Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1862, p. 2

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lsTho e lir o ivtiu,'u-11 1. ýçmut-luuu ut - llnlîctis.( reotrlui tii o d core wPi ct-ulao ' Iuut Mci.aîe y Lai flo 14P7llea A 2m %i 'l'h' to unlîtîî tu e it-I u-li'> ; b uit tiu i iu vened cier ti l i nîileu' i-iii. oflilciril or u i- flit- nuait>'. lange C;ctiai t uut-ilr în- tt i.;tînt-- t l m isci trautnt-ei leitrî50iiic-> t h ea d % n u i n u i t r- u - , s lî -s t ît 3 M 0 ' r mveigh ist l --une f Lilies làlis-fer sale atid >0 li't-. cutit- e luilse. Tis Iahneîuch tifrit-tvt-ieriît; im'a untetiltl mitb the Cl[ltoauisinletttand u-i iusrame- 1>' lail ho muneet reiSIIPsOuss a ie nlu aillulic>- t tations. Atventt;evn', re!ailoîonesi eau>cotitiice ItimUseoivtif tr c-, e ici iet, the- Cinox- isi.elà sxnîsiiuu tec olitxar loool.a, 1A -~ ~ ~~~ai Ill - hw'-usrrus si he utiosuces vf lufrniettu, îVlrti-I>'can týi lne fý.-t 'rue th'etin- Ies-î~'ii: ci tives cf ilIte iiIuNoirthi P-ui-ro-u t- ince s lu1.s, it is Litiunticac-l. srotctdAt lin t- ail 1ei ale t pnu5rtfur -tte eiiitr- lion] of trire Ii- tuiltet tof lntcoonial railwruy. -'lTse a1>of 1a,-,eilrietitir b-eetotita lt tCiL1ý iet- u l aa v'ie- wweft l, liîn uuurtes-O(i--un-ts -vea-twel 4 1 o ttc nur;t. Trlirio al ivr-uut uirguaatetiOO- plUT forIltetucusnshtrtsct;iusof tise no:.iliii> object of dît> cotufoe nca-as t e RieLa the proportions ui-i ý!1tit lsu>isus-nsto bu diatnlms'et. Tis tA iie>' have duasu st-aatet, tit, acceoutdiln-tri te informoationi tDisen tLisa public, hua"titi' tusuisal ta fuct-i ef aIl e 'fîtcl ienîcic rvu ettrt- men-Ite ;leiii_,tîtue p-le'uýt-u o' tim ,lt nest ste0 ve!1ýlo iIit itlde consentttcf tise Prcnt-rii-!ial LguIau-e ifii d'iuit la btntiu-t il t -îdn t bcihoad uitlien tise siieanl uti uta t- eseub ,antitht> icicu(,ne ila stltmitrod latecio. 1Iluneit events hlea, toc- tOuacnet-, sieiitire ne- cernit>' for a higluma>' ho Ile Atiantie -tisrougis Bitisis fcnutor>', a-id thse ca.-ryiiulut - t o.t of ts uuethe k alnot bit reuuîlr- ed ail thie more s etiy ý'fiotietise practiecal ac~tion misîciha ju i.i!takn place. - But tis et)cîArnî Or-uu f te liial',aoniai Railma>' nC. i->' l' - fi ai ste ota-ti -thie a pisiiti of tIseci>mnsoitaliu> of tise Briias 1> osiacea. A unionu or con- fedenatotnaioeîîy tf IiiliN'irti Assieica is certainî te l'îoi. Ilus t1n cLisî of tish ienctne uele-anu tiamatterr iv s brougis tone costajihmra i , etdmas>'cuuin- ahI>' discuas .ieilor îa long ilusse a foeraI -union of ise 1Provinces ha-s teous rardAe by omre of aur iiseat asiI)est sauiC a --ss thse otle gre-It iag n ectdudti1t st-c!u -tise feileat t ieasiýure Of (Aurr psîiviy. 