Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1862, p. 2

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Peu-y.- Wnnzer. lowiugn tci.Gcg 'P . Deilenbauurb. irccrWiné anti Lirpmnn- AucTrioN SALES. tlaé rviiduvnc" f the late Wna.l1ant- on Otoer 7tîh - Joahn McG 111, Anc tis le arniaze Factory cf mess. Don. Wallkey & (n., on the 2nd day o ~r-L Fn uauksjr., Auctioc-eur. 'É~ot :"; bo flh ecti of- Wlitby, [,ilay, Sep t. .,112 Tu.Mycri, Il Lot No. 9, i fl i f iu o r fPikr ona Thnri-ilay, Oct. u, hSr,à-Thoinas s,. Anctîncîieur. ri Lt No. 10, ]B-cao ,Liée, riciçel-îila, aturtiaty, Oct.luî, 1u62-Thoâ. Mycrs, al lnt No0, ltirn tli hent cof pteacli, h i raOct. 2, lS.2-Altacrt Sprîiic i Lo N.2,l-iraItrorati Whit rY, Thuisnstiay, Sept. 31 l,2-.Thotn'a.s nt Lot N 5 h, brokecui frount, rangre lino, :cîrr., o Mum'lyOct. 1.1, 182.- LY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR tby, Tilî,rrilay, Sept, 9-5, 186'2. Our i,Çhbolt%. ,h cannme of populatr éducation bée for -s attractidsalarre ehare cf attention menlea. Thée idler State of thé e li1- agr ReIlical, as a matter cf couset, the lendc in thé gréaI werk, but came1 uo yorger moînhére of thal family cf olue, n e mofli c téBritish Provinces a cauglît tihuagpiration, and are not bcind thé noble "pionees,-ithén le citent or recuIt cf tielu- <xenio)ne. -A panative alear cf IthéstaSe ef echools in ar Canda, sud- soin. cf tisé .ýtatel cf tUi O, go far ase tatistics aili ezlibit îay nt bhé nnnternéstlu ,. no lurelevant u ltrodueciouIote édiecuessicu of -k expéndeti$,d , as. Diiringtisésauce Yor aras 9180, heirur ab1out 91 per' aont of ther sechoolpopulation. Thé atverAlgé 1 tendance aras net largre, hein,, 3710,or - per cent cf thé numbers lu-, ' ft i eheare that a langé mnjeity o ýptII 8, must have attendut Ivbes thcinsixai zgonthi#,st Tho total ceut cf thée chtils la t is té5tt- a ty ara $39,920, héing aI the rate of $4.21V taiing thé averagée atténtiancé us thé baict cf calculatien. Thèse figure are' net as a .crisfactory as arenculti désiré, but îhéY1 are as favorcable as titise cf thé neigiheor- Tug countîe-)rebfT5 an Y dd u iia. In York, thé atténdnce"aI théeBC'li sti 1860Y aras 84 per cent-ite eclacel pi pula. tien, anti thé averagé atteudancé aras 38f per cent cf ite numeinlal attésttancé. -Thea average coet peur ppil lin-atteadè.>scé ara $4.84, and honeri'eou'the avenagé atte- dance tlée cestas $11602. Tho terres. poudinig figures for Victoria ,wéré 80 Pc? cecul anti 1ITper cent lin attendance, suàdt $421 anti $11.50 as tho cneot peu- pupil. In Durhamc ant i Smone thé attendance arast bélo-. Ortario, huicug 89 srnd -7 pér cent1 on Durbama, anti 81 anti.12 per cent lu Siruccu, hut théeocat pér. pupil araslegse, brirage $366 anti $10.20 fer Durbanat and1 $3.41 aud 10.2 fer Sitncoi.. Thé Ceunty1 o>- Durham containiusg but tare ranges cf Townsahips along thé front, ;tincs not, per. lcups form a fuir enruparison for Ontario, whiuch rtretchete thé oxtuact cf six tearu- shipenrth. The returne o>1 Durhamtanti Victoria uniteti, laarircgac a l en<orticarrt extenasionr, aoulti ivcu e firer comupuisen, taid iu tîrie wasy Ontario appeire te btter oalrentage. Theu returne of- thé tare ceun- ticîs exlibitt thé atterudaucéeut 86 ýnd 36 per cent, atut the cc-st per pulail etik3.83) andi $10.70. Thé sabjetotitablé gives thé cernos- Sporadliug sîctistice fer Wiby anti Oshawaa .fer 1860. Sciseel population ... 