Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1862, p. 3

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v L t)hbOAgi - To0roto); or ,CX'S AtIMon- N4TARIO ktober, 1862, mi, uiot N-). 11, 411, ilote, vui.62<)0(' ... ... . t NI)a . . . . . . . . . .t . . .. . ire .. . .. . .. . -4 0 .... t. . . . )MA.TIONS. itii unt M îtbuu it-the Muilue etit ruteru-ro , t ao l ease. nuEE at1reurîi i te' P.' îîi71 h lk St. Chiarge. .-Y* ,ieted to ot u N, on1 )CTOBER, îrt>'t boteinglt & Brothez It Coni. ef r Tp R V uieg0y roquîerris tiou lnietrteuito tlm, te Oin &M e o r i-tuîo) 1rpdesrliy r.possIble, iu oreertu havec1lui irorru n ti,rgirràenr,. JAS. H. GE11IE, J)îg Iat, Wtby. Wtlthy, Septibe.r, Ir&. 7 N OTICE. liîýtotiled asot unrftrr for 4NoteI s pnt (ti, alit t h nuliirgdiloabout the Tt or elu be r rli . rire t ire ie-1ttda thre ItI chbie trlce, wlile MIr, Wnsi%ér ta haro. Whitb>, soutem ber 24,inl. 87 iR A OJE -TEFALL MEETING 0P TIIE ONTAIlO TURF CLUB, '\Vill L-nue u, utrto Wit lu l ouu n oi TUESDAY S&,WEDNI7ESI)AY; (Iuttnlîtr 1,4t auu 2210-, 1862. W~~~~~~~~~wl 4tiifu-tt iwu tliewt u otltu-roel f-r FITIST DAY. 8100 plnrsr'. ulilo T. ('.i W.,j j vu(tp-ul ome- îllttu-i- lo ul $*2i4>sarr-e, ti r rdtIers urdt l'rcurr, iu tit , l i iiiv, , n t r , .li iterace hurt iilru' & ntti lul it l-, t liruit trurr. t SECO)ND)DAY. $10<0 T Putti r,rr ,tor rtiialutstb, t.intueul-t t . t h aIiti z.irt t?10u) llir,.r, t-- t- ilt.it-'itiurli -,ip tu-r.tZil' itit rote,;II gw Pd'i rrut', unlviIeru rt i-cur fitti i) iii X dturr-i ttrnm ont>., tt10 l'or-uc,, t -ttadtriiuu-cd o-ruth- tee itutt ur- rw-r L j'ei o.nr r$50, tmut c 117'V1lc -ia 'ý ti - i'wrt it h .1f-. ast tteeire tu.,uînttuur. ISILES ANI) IILEGULATIONS alu It il t I t n ri', fru i'I""i t t, r~ . Fir Miit rtll o tai! ii s rn t o Vin eire lui u'r~iuuc i-t tt urti i1t bctn-us u ieiredt>u rlunleyJ~.el, nr. r-tîrgru tbii ul. Ever l!tuersin i errl br ntrro a4t IrU e uquto t - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý iîrtutt criu- F i -i ie4 i t imiori u tu tittu tu ul tier l iIiitriltusuraîtr c.î p> . I Salt> r -ttr- ut(n 87ttt> 15 SITRAYEL), UOitM Lt Nu. 27 , ti tie re l oin] irccauîm of -A B AY F1LtLY. i>urr lit' tr i rlieuc' tu r h ae ont OP ILEAPY-MA1DE CLOTHING, AND> (3A1L AT JAMES McCLUNG& Co. WilrtWnso s.llok, Brock ta, Whitby. WHITBY, Sept. 24, 1802. 18v"". INEW IMPORTATIONS, 1862.ý OF DRY GOODS,ý LIQTJORS8 & WINES,. CROCKERY,., GLASSWARE, &C. AT The Subýsoriber lw.gs niost respectfully to inform his custoners anid the public gcnertdly, that the greater portion of his 111iORYýATION3o Are now to hartd, and consist of the nîost extensive assortment he lias ever exhibîted.llavîug ciii i ged lus prernises consîde- irbly, he lias added to bis stock W1hich hoe oîfers for Sale at the lowest remuneratrng Prices. lii ail it.9 branches, executed with neatness1 and despatch. ARLIVEID AND) ARRIV1NG! 100-BAJR.ELS PMIME WIIISKEY, 300 GALLONS F'INE PORT WINESr 240 GALLONS FINE SIIERRY WINnS 180 GALLON-ýS OLU JAMIAICA RUM,, 176 GALLONS 11OLLAND GIN,". 