Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1862, p. 2

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ývitbntiL liotiee -1 aIludii, of 1 îuJýr-1aU nations 'atid sequelitly file tient (--cri iï tahI-li soleLE. 17,he auirce ili ilid of Ille fui,& war 1.1 ljor rn'lli.:Illl %voineli. W EI b tVii ' ilitfý,rest Iïwallow IIP the. lically tor patriotisili ai la national bulioi. of the Wegleyail Methodifit Sabbat Il Selioul, .048 hrL3 be il Polig-Ll. bet ceil Ille ' r4ir t il-Z à 1 nli ille. possible l«ellue dr flic. cxllaumltûl*d lioots and ')hoes-Win. Burns. A vear ajo whený - i A l)e '10dia was, redueed tu came off 01) Moiliay last, and %vas, we art, colilitrY, imil flint there is lie prospect ariny of é tictt ý y si'r, and ;11.,! lev- 1 whalevel, of liquid ting the principal ; %vbël, Cash fur -p skins Und Ilitiel W ri ri . lui! In. such a state of pové and suffeiiiig that gind tu leurn Cwn. l'ope Ivv] 1' stont-wi III' JûQ1ý ëolriiiiig proutlIý of olie Catindi, (ýi-tajn thillit flic goverotnelit t 1 1-1ý 118. I.. r. thcy ii&L a - 1 1 very son. T rifià., Ilowevei. niuvIl Ille ýfn-"(fti and th ax. 0 PeJerals admit lit. Th, bvy('tsarY Scrinomwu lireueËýd :In Sunday baille commenclifi, on Saturday PrrIr noir goes bis FtliDùar PQütidm) âhd Brooklin Iairýý' K.. À§ýândé lte.vd. M, =1J manville.- Und iaîted utitil W ninz. The '91-fieli éaphire i,;, to liti rvzrolteil, lu. ililil J finit flic luxes are Ilc.ilher r te in Nerf B na à -or "ef Ili iIi-bçltice4l (ýstran'guinui) 1 nilà bitter wbielî l' 1 -,c)rai-y, it muît inevitabl'y In effée givin--Up rèplii-tod to bc 3 000, sud thnt Notiew- i-itisli"ilsumtlce Co. )g ýhc OnMonday evening ales much gréateý,- Il are- 1 01-driving away tire Etichin of iuimigratibn A t 01) s4le. Il lit rge, and ýa dres,,ies wère 8elivered by the Conféderates retreaied acrou iletweeil Ih,ý twil ý'IA'iJlf:sl Of na Auéli of tlli#'extensive Co' iiiijý "illi ils very la Grabain, Nr'. 'C4mpbell, Iteeve ilons ; llowever lilli . y deplorf,, zii front Ille shores of tire United Stit(es and Bankrup( Stock ssimplees W.W. Brown. 120,000,0L10 Of ilthabitalits, bit Ille montent Revd. Nîir. the Râpidan river-during the iii-lit. The ivelili's it t'il, Our populettion is Card-ý,DrLI&tik- Mr. thatý 1 vvvr 1)iLrIieig-ý ff g1ý!JdeveIl lifýtvofn oIlt>@elv,ý8 allil novi, Iwo millions and 'a half, or, itieludirim Stearnbout iý "Wýfernîol-èd are front V4it[eYtu.Litideyý-T. croah in Ille ut 10 ýTnrQicrq bOILS 1110 lidift, %Vith %%hOlla i%." 11(i1)0 file t'aqtL-l'Il colonies nearly four millions. ýpVrccs. - . ýIVVIL%'S ri, live il, nnlitv ll'Il fri(illlsl'iP,- rt iq thuS Bq ôreat as wart that 'of tire luni- hers.. Revil. Mr.. W' 1 A ýço .. 1 f ver. aide, rind thus we %%;Il it bc , With itruer occupiedl, tire finis fromCtilpeptter.,ditied yester- . 1 t ý a telle haïr, . Voted of thatl*ý;i ýwéeI. lipeakilli', ay's fielit, xliva ,lie ýJJs1In ILII(l glidelf ensc Nvill (-Vor fl1-111 jý(fd Silites sëventy yeaiýs.nýroand it lias e---- reu rd.to là; %0vui our plansý for 4eý e arok c 'or Saturd be ilew g* 21 go lit-itt-y - WA-3 the fil.t. in ivIlich oui* etiocli in flic Ilistory of (*FL- î1tt Colitury becn incrensing with a e b venir fil, Éît L' Il a ndic f l' - rnbor. of Invil ww, M ve m- file 1. is or t 10111 11afi itit titi ce in Vidin- f wnishýd t1w otie litik %VýItit,1 to Mpidity , trptilér than thât of, ýthé Most fliv and