1' t a ilacommais t ai-J if watslle Oui- trete -relations mia mistiir saîsfcî nail, alsd penheltpa e cu>îuat ca oieteColo lut free trade ; Our secutieuitii cules ocul i -e - set nt ros, ilest va muaIt ho -cl id of tise old qusintiona of tepr-sotiatiçon lu>' pjuu. latioîs, aid double iu>ujoi-ilty. Succe a tu thse 1>tercoîo>deaIl Ptnlrcii h Thue tisie V>oebiite thiritoisac. M. Wis r, lotgu ot ti ,s -iis as ---werd tisati mss juiru c e>tt front Nonsh. and South Otu st-tehId thir aecotît meut- k ing oun. ltmdaLy lest, et le Ilobte],~ Itancheat tr1 fur lIte puriosecof canaipleu,- tise srneuea-for 4Itefatu>tis jslougin1,1 mrtcllu. T-ei»>cicmbe'is were ail - 'rel3elit. - Me. ltahort S[is-rus tseeuîîis-ti lia !cisair, >and Nf. G. - Wh'i-r muis - i eiî ascretan>. Afiersosu i u il ueatt Tho) 1îid ýIv ruI1îil lîiutirn paIl>y or 11w i poolil e o ui ':t ci fnIcluacof Jtih urtlijot- tli-otzloit Ibis mrîr, is manUruIly of -v t tius rmii je larvei, w a--ire ase aille lii cr i lix l iolîy i linate te i--lis>t' Aoi t ho, ocf1 ue tilois liîl i pe-ail. Fhe ;itîîlon >Tuis hua ava ercprOen1aitiV tîtel Ifi d-ia;îu'uisriei, mniiiuneiately îîutlld rv iilu>i:uor <fheicfaraille,Ala Illte pictua 'Awil-lu Liegives cf thîtîroi-alet diat-esi la ,trily l'pilot ise' ncaber of patiporainle e wetiiiy-ivn un ions, chiefly tli-tu î tnfniiiiceuut ai i - i5 i0 t 0. l-1,110 c ivs,-peetiuig Pros4. tir>a>-lit- nfel--. luie Court in lýllrck- a Ifu-n i or mouasut li i rvîr %no t;> aidîîl u extra relit-f of 'Sa, la al -*s t wmui- for th' fic. Ail tht-jr fuir- iii1tlriî' avos-'ion till tAn sut tao ohis -mî l iv,, ~ -in<nn lied, irtic ils tu -li -Iîî liri, > l ujiinet a ray of lu - it rilliI > lirs tmiu'>ylite t-sucît as me cirrl jbau uit lliuît o# 'lic t)store s-ifli i il. Ail t' I u~r iilviileet paireti, rnd nies ii1>1v for i]îldiai the poor ira. ion iicua i gii>d inet suit of lber bi- band',,;It -1> * in îu' IorN >, allai micli til. vauýt ors- vr îuuui-ete -dosta. Anoib- i- e'-'- e--> -eujL, ii tt snie cou't 1>11 t>, lire e ou u,; ieik--luat is la 2d oiv~,ur' 2J i a day tft- ccl>. "le rîutlr lii> i-.-le srys, ils a tas iglst ui i - -P u->hle-sy uyi utfor mas>' a urnu> i il i-in. It masilautIle loir 510>00 luie >ti, t ily firruiture a table, ia t-tr> ei'-tiI.-ila'aeet Icoulti'neýt tell >tu> wa.r l- n a rimn or a wanan, moi-n Iote lîrl-u'-a vrt-slrlt-toairs facl, lion lldieuutrcti tti>purrisors %ith îota uýeiro stino'> uciilî iras sras-d îivr er.- lt-cý il ci wliib siteIiy a-as a raiuI ltiii a-ti>'stufi>d uirh e huetful cf -erri . S!lt- iauLd*Inii 1 eidou'tîïçrie lîîîwlîur-lu-r Iitirbnuu>d liatilaits thore b1rT fcfin lu-r, e irunt d n-Il l 1e ie lied. Sto1 %- urs uie tiriti>-r <f tac girls, fîrctory oîicna1 rliua's. at-tu enirii iuor -morQe lis-tet iii a fe tti0--Ifircot lice muern, for I owr>it1lat I uvas 0>0 muiols iliockelet minaI 1 sae Ir 10Huma 0 fnnii-o." Even amnonni a.î uuaeali-iLt livtr," lhe continues, il tise s tils»l>Iacti>- lois extromne, aid sait lucre Ilhetalc> te ml'ÎI ilanndte listeut of 14ue t'rauul teucent from coamfurt to utte r i-litttii. In one litie iotuse, husdîcti ail togi,>lýcr, mas a fniyof il, ail cf wvhml a4I b-oit 28 ireý--soutofimarki, attd fur 15 c li-- hey hnule-d ît some- tIri les-s";ïthine s pIv-- îaîil. Flic Relief f Iinrnît- iil jîtit ralavrititir liîttaniee 1 il'uu furIllie ILl.utfore theo bail limes tise fu'îil-cn--ueni1udbhtý-et, ubsect £3 l1is, r1,1(1 týiy ha>! te partiit tîeurly nIl iîeir fimituue. A ni-,iris elfe, 3 duiti anet 2sons rusd orl ner baisehe,n,,sgt tisera nviil a durt> 'blar>k-î anti a diirt- qunlît -Oru> ta hbo uîiter eut thre (t'ser çoses t Oci f cot>t-e the Cîdîldreils lept on Ise Iist-tdthat tht' avervoe (relief granit 1î yeln i thse parluig, aod tue lttlo iuiins-arnuid bî tise worlin,, har lime, ut-, i- Olto those fmsietheau- Srm.'sts I in laCanada, fit sucis a ca1se tlint iii sot i'ipqousd to the caii of suiel distrrit? Wt-lî, .