660 407 NeO. nt «dio1l......... 521 417 Avrragoe tteutioc.. 2954 103 Total cnset...* ..... $2980 $1558 Accordîng rte Ibis thé attentauce nt echool lu Whitby aras enly 87 pentccent cf the echeol population, biug 4 per cent lesu tbaunin the rural moicipalitîes cf thé Ccunty, wisilé that of Osara au 10t per cent, being 16 more ti r. ils seaciasccaol populadon. The avénage attendancé aWas 56 per cent cf thé total nurubér at scisel, iuticatiug more regilar tténdancé cf thé pupils thaun thé average for thé relcof Ou. tarie, «bilé lu 'Osawa, thé average &tien-. dance le cuîy 23ý per cent 'Of thé iumbers at sciteol. Tise cost- for escis pnpil aI schoof lu Wbitby wus $5.72, behag nmcýe tissu tlab average for thé conntty, white, the ccroeonitc ccIaI Onitawa waas$3.74, biug los titan thé ceuty's average.- Tnkiang thé avenrage sttndamaue as théebail of cenélatlon, thé coulpes- pupîat'Whithy aws $10,13, being bemsthamnthc ceénty's - cvernagé. arile Ibat cf Osbsara vas las-gely iu exiaess, bo-isg $1.5.V2. In éempsatively comp}acte comusuouiWus lill thoe o f Whithy and -OshsarsW@at s*rtdly expeot mnm- favorable rewmlts thau ilu rural utirtltlr- revrounsd thé Provincill xhilbittéa -Toronto la' tWo'agét. Orcadaovén'y- qeate te Oalrny thé u bers' uéokiug thé Western capital arlth citber ceifnt or chdénîfience*to tbht'ürsl'on"st'a. TêEC hibition this year le béyond tje.4tidn int eve ry respect thée gctanti greratest y*et hel in lathé Province. Of cicersé thée p'r. én Ocf Hie Eccellency thé evoernon Généril anti hic 'Miniuieés atdes muelh to thé séccéns of thé occasion, and te a large éxtout, indusces thé présence.cf mny cof thé sigitesrs, anti théin prohonrieli tay lu thé cily -ahun thcy arrive.- Torcute l gay, busy aucl grand jéet naiR, ed le n sight wentla'eiug ;suAd Torofitonisnà are net slow to avait theélçves cf thé opper,, tuty presénte t ttcocf 'making hararitile thé au sisine."They are bneyanti muI âttéutiing tethé arante anti pîi-veres cf thé toue cf thiscaude fiettig illuor. tbey havé thé vény admirable pléasurn of fillini, their-carr pansée te replétien. The Gev. erner ant théexhibition arili gIvé Toront a a hi- lift lu thé boginning cf chis, se for, rether du11 lcoking fait. gloriaus day for cîjeying oneas self- andt «cigéoî-in-thre aretlier 'rus do liglatful. There aras-a grand realear "tlie troops inclnditug thé cogulareaîrd volun- tour, y 1Uts Excehlicacy in tîce large. ope fiait off Spatilua Avencue, to witauesi abtelu tlinousandtis kathered. There aras cirtirchiiau, anti ceu'ctercuarcrim'-a-I arb"cliag hat-i one cf me couple theusonti fine active teuiting mpn, icmitiuuicufuîautry, cavatry, artilléry aud imrie,-tîie reguitars' urduar Captaiù Maconaldi as biguiler naijor, andi thé Vaiuitour forco actder Major Denleon. TVie sigbt cf the gauy urifortus afin le op. peorance cf thé men ards very pleîuam<au, andi, WCe utieraaud aras highly tounucccuîiA- hy HIe&Exccllîeuy. A>-ar tîce ranir ire (Joverner lIttichoti rita the offlceoetthe 3oth, andisa aubeuéurly