Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1862, p. 1

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Xs&Lhew ei r or Lmx>-I offINi' & $TRS ATTQnl?îLYS ÀAT L4W,- f1111t0mt liecCounty cuieil Onltnlo.-- t 15 aIitsheCourt i{iite-Soîatb Wiig. eÃŽFOYtC.i1 Il. DARTNELLIl URMSTE1i-ATTX.AW, OFCEV-YROI cerà, WlCi.y&c. W. ty- GC.rsei N. . A, tUtISTIhU ANI) kflU1NEY-&T-LAW. et, Wity rolli*tut f((, ooit, 0. \'. l": UT Y U l' X, IMATlIETI îurIlsr, ami eaîmmietin Clftnecery for~ umY ne nt htari-î, lrook-st., Wlitby. ý41 JoliN MexA,in AUMISTEIIArIE, &. Oficer.- Cotaiuof ilCh trot> ud CourtStreotti, (epime tie Cab tR tnd,> Toromte.- W. Il. TRRM3AIINE i1i<lSEltiCQN~('CI tW NATTORI &î1.,>Y.,lisa rutmecmx-cdte th-. iitnma 1 fiic tiitelastore, Masses. ulia- ttitmy, ug. , 1'ltt.40 ROBERT J. WILSON. %M1ITiI ATÏOUNEY ATý-1AW, t$.mliitu mm Ciîiu-c'y. &e.Wlltby, C. W. o- Wiliîme-'s Bimek htnue t-t, Witty ClIARLES C. KELLER, 'ItINEY AT L&W, S<iLICITOIi IN 'niai hiuldtuag, cicr th laoGaoii-4e otheot, ait a liraiuet h ith ie villa"gof f lv- T0wlîip cf 7bUraui, and C ouity (nfil- 64. IL ~CI&E~L . l tlttt'1,ATTiIh-N12SAT .At , fi us it iI,2elu6a N'w Biltmlmiuiu, Dim'mmas T iihllhY-T~hAWSOLICITORli1IN JOlIN 4BILLIN(.S AW I, ÇCi A N CF ii & CtN V ,Y A N( l- l.mrummm's îumm îo. 1 W. B.ItIN(GS. Alli<Eh.>A-r-t>iINEY AT LANV, V. W. AtLDW5eLL IBROWN, - CXOIfM,5IMISl.NEFOR l'ometNý--îýN u byI. l an e u.itimumin.lAmr l, le io t iîi 1) cl. E O)lp nmitmSept 1,>R1. lt. hIlGEtIN S0'1.111 OF T lATM ultyrn. ,trc1n4 -tr, Wt itt> y. È c 4t CIVIL . A EANtEU N VIU),NNTIET,&So rit oFTuEME gsw naitaa ireon iAio4> j>Oilie 1<x E. IL SSW,, -RLON 9 fotr, AWet tritmtimi k R Ov 1 (i A, L4îîîD su >yr ilI Eut. 1) utul min vua...l Lii> dAge Im'la. Oliee-,mu-t tt>lt a.d 2o-l p.Wlmn R n doVniClAow ýl il. D. sUtV1 Ol llbanulilstt e , aîmBgesa tuuveuton.r l T1Ltu1)aaEdH ,4i&nho.tmu, G R MwNuSpREETd - wilthcos.Bmctui uWooel D. M. SMITII, lcT0N IRER, T-119tsbtpof Broeok Rui.- utî4louncue ubtu, 4,0 JOHN !METÇALF, ,LUIK OF TIlS FIFTII DIVISION COURT, ceilmprliutg tie 'Tewlnstip Brook. Ad- citnngteui. 14 ,ROB$ERT 1EARS. IýLERK AND>T1R44UUER OF TIE Towmt>bip f Uxbimige. Adtros, Uonidge., Wih COI P4te,*Od, ratjoah% id atrfigidutr VOL. VI. ONTARIO MOTEL, IA1Sdogirelq to Iitort s nCny U~ l~~ti'rOuguot thu e uttry, andtheLb pi i guelralIy, that )leha, purohiemei the oroniace latoyoopo by Mr. Jaueb Bryr.n lu iroek mtr(éit, andi known as tha Ontario The tOtns ,iîavo lien newly fittoi upilud re- îîevitudoud t1V i boue 1-î codergolugo tburough auigeý, lu Orter to taff-ird tho e opoasible igo contudiiuito guleMu mii id ý T'he tstblllg iS of the ep Uit -ii t0o, and th lb. ip'rlt4>t' h.espuiully oiurcffil to lavu nons, but- prompt eud ntteutive satiors abîuut tilo Tho bât wili ho atpplied with Uic bomt Lt qur, imc.td CIrs, &c Ue wll nlan h. igi to kni ep Cte biitiir rroinsmà orcoti (f, plirma tîriie. liiul-y, .iîtîm. 