Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1862, p. 2

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r4ay, May 15, 1862) lmnl at caoo1qhnl. sciat tlteilion, ah' bbeo gauir i On this stijcct wvus lti tg n-m a majoi-ily ai tbosi- imrent s cnt! piucipîtir ve le. W'. eandldly comiiese îr-sen -)'tbeen al te un- 1ildren ai different demn- la the. ani iegbobio! la Illae saac sciioritogethaun- 1pay anid etinglei uillu et lors chiluran-ou-ht: and uude Ourscle-i at at ir l hir thu saue acbou antIdlearrn geluer, atiier soeid ho ai s t he contrany vo ceno- iuit ti min-linîg togrusher -<cia uoul ha tte minsneo ha. grvat dal aiftise puaý ,ic-u* iutolcnattc-ewilei ant! Ca a-bicis nmy poii if detuombmatiouual culucatiori -n purnioutiexpenrieu1ce, aWi nt ia strahugen finmthipi nirl-, anorîtuhdhbtur fe6eiluug r-ughliétvte e ii h olies and 1'roltçmtntt, tha: lave huea format! imia mixe- e- bai-e huardisosïe Nihi rience malirethe wsre m.aIaa , it Canneît bu ulhutica, ciass 31011 Cducatian lbas thea oU'u-î rsons ai diffefatt religin ithe sente <uos=unuiuy -auut ofearse a ch ouherh euIjudicet and etinutrosenuti s Id tu sttetc ÉlatuaP-tut!5o edlucution huins-tihe tpposiî hl crcatiiutgbnudIy fali Ikuter iqoalih'i6.9 thuimfor l andI imrutisl'airle. lut oh Il tWMIsr9 iore frcedoam c ction, and lWgejr cndt -t ne iblieby ipromnotaul. Tlun te reatrets ine enquit-Y vews, antd serves tb glu ýas ta men.' oplulon'-. - isse ýare aur honcrtt -tnti 't ait. uaters as ut-efini te sebools - las. beau esgtab wumuniy, atnd! the graeir iar natter-ai privile se-ar tay as a natten oh' uighîi to them ; fur in t is usal has a rAtigu aesjo lin triectunew an oeuid, ngo escerilithat there ahi hstrman'y citlinur ratkt - ta lrand thte .propuigancIiilt th tise rîtat darigerousi tir( cause liiiwonk is ta dlivirlê itheand rerider us incch c(Chu'en.) It is tupan tbWIs public spirit ta ha cs.ltisîibe ofn thet spinlit viiuuh eturi ai e-utute art! cune, u'it'.b rt e able report, à' AVier a careful iiiusal of ftue ReMcr, jwk iu>4î l]ude uhat lb.Canadien peoplet hv. rg ba s oo o e Wlt eil SatsAesd wiîh1 hli e syrr~ i pà -rimet. p-,t 's51 - sutlhanb.f4o Appea? tohlaP5adopléal nsen~ t.an -MWlire %ho depanltuacit tas îîfth~îe rljjousas it laposible ta mDaiauit.- aeéýkliiîy bbé lusagrntet! ta bHn" ~tiue1 ubOlG cantry iOta postaiý ieomin «uriettltM,; "ew pnoLroltes have iîr'$ reli ha interior, uev offices a lîi ' "ràit ,Wy mËiýservice canrieul an sith ~ tÈtro (nuglh bhe countr3'u In tact, o'-er3 nirtans u4tàais ta have biccriadopted ta pînýte iaCh iadaPost Offibuiiutapott ni c--fiýt$.ncy à,d eniterprisur,- 'sconid t - tou o-te h'thia continent, 'ôr li Lu- - TZ4rtbiug 10 . tue report ise itarnath'ittil i3tu;îttiuuer nl u o leas-thon 1l75. Post - fia enus in op.u-a:bo-howiag an. iincrpea- of 78 during the yecn. ';'h.etum- Iber