Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1862, p. 1

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Mathow Teey VOUNE~Ilo<'« Oy '00,t, Whitby. lte Réglisry oilco. 1 KUR AN!UM, IsEMENTS! Witi clesPnlté&Word$, grait, pjughts and* catIvsn-Inusl 'VOL., VI. WIITBY, Ce W., TITi iaîih ii dst tisé orate oetio err ~ sit îtsrt 51 wils sles-iaus- b TÃ" THEt ROYAL IYEUX, Rang _ 111CI(l wittitdvrtist sb N Fdeeut Tortento, Cg Fs-ce tuncis oves-y Tisé liseroasrig besinois at tuc .bvc favos- Ja. 5 nngý - ilY ably kisevu hotel, hb e -des-ed it55e<55usry fer n-u e ii eo tt in elv tse n , u h ! sotisi oveniug. orth b e il és te lar ati é p ém nises. l é0 & 2 svs-ttss- -S T A GE 0 OU S E, donceg se ts eeuaidLs-ablo exteet, and imale' ___________________________ IÀNILA: tihss- sites-tions sud improvetllètlts, teteucre -- - - - - -~~~~~~~ su~git fus-tises-the cufo tséaeeseais T Es,-- lg .ubsniisibe cs e" te ossîneunce tisati i ISAAC FENTON, )lis IliOîsi. Tisétaille ul lusePsvided wti 1%tîth $<O! eiinv .sssîptte, andhaislie ~It1~,~I Psp-oitos-. tise hensstiusealean&ist scuebut the bessibrautis purhediss f ise brat nirkstA, eulie stesdeà 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tf -ies' asd biques-i iepi est tise premises. nt 55sicoms 'stssfsîew tos- epus-eliises- ES iVineps cui iqssOot: s'so'srins? assrons Tâesn eps-us sslidtislsal. ve s B3sssslos ;rvelosl; -! :t'..i -rsslstsssrîetl iasuYe pnms. .GOLI) & SILVER VWAT HES ~ANK F MINTREAL, îteiive issstlns. 16 Bob the renonetstl,s-, aisecys in attend- IAtslsOTRA) ne-, aqssisted by DIek, te taise eharge ufteasis Fsrcnch Ssbstei dlocks anti, w~xxxs~-A1,3 10 N siHO T EL. JOHN iWAEDF, TITOII -î DOW, DManriges-- -.LA3 TLET WtTU.Casîiisriznn Oti. aIs-si, 16. 1À ik JA-Mý LACe ofVaric ns-s 1'tters s,. _______ 151>s-spntus. iTOatEYOS JIOTEL, Ladies & Gents Gold Chains, s'rtANEiD G W- O VRI<S -irtd Ts-unk Rstliwasy libid. -,. £Ossflt( W -Su iYsssu st-e't, -- e Ue. ýtSlONF É!pp(44l) 5GTOii Ii Osîr B1ock.S> t/s qsithie Itr sle &,rt.) Rings, - 51* -T0- 'rus-issu. rooches, VIIEiI IN & M isCt)NEisL, tus, isssis usîsld tise pubie, t1isit lie sl ts rtlEsssesisn svii usessss h -Errn cluislslîs oN en .1 snus s, Ii f teîtsnsso"sssisotst, fit isle ssl5 11Etss- siikssw iavsssin t f-c i e tsse & . 5up'îiS A'i-'ý'Td 1-*EYiýAT LAW,> oS sulintstoi ie il Isiture e Cî itots îmin 1 5 ~~~risTs-ss-î ll 'r.b-. ownt f b ega te , nas t ie nte tsi'ng vils-e,.ttie t'ssirt issuvs-$Olsî5 W5~ iviî-~ s<'. in sxlenst estr-fors- tseacscommodation 't r) su'Stiei-lmS Geuls. Oiif suit <'J~'oft;E 5jflan. a Lor, u ss. s" 4sssu >st lteisss atention peisi te fas-- Ssi'itss-.