Via<ted thé pulic inetiwmicmus cf tue city aber. varions al- drffesearepresenatedto ihm. Thosé, like cunself, arbo eraile th lem. selVes of thé oppert4nity Ito wviiesetise né viearWbamnuple limé £0 £éé thse ghts aI tisé Exhibition ini thé aftérao, espei-ýalty cl, as ar ere, thcuy happéeneutfl-te be,é frientict by a cicéroecompétent te, direct, sud point cnt al that was netewou-tiy. M. Thrker, cf Markhau, sasoeéof thé oficers cf thé society, knew arbore everyubing aras anti al about it, anti the Place<bat aras arorths arihe tockîug it5 sud are e bum wrne Isauis for: is conrtesy anti attention. Bot truly, tiseré la neîtiug ou exhibition ibat le not adI arcrtb gokig to Tenante b see. Tisé éntniésilu ail clases, ware éé ld, éxcéed those cf suy previeuse year. le bcnss 8thé nombr--of estrie asaup tpwad of 300, snd emonnt thesa are théelrwo tiscntglabred etallon Latetaceut q1 boul ef thé Soute ýi -ad thé I4ý"S cf rite tI Surces-se fan ai lut1s1 te Virginisu cil-asia t (Inn. >cIeIAblut îVl tise Confedénates ii <16< serions éaa tét hateisy feel ta brin 0gté uur itiatruittedltiatiu the ceu just takien place ira Masyla thé Fédérais bas beén e, thé army ôeén anelathéy abtainoti a victory. The Ian bas net gono in puasé hé ares nahie t10(Ioen;o that hé araspoerlese 1 fetiértes psesiug aven tI "Codi ordér, ailla aIl tisé, gagé. Thé Confèîlcrates n «t 1larpérce Ferry. anti a crulti net taire witlm trucn taineti by thé Norths et mnight'ln lîsoîf bu cocia;dt satisfraetory resujîl te the 'la ictaryurat Sutstiaiily, libht-te éf use. Iuadeud which lanvé be los 5 cf greut wllh n to havé arot eCle «'so seéas tIhé Cou- Ionisé ru eS anti bac- greaI haul r'S Ferry, h for tlorei Pi-esident Linicolni bas lsmé sanimport sut proclamation, dclauln& eaciilciiia. tien of aIlithe Sla-Ves 3in sît ond lunst- brlTion on let Jacrerry, 1 Q3. Iu IL lie aays hé n ilpress ut.ion Cougrésa thé udeta- tien cf tise mcasareré roemaended by k;itt lut Session, te récompeéd<iloyal slave carmns for freiu thein elavea. WIat eTi--et uas <il larave ian saring theisé ntulcit roulti urua tbédifficetl t ier-qvirnur;but certain il le Iiuat hadtithé Pcèesidéut madie scch a puuetamatiou te thé arld a twélvemno)nth agc. tiré comuplexion cf thé war t'r the uri a u roaltire béée greacy chais il in favor cf thé North4 îamuItheé rébelta end- prireti of unuch outarrd syupatby. TIce latent reports u-éccîved sre te thé 2ýlth inet. We havéemucars That te Cen-' feduratars mure stilI on tisé Potatrac, anti tl;4aî the Norîheruens -aéré e e te et- ln théeaWcst Kirby :ýmitla 's rsported 10 hé kéutpirm Goa'. lIael lu check, arlle lrnagge , ste opermaa iimt Lociévillbe. lie bas détmaudd tise surneuder ef thé tovu, arhicis Gen. Nelson nefuti. Latent Buropeata Thé Noma Scýbia ps an thu 23r i Inst., Thé ncpt of ners lenîthas ageural at baldi anti bis folloaré-s ws minedtion. Tise Livérpeol Pasi a- tion ia Amenicaon aim, Rs Enig!anic3 l thé powi r te mu Palmonstose thée maji Important discorerielé5 a la saidt teenablé jute to bc eoral extént, aq a ettut1ute i 1rhe article lbas dadense rs cent snne tise beaEmni iy Rock rtant item te Gari- ut déter- 5 Meédia- 'nés tisat aud Locad <Ie, itt 7b te Ediorof ttne lIibYClrice A e ne ise o f yurcoitumtsos ce eall attenttion .