Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1862, p. 1

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ioi flOt, ater. 3OiNEYS AT LAW, ituîteoUllttcit it W hale UNX 'uJN)VFXAIII IA, i,. Wu. IN. i J, A. iAiS»t DAUTN ELL.a «TIARMASEREXTRIA- exatiiue- litc Cltatceu-y feu rio, Bro cl-a-tWlitby. 47 elaStore, aeaau-. c't- Ililti.40 XT J. WILSON- SA T toItNUY AT 1LAW, ELs c. RELLERI a Vu> Ite -rtd nIe, IIi;e itit1tle VilIîirzo ef ltîaVti- flu t il1iuttty et t>tt- 40 INIiA N(;SL . l -'TIINY AT LA,- ntiitutru- Nct- 'ttt, WsUc.-' LI)WV.L. BR -4N R tml&WoUU, nd i'u,trttt0alctthe- lui Q nd îuu-ct ratîtitttsncOei 1841.- -- - INN, M. De if, COUNTY <*AOLt GEFON A N D CCLI ieti îîid Lto iei ci BIiITI OtIF TE bME- , Wltitty. Ua-ry alLait Sdîsesseao, and un 9t9411Y rr neo ptiy. jLIN, C. W. il. WAIlIEN, MPa. . W. CR014, - Lý ENOINIIER. AND 1,ANI> SUIV EVORS. d Ageitt, (inveytstttlri Geur, itramu p.Wid i'. BUIN fET,' Btcaveu-Laul EVERELLi - tcGRENSTREET, tislp cf Ironit. ioi aLoi. -- - 40 iêduiatry, wo auvacazc reace~ rrogreas, ~ VOLS Vie WHIITBY., C, W.' TIIYSAMGIST AIL"lION HO TEL. STAG1EHOUSE, SM&io IAK ISAAC PENTN 4#imdTrak P tRaIl Vibtih 'f T Wne1s11tqteetl,ilrac i> ltnt(risett lfoi r selt~gocd estlrugands (Sae& ade o Raluria P'Ot Fo4 l~t7. -atentive hlelr. -II MMU~~RSlGN FI) BEGSTO INFORM T i iei tîds altha publie, ia a etcrN rtenK tl(mnigol Itu poattluirteutnrui'llt ebtito hotu lire bll,.ieea - tat'hoeabove favor aëccnttit. tcsltîunWtllo" aidaBrandIes, ahty Itiemu ntteil, Ia% randeroë t iteceSmu-ay tor xxMtot st mrblltg--ttrinti ttttltt ibt tl' ilte kut aoatr..ra, xttî.ant due auid ittIt Ji4'î LUl3TI)and *---*- impu-nvemtentri, ta ,ettu-O ctltfvtrtlier ttO tirt alaccmmdatsion ortet Wltitby,.(an. tel M10. -96 ite htlt-tmn ,oaat iî tdn 41wat.îtt L it e itet.rt ufth t altdai0unuekp ut lit e ptettiace.dl JIAîÇT WIND)SOflJIUU1sIirW IUYI, -fTtierika ir* t Dl thle titl. rII ulalre - I lt exi titated ihiiets.ttîatd% Ile tr -tte. i.eaiadswv* 1i, ttetti- JLretiruttl part of he Tuiit, tet tront t'utd. ahtei, t-t.lrteti ,y Pick, t lee lie irgootftctttt. deci asn~nttstfotlu1r trevellora. (iued ONWl, Sthli< atatîttive ouilera. î'u-o1î 1eteu VIC'l'ORI IIoTgL,(utitigtoit. Oc't. 2W-t, liutl w WitaT. Buyutoti' le) A.'tLOA5E1lCAN JIOTIIL6 %nEauelif>reu- hec fitteul"ttp tit-ustcva aid 14i vé tîci a cali. îloà Irî,ablIng atîtît attera 16 JtOHiN NttGIIIIXE- r 1lEtihaerib- derr'rea lutil fou-ni liimi, litt t ,t i t t rtiiilig ipubicî, ttit e IltIr, ttcuit ly prtîrcrel, lrllttm-d ttttr tturiiciLin th ltAve Itutel tiurtieulyocctuied try MrAtkîitaattt >td ttut t- tu-uîellttau- 5utttutiltv iiil ie Ird t- tetit ..'rtrtt thltittittturile-atte rates. Tite taihIc le reelicri lted reitit evurytitting lin tci (;tit, tjotalefinâit.g tttdeafu'l eatlorxa' et, ttc MANCNHESTTRL k- evr- ctr rttn ati.iLlsa beotu itel> titte l itilatd retoituel. iloat reiu, iqutrsaudnul cgareq. STE6AXBOAT IIUTl'I-. UNION STATION ILOTE£. )'>tTLF YORtK JX SECOND ltO!'E Fo uttrut Dej lt, Utu()lts taiet,, Toroto.a liotür, $1 pur1)ley.' atenta ti'M-ts. I;Qod Stan- ALBJION -JIOTEL, 14:AST XARKET SItUA 141 ToliqIT>,- 12 J M iTil, I'roprictutr. f*xctrittr% Ittealatitit. Es-auy attena'tinpidto Lu iaecîtfori 115 lI'RIpulirtIÎs tF j,4ltts Wf tha oitls.5v NIqIIiJloAI4. llu treTu~ (Lrmeit kept bylMu-.iluul1 Te ireti*ea >%,vu'4becu mwly rnsaadLtegierattu titttiti 1n te t ve . y . 