-nn'st us, remembening fui> a asiiiia th-nt iii arceclat inlathe pro. dluels of Ibolooiusa ariot moere once teistist b>' Irle lors>'b lo usatteeaaned tingers of. dIne poor copeutires, thaL moult irrudlge- uytr nto tu allc-iîe tisir saff'enjnu- ? Mii. i>auung .%u, tep1, hava ttrIven ort tise thr - erll. I14ta i ho e, in Whtby, ilnitatcr thuir acc torOnd la t iog 5o, desunte f.,oua llai'athe grent aeud matloît ilessiegt mLe onjy..-No mortier olject of chant>' culti h ofsunît tlîent'l Ve'irelief of tlîcr-diu Int-t:l Euigli4h operativsia. liedace t t exrcs utcsand peau-y loy cir.ccnlistli- ces not ofi r own utseiîu, tino>' hear isir trials mîti a patience and Chnistase re- ato;decsiug tise qespatby of thse A letton fi-osa ise55Old Cousitryma mhlicb mV . ishliis, proposes ta ibrin- 1000 famtiles tuCanada, ausd provide Item with A ltter lias been aise sOnt u, -whsicl %vrss publiahisn ansuotiser coltimu,> tatieg tisai tino aleast êolloetLcuItuiwrds tise patriotie- l'. Vlu-1h- -titi-i-a tce falbomvitÏ ug.vlltinied aid sensible e mamis o du uiulijctof ltl ong pIroiêtteu tomprrary ut-tocs is of a prc'tical courue- ter, nufl wcll dsr-nrn cilrriti0ii. flic Ewîgincen o cfttrNiuri aitt a tliroit!lu l i f r-uîls'ruc tai iriiislsGo- tIitid111 Nu'-lipin Il-iawl-tuuflun Trun cf Caîonts, uvotîll -crcrehuuuuru't nillion cf duIilln'. 'l'unusllfeuurtl Of it f otliriil'e nluu t e iva. Mid i-. of n-soliuîgsttearan i»t clnlt nulilittof ulolîris. AMil te t!»> 1> li>t O a~ts firtt stst, it>tilîjont-.nl1tu Paie 1vuwtyiotîlîl i' a conr,,rtolref teri-tu-en utîilhiuilua -ali,:-T.ii. situ,î-uu-î e îît ~ h I lluti- po--seuit tiien--buit > îl>'aîaInceî of o lim. iTeui ofin l *- trandi te-i, lau caîc-lul pprrr:r;uliuit. ie clruTgirtetatiiti- ty-five yeans. N-a liretu f rmukay cao 1ay urliet luuasus tliuugh litre(lýof cuiles of onsoCttbti oi- rn. Fliere v tet> t> v tirale ;c ni ta acuny u'tnc yce mnt'l have exutensive suîtlcnseni 4 -MNr. Fleming stgeî Ie- Io lît a iîîn ho i' îî-rî'u'ed froni uone pointt(-u lii-Na-then toatî, ta ti: threlrv unoat f rî-antou> i.- itut zthe uitb i lorî i i 1 -o-e a Is, L I lui-ou o>!lui>rS'u v, adho o Fu ir>NX lint,a-nt therîv ol> ibc Il-il liverrciit-e 1e- tMent th ait i i s nu- ieaa l -i t-itpilçe guý-jilu lveot-i tue 'a iliat-', nit-z ilte Oeil grrîtotiaM ucuu t>'as iioavilO ta 1unil - r.'letel, aîul n zraelvu, aund tulmn tise Jripct- tinic airivt-l, tlit ý, a-tenu thet ireltcof ti- vouiltht- 'ttcr'-Meiur rlanun Ille liuu', ani ltrnuîlu ri -ePîIc %a-mme -iiiii te> irmttilt-the -i'tauî>nvi rle id- t-i- cesîliluînh1111. îui liIi" t aidîî. Ors linruret Id i f~ lurst- f anruannîral ei)- ptr-pialîin tari i l-i ue t-tslcilinifnt of ibis ttcu worz .iird l i11- -our-se ftaci yeaîs, b1ui l-- nitulnrîsife' It.ile e Million uf lnutîra iiu î- route,ranti have1 