Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1862, p. 1

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wa l, ity îg Etbiltac nie Icegastry Olice. tFER ANKIUV, ~MONTREAL, IjtLS DOW, Manaufger. -IAsWORKS. c-fTOc ut$AT LAW~, [i.t i)Ain'NT lcltlît orr-r C. tX tirrsc' (. llIA ti ey ii W t îEltt- 47~ IPE. V. KELNLR - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .i -ici 1 F.Cckd l M -. M.OI.IiB. 1iC, li, le-il i-i-l G i fN . T).S -.1) nos W. cltl-. r ,IJitPt1 A])A"II ul i W 1, tif,1 N& BTJiRNET, NL LAtNDISUII'uEYOclS. io utIl A 2oteý, t îu11îc-ur-aîi'ct-c- driicitelciiutt ur-etri, atti r-t 1,-tli r adp nuAmir -3 S DEVERELL, i.&.,GliEEN STRIEET, -r-nccîcou,40 - 14 cTIEK R511 0F -TIIE STVANI)> SUPEltuR cdoleiutlpahitir, Whlit- cILOR IIIOCE -STROEET, 1- With calm Printed w'ord'c, great thlouglîts ant untirin; iit*ttstr ýVOL. VI. WJIIT-JBY, C. W., THIII ALBION 1-10 TEL., j.tiSlLAC'iK, irtud TrUtk tailway 1Mtel. rvi iEu ~ ihtttNFît î4t-GSTO 1 NîtOlîh Lîcf ituice lc t-ilIlicthclro ccc - ui t blus uDOW sud Iuri- LEAST Wl NUSOR 11011SE, WIIITB Y, c- o r -c -it t 'cicvcfi t ' I cfro-iiiî roc.acl uhuil cctcici-cclitic orhc-irauciulcrit. ti cuc TItIgO01lA 1I'EL. ANt.LO-AlltELICAIN iloEL. r IE ci& t ucriiicr-rtis fit tcclciitct vaci- i i.ertcitl,liuc btc l, i t l - i lu-cie c ctc-tt I.a iI ivT he ,:, il.c.ucrcl-id rc- i i h -c i d tcI , t~ ~ ~~~~~r ccltAiriIIi cticitkiithP c cu MANCI. TLI, 'lutiNZ' ut0FESA.x. 12 UNINIOATN 1Ol'UL. Botad,$1ier Jlt, IfckiCU. tlitl. t-cat.s '. tOSBORlNE, tuf tri, cc-,IS w, 11 t 111' hîS111-t. 100*u ' cc li . 11h îi cr11,1 ' ntKii rt tî ccl tîcc"s ccnil te hb) r""I, vce îuo giou, c lIichtcihuit ilcr icc lieici-t ittr-etoiatii ftedili rt[A evit wll deM 'Ja el tilt,- tir- ~ ~ ~ o l!ý ter itic'-ic-- ucuel l r-ii'clc-cst tcli.c tlcce ce t-lu cilr-cc- hcî cl cîc t)t î l ir-pltiti hir- micHAic'listthiluc-îcct -ifliscaeniir-c' lc'. bcîb tt l-t cir,-ct ne cc-r anretîlr iclicl tttcNikcccc'lctuu',t<lteilcvitt. Mtti IcicO îc-iniîl'c-acf. c iccuTom.Clii r,ýlCii em rnso Gaccl 'ltlicug aictît Fudy tic.m ter, ALEX. ALEXANDER. liralîttiJcly 21 . SiI. 2 9 titur iicadtutcrittic-orTcrrlli-c-c. %V. CUTIIIBERT, 4e-Itil 1'c-ajcetoic. RtAIL111AI> I1'EL,_ F UIINT STRlEET, mcu-r thec Market. lurlevilte, Ort. 29, i1i61...)l MANIÏLLA IIOUSEY c1TIIE imoirlrsttnucd lîcgs lenvcti e tfortui Iic i. q andici cti icuttravelluingubictc ittI ie 1cicc t-i h ie îuLccc-r- 'r-Il kiccirI coîclin l, antI rt -n'ty sCcr-iutr-cIiiiti is, ii, acu Gy icr-c-urcgO-i oriictic uies lo'tr f or thý t riu noi iitiolicuctrtg.ic cclft fo II:llilmdiigc-' îîc - tt,iive id ucc reful Ost4ý lccr ucît)s lunuci- elcuiure. QU E B E C. I ~ TE 1tu1crrtliluecl C'ccicicoraof lie e'hi- I c-cicl uI'iu., Air rccspe EuUîy to appchzC té r fris cîtutipMtcocucuttbleyavet tto-- ralciiy reuNvIiistettce