'u- pr*ertîir le slolrati- l eseen.A etgar d1 fuittaulup ts- psatlty intwo hitt ut o aetbrni are permutte le tti, - T if aitore mci i ile, ciiietattliltd1 -J halai, anad pu-cintea, bitve beouirapitunaird1 hy teuau-br, and le t~.uCttnitiit ttat tua cii aieavx hoeottc it t attctutipr aunnuliyLto thitiiauof 1.t, guteta. , n lira prluises hbave btaeuo uemlpitLud l at reucituteti, atîticoncui riY aut colt) f.ttably fittai ni),.anti ne effort mii I am aila ei n t dttLl aIueme duriirthLe 1tay afIiiafriantd?. The table mil alWtsve hatl'ontdleuttally mupled tllh tt e etit sIn eualu. Iafultowiuug atut'aesaliatci' liquora te be ha t thLie bar, irboeali autdi otal. MNuurtntsGlenl,-iL Muougohla ant otiier eupa' or wlii»lteva r a)id Tom,. Bnllanul (lin etbuaîae cie - .'l Otites 'r i-dl-a rt, Sit u-uy, ant iaCs - 19 licu tuig 'W it it atndy th -tlr i ALEX. A-L XkNDER. Bu-ttulin, July 29, 1861.21 -CANTON JIOTEL, D UFF' I SIREFK PicKàzlitN. 0GQOD W. :OUJTEBERT. tg-zlutt.Puopnrieter., RAILR5)AD IMOTEL,- F FRONT ST1IEET,-uDeaui titearkt. IV 1. J.UW r4, rp rar Beleville, nt. 291 1861.- 42-ly fred' n h rtsteling pbie, title trttate l>ymtit atteuttuts tOIbumine*14, and by et,'etvoriatig te du al l nhIe poer for te cot;- fart ansd counco f guests, Lu ieriL a litea of public îaLroîtge. (oo<l Liqnors and <igarts. (Comiortable accottumdai on for man attd herse. Au vittentive and '-arofai Otlier lw#a>s iu i- tendance. Mýua o bt. 29, 186oi. RUSSELLI'.S HO TEL' QU41EE. WÙOON & IOTRIL. oric D YRON ST.l, WJiilTnY. A U1)0et 1Prince Miert, Burciia.Mtnceet(e A 'ort Vuerry-Lo wlttcitltter pitîem le wi!lbmI-fccial rotiteat, T)g profeoiattl , , l ticZiiie wh ottLi. Ubroiiic, mttd aIl eliar fdi,4t.4ineiditit* tel ita Ita, yteftt trentel. Ctlcerm tuttiTîummtateti nt uL ti *ttrod willot4Ai e ta th f ite uf. 81*cini xltnticfl pnid Lu Lite treatmaint for upeqby. Tii[pepta, l$,cw.415 cf te Luttaat, and Eyausd Itar. mi .$hita omdn 0 a m. 8 tolic a u.; tt.t.wctt't. Ilotai.t,refot pm', ,ý ( , tri; fti Prkins'a iotel, AUilluer cf tricnl opQrttlona uliftily partlbrimed in tAwt or cenlntry, wittI tiie best ttavmbtgjl 8iistteaatd atirgicui insttluentt' kiitcwtu- ît .i'aitt A.WEIIBER, BBRI KlElt, AND 1KE(l(CIA- î'> lci>tricrali p13titîk Iriitqb Nortit Amuri ttia r*een ton t., s u to.t ['rpretra,~istufcLrewMill Owtuara aud othar. hai I~gbutdtnaa a «cd louxlitlea, letsroita of iloitu'tg o cf sn, Lc«eLbr wiL18 tita roe'lwili, totik'iti-hind anud firure.- Ap1ticatletuu roooivod Irojar permnAca rrvtttg in «Uatittia, poé%tsaln lel msury capital- I)arttttrihlpi alaocls t w el w tabliibed torntnerelal lfeuaaa lu <ajis. A fow «ced lhuauaaaafor exliauge rurfarta- iç prelperty, 1&]ly ARCHITEOT. U-a 144, Bay Etreet Toroto. ~II ËOOTS b& SIIoESIUj AND LEÂTHER - INDITNG9, &o. rIIE UNDPEIZSIGNED bOIns raatpelfally t. finterth le ppl of itthCcitt utC1( tJîaextensiutve BOOT &SHO1E STORE in ttoaa a piospremiuuca iscecuai% CaldweII'sg Block, Brook St.J 11-0110yoecnpe by Mlr. Wceatdd) mitera miil mis bi'ondahkinda cf Leathor, Leste WILLIAM BULRNS. Whiihy, Nov. 6, 18#31. 