th>e tiniLc1> 0 fur lloluuci lt iii fite voans siftc> tire carzi nuit ht 1t-itt-il noa the cuîîî'>ïlîîîîîîtatIu lic nuifui-cuitsa. lt- tlln nrcuut- ttriuul t hu' a;tu he tt-t>-'aî, moer luu-irlf ni- srire caponne ut- lî itii-the raiiuuurhoaeti ,-Reîdes thec ds-li.ent of an il>i-u-r cutî'rymulti sut'ure sis cruanainurîut vf Nvrasu traflic, trulies, nlsto>tllr>-euî1 t-l radei, îîîîrlîuinIer 1h> niiui >u;iît-t1ua le tie h:i'tiiifr. Wilbii lite 1--t fu-it ut-i mc live ai- e iz-r'c-d Saine of tliraresnir-u cf o'u:lornn.g n esditi- Oui alonite ttc c-euh ore, tuot yî't ofliel 1>' noporu-liA. ieîh ciu-îîi uîmoi-e tian cet Ituîth ot f hatik ai> cias ircl as cf Ile flitson. tht-no at-ie luanis-cutlivill- aic ti-ct- ocf ar-It> icu atitdu,3 a,; a-sil as- un emueîto nantOlî titaint in c~a- eslîtlle, tinul on1>' ants tso bu tter kromu tsi ho moefui> liicnt 1Vo a-lItl> n-l I tt M ire e»enli'e> coOlideinlu> hi muuluts o cf the prebent go0vertueieentt î a 'rtniliuo,,usfat- us it j jeit ilîs-ir juor, tri the uleulîonunt of tht-i sctete-A tsohnne fomrr u-auually Oponing uap tisis route, tlîat %vi, et -tiese gnse titte, recire ittc Selemenor tise coieti>, is lise orI>' Ont> 10 wiec thse governsarent mauid bha jau,'rct un le dipg ils i i-inletise preee1iitst adeofreur Finieca. srCe oiso, thuît 1h>sati-tof one lsuiulnsnt thasusiolars j isn Goec0',ct ecpn ses il orf ilo -noeoî J ne. let ~tIret amnont h alunutli pp op'tatmt to-- open'i irsr up a liou of recl sarh i-s s tt hav/u dce' seib, ê nd in 25 yêans Cada iii ho thse higisma> of tise con>;erce of heif tise cisilized morld ; montof tise trude or Chirua anti Jepan woult talie Ibis rnuitpl. Itcsuts t-ic m mcl> cusgiritIs a-st>' ie atidedte tohes tei-eluspnent of uthe uanmmenseu atutI el e .sources of tisa coenîtry. E'peietc ispt--ut-ctthat tiese 5nows of iter urouiti îu niohitructioiu ta tise oi. e-eeu ulfu-thon îîioî-tlthdotsLakes - Sept-iion, if tîcre b> tlliomeui te g--uairon oltiser Suie of uhte liiha t1ilk beulge of Ovegn-e*.Ltistutéis4ah. ui>'faIms cf a lLah As 'Jaicr Plar" Mr. Leal: is aLs ripe a plunsias w av luce cu>in Ithat cIiiracter. Tishe rîsti o"1Fmcdunlek Plut»!- 4'Sir Arthsur Lsscî"a' iLrristt mare* respectivcly wull su tanet b>' Mn. Lannier, Me,, IJeehe', etnd Me. Iusi.At> getiser due, finît eppenencue of tue campan> ' dispa>- cd teleist anusdiilir , atid st-hle doiog.'<Fisc eluaicîlon "l>nsd l'liTe follpm>înare 1ht-' rrniajedrl rof cases triel injtheCoî Court and Quarter Sossions. COUN,'TY COURT. Barlier vs. felsvbôck i Ltonlender leene -VerUr fr rlactil. S, If.C cilen for lini;l.. Wilsonfo ,r defcnda'rt.1 Vs'ry vs- Capin, $larçg(71111 (u1îero» -fliictrint 011 lit r-nîneaiý. Ve.r- tira for îi 1)îii yco>et.te- a méîcit. Vcrdet foir plaiuuie[ î4 . . Wilson for pia;linfi'; P, A. flle,--Jjîr l.î Ili91lopp t's. DnIery-AÂlon ni% r. mss0- o lel. Veto4liet for plailî.t' >2l- 50.. I. Trenicyne for plaiî 1iff. fin- Suriptile e v. Foreras-en -- Ltnterpleosler. NVt.rilo:t for IlulîstiîiF msejtli ha ont.W. IL. Tre m"foefr linit; 1'. A. lirdfor Vû-rtict fou-plaiîlf . .1I., C;,el%îans for M Jiuif;R. Wilon fie rifenda>t. Hî-r>vs. Mrle-e ii 1i>s-ve- nrrti!', ortis-t for dti-idait. I. LJ. 