<c aàvéry rernecaible nugléot cf public dnty. At thé fimt Or sucenti metifing cf lise Ccnruy Coancil thé Etev. P., .Noclurasu, ant bis carra etto s- liciltieîn, aras appainted lo;éaI Supernten- dent fer thé .îoarcsbip o flity, 1 léjosO' éti, with uuacy tyheu-s, aI thée , aclulinmAtl Iwaas iot, anti aimut. pérsonally ecqualu- ted anisthé he rv. gentlemani, but, frein reportsî, 1 conclnded hécaras ut oves-y way quallifiçd fer tisé position. But rccarjludéed, 1 bavé nason te blusis for my contr>nsan. Ater careful csrruirr. 1 am unabiëto lurin Dlseetu-cues CunIlrî~ru(îou ut Déflhlo. té ýC -c-o ouritp --- 1eîbietiby thé, foregoingeg t4>.tics, do net upil- to the atate aretldt esreforé [aaet tisaI rénsonablé expeetatioé. per annuat. Nearly cne qilJrtrl9-1 Il arli aid ne te torsea s ua-té réee pépils ntîeaidited clool lese thasa cf .the statéméent cf aur vusélcOol, if are tre lu thé year, sud a littîé more comparé tter villa thiise lthe tGc n vs î,sartor, butarn tac anti four Bcinéarbat sim'larly siteinteti. Iowmsull 1 manklng muroetlasu one isaîf tiate leuas tsufour mnctit. Lée san ia t oniy of théescambers atteudeti a eilisi sudten montise of thé yés- sorean 7s per ceat atteudési ton t andt oves, sud a fractioun more tissu ént, attendéti -six souatim sud oves. foliéwitcg tabléeé:lcibite moeéfuît & for-theé State of Peuusylvsain fjr r edng lot Jué, 1861 r l,éT of Sach0ot» ........ 12,245 heof rppls .-.... 660,295 aenttentdiano*-439,278 cf 'Juiticn ........$1,7736 à coo ofo8yeteun.. 2,900,502 averae heu-e arulti intilcate a more natténdance tho n laNov York- thé arbleéunnahr cf pulis attonri- 100l as tise baiacf caîculation, thé éscis papil arould hé jibont $4.39, thée average attacadarac, tise ct aé $6.60. AboutI 57 pur cent of ber Population attplndeti chool. achuseetts haut a ecisool popîulation, May, 1860, cf 231,480, about 76 pér -wilieb attendée citol turing tise part o> 1850, anti -tise firet cf 1861. 'orage attéuidauceocf pupile cf al as- 31,749, anduthetiséet (exclusive éeure for scisool hoase anti areso $1,612,8t12, or shoot $4.72 il, takiug tlseir avrage me thé basins Milchigan for thé year cutting lat 252,533 3larnlé on tisé othen, wilI eac1seenfor tis remnpar'isea. Tise follovi4g tableé aibiéx- aibit tise ueessry statieties for this pas- Scicélp ...aton - 50 421 No. at sébtcl-1..... 439 -377- Avrrgé atteutianée... 376 - 223 Total cet--------.....$3188 1-60 Yé,kvlle. Darnie. Seiscel population-... 42, 440 No. at echool- -2.....994 2 95 Average atténdancé .... 142 163' Total cost ............ 1043 $1287. Thé atieudance at echeci amelu Jlts macaville 78 peu- cent cf ius sciscôl popda- tien, lu Lintieay 88 per ceut, lu Yor-kville 69 peu-cent, acu lua Barris 9prcrI' $726 i $4.14; 3.55, aud 3.26 ;andi bauéd ce tise average atteudance thé ceet awu rseeotvély $8.40; $fi-99 i $7.34, anti $7.