reducéd the- th(ý-lablèà; arîd fiW- gÇI Ci)lnpnt-riiii-ely stntill lie fýain[)Ieiu illecliaiIl '011cli vOrcd Of Ivoýq Stntfeà. The population of exposed, th'd OlIIY warviler iq iliilît thu, h-ixrtti iri(o lwlit il)- a Canada- -expenditure of tire llroVitCeýto st)ltsetlliijg Ileillen Who excried thelluelNcp, WFst lias stelli donblëd sécuriogý of) and, wP-4 nOt cý âliilihllt&14 fei'lin', 0( Ili h aloi lorly IRti-iolisin, ricar the ilicoltio.. the contifort, of gu@84 ton file 'Occasion. fit tilo c'Ili of balf an bour, itistend of our Nyllieh every thiet-en yeuri;,,that of, titi Canada, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A Y-EAR t'e -_ , q-ýVerV twent yoitra ; and weniiiy.the Alta-ethui a,ý weh ve statq -tdeànio-illi tu lhe Princu couffort., 0 ri 1, the Sabbath a proporiinfi -of' o4r P,,e5, uiitil illâcý,vI it bail been t'il 1ý oiree,-ý trus îï Id à- ý d' il, rtl.,I$()nabjy nnticipate IIIRfý à-tome Schoffl .13 eve forcé af lhe.expiration of an -bour-toi or Èf të'$[)Det, flotte, Il We slin1 kii,, roin' 'nit .4 14,ý ISPI. ai f. i Tiffi pris ffýneriç report 1 hal, 1 Iwi r owl) '%, children, inay Eve Io sec ihe day wlien e'a. Ilave l'cen sent from flic Pro etaýlly and 0010_ a il onpâ; weig mowed down by. our Fie, of linit ians f3hall number 40 Or 50 lu year IýLtfl1 gralelli. lll,ýFcd< to ils iieurt's core %I-ll4ýli vol) gouls., 1 MUNI bé se pâtrioti or even 60 vificialseeretary's oppealing tu file r>M'e arc requettied.tu Say thut theie hl l'ore 12 q0cloc'L' ý9:i Ive (In In zeal n'Id istil of Cillittdians il# the Tlirre t;mrs erre thry r(,înrni-ep(l by pre.ý('t0vfI In, -Ille, world Ille Ille noble 'Pelloýv Orlondians, yonr country is mor. ýb slwelýtrlje. of a yduhýr nation arisili', ili ils ýlhY hf your warmestadî îI-atiot1,ýyour deep- ordor III -.écure thé PRPPJI illatter or uiii i ribii titi. no. trath il, tIiý maiteulétit i1jal. file t1frQfiý 1ýfreIIt Jz 1 .9, < of' t1int %%,erk-. te iffients and' rýafIe Und' ýîILeo1 sticLiýrtli, ànd earnettriv orgaulzinq fur the eqt aitueh ed Ilicilloriai 11) Ili(ý 1lilice Yntâf -"Iitluilleti: ri Ont ývilitby, who Weill (ilir troops I-f'tirfI(j Ille IrLf-nt : WC ask Yeu -te, gifle il your Y werL. foi) crilir,14 Wilh ClItaîti F_ tu letit-silti il, file op 1 round. The rir wil; ter fivt il b forinfid 11. portion of ttifi -0,t&wf-ý.fU lýLà.*L week 1 e a >1 1-ugJ4, M-Ilicli was tirer' def 'nP4 iulluillent- Inve.' To th os.c,-, who ý have, 'conte froin The 01 th 'Town coufficil, il li;isbe,-,ndeterinîilcd upoil Ivlieil f, -mil D.In to Beershebâf frOin 181111*!- otherliin(lq, m-e say,ýnc, mailler soiturs a1.ýo wied %Vhat rillly e J.Pmptte y the, procs-édiligeï Ille IýfwITlV > Ilin lO 1110 I)LIV oîIý0haIVuM, Wais lieuril thé ve liérn the ecinittry:,iDf, yâtir - biribi Ille lit the race the discussion which 16 -st cO i ly, were of recclit [nit- finit the MiiYor Illiali Cali ', ; l' 1 Il , IL public ille(ýiiii ll1ý1 n0l irept like eltildre-n becâti ilil;y with kii-liàh fixpd tofiniit bliq), litilli of" Prefinration, Was metqi the a ïY: YOU $rIl leti ý i i thèçýë' YOu be- carried on in Lngland,ýanënl-lhë 3 - ýI)BYers ait 1 order Io give flic. ru , 1 cri le i IVe lo-o. fini fille gliri which %,Vas J4ýrt,. 111- t't, fil il ion of erImpany ùfter etýliil)ai'Y, and came a Cnnadian., entitied Io ait the privi. gr cauada frotta the E nipire, ÃŽtwoluld boýin tunity of fil , eir opinion 011 Ille i hilid stiveral. fil, litu Illo- battalinii after hattalion, oroulialit %ý011111- 1ruees and imrniiiitieq,- and respontable for o0ver J In. ellu wa,4> 'flot W Il.