Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1862, p. 3

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r~~y t Alk). Ad. OVI'iîNîlî i Itril>rrtn'e distloetiouî, 3a~m 'OBER 6, 1862. ceeU ploessed to eatr tes st) reýcela_.ati îuxrsleu & Corjiora. tiaiofutusio, 0JUNCIL, utý, lttllbsîtso fitesnin adîtf cr ru ipe.ttiiiivito tîta tttt Y 0F ONTARIO t tltt",m-Towf Whilliv Qw etîri ît tsi-f h pi reti'tî ,f t ",<î-,t r ît AVE TIII, QIYEEi W1LLIAM SRMITII, -TENS1VE )I ALE! idi, lk, Impler4ents, &c, IouieC or aie Vtlil) the l4th of October, il STEVEXS, SQ lts tc.îtIttr,- pit .i r Stî.117 1 o -î cllt nd l it-r ,tW t 1 attks <.t'<'<. I llite ' tt'rr if l'uille vo - o<V dutite i tt. sîtt4il irU li5, I ieti a <> tîxt t lnit \ , elth- , 'rt Mr î'ili ieas li ii tirili' iL, cIeil e îti iltî. lINS, 'UTH ONWrARIO of Octobor, 1862, S Fanm, J çt No. 14, 4ttt wlîeieu olwtgpt-lors lie, t1L'luW, 'lu,.2 03 . .. . .....10 ())t -c P'iVy)Irize,, .$11100 ... .. .. ... . 00 .......... 00 .. 1.. .. .. . .1 4 00 ..... 1..... 00 LASS,-BOI". 's(o xligs) u............. 8Qo .i1 0 0 00 ........... 00 1 tlýEG LATIO0ýN S. - pe t ta l M o ber8, tîtri nsr. whlo have i0,-vr ny lownelp an Coîîîîry L.~c3~9r~ o F~ridit,the l5t!L fi Nte 5 dtit Bati olIary faiý1tr 1862, 1>isTiwýiç ef Wlitby. Ti. fana i *lié eb<îàl1v rdwar. del lîy IeÂvilitr i 5V te lronîcle ilico, on G ohI<eIrociorWttrXiIslue, PLdKE RING' Wodnosday, October 15, 1862. Thfoahilwe.ra largo addition itan"leto li-e 1r 'ttCr aaroJoho il1 S<otoîrh . li i-il<.uantI;J#urmaià rowî, o aît tovofl<, o 1ilontrios ireay bit imade beoro lut flrst ttT<h:lttttr li. large 1'ttetot. HIECTORt BE ATON, Private Boarding House. T r tit erter ri itow î <rép , l t ura ilto e, r ,tr i t,tro inen <0<1WIlî louril eilutlgiug. Tertto. moderato..- JAS. î. CIARK, :Iib-41n AJrtst. Fiést-Cla ss SDorting Rifle ! FOR SALE. D& . DELENDAUGH- th IclthviOFbe itY1861.1 1tby-~oek~4HololO h& ~iaSth. Mioîilln-P0,îtoIte<l, <)ohcberIrr. ~>pa<rtou-urkwI' lotel, October t4th., Whehoeau bc emistiltdonu ailforiiasof t-e' Contaitaflonl!ree uf CIuAçr. -25 T IIE Autrimn lnv, f the <ibovo will otn T >k,o (D. V.) oit Tuesday, l4th of Octobor, 18621 The mte. (0' Tiiti)xrA U rml -$2 ut) ; , cita egîh btaiueinuthe towu au $1.5a to Stndehmts a re preopired at thlq ýrIihol fer the eritlJr Iîhtnrv ti-i I (e f ld i itfercit, 001- A certillt t e o;1.tellolàrmhp elititlhg tlio re.* eciver Lu .toltioki for otn ycar froin Oet. Doit, celîerive the sQItoo'Ilit the above Perim], vho idal ie -c he > , xaiiiuatioun lu lîoatjocti reo1uired ltor ïosdniioii. , 'liéeouailntiouthorefor wi.ll bc hid 1nth NOD.,OCT. l3th, 2NX-, utîtoeo t a. tri., awivll bc oondocflod <u, <t wé 1 udthrir n ns, 011 oorbe- 1t,ilitr ifr ihrti,ott ti.tV letttud. WM; lMcc.