3 CASES NWEST STYLE HAiTS & CAPS FROMI N. Y. 40 -do dlo do LADIES7' OOPED SKIRTS. Lit 2t, renrrof 41,1 )ltr W h E.4by , n r A discount Of- 7- perý cent wil be alowed on ail ca3h purchaseS GREAT N. B.-Interest wil -bec charged on ail acccunts over élue at 5 the Ui rate of 12 per cent. Cotits c~~~ ~~ AA itySopurbir THOMAS FH. MoMILL AN. and WhtJ IIUEptember, w1862. 2 n T lt Uiur.ui r oiu ut busr e lt-crut tustrtuctionnr ousRif e DONOVAN, WALKEY & 00. Cuiiauoery aerr-iis of4Rte £àFi TO SEIL Bir PUtBLIC OF? .- ~B ~3eati te me sod fo 82. Spoteroin 8 jguISto d *6 g eo,, A pt> ~AR1ff R PE T Y oib lyt IL WIGMORE, y AT T11ETRb Cfl"ItAGE ?ÂC'RoTt GreeîiwooSet.12d1.. an BROCK ST., W HITBY, RINCHACERLET TEURSDAY, OCT. 2ndl, 1862, tirfoto! t iitlejriet ounatgo SCARRIAGES, BUGGIESP J. ~ WAGGONq. &.,, Via t 1 two moatet i Dernuert, oot-enuti 4 Top Phis- tues , 4 Four York brox Burggies, 3 ovin) stut Buges ouzstor tILbcggiee, i two-ertcdl lIne>' 2huttres a~pr:s,1 trou aile Loin- berWagonI neutrrut -arrt tuo-sestea + Car- irg a eri> riur, b uer> noat Chilîtg is (ig1 Fet 1); 't toueenlr1 two seattjteurrr Stt-igtî, 2 ruiiliure-z t (rlteriu, 1 Box 5Slp'zi. FTho uuiurkhur1e rimrnutirtured of the hert rutriîllr, irntinot rttentteti for arniton i sub. Att wrurk urrrraiterl. - TEttîtIS -Twelve motitîrorortit on fin.h hriing approt-eti oii t ntes"; 10) per cent off fr teLEVI FAIRBANKS, JR., got b> 35 Màwtbnre£r, Atrn Dissolution of Partnorship. T HRPartnortaiip liereofotéexititg btwéeu fb>'y tr orîierj-n.,1 me irreltts itéra, ind nhtilnelbstr ave buron tisday -4tssolved b pariesaile abn ésit>' ettli Wlitby, tSept- - BETWNEEN Jantes Kelly, t'taintilf, AND l'ctùmrîrpeDufenr T ,1Utt-cUAItofriatecrerade ..catir - I, tiearrduteth ie lotIr dav of i)er, i, tIre iotr ut rOur Lord,. 1861, an Iral order i-rn SIo l ma-i emin, heuri tire tweonrv-fitt ayet8oi nt he Zt tOlrrLnorri, ji86, t1i-re uit be zld by, and irder the direton of GEO. IL -DARTNE V ,.. ,l.f... .r ,r int heib Temi ot Wliitly, 011 ~Thursaay,'October 23rdl, 1862, nt b to f O12O'oonmioi whioh ail jâjotior CôrSeedwil ta'ýuotioo,, and gov- f rO tI1010SOIV * uolfgiy. NELSON GQ. REYNOLDS, P e r heC . ft, . O . Sorinta Offlre, ~Whitby, Sept,. 101h, 1862. 85 North Drfttaksand Mercantile Pr &Ide Insuranoe Coibi'y.' S THTOILABDOW, Whitby, Sept. 1, 18n2. 85-Wy lit MU OOUNTV\ 0F ONTARIO Thursdy, the cnd day of October, A.. D. 1862, rit Tvýolvé o'ctock, nootr, h1r Housekeper or Companion. , R, LEI FAKaBÂNXo, jR, dvvrt.trîstmrri m ittuation as abové tt-îrrrynul surmncb un objeo rim a eounf6rta- j blo hlomo. 1Addrorus Teobei ot rt t4é oico of WhIitby Chronielo. Whrtby1 et ,182 74 Sent Free,.