Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1862, p. 3

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little aFiaItOf last ight illont of 100 or 800 in d. -Iuryaa's .and Pat- *e Ilaris Liglît Cavalry, land Cavairy hau% beau ry 4ay -theliait vei, ly. Tie. 1htlte MIsaud y ail .theiý l c .omccrs, 15 of Gens. Duryceeaud ûarney aud Stevens, al- tliiiceaî cf tue bght, felu gemeut. - but eue or two houri irap8onee cf the sever. rfiautted la ieading Gon. tbat for t-ho preseutt(ho the nation mîust ag&un the Potomxac for sufety. but the Roebai uvralry fan a.-I ln uct Overy iu-, net ony cavairy but ia. icl piseners luugh cr aud isut themin luthe although thoy tellai the îtubbôra truths. of prisoitens Ibis motnînug 'their guerds with tliair dicci1e. Our Boldiers look- let- anud thecir ru4ggcd uni- bols poiîted fte te hilte ia wiieneo Ing-trains et eteniîlIte take shbelter tr this uîorniug a fose ne. Aloxuntli-iu, suad reported in- slowri the Accotini -y, itiery, nud caauIt-y, et nrunhlug Alexandrnu otf!4cDowell and Sigai A atrcng ,,force 'et cavai-, ax iinmcdiastciy 0<101 out id abhaltle0ilouy te expeet- if th07 persist ini fheir de. on ' lian e t repair the lun herses, On aceount- in& haviug been out off died fron t arvas'tieu, and le severe duty irnpecd ou Rtobais suceeed iii trans- plies and tcoeding thair Lerl te all our officene. of t-leir prisouerti venu bard 'crackers et 0cr uwîîl t their heomes roqoired 0 subsi upen, and but -vwas ebtaincd front us. cf Gei, Sigei'stoid m'O as et Ueo. Schin thl îe noc-t te nearly oee ait hI- tho battis of luat the -corps ot Oea. Si-ol comeumencemntnte the irz bhs the , ttdiffEcult hin. Ho ebargcd upon s, upported by infaotry ut suttoriug the least punie t vanotunatil Gon. bat ho vas naltbcen e- orderd Goea. Shniis ta Shruz i8 sald'to huve led y, and te huve displayed cf iii. li-hest caler. re KillIe'd by Railway .AD5ttI,'ilCA, Sept. 9. ,roc-eh lrighit rin a short distance be- gbecuine separuîed tii1. - lucoussequitce eP truie carnein. cocl- nbtuuteiy sin e prtis The"3?bMa3seachu- ou bourd., At 3 30 ýciai train, haviug a board, by souteunoue- as or mntisuudeiaund tf t-bss traina. The -s're, and the cernsc. tus. TUs caris were 0ihed and s nuiber led. NNx, Ind., Sept. 9. th the 98tb Illinois, en was throviài frointht-e Ibiois,-on tUe Misais. hocklutnigt, causing Iiens, and wouundîng, 0 futally. lA apecial i, nurses, &c., vais- usi OP WAt-L STOst.-- tf Winichesîer tUe Fed- riced al bhis stores, and Limnnoutited othe thunnon, lu Westerna usea nount et- st-ores stroyed by t-ho Con,. 'r-Luuae correspondent Governunenit properfy strcyed, uincîil mit ev- oif' arms. Thene sacs iubsiateruce alunes, part cso¶iiy beeui rentosed ne vere thrce churëee a court honsa stened a-great deal ef pielled DUtfiidC. - CaideS tUba, , f orduanea stores.