&BE, %i? Iha I-tfrr$21.~, «<le lrt a uiSport- -._____________ w, -'t.ttl ttsc 00W. Al,bv ttGo. 112. S41.i'Fi SlE, - I9U'Z5E TO LET. Iq îrttnde rctn ii ci t'c'e1i<ret<iorie' stt.tliott.tt« 7roî<<,ft<<ht< ,i'iti D OVTA'1,'1WALKEY &-CJo. .JMSWAlL LC, [N1.t »WELLI*.%G TO LET, - 'îtecuîi.tt ~L~-itti,- 1>3.ST, WIIITBY~ -- THURLSDÂY, OCT. 2nd, 1862, A L. 8t'0, 'i le wîYn- vuirtie propert> caistgo 't>~>>iY YeT 1 î~ i-7l" ARRIAGES, BUGG-IES, 3lr<tti1'îe i-mittwt.<settd Canada Pcrmnont Building WA-i,4t &c.,Viz u and sailig oc'ety- %VP<o-,, 1iironu cxbo Lito- 1<3<1 ,tu~<,ttoe tb,.1<-ii,., I Uo sctt>ic'tl ;ltasure <ti t'ritt l, t<l 11-1t:î<eu.Ufd for anetion utl. AIl Iuug 'torf'ly, , i. t, W rlt-t.tt. <dalcimlt<w c10 obllet l it ii<e>u rrè'aly rit- <~ trt rýd i -it icttIti;, Ier 0 u t ff for T,,,,,tu,' ~,,LEVI FAIRBIANKS, JR., t'- t'.<<> ii>,I<t,- 'r' -. Dissolution of Partnership. 3<11 TiI joi,Jb m,î AG %'v, rIl E Partner41i i<erllteast,> itai O >,tîte te etini on tat basin Pal -l'," 'totl1ttoarec t-eqtt>t-od ta make ~ ,~~j -JAMS IIAMILTON, S * Jo SOI, 1812.1 4t'e fa Wrît cf S'1RA.Y El> ,«~ j~jL, tse7, 111 h a ;rd~ A B,o ,F Ex'nit' br ,i or i tis ttoirt,- sit ; ti , - mb' a llt it iî<tt< <tne cf Itint feeth A At,«lre , t. -tt lit ' t,'rt o tin t ' ,r îl- t,,w i t i iiIt <oîts tc informar- Lt-1rtl f 4tbî Cen. WViitby, acxt to Mnr. Wh lttby in t~t- -4oftt ti<'t-r, ut, OC tt.it.'<,IMP'ORTANT Oýrt, . k1 lÂuu i Saea IlPulC.Nonnse. OhanjLeery S'ale FARTit ?ROPERTYY IN CHANCE RY,, ANI I U AAS,ý N' put;A t VI i s le-t-,made 1<n tiit4 bêr, ii thc ir en ft Otîu 'r i, -uI, ti 'ta flhuo '1n»,rf#r stlO e i-î,- h -jeiti, bett:- ï lot,, Outr L 1ti S'12, I-btre <Ili te s'<l, Ï y £ J'I19,AUTIONe GEO. Il. DIATNELL, l4th day of Oct,, A. 1.,1862, et il o'leteinlutIL, frorti'i. tVb efollowinz tbrsLANDS AND PREMISES obrsThe a-est haf of lot Na. 23, lante th t ceee- o the Z dul.COUINT Y 0FiVICTORIA tie~ containi:g byitçlntocsereneO hnn@de4 T!fru are n,) leariugs or lir.illiIngg' on the 'aiy'&y Prrniiies. -Thlitic - ente ta iatcd vlthIa 4 eseVILLAGE Q P ARGYLEl .1 andtitihl6 sillogof rte VILLAGEX OF WODVILU,1 ,tee, P. and wit it 24 mllem of the TVie rndenltirnsd bast heen instruuted toe ouby 'U51OAUCTIN, on' TUESDAY, lth of OCTOBER, Tuefoicîvi<g<~îlî iiepropurty, belongint Lu the lare Wm. Bartlett, Esq., & Brother On Lo t INa.15, tiLt aCn c EAST WIIITBY, xiÂMEt - t -o 2 lleav>'Praittttt, citl,-, 2 L>cetgltt,3d yeuîrsid, '2 erentct tbrt,41ýear8 olti, atos, i oti ett 1<1,'ga bY Sir Tstan, 1 spriiig Cuit by Lvadua Tam. CATTLE. 