'V il- son for pliiuilT *W. Il. Trelnanyne fur ide- fendant. Vie Qui-en m-iJo/Jdwrd hw teîîy. T-vI>- i-oteur p-'ldgalle r>>i w;l ou tiec> et-I te scyear-s ilmpnMuonîmi lit b»> ti nier in1 the lirevioiàI îetri 7Vie Queea vs. flem . C ui. aic hirutlv. Thole n:-erny 1 ii% case mas Ile Sieulia> of a $20i goltiliuî.T> scier Qt- ilc'nitl 'ilîy, andIiri15-t-l Ito anc men>Ithe!iIcprisîinlnt ivitis hv aît lsr la Ille Couery geol.' w.iIL, Frewayiis, 1Eqq., Coi> a-e Atio-iny, conduçctquIllue p-a' ccslinge for ile Csowi. FbThuir-mi-tJury m-atieth,..flewiij--. WuVc, %lie Grand Jîirnori of 01»- Soeri idty Ilic Qîsoonfor, th- CuîýII>iiy ut (J>itîiiîî, b- bave tO preseuit as i-i ooini 3l inrce i;hit ur urill's»- 4>-oi, c Ire Vited tCho ünîîîy Gli id ai il iis la xextsisont- coliite aifnti m rl Ilh diîntcr a»l! ob-a'siîiri os mniatXIi> iii c-vé rv t îpariuaeit of ile' geol. 11>-inde sure Ioiexresgreat satsîaiclan leindb se fosu îliar>rsscially la tle feînrîle JAM NE-S DARtLAY. Grand Juiry oru whitby, lct 10, ISfl2. A h:'ttle iras flught e»1Satin-day lie>- Frederiekburgh teruniriatiîgi-, fat-or of thie oerI.Ttc fîllouuioJ an . the Js flatchles ofGr> oela. Iteq-cesAriay of th" Pôtoraco, tpe le 5-8, a. in. llenry W. Miîilve -, Gcisee in ý-Cliief: 1 hiaro j lýt 1led froin i G , laoks inl Ill ut.îc' Ccrtslî tise ecemy1us wmin!o.aIlte rin a prfectpai,>t Geni. L-le bs a ait -dî,:t puslicly ilbat hii, mtt insit ti h î ushooi. ly wi1- te ouîdaxL o ý -a tise jr retrùat to ilie 1 a happy tIos-nu myouu ui t (euenas- Fraîstkii*ssïtintc--ý on lisc-îef'>was ai cons. pleeas thai 0th i Centi'ulat ugtansi esuItot li i sgt-ilng Ics orssi thse cu,11 afi a lkint i aeuc a l i !sL of tihe. Thtrup, aIt n idntiseu, be- h ar iith ise rtctuss1eavIi11ei, ,MAdant ly, carryli, titilbut fi-usisa cmr oan owii aitl e r~y stroisgpoitinsdi- .1.111Atieî :l,erillui>' eand ' (fn 10y.Iteni tLl'u a ocl-i,;&i -c t-e-. TeCamps o Geusrai D,1). 11.-il nand Langstreýt wmet cnggc alth (uer sigit. W» Ir'as-e taleni a coutideahle saînher of pisonera3. Tino eueniy diiapntdtarintise un ilgisI. Oue troo-pa are nom adviueeuig laiparsuit, and doi-t tuis' a-haro hlu jý e 1sxt bc foun'd. Oi.1.MeCilu,1 Ma.(ets. Cousniniding. Ileatiquartens Arne> of tise Potomace, B Polivar, Sept. 15-10 a. nM. Information rseised Ibis moment com- pletu!>'y confirmi tise rosit and densorelîza. tien ofthtie cobel armi». Geýnonai Le l roîsortet wouits'uhîandt arlausl d le.Gcn, 11oott-rr clone hiua over 1,000 mare prisoni- Ou, 700 lain- beo sent ta ieence lu Is stated ttiai Lec gives h lusima 15.000. %r. arc followmni; uts rapidi>'as tIre meus etanmnore. (lir. 1B. Cusir, Major (lotiraI. Ou> Monday, the Foe iicame tep iiths tise Gaifduiea ss>mre puated inlo tt- 7b Iui te 7>ryIand Ircss (f Canazda.1 1 sineorely hopo tbat tho nolo, eample IRPt hy iii, ('ilovraof, Motrval,lMR,- 11>0 chperfely -lly v- throeghouît laan Ifi li-ral-îî-tha¶110 ir tion, nîrîl a dnaino 0>V £¶!O.OO0tIllei1vd tiveg' of th" o!c ale eounon pli4 lie nio;uîjî i t loune, wtield 1base broce Very .vory inîrstia 1rîvsîianî new a-le ni Io -1 icHi> ot> rindii u!