& ,8' ~~~s-'uit),.lll 1.1, 1f'sstfl- .s' Ge,' lso s ri r~ is ts stuicoses.JAMES JOIiNSTON, - - trctired part sottise Townt,oas tlisefront s-ond. Toho ra lin Pbi.SIN0TELAG G. A G(oos,1aceninaintsîsnfor ts-ascles. Gaosi oteTarligPble INO H AG aitrSTPi ~ A T5)iNES'AT~lAW.Stssilissir ansdIattentivse st-tss. 2')usbinbs-b d ti Pîi --Ï-a- tI ofier1roL ocessuiod by T. Eniti,inte R K G-10RS O ,cI !1Y ststV-Viisaase of Ei;,'om, ant i hving lit ted itient ui, MoRISN ANSONPRNC ATA CR. n oo >yte, laesien. prepas-ettten reommodistsi -IIE isuderssi, ,o isas'ing tss-hsaasd tram 0. ,%,t - î8C T, 'R PIIT Ii Ate Uait those igvi e soIint a esil. HLi înIl' * iini 5~t~lTliu Ato-su"5 isas &c. s W IIstIs$CTT, POPRI.) 4keepiisg îstlilng but a Foit;i, iis e'Sortin tU î-,4ý ii T( F Ws',sirsC.iuiuiii sW. ass5 Wa. -TI-- TE BEST OF LIQUORS à CIGÂRS FANOY GOODS, TOYS, &c.1 GU'SNttt1h~ttli. .1 A. AMPOM. ANGLO.ANIERiCAN 1ROTEL. A( iîiJiss'%Sle 'ihtirn~~ imb 'itw01 aultise lis's<te Iiiuiioe tlusI ieis-is js-st m-ie ùs-ç - s-ltiNs'L sLllEses-. d uis a eics fth " li. Au iit5entîii'st O îrles 1istiolssil s's 1' %èi of Fi5 ut s II'Gsob,lsTois es-osîto, ~lsiN St~, ~1-' ixis lir as fit ilsîjs Isle isîseve ulsid u- on ias sus. 'rits 'im e isysiAs- hbicswithîsl ,s ass r -iid ht is isiloW l)s- rit, r. 1)A SiT ELILs-IU~î'îîii dis stsi, vithî te isew of-s'tituts-iiss esslIl.ss rz i 55th icg ez uaf tsby ac-ssiI- sssnd t's ss"sîstitiîuîdate tne ptte-.ts-s u'îsî-stsîltisitO to tiints S-esllsns psilie. îos av' u- ilà V tstenses tot. tlise jsavscSi onien sf bs X -tosî-ss' t ~Ep Ti iEiiS"itXîMsxTbas>s 5-hiviissa aïl. :sit. Gos tahling andsaîl' es'1léJOIEY IAMILT)n, ce-sy srtiolsetît esi Sc osqsîired fIsîs-lits la V s-îuusy.isu e5iistt' s 5l fo~ery JOIItNIsCIC'tlîîiixE. L's-prlctors. hue. A sttstsstiiit sii5tltnlt ef ZWICKEYI'S HOTEL. CH01CE r . I i l EAN vNE W 0 '0 T i OON 'S 1- O T EL, AwJ Yiosvesiass- liante it ats es, B lits-ie: ) ilisî, i tis- i f n tnltle travelling 5ublC, ttiat litSlaIs-sseashi-is5,i.(îss10%-isa, S eiist , s-~seu psssGsSit-iIsesri.btu'îe- îy îsssi 'eî, ptIte tlilsass iisîsisd tIsb sîshoe W O ON & BRBO T ILE R. îii-î JwleIunisec sltsiis i l a iiviui~iiîs'40 1l1101,L11 ein(hsîs-utsly Octiiphèd bt, Ms. Atkinsosi asi inneriiivbok',ail alse ,a W'tilbyh , Aiz. !I, i 10- - tist tise t .lna iisaî sîoan'sauttst will illidsi cosu uss- l inCle, îî , boksaist, w ain ates wts te-iabs noîtiesst modut aa - cs-ale -Vite ,ITIY 11111V YTX UFFMIkN nd wllo ROIIR'l'j. WLSON ~ ,. ,ss~Ste- witi ea-s'~ ,~ »J> J~~~JJ J N es, hobiby te-snirse cracks-s-, aaadli J . W L O - tabl e ' en p I d ih e vsytilisaiteaPIl & i1$Ti 8 ATrlOItNEY AT LAW, éIAgairf1 tleiàoutise )tIlt owlil% v .Asv risud Cunfectieues-y. Ail utails fil po.AROU- ITECT. sb, os u e.