77tarou.-l Bred Drltanw. ilU c. L,, frcî is 'bý li. J len Slipon'shrd i Bell, 2 teo1rs tlfoi Rosy Le, gol b> lte 11011. Joibti SiinposCB@]i 1BB ,1ond1 frofmllto"v ÏY ndgtb 1 Blil Citrli, frointRq OI n Pale, Grad,,a 10 Milecl owg. a-oli brod, and witodef byea tliaroa11h bto'l bull5, 2 ltîf rc, 2 yrs oId P Ilcilr, i ear old stf1 Cifett, - - 2FsI-crzb2yersald TIrE beat remedy for the short crop is tornuake the mnoncy go w<;lfar as prissible- Don't rnsin deblt, as another bcd senticaon imay place yoî indilcte. Duy whapt yt.OU almt-Only Whattti au W t-7-4LiLd wheuî y n Irnt it GO4 STRIIÂLOT riI'O -CoUWAN'S, I(1NG ST., OSIIÂAWÂ A l.r e portion ot wliu5ê DI RR(T 1Mr>OUTATIONS for the FPall and Winter aro' now IZeiiienter fhat ll GOWAN'S Goo),ds hear stnly ne profit, as they corne direct: front Britishbisfntretirs toeIlicir ows Jour ilu Oc4i:iWîu. It is this advantage, added to bnyir.g andi scllirtg for CAsu 0ontx, wbicb enaliles this bou," ta Their im1portatipns flîls iraitlare larger titan ever bofore, and their Stock i DRY {*OODS equal in exLent Lauiany of the large city lieusesi. .AU who atudy onorny illsec the necessity for procuring their supplies for the season ut C<O WAN'5 witbout delay. The one-price systern being Btrictly adhered te, cuStomers cari lay oint their moncy with confidence. Scarlet Fianinels, aJi wool, froni 25cts. Chc,1e!nt white Flannels in the country. 'Ilaniketfs $1,25 cih. IHorse lMnkets 87ýc. abrshajs and best Satinctts for 175cuts"" nonwrth Pt13cts.Bai'ber'ti ce]iehrated Canadifart Tweeds at last year's prices, notwiths-tinduttg tthe great adreance iniv ool. Pilis end Beavers direct froua ilusiders- field and Leed.s, at uii:trelof prices,. Double-widtli Pilota,'7Octs o e coat longth for $l75 ancy Lenversa OQots., or a coat Iength- for $2.25. Brown, Whitney,'aise don- ble-width for docta, or $1,ý25 for ovor-coat Iongth. Ai.ýthougtt evcryone i,, crying otît cant the groat ar.1vance iu cotton, a large stock of Prinisu re affered t -i s prie t tian forina.rly. Splendid beatty PrinLs, fast and dulra- ble, for 12jets. wortb jSts oanlt. rajîî hagls stili IteM as $4 and $1.50 per sio7., althougli wortlu 50 per eent thore at te tnil s it Boston. Fax-merï; and Millers who delay utîtiFitese cheup bigs aresali otnt, intiet. lanîu-tltemselves il lisapii<tintecL. Z-Fàetory cotton by singleî pieces lest than Màon rea-whoiesale rates liy the hialo lonsekeepeu's houîltl stippiy'titemis-lvfes, t once,- as;aiother seasob thej'will bave don. led in pnie Sol t tWyilled Cottonr Sheûts fr win: '-r îe, froe$125 pu-r pair, Particti. 