of, leus Pott Office routes organizeel %raoi W), and Chus nàuubhr of miles of tad- t diîiotptl mail1 Irai-el preividet!dirwas 143,. Y- 000. The best attention af - îth Department t cpprars ho bus given' fa the esalbishmenst nf ni lces and Post rotes clonýr th. newly i hler! sections ai the Provin~ceandl the e xteiiuuutoo postai communuicattion aloag ît the Gaset-nmnrt fnee g!rant roadibas boon It ca'-etully folloacal ni) sitiu Ibis emsaîa -Î at l pragnussastnt!civiiizuuion. Wbuen Mu. Suiîh asauniet office tbe expendibtre )s vasu greater thaa"tlu revenue, but unader shaiiiiîamanagement we find agrarl E'ualiicreeyear sitar*yaarli lb. rueeue, nit a-bhcconnesponding decresse ýin thueex- il -enulitune.The lest ycau-, usiile.tle rev-enue au-tusGl98,00% the expense, .iuieuditza tui, 'fajint fan nailusey mail service, t, amotutuedto a$669,055 69, antid uucia; tý, 514853 78Y balances ini bands ai tbe Post S lsters-,the fianciel transaculinsaif t he it er-resuit in a surplus aio 13,7O.Tits Iv insteat! of beiug a but-dan upoitutise P 1ro' titettcii es, as iormcnhy, fanral-ficinea; 'ic ruu-nM. Smth's meaagemeot he Post ec Office Depanîment la not only seii-uusiain' a iuu. Lut-addul argeuy ta thé ressnues aithe îpnouîi;uceMuadt! iifta wlea 'hie huai- l i i tise Deparment bas greuity ln- I cnuaseri, andl Postal extensions lusse been ivau nat!leal directions. TI13to elatet! tuumier ai lattera pasacr iîy Pis)st dut-m; ilie yearis 940,000,000.- hk-Iveeti Canada anal Europe, the. mails by ilu eanadia âeaniers au-e aonstantly sn- Eereuuing lb.thefour Canaulia mails of Jan- - îîey, 1862, cannieti 30,00 lattera «gain -àCanda, anti iraugist 31,00lettons týte VrPniuiêe-fa auzuaen far'- tuondth be pro- s-lotie aerage tof a mit-wit.r motl- TPie nànieasr af ragiatereti letAiýatraa4tut --A -itong'th. Osaria "a lts1uIyet 1, vltatted at 40,000. -Thie, tulauia4u i7 psu-ce] post votuitiappear ho hbasm re. qilent, Ibere beitu; oauy soins 5,000 in cli. The. Çauiadiami Mouey Ou-etieransctions lussP ehieti Iras ;inth ie a-ggate-duuiag 18,61 -luan iu lb. presiouts year, but the. huuiuess aritin, epan tlita exuhange of - Mint-y Onderas witl lb. Unitedti Xigdam le stesdiy iricreaing, and! - alneady caisîru- butes;o-ootiid ai thI Rveuse sderiveti frais 't1ué Ioney Outien Bandi,-. AWngetIher the people toi Cýnada hava rnsaun t c arngmetuite tlemseiv-s on ihe - asoral taat. ai thirugs dlacupgad by the Post, MJaster Genena'a ureport ansit!nov that le- has casuplus, if lue votilt taire off tise ptse oui nea-papera, otan satisfaction« wou4i be cqnuplete. - ~Thý Wbht by l'pst 1Oec. Mn. Davli Smith was ;toiumaly latainl poseesion of the Wbitby Ppat-Offie'ou Tuesday Iasb by the. Iis4ecio. Tie'post- office lias ben reunose] fu-asuthé aid puac,,sad la nou s itatëd -ch Burk atroat in a fire-muoof bt-rikbuiding adisie e ti shawe