__ I Sstiiit. s- ii (rissti s-sv. de.iWessitSConio asdpet. LAbILES C. KELLER, 5, IViîilîv.IN ýTitil ATTtSINEY AT [SA W, SO- stn'tîiesu ' as-v Plisli. e- uit V. - 42 :Àt[R liiuNWOOi), Noocl'lT<tR lis VsasOAlior, îwc dois-s westuOt silsu A*T LAW, tr, AD 1,uiO N 5-iilîju , Aue1stat, Land, ris- i- ,si ISsu1sit Il. E. OD)ETLL, 'VA 1NCMIal eusis'ee-lun -te-uts, and promspt -emttgnot'5 R. J. GUNN, M . é ~T TOlTfE COIJN"TY - A(sL, S -eWl it y, _________ j. BOLSTER, I.B.n- tii , \sstnsiolOle-0pposit t1Ss a îltnpid te disetasea e . . A; CA-bISON, ics1 Inutitýti, Wiaitiy, Es-es-yostei tIl (', GiciSdiauases, andi iu M49a13 -jqo A.OW CRON, IITIEAT ÇtVIL NieINEEI1. A-NI GTIsox & URNET, - IN C'l1A 1, 1-A NI)SU RVEYOI9 safr ýIst u 1es, lassLA 1 is teons'eyanfL i 1 s ts10u11-1 ui sdravu uip. Wil s-UI1SSS8 aicui. -vaisblisustf f ,IuliniigtoWusiilitO . - P O, 1. BUliNET, LllItee.&e. GRENSTIME .A rcALFg i îuilBoc, C rasuplexm UNION ROTEL. 4c:- 144, ay Etret Toronto. Whtby, May 21.), ii5 repsec MAI« 'tiESTERIt EefIl. (laie F. iwsL't) F . -'oR S E. AN R es-es-yaccmoas-'ttist-ttiio. t bas 5been aewiy- itei ssî ansd reîîcr- ld. il1RE IUNIitE i) ACRES oflandttftos-saleU Bjett wiiaes-, iques-, ansi eignas-. T a nu-cota tusseý1 ut bot Ne. 6, sai lith-s-oas- - -CHAS1. MCCLEWE, hail ea Lot in uthse leus' Cas, fisie Tce 27 Pson-o - hîpstGI 1ist. cistitiesuta ef sale nu toi - Isa, that t S :-i ssei-ddollars ticuvn ALBION; IbOrEL, i an iy t-ttac yssfan -te 4Icee. ,Fs- E AST MIK" SU FTsthitNT,- lanstuies- pas-t; taIsn apply t-)tise ps-uîpsielcs- tJ . SMtTII, Ps-epsici s- kxce-lieit iaeetinc- JOSIUA IC11ARDSON, isioatiei. Es-es-yattenîtiosn paisi tothi., numfýtsi-Tewn et Whitiby us tus-sslies. IlSi WliiyMay loti -66- TIIE TERtRA-PIN., - IE li 1lROPRIETOIXS 07 TIlS~-a MALT VINEGAR. -isisi ts-. nt'IOIar11. inoccuatiTo-nteo~f AiT VINhtQAR tasînow be hlnIiarge îfurisies-Iy kost by Mr. lIînle. Tisel-e ie's .o-asuiqlitteattise kici nmry'rén*ýitj llo!ý-oitBan SEWINC A AC INES fIt-, in-si tinse is-st tyvle Iieryprecus-aili WbIltbv Bre-werv. dcyli e ssé A - s- lvLfttasu lhtdsp se- - piaatelvmb isieilieebuzthe tias lut1b-saids are wr'mtiýd toente, I. W. WOODWARD-, F1R S T P R 28 CARLISLE & vtacoNKEY. --orhso F R SI, R I - 1 îÎf i NRo ss,çcs- csiasGsiisc, sq, se-N-4 T îlE eSao weilltiscws' i, detgbllls ied eîliio ,ýadofTs-adci, Teouante-;W. 0. caltsabal L,>la tel, sud lpretilssen hsave ij1u pss-tis sqsa os, Manages,TBak IL. tAmeao-ea, Trotc by tise aa si ns- anliae dýesis-sW intinialu W. W. Itanmiei, sq., Mtaoager Qtébe Bauik- Ps-emiîsm Sewing