%,, Sir-, Us niait afteer MIIR brotiglit the. proper 1,eéfortuan'ee'of all ille dliGes tire laât degrec foolisir te decy that a large subjeCt.ý In titi$ wethiliktk. Coulicil IMVC lie li.1 of the formation of Dow ý4P0UI- per 1 Jni"inýr Io Ca 'adinfIý citizensilit, 1, 1, c and respectable olinority in GreaÏ Britain ndopted tire pr fidsoille lio;0 iller lo.s; i0ii:e. il;:Iii ri éper course, in flic citilin- fini- lIil.ýitiebii fi Ili Ida', 1,;Yi"-, on Loi(l $c1l"IlI, in ollici- ilaflor lhv, fi - li)V* breviizlft wordof file largeadditions 1 a litibl je CI 'y .::, s i ri tniàdý altihom and detest4 thut nàr- look upon us as uitprofitable Ilisteadi of votilig il l'a 1. o W, mi il de ri lý liavellin in l côtislaritir rendu Io Ille iluitiller ýifrMf which would ort f political exci%ýsecigce which cann' 'l h(me m lit) limil envolled iliei 9 0 ut $Un] Of_4,kýÜ or frOm I, e Curporute ul'Iýiiidtiiiv will lit, On qilliIi.tv iIiý,Iit, -diont 1 distinguish, I)etwëet; native bc Und afinjit- In, - ii, , in béitooýquic.k!,y>ctil nWay. We fully under-, fur:dâ, il will III Il oloI4 l"qIe, nank-S wi-fy. il l'on relLa t1ilill j'fi srtIN, l'ht'Vânadi'nti evé is toQ fnr-,.ýighted - , < 1 M91 6 in 4reOrdujive 0i-inost livide, iii relieriîný,, tlmt thPsie fi-, sec such nicedistinctions ; the Canadîan ils which, the meniolial to ;4 AI. atarid, >(lie vusi difference in importance bc- the, spirit wl 111 111 c'lent) and "M"fictiable limde, )f 'traveill- in, illu ril'ur flrdl&li. t el iv-X. Ill,' ofrui-ed LY WUY 01 Lake .(fur lind Us wù 110101 ire lis e i cet ig 1 on genet-onq, tot, luýâe, foie abie tween the ideus of an Oxford rroféâer and bert the Go 'a ', od" bas been ýonceived, to il]. in 1 lie 1 iliw lofiv flaringr in flic ove. titid-1;tLv fil" -In. find iiLLs slinf î us, Chambers Un ildem'sb 'a ilrimebri 9 r ri e Peuple ILI) make thuir o J'fýfJlIPHlf!d wood'i ()ri 1 'Il il Mo -ni te a we litiow filial I)eÃŽllàcýr low tir nn,;t darirvi riratintrie fil WU volulita. Ç)tlrfifilIt, illion the grollle. 1111:1. in ýtÉe rrtell, we iliramousty lilifle and th,ý,,,reiî'c ýlr. Rucbuck, Voluiltarf CoutributiOsim and C-Ivt)riIl, t IIfýýIl:7 ili-vltai 'il' Of Ille 01: tlor--Ç.;ir Ci. 'CI. III COJI 10 Mille filai, fil#, I)f)litll;ll- -Iliit! pâtiýMiïltI witm nt Jast'a IivitJý,, leiaily Iller vnu Country výhetijohly Or Ùild illat shotilil dile a tj"metit olà, or an hoi.r old or Ili veut, or ttel;nl(ýýllýof sollle note, -flot Municipal gruints-aro ilic mentis illatitt 1cInc-ý,t 'f I)JIiid eaVI,ý filent tir 1 Lctvîs-althou,ý,h trwal uivier rite 1 -ly .110lice lit tIx". Io,. lit ativ lime irorce'a war Ulion lie, ý Can"Ili- tell ypars old, if vour Memorieq of flic past arbitm of we Would RCommend. in 111(j u,ý have beýù,or.will be, appointed' pronf.1% of Ih,ý ('011fildortitos und tliiy The poor mari 1 .1. ,.IV 1 MIS raiiid ý,,ocid nernuat. of illeilisel- Und bories for Iýe future, are Canadian, if car fortune and- dentiny. Stiti the voices Wili fi 11vé air Ã"pp6ttunity of subscrib- ' Whiiby. Âýttl'uctic addi, liOlPil, %Ve foc t( regimélit Of infantry fired a ations and asiitratîoni areýCan-ýt- (if those itnti-Caiiadian inemberil of both irig bis penny, ùýq wtel 1 as bc rivh iiiiiii Lis' )Id, !litre been fouille fi) flic 11MI nitaitte.'d l'o àtiyilii'llý(,' Iiiie lie)' flÏ (Ilý*lrlf you -ire Clinudifin. Thereforc, whe. liouses Conte liarfilily across flic Atlantic, pousid towards rai a leitilnOI)îul Io a fold, I)rol)41ýi). foeiioli of but wu di) claitu finit i4r von cotre froin bonny -Sentlànâ frônir ily of their greut Und goodmqlý ýf - tieettrinz to iliercase !n tilti agiter We a menu- in 11,ve t)[>-(jrfjtir, iii di-Wrillinaliun to ahidv- ru it rePn and cetir.MuS Erin, or from merry os J'eff! od (w, (4m. Iiiii. 