cf Mil 1&-. Vcniu, mrîîi-- the appointinent cf i)-iîru ta be puesent, aund auîouher cii- a commitîe cf f'sve to *ait on the Shéritffiîuhstiuig tse place cf imeetinugo tirIe- mcmn- 2,d ans! ascertîut theamoeunt cf balance in bis Cie-ni if t1se respective coupo ritions at tIse hands comingle tha Couînty front the non- Royal IlbId, at tan o'cIocle on Mcnt!ay résidunt land! tan sale-sait! committuae aî-iuif-ouavuii e rces eth io repot fnihwuh.rais-nyîaton.Also a furiher résolution 'us-tiithe Tas-n Treasurer te pay tlie IL Mn. hiteappoe-t ibemotin asun rders, of liie Mayr, not excecdiiîg $100, necesiary, and co'isitiered hat-the stabe- for tise Tnsu11't5 -N*hare of the expenmesi cf-- ment. cf the Warden cf the opinion cf the tht neception'. ^Commit.tees wvere appoint. Znn Attorney General shoult! ulsies! td npon edt!et carry out tlîe aboie, ans! othen ne ces- vithout funilier i-efeu-ence to the Sherill' e-«Iv arriîgsýmen persohally, autd that it vas but Compronis- Mr. Muicdonell made an enquuiry resperi.J îng ibe dignity cf the Council, to e budanin, the petioutcf Hall & Moody, lu-onu the n.reply teaviiich, it vas inmlrtOOd that. tile cer. ing attend-née on thie, Sheruif. pstitian s-as referrei te tihe Finance Coin- Mu-. Sanguster ans! Mn. Camaphell agreet! aiiee. -niMe vith t.he, lait speaker. IJounah adjournesi te itis. Cctober, at Mu-. Fairbanks consit!irct! tht the mp. haif-paset 7 o'clock, p. . i pointaient of a committea might. puoduce W. fliii satisfactorvi-vanlteswlsieh thae(Jouancil E h b'îuton cf, theSouth Ontario ÀAri- Suhsepeuuunly c nrésouionapasses! te Che utr!S.e3 n followin- et wsu agrres!upon.- The Eïibition cof the County Agnicul.Znd Mons!d by Mu-. Raiclifl', secondes! by Mn. la mi Society cf South Ontario, hels! on1 White,' thait a ccmmiltee of fie menulbarg ea? a ndTusa f u ekw b. appointes! te examinea ccount cf the yasjhnilyc si ek aH laitI gale for taxps-Ibe amenaIt reajizet!, 1su se theta predictet!,. a compîcte succes.icido the amutnt paîd cicr te the Cennty - Trea- The unpropitiona veather, boevvr, wbich <surer, ans! the balance in the hands of the prevailet! tho second day, proved a great. J.1 Shenifi' Meusrs. Fairbanks, Camnpbl, dabakto -eunomnt is0ea Saângter, White ant! RaiclitI', venu nanes! &ien. iiza-nntries in ml the classes vere Znd mmessof the coimitte.c nJ Council adourpet!. s-al filles!, atusi vere5 we underâtand, farn L more uumrces Usatu everzb.fore. The SECOND DAY. sicwig-oanidu answer admiraIt!7 for t tlspur- Gaz ~o~Il~, ~ polieof the Exhibition, sitbough the regret ig" às retiy gérieramt1îy lùpru~ed at due in. job The Cocncil met sbert-ly after four - 0cf n o'clock in Use aftemuoou, vien thse follov.w ue- e l 0ungumes fnO o in,, membie ns eeeta te eir a s. froua the business part of t-be tove; oun Messus. -Campbielî, <Whiîb.,) Chiaptan, this account prcviug a lois te the Societ.y fray Fairbanksi, Gamnble, Guy, Martb, Nietil, ithe mettes' cf Use sale cf ticket' f ad.