- DO per pupil. Thé attoudonco auas leu ilowanavile *anti Yorkville in proportion te this ciool poplation, anti the avrnagéof thilurespective coulies, arilé 1< aas more in Lintisay anti Barrie. Thé attetc, 4ance aras more regyular lu thé bawns, tisse tisé average la tise coutie. Tise cool peu- pupil vas more i lBeanuville tisan the' aveu-aeiluDurhamu, but lèse intuot ies- tearne tb«a lu thi ciruntiés, asud teo ea per popil, basetiou thé average aténtiacé -aas jean lu ail thé toarne tissu inthéeéstuci- tie tlsy aré located in; - - The nussbésacf pujrils, ttémuallPgschca>I and froua thé oucomiéerns avcicis -ae bavé Th. Et"", heard béstoweéti pou the, arl béikc<ly seinlir. t te cas-s-ff ?thé duat prise lu îho'nciass, as ntos a- - North, An, gieyi~ efo nIKJigetn. u éttté Lndon becs tise Meurns. Miller et Pickerng andi Mark- Thé rntmi hs ase ~c a creditable dtspi. Tn eheép, tisé jusc-ifcat g. Jeffu-éy of this toau, bas, as usual, lIt tfOý95 la ome splendid penn of Leice8ters, lu South.- thanlts ýtise 3 d oans, Mn. Speneof ibis townesip keeps vasn policy c op thé clébrty alicishé bas attaiuéd. Iu BreaàtuiE Chéviots and' Mérntc théré are sumérone heavy,. - éatn' a' ilf amanget thé bteet are thon. cf -Mr. my antd Mr. Arllaud of Oshawa. la ArFtILbv -poptry, Mr. Chus. Nons-se, are am~ assurd4' Esiti. J. P exhlbita tisé bet and msaet variea colle- liD tean 1< lion. In the -way of îmechaicsaré have ou Satnrclay thé Agricultnsl isepléuamc$s of the Wlitby a ýt, w hen ai Foundry, and cf Mr. <Georg~e ftt>isoc, me deuée, andad adI as <hose of <lie Oshsamaufactory- ceassdwasà al cf thé bénI descriptiont; abnlé thé We leara t pi;auc cf théenmanufacture cf Ms. Josepit boucs hé ia -Rainer, occupy a- conspicuooe place, sud h -as usual, alkl, aset mucis attarnilcun. Wcs ira- erqntk etend publisinVg a liaI cf the prizes noxt on -:,tting aéck, arben justicéesal lue doué toalal.- of illaéss. T" ý--i - A re oa1 filé ne- Péhitîeat on dIte. Thér s-e tle 11.doushi but that Mr, .Dorien te teudéredti bisresignatiou m a e metnber te Cabinet. M. MeGée, lt isearieal, lit fulltut sit; but are msv sar tsai are -E~rr<r'io.-Afév nrcre rpt imb othé Estl1 cfonavictions publisuhod luInet aték avhipl are bavé béon nequp-sted te 0u-u-ééL. Tlîey areoluthé folloarn ,ýàséa bof fore tho Mayera IMte. leinent, prosocutorî ÏC. '1éwhnry défndant, thé change arestô<bicSén'eiiid 1 abusive lang1Uage"--aot. mas priw taa. -Josephs Nt)wbtiy va. Mrs.LeAcmnt, ancd Mrs, i Lament va. Mu-s. Nea'beny. cif $1-75 ;and 1 J4.50, umr*éed .'Not,,paidi<' nheuld have' fine cr $6.25y' in thé case 6T'Ttôin:s Dan> forth againet Wilkinson Fox. -SAtat cr Cmptiican. .-Th'e gréat anc. tion Salé cf carrlages cfMesurs. Denovan, Walikéy & Co., coseés àr-,On thé 2ud imet., - <thé Inet day cf thé Ccunty Ag-rlcultutml Exhibition. The quaLlity cf thé work, andi thé unatén'ial ont c)f arbicit i3e anfnCtur- éd, catict hé excéelléti. It aras aevet- lu. téadéti for adcien work. A botter chance te proriié oti curniagé or buggy veiy raroly accuirs. 4ing a Oe-cessity te luuusukceeri. Some tare bururldmchnshave bLen soldInil t1iti Couuaty ratone, ducning the' lucat 6 moutlas. Wauuz' &Ce'e Ccmbiuation" Faurily Mahiaandi Siun'<'anuflieuiu4 ýM.a Chiure grlstlui ciAettifctau, abose nus*iug tîrrn fer fum;lîy use, theé «Cou. tutc"reca-ave3 itîc apuaie uover all aicu ~ ~ o egetviuy ft1le bIaet c- obîfc tua' day iu fuil opmutton ut micr Conacty Agnicultural Showr lin this <cari rextwmeuh. Tieati!Noai î i r rfor Aruguai Ira bau n-.trnlfroin tue Aicein uTu linturs-M"rs.O-rnavd Scott 1. Co., N'c 1Yonr. 1h laus uniaîraracy, racd an, lu- 1 arile uarrubcr- Thé cocutecuti rar:- 4Angloe-saxon antid l""Nenrriara iiuw"-'s.i uud Stunhrape's Lifa- cf ilitt"- SMr. S-t. Jobn*ae liuo"--'&Lird Can. TW6 k-LE IffiA, ONr USDIsr, A14 NKý On4 rd I'#y mn-t~*5 l*ýt 1o1ock a orfC. W. vaeieoc' the11éwce orf atpn Street, andi the 14iyutne' Ship Canfil, sud ln ~A&mcs.'