Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1862, p. 2

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Wbleai. Ba-ley sud paas-Dtt tàn& ~ ln urTomes-s-, iurcn - ('s-cur Lans: atepf. Land in e <avendial Pts-ovt-C DbT. fýr0dt Fî slet e lnîor ensStock, .tc., ftýv. G. Bi. P. Viner. IPubllic Meetig-lt. J. Gtuen-M»fuytit. Notice cf atail>liiiug IRoai Aihourauce- Towniltip cf Pce-îg Improveul MHp cf Canada--uo. C. Tva- Braucelet foliusd. itpeultg of Mfisa (Iaruoll"s selîool. tLinte fou' sl-Mattltev'Carrol. SIlEiIIFF$SALES QV *l", Brooks et i vm.Stter-Il)Ue. 20, if2 Hamu vs. Silver- -do. fluruhain t-.lýy nde-do. ONLY ONE DOLLAR~ A YEAR -VitbY., Ttilirsîlay, AUgast '28, 1862. ~WAtlvus-ttuýeuauuusmusalt4,ti sus bina12 c'eleek eut Weuiutemiluv, ini Prcsýuit fuir Fuîmes-s. 14,11 Wlieni ttcwitg -The s Us-cia uttuti itiku'tm. WVi e <l lnpesiappeuralîe otf ct-eps of every khuuldusiig flice g oiiutt dvOutlula staken loto nccout1u1t4 <luire certain.- y lageat a911- feu- gu-atdetlcutn- tttlutiî>n ln the happy uesuts nt iriuutîî tis fermer. Teeming fio.Ili atî u-ti ti ueaiier have lielped te dhs1îel ail futer fears aud feraeboditig4. L'ltotn ailîusîcua thîpre are reairts of a glus-louiscuti pleutu- fui lauvst-thu greates- part tf wieiîlihas tioweut seuecureelinus sjleîîd ult -îdlîiîîî. Fl3'ulWheat-botlu lijicîi antiSantle. i4 the lest crop fatrines-s have hlthfor tWniy jears paSt ;-tlau- as-e, blieer, ctiti Plaints of amui ffiotta soute sectioms. As Ilite ime for sou,)iîug Fuit IVieat is eit htuid1, andI as a muccllarges- rlirîthi Filiahy iiý%e Put il, ibis scussusiliohn fer tua- uty yeara pasi, Il enutulot bc u testu-îutt'y uet i)P~ou fairmers i111,!dcsittîlity auJ ùdvtLlaiaaof securiu>f tis egtuaianmple4 fer Beed-'*iutilunedeietil te tua, ýtic psetau ieut of carefully sleeping île se il loure scuViug i a Solution cf vitriol. Fu-tun carefui leuluir-y atîtiinvetsigationtive have latin able te arrtol a lt icdes vhl isetha ccu] us re umaiedvti -a.n son, an qit feeca roum ui.,vaiilt fiolels iu tle samniegibriu-i hera t(holuse. iaution usas neglecteti, have suffée-eticust ueraily. Fiera aresoisema fi-miers aIt t aieaI t ligbtiogly cf île benetci lrtl -c 0 ùcu this prepauaio-aliagîng liatiniiarsn when fbey Irieul it-suinlg peut of lite bam iselbd witli steupedu, aud part amIt un- ie by Our fanomers iut esdus- itessel-adoption. Beyrrs agrcet1sft te ps-Ct-uene Canada urîet-eapeeiilîy les8, lut cinost unes-y oo esions daîciorationi of ils hurnttas-a heugopis-lieu lest hat javvassîmUasn-- s importanceacf tihe sut. justifies 'the caruastuesa celui urge tise remculy Fsuug- s-lu lave been lon,,ttlkfut tsc cf. tvleatilu itis mar. t proper attentiontin tue tid fine cents pes- buahl aine eo' ail thea aieat lilp. s-S, Fontunatel>' tle faîl <as lae seceret inlusued a on, -thnt a litile cas-e tu a redes- it ccunpar-utiv(!Iy1 rop-ltliougis euerally v-suid in a e fuuplaces y -la, uru arc gratifle t t aha yiuid about as godh as ahile the sample ld mucue testien cf lima Pes euep nl ure belles-e thtt th;!% 'cthinl Uppur aid Ltaeu- g. ont apleotiidly. wtt Sprung Wheal lad001v -most cf it ila raad.y for ret ta leere ilal ii anme 3s of tIse aeevlh lo-utdoue that-to a cestain extunt bc lighti. Ontî e otlas- as te quality o? seuiple ta atatea ver>' favorable. tint&thî e aet grcwing côuntfiein e s urorlel coulul net supply iL-iu faut, talt vessais cotuldnoct but proconsul in sumelcent nunilers te carry il h . We then, ise, clan- tiuînee or readers as te the unrelabie statementsu made> cf a deflciency ln the Western States-aucli raporteul deficimey being iin direct contradiction ati the cor- rent daily delivariqs nitue ditferent mai-- kets iin the West. Ail, our suppositions liai-e buen t-eaized. During te pat. ar, France bas net purcliaseti froue abroati as mary hualels o c ret mashae wusrepre- aenued te reqoire qu artera. Great i3ritain las sot receiveel any unusual supplies> aSiI aIe lias laed