8. 1162. C. DAWES. rIE î IE A t. l R 1N OW.N,AN!) ('EN- Ibp, xiid ru% O. ituiin ai totC.'¶ut8l n~ lier by the> prear.nt oceomaut. "Norsj.îaba been Aparemt te intime te &Il gucla and'litons Thme buat brandit of WiOne, Liqnoru'and Ci- e*uinny sami cutint lhedsa, gotabl'n Aaiudittenbtivett> eer. Tîit hmel lit . tited lithle ici-y bart ol t1ic Town of' Whithy, nitdwiii ho fouti to ho the intt'I.otcfe,Dt . > t mpingpel.gIiefr foi-lOir. andi (.rand Trunk RaiiW* II<tel. (S&iM a id# (f Rm llwq I.)pot, pon -in*y. Tp 1EUINDE)SlGNFI) BEGSTO 1ÃŽNFGttld Llmafrieudsansd the p ublie, ibtbctx holanw art Postsceuion f the labnvc IXoII, the beainela orfwlh hl"C wilit iiitutfOui-ty on on bis owu aok, * mint. oo.d Liquor, Winesa nd Brandis.,j Crare & a.11 Exe0lliut sblbing-omrtfki attention for muar sud horseo. JO1 îitiUED0OTOM, W lt> i~ i,1860. ±torstt.S EAST WINDSOR HOUSEI WHITBY91 wu. usAIMy, FROFSIETOE. lIl E mbuve Ilel la gituated Inma pletasautmind Iretire-J part et tse Town, on tfr Nont rmai. Gin imlnJ tîe or travellîsta. GUoed -tabliiig sud attelltlVs eatlerg. 22 HURON )HOUSE1, POR5T WtlTli. T IIE %tuderegneid hua taakm-uthe ambovp Ilote, wIlie. hho hua nc*-I'v lit)cdntt'ml t i ît inanuer for tht e m'snundntin ofett public.- Gonnd stmbiing, fine roomy ahledaiamui cvery lt- téntiun pa-*d to testaanihorme. -W TIt u i tviuog. i iquorit ai cigmraaut the biar. WILLIAM TIFW' VICTORIA MOTEL. PRbIME it..LaacuT. 1171 i NISC>T, lPR)P.l ETbIR. (Lite A.N(LO-A.sERICANItItTJEL. i1 t' si'"sriher h iuaeftte;à up ltheibove nid T emtabis..,ie >Id, with i-i lw 4 adrdig '-vehinia I catit. Ged .ub land ..îi-îer.. l16 ZWIUIXEY>8 IjOTEL- T iEuulm>.,'il.r tdceirca bmeii fui-ni bis fricumtiu îtwid t>..- t>i .cl. lie, tli >taaaîhm,'v - imttle t (rlie.lnv e-pidby tIr. Atlih>u)an>ud tlr iii.- tn;miuiihiur ccîn-îefmtty viii #id coni- iortmit.le ueerni nt.im t rain. Tk*. 1aîtie i.- weIl an pi .lted wmiîh imtytmu. e t 0401. Gî.m.l itflig aud ciuftietoit flt spt. - JOHIN Zi ICKEY. MACI- EZ U IONmm El . icanJ îcotunamibi.It haisbeeu nowi> Boust mwtizs, liquacrg, andi cigars. CHAS. McCLEWE, 27 rpitr STSAX BOAT MOTEL% E»0 ?RY, ROPRIIE-TOhI. G U»IlON STATIO14 HOTEL. F O Ot) F Ollik',T., SECOND FlousE Frcn \et, UVion tâtieau Toroatoo gW. OSB011NE, 18 preprietor ALBION HPTEL, EAS MMîKET SQUAUr