Machinés tfiat lie wliatiysvxbe 011,baud tl3 attencdpes- Tos-et,.W. G-iiiho ,Esq.,Mllton IMilsi To- 10--- soliâly th e wat tisai is e u, uessis - îte s ti rsae;lioni. ,llP. osdnt Yn "Mon- TlIE -0<1 ON. vs-e.fi~F Tiesîptnesa oslasebecîn ce't-y pailitdun trrsnt, Isottrosi; Mesanr. Milauti, 'yloç Seiu 1st'etines ov thaisJdeclat s-esstvatd, sii qn ciicts- cauoeinfent ai lsiclsjisi. oonu Ttot; hteýsr. Andes-sona,Elvaiua Ps-vincbdEiiiin sit siiou itteti p.' sSe jdneffs-t ailibSestae-d nu Ise aisCe..!feueilt.r5.Ms-mR. W, Pvloe Soneno- 24t), 1-1501, 2itsl ansa luth, M'is givée ta IL iCaof lias pu-eît ovues-te rousetietiGlobe becs: Mosas.Ilis.J. Noati &Co. 5 -ly Wiecsser & O'us WbVoelass & Wilsion. itl-a hiseedus-lu g tieo day cf his ia fst. -Th i lsAt Exts-a Ifs-ize vwus csii-ireuen fs- The itable wili ai *avm lié(onti pýioutfuuiy assd 2 Siisges-r' auuaesln hailliiss. autitétd i wtbthe licaýtin seasnw, NOW 15 "Iv TINE. j>sieticf s sinsilsi a ssntere ilsu Tý olwn tbae i f lin t - ttoed W anzes's &8eC't ,Wieelos- a&sWilson, be lasil ai tue bas-, ouEliÃ"esa1éad raiei.(AT Nsuasiton'ts (lenioviti. - - ZS'S V Wsssir», ahe Výlof' Ine-' Art ubeUave Iaailiers, t tise Boas-aI afaAs-t.i 1.1e sns Faniyt1-eth ~ A.'<'~~-'~5 Ti P~~ botlleGnlérytes-es.,at te Mecliaules !ntitt.;Toront. McsseugchIola auJ lsts- suites-I s- hiskevs tTF von deatre a cars-ct ant Ilifa-likoi A-is-o- Ttey aié isik Fis-st iExts-a lîs-zea m Oid Teus, HulnsalGins. béâs-lbsands et Ceguise I type, Cawtutîae, 1 Jtteaýp aIs-LeétLar sévo-eriui nt-y Agsicultimis -albists-stfs agai otUrs- Bsaidla, Poest, Sherry, anti(lap- Trisafis-di, os-a Lt ênesasint-a IreBroachsor lons, laria <4 t, S.t.'Tisenas,-hiraisssvli, Ný Wineîu e, auta.. ing, teit J. L C. o osa i inlethée bistyle, by, cssrBwstyiiiactsO, oiery p tieifuietuin vs- Sadyhi Osie-. atd cssiaos-lsnotice. -wese'tlloflssis,e "eoxislteuii. tibee iî-as. WLKI"QN8 'the01< Wsnzesr Co's Whselos- s&eWilson, ALX LXNDER. 8 se rs6ck - res-t Whi'bl. Wazs o.'tiSinges-sExeel nny Mach! t -tisai oves- vos-o usaautaatus-odio tise Via, 0Broalci1ut, .luy 29i .181. 1129 as-aeaor-CLinidu. ________________________ ROIJNSON'HOSo.ioeo Iarts-m fsose tinSé Bl airvebecs 6f CANTON 'HOrEL, - -ýe sie smoe n ulegexto-htly. I-VIa fl1Ft'NS IIRKPICKERITNG. GOOD sT IMEA I IOtISP, BAY STREET, & 'kçiisou tIsse ilioea,a-uad eattiae- W OUTHEBERT. TsssOsdolists-pentlay, for,by tlia aylng thent -1 é asls, Jiffere 4s-3iîIrp-eo JÂIS MAT~~IIEWS, this,cuavlig tîsoul r it'o-sdac 355 laie et Intéernationacl 11)tel, s-cp-lotos-, tlisc aiioy4lueu'c1Sitlts a cititi s-LOA OTL iug tissir mne i ces ' te tiselttes fus- s- s- RTLRAI)HOTL, ite fuet ila att-eis gced SeicoeMseisn isLLiLfftt, ias es-euCaaslb FRNT STREET, noueas iaMarkts. bii aei ai44 W!tFOWlPses is.R. M. WANZER -& Ci ýy Bleleville, Oct. 21,1861. 