enoch, end et leur prieca aulte aWestern States, -itsteaul cf aendingý a lusa quaotiuy te the scaboard titan uselt, have forurardeel a fuir larger suppl> tlan t-ver Mber. Suumb resuits liew leurfutile it la for tîny cf us lr-wîtli the liiutud ueneno f information witbln ou' rac- cutd deprivttd cf data bly uridlite deter- mine clu u ueliabiitv, or, otherivise, cf uven tiat ltltottetunlt aîty positiveopinion as te thu rangre cf prices alironde. Thue prevailing iuiprtsiotiin utGmeat, Iluitain ap- puais te h ht, se fur, utue u-iny wuaulîer lias (loietene great damange, Anndwitis air hart-est urather, a gond average crop la expectel. in Fratnce, lunsoun districts, a boutitiful lautstias bouc secered ; lu oth- crs, wleat is repreanicel as boingt a faihore. If, on, tIe. sbIe, ýltt çrop cemes up te ait aiverege, France wil ont ceuni for muel lut. fortigut markets, as il la not iikehy, al- iîiouglunIe inay 'uot liav-e any te spare, iluat 8 e wlIîro1uîre uo boy mue. 'The poet.C pruices -lu Eý'Itgletelara net higlu lirice-ratlter tnoder tisem over thc average utf anuyguent nuiber cf yeau-s. Blut .clore s eue thintuto h orne iii mmit-thue tue cosmto f abeten flour thora,; la vus- 1ry nseugiaily (ucird bheîle hmýtable ulecstitution nmott-gst tihe operativesiii tise Cotton mauîiufiteturing district, n nd i1tei u le fonu-ositluat flua dejlorabie sIaecf thimigs is te contittue forautother ycarat luast. CernFat-tors inla ngleu.pit, appau te tliink tînt pueseot pri-les tiees nI ik e- ly la maîtuuîned, ihI itle variation over or undereu as deiveries may prove short or excessive. Ai present 1ri&es tisons, it la u.selesa te expert higl pnieus lereanou pur- clses t prescrint qootatiens lu Mountreat andI New York, du net giv-e ahi jîpers mucit merg7in for profit. Witlu ab-tudeuit crops lui îbe7Wecsîerit Staes, ant inl Canada, anti large stocks, utti d dliverios fuou the old crop tilI te slip, chero la reason' te four îluît bett Itîluîitiaudti Oean freigî,ts wil rulo veuyMluih roughoul.thte Faitand aujY excuss in clese items. muai le deducteti b> the loyer in deteu'sining the value cf wIens r.-. Neither due clerc appeau' to lis auj geoud reason for anticipatiog bigler prit-res nexi sprîog. On tIe contras-y, tsure are uîauy ressens Iwly iL uould i la te e aulvantnge cf the wbole cemesutity lthas uitEh as 'Possible cf 'theCcr-op 'bcihd le selli l i full -a'id As early inthe Ic eason ais possible. TIns eariy -is-cition 'of Me- yermalo, &C-1 isk of fiue,ad 4cemelation cf inîenrSst, ave te le bei-uic. SAnd tih i as- geetireasen for aelirigeûàs-'in he cfnl! la -dueLa as tic sasson sels-sotes, rates cf freight auJd iusus-= aoc tsune-so tisat eu-on ailtheItisaune quotationst'fos- aeat lu Licou-pool, cari>' andtin uîe aby s s have te reuae ps-lues, te edte fatic cst of delivery. A. furtîcu'r cas4~--and oua ahuieli especehly applea ote eseIliug cf Sprits-Wlieat la tIc fal b tiat wilafor fall alilpmect eus- Upper Cauada Spsing la thie lest ou, Use cout:iCeut; for sucmmer sbijimeut if is considereti b>' shippers sorla- ky a vetur,as aieag stenene>' te hast Oui îe passage, tint tiay ail! oct gve is apparent siippiuug value for it.TFils is se. decidedl>' the casa, Liai atiougit sod C9anadien spsing aient is qeoteulin Li-es-- ptîel liihes- tino Chicago tir Mihursehe- $&y 6f pur 100 ils., ati!! sihippeu'a la Mon tu-cal prefes- tic lattes- asaet 5 cents par bushel ligher titan Canadian. iià respect te pricee il la aluneat tee 80011 te cier nus Opinio, ut. aitb acou- tinssence cf preseut quelalions lunUsest Dri- tuiu, New You'k andl &onresl, tiare la lit. deU mes-gin fou' profit te layersaet 85c anti $.1,fer hast samples aprin; sud ful aient Love, and tisose puicea 001>' for est- ly deliveries. 