43-tU A trnian le like tq-tut t iJs- i lita a avtiart l ike mie titi, ayt Tbratî' so0liv-iag itmtit en Itjttttonu-. Noew an cir, hItemsa"oe IWîuen tine tan-ler anti klîîd, thtuin hie ut yto i.r,!d, (Attil Etnittîs te ar- ii m,uruiet-,) ttlua la like tt-ji leaul-l t3iuc'auax gttou, v--tytt#qui, T7a oulrtlît ;Itl settj l'liy,jkt'i, tand 11 tii ..tMllti, e And iittt atnilistitrd grrrd i,(léutetd ltealtt sriclitdiAis ritttr-lt-frrtt tllie tle 0"cUn t - litt aitetl ilagit antd 'iîr'l Vt-C ytt U, Di»u-set tîid prpiex Yi)t#. ltneettlcsix dtisttitl- wVilt t hen do, %.Ytit iîtk alte t, likA I Litta a estîti. like a nia-k, Like a wiîeel, ike a ri.,k- Ai1 loCk ULItý IV- tya Iutu-rke.. leltaa l îe tîUw iliatîr-fiksLtelluOt, Wltere nstilItitt i t ltikeysetet idirci i un, lier lteart'a iike aicet-utI, Sire rt-vaferccilovter ia lie, lu tretIl t ait',ta, ttû Like lte %witd, Iiko t ttte a. Wioe u-tgltg wreli ietukei t CtuMani. Itua mitit tîke a pili, lkikt tt., likû a %ltaitt, - Vtke teruca, ec t:.t W I(itrinitisr-- e Vti neî)t Lt, t ti Like t a ,w-,like a a ttýweu-, Likoa tI ly, lite a ie Le1k, almet, lite a fiti, like r. tliet, likt-l ri -tf, Site, 111ie t.uiitig tttlnrtcauritltbt.,il rt-an. ORATION ON CA4N'AS>A, -J. il. SANGSU4R M. A. Mit Cl..tair, AutEs N prcbttbility4 ontiloastaxation. lu ir as pa- triotit, luWlte tîghtse mani fthe tenu- love of slialytaîineldtim Emnpira Loyaliata -ancasers, t i doahînet,' of misuyliereasmmbled,, -te sacritlce esa sud couafert for ertain ponury anti toil, 1u ezetaugo tbitiosniling, pleaat houssa for a but lan1the paîhleîca witýenitthen called Catads. Pt irs a ltsu ia atimated'lheiie manie meui t, aàalaicu- poned in ceniffion mIlt eir falloir Cansaiaus, Luo liurl bisck-tho titi. cf invasion mltlch mirePt ovet the lantd; sud il iraspatriolisin thal but a tam inunlbaagu, urged 700, tnyfel- low.toutlnrylot, terima -as cite mant andt prepare fareu-Lb efeue of .yoan coutry- yonu- dear tDkea--Ycitr hourea ltnowing, tItan, that all cîbar commui- Lies wkà4-the utmmt pains te claoilml the mat spart carnitttsly, onri hicetteo rejoice fer, their national exstene and pu-csperlt), andi bcltevlag llt Csaadians oughtto standt second V% no etilpepople' under Lte mstn) lu ýptî-ittie loeafor their country) *e are assemnbicd bore tu.day, Sir, for ta purpO$8 cf faiiieming ýthat time-houereti cumltin-of uniqiy-for thre_ purpoqe of cetortnin,, te thal very genemi tusage et modern days. Wa macle te initiateo thuecustom oe mueetintg tegeliiernea'year te celebraa the day front mnicit iramnay date Onu- exil- tenc~ as a peopl -a metIng togeiter, it er-tu, autiiAté oneanoacîen lu hibiter attd moert determittetlpat-ictisin, anti te Ittcul. cnte est eau-smeusanti dangîitrs thatloe of country, tbat prlde lu the passi, thst, couilettcc, that glury lu the preseul, lta itupe in thtt future, irticit alono cati pre- tiervcor matienaliiy, sud eouaroonu- future ître-ewittcuce. Anti if, Sir, lu s neun- certËoti îhing te meel te celebrate thb iiirtlt-dtsy cf a nation, it is assurediy no The recordsa.cf ail tbe ages l inte hi-,- cearma,, natioun W.,aa Ita, .