1cr attention is direetëd lo a lot ùf F ANCY MJLLINERY. & CIIEAP BONNE TS, direct front Lontdoni, uauch more clegant, andi one-third iess than the city price of sim?- lar goods. 1,oule-wjitl Cohourgs ani Mohairs i~l 21cts in any quantity: Newest stylos of V~antleï, aLso Loiîdoîî inado,, ut Jrities wiich ti1vil abidly compaître whith eny house in te Irtle. O7 Achop1 lt if PURS da.illy t,xltecttd froua London. WOOLEN SlLiWL8 of i.vcry stylo. More attention tilan usual will lie devou',l to tIi0à eatuet Splendid value in Mens' and- Buys' Ikavy G Lis13Ut-nade OtTi AP> F0TRT OVEIkCOATS in the -new"st material1t.nt prîcett whicb roqtiiro tu lie seen in orderfte bc apprer4ated. llandsonie and serviceallovcr-coeîts ut $4 each. Stýlish Over-coats '-JAll these goode being miade under t ir oirn inspection, are warranted ta lbc trirnted iu the best mariner, The reputation CO>WANS have nobtaînctl for eit cp Oroccrice will be stilli naintnincd. Thev alNa) s gîre the DGt .Voll<rAi Jfortle f Say(ir Ù& thd o uity, and consequently Éeli double as niurh as anv other bouse. ln TEA tltey eau gcfy competitlion, and offl'er a tea nt liQets. better than any tes in tho Cotînty for *5..î FreclancVs $o.tpe, lnrge bars, U-l'or 25ets. -A few barrels of those elhealp cîrrarîts t 1e ,h for $!, or CQlbs fçor'12ýcts., stili lett. llest Rice, 221bs for $1, and al othor classes of Groccriles proportioîîally low. BOOTS & SHOES-A WELL ASSORTED STOCK. Iu conclusion, they beg l'o-thank thoir customers for the f îîcreascd patronage they have received duriîîg the iSit. 12 utoonllîs, by uicens of' wliicln their business lias nearly doubled thut of te precling year. J. &. W. COWAN, A T , ?PIN~CEtALBnER Anti>TonoSTo. N. .-OGondg will bi sold ut lPrince Albert ut Oshawa rates proeisely. Iligliest prices allowod fur Butter. FOR A. LARGE) IREAIJY-MADE eCLOhIING,- AND CALL AT SWHITBY, Sept. 2>t, 1862. JAMES McCLUNG& Co., 1862. NEW IMPORTTONS. 1862.1 ,-0F DR1.Y GOS CLO'ING, LIQUORS & CIIOCKEi t. - GLAS - - AT ESý QINTÂRlO TURF GLIJI3, WiI conte f[ o er tuje MI iy 1onrn oil TUESDAY & WEDNE SDAY, October 21st cand i22nid, 18C,2. When tbe- fsllalerpurst will ho olforeol lbr FTRST DAY. $100 Purse, mille Ireat.e, T. 0l. W., opcnta -proviaco i'r<d hersesm. $100) Trottin.- Perse, optti ta eh Trol. tirzIiirîtos,uîmi ile tltree itn3 te. $25 Perse, trToeanIac l'îer-s, n mwlie, three lun ivo, openît a greeti flJos eïtjttî nover wun mât4eh or pur.o tover lO fltlver S2up, fonrîuitraýi1e.l baschr' tmiu, of euee mile. - SEýCOND DAY. $100 Trotting Purse, twn< mlle hucitio, openi -tniiIstondî'i ita' lr2vittt-e iretI hër'os, thit ter trott.