irenciblîto oair tél tt iciniere of-thceltiltrüaîie~nt vlllng Publie suimariur ceumuiCe~ i e4diti-cuî trthLite sprttuîontluthuay 1usd Icîsu ti- 1r, Ltc7 ht hive îmow ttrl )rtcai-nnd d-roiis lï in largre lhuse tear tue lIýteI. wlmei, for tomtmfoct at i tvttucne, cc-o ucc'i-iinrp1.in ithe City. M'icM. IIUJSSELL & SON. Quibuto, Mrli 11, t1aMi. -9 J'IIH I tN LATE OF TIlcE NON-. lte, ac4 *bortiely f W h'tby5ii - minatnecs tochis tiâd nd cuiîd -cbi,'ttit t hle STAGt h1OU SE1, rropriotor. Bý EST Wiîîes ai1( Il tuors; Ruperior nacrent 1-7 iinliitili o cr tritte1 IcrA; good otabliug and: attenîtive lhîcctlccr. Northeru Ilotel Cannington. Thtierecig i ntîei t tht ichovô fîvor ilcly knciw c i tis %rctndicrtic it tîcccsary for tut Vcbcio acttrettpoie s lc ts cil it uit crut tc' ciAtI iîâmeric t'i.ct securf hiii triic'te. 'fiai i l wccys pîîvide dwitu IlI blic icc~ l] c'c i m)i id flfe lut le boet liracclc i cf Witc cdLi-pucc rs ielit on itep-iss - T..seric uîcru a5le. wtlsl Givq.s tacet, asei'ttl hy Pick, to tie lt-ge igReaîifciîe. JOIhN gl) I'rup ictor.-I IIRY' OTEL, ù« f Jipck vo ~.rth (f Lté 3fcrut .qutere.) uIc-chuilcir. liM r. DI Iccîcu, li t-ia t ccccccîccccta hîh i iic e c l ti lc-c ictu t he 11r-lic ici t 5 l.ii utu cîc it cr Itr fr iiiccucucicthecic f cicîitt. Cc cI ii -cr-ccctttrlicn licctcî itultc-- ciC ti 'u12.w-, t'cccttciccc- 1ccttr-ttic li t i tcj- lcuci icîcc l eicitc 1r- . DItLtIeUIN SALOON. -ix1, i rmtici, ( Et-N iciirif i ~Fo icicmeih lv To tho Travelling Public. iii icîcirY! icrîi c-ti -v u-i tcctithi î eilc t1c s cc i tNlcl, e c, f'i ui ita le -cicicIctm ui ltccci iii ,iccu i I t t ii m.-ut Icit i d - d TIIC E ET OPc' LQUORS k CIGAXRS Auiil lc wil , te fciicl u-hic l11h1ic' clciuicca-t ccrl -rc-îc Ailtttcitivu tt..tlcr cc i lcc c cccl ilïý- l hi ic -c'c' t itcc'tli à 1tiilcc;i i pc iUi tt ic-ci tii.ii W 0 0 Nii.SI--3. 1-10l. T WVOON &BROT lIER. OF'FICE BIlYROibN ST., Wc-llITBY. 1v Cci 1'cct t- c-cr--, atlc ,r-li tic t-r- ici ci--ilii.c-te ticu li ii tli, I Itcu i tisti 0 icllcrcicc tlcuc t-e ýU iii ic, i o cte 9tpi.cilil - ctiuiiih îctl citute' tcc, tr' C cf iruulc-y,- tcic1ctpsi. ulc'ci'c' ul tc'1.iii -sanr-i i't t' ud Licci. Iiicf/i~1'r-f iiufa .- ilic a iicyîur-"c'ccic.<Itic- bt 1501 iti fc-cry Pellciicc -,l li tiwn c tiurwith lio, ht hiC kllc tt)'iUtfio ;, Y., 1 io . 1 j -1 1cr 1 rdi'îîîcr of'îs.Bai Jriih oti tla trcc.I wltcr-iit-bîuaneC141 lxtutc'.- Apîi-uiusreetcehed lt'oum persane sarrivilig ltic îtcllo~sia tte ccssary 'capital.