- Penny. 1lmteliff, Scuigstsm, Thompion, Ven- saou-to hotel.keepcrs aund! bouses of r non. Watsoni, Whsite. teheti euir aaa 2 Mu-. Fairlianku reportes! from the comn. -reshnn e hi'ar-v>, n! i mittee appointes.à t-a is upous the Sheriff doubt, some los teUse sterekuepers in the 2 saisis cf lueil's 1i:i folten mutile nut, mlt-e, te asucerta mesney'm frons mi rifIF; bande, lun ce 0l-es tif semae fanîtý. 2ns!. That t-he will»îngne,ýu, t-e p et Ititime encan maie of t-ben s 14 oves- to sieh Tni aiters sii lc su, 'm tee rire infrac-eci days.- o rd. That thi Ycnsr Comnmitteu ed, tliit Ise M<ie of t-he sale 'mf t-ho the proceeds of mn after tise cenpîet lie ds! net-for ai Eétliott Zat!, J. B)lack; 3rd, John MeGili; 4th, 0. H. Dartnell. 8nldle fhorse lui, 1W. C. Seliriebur. General purpose . lallion; l8t, Il. Sceitt; Zt, D* Ilolliday iZut!, Thomns Mare andi Foal; lIt, W. Héu-on; 2nd, R. S. Wilson1 3rd, Johin NichaI 4tJî, J. Thomp9on. - u 7owyear eld esitire Colt ; lut, George liggiiýbottoin, Znd, IL .8. Wilson. _7uno year cil Filly ; 1st, IL Hosiden as!, W. Atkinson; 3î-t, John Jones; 4th, C. Pilkey. One-year oldel sline Colt ; lst, Jamasýý u;2na*, Johin Jones. O*ue!ear olet Filly; lst, Tlex. Wilson; ns!, J. Neibit; Znt, :Win. Atkinson; l, J.Pierson. ., Hof'.a Colt of 1862; 'lot, James Mit. bell ; 2nd, 1D. Hollit!ay ; 3rs!, E . Howart!. Fill.y Colt of 1862 ;- lIi, Georie O:- ýn: 2td, IL Harper; 3rcl, Jas. Neibit; ils. R. Mlosdon. Matclhers ei, James Kitchaun; Iii. J . I. laviulson i 3ît!, John Toole; [h, J. 1. Dhwît!so)n., Drauget ý8iallicn; Lit, John Miller; nil, Alex. iiiîçrd John Wilson. Matre and Foa.5tý siJohni lleîr; IVJîlu iîîon -aiîJohn Miller '111i, T&eyicaýtr old Fily, lIs, Jaîv. Noïlitî ut!, James Pile;, JrjJas. eviîhpl ih, rotin Wils3on. (Oc year aid emIme Colt; lst, R. .1ncivra; 211. l' joli, MilIer. One vear ouitFl1s-; L1 ,W. Thammsou; id(. J. J. 1);Ivsagoîi. lui(rai- Colt cf Ji'62 ; lot, -Johin M iller; icIl, .'Evnauv:3cm, G-orge Ogilvie-. Fily 1Colt cf 186t2 ; Lit, I.l o-tUs; ind. J. Wilson.- AMatce-ed lerase; lât, John Thompsoiu t!. J. Ke-îchum ; -rtC. 'ilkey. Durlfulii Bal: lst. John MilIeu-; .2nt!, 1. TXvîdsou ; 3rt, JohA Thoiup.s;oui. Vealinug- Bull Uibt, Rohi. Milie-. Bul/l L'aeff 1862 ; lst, Johsn Mille-r; n!, IL Miller. Mil-/e Lont; lIst, John Thonipson; 2tid,Q oiii Miller. 3rd,-J. I. Duvidsoii. 