-3ent FreeI Tie aîwrurd turratifti1 Art, for whtoh we want -ucntr. c erilçre. (,firciiier.4 ,andte trme elo AgClYSuai Ies y ad l.uri ort-paidt L. L TOUT> & Co., COLLECTION Il&10MMISSI0N fliR, E. Lo SNOW, Montrent, C. E COLLE('TIONS marié for rublishers, Mer- chelante, 1ltrysktinisinrt ottrurm, tiMont&"a Qutee, ,Otta a lld Trwdlo, and ti our plocs iri Canadalr. Ail clltectinoue duly report- ul, andutiprocoodîr praîrrptty paritrier. Adulirrr c neicrr4ionr to "Motitroal Ga- ts4(Peé.1{FlRKN<15 -Lriwe rChaniborlin pro eitry Montren al A~ Jolii Loveit, pubtietuer rahDié r,&c., &0., Mon- trent; 11.i& A. Mutecr, Whleidie Bookaclors alid 2Stt!4rncrri Murtroal iiidToronto. Motrnt ~ptînao itiS162. Sti.dy Canada Agýency Association. 0 peî,rsi n uthorizeti tu reruive rira'mo- .lie riC1 raOountifthe AýsurojtiO1n, acoopt t l retrred, to whn it iniuy tu. e .nt b>' poiit OISn<rtier or 1 B4nk Draft, or It rnay bu puar into aniify ot thé guceofuthe couner- A. RaR B.11Manger WeU irrgtoin St.. Toront. 1 a-:+a. Privrate Boarding Ho-use, T ilE uheerlber la now prepar«lt e mti b dfite f»ur or six more yonng mea with huaýrd aîut giug. Ttroirr modo rato- JAS. A. CLARK, At tho Ofltce of theo inizorînd master oftis Cont, inthre salut TOrvn Or Wlhltby, pîrîtrîint tari cror, of thé Court of C unory m n u 8 curtiin cause therelo depérirlrkgwharcin r Lwi.- Motif. t i(Alexanlor Murryrc ialitiffs, rirai Mrdrow Sînttir, andi Gab riretjý(b bitl))and AlczemnirnS. Whtj na ,d thr4r madu prirtiva ltr thé M*eteu'siq ( 1, ara defou- to, bon rnrte 00tIr i 0tti of Ceýb-hr, 1~~ r en anordér tis In tliti îusanru ti n lotti- tir soit ti tho iatt Cur, 1nrlladw gou ua m oa, ani koWn marr jarman vs. rl * arn dte rélttday of NMay, théfolwiuîg minuable Fivhold LANDS & PREMISES, VIZ. i otNo. 2), lnthte Oth coircesson of Cunsitrtlg of about i> uof thich anc cleareti, ant intiramt-to of gaod FRAIEBARN withSEDS, AND SUITABLF .UUT-IoU>sm~. The TNMIEIIlairus ou Tire 801,lis bonl anti eiry. Thir l0arin lui> rt présent,' reotad for $400 ra yeur. 2. Theéwurî haf of Lot No. 2i, iu thé 9th CONCESSION 0F BROCe CONtTAIXIG ABOUT 100 Acres, 75 of which are Cieared, &nti in a goe- urd~ttrof enrtivaior. On thtn Faran thora areasount CTRIEAT CIIEDLT -S8ALE tTwelIvo Acres of Cedar Land, VILLAGE LOTS, LÇ TUE E Rxo1axNxO VILLAGE 0F CANNINGTON, COUNTY OF' ONTÂRTO. Thto Subscriber hue 1 HLJGH MU J1. MU.L±, LICENSED AUOTLONEEIL, fIOUNTY OF UNTARIBI* MR.oox<LIN, C. W. C11PFElW irIs sarto lhancit plie' s11tifor ý^th envîlenéitirO Irestrbn lb. améa, a roglitr orf41ie ngagotidays mil l ,kepi rit tlnîsror ofM)r.T.J. Ilotliday, Itrookitn, wlrtot crn hé rieforroti b by purttos provions t50 laving thoir bllh,ýprinooi. . M IR Jëookllî,, sept. 9, 1862. 85- NOTICIE. p UBLIC NOTICE la heirby ion ,lint the Coni rtecor orat noflcering Saturday, the lot day of Nov., nirit, to PrUleiéd t ra Ya y tao tahlish a ro-uaI noms, lot No. 14, In ttîro titi con,.utf tht.b Towîrurtrtp, ait parties n io're-.tud writt guvemu ttîcn1?eivu1s aeoxdîngt>'. IIECTOR DEATON, ?ickortrug, Arrg. îOth, 1'38. 