- oyed, -tho gueniblabc- ihant off. The huas is ýw the figures but tho <tliedufîreril es, st-uoree!ianTs*s yu 2)S*11yee -4 ioi (e ta ie6nd Pai n up'«l>kllq lo 1?>1 wubi1Iuitd fa) rblyci Sîr i eilt: lfeelcd w l. b,re (41 'à tuselt î I loio.fi d1ii ) liti l H1[lsCrmpeSetN . toch LAc lu Ml toi, rL liet e on tinLewl iluits, R)vu d, whom ttir tio <te eêc- ren I(Mucut. Peio, dnibtIpto. lIlleuc,' licou b illure oliJtlie fur Il !tg lltlu i m, îuult me-reinr thed us ert terdnitre îîisliiinîg ii tiiti-iaitîra t gs Teni 'i Wieutwisiult i iseladini we aluavu Il -0ovir uwîa igc csa cf liatitlefao- tiot sviereIli J>teeUeu, avebra rilyl fin eler ittolit the urr y; 11U iý1tI r uellfur- tvte ili Il cestrulonss spell In thounles Tl tieastiti igt :avu.~ Inaia a lrhnuiinen,,ll, a Pate t weîiîner railsutoi'. Fsob.liii,ýiitl rticuig 1uaiit. tuf Rccsefiesuu sKd>lu r li.siî.arit-rivurclel, a'id nseî, t ;titledDo ciuii1lsi,-ils, tritosuurit il iuceiitruin Î.14- on ultrîe 25ii aIl lIs ietle uilletb. t AU e r mplIs nuld atI, lesrtilyiugiiite heu Fssutr ilîe l it-uslv .A.ltiie;oJs 1. efiîi - I L î I fjt Detrt-u .il evo til h llise li îiiîu.l C relief, 0tileilaIliD.r falot lliv i 0 îu-ltItuuid l.ale uc fnlgi. NEW -ADVERTISEMiENTS. TRA DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co.l TO SIL 1 1*11.1 AT TIJIC 1CIIIACle .XCTOIIV BROCK ST*x, IIITBY, TH'URSDAY, O0T. 2ld,71862, 1hl r ll l vali, i b lo hlpîroîîely ims1ng t Wý0GARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 1 tyi Seetteil>,iticrt, cervA. 4 ,I Plie to, 4 NIîw Y îrk- - o l 3iii , I t i e. Itigzie.i ratlLi1.' t î1 ri. Iiw -pated ci 'g 1)vrtît 1 ît*.I ery -t ita (ldUl i <e 1 Iivîr ii l-vu t. i ti 1 I :- lu wî- -î-î l -el a1ifcueý ft;, iug îîîs-ij--il swttuis t14) per cent cil 1ur LEVIT AIRlÙANKS, JR, 6 ROYAI., HOlEL." F l, t1 c it i v"il 1<i uoftOie plill.icthe Mur rf lj Ui 110W l ~i lsu kgt 0opso durilug THtTRSDÂY, Septembor lth, %01 theit chaerge. Thue rviziarc.vuigJstwIlho Vedne"u day, Sept. 24tb. JACOB BIYAIN. >Privat'afloarding House. 35-4în 4tt CAMEUON &MAODONELL ,13 tlý TItSitilîd t re tlw Su- tsC :îVl2tucl niuc.ýttL)fe.s court Ilo Ii'(, 't11111y. Il. C. CAýM lVIh)N. 1.J ADNI lMr. M. 0.(2 t1,,crcn i ll tee i v teCo elI j-j Utsýci olîutlf 0' thIM flrin t.the lùrLtbeon- ou 'uît f AnuI-,zo, &we., &c. 2 Shoriff's Salo cf Lands.. Contv cf (tit:tari l BT virtue cf a Witof Ir, t, - I: li- Feaas, lssed, cnit ut ftil ityiiCirt uf tis s..ctuty Of(>itu- ri 1îut Wihitlîy, uîud te ie direcelijl, gisî j-11c lltld nitîd lu oieli utAndiow Wi. Sufitti, çlu. fenllririt, nttue sltofIltut Jaes E?1;1Niiuuyiînuleor;,O WIite 1alilills, 1I huro et Aeizild inalt» excecatui)l ail the adul1e or littereist cf t1ht SuIL- Aliidrcw W. saiilîitl tit eentiiltracfft or 11ar7 cet flaifl beil)gî;suiu oe f t1ht EuLt lu f of AUt Nulii, li i l4uOai-uiii cfUci ,alut uliei tiîls rte or iucrut leeiu, 1 filiall uciur fer ,li t l>uýliieAuction, ut env Olilce, ilui1!wtie uit lliiuîet hueToiuof Wlîity iiihue < ot ee -itarlo, ou 5Sa.urdftî, lit teuiy-e~uuitî luy cf bleoebor, .J. 1442, ft tîrul ve e'elce. Iuu1100. NE LSON G.REYNOLDS, Slieri;F, Ca., Per C. Nourso. Slîiil's m let llilthy, inS-pt. 10, 1862. bi5 fienta Bijni&ansd )lercautilc Pire & Life Insu.rance Com'y. hl-Uik oc f Mitretil. Aen W iîby, Sept. 7, 18C15. 