- t'riciuissezociated with aWC-IlctaUlisheti Ucîiircl fjî>o1ttc5lu 'nia A ficw goetbtuseec for exehange for ftrce- AROHITEOT. t> 144, Bay JEtroot Toronto. FI BOOTS & SIIOESFII LEATEER :FINDINGS, Ïtc. rJTIIU>IÏ b4ll)tees respc"11et4utyt il, ý,rflltm f cv t iîty of tiuicri, ic1<ant ci o jci t gücralý tl tclie lis BOOT &SIOE STORE in those paieus igprpiiises k,îowit Caldwell's Block, Brook 15t.,- (L.ct-ly oolpiuib' ir, Wetlu:rud> were will 4eISt bejfoniict eth kiulds tof Leitier, Luttuier V WLIMBURNS. c hbyKov, 6, IlII. 48 tf lia iu3gaaTanucy of hl own, ti,-ýwic few ciler. it he ]moesetfîl '~ TsCar-k I cui oni pîtte, aud I hiviti buecs îiureltsse lnluthIe bout catlts, cufsfordeài As aî uîic cesfrcc tu pcîrulccsers I lis " GOLD & SILIVER WATOHEB pc AMERIItXN ULUfCK8I e Iof S c i'cc t icn.T Laaies & Gents Gold Ghains,An EnglishnîAîke Rings, Brooches, Ear-rings, Ltcyit SlylrccJr-tLictut-iGold etid mcon eîrll cccrc.cetdnokSpootis, r-rSpectacleti.O Suit ail Sigitta. JAMES joi-iNsroN., . NVctccttuec icîl Ju ll'r SIGO 01fTIE LARGE 'W"Iitt ticl-hcgcrr ictir î caseelfrein . 1. Ichic h- iiitc- u !l FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &C,, 1htlie I l.iai juif mde,' icrt i peia>ý of O tc ir oy il, Toy4, c..îc i.i al a'c-etî', cîci Cat iclt is uaere 1rtuc-clic ccnctclîuieutitwil eitctuýipecb Iiiy ciucicc-cc c,'u titte r-u c., e eiitcirucd 1ie.tin 'tct- p1. cifitld ccc-ucc-t ci-ct ofc CIBICE FLO'WER'S, t iccu t Puicltf ilccti t u n ti , Oircit.ticO uuis, 't i ici lctctiilctt-, Fcc ipc1s, titî- o cii i i - i -'ticiiccotpcera ghut i ch sutes. icck îccc-ic wiucccl uc!wilicwc ccicc c-c--t ieerracktrs, ad icteicu 'iccuto l-tlcc tc1incrtîecy. Al lluit CI, wjs*re i wteligon; ,'tli airl A nia 1- Wil 4 p Ie SOU9 of' lte t'rlter. ues thatypclik tu tik The type e t a aiîIcq ie y.o( titt ilotue"-tti o piliu cui su low-, $adytl etil Sîcî, lut mtilltbey grow 1 o Se ttcevicuctw-Igw- I aorcis. ht4 t iIc Ut dcSi uiîtîl te parti tu i î.it ttiet tmc.iud; Wuerd, îlot stialc iiche-i Vhtie iri siîc 1ke, ttiers ucf-lie opptus'd ihall break; utù uitii(lt cuti riiiy'5 ittcglit, ut itc-eîgtlhi i -gllitccIt- tt Spe tice " ltititlatii Md Juitit, titéfiti 'ilpicîct %liulnucccrcud ttccccd; allîttjîc itr sul ig sa u cc tlle latters Ice Piles, s tise Inicat aitii sttth esipte tuoole, tcigpr-'ci.titi irmai stick, à ie entecidio rof wýllt-,, amlcuck cof b!nck, tlu ltilcIt,aciilt!cc Wrotig tttaok. Seu-i.wliture lulie, e or -huiy IC lit, 'ri-t ciitr-tricuval tteîiutec's poceer 1 Ti 1ili lituret-s itIl ia-o tue utul dotti ho give et;ltctr wnpv Ifasoicît cit blir, !I-le the ,rttutcer still grc.ws, and ted Octl -WImc$ltcglict lcia!ConoactOi tier! An A4dverttsemeint l'or a Ilcusband- ileritpu i tîtyccu-f w-I ertiir, - ici'ltit tile tvritnon t1uticcoOr-r, mii.t rahc cl icch Cte)dîtit, - TIc itoinut e l clcit Ccacclove-r. i'vicenthicicr t1iccttittiiieg eautc-X y-tii 'til -u-rcctla v ttY cic tît titg - cU ý. lcitcdréa or- tii ny tex. - ttcicil'iti lctelc totuity, lir éci y .ccy :citiaut. D tttitcit lccc'cfcl litcgsti c lu-e, - 1 c.Il hlicltflirîr kif becitijiLIl ii au (c! tucuil.