81,-40 Yor 'to C;tîoap ini the Vilteo(if BEAVERTON, Main lrrriirg .5<) < 1< fret, 4 rtrirttu ligh. aa-w miii attprch , 5<) 5-1 18, g-rd onuire 14 horuro nwuer, cdreint:savr ati uther rnarrtîlrery. AtU tir gyt wo rk ii-.gorilor. 'rhrro areirerî- uttirclcd l1% acres Of la3M. Titor.,ca ucrttndr a rare ethance *to rut iitu- trion* m r-rn itlu orait capitil, Fur IXrtirûr iurtitutlrur andt trinsappt>' t IIRiBEIIT IîYNTON, WU. BOYNTUN, Senr., 29 Prince Albert, P IlOTO0GRA P IlS. T 1115 Suhuertbor re2ipoctfrliy intfýra athe Le- L dies anti Geruttîee of W hith y, thut ho la now preparoti b frtirritii Card. & Album Photographs, of tfire tirt rjrîurllity îur il -wtro inay fatrr'in wittr their pimtrlragé- Thé Ptrtogrrph rootnr, are locaulon XiirrgSi., Enr't, osliawri, riretly over the store of John iGiehiht, np 000 Iligiat Oé1iriwri, .b,,iy 3<) il Operrit DAX r. 16-2. - 29 THOMAS MYERS, U Ll' O lTiiEElt a' rit Tlr And therostof the uneicrro portion constaits, CO iN O F OINTARIO. froin thé thrtvbng ~VILLAGE 0F MANILLA.. Thé psîreiaasrwll bc rolufraul lep*yý a de- p4*it of Tan petomit, of hmi_ ourdisse money5 il 1 fpE Si EESQ., Moesrs.( I Bairtaber stuated, IBLI. ua dat wutl utl ,'e1-1 I ,troetoscoul ani olit toi.e, [frêas. PéMutinuilo JÂM yVbitlay, 50pt. 17 ,make1 and la tiso S'-P 1800 ' oin the VILLAGE 0F GANNTNGTON, Tuesday & Wcdnesdayý Oct. 7th & Sth,' 186j,'rnt Ili& lroýr 9 'elock, a. M. A a nmmitrit prridrro"tlriot te@- trno n!i morai liorfrrmi ti-udr reepo. tii Mitlstte7,. ThoCo(.ietyv hourl d 'IPui lrrtrn.otion wil mueta fitlroukfln, lith ol'otobtor. By-order of the Chafrmaér, R. JM. MOUTON, D. D., 85 SeergA P.!. (C AM E nto Me apromises of the sb*erlbr. Lot W, Ord omrnirsmiorr Whitby, about a fqrrtglt $ go, A Rad and- -White, Cow, spokol,l nîlt .5 vcart41(l, wsw% thon iving rnlk. Tlia oner ix reçjnostodl Wtarrku hlir swily,en 'l),yepuas WM. GOODM.AN. -Whithy. Sept. 7, îqrî. 35-3w* EXECUTORS NOTICE. AL PERLî$ liavinz wy amy alîridgiet T rwnhifof 1 rt11e. tato arc rrj to uîrkrlnreiîopirot 1JAMMES ORSN MMIAEL O'lIARA, TP of Itliet, ttcPt. A0, j'«2. 89-41n Farm for Sale or To Let in ~~ br:rd'niurrly ,li toaredr, iltri n ýdci' iva-o'lortaiicmfitehle ruri uîondNovw r-iu¶rrOrobrird -oiWttail ruroriroifret§h wriior Iiirlrcp. uoir gm For frrther i'1OUUOI>, irristrToroun. or to RîoI3ERT mcmICFIÂEL 84 Port Porry. TIE TjýyNTH jAN!iUAL Agriculural Societg Of SouikOntario, will ho0tîcld fit îVlitbtryon Wodmeday & Tharsday, Oct-lSt & 2Ud, 1862. For lirt ot p izrri îd Talcsa înd régula- - GEORGE ROESON AND FOR SALE! 56 DOZ îI1AR18~L FRUIT ANiD PRJE'ERVE 1IIASS JARS the hr)et ovrir ofilired tn Lthe publie for keeP4n 'l 1 raut 1 ý S5-4in L Ili) ý

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