424y3 Ail Genuine Wasuzs-ter seaVgMach sbiýaaih tisnspf li. IL IVa zen&Co.s- il IA NILLA 1101/SE, top, onstheo piate. D- Sheriû's BSaleof Lands. frind, aJ -tns s-veiiu pbli, tnjt ueCosss- t ofon taria, S' I aisasday tIse -asAisI / bia takeasths-be e vlt keevu betet, uadnti l'W i t - ' a-- o h oi brA. S. trstss by stries-attention te busineass, and by ')., 1862, at 12 o*Wci, n0on. vili d"d 5 1 tos-tftieuv(îIfien<' uesta, s-omaris- a isale Ilouie, iuttise 11wu oc ffWitb, inthe inteu- ss- s-l ai-e0ie.des-iquess tsîtCiars. of Onies-l, tesigi, ttl, andtisîitestwvineh U'oaic-tubi sc suuodatio tes-ma ansd lacs-e. thse iucs4ass-riotincd tictendsis saf5verali> pas- Au cîteotivo sud s'as-os-ni Ostes- alvays I l-aiemés, inte h ndes-nepou3loadsnde and togle-: tendiace. -monts, ihes-ess, seizel b>' me endos- sisal ivu- .VJr5,rst..p~<& B. CONWÂY, s-no oferts-ain wvis-l otPsos-i Ficisa, vas. -Malla, Oct. 29, P-cslo8-,l0ieCor.e ase49ionl ____________________ !kîrv W iliius> William ros-ekand el F-eo- THE BIUFFALO T, MUSE L' Wbusitis-e, oifi u te e sa'aalteocf RUil 5JL'S -5.Jt ÂIbnalua i fattsidge, aii 4krept l'lains-iffis, ME ROANTILE ~CC>?'LEG QUE B EC. -vtE - T, sllE ondes-r Ps-cpsiotase" ofiséeaboyé George Btor, Orttsst ti.w 110uet-IOEIL, bleg s-epersteuily t ops-iie bot 11, ti os-heeoaeuThîal. NM ' & SENCA0 STEE~ ti5.5natrons.i.hât thu., avetho. hu ils, vIsiol cnnbles Ibiese 0l tiffles- te F Tf-tis, Meuiliers et tise ,ezisItprc, atis-lie Vs-as Ixt-sie. velcg publie suocrigoî sacclomodation. lIn Ux>iI ait imiates-lie apastuîonts' tiisiybcd luist Wan- tes, tbauy bave uis ro as-isssitiIe--o4lu s large bouse iptne na Mtel, vlie, fer comtes-I PEiIISOR anti conyccione, as-c osai-aainlistise ris-. uty<iaiuu- W) USL aiQeehce,litas-els11, 1861. u 9 - - - -1«ITGE IIOTEL -- BETEET 0-SEPII- UOON LA-Tht OFeTUIE NON- darsk page in thse tiiuaesti nmBidaiJsn) vis, died-i -nvýAa,-. fn-iai ea las-a an no &O.il s-r if , 5é- du t the bt w shit- Pleo aiio inge L tir..-.' - are- cinex t( ami- - C ETS - -In the conuty Cot.L Nurinm Gerge lam, Plaini Soemed iiiuwh start1ed hl thri eiys, and his'conWwvoicL, flwýbed and p);tled hi quièk succeàsioii. "Are 7PU quite sure -tbii is truc?" hlietrit said Qie bu ho% se alt0red {ÃŽiitt, excePt t?