hinseIr W tnîuly Mu. Ysraaid becomnitg emiploi 'hmsel7niiu1ôu limue. Petitionaý her. Didtfy base It i le b. more eý c noid's. tth lu l ib is mtt c: be-on. te nd itvotulel han Mn. Yn- Corner, - -? - - 'Ises OU4 geL up a big vtue ta havre the 2stiaffice picced t!c the TownaHllorêsCourtI I-ouae -l'The wbale tisinug la agrtac pieco - 0I absuetyi aund uworthuy oi Mtr Yartuuld, imýlIf>t ttoge Wo lisse fta6 ti n" ITh7e getber-tup oaibtiis Peîitlon1 nî'tlinot dettyIhal lie usouli h. sony wêltiti itd ta bai-e tbý Offiuce piacou at Mr. Laiîg's CorneirS -ta tlisas ntaI adistere we May Bay bluet th. ituuiln of tise Prcsent office is -about four /uundredfeei distant lu-unm:huut poîint, and eoisequeeitiy faon thsecentrut 1iiaeus part af îhie Lava. Tie pu-menerloffice l suao in ci-auy respect mare centnally situa- t.l,anud better suitedto W meotlhe public canseaience than tise aid aice.. Andinl conclusion ive muuyedu ion Mn. YcnoldËî consoilioni ut iate neusposf-'ofilce la h4 enect etisiil! not b. hulit hy te P. -O. De- pahu-tun, but at the soie e"pese, ant! as tiuetprapanty of a pris'ate indiviîdual. Afîer the. anubbiig a-bleu the latte hrddl inan péolile, andl thoso alio abettet! tbeni, receivarl at ltaeItantis oi tise COsuutity Couacil, a-e imagine4 ihtuIprntin iquah- lls voulul end ;ornat local, that those sduo brauAtu char es a-gahuusu the Conrty Critutr isouit! Le cerefîui tu scrten i ticin truli bafoue maldgintem. W-e were mistaicari In tise lut, Prince Albert Ob&eraer aur et' tontion aus been dinecteti to the iualhuaimi remarsrl tPe r - a-t i- f ttiruti-h-arce anItuiaIoiu Suu Ca ul. nît trvro rt- pi 1twe huv j(Itu ltuirtuiuatfor it' doit'tg tr i itan ýi éh s tint ty iiir jreu-aia. ihaut ire iut-rf of itie %tVtittty CSpi* hutt sati Whti ileîuOîint ttr reng iu t, nrt i ttr iy. ira l1gb,tmi thttienu. a-bI whcht w-r- t1wIei unî' ueIunrktt, te eu-lt a iýrai; titue andtw, e-ubt ha lau-tu tutiiittf the i, pt>ie (ttit. fetfluu, etu 'r ti; par fipirtf Ciut.y- t no u tt'ertLusa Pue, iinile 'otatly Teui ,-an-qaal5uIlgiele & kCo. ae aomeuiug NIt%% o(niiu ren4lei e nwuse a tahuai tire Ciiuy c-oaa- ai provin- what he sy Tut~tfes le/lire it ha$ beeu 8alwou, bY ater joursa ahy. > daat Mie Editusr of t/ne Wh7tb CNCtLE hMd wonged t/ris Couuly 051 eýflaqrge éuuscsf siWsej/7' Ia the. Jaausary Session of 1860, e pull- lion wss pnascutsd ta th County Cauncil by tise prapniehara of tiie Walcliman anti Flsudicator, compiaiuiiag luat utgu-uss antd systematie frauda" ad bean made inu tho prnutin, aceoutiritofai1859. %Ve tien chai. louget iuvetigs-tiar. AÂspecial coiiiee a-as appointeti by tise Couticil, the eacaniuti ua-nu-ok vertu laid befana comipaemit ptin- ters itu au-onta, anti the counualîtea relit- ed attise next'June Session. Tue: report sdùpW&unanimoaýuly by teso uact, &mui. shows thauï,udertlsesw etusider