1Tue ps-lue cf Baslej la silil smese difficeht <cite noted wtamiy>'accuracy-tle ps-lue btouc erul~ateul ly the demand foci, andt vicIes at Albany sud Newn York, sud iL i8 yet tuc early lntle sesson te fou-riaa correct julgunuut froint flose points. The crop in VIe Scucie cf Newn York la generelly uepou-tcd as ,gcod, bed1 t tjt utiîy anti Batunie. lut lt ila naestéS' tlat- ther-ý uililue lilu. BIu aaslý'4AppoaltUct. . Mu'. ece end IDs Caiîsuuiatuea The apponinnut cf Aldies-man Bruonet of Tus-ote, niasl)setor cf Po 'rta, bas cal- heuji forii n mail siaeso? 'comment froin or coiuîempeueriea con ail aidas. White en cne aide il la ceutende t LIathels&P- pointillnot urss ouucesaesy-ltbat.lài laa job, andl as autel, seurane desire on tRia pastcf the Miuistu-y te cnrs-y out. tîcis pro- misoti pcliqet fretrancluneut t is aou tise cîler bandti erteel ilat île apitin urus net atone necessary, lut ilat the cuis- toms ses-vice' is in sudh a st-ictîntbt a cborougi overîauiing ia requis-cu. As te Mu'. Brunel's fituess for the offile tiare ap- peaus te le ne quection. For ou' cur eau part au regard tle appointmnut tI santis- faction,. If--witl île propes- diaclarge cf Ida othior ditiea-tie uiiltar cf Finance fousti iiniseif ualle te bestew tise netes- Gary purs-souc attention te tlie Cumtonis de- patuimunt--it. sas cieauly lia duty te ap- point a cempeteit.peusoi to te tu ak.-- lico omly qustion s -uns tie apptointaient necessary or deauntîc? Auj ou ne s- e- fiects for a moenmt ou* tle rimbes- of ports, and the tcvarions ensîcin bouse eficears seat. tonsti ovur the couotry, uil, et oca, ha couvieetiof tic oecessiuy cf tle appolit- ment. Tîte revenue et seune cf those places l is tsefiScieut ce pay tise uxpeue cf collection. At ciler places tse staff cuoployat islaaltoguties- diapropertioneel co île services requiredto c eprferunt-I.- Tisaitich Cuâtoma service lias been abuseul Jini otbes-respect-s, au lave bat frequeut anti uîdoul led preef. Ktuowini,,tuas, aute wiul lte Inutable desure te ecoomizo ithe mano.a-eniueui of liii departunent, aud rendes- ils aorkin(g effiient-awhite utuile te gis-e tle uct5ryuîulglinbis on ea o ai atousîon-it cusutut le fuirîy sid bat tiat Ms-. Iloulatîi.acted ps-utintuy cinu- tIe lutereits cf tIc Prou-bic,lu appoinuiug tIse Inspector cf Ports. FIe appointunent urus necesur-a rit ati preper peuson wu appointeti-more cicIbntis coulu net. be expecrod. If alIlle thuers appoeint. molts cf the *G ùvruunullecof aut qutily sstisfnctory cierneter, tise publie îlutercata ai nct suffas-, sud peuple wulî lau-e ittie couac te comîsînin. Il Shoult i ase bl e.s tunmes-ed. bat tic appkintmnt isl but n tempos-y nujee5andtetla slary oui>' $1200 a jour. N1ernorinl bto l aie 1's-ucc Ceuss-ct. As ahi lesenliy adu-rtisemeut, tie lejes- hacalled e publie meetinug -tes- Tlîuuu-auay, (iis) cvuîing, te taIte loto cotn- sideratien comunications reeceiveti on Vils- subjeci.TFils la the ptcpes--couss. Lt wîlîl ali'erd an oppos-tunlute es-en>'y rate- payes- tu state îlu abat manenaho' bu ctt desins te anîscuile bils mite-suiethur by e vote frein-île erperate fonda; os- ly pri- vate suiscription. The prlvate anIses-ption plan la that. ceelouldecide.d1y favou',J'ÃŽ5 it nonil le more in fthe spirit in ahich rasin-gof tle nemeviel ba atnd aiholy greet and si - bIpt~ e TeU E IIOtuÂs-ANDO Excîrsuuet-Fida>' las bc-ea alasys reckeened an, inauspiscious day feu' festive tu eringa. Ih proveti se. luti Friday, en ihe occasion of titi exceur. alo we Tes-cuto. The rein came dean is, tes-reia frein eau-1>' uoring. Noiaitatanti iuug, semae lure <oisdu-ed people, determincul net te lhIsslaul c f bais- trip, madie thelu' uray te the cas et tbe Whiily Statien, sud ana are telti speo s pieassant day lu Toron. te. AI! uhat îhe station master bure coul da fer tiecoemfcrt cf eaengers anas, ana are assuted, donc b>' lin, sud luo oulel, as lia seserreul, bave et leasi a ulicusent par. sens te fil!l is cars instead ofcf ifsce udreul, anars Il nef for île ufvorable aneaibes-. Fhe stores, the Isole, -seulapices cf buit. uess geeu-sy ini toue aere aU cîcactidur. iugtlie day. Latst tEuropcan. Aneties- cosrespondeece betiveen Mu'. Adauansd Esrl Itusach la pubhîsiacd. Earl Rossel's de,3patcb confis-ns til. stnIil>' nautral position cf Engisuel. FTua 7bcsa- rra lad ict Quecnatoane qeile suldenl>' b>' oresie oZ thec etitouis eflcialtu. Fie creanu Princess cf Prussia lad beau dahisiar- eti of e son. Gas-ibaldi's mouemeota ns- tanled inu atIu quot. 