- lIî itat l'ucr-e I Iou.ue lu menmo, 1jctto oît a toiitCw-ut l)irucIioet tCUltIWt1 T1,1 O$LY PIitZLe awszi1l dfor lattiy Srwtuc- ci11eitcusnu- te Judg2es A iltce Pc-vtr-iuIiCtlcbjttii, toitin 1.tudon, Se pt 12)u1inltfO, tuuancdi l7th, wmus giveel lt ILy.. Wa'cizirît&' Cc,' W boulr &- Wilisei. 'l'ic, teE-tr.ràziPc-cet nsItegirt foc- Nos. Iauil 2 "it-r' Mbus ltrtgacl:itctcs. 1 l'c-ts tf c iua iareictrwere elsu swsrdc.1 r-c Wcauuae,Cvic '.s Wtcere s-Wilstu,stfi Wttiucar t-r- Sittcr's M.-eulitnesoverar lt utlcec-s i'.t thWaorcfArtsmi Niuiicu-' titres, aI t he MediieIitiisitticteTroeutua. -Tliey atotiok First Extra Prizeb ut lte teitri Cctmuty A-riccrtorci iatrt-'et Heuil. tiy, <cierBwocuie; if) tact,,e.'ery pleotý wlcjeru ttey havte tteteitutIihite-c. Watczçr 4, <'i.aWiuoler i&i Wtittl, anti WeVtitur ý- &4iu.S Iiger, lExcel any Mbltin"c lc;x r-i-ar fcere mînacturedicithie Iitdi SOSit£- otr Cccîmdc. Sr-ccc uart ie r-. Itiut1l ic' tees lbave bteî m n- porticg fine 'tieIzet, xtcc-natiy, W'-ealer- "Irlb3 On, 1cc ïavi,thi e *$25'cash, di*lferetlre, 1oh Jssici t eo uîiuerrft!i tt 1 o - tuillthielliiivcu the aiuticr-itii cxpetîse nfuentlluitly setut- iîcg tluir'kr-lihiceteate Sti Cesfor. ujil Tiafllii uit-iSc good- teav uig he uts are beicî g hit.î te-luCaxim ,b R. M. WANZER & Co ast Lver wec- mTt1 liftueîurt uin the U. S. AIl Genuhuie Wutzcr & cO.'esSwi1ng mrâchiiaex beuir the tamcp of IL IL Wanzet%&Co¶., flittil- ton, on tepIlatet. c, oC Petace, Progreis,- Knowled;o, Brothel'hood. AUGUSI -21, 1862. his r-umber, and %lite wînc made me roeck-1 lesi of &Il dangers, but 1 did not know-tio, mntotive -of aitl that t are thetu. "Wili you go 'fl,"1 Icriei, Il it,iyonr rmshiackle 'Ca b. or VllgL utndak antottr--a batter .?ont Y" ,an tk "Vo'eI go on fast enottglt presontly,"1 rowled theilîl-tonditioned. fellow with aj pecùlilcr emnaphasig, as ho jiotlI dOnit bis; seat. The-Ahorse 's plilercd about for a1 Moment on the Mstoucq ru, Itiik out a ep)ark, ur two witli its Itoof8, andti hen spýrang,' rorwvarl. TVoewaitermaii. fliing 4rdownj biswaecuootook off bis 1lu1it iroticeai-1 ly to mv drivtr. 1 hua -rd a. voire bohind ux r.sWitg for a " cah, qoiek.î Tlcke maro hon, you drive that thora gunlumtt, ciet on apolicemnan, and lwe were Off. The lampA of Long - Acre passed uts in quikk eesun iL eceneti bt a mtinute, -ind wpî were in St. Nlartin's Lane. At hat instant the gusty wintt bore ecros tht rod ifite " half-pist twvelve," strucl, by the bell of St. Nlartiz',,i Chuiti. Thte driver, thinking of Ibi-,overinru', turuced, andt tppirrg at the window, with a bprutal Icer, )lt.i ie If 1 heard "the, dlock a striking 1" but 1 dil not rtply, for 1 bail takoni a utrauge diclilke ta"t leoatn, anti my only wish 110Wwawu to geit ai;~'bt 1i-e osibleý to iy owo ihomue, anad 1idîoUy- 1 Af of a tcllow probtubly hall intoxicateci, -id cVideutly