- In fpteof thé efforts cf thé ie r dépantment, thé dlame8 next commnnicatéd 11 O he -tenem ent uildiinzs lo n a s th é 1U4 Bll<c, nt the termins cf Ncrton and E van'o e ceq eal 1 L ý( Yhijç, tegéthér With thé langé lFcundny sud Stearu Englué W6+lae'of -DavIid Bell, thé p<lTTp Uhc> cf Kline&, Dohineen, sud al[ thé other build. ings (moetly cld arcodén enes) betweéu PIy, Wéýtén, Evanesud LéCenteulx streeti wéré deetroyeti. Thé fire next réached thé Sterling Elevator, adjoiaing the Evans' Elevator, which amceeuwrapped it flamies, and théearareheéses cf James 0. Evatný 'on théeaWet Bide cf Evane' elip, in whîcbas stoeeti2,871 bannele cf high. Great ofrants arere matie te -s-ave the higrhwinces, ty rolling thé harrels into the slip; but so rapid aras the progress of the éonflagration, that ouly. 1tircor. îhne hn. drod hurrole coulti hé disposed cf in this way, hefore4hé réel caught Çcre, andtheir meni eugagéti lathé wcrk, aère cpe te fly for thein lives. Thé surface cf the water in '- thé Vicinity arne soon covered with -buning liquer, arhich Fiat. firo to, numboe.r of the lbarréls thut bal heen throwil ilnf théeslip. arcd alec te the -docks in the vieinity. -Tbehé het was seo irtensé, thut la4O-c'agto Mnru ans, sitatt serviedis tance 'romi thé warehoýge, ma s et on fire suid only sarual frein destruction, hy grost ex,-rtiu on the port cf the lîremecu. The' Prnaidaantial shiftin; cof tIre am atbout baT>- pua t tar eclockr, arreate t tl or;us f tin confls-eation, wluict otbu'raiae wouîdundocibtodly havé con sram<-d every huild'ilgin thée suthwvester1l par t orfthe City. Ccueidenlng thé rapirlitj m ita ui hcthé firc éxteuded, thé tlatoué of tI'- tuaur arben it brolte eut, anti thé num ber of closoly pttcked tenemont bovcs tha irere in tlames alunoît hefone their luma coulail écapé front them, il le trucly pro videctial tbat no livés erolst. 'T hué trec s ln th é vicinity f th é fin more b!outtetinp hy houpe cof housuhob -"iod<., huaetlly saatched front thé burnîr; huiltilug, anti croa o f mon, wromon aui chiidren, muany cf thn haîf naicd~, eithe eteond sluiveniug arith feer andi celu benide waRbt lîttle property, they bad fevpd,tc pi qvont its heiugn,-,ile, or varudenét itbncug theroarwd lunaxicus, aeerco f relatives3 The scught presénteti hy théb;oitai'ï buildingswas tisé mont tennibly maguific are aven bcéheld, aud oee hat ai lnet sec bo forgotten hy thesé arbe wittoceeidit. -It ig impoaeiblé te stato thé actual amot cof propurty de,4troyéd, but are tbink il ci 1hé net dowu at net hesa titan $250,001 rThé clu0,vcter of C. W. BEvne aas vair( it ý-'4O,000, and aras itiuued*for about $2 The SaligEivtcws an#,d by1 SýAustin, and aasvalueti et $20,000- aras insuu-ed for $13,500. Thé warehouseeeof Jamtes C. Evans ara -irsuned for $4.500. I1els ssjincludif ,lee'cuc',icu cf dock, wiU susout ta