'BreadstuMda anra falliag Latent as r Newass. Fia laîtat items fsouitle seat cf£anar Mu'. Mece scarccly cucls ;the followiug defence aet the ibanda ef tise iter cf tae Ulamillon Sp.eclfor. - 5nwe alledu, sRe-el <aysamag, te an inimuatioun givue ltîrongli thc corvat,ouuleut. ce cf a Canadienl journal, te île effi tntt Mr. MCGe a sadasircus cf bIccming fa- mous by uuuy cf atîempcing te es tabhîi a repu lin luCanada. We treutedthetsaasscr. lietil ua anduer, anti have noeamue1 1suca- sus-e lu seying tIsat ura have île igiesi antlorily fer eeuttuadicting ail snicb stonluts respectiug lrl. MuGU.s. t abould bcle v- membere lituathfe madman Tra'in reft-rreti iu bis speechi lefore tia Irîsîmen of Lon- don, te fhe centemplated filberuation of Canada," andi mentiône theti naine cf Mr. kMcGae as probable President cf a nea ru- public. The -aide ting la uttarîy un- foundeel, and, Train urss mereiy eularging upon a rutio r fertile imagiritualî, aluen lie etudeanorced Vo guI!lbis lt-ars-eu-atb uh baldertiasl. - Att acqoalutanca anitisMu'. MeCieOt, cf sovural years stnidîugeada utu telieve tint urmatuver may'hbavalon big itoltietI entecodtiius, lis ceuduet. i0 ibis country lias lit-iut uitiont teproach. Ko min cuilti liane ahowiu a trouiger desins te maiîtaîuî Bitd-ic nrimey lui-c, andl au vcrihy bc- lies- c le oulti la cis eoftte hast. mou ini tle ceint-y, te ýaid, or encourage auuy et- bempu le ures it. frein the IBritish cuisn. 1fr. MceGce pu-ofesses te le îiureugiiy autd trely loyal: ,In titis WCe regard unm as sui- cera. WVbeuicontiucting tlie New uEra Newspaper, whbîclepublisisetkîa Montrent for semae limehéie broacleel t sebject cf a viceiteyaity for Canoada, anîd urgeel il upon the peopue atI greet caunta.- Thluacdu-ctuof sudh a proposition eau Iardly bu cosiiet-e I> dialoyal or desirnus cf esî;tblisîbiiîg n repoblie. We arcglad te have tlis opportuuity cf sindicatiiog tle chiai-atct-r of a taîctuteti gentleman like tle Houi. T. D. Mçcecu. --4---..-- FuiE Sot-it ONTAIcteCuIST-sY Auur. uTVttA. Exisuairuox %tekes place eut Wednes- day anti Thuorsday lut andtI2ndcf October'. [Sec bills atI liaI cf pr-izes.] Euctitr.-IUs the notice cftîle antiacci- dent iast week te flic chldren cf Mu'. Weisli cf M-trkliain -the nama abltelhave Icen rwittactu-imsttî of JFtUias. STr. Csootrusvs Si-asoîr Scnaoc,. Put-Ni. -eare roquest-dt te liataiouneut- esul c f tisaunfaverable wather flie clone pic-uic bas leetu posupouedti t Friday (te- unrrrou.) MISS CRCsti-.satcit, ce ou-s 2sid Seplember. Cricket. Tie matchs butwcen îlhe Wiitisy anti Oshawra C. C., anti an eleven freti North Onutt-o, camaecolf on Saturday ast ,ai Princle zt, tanti resuhceel la faner cf the fou-nues- hi>33 roua. Mu'. Scoutcf bisa V ccu-i*j iotel, providati iluchisud dioner lu lis ussu et excelletnt style. TIe fllcaiug la the score : 1 %tliiT]IV AND 0OS-IIA\rA. ....... 6 lu a, t -t.a.. . .4 ......... t 18 b WutsIi - tr 1 N IGRot. u fT ie - Ds s-.at ea.e biCssetialt-....u...anb htuilira. la bSiu. ... e0s- Kempslicii. bu Ham 12 Pila .'-.b.t. 6ub . i iblti ......... S Pl cau Kîellcer, tl) letxiea b fiiat.........e MIIt-rîUtC K.îu--u allb tiii2 ntuta .... . e Ps-iueetOsi< ot vi...... 15b BLaie ..... nieSn butsl1. 5...9Byn 1, nohsIm st1... a Le;g iyes llaitteatG-. 1Irg u-esti, a6,o7 as as A matel anas pi WIitly, btaccu foui of Teoronte, lus ta ri ring. Whiiby aoc I la the score : J. Reubcttom....61 a. Saow-.....39 100 M. Tanete...13 E.As-mats-ce...