FTORONTO,-. iaJî. ti, Prepnieter. -ÏxcoifhIit ao- moaji.Every mitcxitien pal11 te theuoauortý TIIE TERRAPIN. r H li ROPIIîETORI F T1118 WIILL k.... Italoon guns now in oecoaiattot. et the oid fIt. NIIIIOLA$. King tit., refente Vf-,rnerll kt by Mr. lulely. Thme premigsa ~aau bec?)n neeoiy nenovîted tbromigiout, mnet fittod u leii. final style. Every proourable- dulimoscy in sasoni. A cigar divan litted i p - paiatoly iite which aome but the beiut brunde. am28 mtedt "ÀRLE & McCONKEY. CANTON MOTEL, D FI M lEK, PliCKERINQ. GOOQ» 'Da'cm"modatton lfor Trave-uihom. W. CIITLBERT. 4s4ntPnopiter. IIAILROAD HUMTEL, FRONT STREET, narte Markt,. elleville,(ONt, 29, 1861. 42-.y lias takel KA I¶LLA .VIE dO" neud eigs cvs loiu Liii Imthtravelling publi tt lçvewelko'owuih trict attention to buoluuesi4 iigzo deo liuihlupower for l'vntcmallcc.of gbata<jto er iantomisgo. QotalLiquorA mi ýIs accomoundstIomltenmnun s and "anifol 0181er- alwa ahv ildsatabl, id Atbilli4d b y Ci!hu uhtriber, ani h dalie lnbnt thant lie vl ali a'ivis con band -ta attend pur %onuI)y toct.evat et fis pass. ý l'li promises bat>. belo n nwly putio4d snd rsnovi4ei, and coii,.ciieily aind cotforbalb1y fItted inp imsud eafet viiil b spaud on the m p- of en t ower to e idér tIi, Globe Tha bolnis Illdtlic tay cf ltua fihon. Thitable *111 cawevhobu tnd plsntffilly atmpphiod with the 1bout in %sasse». Thesfolowmluig ombruaslh4t of liquors te hu <hall nt tite br, wooaeadrstaU. McND11tuton'm],lnivitt. i 1 . Meci5 Fîui ruuf. 011 Trom, Illîs1h ind t*, beat brandaetf Vognliae si other hBraindi a, l>ort, 8herry, sd ani s Mines, &<'.,i!t. <loed i3tabl1ug -4ithfSandy th -jOstlcr. ALIX. iLEX)4wDMR Brenititu, Jniy:tir. 1861. 2 &Qoklin Bousei1 an.ose auitîid t np as atirgteCus Ilotel, la nov Prcosrod te n olndýiedaxute t trtinliig Pnuli, viierothsy wil i nd thi bot laltv r ,!ýiorandsta srbis p ýVidod with Il b.at -.e Saoù firda, wlth ecurutel tor and i iiiiscif lwi.ya on baud, lit stitcil- a share of tii. public piitrenmluge.j N. .Aamon bnnd or4sdugist drive tnayoer., tu my part oetheie Oeuinty. STAGE HOUÉE, ISAAC PÉNSTo,, Propniotor. Northern Hotel Camn4ngtort The tncreasIng bmiesomsnt tlimeaï >oe ofavor aiby kiwu 1i nide, faiu reudetoti It nihoasaryfor tliue mab-dîlir to fttiangu the premi-.ca. Il.is doue mse e oenuititn*blscXliii!, /ind maule uther utratieus sud imnprovptncntut% eacei>rs stib fither tlic c->nforlt imnecomnniduie nf fls gucAta. TIté taul telawaiys prmvded witlî theimo l t4esîtiaim,aid bnfn uttiie boat rauds of Wtuc.tm.! isid qne)rs kept out tho teiim. Tlaccru .keepora s-oppitti wbolestGre s caîl sa yeu pst.. Boeb tie rouuwned (>ter, mlinsys lu attend- alice, mc".asted by 1.ck, tt aie cbsrgc oftemsi. *JOhLN 'WARD fJanniniteu. Oct. Ufrà, 1861. 