7'uo ycar olîi 111e r; it ans! 2w], John L [illr. Ycerling, Iejfcr;ist, PRobi. Miler- t!, J. Thompson., Hleifer Calf of 1862 ; li John Thomp- i; 2nel, John Mille-. Devon Bull; lat,'Thos. Alglan; 2nd, Veanling Bull; Ist, John I&eGlill. Bull- Caij of 1862; Ist, Ticomes Atlan;2 l, John McGili. Millc/e Loaw;ist T. Atlan; 2At ans! 3u-t, bhu McGill., Tsooyear aid Heifer; lst, LU Spcn. j Yearling h1eifer; 'ltans! Zut!, JohnE Galloway Bul; lut, G. W. Fout. Grtte Biu; lst, John Bliiott; Znd, Molieat; Mw, W. Keu-r. S Yeairîg Bull ;lIst, James, Ketchuus id, W. Jeifu-ey. Bull Calf of 1802 ;lIst, D. S. Barclay; il, W. Laingr. Mil-le Loun;Ist, W. Làing;, 2nd, R. Two-ycar olcl Ileifer ; lit, John Thounp. S; 2nd, Rt. Miller. Yearling Herfer; lut, J-.Hodgins ; 2d!, Hie afof 1862 ;I8 R. Milleri i,J. Tole. --' I- Fat (ta or Sieer; lat, John Rice; 2nd. Miller.d Fat Cowe or Hsnfeýr; luit ans! Zut, H. ouid. - Il 3rtJ, W. Jef. y;d ndcm en Yairds in&atrtmd and! 2;d, &tatthewsuo &Rdci 2Tn lyards Flannel, eome-madle: l8t, James Mitnhell; 2nd, Miss- Birrel. P'en iardg FlannelfacorywJ.dC. ls and 2ndi Mattheono & ItadcIif. Pen yards IWoo .îî Carpet,:ist, Mis. G. W. l'est; 2nd, Mn., R. Acller. Ten !iards Rag Carpet: lst, J'ohn Wilsonl;, 2nil,« J. TomlUnion. P ir Wàolen flankets:lt n 2î, Mis. Saddîer. L'avenU : -l1t, Mrs~ .- J ovies;j2ncl, Je Wilson. Shc(,pherdga Plaid.- lut, S. Somerville. PairWloolen_.Siockings : lut aqs! 2nt!, Pa>ir voaen Sécks - lut Miss Orvis; 3nd, i. L, Brown. Cotton Stocings: lit, Mis. Saddler;, 2nd, Mu-s. Esnmitt. L'otta n Sca:lit, 'Mis. Grosè; 2ad, Pair IJVbo1tu il18: lt and! 2nd,, U, I1ron Plough:lIst, (ee. Prentice. Illuoden l>louga.:lidt und 2îîl, DBrowx Jlitrrnvs; lii, J. Maëliie- 2ad G (: 7Tiëo-/wrec Cullieitor: lst au1 2îîîl, -Olli horse Cîtlu-alor : lt, Cc-o. l>iîîî- tic 211j,'ioii&Patter.ïori. .Fieniiinilg Miii; làt, Guo. loiis 2Straic' CiterfhrePotr i LUiîosiî> & Paîterson; 2nd, do. 5i',alvCle*r, lhand Poiver ; l.ït, Boilîw &% ;',ios 2,id, di). IWas/ing 1Mîte4tn; Tlit,W.c;t;rî (:huttrn ; lst,1 la. 014vtî>is. - ClidsDrc$ts; lit, Mrà. 1Rwc; 2in! Mius. Ser Geiilleneann's S/tin; lst,-Mrs. Gorudon 2nîd, Mns. l>hatt.- 1 Ladies Iloanel ;lIst, Mus. Roche; 2t)1, (muid; 2Aî. Mis. 1). L. Baîrclaîy. Kîtlit Bcd Uoi;er; Ist. Misà. P. Ferry; 2nd. Miss Powel. Crocet frki, L'oînteýPane;Igt, is i/k Ciiunierpane; Ist, Mislî4 iine. Fae-il eting; lt isMr tik land!; 2usd, Mliss Campbell.. Faney Knittling; 13, MissM. Sîrick' lans!; 2nd, Mv.. Emmitt. Mlîs. Grordon; 2nd, Miss. Strieliland. ,lýmsridery- on Silk;- lat, Mns. ltowe; 2nt!. !,is .Su-icland, Ela-broidery on Wforuted ; lst. Mu-s. L. R. Sehofield i 2nd, Mu-s. t. IH. Lawt!cr crocht.Wo,*; Lit, Miss M. Sîrielt- land- Ziid, Miss Ogmton. -Raimsc Berlin IV" I Work; lst, Miss Howard; 2nt!, Miss Blair. Fiat, BenJin Wod ' ork; 1lit, Mis lowî ; 2ad, MW. L. H. Schofleld. .German Raised Wfork; li9t, Miss M. iîrickland ; 2îd, Miss N. Sîuickland. GJuipure Work ; Lit, Miss M. Striok- land! 2A'dMiss . SticLieîd Orna-nental Needlewi>rlî;it, Miss M. Stîu-idkand. Da>rning Soces or Stockimj; lst, Miss 'i trcsan; ad, Miss M. Str-ick liid. Braidiisg .lit, Mrs. Shier;i 2zd, Mis Qui(tsg : la8, MiassHarper ; 2nid, Miss T aliing : lut, Miss N. Strickland 2nd, -Bead Woýrk : Miss N. Stricklani; 2nt!, du. 1 'Mat. Eort, Sui: Iu tise Globe ofTuursday last, buo propose! Intercoonial Railvay comos in for a meut dismal cet-igation., Lt is calies! 44a unit!proposition," and the ,. ianation of an important Lover Canada iinîsie r is staicil C c ho tauhans!.-. a-e-a, whe,,n auj hîea1ing - Il moun' >fi' tii' Frn w ltlsas deua s!of littla fin. pont bY thCIse le.-Jian Baptiste is AI ieng-th influintia ini t-ha editorial ejert [t him es htankAfl for suiell mpees.-. The pi-oject moneover, la uaid to bave beeu tenu-led by ibi s trenusu exertions of Use ls-o Premiers. I majoice to t-blu TUai tha two prescet Pemieraiave foresigbt suffi. nient tIo peu-cuiye tise immense importanee ,a:.lut-, Misn M. French; let, Miss Debart;Zut!, 1lst),bMiss Nahi;2 ad, 5; Lt, W eiuî2l,ý Jelfrey.H ~1st IL Spencer; 2d, Spencer. cmi Jo hlliott jý2n!and ai oi-Blliot-t-; 2ui, 2. 2sd. ,John S. l 0, varions b; le0 ll. I Onýy in Comb; lit, J. Mit- chiell; 2nd, . U cGill. - 10 Ibia. sirainedlloneM; lst, & .Coch. Irane; 2nc1, J.MiJthelJ, Maple Sugar ; Lit, L. Browun. Collectos of Conftdionry p---lut, Mis. IL, Fuller; 2nd, Mrs. J. Sleigh. Bouquet of Flowcrs; Th't, Mrs. 4 Litwder. 2nd,. do. Specimen cf Iherse Slsoeing wviIî ýCau1c;' s;~lt te eo. Prents ; 2ndý , Iirow &Patterson. Spécimen of IHerse skoeing itilamir 6'asdlc; lue, Gee. Prentissa 2nd, 1lirowrn à Patterson. .Letter Presa Priniing; Ist, WV. il. Side Sole Lealier; let, McD.,nald & lLsrtry. Side Upper Leaik1er, (Coiv-Iide;)slt, Jnô. Tye.- ailfLeatiter; lit, Jno. Tyë. Ilouïre 3ali,Mislir Paper Matil, Misii Carpenter. Ir Pair 0fMaeedBes isFru haffln. 4terUin JJlelFlowers, Misg [Iarper. -Liai/irFeir ,Mis <irr Lamip Sitde, Miss(i;ra Lanp Malt, Miss Nulh. Tafled Altl, Miss pOwOll.ý Luga.Cap, Milsho,. ~il 'I/ r/c, Miss(Sî,Il Widows Cp, Mis. Fanc', Porfoli, Mn. Yntrnoî,I. yitrxiug Mr-i. Pîixion. îbrdryon stearnvb r7~ Carr'îs. it.C.Wilson, Opera Ctoak Mvs. Thoinnâ. Card oaiîi, W. SCii(rvŽlie. s (iatoitl Pocr, ML. Jr.w. liard 5oapCr an e,L- Mape Mll' iss ,G. Rown. n Vafrige-/yJ.ailt rl. arntJr ValhsRie c Ae, WL. Fairbank. Mil/et S 7wed s, l. J. Giu&în.d & Pinter on. ,Mtbesn1-Rd Maingle. J. Cùsyto. owy Thegoniteeds, n hewsen & as. cf ihe m hiave colis MýýMý ui4nusm!e- Up I pluie d sus tImr a - isunul-: t nu s-cii- -r- obtiens a'-e moue-une-uit gm'nc-rauîy lmsmii-m-s c-n t- ils-- Cie-cric frons e-;mu-~i~ bhncwa tiC 1

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