- 22 65 cuesen as amirs-astuct, saian nuqcumecu anti condor t,'lise tan bott itctandeulcen- FIe cerrespndent o e LeBoston 7Tz- Isol lIais- cutitaiasin. Lut su>'eersuse seller, anitis the division of fhe Ns-thuero tIa documetstshiai eaiata frenittaria>' Iatoly cemnmandeti b>' ten. cCook,- 'Iforcille fuele" Lincoln, anti bis mol g-ives tisa foowing accouaI cf the rerngei cabinet> anti cese te acculer at tle -con- tknfo' i msds-bC ieIîo bt temptueus asteuisiment." aniicit Soutbrons Regimneut: t féel upon peuusal. Hava net fIe Soutemru -T-hi Nintit Ohio ila eGermit regimnt treeps sud lite utis-e Sooticro population andi urs miseul b>' Bsigadieu..Qeneral il! exibiteti admis-utle rasehutioniati devoîlon licî nean comnaeting Gen. Jcbnsou's H1avai île>' t otIerne thiis-privations titi briade lu our division. TFia regimnit cieerunuss sud courage ? Tic>'speaeof aeraol> dvMe tu 0Ie.>icok, tbuis- saceses aitî mdes>', tIc>'prepere île>' lovred imin al Itie ardeur of thei for usa dîtnesaste, ift tey muist bu endureul, Germait seul, and utdeny aateti au oppo--i aihI fortitude andti esuignatcou. lueir> te aitesttheIis- fidahit>' b>'tic mosti %l>' siseuld France anti Rugiant i a-oric deî-lng. To enrage sncb men, la to ate ? On Rhe uul'resu4i affair, Englandi ensere a terrilble vengeance.- Andi t)tla thay1 deturiuuietl attitude aufflee t tecompai .105 ceri ed tupon th'lim a iibitants of thia reparacbon 1IloeurtIen for oe instant couact'yasoued the scene e? tis coid-Iloc>d- et>uld tsh iklers Nortit opposa two poeres %tlmuers. The uext mesai- fthe enfirei se muigît> as tbose caleti by te uroue eofs-sutmnt. martine onde-thea bas of thels-E Fitkering luwisdspUcoul. SsrUItos<y Aug. 21rd, 1862. The Ceuncil of Pickering tout pursuasat te adjourimunt. Meiuhurs al regemut but Mr. ixson. Minuites cf hast. meeting rend spproved. Petitieusa preietned, cf )IVin. Durir and t.hierls, praying for establishing the- bon- dlariî-s of lots Il und in lethe,7tli con--Mr, Cîtaîman. Oft John I laiglut. prusviiig for estabhisling the ronti acvos tite relit-cf 1lit 14, litithe 2usd. cous-ItIr. M[eCriglît., Of fout. Vardous, Janmus % Vondrtifr, ansd Jates llubbts-d, jirnyimîg bor <le office cf- collecter. The Ileeve read a comuuitnications front thue ('terk cifTTetridge, i rufereuice teilui- proving tic town hues. Onmin ocf Nr. Chapruidn. the eeve mvas iîstrocted and auttor ised by thc Cotirimil te trîuusuîruit a petitieus te the Gev. ernor Geuseral te cause te bu te4tablialuti tic houndaries -of lots Nos. 3 sii 4 iluthte 7tlî eiii, amndi tnoemonuments to lie placed thevest.i.iu accortlance lwith the puLl. tien of %VuiDinanti ndolers... Oui umotion cf Mr.- . eCreigrut, a by-haw wa% rena t irst time, te cutatlisl a rond acrossluit 14-, ili lue 21(l cou., t-uundte ho rto-îtt a spcoad tiîme sIt thu îext. mueetinîg cf te Couincil. Mir. CliaprunsmoveC-tithutle Trcaquvev lie intcuctcd foruujwith te taku thue tlece- sttry stt-ps to cause the (Cllecte r cf ftIis Corporation for the ye.-ur 186 1, te pay over te him the balanuce cf the ameuint on lis Iroll, or duly accôunut fur thetu anen.-Cur- ()il muotioncf NMv. Chepmna nBy l1w ivas 1iass-ed, uppointing Iiobt Vardon Col- lecter for i,102. (On motion cf 1Mr. MeCreiglit, an erder ras gratitcdons-thu Treasturi.r in faver of Ilebt. Varîlou for tise soin cf $80, being tlie amiownt of biâs alary as collecter for Uhc year 1861. Nfr. Ilaigisi moyeu that te teove grant an ordronret ii Treastîrer in favoir cf Jo-plu ils:Ion, far tii, soin of t.wa dollars for lîis -rviccs nuts Rt-Voruîiusg Olcer for MVti dN. i1tf titis towilsluîî, for te year, Wi2l,-za iel. Mfr. M mtll troes tittthe mat of $20ti btxcnelon the northertu toivo lite, opotOlLiei uixtît con cf iixb)rÃŽdgc, ii coîjuutiiei iitît elike stuuuu apîwoprîat- ted by thte towt,,îip of Vxbriîlge, andi tuai Davtid 1111-11undruuil)vidi Willantsbh oûtmi- tut,îucîst -sitt the ss Ille. -Carliedt. IMr. 2liapuli-cimoes tîuat Clsncey JPey. nulle.,IolmiJti rltey aîd rhoiiussw. tir- cloti, t ct , L y -i vtitis 'ouciel as aui- ec-rit sircty fur titutpeiorntance cf <lue djuirs cf Coliector hy RoIt. Verdon, atud iltt tht-y it tite (Collecter ho requîi<ed by thee xcote a beuI lst in un ul$t, t(ti0, andticiit tite Clerk oponth te certiti- cite cf the l"eve. that gueli bond is exci- iid itiiver tu titi, Collecter hia rol.