4)y 0w lily, ill pi'âilir :%titi ildeserv'ed rebulies like the ment In bc raisp(loil 1 ford, Y, Eri-land ; whether you bail friîtri La- Belle u ri Cànaditin soit ("bc là Canadit fruit, iiii, front lIfý),.;pilality.-ttred lav, Preince, or from vîne-clad Cermatir or the old geontretrical rittio-ns the squares of Prince èonytirtý,.i mfmory-(alld'wL ello Èlut M.'t i(liwt, 'ill pRt1rýinti8Inf ive zitiffier by suilliv sourit vi lifIther you have conte frotte tire di8tntl(!O. J$-ýjt Tcht or just Mr. Roc- no od hy t i on a 1 f t. I-C IIP rituel., a Et-onoinisi. if lion, I)iii, tiffli hére shuuvd nui bc (!liq!) Le 1, %V r t ô lie' ILILI)itl;ktl un o4iAr pfflple wlintever. distant Und paltiotic Nor,ý,ay. or have becti 1juck- to Il il us of, cý lý fvüjV> t filât, pag e y "Je tint entre a farthing -flic deàire and eu-gera ival il,, - finieu, (if Ille elleuliv 4ý:I Ille Soutl, i Arîd itliva;itILgeq such ws brou-lit eu to Colitilii)tjttý vvery tAlotild hither by business or préfemnièc fi,,% fi> yetleW atiompteýl fi) il -c-,ribe, bout our adherunce te En-land P Do ini'ght bc grenter Sif: lever liolic! [if) 1 1 1 Il (if i tîýe« froin the Republie iouth eus, or have 4cri a biiii we have t:o doilLt, 1. 1 'ili, New re.:snItmw*o rIare and'ilio agi- born--oii *.he 8oil ; tic friatler where ytu bail you not knoýv wc are firmiy attacbed to (tiotwithstandiiiý, thp limiers of file iiiii-t1ile %iiii, tire inanarüt4ent of affoils firnm, we von tu love illis Our country. flic - El impire ast you arpe that we are cittier- prêýs'1 a 1 t 1 Dur loyttllyz,) A ýl 1 IÇ"r Io cil ilito Ili(. fi flint Caiiadians will i -lit ild, fi 1 Tlie ignivort- in our 41,vri iiiititl.,,, rinid a frhielin of -roverri- 'Ir yotirlie.irtsi are drxwn, oit the ont- hand, 1111 finit c Il bq dti.ginýfl Viril lý) other lai by 13ritons or our fa(Imm were ? Ilt-niember net a becomiiig l'art in tire Il j 41ýt of a liIi-liIill,>S flas beell Joi1g 'l'lit rail) 'a 1 9 Men or es of flic lut, arc lqý said Io havP Ifý,eII il(ýt-trý)Vpd how Sharp and euttiiif,-representatÃŽve tir that thé Town GfWhÃŽtI>Vý w;l! Lv belli id il ri% il iiiidl religions librrty w1illi illey flot yet milire, drawn ci) the ether band i ýq ' lit,. - tous WILs there to E lit] 1 ùd fiv cve, Ille f;tlsilv tir the leport. fir Und prýper4ý,-;f ýSI1rh "À few fi) thîs by anticipations of the future ? if pen knived and raxors - codurrit non ani. 110 otbge il.- r,-'7egie, leill, 1,y Prov4,ý ri illlIel, Ir nily. a. Mýyf- thât w-as Ille sepne of your 'ciiildhood's lýilà»L etulai qui Iranllr wit'arre carrunt.- &baie p, ý)y blin M ();v(ý Inope suceptts for flic sc.tith, - t l'-ili -tf iýul)l;(, ilisiruction wk;tlt ilq nt 4) ' fleê 1-Ambols, is not this the- borne of par peace- Did it beconfe you-, Sir.Cornwali Lewis to D"Ttl OF $JU -ALIàx 31c' ý,1tJIân erlivi-ýe ivouil hav 0liee, te ilur --lor iiiid the 1-nq (or otir fui nnd-ýllapilyotI>1 à.