-e3wu art tony et mankind ceuteur inum yreving tht t wassetnbled le ce1ebrate. Born ati tera is a litro-g endency, ut deeliy rooteti trials and dîuieictbre, aud crealeud lu adveu. d7exitcin human nure, me celebrate, wîitbsreu ae-dceur rsmpeis gital or soettîun feaivitie, tire periadival tje ateuL Irartn sud Ille tro rigans oftoui rottinnof particular sansn-tc set aside forefutleu- ilireugita turbulent anti uet tec the every lay Itueineo;q cf lifu t ICerlttitu premuaintg citildbuod ;.atîti,. l u ytr cm tituta, fer ttc pttrpoe ocf cheriîasuir ith.tre m a- etanIi'u-igop fiet outiînterruption, the r,'metbrnnce of Banme youtis E vigcr<tusansd 6 mccumrrndiuhr inupitanl epoclitsortee totaftiae-eutn, aud that Carntin t iandi cnfessed te day,o astiiuniiting, as far as pomeibr, tho exter- yeugguu 0og-ut mlei c i ual cirus--nces ofmften miii their inter- etrt-it lb a presri as happy-, aid mii ual feelin gs. 1This pu-peniy tuensîliiah preripets fun tbefututre as brigbt, as ha blidas-te observe etatlealoccasions cf min migiuasacmi siee ni public ou- pris-aIe rejeicingay, tindeed, pals. ba rogardedaseoet,,rethlie distinguisiting The past bistery of -Canada ii a grau( çituracterimiîcs etratini lbitîg-as an romlance. eupas mllmtm avidenr-e cf tite nehier nature of mai.- deie, anal a i ton 9 li a sy SmLnikr Atuenls, guideti cîay by inaiti a- ntePEl iUd d ivetmi, weanioti by mnontoty--are saLiâaletite u-.the anuluq~ t i ti ' poqtt usean auluivariotl ceurma frotu dayt aa,; 'A, et a1nd # but mau d;slikeas amine-ci, sad sures ta introduce sariety iuto is life, by elevat nome dtiy above thoir foIio'vs. Hoence arisaithte Univaai eaaltm feativala peculiar tLe1lime S. like mcmi citer comun oâlait hi ilis c-igin iu uccesity. Weca reod h ibinga at al Limes,- but are toumpeliet-ï' asige ditl'rent panitons cf tinote u difrei- eut clctipatiemls. We cannet aveu-y moa- ad ment gis-e ouu-îalvea up le harkfulneas for 7y'u tte tcas$ b.Smtâtt to-raid 4#bic tae freedt of Our ,country;-,ltaroc'ollec- hu sud bis bnave> tmninea~siled frai tiens efthlie geeduessansd-Mercy cf Goti, St. Malo, ardt, dlurcti their ativenturec as mianifeate InluRhk crasumig sud esmain. may acrosa te thon n explered and indel ing cr d ij Lurejoiclu; feu- Lhe e birtb uf muta Atlantic, entaretilte noble ris-enrirbi Chitan sd gmuime fSud ilexpedien a et e~oeemttitîea lIe main sIei'y of titis part spart certain days, un wibct lo deo-qi. ur- te continent, on St. Laurent'& day. sols-es excluinsirlyanti uresorvedly te eacb menil pauma sd asic"aotatepieture La yei uft uham sobjocta cf contemtplation, and tatsels-es item sîraulloand wmenderful te then isâci tintes titoes-ont ira clebrate soqau-aes accuitontetinasihay 'rareculy tealte cul an atititiual .dognea cf interoît front cnrvaLed Solda ant i cvillzod ampecto et tet inesaiug,'as Wmo duoi.o-daythe participa- Europe, muaithas-a appoar-itheLb scenery tien cf multitudes lunte festival. the Ne o ta-d, Us-liey fOuat thentîtaîr Nom, cf ail accalons of public rjole. borna along te buant et r majest'c rIl ing, vcaecommenti thetuseivea more marnt. 