- Carried. lMv. Ilaiglit iioes that the Council do tues ttujotu-ui. anditi tsid acijouuvned tili Satiruiy, Vhe Ist day cf .\ovemuber next. Tise Sou thorat Coafcdcinacy., Mmt. EnîTîti Sin, 0f a troîli "the wioe-pruss ÃŽs trodden wiîhout thue city, and blooti comas eut tif the winc.press, efeo tinte the lherse- bridles,'" tote ic candai cf or commnit cbrîstiaîîiîy. Atoorica la oeevasi. Golgothta, wile îoveuty ftitt distresasmail the Cotton operatives cf Euope. Wlty titis dc.'ny lu recogoizl.ug a polver wliclî ias ir- iuuaitied tbemnselvas cigîtean montits, aud la s aabluto uiniain its rights, nay more se, tisais at auy previeus pemiod of tbis blcody cetiteat 7 Tbay desire re-cognition, indepeuxdednce, and sympatlîy. Tht-y liu< a perfect rigît Iose i.'l fvoem a s to m bwltdelt. nleitheur on - tee,, - - Torcuto ' anas niieeu 'ig 1 6on- an jYosl I Wu] 'lut*rriblt- Msus--Osmes-eeOf Wi.tsb>'.lIn- T'ie Inudianaî, cci Iusviug-receivuf clîcir enouities iisi year frein tIe Unitsud Sta- tes Governmeet, arc counmitting tIc Most fearful excessea, S-r. PAttr., Auguat 23.-Parti-a froni Minn river, waie1rettebeul eru hast night, satie tis t scoulats siuuate tie nurnbherîof- uliitas nlreatly kiuhed by île Sioux ai 5010. t ja believeul ailthe missiorueriea have iraitï kilh-d. The civilizeti Indiana exceedeel titeir savageue in luatrocities. Mu'.FTrenier, au -interpreter, tu-n lias spunt meat!cf lhifu ameng tic Indîîiiu, vuluoteerethi te go clone, trouiug te lis kueurleig e cf the Indiena, andl bis diaguise te escape deteclicu. lHe duessred tipaint- cd lun sanage style, anti arriveel ni the op- peu' aireicy etnigi. -TIe place wulite- rally tl~e habitation cf deetis. Il visitati aili tic eusesîcand saur tle former occupants ying du-ad. Ila uent. otehe liott fIlion. J. R.,fBrown, and recognizedel very meun- ber of thée famihy, cigistuen lunl, mortier- cd. Hea tien visiitd liuaver Cruck, euh foend ffty families Wiîed. Ex Onu-rner Silley ila oeamarching to tle relief *cf Fort Ridgeiy. Mr. Frenier, thte disguised Icterpreter, surites te Gen. Raunsay frou n ieusoxt onth îe 21st, and says -le heft Fou-t lidehely ai 5 n. im. Tiare wcre tîten 9,900lr.dians crounti aroundt4 tseFor u-c tît ~e urooden buildings acre boruing. Jie thinta tt cuer tu-Ibes ère joinlof tise Sioux, ant ilh prescrit a -formidable auray. lu St. Paul anul tIc adjoiniug country ail tle evailable are herses lciuug gaflered, up, ant i cl ser',s cf ueaporos ulîl lc useel by willing bauds fou- the immediete atud semnmary uisbmeut cf iliese audacious aud rascalhy Indiana. NFis- Yocut, Aug. 23.-TIc Post soya tînt icu ers receivet in la Is diuy ce.d:j, stade chat a cousiderable. peu-t cffIhe army wbicI stili rcmaincd in Western Virgîuuli, would eurive in Washington to-day, uideur Gen. Cox. - It is adm rumoure l tint western tu-nopa are peuriuug loto.VirginiaIy wauj cf 11cr- pcf s Ferry. CCtAGOc, Aug. 23.-Tise St..Peuhl>îei- suer of the 20tis instant soya tuai it j- thought tise ludions' a ere induceel te com-. unît iliere outrages by Iodiatus froun -s souri tattiaccession iradersfrocs fluat Statt, andl tlat ursen Major Gal-bu-aith loiîtise ageucy ou Friday-eu-erytliusg was quiet.- TIe ludionsaliedrecels-t-Jthuir annoity gonds, anti lid ail diaappearcul, appa-emtîy sntisflecl uultIc heMajou's piromise te souud fer ibem, as sooin as tise mtýney au-îvnt-, aud pay their anoiuities. ST. P-AVLi. Aug. 23, .11 .p. m-ýAntciue Preutier, fIe disguised sciut, got iflu-ougli thc Indien Unies loto l4srt BiJgelYt-aud broogisi Ick tise follouimig te Go*ernor Si'blo-. FioM FORT RDoeiiy, Aug. 21sf, 2. p. m- e au hlId chia position but. utile looger ouleas seitfreed. -Wceu-e býirg tteàekeel almost et-es-y boer. aud:unit-si as- instance la tundereti, wau conot luold out. ninel longer. Our littie baud la becomng exluauaîted anti ducimateel. We lad loped te ha reiiferce t t-day, but as jet eau beau' cf noise comnieg,. Lieut. G. Sheblan, Ceus-pany C.