-e_? If the fiatlherfand tell uà YGU Could atifiLýipntu the lime Of Our witli 1,51(w covIl fdu-It!ý8, Mtér riiiir lioiir,;ï fi -t. Speaker of the Ligislativij- e a t olice i L.î v _ile;411ýois ; Ný:0I ait -yqltýit, 'if corit4iiiWithe bonus z-ff vour liticestors and Bai Il(! renliz bard fightitl'i, 1,(-X* vol is il) dait er. Croie à du;,ýzisýturf-e apprellemilon or ic. kW,! lolil %%fiter idtelecil", IVIIIIIi the flikatre of III îheir' Ji CO$, Couneil died nt bis ofIl oillig ilicil F-a v e lece2t, plwed ili honora- The coliscfif'itiGIJ net lias bIýIsII fil#-- Caum! 1 fý gte" did you forget Fou Were secretarry- %,il!) ;U1111,11111 improvenienis ivild illeil- jeatifless "101T, ît not Ibis Ili be the ire atid litc-rative ils a resuit; of or lie KiJi'lý ýtq 110 Olher ilevipf- or ('ri Il home ofyour pô.ýt0ritv, the field in uh-,Vll at-War, andýarù. Ille idens v leur 11arnilton, 011 'rritj;,v, t 'e in lý(imila. 'ft their nt ild yearýof bis fige. Sir ithe G,'otIl - . 11 i.41 lipps'r'; 1 o Imvc bi3('I>ilIi) (Lisal iî 1 popilliiiion liave ever oiviipti ý %vith rnrn wealth loid posi. thoseortile of w you are a I&lla&l Ivm lit Cioill, ; And r1éd, mid 00(4 41(virt lis more >ýo 11lai il, pair vot icerivo ilil(f larid -vor vour family tilluliel lier. liai) ûrscoteh extrac-ticla J' 1 . 1 ' member 7 Be caildid ilow and tell t ativ ouriff niait II 11-f ho,ý a de ent(jr lielivile nofili, filent filait on' '11,; anille. bosom, leti.s; of iiiilli,)riý witli liorlor tInd reni wil such 88 il bc wias hôm ai Niamam, lie Wns a prolni fidCntîaIIyý if y intn artive C, shoubl avuil i tir widi a fi-,i-tiliI soil w1ficli perhaps, never yet porqt-sF(ld ? We do on *culd liko toi sec Canada tient polilician as weil as 'a bl-ave sildier, bill- 'J'lwy bave shown thoir disapp rfival Iicb'ý rfqý4l)s the (if l1w Iiii-fintid ý,oI iirk ýnii to Inve the old conflit- the throw olr ait allegiairce< to our belove ýs-IIrff tle t\rel!tttt at l'of A; y d and hi& 'me wP1 JUIIII iletnain intitnately tlicir institution, 1 fi kiII(-dý ti inail ; %%;il] fi clilliate illiti ni ('11ce brauf'q and ý It-sý blit wf, do you la cantida the MOM. QuQell ýýaY now, -any iruly would, y -Pa a . Io eucil -'in 14e \ : I(Ic"IM131 wo filet had bee jj:lr(l(!tlg Ille alid jlIViýrot-ntf-g Il AýIz ille Motiq and dntl,,htet-s i not qcsach an i-;îlue iitstead-or etoically file histo!ý,uf Lhee l'imes in* tillit(.rtnk-iilg. lie t w iliiiiil veÂn nit eiller td' our couritry'to ar 0 whîch lac livedi di ac1dýeîîb ait ýýliliglitei 1, plirecinte file iricalcu!.I- lie Gtwt entered Piii-lin. self flic elicluicitts of Froin Europe. wishing us'God ipeed, ficel vury like talcing, tý(- Pývsse8s M canadians. l'ci fty __ __ ...« 4 - - sec t ihy : fffilà Liverpool 1 U p a inuaket youmeif to force us brick juto JuIý Augif;t Nvikztt inav %ve pot reasotlubly hol'f', fol. 0le us reruminlier flint ours im e.rpliatically a es lie %vas i,-,hicdýÉýrît ";&,lIntiliy 211d ri(t Qncptlîtown Augusi C' future of Çitntida? Ir, Sii, %ýe, ii.i CJ01A. c(')iilitt-v %ýIJer4c il, mari j May becorné tj'at the tanks ? Isle Ncv Yurk J.ý -ýct)tcýY Co. ý_ïX 1 in connectign, é - fin dians, i tre otily true to ourselves. Il niý - liuYcýt %voik- or t1jo Cteator-a Man. Let Ilow is e se eV Ca re ýof iLe _bard il * to 1 eUbodyl if 'l'Fe co,.itelit.q of titi 'ry days lato'r tiews gliati 'lie Jura. Thé týý ýJéCéIrol 1, fi lwù 1 111, ii[Cicent d"liijy iivregqarily ttttiit.,; fille ýi-s i(-iiitii)bçi- tbiif, Canada is koly ground we entered English ' _ 1 ýG lilit ia ut but 5milf.