90 Miles lin wdt -nti liamoulh-a ru îy or more potpnîly.t? the.enire commun- ce0natitutiata, l ths àmuttal lsud asile 11tytan tosi dasgnadt tecommemrate lis imiandiansd biltt.aeeaîone of lte gran aveulnts oftntionatl Importance. The magic amt anti ildesi and ti mmProuivitspeeÀ vends1 "Oui' Godtftî Oui' Couitily" ci thelb*rld prescnrit. 1moolde 9iOni Kicstrcd,'t areintiollibly itampati by deas-er lu p a jeu )5thre drestti algiia the bandi cf naure apen tséteant cf eseit ttc hirerlugi, thei luddaring terrer wvi o f un. Oui Country 1I'Show 1me1àutaeman mate taOut tearta cf Carier sud1 - he thoma mords cannot uteve; ta mItentcompaulioni qualce- i an umslciawn fa tey recaît ne mecnny menteries; ilu bmitntas tey foundti Ienglvee sailiiug botin Lbay amakenun tictrilI uf pleasure, and Ite Lcirariu vwalisai gîigantie rod(, Wb" mil show you a ma incapable or feeling confine tite rivsr fer moretItan- 300 mi] 9 the lettier impulses of cen nature. I i iîfron, t lIa utllas they -peneti'%lM Y. ahcm.you elba1 r a religicus enlutsat-a dense anti gricmtîny <ega mthich fore ter bro fastte mItose bigot munti minks ympamhy ever ilu$bosetu; stosseel by tire i sud les-e ton hlm felloir men incunsisteut maves lie nto ichit il a estby teli w mt adoration et his Creator, cr an ilton in bssl mIlh*eep ovar ils surfag ael inarceuau--irelcit, whose tnarroir Ieart they arggled- Le aveu tthe rucicysiets, la sa filleti iit malt aud its balougingsas constantlyn'sacreumltg in isamber as, tb nover te giair mith coegorbangsemtimen t advsanceti; ...ina wmciii, teY fou nevr o hrw itîliona noble aspiamtacn theuiselvea outrrffledt by al1the stroI) rOurCountry 1cm ntsanytendier-recel- mTe cRice aisOfte-I amre brlactiens, tom mauy endgarting asitalse, - feaitu-e., aU ofiitih ib lisdfa ig&5 1c Mmarly menteres efthLite pait, ho uny struggle cntinue -for coantleu -ageW& auxietiem, towmiiauiy topes for Lthe future Imeen a mightyriv suad, theiupettd4 aloatar aroundti iss. imo muids?7 Wly, natural zehmàêop osini s - assag Ilthe love of countr-y -tricmlaui, finals a the ocean, asdftfftrsl ttby evento>'t ho isea a veu-y iuman luarl-gleants froim mdden and-apmate bear of tte mari Î!evars- lumA~u ave. I- lisumla itfilthe. 8 e stfathA . NIC L tu- sban lauk, d cf e nasafed ul rer ani, Sm b. ,ch pt ie, sw ea iam ttndehi icya th li gm, es or owant io lels àdaulht);iiI arrw îgathesn 7 M enmýoa cfî~i( i- t f is I bodyi;, e la, l~~,ianti m ll-e of1 m, pmie irt Ysd suroot thac ve Sir, wea àCan 'ta-tien pathe0or ent w5fr, rem -r m "'i i nteaa ui'ai1 bey %eaîis ofruralo1 een~ suh t, ? 'ca thle ge - -spros ll& t1st féi elimlafi ia , rneembr a 'serttn t6\i Miulillgs ~ ci 1J5 i e eo iLgtrii an thel - 14 - ~nain"ti10'AVEL, itsg rami their friondxansd jatronm.t Las.- rcngly reneovated ta1n eumt IE oF TIE te inier, miiclitonablea tl Lderaa, Uxlîrldge. tae Maitbeu-scf tae tegiti _________veliUng Public urtoi(r. as addition Le te spastnuatg ter, te y hava nom ?alora NlD IUPERIOR large o ue. iar teie Ilotel, ha CeuitytCoun- and ceuivooleuce, arc anenu- a paluta, Wiit- -. 