hetwe( ttoausl tlrce tbnuaanti dollars. Meh encampod on Bo<ive! Cre6lc and abolit thr fl mfrml hécil. ~e tdiïi. ~ mcny(if TawrfC rcalii- the idein Of Perpr'. wj< rt >IUIY sMTU W,'9AS ATICI. ttiwr«pl. w%<.t once advan9çed te the Tet te scb9encnd chapter cf thia i lnck Soe meddban a"Zn If 'the Thon o burvhfKuv1.3inPdit. nnd lexclairméd, "Bbinti. thet i~ abn4 tt' tmo rogi ~ ah'ilt AthuAkar-l-n QptI'snawu, q4ý@gkcW, K.,êyi3ith bezran hie rotrrat sdGt egéti.Ih, eicmné from Cinicinnti . ,No one' in Kentucl t o* thé e e uul ivçri roupnd tlhre àsia walling Kotjý--1-rb pace, Midl fooir nt a brielo trot. Nexi JA day ii; sa sirimoleastio believe hn -Smith evuaer nirded ata tnwt'4 lu t ryo4lt3iOnB a kth the c lie made a etron?{ domonfttratiofl tho're, ba rp. Urjvl! edrtkc b wrt f 7:Ii, eaid to hé thée me* in truc, but it wum iorcly fi feint ti> ke- o eil 1-iquneheýd the thifret Of fagar'ge x. reinforcpmniti from in lel, ind thuî Ftid flrag-%. Tliitt hject l,bvint TI1 MOt .TAIt c AUP plihc<, h nw fllebaéo e jlftBreg. "A fier a fpw days apént in vleitingr vari. , '- Er. . T labours Org Plareq Of iotre84st. uch n.e the slave. In the marntel, frg lbust' kCP marlcet and forte. and théhetoses of the Bueil isolated froma the ret Of the Füeral Prophet an~d the Caiphs Aliland Abubakr, airmy. .9eo long as the Louisvile andNaih,- wé tarted ce-our six bonne journéy to the villt lîra enindl u 9ésO mounitain cof Arifat, an houris loýjonrn at« 1and in'runninig order, ge long wee there a whli - elein astinteocf insensibility, con. chane f~ ~ee.13e11 e b renfcccdfers the rank cf 1hâji. It le a-mcuntsin 1fromî his place. aptir or about 6nblandred anfd fifty' feet i DNeTRtt'OTIOtt Or THE CQAVE TUSN.q,. bhrghlt, pre.3entUng an artificlal apâac~m Seeéing, this?, l3ragg., on hie arrive.1 pý frenithe wall éncircling it and1 thé terrace 0 lscimdeeyeatdcta ée on ittc lope, from which thé imaira delivp.r dition te destroy todie rwladtunntl ,noar a sarmon 1bofo)rp thé departure othie con. 'the Mlamnotli'Cave. Thiq place Wue de. c e ,-ti,,n for Mécca, lt adtrewr fonccd by a portionucf LIe. tuusa' ueo nuru, hrtne in- ecatter. edivisiun. An cifraetocetire unt t4aiz Pd ')ver two or ibiren miles cf couttry. A. peint, remultlii £ii) the repulte of llo,,sec'au'e grr'at nurruber cf their iiiimate3 were foellow smon. né~ee then hnrred the too'd aubjt'cft;cf rurq fromin Idia. i nrpri8ed 'work in the tunnel and iSmcdhutely rptihcd. <~Ocf ýcv ?,fca friends by iv nfonrniqr d This loft the' ruilrcad tpmporurily h1js.îe that Qwtc'n Victoria niimbe)rî nrarly ebîr'. bult thu d;trià,%c could hoe peiý(ty re- trcftY milions-of Maýhcommedaine moIn" d paîroti. hoeub t. S ANOTIXCIt >taoll<VOI74 ArroMer?. 711F' }.\TKI1tt'89 MOT 'NrIt "r7, iio it.teso t q-ong xp c fi f- iiite lîs Ine'< I ath riuions r il toaw l h a.. croý% the rtŽ i er < h oafre in Indîn, t c perforni the pfi~ Munafrd <ille Tti; is Splndid rn-1"-c~, %ihout hein,- dvterreti by eéraggers struicturc, (te ttrus.