û P Ive -r rire -i; followg- Coiltitry. l'et us 1(ýrnýtillier ilint ri lifilion um ; that if ilns been ballowed by ait ît is, truc, -have little or y whicli lvas iVIýý 1 t mir of tlle R:,Zllt IlOil Ivin, Pffti 1) id but a citizen totilliplivil bv iiiiiIiiiii.4, IlDd tcrti-S and tuils, Ille pains and Ivellai- Alori: IVIVI fin çi but we ivould imul lai ;ýei î fil arder illat Our Coulitq nl$tY b(ý' ihe'jnys and gorrovvs, the hopes and Na, 'k..-IlitllN nit Col- N' P., blifi pin iltii C7_ let uz3 lie gréat-great uý farinvid, il.ý 'Liixifýtte& of où bonored sires D %vlivre lier clew hall It'f't lier. legisfiatifis, greait, Ils inei;111.ttlie8 finit iller- lf)N'Cd and revered motbers. Let us re and Stieffitid vu, i- currrnt, frf especialli on cliatI15--great n3 ilipil and ýVOM(ýn. Le 1 tnemlier thtit Canada is and shotild bc te and equip tif ôlâ ý0 -ri a. il ujo, 6wiu , s, lately Iisý.Ii in ýoIill Bii- Ille con ïïe:lt, "r, tO 111Q i:rit4ýtide4l nicdiali.en wi ;il exil finies btaivd re,(Iv in li,11 an(] uî the and brightest,, atirl ýapJ;îest of 1 1 1 , y aloi Jef- 1 eti f ;lu 1 8 31 toi eld, Alnericail flffiirs. ï hu, troopis, the 11(ime Minîstrypf lielce FDý.3 illat Ji- fiacracice l'or clir cnunti-v*s -eeritt si i Il , t 1 t Ils ail I;Llldt;,; tIvai ;t3 sky is aR serene, ils . u arice and -PUSSIrL lis log relieved of this expelisé cou we f frey s Briti4i CoiicIiriIogý- tf) , )1 1 do fonde pl Opo'sit ions 011 the sulýi(,Ct In Eo- IvIliJfý1- Ille ivold 1. canliditilil, Ilve sý IIoný ni as p1e&safo_ý ils daughters yet more Iwo Ipiligevia ili A (lIiý; CI 4)r ;111 ilifit is illatil), and trnPý, (if kill iiiiit i< afford Io pat us on the back. But iront- re! P-ely and. pure any ( he worid colr- wbera,,Sopbia, ma - rrie Ja 1855 to', >bc 'cles of V ive tan. of wlingfard ;Saléits t "fit "er('ivIId 'l'O fillai reply. no 1 Iý1Iin . or is (1l"it Englaul bas sLnt a sref:4-1! ePf1eJouý and hospilidi'v. L't ut, eN-uý lilill$, Lft u8 renif-raber tbat this noble flot tifford to do eitber. lu the days of 'e liold out tile liglit liiiiid of country, With RII ils inetnorable hcavy deb.ty and impoveriabed finances we Right Ilon. V Li 1 cou dètit, in iiiiiiatp ppace in oider 'ýo tj,,ý'.id the Eari of Albcmrle; the younf,êr, Mary 1 t1iose %%I)o ce-ne from olber and Jiý1ati1 ait itî magnificent pre-sent, and al] ils yet cannot lie gencrous or magnifiçent. e WHITBuq Mouday, 14 18G2.ý and siiii atiotbe>r ý izî lilridi lo live titid die anipul lis 1 am hasbeenleque Stuat t, in 1 SGIJ to a son Of the well L-Iïuwn 0 athed te us thal. England aiid the Amerîcati goverii- ter iliiit liy ilnilligrali nIver l'ho tiratIcg and lureétive's'abowered upon Si Domit îck Disll, uuw Govertior of Su'ith h e Co et at 9 Il - (lit 1 Ily our forefathr", and let ua re&olt- ir a T titicil in ment art- 1 tirIerettv nesrofintinI., Io lirevent w lare . Eliare ilot only of ilie boli'f' 11) fi, itie ýb-Pquest. Let us never ter- -us by the l'imes would,ýe ýýxas tlating Australia. , Sir Allan ii rýoitüritd tt if ýbe ('11l' Llàçi ýi;1uivI filit or tire, bier;ijl.! e Ili( le, I t tir. W sô tiresent M, tif, ý2rI)i ilin.