1 -U ____________ aabao, Tîanet 11, 1861. a - denco, 1 bat give tatteraaae talb.heatiMMMtl of every truc hearte ad iBàn*Sr eoti1 sai lon~g iay BOCk tPDoGuoa continue., Pf distant b. Ibat anbappy itq wb.n a" Britain uball take front us ber protfiôii ~0 etent W aeprou4, Sir, Ibat Wi are thug boand w ta Pafother Country by corie i tf N Ol3f i:teriand lve , fnd thât s aêéI<ttt attRb11 ha te bercii' M*gi - .bonda. W. are prend of-forMing On@ O m*id*Iédge, Drotberhooi sun maerstsan d over wbih te t« ofIgnglantI apreada fisaimpandp ____________________________________teciing folda. WC are proud ci out tillé 14-, 1862.b N . 31 t6 aim a ahara in tit Iancestral g17 bat blatoric renovu, which addi an _ha ing lustre luthe ansiuOf lttglàhi, ad anud immedintely cmMtencinig b i!lbiiý a SIen atbiong aB wbt' blit" 8Mil the pu 1la- îreîlnd, Un& 8îolU*tid. W. éxô proad, 8ýr miafo ~ eebofl dwellin ga, and Lhua, ion of the country q u Pledll *kaBYO of oUr tonnettlon *Ith lbat embiom of 'USl yearsa ago, le-day, founded the City, of sean during"tbe lait lwenly Yeats the ltif* tu'f,é,itàt liope ott1iropprélmcd, 1hat Quebec ; the graduai but teady growth of. tity of cultivat.ed land in Canada West in tertrrof tho tyrant, tait bonoredi flî thez lt<Att tooiny by ' iùtigratlon (fmron s se five.fold; who bave maso out ex- which ever luifera Ig i te -vauguard or France; uho recnrd cf its early privationa ports ran ap front ia mute trile ta lhirty. e;vîîîzaîionýwhlch ride, iritxi$lphant ou vr sud~ ~ th afergs ti.fact that at timea fuve Orforty nmilions a year; whu have sea-thel glorloas old flag hicb gaunt marvation mu stared lte mgetimlinseeu durable asuabstàsutil. 1publie 'orks 'Fr t L.ma -n~ orx lItembruved ,Lha battiS tb fe, hl 11) y r conipelled Iou priilg bp t -erbRda Ltagfat d tite tvo z. teArdli the Wootda for leqUteaaronnd-fot ceat ofstomne lwe bundred ratllions ot dol. W. arg pr6nd almo of tlb. vemîneas no& ù edibla herba sud route; that mt ottièr tides larsn who have tan developede myotem of ecuntry.- Weielaim thal ail BriithAinrl. the Iroquois, with whoun the)' waged sa&à. tlt- ~lôadi whieb, In 111 8ttt8 tl t5iuloimta1 aist altillhidal)' rM itpart tnd p%ýcel cÉ oiating war for uearly 100 years, Ibreaten- bridges, commandar th.eaitoulahnîent cf haia tkat thé absorption ot rNM* edthein *wiib -uttar *extermination, and ciber nations-&aiyatem wbich,-givelatI us aiceNovas.& tia,Bd iver, HuEn committed niton them, tha mnct crellacdiabsolulely more miles cf rail tibs Poi. aeuls IBay Terriloriés, and av'en of .iititt atroci6t15 barbarities ; tbe dark sud blocdy oicamd y everal of temore pciterful Vancouver sud- Cariboou, joaCanada, et 1tragpdy enacted ai JLachine i 1689t-whcfl, kingdonia orf Europe, aud whleh gîves us their anialganioti wilth etit-aii llldnO in the dead cfrtlght3 the indians eutcred ituet uilea of rail, ln proportion taluri'ly 4 nti ' îon of lime ; ltaI them ifats ;à the village' and with fic aud tonuabsawk, popuilation, thau la POI - d b3' suy other iadisoliblybau w tur. Ws thbmu niitiacreti lna200 or »0 uaspçtiug lui- cuqql u t 0ýwop$a;[#bY bava mamu Our posama aCountrymno amuolu h',a oxliit-, habitants i lte msny difilctifiie oti bord. vast irator masses, auria uirablo eha" of that wo May Weili take aisort moite, "De- a hip a fincident up n ' Ée niho m e nt u a nsd ialesa nad rivera, pres oting, as îey do , 'fe ueï;not D eafiuce il- for w o s 1a asostUd: clearîng the land , te aauguliary aud ex- unequalled failii for, internaitrasOt ynvr aemo etiavol boloud 1,hatisting disputes cf her colonilet, at a lute contiecteti by olaboratety conaltructed canais our bordera to aularge eut deomain -by oeil. ipeu-lot, with the maIlera cf New Euglaud; builîtpartly at ort owu expese sudpartly quasI. 