it isonîle *td n;iuuu u ý 1 î1 -'W '-_- ' ' ", ' ' 'i o pne e, ul-i Ck#uble te tiig, de mi, Hohut,i ani iupl tissa thait of eould hle &M dte di t balf plice, ifflhe I roild gel il. Bat it is thé Sheviff a-l iltsa te foot the iiI, -sud vtIth2e eotmi:y; erul lue wilI nil lie liiteiy taeîtay, auor bru asic- cd le a py ui1iing bot 'e,;itieusts' auJ prî peur rutea-Ahetber thse amuau hoaonue iithonsatuel dollars, oa ihv tiusand. T'le aire Mctuy iadvenC'iý,aervi1tluin te Clrmsiele wvltbir.1,ýe ical C-.tnip, ae1 11w tic Observer wnuld l gatly publisi t t ithei ai tuie pt-he n-usreeise. tIuiut il ýuCh cases the tut! <enisera are peumed to blie the brouI j idg itut! if tbey4 prùfer pitiyin,4 $50j tus the rut t -ii k.,ute,1 titiatr arute suciu as the Observer foru n advertimemctur, b!îey arcersuimed tri iuov tiost wliaî -fli mou: coadiace tte hilu- tua-utercsts. The -Observer hie >zut as nuelu t lte acomn- plino hetu i hu ainolun: paiti byMiesrs. Ilint- ilîtsRiaenîa, or nery ailer pivate palr- îles,, for adi-etising in thi- e iunurtoNc1- as hutu liaà togrvmlile ant ie pâîronmtage- sîti uit ontushy Ille SIrenbf.flut- W. liav-e estowcd more spneca on Ibis t;u1 Ut-I t lufla h ua r weac -mnil Il mari liolder," Obserer, Itiekîocir ni bannel,- ares %ou lb'; bub miuail an(leavorto ta iil a repuA biot> oh' sncb onprofitable labon. FOur a Iorigtinta puvt p a-e -u exclodeti bis qliteet irom i te liti out exchanger, on acecual oh' the iIl-manuuc'ned iallrw'sacturu- Utly, an tît urtl leSt v-idA'e abeét as brou-lit us cantaitiitte lb. cie ta wihl we huave pait! nun deroirs, aur sansfum a bs ntl hbeen-poilutaul with the fllhy thiti;. Lat flot tt.e siýlut orit excita Ou-r is-uuttagaitu. An Itiqtic5tuvas Ieil tPri5nceuAlbeisat, by Dr. %Ware,- Ce&unty -Mowoper, entithe- body ofs aluilaine moatls o1t, manntu Wla. MuPhal.iL fhiuld it appoes wrus gisý attee ns o thei.ame of Dillouu te 'ntuuse, ubuha e$t it i csas thu-ce ,Ï4kod, receiving duuiÇ b the ie arly '6txiwads ft 4 #-à Uot' owmi request teiie i4uqef # bed. T-hue foihwis~m4kuseetti isthe .1 uns': 1 deih~ ha(l- ll 1 re tl ïaX tîlw iew wordq, aýf i h'iî'clîYi unusi uu Io r~hLlVYoOri eXpeCttiunuu. 1feel thât iL h cseRiSons - j*1wcetor-apipuîlar esiutiviýlr'tfr4bes .ilte riQUf3 hCiua.'sW114y liruegutliot sfiotfit-cint i)t stin vtr,auteir Cuhtf'rght1i1 rend that eventuuil 5t~ lie. fnom thua roc!, fiyn wiici lui<i< ttut>itatt uuluti hUt ev emopitiitis rocýk. over which 1i1tieiî's wisdinîiu oul hiennie mai, the. gl(ý.of nirua.grttr<e-t tiimibti ¶ung t 1,o, -!hmuiluôk nir ulr-'. 