41 SItOREY'S MOTEL,' (Onie Blok ~N»tlq ia 2 .fmuLd Stuu F IE .neritud ,.-IiZ cpnrcbiuîc..I the> ti e .-l Iktuvu pri-c trise Iot 'lue li, rm.im-.n nhDiawe, Imeini t. uatiotiti>u iii.. 1m1uis.t,4L., 1)mublit-, t hatit h lnmiýIuehaimew iiexcllont or.t>i- for iuie ainootntîlolatîntiîof tcimi.-m.Pi..uicîîlir uaittition th~leofir- bumls ahlug(roi tt>oemiitv.Ex ullouî staab- 'l.teî.Jan. 7, 1 su. 3erclrf2 TF lEUNDERSIGI tu.fortu,-tmo (i p ofOntario, un tets omis gemiiltaf ain extotuaëivu BOOT& SHO E STORE Caldwellîs Block, Brookr St, (bstol occuli by Mn. Wetlterstd) viionu iilI uLs hofoîmîd asîl khîadm t Laer, Leatiaun i WILLTM4 BU1.RNS. lies Ivaiululi jootara ýin time iinjv.rThe Aikînda etofitork mciii oeap- ,RIES &,'LEATIIERO T lIE UNDERSiG;NED 18 pRR ED tF)TO. ïtuy lti4.hfor illo.i eivéedo. ut Lyaiela (ulail Ttiery. off Brook Street Wiiitby. Win 1URNS. s OLE AND)ALL OTHIEitKUNDS OFSUI- hyTauty Wr~BURINS GEOREGE c ORMACE.é L tIIUE ECIIA'NTCarpunter, andl tfty Zil OIdm oflornbercnatmîîiy on bad. UNDERTAKI'NG. F CINERAUS alluppliietiandti ttcaded. li FUilut>fnie.1co1 lrckpt colàtantly on t4WA Ircarse te iiro on litacrojtetrmea. WitbyV, reb. Ith, l86g. 44IY TIIO0MASvo'MYERS>9 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOË TUIE B h nuiit respocufiuily tou do st aîtqncor. B thatila mtu ie uulmsitatinaof thoeCetit) ut- ttmrio, furer lI*t l r patronngo liebs re- ttlveol frath Ilindturingtbcl"a 8yuara. lBar- îng aiin tkout hcux. fer tthe wheuColinn ty, hopreparod te attend p nctumlliyail endurm w houe> ntoy ,be favorcd i thl, ou libeaiml P>.. S-hir1éa viii plonge asciiiat Mr. Blsck'a Alionu liobîl., cfmo eting ent tiîcir bilia, wt'ri' ai Iouiakep nrtdiaugb l, ofale, iii whlclaho iguic. Auctioneer. li.itliy, F.i. 17,1 8àr2. i VAL1ABIXEPROPERTY FO RSAE Lt Peasé I'rotrem., KeoUlidgesi l, OF BOOKS F011 T1JEÇCI fr tUi ý >tc t r' o 'List o i>poo~ o n* Avontic.en mior liefoeo.So 6rr>y /a 84AptsI r dlda4-fmr Ilu21 u~aIi o Ud t h ltta. Irufan vîli bmitllp le I ¶uro0ts <itOne Tes, aIl iffî.u~>i~a s u f0116 iiYaÀi.it' Luiiaickx*r. Associatiorn o'- FOUNDLED 18M, >Wered by RoyalCharter an RISIALSCIIEMIE ttiaA) o iff ÉE 1r.,lASS()CLb xpoalvit.bhbbt luit cwf natinpiîg tlime xpenaê8bOr thecurity, 111](1bas heu» umnineti tliy ooue i beon Amioreîi by edemjnitu snud y"uL iiincdraiccont.lbi lmiy lii, >c>ut lhîsl îniiy by lewnofethe Aàie ulusb uatindoht. i0one îus sto-iitýýti Profita i tStvi-içtxuu! soceusivu k0i1mai l(etnm otf Profli n'tu »Ituie ore fti u4t. ei t1,1-r Pcnnnt i, ie si l>olcy-ioldèr, çY, tei Of 5-,a; .