ùi3, IdOn't know anybody bise tin thse bube titat la lieyte recogize hlIim. Shall I tell only reculi uripleusFant events, adthat str>'1 we advecatc Peace, Progrenm, lisueivIedge,- IBxotlàërhooit. yusspeo, onhlitaaol- TTIISDAY, O 2- -NO O W~~~.J~hil Mny te gu der, indignationa, nd bwildresi R a.without the chiId jelle héA uideril, ifll'8 after its occurrence à meslaae was *St 1etc chel Morton, the. orphan dress-making girl, ell hi, abbot blfahf r efi Bcd Lt, edodgfromRalury St. Edmund st Who hwl been engaged te, and about te leoolng on al; mornestrett-turubllng, a"" twe men, suppoaqcd te le tie escayod bur- tmarry Richard Green, the aàrrier aund >black. hmd rValnly -aýh lp'truh tetw Lise..On ékletn. srnfth--and th a t atch for helotnd what ince.The wo6rftÀa's idtngs excited 9't Mri. Brid;rnan' tdtesrats' attend- ~~ome j'esty - ~~~~~ais m àny rglht taexepeet. for alt lier &larm ; Mr. Bridgmrit ictantly hurried otZnc nth orw wt iwýt hi Wilsfoilid i arfc , th f o wn g Jf l iu. - e d por~t airs, w s ostively and hired Me s n e g 00O e a0d n i c ti n n ý w rd ia t cdsover titi, being courted by Bridgmuan, young, hand other ia$e b ly the mother in qufflt deue, aJgro eied, bye of srJa rew.urd of iivo nmornerr n, n tePisles eebrwh geIsits5. lthtevrtr;irw.elire-1 wiao, foxiisosnd ch, Mark Bridn-man of ited Lodge e he missir gchld, hAs heur afterhu enos,ân iepi.nr eehogt le a hkltno e inarbe syîinntry Of (the embarrsssed state of the gentleman- fle« by wvithout resit, extravanant r-- t h utiero eor hm 1Ritti h isiiio h Ioyal C Iee<f farmàetls affai*ra was entirely unaupected inu wardls, whics: seît1ioûndr43dof ersopéiOn ~w~ eIwe bu otabuavs y ondontr sud tints theiti <nnr.tQr otise ilseu til hud snt t i te tie L renhamO ay, and b ' way ef mariigo, m to , w r sssa y t e .dsrce ~ é ,li~ rw d anssrlo igrsslw t ,,,.,opnly, -cspectfully-deferentially rentsi but all te n 0 pus-po, Day dawn- the sulditipual ornement of a but parielly- -as if Ie, net Rachsel Morton, wiere the ed, and as yet flot a-leam ef intelligence coe aoU.lesa nsatsisl On l tnel sIl fordand honorcd party 1 What on liW been obtained bf the lest oue. At wrtabbohmn'Teotiups 11 Ohi o tre tlspir i 11ret11, t, earth, cves7body aâLkéd, was te Ird egth ,smone tseggested that injusy wh.%tarwci n .imi eratewrdhom, fron tIte instant hc enteresl, Ais. Tii- enree wa,Thoniszlt; n, mteriton4 "net. coming te ?-a question mont difficuit eofaShould hocniada aftar Richard Green. This drw lrdra e ae ihrgr '~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a socieal end; bc, and Ranisel being lett neo-ront for dpnbt that ho had sudden- ma ind nuo,îebs oladta ( tunlitt oa u tisysor!if, adesemiitsaetlkOLdg, emuda1era1wh , t anti vand 11 tse Wiianqn ue ttuied hooksebdstakes- 01,' lin teýbigi ed uýc d l e mian ssoud'wfe atre y rsn- ely itt istoeti lisé-b. I ktsériea-mor iiit