'Waàtchunuunit,whit t ýtiuý îul-ti' TIlhîittit tir(Iil et Port I-,eIlcr wsogIltle gon el~uiof Iil ' tiitlh lui' Nitnit uJilbca, Irluli chol thepeule n (i C'ata uit esuil uhna.8acu~t ven ex- in-t i, ho sIat un îîunnmor, xcept ti1titeir -il' onabik' u ti îljug;itetl. (Chiieu s.) For urne, Mu'. Prartitet.l. I1u'tii uafulY 4î~ tht, if miuv i~t1bvuot a a rtIiel' Of i1 jîuutu cýaguýirti due iî;t!gt uîStutra; mitt Cliv î-uutr;uy, 1illuit bowtîtcl ieut>thCiltu li- t lttty ti' iii 'îî v il sitItuîiOrn ai il tit 1 îît-nîo.i'tiitt'ntIf r î-ti tit!f i d %rhtt5 'vrh11intI uutrüssl ii o hlutuîutals, tiwth Ieusouus a tuf Cli t a.eguy ut rn,uu" eia j ile:t tI o ie t h, yeutr-,iurtu'Lurt t-ruca l Uitn r-ni, t it! rgi$ot u uti dt I <i ts e-tu î'tut i u ,îutm "stt nenî-iva'h andid luttiutued i -Pluthew ina n ,eictiry, tof ahiç-t siu nott 'ruinks su lnut 1v -itsueans 1tutule %-0ae i ut t-te eîouiluI un-der ou- féu: Itunet inotlett dit a-r tîtienriant ; wsi-a chut uve-n 1-uIIiit tt2tîuesi- c-iti utuntitri nuir nu-uitetrin. and WCvaotàgitl illiitiuu Lirer a U i uuSu;da uu, i tr 'utu Cta liber fui', iith<:i-u'liaI 'ut eotiluIt l0 'Le .Iri-itt! dIi lt-few! l ie de-til. ( Ltcs iUet-nsonionen-u-,tti the otîuoi li)pt iihuîntoi- etla log aner 1r0O-sitlr,-ei te tý iUIiu s tila of lti*,s llas! cea 1tt ry,-- 'Ilue! îlot bys' cru ltueîi: utu ltit b , vîttu; winstti, puu-î1g lut-fura aur cteo, ni tPl- wu sirtenrt tri ujiientetii npur ir'ty, liv the tu-st of Ji. net', îliltIdtr nittiiu.- (Cilucens) Wluat u-a rto t uuetluîI si-cnt, Mn. PreIzilseul., buo cuuny oui tit i - Ký, Thebaduiesu. I1dana s-i vii tM4 t tujrt1 thuitt iactrnu. (Ltuluar t aY '0Lytt vent tmore-luc-ut. iiin-tu s 11( ou cîuilny- Ilét- alia trbeio g-nyu ai yotvh1iî gi-vatià i,i aur vii-,' :mi rtîl gni tttti (lit niour uiîrtutrhîlie ut- au utiu, taude:l lu bute oitad iln. 1 uugtn) Ilinse jlnug etitui'tttiti <i pitetofnia uuaci. l 01tpoti tilil.ut mas: îunullesii"s-la edouai oh it ulee,t 1,uî;icIm, lan' otur f.ie! îua- le Fi-t u -tMut tt-'v uluy ttt-tlis have sturt'ttttt ni - h-kitlIt tkilllytlle eagreleJuhîl u hriouttf hit l>r-uitlni wîut Je!iî i>'nttated() ilyinI uuulît ' lut- i u ti- dtiat ilfW,.e%, mAuhi;îu NtorthaOntrio, or&e<1 uut tuBay thos niof ive-sixîba tof thu e tsen4eS ofthe note a litle surpiitlr thq pjpseît egibation ~nith 4 ct ý'odtdu 0r fiair Counity aginî,t tho wieihea of ils inhabitatls in - 9tl<r ta gis. a hin:h to une mari in somo- ?birig ta-auonstnons C oo creuiitet!. The trmagine himielfj1 !tuislltu10mini5te-, nia as'an-ait, for cugbi I kuuow to tha uoltirary lie [svli qaalificd 'tô 011 the pMti- lieu oi lIjug,4trar ;1bý lentMy judgmo.t W, i 13l gnn a griot](le aitoo ian toi ask -tIlt, wiolet( counj ta areet an office ut an cx- penise of anè /usqaLd waa, auJpey- iha. presenu t igistrar saune IWO tluousasud dollao r ae, for abat racts,>boýkst &C' , fon uthe Noîthi Ridin-aîh for the ;:dear priW- Iv- ofu a going tu10 Baverton te -traîisacet ';Jhbuld tu dhe RiIbt i vbcd fan ed a e Ctc v nf , not a i oruh would rks tav(rrbelon. uuâuýimotUSlpetîtiona 3froua jhu-* neuideutha i fcoht, Uxbridge Biroch,, ltiec und SeU'ýog