> vrsbc l>iî 41,1111 bil ajplieti. I crnnot sriy tIrtI1111- î-A f thse sigzesîiîn of a'Sio~ Ca> tuait Prodc", ta assiut in reliaîting20- 000 îrufl'rinq fiînxilies Let Our Protucttl reclsthq horne market, througlî the usuel, wili qintimethat$0,O0 iit twelty ioulanld pounidas terlrn- miii a r l"tî ihrowthout Caniaia. 11w ('inre't havo îîlor ofusalm-sht-ise îîoocip mîtd landi, mnsis îhoy are ureosFo irots, Lt he-ni gise 2.5,060acres in ill Eastenu TowwIjui, ad 1i 5,000 ini tue ftîrore~ nd 1lia>- uv-s ý1Dist>-:tt jin lote if 50 )Oacres ci> 10Io -ollé uo1I:>his to Les seleotrà, frOns theîr aocc>îiîîtane w tIi farui Il ttiro he isetry in> the1 1rallrashire dutruil, and] let uheiît arrive liere et -the, ost tif iut" local:I iîtclios t the end oi nOv'> April. Noi. Or our partc tif tlht> sohoeme. 'Theo vair>of 5)îic Iluedret Thou'-and Dollarq monîctrirnabli- ii to epplyq Ou-e Iluadred DPzilrrî 10 0>10 tlîorsuud 1ii.iof fan>uîljes bhr>rhg a îîlv andth lrr" - chut-un, iiiin i n..11 il>(iid ha - ic tIi-e 1Fif>y D1Il1:-so ivo 1>of hulli, suÎ-idle .for is first ibrce-rooro abi»', i FifirlI>aWort>h of Poiîîi.Erid of thoo ~ f4lniEici ivanhi doubti' ili>a averore vof IiftyDlas man anti 1>- Wtllt]ulthusl>o aIc t o-ioe i apoion1 rA~the ljrt eion>irliat wotild înpply hi:$ r'dc'rate iran1g tînt-I thse fllwî Prirîf., 1 Livc nrmcd the nsrî Towuîs>ips, aniul t4Ilstn e Jadl -District, lîcral ii ta pîpre Euîglsh bpc0plil- j au En li«3h-spoaktie; ,dis*rict, andi lusinl hoth 11atliranis anre marle or rai- l'y te 51-pI w i.~tt e Silt ri t 01,17Q ad 5000 peoplè> to ou>' colonial, foîilv. Wl>', anrti>uscrîterjînlon .tall ha-e aubeuta reecotiiaof factorislafo wnich, boths '>le aboya di:srrkct afu-dtiîy fn-i e , e houltihavo 10j0 01,iratîve- notl- ta o 1 ont. ,I1have giuen wtalît1 atîviiiion Io the snlbject of o>irratîan hijýe andti utbomne, ,cad 1I('111Sc nu îhlYcuity buttee ~ imnse tOgond, in the plan I luoao At'this moment, mOnley u iiit i> ntc t home 1 Maay of our iîs;t.tit Colaidvîu have alrr>'y s-ira ,nolepouiy eiel>. Net ont o eour of Id'>rlnd lS >o t-a-sus acce-ible us Canadla. 'Inproof aof lle atrtenîsant i Ibave matie tlaât vmno>; i nt 'nateti joat nom, i moold-Sa). i!1t thre Lord 1Iiishopuof> Lincelà bas rc-fusi;dtc t scioni Cireular Ieitvr for a ci-dr nibi xtensgive Di esêustl .i Mos>o» llecoquity sishave anuso"n for thse stp- setil 11Y 1tii prssm, and IU2nsail endecavor ;MJ pnuy tnst tfie envYo1'îîlt iOV-iCi ce n.nd -ent>!> U>Ln w rkftr tood to Our tlfeofe ellr rCirtîaa tcdun Itr.1 msen ait home. l'ise Ccr-r of -aIl mnnt n could t inclsiin cosrqinioui tilis -"I bor of, ùr krliouuuý i of>int' il.- witI> vi11at a>iandobc ait uxerelleattitle frone htise sriiti' e- f a iou-oi iamod iai- (Ai IZeepu iti nîroly owenot tlIsehuinta lii -ai> 3îoteîvy dîiîue-verfor <tii weialui,>1 ill mai f-ir.ril btiis $0u o' <'-liii cr cstt lc:hhi: PA 1f1M uua;n-iwiinora. e w ib.lin pcv- or- il >1 l>~ '4i1> isl-i l-imaite tirottier, tai tg îruîis >1-i u-îiaîray. 'u1:t umalle roýlirnetl il> o viliiiarily te rucha mira oxinte lectold lar tte wroni. dî>nie ls brrthet.