2,]Y _'-'g--rn---, NEW ÂDVERTISEMETS. Hgousokeeper or <Jompamn. T IIF fvlsertiAcr deireq onfl1uftion w% 5above --a i* d,)w recoîtly frctiîî Jgnfd-ago 80-4nhory tint m-.o hahi& OlJet 1-a comfor.&- blo hoinc. Adoi To liteit nt thiaolee of WlîitbY Chroice. 'whlltby, Sept. 9, 18e2.863 GRtEAI GIIEDiT SALE VILLAGE LOTS, VILLAGE 0F OANNINGTONI COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Ilie $ul>aenber lu .Nrcuivd intrtictlous lýrcm HUGH MUNROE, ESQ., TO Siti.î. n !~1I LICA1TCON N Wednesday, l5th Oct., 1862, AT 12 O'Ci.0CI, 1<OOl<- 50 VILLAGE LOTS! ('<uttuai ulvar etuu- i tntr w.u- îcrbc h S alf id 1. .iî ut1, id tn lu ,it ta- rine oflitteu n LuIs. ti,' ucun11is-euiifî lt. siiîlutîl, tîtil pll spurth lu 1. tuppt o ucf brsoutidasir- iiis 01 b- i n tbu ii ilit.ile:e. TEIUiS OF MALEI rive Ili4t rs t a i (m 1,lui' l lîy cfr1sale, fotît hie liuil-tie li iiitune i îudtosea-ns, tul iii- tiietI au six pmc vent, luy tll)ilig . plnr(ed jiitleiuuisîolbc 1115. IHENRtY WALSIIE, 4,au iiISC.Iu. .1.2. GRAND 'fRINK RA1LWAY. ANT%1 $L PROVINCIAL EXIIIBITION 1 At 111iAL tAS4GIITRAI'Ns Atdueod Rates of Far, W Lt lýýIc cimn Ti'. Tuito aInthio orx men 0l(n1tIu lbttimi 1, reiron ltngÉtoui, Londotn andtiuieruuumulite Stie , Ou the 2 3rd, 24th, 25th & 26th Sept Tickets putroel e oToronto utthe Coin pi- nv'm Ticket fi lce, silI bcte usilble for rturu Il, nuuay fuit tii 'Z2uid lui 271U Scipl.niber, ilu- Li eSîelz a an ricles for F1liiCcu vilbu tu - eliîrI l dfucuit Türoct* nt oereoaf Fi~re 1unsluloil lIs uilne ~npl t orward, au n ii uîter oatieon er. C. J. BIIYDGES, lilitreul 0liercs, Isepteunber$6, 1 Sel 35-2w1 ANNUAL Eramiuatiou of Teachers!1 T rIR EAwmacl Ixlvioîfc f Teoci-ers r LUe ccii <t Ot ', till bo lield ih aîîd linta Secherse(u, ln the VILLAGE OF OANflfGTON, Tuesday & WednesAy, Oct. 7tb & Mt, 1,5z2, tt1hie luur cf0Se'cdeek, a. ni., Al ilalcaits iuiat preduce eetitfaelery tes. tirýnu ýC>Jlscf ieri larueter frein hciîr resp.c- Tie Coutnty v card e oflue Instruction wil mct t Breekli , 151h or Oclher. R. H,THORNTON,D.D., 85 Se..reta ry B. P.l COLLECTION & COMMISSION MIR. E. L. 51<0W, Noutreal, C-.. C OLTEI~TOThSumde for Poblishers, Mer- Setmulm, liysielaui arud ethers, la Meut, ou Qauttice, Otttua,isuid T)ruitte, and thier pLaces ii anada. Ail eolIletiecis ditly ropot.t- ed, and îîroueed&prauiptly puid ûvor. Adc]c'l res entouueaîîns to ¶'Mantreal (Ga- il'uuiblaer C;L1adi, Direcry, &c&., Men- vcm1; l. & A. :iillor, Wilu Biloukseliors aid( ýstitjjir, Mutretjal :d route. lioitreal, Septeunher StU,, 152. 