îd iiùr %ut, ie 1ronijuin id #S0, ô ttc"4Z> so pi-1~4 lftj#t ret)iin(aas lut Ib Proftta, hev& laad sinaa aca, tir 26i mi m'qiap~mn thjs yaar b,?ing oumy ?5cente per $1. IÉtAJVILS OF T I SYS At the ArÃ" cf 20#lieut bi-th4ay >2îoMa. stg.1rouy At tli. /ige ef ho assoenstt dilli by a preuliin e $0 57 lio ssoiru By otrli sfaing Profits, theo1odtir Po- ciO, er ut i Icy-IeuhIerýiarcns ii s ur nquites. te 1>7 a Prout M ]' @ly ......................pa t I&F-<'Iî EDIT SYSTIhlI.tepyu At theoAA* or(20 for a £500 au;. h'etty, thu fil r IA ?nsmun fla $46. 8but oell halfoly meet -.tthce Azo e1 bu pald, vixo..........-8 3 l 1 mtîr wth intiiost fot a vumir ou the. ethur ,.mtt OASS EXTRAGTED FRQN TBE AS - ORDINAIRY SYSTEM 0F ASSIUT]1 W.utnW-...o -n,,wlitaïn~it, BIl--v'ageti 42 sifucIteol 0a 185.Ii h'. ioitt 15 ts usaiwiîbti-it toi e boln uth* pidun vmi ProunfOIn or £158algi (87M6.> - Pl 1tlî foIliig Ma e i 17. ou ýitiknto efisb 011U Prin'utn 011Y et 2lt-1.. BOd futg. ($ 1fLitbeen pgid. Thie lier J- J.IR -..def- e, uged 3Si, cféeetui e ho Mai-ch 11~, TînîmumîaWtreamfter lac uas sized vit b b fatal charunt, andtc ho d in »less thon thrcc ino. t-Ia after pa-y la ~ ~ ~~' t)e.Uu6gQifiperacmli»Wed/ oi. uey varsuflr drfr J.-U1 F-.--r,, unu faoutmtr, (-w, efited Pullsy Anui-utl Iretnietn of £6u $28,53>.1,c ivelî>ati thr uare UALP-ERDtt I' S1 ,$i10VAà Credit" Symiîsinfno o tg nlpiti iy i12 m2' ts. (169 hit dioti of typhuls tevor. Thuetu of 100 wat.i thym Ci? acu _r tia thu cet <fi -Lpolbcy of £'00 t;. (The Auagstion hmabais e me of' "77>nitj<>utAg iu o epa>rate Pro*pcctf.e t e a md on applicaialnieut a r ftre ilmî acailcitet te ser'veii Veltut-ee Corps itiiin nies, wittbont extra poyuîcnt. Lorz Aamocuja'rocy0or SCevm.un's <irricu, Montreti, 5Mb Minch, 1802. WIIT1. 'W K B- lrs Biamitur. B0WMANVLE,-R. R. Ludcoetbû, lanrts- LINDSAè4. 1). Smiîth ti, n>k cf Uppon PEE6B JRRENT YEA.R, i 8o . 1h-iaintr cit ratitsand wil 1 t of ?rinet ufe APrai4) te e lweattOMai touîIulIfhal e<bjeet. 'erinsiintý, noie tsfen te Anou i, sud tihe inî OOVs peitlr sytitoimof dlvi- li Vitrstturir s boit att Ibsti escj4 'rstiurign t&4$lj btunâ 8MIWnA $10. ZY.e aa, 1Aaneofoi Pur iet tir V hpunË,li te EI. 20 ox! bIth dut, £100 atk.-naay 1paybloun ttsinine theageiof' uath,1I itut aiU Ubi. t attiium, steOf. ..ý1-. .....;i7 h;ii Pmc41ta. mIhu 1ider l'i>- raare thîti yeàar rqulinet y-.. -.... -..... .........78: 20, fen.ag511-n litg. t'ehicv, the (îIl ia $58.20, buit uee-mmaif iiy nucti lz, .a......... ... b-9 45 cest-fora >ear on thueother ... . . . . .. ... ..1 77 ast year'fi ps tuent ...1pi22' )OI&TION'S BuOKaS i.y of50 LsOOg., i lu asr18 . eu7on huls Lite for 2"1 st«. e itht, lifi ele oensnnttia th e firdt Prumiiiîm for theb. A fur£ £too mg. onu bs Lii',< tutn thercatter,ati dicd o lliurt di- va- auunteïl te JU416 mt..