- Sul itegtmant Miroaasotia Volunteers, isco- mauding tise post. Goveruor Sibley caunot ranch ticra wih hils 1,200 troopa til te morrea, çamen a day of reckoain- for tIc Indiatia ail!l be Reege fer the Xus-dat of (4-ln. 'Ifc. NswYaAug M2,3.-The Ilcrald 11-1 nftinlîmod papers of the 18th and l9th, an. nouncing the asscmbling of the rebel Con gres.i, and giviiig Davis' message. Afier alluding ta the stiffoilhîs of Ii4¶ipeople, and the gallauîtry of the treops; lie says: -Thui vaut ar my whicb thrcateu- eil the ca- pital of the Conféder.Cy lias been dflcated and driven from thb lices, of, inNv5j ment, andi the enlemy, reapeatedll faîled 1iin bis efforts for its capture, in noiý_stvh-ng to raise nCw armi±5, ot.01 aBri iCtticli1ýi rond- ern îîistory ulocs. uîot record, to d.-ekt that subjugation cf the 80 hseOftenl pr1taiU2 cd as on the eve of aeenmpli.slmett Davis thenl charges us with rapine, wan- ton destruction te prnperty, murder of captives, &c., and qpeak. oftuhe co tiiscaý tieju bll as atrncious, wihilute monied Obligations cf the Confederate Gevernmuuît are forgcd hy ejuizens of the United States, anud ut tas two Governors cf the United Stactes are cngaged excitiuig servile insur- rection. Anothur bas been fourni of ini stinets sa brutal as ta invite tl,, violence of bixsoldicry .atnst tewounucfa cap. 4ured City.,- Hlocaetions Gencral Butler subse-lueiit- lY. Davis then saysy te inquires mande of tlie Counma'nder.în.Chief cf thu ýarmies or tbie'Utited States, wbether the âtrocio-us cfnfluet of some of tbeir military. com- manidants met the sanctioný of that goecru. muent, an answer lid ed lco evaded, on thes pretext thet the euquiry was insulting, af.d no îutbod reuneins for the ..Suppression of uheso enormitics, but suelu retributive Jus. tici as it unay be foond possible ta execute. Rietaliation lanIuind fer uneny cf titeu is impracticahle, and 1 bave baad occasion te rtniark lu a fôetmér message, that coider ne exceasscf provocation could our noble- hu-arted defeuiders bcedriven te wrcae venge. fineon utiatinod men- or on g'ooen anti cbildren, but Ste-rn and es-euplury punish. nment can, an 'd mustc bu meted eut te tIc murderersanad ft-lons wrie disgrace the profe-ssion cf arms, seck tn malte cf public war the occasicn fur thc commission cf cthe most monstrotis' crimes. Deeply de we regret the dliaracter of tle- cootest int 1 ihichi we -aie about te le ferced, but we- musc n actpt it as an alternative ivhieh re- 1cet ttifesitations givo us littUe hope eaui bo avoiuled..Thce xaspetrttien Offaîlore lias uronud, the worst îus4s of cfar eCie- mieî, n'id a large portion cf tcir people, ercnOcf tieir clergyfmen are now eiae lu urging- an excited poîpulace te the üex 1tremO of ferocity; and nochiug remains for us but te vindicate Our riglits and te mainl- 1tain Our existence,- by employing tgainit -ur foc cvcry enepr-v and every rt-source ut nur displosaIl. Davii recorninootis" urther legislation Io unake thicocnqorîplion uni-. Versai i aien te isoc of àtddicional ýtreasu- ry notes, atnd Sounole éi"latioi for coituel- ,înc milîlary anîd tranispcrtation. île suya the vory large increasucOf foice,,irucenitly . alieti inte. the field by the I're. idcnt cf ticf, 1lnite] States, -may reridor it nttressary hereefterte extend the, provisionis cf tie Conscription La-, so as Vou mbrace per- sons between the nagus cf 35 and 45 years. The vigoir and ufllcîency cf Ou~r preseut force, and their condition, and the sUdý and ability wlsich didtinguisli ch ý,ir leaders, inspire thes boilef ibat une furtber ecroilment suili lie nccessary-but a irise foresiglit ru- qoireï, t iIf a oecessity ebouid bu sudden- Il dpveloîied duringt tle. recess cf Congrcss, requslring