- f "lu ill'y our s,.e14j,ý 'y- illfl",Iië" 1 1 In: gu. or 1)FIn at d'. illiti"] elI,%V ife Ille Wï iv n Alý,j 14 fi C jaù,,ý, vice, ;11ýd 4ill el- f (Ir So. olity one Normal 1ýetle Twý 0th. efiulitry ;n 1 3 ý%7UfVS jJ;Lý, to Ilvio lare thi4m year,ý sA rit ilfid t1ý', .,ir. do4v il ail 1 Couii 1 rv ell if i Iliý lit teuliilips- Uki bý 11-le vaif M,10 pavel. ol Mlirli More ý;ýWltI, of Sif,11 not à] V ainitifit (j io'r 1)w le, a!, 1 I'f'. Noi inal pl ýom i, pli illai 1 mho ' iii-vm iwailber. SiýeivC . - 1 ývliv should-wt ? be mom, Ce. Put 1 %voeik.- la ÃŽni ltm, Schod. childiren &0 and a.-nFlu &À, &I ils Oivy otighi to Ille 1 ri illid (Ji, We would boori more thorieughly litioil is ;tck-liow- pl irind of r)rDgf,(ýSs, mi(t 1rabriridit overytIiii)". l'Ji ai the wiih t1iý_. Scille of jI'Ilv, iJCt And we have t', artillerit ili Cana- ive ofily 011(' lioli.- rire to have DO. ?f 3 ducs not wish it. Il an iflt.ûl ! 11W bot. Lr!ýzig attenlion of the t, w1liell 1L bals, r ! This lettlt t i L tâ ,1 -for", , ilein lit othcr3 in th.) r Suppose that ri Riimiltoi, àndý l'oroiito, wiih a A 11;11 he UI)îvemity se- Stich a regu- Mie rtýf in the $ides ý'Df' Ille Qe.j. triist,-ti Ir, 14,Pitii,)rl of iviii ria rn-nte fir- Ves. tel-1 the ff'l th, ',in4ý i-onti.,L,; of men. Th e gmlý ±S, dgv,-; ii A of niýL rt, i 1-igts of Sj 'teachers 0 C* un(k-1 e ternit, wl- iiitv bas .r mari orw6m4rk pt;ttîng tir tion of auf risk of nhmit i t tells ripdrit iw Ï and unpretènding, but ail the more im)lid, "Conded liv ILIR nid f(ýr fillil jârflille ln fir'ns, ltut*()ý,',S Ille Clitire Confinellt and c'aniièct the of. Parliainent. »J'he very men ýwho go On motion or bir. Pert - 1 Jut lis 1,,,P'-- t, ü t. Il ý - and heàèrr1ýclI. If te di t'or :,wal ilýýi4lutit Attiiiitic %vith the yet more distant glibly talk of the dismembeiment enduv'n, e full of ait accouiit 4jfýifr. Danlvid Àilýl'btiill jýjjjj 'f jjý," wcIt. i pacific ; wlien that Maille Leaf whicb of the and The Yeum, respèced und I)eioied, and iiurroun- atrivuidi eiý[ vices p e F fà r Énicid Eýmpire, would bc the. list to resist uny dedby irfflim in- tindur Ille direclion-i of Lliu, T wil Ilée The, remiltof ilitil L-#jnýcriplion ordý il by bùt a some growth 91 MUCI, of tile rtitill. and prospfl now 84) jç)y(,Usly trellibles al t1je «I' d Li,ýcý)hî ha4 buen to tirh, thou, Fily of the country dejieiid:i lillois the iuflux above . our lipadai ohali bc the uch break-ing up. They tulk of the etyer- dfudiline cmeA, ehiiii.-ett'a týbileeii-can take lvu Ordered 10 bq pýid, art e one uf wiloir, ad& arj(j inac ' efui etubletri of a mightiler fince 01 Ille union, ast jhotsh itýwu a very theFtin,, out of di-allié . Mrs.ý Cochrane had 1 1 ý 1 ý e Rail of Aineril-,ýuilipyaidi Ciiiii(là. Num, 1 $Ji not cffly tu Ilie pcpulâtion but large1y aiso lati(m 11juti aily upoii the Ilun has iltfl, foolisb the fullest in est sire of,,oomlatiuii in thi:l On luotirýn 'of W. Brown, ibe!Coutmil bers are arriviii, tl.tily.by,1»zit uf] Milway, ing ruàtte'r'indecýdj' atid 4 theiï nt every point along thi, frontier. Th 10 the riches, the rcSourû(ýS of Élie coulitrv, Silone nation, ailliong, Whose Lappy réslyG(--t. , Dut- werit inw cominitice vit the bill, yiý Y- el, specches, incite In discontent, and it may 10 If "r and it-is to be hoped, ils vivw of thià ra'"I' ternjitig niillioils the itrts or'pencer. ý1uj1Dt I>e,:Ltil- like'lin A%*,Àftlf)'W n'O Mir t Ils e t 41 W n., ý 'l'ht cd bisiel lu ews iuo Il aA-nre è d t a i ce e si in - Ille past IWO 'Iffee4s a si abus e, 0 il fi lis 4à Iliat our wili o3er every pos- litérattire, alid beaven-borti shall Il Illo in&ubordination, ûlauýý'f ýSAw1L zityiiep>;. wiiheu ââ, fitid ilieir best n'rid Inost coügeniàl p h me -who pervade ils every la -or 1 bc, rZzt Isibie facilily and inoucenients Io itnnii- 0 ommunilyi imtwhé pü8sed:-rate 6t cÉlâtsý geste _%J ir iîlý>;'ýîl!