wo:utd bc fonwairtddtu ibe Uro,ýv(rnor la- Concil prayiiug tshv hs :an'uuahips anicxail to îbe SOutîlu itidirig ifun tuiaaivuPurposaes. Auîd very pettîsan arid neesauabil, Ibadeniant! ould' ha. - .tt-etrisupp~airg tirbnig illa 'e tribue eelr-c-:d, the iîuwniiis of ttetdh, hîtugos, l'nt-ss-k, Tîuorah, ansd )enaa tnt Rama w outît du t1t- stinea thing. hi-ti,I varil tot iorquihe itrpossifilee 1 t Itt timnnrt talocale ratuofficeaiîu North Oit- tio tr îîthtuaifoun-fitthut ni t1w resiuhsuîuut Wiiiuid 1prafen ltb. exitung arramautu n - h hi:ty oIe.. In examiiii îhiui question il, ariuhîl ha well fon toatuiip t-tu-l o rend setion 8 anud 72, wvitliisut- 1 u-uitb-t ; also îuhl-ectinns ilan(] 74 h -Lpe teri ') leu nitliated Staftutv8 rfi Uhiien u il-lu: fi-ittu ih it -dli ha su-eut thut niilU it ln ail -funrthn ia vonad-an lcuuu,1 la ihli-atîitutrithe Cttnty" tota tue itfv TIt-a Tetuatt!Dollars. A TAX PAYiII1. -l l l.utittiJmu; tf You-k Agticisbtttitl T!ue E tel York, ?danlhiam, auýdScarbonu' L,'Iltil Spriuug Fain nulit!piîuitg atchx cauuîîîaion tte Th int:, et> Ehk-smei--, t tue ftu K OeitutnEu. auruJ itiiudSsnibuin.< 'I'lue ty wmua eucr<î-d- uutuly fti- uthe grouuut! potuilcit tutu mîut-hu fouîtjplace a-ts in excellet Lordade- uicuit-uut-or n tha 'laie pe-lot! at whiihul the fuLir wusaihat, tînt!the bu5y seasutu oh tihe vt-tî, ac-uripauatively feus piôughnei elterat! o mpctition. Tt-nCLM3 --ýix EaTRIeS.-JU-I'iES.- Jaui-aWlce(r, Asibtina;HIu. Wc ýCorn- noint, Ditibe'tonî; Johan Wier, ýMlavem- IsI î<--t.Juuhui lu 'Courtier, Piceaiiug $<, 2m]d, Aiidnais lloyd, -Scarbt-bou, '12iId DuI!Mauean, Eisu York, $10 ; 4th, $iisîiItautie, Scanlbano'r es ; 50h, Wiii. - I usuSerbonot, e$6 i th, Douiàt! iltgutMark-bain, *4. 1Cari. Eas iisusea I atPulleisotu. i)ov aud t! -atui-ath ; Geonga i!usn Stab'rl e.-i.u. t ,,.4,m .Jamesu uT# aI suttabie tOnd, atuut altatutiot>, uicesuiaty ion ta-a or tjlý Sotuu l fan a cht! of lis rîgo. lucîs- l-toultuî' t iiinàucuttjutto da rier ri Sanooi..TRTaUs-rurBuÂts.-Tbane,spa1ai riniupttbu n ne hieasas d autt the lest inectii, of tishe - ~ v~<t1 B~oard for usant ai a quorum,ant! this as es ven creetL, sceak o-tt a ta-i bren of sualitîneqeent-occutrrence tisaIlise sit! h10Oan md t -ltl"?, us w ' - litli lue suttp onembans irbua[lni reglny nhaVOno uiihicatirt-. i tS ilt!iinr leas tien reasori Lacati tof t'"ein colleutguees, M lipon tenscives bthe i public office, tliey shtoui bu discuat-ge the duuie who placet! con.9dence to courplain cf îhair, lie AuEXrrnun~Â' ,lun aigt auhr,-lurdy artua. hut J I caibhu! trsgi.Mark, %a-a -tnot-auuLy. si of pràfii 'ai t1it ft elHotusE rase fleir re tfon aaking -exaine the il,chàrged rais and i 53<5 Speech c c ce, anud wn, ant! ai, sudc - QtliLr ,tiii-iis a o onbthetapis, aud prom. 4bc,111May, I16. ujîo îh pilb!Iby mnas of bonus ýInsur. D Srf.