25-Iy. Canada Âgency_Âssociatie--n. 0 îiersaui li etlîurizcil te receive aoy me. J.iîîy,0ut ar oît rftlje Asntoueep tlUe tolri oaut witeit mei ie o etby1 '",Lust ifee Crier or Bil, kDrift, or itoiuy bu îîdd iroto auyut et lse A gaie15 eft heComnmer- cial Baikl. A. 1.R,1O0IHE, Manager. 85.3wu, - Wlliiîgtou St., Toruoteo. "EW AD VERTISEMENTS, Ohaneery Sale 0F WILL BIl SOLD IN TWO LOTS Ily AUÊTION raie-t'mr T TUExr-rm TIIOMAS MYPIlts, Lîsttesa -tctnCk~u tii:ii.ii ÇOIJIN T Y OU4?ONT A liO. f'1'JE UDSIJ<îlinî bu-, ta iti lbis itu t . Cai'e luanJu5 h tIicUb, for lt luni undul Wolid aIsiîtcrtiir eo iîîuc.tocil <fthe s$tio. 'ste lîv rig lîl itlt t biir t-iutrîi- %toeagetinz 4ont- tuuir B1l11, artics wifl yeuoQx nine ti Pl hck ttlich 1"keit nt - licl arere atced. e iue dity5uilnetigauu -TIIOMAS MYhEIIS, Wletby, Sept, 1, 1862. 34 BOOTS AN<BSHO'RS À large uitidîjc lue uw stoect6f TUIu v iu' V- I VY JLIJ»""Ladies,, Geuts', and Misses OOUNTY 0F ONTARIO, CIIEAP FOI" CASh-! Tht.rsday, the Second day of October, A. D.], u, sîlel veo 'eocok, nucm, lîy MR LEVI FAIRBANKS, JR., AUCTIONER Ai t-le (officeacf te inueu Mîuo " ite r oet lI Court, hu lhe etd Tuiof Wlîbtl.)y, îsunsuoiut -tu a uccr"o ot liaCuint cf ('liute i-ry uîateint u eu-rm-ii utîîelureiiiîbvuiling ler.iui Lewise ?imîîî AlêxrtiiJr Jtccroyas- aiaif outi Aitnutw Siîlbuaitiul (iid onzo Sith, (Ut- liti) uiul Algetiuui $ Wiidturant' utîhet' anid ui onrJo iiiiulob uin - CtI.S, atinl ii iiulih mCr îîll? iuttbîuî alul (";nit, ei.-iil ieu hil ittsuî i4z ins iuulkuicusîu ls,iac.tiuiaîu vs. 1i 1i but," huiui-uîuir udute (te lihdaiyu-f NiYu LAND)S-& PREMISES, V'IZ; 1. Lt Nu. 2u, li tlu luth Conefl8ion -cf (bosisting cf about Xen'eans gip, e Cuitr, (Catoadn,)- - CuIt, (Frech,) . $300e 3<0 40Oh 4 501> Atid cIller. etettty1.luie ~'AlWorlr WaLrrantod !«rU- A. grant rut-it int' hern t talurlin iiiiey dism- cri îticuî cf secn Cuitîcînîru ansc ilsrulsin it lul 10eaililtd, oxoucuiý im fi -11iliy ortheua rork tnitIluie C&udvell'oJblockI, CA311 FOR SIIEEP- SKINS & ILIIDES IVTLLîAMIl 'TINSM, linroclu Str-cI, wlubtfy. UIFE ASSURANC~E SCOTTISII IPROVINCIAL tbt of seiA ti are cterel, uîud ini- ti L Ifiru ESTABLISIIED 1825.ý A 0000 FRAIfIE BARN -with SHEDS, .&'D SUITAIILII OtT-Ih(tIJSE!S. auîd cluîy. Tii Fanla, ut preseut, rented fer $00 a -year.. 2. TUe ivest Ualf et Lot No. 21, ln tUe th CONCESSION-O1F.BROOK, 100 Acmes 75 of which are, Cleared1 ftod ~ ~~o ii e dt tCullivaiion, OuntMAs - FanntlOlerû are abouit- Twelve Acres of Cedar Land, kecrPorateId by Âet'of Pairliaunent., Capital Ono million, Sterling. A. Davidsen Parker, Secrctary. R ATE 0F PRIEMIUM vcny inederalsansd viîî buar favorable Cotît 'aniscuî viilbtht adotuat y rtenmcpsuie» lui Il-nadu, Von- ihitià .t uud 'Trugulteu. n-,itully libers.