humeyandtgise- la-i, ~tis I ns hdidhis selie rt' e ithesa orn t at ark gt as duad," ciscétsemaosd eIuf psc-Itma lover tsd at r es ss-siirybite trv sssns, sscessirvl c iy rves~ iet i.liat ensaoftieav' atldrio ousat btkl ow sas-éd fludaitnd 1u fwt tic lurlù$ tise siac t bss .tuky i of thoomm encemtît-of yise stieruan deisame dane. T-ias injeassi .lol!Lbt ne-ek n raaevahv uioe ________ __te______f_____ntusbejnd icléaty ningb7-MAk Bid<naraa epon hicen. auscksmiiag musthavea etésriLeondion 10rvete-" l f 1tot 11achtel e a apoerulessaalted poran Mr.presnielén ei ta< aoîs eyset ffi T~myln- oiié nt~a 'w lel eirtaan u r. - Thel seOr - nd' t tise rc outenf te v-te vos-kndî. lm d viselivin co, uistill,»imspe h n~ifaé ' _____________________________ g %blriet weddioftent, imiparly ich tie, le irn i outhriadétieof BwSrec,-t< tnexpiresion o eless delspaitld The rtVos rris-ns tIftithé s-V w bs-dognern aed oe the s-Rs-dme. A réthfit I psh sib datin wuha-uset duIn- 55011 -o ?açnt e,l c hiîiosie bm . It'Fi,11d hnmhs heade ii4hsisda lue - lIhi e ishat irlf vas tbaey ith nkmi,.ad -býstpe - ply ais c o the sddeor-ontuîe ntyatporlqcot IIV tis i si-tane y a r e e l s çaoleut ta thro 'iren h éyé. ucTe s , I ethe e s-o tancé, s esss-él i i l this t t e t os A t eal panstiet w ies pnistetet Bu s-y eoiy awu camon csreulàivpr. fane- uti yedt bis lotmesachage iseati atcSwi fe l striitu~dals Ti-St. Edmnd o ufolkia 1808, wta hich u- saé ir olwdb-'Geos r-sijti" fmdsefvitstî, an rtol cu-io w u neon, o pot le-"uit aud oseleto Sn m- ie, uy ones- es-k e h ier t'ahre t>'n - Thrt. rolnnDly ueecérint isabsTen-cer thsoet~i1sr,. s-yettie etreriury ator ii~ogh t Ma-l dd eek auJs-ed an dvte bnout vsa fàagr n evatd h il.es- onea>g-apof o m, 1c suet èet -~~h IigbIcenrig thsiser]s-dmnsntFeniane1 d aod etieetctie,"fIhce dsin pstonsietlseî dfféen toustecd up iy he hr aléoeos maé pnner, ai uý4i thchsd re n ed jt stvehile, vinstisy es, fos-ggman abet ath eh, ita 1702, hesonr, Bsndgm.isnewad fondy peph ap r it-ovbtiirlm awOs h iseéther s Tu 1ý1-eaticulr e es-s neys-boese ub sass-e ed the !,loreof. animaste-e tse etmas-k mraswiteta prineally strénth Willia,3 ts e of.,the s$uer eazk of Bytu sigstbrd4sr-w ih 29tliRégimnt et lutany ranatsd.aeWthýoen suing oahesbhurt;lits sn ut f inh wl hs inte vlthro, lrd pes s the m ite t , ol irtslat uets sooi3rManh, otésr wanjin-eal dw,-estaney lvbe~dgloo hc z ite*sy- her hlis de s-a>' ,-sssas'oris susse - I.l ---n Utt.tatunw;llio ai . iilde ILut l<.p wn.ie n 1la Msr.téssrclbl sf ioahi&¶eI9O eO'...riie.ut c or matf;,Yé5fftrl ttsa bisiari for1 my biaveorversion, vis 1

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