ïiÙt nr Ille 'oHer iqrýitte poms- _11cffieciate dm tý has '_ - ý j '. f __ ne grants in order tu draw thpin to Catiada. civ' a ilizatiow and their; àreýOOMý'frrquenIiy found în 1lýêW côûp 14 'Cent -in, thoais. ."Fhè ýeeRmýw ilîérrt -tïýt air Were proper mfaëurt-&, tah-eti how Soor, Chrislianity hall bc the bonored i oVoý - nstru- iriî ýp M il _s, and whe 'Irevel in the thou R£Tcax O'r Da.-G cbr, N4 arc, ýW'io in the would the 2-5.000, or 30,000, %ve IIOW .4il niellis, under the Almiihty, of dojrj&ýmuch brought f)ver thirty youb' 'fr c4ýgcS and ÏiWýI home of, j tlrxr.'- genera kiioý,ins' &Unouýce, the safe: _'Vinèiýnf titi Wýdii-ýsday éýeijîwp. 'Ã"iiý 'e ýr41 Ilually rective,'bc' illereased uýiifold il 'l'lie tu iliaiiý,1u1'ate thai long desired iiinc".when well Illa t -in, ail effl liéd , îs'ýa illiOlis Shall ttirn'lheir spars into r:ünilig of fermentation'; the '.Gunn,,1&4q, b1Uy4rýOf ýIlwlàîîlby-,- grier'an Mr. Perry ëa 'atten- slignq of the times are propitious. Cod forý Ëa idlé e, 0 le f th T4ý I >p boat brouAit a4out. 1"111Y more. l'hie id that we sijould lake hooks, nnd tlieir BWôrds into ploùghares,' &COM absèrice'of Iwo inc»ýth4,on axi4it tà'Mrop, Ji aints from 1 e 1 p, j plepsure ia the 1 1 ý . Ï ý-- 'j", -, , 1, ý 1 ùm opplasile r. am à in the a à biiiifortunen of our lapighors and 1 ilm suilf, FLA 811:111 lvarn výssè no more, abd when aH ýhù:i ïoýnýtwilig- in the waý"ofrüiSIng kindvd,ý wid totigues Bhali-,raise the glad Tuï ilVel whic e sa was unýlortunaWl id 1 -Y Ili, Rte for, thi: lneiseitit, thut we are ail grieved al the frairicidal and quippiliga reuç)llabi suc an ale W-1 1iid'" eý the* mericen le pumher or ýIili- b", ard 'poèîf'-joh"îcý- e al Ir way aemm Ille A and crueland sanguirfary war whieh ix iitilw -are t hannel"in the beat way they et1a zPeili là JI)ecvuary, we certainly -thinki 4t t è_ wondé -M ,it t, c -could, -on y, bdng wageil betweeil the sectiolis; of the G lorY 1 o God in til e Ili;, lie-8t, On rartIl Pence the 114thl iffltap ïd Io a 0., b , 'th d 'Sift, neighloring republie, still, unhappy and fi id gooil will to licii.l., still we have buffidient confidence in -thè el' wo cou k ii 01 c2k woul be kt M okw t e apc e e iiýif'britiiiiiie go are the of present gorerninent te believe, lhat îhe fi - na arc si orth iidë éùt èf flid Way'. ali'd'tip alvbld eight, gn the. isiand, un canie thali grirat and Ilitherin pro8perous people, The Ti-)iidoti Times haSWadeýarV awful inatier wili bc Nýigorous]y tuh-en in lit , it, toa by, thý,fis;& ij» -Tbe-etiàamer,-cýf that miru,,gle iiiiist have site efrect of dri- 4XI), fr, a, 1,4, , In blutider fit ils isou, of the, 181h, Tuly,>;t4nd floi)n..Bg it,çan -bc donc- but j'haLeýir1[1 ýn> t e ' Nýà4 Amers one fr,ýpfilk Ving iintrilgratioh 40 our borderg. Wh 'Y is liandled-by"rome!ofits ýùontem ý course mgq,,,hè adolil-P,4 ;. fl,ý Liîâil è iLe' ber loyaity, tion of th « her minet le *ad the sia urderlop rt JlýnTm and li qD& W lmon th lb,6 ftiduenc merabm of y çupp ied ri of, garxii

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