-. Te forgiîsg of tho mît mwas the Iwit of a .00rie.4Of the ist extraoçmitiary frasils, ptrrlats, ever laid lianein eafCourt vif Jiistice-. 1ts-,re imn io 0verdiet ai tise tai les Si> tue tri il coiuroinisol ;Irle plini. týý a tnkje tue proecuy anîd liyin-r hall ,liet-, alan. Mr. . Itetilcl, the ,faorger, irai ettise co>uiioîr of Iliiieticon lo props-î-y of .liui-latnmarîiîa nt £200,M00, eut>i ial usire siiiis illt "h ollof fuiino >,nouh iltre Thiat Ilie Wahowot4d not son ai nOlýi, MusI ide et boni ' anti boit Ille idoor, And rabi10k .',a. 1,1o -Police in New YorIc reccciv# t.5a Il-o» for capturing iotrs iAîlor in> uniftirni. Woi s le most populiaxmili>oycos Win rfon fancv ire sErfrorn ga> uti', w1l i a ro.arly we nrosfiM: in: ru by irthiýi, for no man is br ih ciwu te his hoati. In thie West, (ion Kirby Smith i said, t'> hfLve bec»infu ,-dby lîrîc3 !V1landl,0b t'iltrég n flln ise1f et- I?1oéellFP, oa tva'miles fron Curoî,t Tlii, îîvi,-atIîof Itlîo Ohio, htwoGCa iiîiati and Louisville, was interreptetil by1 nt ba>tcry on ilie Kentuoky sirhtdi r v 1 r i r s os e n c l e a r o t i b y a -id o a l u n - , T p T PTr ani> of tuhtuî..wreni- tIi ue tvM-, s Urt-i a te7 An the- ut-sIe twuet> lba tit i lereu-af, W04 :Nl)....Oi Staim.O 7l îst, teint-Is vof thre lbrrti e socî ma i bonithtevuinit u--u: Aiicinit luo -in- me, nînîtionî of a-hie!> 17, - 1 -;-2!. t t het-t-utti-ile. The caruain tuf en îu 1'> )rlrl;n(fitfai. Plu >'te-rl itstlu>pnîst li4i iý ýAe it-il; n eeronthe tue vfh aii->aul 50011 huisIu'nsWIuu-t, a-tita s ti Jt' ii u' siu:nv-e-n mutuila ticu ti o f nIfoin l~l cohe sici'> îrîb-110 )11 Icit!i l llîrlu-y. Fait l w iiiat So tsi -ItrA ftn4 h Srw i iope. îi-itu75e. a gUn. lii" -1ea lum-en-ti--l n-i, Ifit 1in i îs cf luîîîtM 5%i0%. I -aV I Ttc oaîuîî ius»0<unithue mtnt-tu> lt-i a~n>.t-- $ -12 erto--i5c. Oue IQ. li> 9 ilig P"iîcc tne . luis bt-id hif cs-uu-tfuorsI u-rtc liie -0%ti-tinu tir initi- t tnîî the SPBC Th cii-sTh iu~t&ri>-.l- îislui jtîmp- Pi.Good Tin----ry sui>' true lie remsatiet( lt-'ivet-urtenter r voni u-ttaî ptt 1 r ' - \eltl bt-icid. îîmîviuît cf tIi- cct--ýeiitatOd lI J'iii Umet-usn ii iruIlis - re liefiuipatl eut ta'gaîIIat suil h'ir-- t'd 7îsii-a i e-so b1uaindîi uLt-nue-t vtc 1nrderror,. 1rjtae -»-Iwo t>» lliu Ci te .'#u-iuui,1wutélia urforttnt thAr ratratiioJ TeCred u >nî natce bd ttni slinleacboaI, ufter tantîu tire M Cv îîîîa tei tilt-ain D-tt lo> i-- -tîu. irritesu s$1lut ingoi T. 'in>'tn-o T/meCorvenur PueîeîDe>troiser li>t-n tt5-dl.Su 'i cfîcr tInt hart mwas bli ict lrntthe oiuundntu(a -> uo! t- Utîeii:i- st-t -i hîuestn l CiSCi>. - - - Vue r(ssedin f>uin D-tae A Srxu rtnot Ssoar-Te li-igs-omt UurrCih-ciCi-(t -ni 'mM'aiutc >:n-ir' Icannin unMuucaos-ora, moiiiin aîigs'> VieConediozn Plairs Destroyeýr rt- p of thse coa y, t1ictaa, tIse 5oa-soa atnd (71 ~ -l-- --tt c o 4e-l-lialii e disanes f nt îuhsiiui ti~uia-. 7ierCnteia Pain Diautro/scr 1 isos ticsemhi-sanc l u na dia! u- <-;t-tm tr-it - naiuiuI 5m purpnie Thra i ah a ompau a- "suMl'n> ar t>n et-ho taebed,_ Lt is anti ofp iah ¶îvr, toit;u* ~o-u - nery, tîndsîhema mowi! itt-iiuied fi- tisepur-V OIiIP&IY!