iucreased terces for our defeiice, means subouild exist fer calliug" sucht forces lnot fie uld withoiutawaiting, thes r asscuel- ling cf tIe legisiattive dupa ,tmeist cf Ille Goernsuient. The rest of the message la In th Rebe Of eprusentatves, Footecof Tennessee ofçzred a bill for retali- atory purjcsosa. Tt reelts uat the enermy refue ta treat o-ar ar$zaa: Iers as pri. soners, and have aise pu il innoenit private citizeuts for theiranets. t"vroviies that any offier whe may have ordereelques atrocities, be put ta deatit, if captured ;-xn equal numuber of prisoners, ofilers te be preferreel, aken frein the enemy ta sufilir the fatle ieflicted one eur captureti seldiera or citizens. AIsesa billte punis* negre narmas. prevides. tiat Feeleral armies incongrnousIy ceisposed ofwhsite or black siLa1l - it b -1_1 - te lieený1tle4- tise pri f-lt opinîion cf is i iuy, usul] tteeths. with public sultpert. ,,i fqilfet, ft 'ita 3te IhuI)iu, as dilul. gujislied from GÃ"vrr~nt tor Pitriismenî,F]t. ry support, fliat lie ulwaya eoe for ib mnas8osrcfgiviog effeot te bis pet " le was Orheraforel content ite svt 494 patience tilt îlle ceeu(ýiitin sîtoud. havne forced itself on thc publie xuinud, as itfilll long dnct on liis enof tie xpdine cf' givin., tn tîtose chsanme general or- gutnilautin, or point (cftiuion, iîichei (Udc PltiaePtle~immtuallY 10 assii eiahotlier lu. prmtugtti tvriobjeC1s 8 . it altoulel Icaro untot-leel uleir power cf independeuit action, anti etteod ratîtar thn 1 isuit their spiseru cf indiv idueil 1use- r ftI would bave gratirucel thus Prince tuc tcli lereft.rie, as it la ,-now asuource cf aome.con4oltion ce the Qoceni, ite ifuiâtt oee cfbis groait ideas for *tue 0d 0of tý,m urerlel (for hils views were by ne menusfi ied tir this country) forma thec lattis cf the recommendation conc alieti in your report i autd her Mujesty can bave ne dJearer lisli on tî,l susojeet tIen that tlieestate9utrcîýa. t-J, as yen sey, îy hi% itjuidicious ecncrre1l' atuJ wi sô Ilforesqi-ît anddeiîn,-sod I< devOtu-d te sucluan porpose', tînt ftic es- talsnonts actuaily opon îit,-as suell as fluese chat May le exýpf-eteýltCicme (litre, sliîuld hoe oniidered umi a boe-te forut oue instîittioo-.-ooe grent anmd compreblen- aiv-e institutieuî-having fer its cject (tu tisa te Pimeus ewn ivords., as quoteel by the commnittee,> te inicreaise tlu menus c f itidustrial eucacien, andýcxtend the lotie- f>nce cf science and art upon prodctive iudustry. - -il IlFor socb an institnti(un sante appropr i. atc tiidconeted aitI the Priznce-,s nne ivilI doibthesi liercafccr lie founid u whin, frou ifts objeet, àanel stilh more frounte 41141~S alich the Qt"ieetn hopea wgouild fol. heur climedevelloiierneitcf tis îidea, it would le fuly cotunect.?d iith tise peraconal meru .Menuý autd would itset oumticheut alast- 'in- auJ wcruly meïnsr-oriai cf flit rince'sî utmiriog anu elIsh xertit lis for tcIe geý- uieat ond I t-mutdear Sir Chares, yours very smncert-Iy) "Sir C. Eastlair e, &c At prescot thc total emtoutit Esubisuuibedi toi tire Prince Consort. Memuorial Fond la§ Nows frount fuesl ji. Ge(,n. Van Do)nt estîmates thesh ablI ibreroi y tIc renmy, duiriotI lc lombard. Ment, eit 300,000. WViis tus stnpendous expndlittire o f nrmmonition ntiizg rs acËomnplisled slave cosidierable duimage- to buligattd a very-sliglt destuctions cf life. Thte Ynikees hclft about. 650 mien is- irndbd a)Omnl-proof ditccbes Somne are uictims-cof the faeu', sortie cf tise Ar-,. katîsas;. -1n-plain ou hvaildi 44ftREPOROF GEx. ~SOaÂttJtus VLi.Ey DtSTIIICT, Aug. 11, f4 rat'. Cul t-lt-Ou tlicecveoliug cf tise 9tb mat., Ced bletsc-d our arma uilljtnothter victory. TIse b ttuie as nuar Cear. von, about six miles fr-ont Cuilpepper Couirt lieusýe. Thse euoemylis force,-aceordiug te tIe statemants of rioe, co)nsîutted ef tIen. Battiks,, Me Dourells anudi,-u' comixsailuis. We bave P gien

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