-We lIavo lind ri prr tly ne Vie ETmcgiaon muv~ ÇIl1I iepeilyi h riîte ifi . crt final repýort, bcving ' in,,,. Asüejnt,*y, qIhereo most orfltic busines5 on-i. 'e4. île prcvptioyn of 8s me or îkediffi. ginateg, Lut as the Lords,ofcourse ptakee e s' eflhlrts ontheir ýIri- précellene, 1 îial notice itheir Nous.e finit. Y ' 'lie Piintirig Commitlee. sb lso w~ct1b~ ~ epartd~and :bey glorl inan ipIhnelusi, clamnation for the Ridleau Division, vacant roàýfo io h-csi &pova jeý' by thie retircment of IHon. ir. Vankoughbu~ t ii '# "1Y rl1'htlL 40 1417thibaiJ4.kb84l net, îook bis Lsent on ?MondîLy, and, oait j#a accomnpiislivd nt gîarvatioiprices ,th oun dnay the oumo.sat -with closeildoas mngvrefo nâiný, aââ. Ls4ýti to drcrinpetitions against the nref UrIIr 1. r-f ~ tu r> of Mr. Baby for thne 8tadaeonm Dvi Walrds at the lite Mouîvitrnl uiEat élection, sWif. Ile iSisOn hy the chamber wm "liinîuhiït 11 . t le bar of the fl~ouse cienred of strangers, wa8s that tîh. pettuiriius and soe Caert farnIe by is Pil wer, ni(uted b? corne of' the imemnbers "ro alolu ie) cPromdb fPi hail exirninê,ddihca, ta cotitain certa1in,.Ï i-C 1erlk, Alsru, bo'lie came to vote con. beLllous ,natrer, A11lid 1: as therciore im4ra t-ary ta the Fît.Iute. Mr. Cammiy~ excuised 1Iinefiianaturala nerncu. per to -ýrvo publicity tlirotigh th'e ee.ilçainreoak If persons wyul lîbel îhqtir nihos tbcy Ifli i eau i Ned 10itu pta Thrce Ruv@r should ddu1:t abao ebuard, andd notin suce) Itt"'el etîmiale of property ini whièh hob a srein fiLuiothi. weIl, th ebt suue tçdC WSbtthoped to) b. basck in cpeeruIyprelty hot, the voit-es ubeau>; lime, î1vi hnuuh howeverwedlad sI heurd o:îibut uhe sulbstnce d lrot menw i wPoil C(lrkwas duly autiio tr Ni'e exL day tt>ip w as ru ta tÀlýcbis pLice. - le.caeebacir sumud (Iwcîh new zeal, and again the d4onni uutr tdîn aleauci blat!commenced, and reuiu!eloaed, 'but it dit! luei< (lut tUàtfinfliflg iliep lncf' legftlly f6llad, ms heb.. thue peitions weru nufrret 16q aarrow lieuvd, li'hiv] u up the dc(a of acting.- fliajority, tatehue commnitîe on eote t % iscleart; bowvr, lbu- diiid ofwisb ho eluetio~.Frn enuI ortht mebuu~r t-t. ail] ui!taIha nLitlase! obcrelieved. undueý,Lttiud il t î ot art nll iikely ltat tue l n lf-lthr'w<ý,it it havas at liberty te tvote, pe,ýitiip!rurs vill curceed, .thele eIi,',rntiusndiaI dvic b Tl ivo dvsixsliavin, pro. ra~tna:Mn.lîey hit> sriataititiyihou prty it; anelu. wLicli reoîitle iud hlto dosey. corlvtfiein the 1wvagup evidenuwe t~U1wîîj;llIa v o ..uî.t i loarm :cni T1oronto tun th(,,ltoaid of WoicýtJff'îI d<atim.'1wxmreinhiethl-er thien or fuir yers ego. Tbie niixt, anJd 1eIii;ht,tfnieier Ihimelh', the Ai only ni.ol' it famy tnte, wiuh ocmupieed ,ý1F c .hu liA -tdas 1) anî sd two ti;CuýUcil, wua motion hy hou. Mj1aoiu îl4u iitswor1exuiut.Aî b Caluuro, fier acomînitîrt re