\N tuinîs'entci. lHe, toIt as t1it auîîr~t5- -~ feio-sathat. tir>' ec fcunm hm iCt>leiit'i >lg> ii vi rulltr di-afii>gfor tc FelerA an>. 1Ltm» s-iits u iul ieorh- iîîtclo t tii'tir RO, ]et tlseicois> -aile vaj ýtuervalue - i-cad y treceise Itic ii. -- - ~ JMSCLAIlÇI's cusý, o rea;r- H CHSANDERISE Ci? 0iii F 1 Ci -, 1)îli1i À 'L ursti' i uu>ii~>t-t tcr i e>,'icî ,lit itluuu tiiatî uitdurtIi i u i ms th GE,00.LILAR'iNLL, wi ,iw- cur li u - ~ ~ ~ mAt ýfoucicionrttis e tc-d asI oand Irb ; a. 1s the Edlilor of Ilue JJ74tly C1usronicle. Ararmnss >emge o msLniu - - - s~~t. Tise pps nhlsthgeui-cof gal- Sco,-iatn. The uL - - given. To ths -IL motiliboa natIon of regret to sfe tI e slnitn1 of ail, tise Co oe ea-nid lite Tus.V>n of %Yshi>beljiuothetr puinis of iVUlketifoith. Thie odier c ase sus lo Cannadas in raiiiufs eiin ~n b ' hat of na Cclonel a-to ceasfùuuthde&ad on1 li 's~atiuîrussd Eug,;iitAl rtieandsltise fildit. --Ici t ferenue rut Li ai n-uth6wab if c ,tflot)-t a- nowpat for - ail nal, brougtit toe-ts hospital ant i it acng tise uaýL m2a2te tatheinte je ini:hit intof t Hi, usfvýni nds prepare'1 to givO biutut>a natc-, c isne , ibm ma;tcohemn is 1cClit hurl, antii a-cre about ta carry tisa of yaîr i'sfiucuuiaî jeauai t-1 istlievctie t i oty onst,wluea the Colonel ollet one,i moulta112 ira.n3 onu rnuun, andti iberalI>'-ndidi, i> tnes imore lt hoge of a mets pus' d e tir tbcita Either' a Puni- drcnlc titan dent, calltout-" Beus, John, lic maeeting s1isoald hocalet, or n sapp;asl wlocanp a tus'wissiey .flaslI75 - -t uuusl ta tise Corporationt on tise îtsbjaehut- - la consiidenla; tise- natter, perisipi the In TriE Dýi tnsîoa-ThedIli3 onie uelctet >putnîolie ftd" eotsld nov 0e - thle iaost itninous necemîitipsa nd aI broungisinit, anti appliedt t bis hossiaf pur-'- thesemre tim one of tise Most Clsat-miog, poesj ans toIt, sie, tIret easma! about insincts orfefrnale eliltdloiod. To casa- £40-r Ijis ici hautis e ecrodît of thti> tr, te clotee> o doenc, 1tintas, te un- frntd, and thutat large a-nount stîii riiinss-dneis te st-as over - S to'Sit teacle o, e celu uicîec., hicS couid be obtisectb> a little, to rock, îot-euie, te putltosloept usii; ,,tise prt-per rneau>s. 21w, %yatt1 to imtrinetha> sousethiisit eaieoiy' 1 - -OU t .o segta ta tisa acommitîeho rip- al lishe future of momnarislatisene. 'Rue -dt0 p'gd muet, as'it a publie meteting, ~O> byllhe alicntai sig anid prïtffling, ia-lile t akitag 'resu-.f o CUsucl u ts'>te ate se t-h 151e- -adnibecs asti- litlsubaby ciothas, quirsutiinsu, mul t iea aiewogetking ailtti- - hie ewing j iffle e lcsiu,.littieL bouldies cciuuiry lfr .ton iitiose ubj et, amni and ittl jacka-tg, tise fclalîbeeoaus a little pîeein-th ie flltusta ta )oltaslied ou tise Pro-. girl, tise lic girl Isecernes a grcat girli peou tl e-itnaliaI Flous a-otild l -the& greet 'irh bece s ,ga mema. Tise nsis~iu> c ccilose t issmono>', ati ttýow lst bah4' talmes thet-place ef thre lut doll. thit tise ptriotte funt is, I1 ! 1scal z'dos ugo - ilut)i, mal hoapplyong il to ail ejùa-hîy - t t C-tA -got, lit-uihi, ud pilautropic, it'niot -À Brielt eeeri con clasê- al m4 - -~~.A.~ne -~

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