detern1înc to bo extortion-1 1 te andî trouiclesou. By this ime ,it liai bogun to rainfast; tlce muet hcckcro w-icvcc-îg aîcd.wacndecling, iitc feU? ii l 1011-lucclitg litiert, th-ît beat ttcrcelv agaitnst the ca windowscovering tit-iat with a movitug surface of watcr, that i iidct t imupossile fcor tise titigtii sec n0t ofcither gai-.Tht wiui,.too.. beat c c-ist(lie eCab, and 1kw bolwling ihcfcre ns up the, «reeL t. 511w-o ticortc ôii Icîtt ittc Istetttiiýy cp 1?cciit Streeti, w-the non' ccinoll hobc e utît a straypoi- cL tn ocrctcg tîp iu a doorway. 1 ncver saw Seo ituch rcin lbefore nor î;lct. It ueetocti b towliten all he Pave- cttnt, andteto madly datnce andt sp as iif ehdrop were a8 liingtlsing. Yctt al titis Iaiet iat thte ratu stemeul rei-ady tIci béât lthetMUvitulows', the cabruait, aith lîtci hont tlulcecltiflgly doivn, drove ou- tigngccraps o! a couicsesasonig 1 struck thie wiud ow angrily. to sto)p I s riIali4 Ud insolent sugbut itedc t scein to1lient' te, anlli 'id uil.attention tic iiiv signial nthrowitîg inyseîf bt in a C(rtier of thc tub. t1bean turn over tht cllïef evenjtit ut tht eveuiug iu îoy immLd, ji. Lu owîlut ta-tiithe timrî. Titrotîgîtl a Pl.- asat i ze Lbe past hours ueicc agil to ductle brcfor i me. 1 cee-lt tltrougbêIl mltht monotcts (rolil lhe tiMn tlii manautut tht loor ~Ile mtht ticket for îniv liat, t>îto 1iIte tîcat t gave it bâcle egiin Voa(bht saite issul, sud toId Ll4Wttl îcr to csfl tm, a rab front1Lite ucrn stand. :irelee iI I thoo's iwhaud ltand-shâsi& inWtofc(the Commtittee. ttooit,knd hôw ai NO. 321tw - dbat ris of la celebrateti. antd dangeroîts gang or Cour tivswho hallYd for their accompl ita- ý'o1 ny of the drivers of the night fiacre.- 18 'I Theise felloWmcf4Irove whittver puscsngers <eu' thty coulti procure inLo obscure streets, andt îerorobbefnd sometimes murilercuat tet. Was I1 tobe te ictim of sucb a sucnee -anti if 1 watt, what hope Itati 1,bts adotue and, unarmnedi, to lescape, aL audit an to c liotr too, andi on sodah a night ?E \"ow %vat the tinto to resist, however, ad V bol'ore it %van too laIe. My regolttion was i promnpt. 1 truckaRt thte window an lotiti-Poe ]yt ,L4 cId t&wlitot tbreaking tte Is- lire i kithet i t he paels of the loor ; I1shout- *"Tl eà * Sujilenly, witîh % trenuendotts joli on Itis the curt, Lb. tait stoppeti. As the door1 npenctA I crieu l Lot me out, yon rtaca- the MII tot bct robitei." 