l eha L"îuw vaut unr Mr. Dufresfio, wbo jroira!s 'A thcE1wi o f iAsaataLeYy o «IlU- eitt îd h.ur'utntuu o ex. pue- Catado irelatioii to î d te .Mar. (1101 a< th, n Luascr Of enror in t'r. tt wvl eqrnîie ithu, jL1tei ~o ~ ft'1)' îî rtîtat al similar !eus excile haut licei a sUbjýL't ni vony wilqItpt'i w idvbs tu-raypu!iýlud. Thtis vesy <-sîfnuoutbrou-luott ilua[nvr iegsuehe cs avvr hAca by Mr. M. Cameron rüwiawu'd dIle àuleijllUet a l îe.:î l înewimo lmssVeadfor inue a wîrîd euil 'or nbility, nuit!exeiadjbt xuiuînl'lîa ru'rh-rdultyent Lr ficeliiu. oisyallithy for the sutl'rer-il h D lie. wtilrw is uolin),Ilhe Colisu. nuuuy ha uts t-nled-lbut 1: woult! bo ton u t 1 e!î ci,'tî .;.CusidWhon would if tîr frue)ta rite npo, uuîand hus eundut1nugth asif b al-tuin f 4 ud î l lf ien the ew tiaîody Delly mid, îherrire, thit- tha ton fn*îu t; $e.earl 1t-at-Arrms. tlure fha r1Iu aa -ranteil. Threc orfour lbus <J orminor umlpoit îauc. e-e -arautd a 21iut tti] .3niLim,(1 uuuu. ivilu ýtan woorr t ren îlsïrts tof cominusiiiOO t(-4'. faii010 ue ciof fib iet uusks wrk. C0 N tr il otdttit onMon-lay, aUd on cuuch oh'1- thoeipint iy, (eif ahich itascr l'iX Vu:'riiv, Monnay Rvcnirug, dîrce ;li 01, -ek l Gonveruriet.t daim Iylt,12. - Ce, tI1 îte u'~ o-ru-e iutenn flis orhi thuf &yorlook iue éciir 1ier oi biblu tli thno,Ih the fOr -t ,jae-. i,1 uîiî'ie. Al:wmrbn duheaiîarnooîunifMuridy, Mr. 1~ouasL1wctulo of ?In Cauinerton,) prfssat. y 1nnh up hit hiet tii ncpal tlics hais nt aous-. peutiliiforci', lu respýect lrf due ba ai o mon ey, nuit! to lix a le-;LI mi:t fi thein. 1 0Ouioix o' ut i r. Maedlonell, secon4d terUc L .,-,s3 Ou uuumyeasily im -in , isby Mr i'turry, 1aslim ai $-50 vas cuuùed atteuili e)dl. tunb the laiv wtliecst. ( Iob ilie Lad'iesl'uivottSociety. maluy. yuotrstof efrfrt ta Oilinîn, lauud a-hic-h 'ov RtoERaiTY. m ny pe regu t a rdnt wiusan l i trionsi pt-ouf i M n, C ir it ' r h nuv-' up îbis ruc I oi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ia n0r1Cdrnaiiiullie u h ci!o obi h C icîl vent isito ç hiart ut' Car-edi, er-.aut e) ini1c "iIl-. - i IulI ro, nLait> ln- theYC ar liotu, . might ,;.y lno]lifî liSl 1-i:Tu tpr u isuu duCpuytet >v Blounassa is a l'hil 1ophe r iiin s ï ay, al",d nonï-tsia i7t,' vculas rumctuunt i l~ ,akes thiuîgi niarer i tyesy, i!id1have te) $25.t6-5. poit tsdapted. no d-uuibt ho hat! felt due puilse of thb. Honts upn the utilsj -t, ior ha vas Calindy etufi M j M.p euitgcu~dr:o frbstt- -r. Bnown Ihn -t :Up tbe repgrt -of pning Thene wmatt uodtrately venin de. t1wisltole, MM e d nullibuthue'ca bhate, btiotthea ni s:ilote-'Woth) s has îUepotneloiut de, rc n em dieig paylrn&of t1tu:oh' Honi. Mr. $ict1e,L a',hen isits not Aa js,-u coita ~f~yu4 asae!ta aly thiet hougb it$ly corwiinedc i thuuld-unnusl 5 uu 5L?

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