- As erncsa,tIid and l leor butielasatranis- teonua euuiductiut sitbîeut rifrencete Seul-- JOHN Ansd Ill e et cfthte unclvaaid portion consista s ___________ freuxth C iuling - VILLAGE 0F MA-MIA. The prîu'se(,r wiU h1o rcliiired lu optuy asau- poit' 1f'ueiî,,Lr eceit, ut bis piireliîii.e uetuo, Lus 11;c i tFf or tiîcýulieif'ur, otu Lt1 i'3ý 'tot si'd îiî< lio balice iîii ite iiiune tLt:rv- tifîrr, wittimit lutereot, Niwithu Cire lix.er wil li bu lt tl passsuit. oilter riliec$,, tLe co,îdih1i1naorfsauto are t-o ha ilie aîundiîýg eelixitici: 4cf thle C-uurt ot Chat-cery. Futer iiîtcrîntteu will be given OMATIS, - By Application te Msr.Crooks,.Xtngsmhhll &Cattaniach 11trri.steru, We1]iin1(cn St., Toronto,ad te Ness. B LAIKE & BLAKEI Masonle lf>ll, Toroto, aud tirs oodersignod Mastûr of thle Court. -GEORGE 1H. DÂRTNELL, BLAKE & L- MAE, Vaidor',So0iit0er&. 8 ROBINSON BOUSE. T TRMPERANCIt HOIJSE, BAI STREET, Teronto, a few deors North of Kiia, Strcet Teirîn-Ono dollar pur d-'. 35 Lnte oet1InWtionoal HeaI, Prepricitor. Doapartmont of Orown Lands. Québec 22ne3.clug. 1862. X~TOTIO11 Id lîrehv oîlren d,.a tiim a u.A.il, 1-GNW, - NTOTICE -l erclty given tliot vacant lunds iii fî tlie Ts ofsputRabu, la tlic C 11117it ut tatrie),-U jqe r C41ain i sbu ne pen lforsaideb o.u anud afloo Ilue Stîr ep 'u'.ncot0 upoOl up- tlla tlIon t4)John Altxanda, aq.,,Orevn Land gluot tt arrie.-f dot in four equel anniuel ahitluuta vîtii-llu tuet, ; , ýl ivi TIdOTQQ T 52-6Ui .AiNUib JXtîVlttiOOituiuJ .a&iati em5aînr t ýiC1they will seou at a small acifance on the Sterling for Cash. -fThtey expect te hàve the bulk oathéir stock forward about the I th. - Their stoc.k of Men's and Boy's - Invoste& in Can ada 4OOORAyN[jE L T IG PervsBrick Buildings, WbVitby, Sept. 186. f ShoriiTh R&J. CAMPBELL. TlLE subseribers beg te eall your attention te the tact that hayir ~-coening on a puce, and that now îus the tîrno to send iu your orde soen. for thoeir iutly hlb'atA -- au <i <c Whltby, - - <i - 01lu>' Iitsuileoatl o tlurîiea, 0crevýaa ge. ANDRE NOT NTC 01CRl hircUy vOl ho tunale te t ladies cou. O A N AD A -I(0f. their own manufacue is -now very compicte. p 1 1 tiguit 12ï IS12. 1 ¶'I1E ES? TU1NG OUT 8to geýt those gcntlerrnLn ssîio bav e been in the habit of clmrging eîznmos profits to Ipublsh a ist ot ýries-iL enabl)es a dîseerning public to sec for themnscives wlhere thoy eau j 10 be,6t witlî tlîûir taQule>. Nor, you May coui it vaniky, or nnything else you i<-u. the Californîn lu-in dcscs til-ko a itle pridc iii bebig the lustritinent of sueli a revolation in the traile of tijo (ounty, as eniuie(s every mnan, woman and childy to procure the -Wesris i well as the luxuries of life!, ivit.Ii very littlo Morley. 