î pan, fîçufe. , uitcîru tedrepori Conocerniing the perilq of thé en- ' fect in lng h. Tt i a-i important striu c rl'irise. It mug, however, hé understood It ture', thaue o<f which rt Iibo ponntt hatil t>siuî idspéelîOto héa l it m e a fiti l y a r c a m . A g r r n e N l< M c s l m 'I n ( a t l u n i t x t e r n l l y , ) a d tn 'tare or tiarPe iuous aintl uaw îuu'îuu toop4hawl an Arie rnaine. Nilurthe K )r.n wtrre euuti(looaulub rwith <saim -ap ' t oukier the>sUlian enjoins the ktll;n, cfLn h d f n i s o b n t ï r i v " r . sl t r u c t î r e J e n o r C lh r i t ia n e , n é v e r th lo , S Te or~<i cuita f the 1Iî tlrtf'iLa, u Iun llit'l Jwh ro rfuvt t repent "Y Col. Wilder; the G70h, Col. E:cucraon ; the thL' CCt'rd, iascruciieul by thé e fcca Pc. y 8lrul, andtt a(onado f Ilotis ' putuce ut'ud iluthe oveut cf' a pil ;rim aguai b lesiulea four pieces of atîlrtheo ltit- irfusoîf te ho 'an Uthlever -thé M.Under the commndouficf ol. Wilduer. 013 authoritie would holalimnttpdwerles te Satudrt nihtthé- >iAth î 1 en,1 ol rotect hie lifo. Dtnhrtmn, etrtern t hebre w%h iori et'- AS-rviarVrrlrlaestéfolw train upora wbici îhk-y prrcacuedolran ohthe Moute0t rUu ot Srer ý trach- sixm iornrlu cf Nlutnf-rvile.-- Taae:îutrcrhilplvo h tn Id i ocurd orau aray orahug rntn ldard tu<-rorr cfbcu Mwen ia rsk-U nd early hour. Ieuiru" h:ay firiag -iu h V l [a role oktéccorsrr i d i r e t i o n o r , > - wî î F o r d 4 l e . - d ) r h m t v r d s i< s l , i s t l i r n s h t d e an , a i ter ordereti thé train inho hand neti ru *',- rPact yaroh brotheLr, wliowasL stateti his régiment et a quick atep fr tho>1 rorahy eun'Il he té1c ecoe f 0 ,u -r r rue voutng men, aho waq h s o i o f a c t io n . r r -é t , o t h e C ',m ,bat. u h e r L .a s i m n ?r !sho.-ui1ttu to 1114 sidil, 1fcl1d bin an ~ < E~at'hmo's ilrtt t o t ber atsfer a lestebracé, ad thon. iti-ecu. - seiin; héfl;v, placed henslf at thé bond - c~~f thecanaansdelnithntehe wculdl ot An Whgiluu ro hnuq jut u ccom- cergt. nthé uti -o1ril ntflghé wvould ion plishedthe pilgliuvugé tr Mecca arritei an ij:Laco it iii thé bauds ciflber grarad-gn. accourit cf Ilui eeriu----t-th b-d- Lmt 77rw. -brPouls b1 t-wèen f<na1*s are net luncotoi. tnt Tites. btus:- iliilv Ty.'J o sisers namuied Mue. a n &j fla v i e z r c s ilr v c d to p r f r m n th e M ûc c a t a l liu l M a r ia Gr a n a ta r o c c n th y m e t a è ' 00. p 4î ri ma ge T «pont a e fw m ontb ut C ,iru, ac ouro r t d fo iught w ih th e n eiticnM é(-d andi ou the 2 or cfMay, uubrarké lu f'a w < li-th kife. Thé combatas outy. 20 emaili$teaIna ý et gSuez w'uîh a m.dirmll, or trofuihy thé uileorcfone cf the sis- litter, ani ti i ilita-ry escort, connreyînt r . Jealiérus1y wat thé cause cf the cou- 1>, thé Riaýwuah, or cev'nin.r fer I, timu ,hh.- Crtr e. It O -h 51 u e h b o cfm .fuiZitfaul citastrophe lias occrrordf on d us th;i % O tiae w r b eut t e pas e. th é vil. b M adrid aid< A lcant R lI *sy,a w a tr . eré lâge cf Rsliikh, on th3 Arabian coast, and s<p'cit lirviwg hénst irn thé neigh4blocd ug ia ~tim.Iat ceeequelntly arnived ferour obdby which a portiorn- of the ter clalg our u3uell hebiliments for thé lin rsde1,cat~témoeth Lré Ih-i.O irl.réuéc w cee rri ' 'x s11 rrivii. Thé locomotive artid F'riday,1 ~t, 'fît' a~rdeaî'-' t'; tacci Ira- .tr-l l'a -a' dt<tra Ms Iç~-G1 étai' l'h--r, vIna 2iul îarL- .rI lIra-e 4itî <~rz Stal ira. 1- are only the re-

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