1- steppeti forwvard toi to get ottt, but- *ac met Iby a tierce blow a,1 ou the chient ftrbr theabnan, whose eycs 'dri uiow literally glamrti witb. rage. met 1"1Tliit s. ettongit of your madti rcks, llctlanit 1iil1iý, gaidii ns h.tltrutiettueet pactk viole Lylitshe tab Il you vaut akfiI straiglut vescetWgu , anti yot shalIet sP, one- thon 01auilTltrethe do Vwti-a wreoch that showed extraordinarysitrenglt <1 lié huipeti ou the box, andi drove away gîtl agaiti w4ibalfîry tfirt sont nie reclirng in- ili ta a corner of the seat. Ilitîterto 1 haddtrearut ônly of rnbbery, h îtow: I was sure the mian wliu> drove, me T %vas mati, stark staring -m'd. Ile wag gofu ing to drive mie loto somne river, or lown totue pit, orl in sonie ay or alter (o lhntrrybi liimselfanti me te a horrible deatia. There S-" ho aras no%', standing up to dri-tt, leartipgP- iorwaird La Iash an the caiger hort,,thattL irothing with pain, leapei at every blair Wi nf -tht îna n's whîp. 1 do not knowv wby 1 str diii uot iuistantly break both front viu- spi ilîwsc, anti pull tht man off thtehbo';_or hi foretopitu the dooranti throw myself out; h or, Ibrucukhtng ail Chu glass. shooitto cvery b ont tbroligh tht oponingît that tht man th.i whn w-vas liviug imebati gone mati. w lrottt arbatever cause iL happeneti, 1 at kuob' not, bot 1 cui noue of Lbeset îingit. T Tt aras now long past midInighft-arnd trcoîttid0 sec no omnt, not levcu a policemn. W. ar, irure fast. getting into tht suburbs. The tIii Fipeecil rucudered ti in bost certainu etiu±ah o leap ont, nti, morcover, no streugtit I cotîulevoke toutidsucceeti 'u forcing open ilu tithier loor. I îvaiteti, Iherefore, for sotue ne liffit or pause that aroulti give me sui op- A portunity of struggfing wîith tht r9iadman w: te %-il(o ctare 1 lied so uitluapipily erttrtiit- th, ed îulys. f.- h Ou w- flear. an, thn horst leaping nti a-ý plunging a,5if iL w-aultl Itivc 1boktu front ttcï tht, harnei*s. Wt titsheti doarustreets, im -whoýce rauclout lanips secein-to rate paRt g* usc; are tare tiown lattes, -arhïre houîses wv rere yet but feta, except at tht bcinng,. gr Si iw tht, arlieels grazeulegaiut a post, sud sa niw againet a gardon ral; but. still tte 01, tuat(iiautu rtcoveime aceerùed - nTcnhow> wv or oth er to atrcaggle hrougit aItl. dngers,- %V an CdIv umoefunticclly tliàn.before. Cri Ottce twe dashid Ihrough na urpike.- scinie Volcos sureanaed aiefcr us, anti my it tglirîg bel, le off wvl iU tiî't s5fe vit yott m týLnatic,îî amai,." -Therc'm tv at gots, sa binîl it' hi Gadl forgivi [apetI. and tt . lie t 111c the îîtadînau'i dont aface. [ soI fr antotî t iel~ of rr ni strt ecurls ny foot aroit laitrele4r ny lbrai mar getmnt houses s( t:Cie eartb sieeuwý Im« druou ie uuuu ;ap dctcction, th ife. anti Led 1 kete: 1 shall neyer kuow ig m;ho oeuiO appeti; 1I lapaul a0 roAugimttrcîtk gen taire watailcîal dsý r, anti 1 Chouglit ntly a mauton. at i ay of a %tilt4l0td relI iîtt Cie daîta ursong mt 1 i ut e ,idtramnp of fet ; t euh tîOMMt; Ucy WC trange Chat atliiril, pceîally ditiuii t *edgt ant i càdc ail Chey Ca 'f') tIi 'eaking ,thrnoîtgh n 0Uinc'm i11abac-me.ut rer iceen boctir troit 1 4 , -, 1 . -,- ' 1 1

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