'l bat hoe bas doný se, Musti ho patent to every one in the Couinty, as instance Common1 Wlflskcy alonc, wbieh.habeen sold nt 5Octs, per gallon, before the Cali- forniamatu coîarnenced sehing it, Tîew sellilig . tt3Octs,.11and that too in t1te ./;Ie ef« 2Taif, nearly foitr limes vw/t itformerly scas. But the Califor- niainan 1 flot yct donc with thern. JBriin along any man'8 ltUivliea ul ofPrices, tand the Californiainan wrn gîvo you a discount of 33 - par cent on al.most every article of fine Liquors therein pub- lishedI; theroby saviag yeux .ZMfty! Per Cent-rnore interest, I amn sure,- tayou would ho willing te pay Anoïcingly. The Californiaman still continues to seil the BEST TEAS, (t.hat îa t'le word-no fine, superfine, nor extra fine, bult the Bost Tea, for $1 par pound.. Off of whiehîlie will give a Libceral Diseount to thoso who biiy 10 peundq or upi4'ards. CROCKE1RY-.At nsaa prics-a few setsq more, of pa)tre C/dnaa t. $4 75 to 47 00.-And 500 Glass presere jars--pnta and qart t 17 to 25 cent. GLASSWARE of every description- aiwayfi on han1. BMOTS AMD SHOES-.<-A fresri sopplY reeeived wcekly nt, usual low pricea. Mue on band a large stoek of overy deser iption of 111e Liquors together with 500 barrels. of dIomuistie Wliisleey, purebased prier te the late Taiff; and now on sale at-the Cr'li.foTrnia Store, at 3Octs. par gallon, for tive Gallon and upwards. _~A LJiJIIZAL DISCOUXT TO IIOTJIEL 'J~5 THOMAS ]hfILCAHYI Oshetwa, Sèptemnbcr, 186Z Sigoi of the B3ig Teapot Bc-teannounce the arrivM J ntf portioni of thir FALL STOCK dirictfrom BRITM.N, Ex-Steamnsh-ip cotizlti TUFt EDINU;11 1i .MVjFtie (lîgj Tue lNoîîrîîiii nItittew (Fiee Churcli) TUE Wuneisru't Rvrîw (Litieruul). BLACKwooiî tttitir.îMA tcrory> ceuliugduriruglts iv Vllli'iii uar. Thecy vitb oceilîuy oiuddeviidbttuc ino lty wittlrn tt-t-i,,eut pvîîles ind ,tel iii r tîbe 11il Ccdiiy J.nn ofaJ i tîte grelit pltial in mîVtiofcfthie tii i shahavi, PnsAed lilway, Ihi istu '«liesi," Urloclis ihjt radersti w4tlcîý: fnr the ouîly re.l ly lutoflllgt- ble and roîbobile hliury cf irreii evelifîs, idi asq Aut', lu atluliiui i l àium w f-sabibe lîterar, s-lltiah fiaecia euut voiurge tlieri% upeoitlt-o ooosdakratloo c( ti rendiig publie. EARLY COPIES. -Tlie reii f i5Auuiaucroixtluo Bri- tieli juirusi-rt lr ddtuivalua h-te thuo liejuliite, îutaetlt- i uic l.y coni nov bc laclt Fer ciil -oi ci touir Rht'eiow. $..... Focr u,îy turc 't tlîe tir itoViws .....t il, fo 1 ifnt îi ut îttiu f ..îRr-.s..., T00~ por atfîuc lad onIt) ...........S OU For Jtiabuwnucunît teioW esta ... 70 Fuir ilaluuul auî iir tPeee....i9 Filrll todaiiJ Ille fOi' r iw... 10(5 2IiuuînjLiret in 1 7m. ,ta!e e Wzgrd isaed cea h 'f', i IX 1unt1ii1- N C A obuiîî f 211r. e-ýc-it. froîn 1tUie #bnvaf î.rice ei ica!ll-cuïet te C(lubs uartbcIngtf gr iefra cii cfl'is a .in r1Un-orauf t" be ote wok,-Te '1.1(r îjiie f »t ltw~,or ut(A clasce 'bill1, -t sît f-o cite uddrvss fer wned uir 1i vuiv.s.' i and POSTl'AGE2. CiuîiblîiîMal ,iuîsribr spplied cifce LEOARD SCOTT & CO., 20 N. 5 'J<îd t.,N--tw York.

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