'W sptmesm a country as lar'gea iý rh 0ouqstesboftdre conuI , IlGbya htc ie apra vrnumeut; whc tbtc ulole cf Europe, sud CApable of sus. a ti-reat eritaî'ti,, aocated as it ever will liavueacen rCanada a saccesaful couipetitur aiung.sd'destineti, ir believ81 aboutit 01) ou th epake cf 'history with the deatis aL the Worli'a xhibýitionu, -sud nstouiah- lime entdure, te utain as large a pupulà- If th bra11eS4 titi, heu-cie Wolf <sud of the iug 41l Europe with stibsatitil -'and' unex- tien. Ir nll biari ud 1motlMoucaltu; pec" dprcufsef -ber wcnderful eapabili- We o rottoc, of Oc a url tI.. t~~~ ~~~ aind meaaiuc Upr<u ovrer Csna- ies <sud progreas, sud irto bave sean just sourmcan5d pitymia daatgto fda', orne 70 years ago, sud, te aubequeut Anu , correct viewa of Canada take the place extauîîlema mines cilireaitit ie- Pomment in (j et tletuent cf titis path e country1 the cf the very abaurd notions fcrmerly enter- *.ur ferasta, oun fimeitee, car prouctivèl itrot1%ineat <sud *brille.t prtiaîsietiby taiued by rentote uotutos ormerly enter- sud, fertile Émit -or otti evet-flnq auid pî à (i.ittadiaua -inithe wirn1812-45;- the sinetamnemd by reutote coentriem4ansd of ail thia cf minerai oit-cf Ourinicompara.ble anit i tjQLuigvrm~I u rule- cf lte matou-ml preutperlty, thià - apd doetclopment in-xhaucLibie M n7ea etirlaudupeiand cuunLrff, ail îunding to stop lts groirtî uan d rge epa t iie arc truiy ailtcîter ueful meto.lis-of, Oar - tihea 'LI atcy il$ progress; the le-isative union of prond. sud iuvaluablu quarrie8 cf marble, gypsuit Lt ilie tio rovin~fces sint wenty yearae ucu, Then, Sîiwo arc proud cf -cnr govoru- snitr, ietn, enl~ oq ,sad itudtsi rapid ativaun entt rebam meut, bo otrlancnaiial .inmrableo otter econottilmthâlterialg :iime-all these are maltera ý4f history- believo Lhat iroilla)' afeiy .Challenge. the and we are, Or oi,4iti to eb.mure than »a' te f.tnliar te yen as toumehold wtards. iorl i to ahïw unaàuMunicipal .ysient as tigficd #lîbDunr cilmate. lNe counity peUi; lestead, therefor, -cf, occtnpying ycur extensive, as benfilcial, as. perfect, ina allesues aFial withcut ias drawbacke, and, ie _ittie by letigthy allusions te aevents cf thea respecte, as deairable mas cure. 'Fowided, 1 approiteudti it aveu-y people flati iu theie 10 ptut, with whicb you arc al mu ireli ac- as itwias upon the syaesIetaoptati by Eng. climate aonaetbin- cf whith te complain-~ re quaited, permit. mac rater Lua sak you te ltsnd lu 1835,, iL haa gene far beyeiutiasd il ntac ouht or tee colti, toc dry kd? lot Id euuiîder for a feir miuuLes what 'are thume impreveti Upon ils originalitypleia nd inl- tunid-.