>l blr îei 10 $100 PurseO, milehe,,lîd'aveît fur aI rutii iaies *$50 Trotting Peurse, one mile, ttrLelI flve, 01 to Cte tn,îian blrej ,: tts «dt <*40 Purmet, cps1ti o &aIl Province firced it,tr- 'Pt. tihaatever wau a&ipurs,, avec 30 <il,, limites, T. C. W. cým'The -herses si'f11 t.trt ut 1tiaf-ilut tYCIVQ olack, slcm-p. Tihe St-en'rb rt.-serve tbut prieiictgo fput i.onittg tte (îls Ofraom i u Le cf ttfvt, RUJLE S AND RECIULATIONS: Threo hontest to obte n aeliot 1 I- tnO' ti totiatt. Rutratic f<t, it Jptr -011V, T!i u T-vraces to boruae"-î r ate tîie', aiý o j .Club. Ail eitfici<s bu tfi s int vri'tizt 1i under set.!witlî i 1 t'resru bfrrt 1 --eoîthe OVOttirir previtiab eul t,: s. Al ridfl ert ill ii rc-1,i.U,î1, tv -" <q key Style, c<utiu ittvi-.L2' e hIýc eOiers. Tueliiit,'< ui- t, i!,e JOHN lIAit etirai 'El4 e- 41 &ecreciy . 1'* csr ltý*itby, Sept. 18, lîit CAKERON & MACDONEL bnsîieaa oit OeLLxsW0the rug ut tlintfuztlteotu- ilui Courts uf.&astzQ, 4îe., éo. - - 1 GELIAT CREDITv ,SA,7LEý VILLAGE LOT1 :Sy nr mm VLOrftiffli<a VILLAGE OF CANNINGTÃ"N, COUNTY 0F ONTÂRIÃ",. The Sabseniber bias nelceived instrnetious, frcmp HUGH MUNROE, ESQ., TW BELL RT ONt Wednesday, I5th qct.1 1862J. Lotainr and Twer, Lot'. TI, and wel an oillcý 354inIo:oîtt Cë4 T~~OLE CTtSr O. TTirN0M-T<-a-. 1- 1 t Ito.Xl tutÏ1i t tît conession of r _19ý3 .t 13 Al»s- I"lrj rti>,1 re ,, r'i , it.l<ticshi fu-r 2. T1 <ce .tïlîtItt.f ', ~t <No.11 i r'tt.c 100ACrC B75I Witb, SHJèaeD-3 ,n hla 't»- 1 etl! o eil tII OXJ. i An h ê t r uer ed o e ncoiis 2. Tti wet-I-'are ifcfabott 2,,,.ilc is tant Yrmtethrli.mteaar hai VILJLAGE 0F MANILLL- V o îV-'i"ru r hic31uleI tt<t -. ent a st-lt- aratI~bd<o l t'O b3 )0 ti 1 i < o. t ut f - <ëic- -- - - colirtiho -th C hor ub.lî iery. - - fly 4ppliitÀl,>to - M&,ssrs. Crooks, IngsmllI & Lýattanac1i Issoni Il r.;Tnant, ii' I Ilndet0'nd t Mw. tan of't1e Court. Bi GEOR~GE M. DARTNELLI4 $-ale li, E. 1. I;Nolv, IMoatre,, C. il C 0,1.-2'TIINI rttdfor r4'illtc, Niec- - oi N- (FNOicF. Gîit de-cliir>ýe, whl tO- 1, , l.,i>0. c ',i -r1h:dl ill vtttit :ýeoneenited cltU.: tîo' uti1' NELSON G. REYNOLDIS, l'or C. Naue. STlrs 0!.0o, W<ty et.101hi, 18e2. ,Vhlrby, ;ept. 1, 02 . i "-, ', - ý, , TiA E)oTiw, 'i n u - <t>Jtf o , A.ýtui,ri, sept 17, lI <,. A S1'LENDIDcL2rE OU Or ti Jet for hatoroii, yte,< o by S, eatiutlî, 3 fr c., $ t T ,la, tl (. 1 jris '" r'trttt u t,& , " lnt V_7, , ,, t W ltn (jCt ttu >apîtle, >rut'<ttly JAMES WL:< Aent Fee ' et v LL. TODD>&C. AT TUE TOWN 0F ITIITB)Y, COUÃŽNTY OF ONTARIO Thur'day, lic sceond day or octobrr, A. ) D1, autTwvo)'cltk oo, , iy MIR llEVI FAIRBAUXS, JR, Couîrt, hit> 'ii ft' i >1tt îtrl, dt i crotf h. ,tttc ofh Me4v tit,liîa

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