-GrauLed that ira momellties have -circuutrsLanccm <sud advàutages ini which ire slead cof- being confinod tLu dli ýtomns frosî when wru muid prefer' warmtb, grenu' )Y ruay sc jaslly pride curmelves as Cana- anti boragis, im exteudeti toecouuhiam, cdthat ire uceasioiy eitperincetý treuneà r dias-irbat arc thoe civil aud religieu1 towathips and1 villages. We elecl our cm oflieuat suad cold, yet thora are fcm, if an)' SptiviiCeemthbso physirsila, anciitbIts'coucillori, îeevaa, rnayeu-s, froint auione liniates for mhich - wouild mllittJy ex- Iti igi, Wict rouîder ns me warmiy attacitad ,oursole ves, just.as me elect-our parliatuenta' Chauge îhat cf Canada - Is saltibrit)' anti a Le -Or ceouutry, sud place jt,,1ia unr omt- ry reprosentativea. AU theb.taxes ire pay healthfainea aie alkn(liltdgeld tlie Ir matien at louât, aeconet tecoan llier iu'arc self.irnpad,uand are apaut exclusivoly smarcely aurpaed ;IL brîngs mcmaturnty dur a ail It a conduciro te tb.e htppiitesi, pros- la the iniprovement cf the township or abandaut euups cf grain sud altier a2ricu1ý oe perity <sudgreatticas cf a nation. cut in irtich tbtey are culiectati. I turnu pruducîs ; It ripons the very nauaiere ou§ th ro bogIe, thon, Sir, aI the bcgiuuing;- have net tinte, Sir) teO enter ie anjy coin- traitsansd flaiera cf car gardeents; il 1M u- e ara prend of ouriniatarial prcgreas-- parlacua or te sheir the mnay atiVantaged neitbor .s0 eonslantiy bot as tw enervatei cl' 1u alt ruî-îerpiidvlpuo c n ystent over alit thers, sufllce it te ner mu cold as a tedmsrt tehumait (name. of Our remeatrces- la lu monderful thal we iity,,that malle it appeans lu be wipl suted It is une of these climates mbch hUpIi id feloo unmltFat clatoti ran ira compare te> the wanti cf any coutry, it in peculiar- laet adaptea atusîret andi develepe to th ' a- orpsetrepetabîtu position, ini the en. ly atiaptedta te .requirmîents of a neW lutuost hbel4the pbyslci -a iutotI.PitI g Osur mtiu tt e-d ihia ~w~ country.. "It expauda as popualationa lu. capabilities of! nuan,. iÇw4 iv - ~ .ae-i at f s-creson, and in afçoul quaite auy etuer. usong thie record fl : f@fi '1 l WIth catin prile "*rdob- gteat thotglkt8 AS tîAiftlUg 11 Teufy (040. llok .Wrt of the M rket .tuwer. IE ttudewlîituied hvtgpt-adts T atteve ireli kttewu pitniemrttu-n tite Itte rplttr, Mu. I >swee, be, t antte tttireLei lricida atîd tite luable, thtattilt itoia utio irt - oteliett utrIcif.if 011ô ,ttutiodatie!acf jvt,tl. Conor>tauLb~eointirdittioa nt MUeer- trr clinrza. Platticular attelttin pale te fat'- .lIlN STORM. Trantea, Jan. 7, ISA2. Itu, IaOLPIN MALOON4 tX' TO 'NTi)IEiiYA!t 1YCEU NI, KitttZ ý>tr,-t, Tuoîii, ree Lrurcharve-ry- To thoTràvollin"g Publie. mil l rtrcriht-r Itavittît mleaeu tlite 'u-enîi- T".F tta in' I rrpled irv 'V. E1124,in-ttl ite villg a antt~ttîd ltt;ing iat'et l ttett u p ain nal ajt10e la tmrparerf te acmotdute -tltîa vtîgive 1ttltta CraLilîle lttettdr kuepiîtg ntiiiîbutt TllXElDEST 0F LIQUORS At CIGARS Atid htia Tithit, mil eÈire tu-tlalrd it, ail t- delîeurc't iito cttatu. Ali atreittive (patîtu titres nva an ate. lt-ttc wslafver liîit,î a-iLa carltia retîv ui tupo trclnuz iruifurttbly aoti mliteîtlaità mel atteitled l t. I'ropritr. WOO N 'S H 0T EL, 1 r L 1

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