$204. sol t) psy enly £1,7j (t21.> em tiobi9fiii lyulit tory Utile ounn wuranmot," oibikide as ipluuiu ry ef t/ai -Offiee3 s cm 4irtefes. u Caitretiatuuiî5 or its lVI> John Gil-ohîriat, Nlerchuatuti, .-W F. lui-pair, Monuçur - k. - N{o1:2 do Asb do d do - )3r do doa do do a do lPer doa dud do l t Centre Ward, E13ok St. lit. dou~ble range do do.ý 2nidouble rapg. do 3rcl double, ra'lge do do* do do do 4Lh do: do 5th -do do GLi d1o. duo du 7hdoi do do - do do do 9 do do -do - do - do do do do du (10- (Io do do do - do do 9th 1j do cry 5b', èh 94, nt 136, do 156't rok 168, do 16ep, e117 -190, dû -192,. du 1 99j , do -212, do 217, - de> 13, 131 14, 17, 121 14ý 10,- 17,- tigi 19, 261 24, 25,- 26 ut~ 11E Ijt^ l'èl&iP i 1..c)fors 0X i'Iwôaio mP U.er, itir the mîmrn aivi f1ru In rei-1 mcote tht lamicthe Inudursiauti tukes ll-oni~,eifi file rpublia thât tlhCAûI. noms. onwitilt.Aw Ali .îrdcui» 111sd WItLIA urwuptitmud., and! the work jlr'itimteeod. $uiiuadivertihb- monct vu irht p.c JSPIlF. RAITNEB *idti.ly, Marmim 3M, 1 F52. t .bs 1856 7 8,061.. 1855.. -19 55 ....... 185t;77S6. 1856........ 1856 7'8 9 H1... 1856 7 9 61. . i 1856 760 1.. 1856 7 61.. 1856 78f>9 1856 7 IR 9. 1856 7 18001..C 1856 7 8 9 18563 7 8 960.. 1855 67 8960. 18556 78960. 1 855 ....... 18567 8 9 60... -1856 7 8'9 60.. 1.ý5 6 7 8 9 60 ... 1856 78 9 60 ... im 88 9 CO' ui. . 1856 7 8 30.. 1856) 7 8 9 gUr. . 1856S C)0 .. 1850 ;0. 18583,à)6 s . 1855 6 7 8 601. 185567861 18567. 185567.860. 1856 7 8 60... 18556 7 8b6..'. 1856 7 8 96... 11 S f78 960... 1856i 7 8'9 60-m.. 18,56 7 860. 1856 7 86.:. 1.8568 .. .... 1856 89. . 18556 79.GO 185 6,60. . h- 185660.** 1856 79 60.... -185679 60 .... 1867 896M *1850 7 -18 ) 9~ 1855 6 78 1855 6 7. 8. 1866 78 960... 1856 7 8 9 60... 18567 9. 1856 7 8 9. ISU6790... 1856 7 9 60 2 2 5 23 1 20 .4 95 3 Ili 4 (03 2 62 '323 5 22 3 69 4 02 8 75 8 06 49 6 48 584 6 6 5 92, 6-16 586- 7 94 4 f) 55 7 08 2 50 14 97 10 .53 ~.58 561 à~ 67 516 461 3-49 'r,56 G 32 1 95 do do do (Io, do do dIo do de do do do -d'à do do di)' do do- (Io do -do do dû do do do do do do do WILLIA RFFMANN t F0 UN D R UMa 144, Ba y ftreet Tort~fo VINEGÂR V1NEGA1.!! hllE UNDEU$SIIUNED lIAS FORbSALE Tvuey -ouî e.tUsliyruf Bact(ied Suld iu large îaatd sîtiIl quiomtitieli wîeioa tuad i- tîal. Boy 4a cfusîe, ilS reniy go an- tiele,-aî antie ofi-ont by ebemnicai téesta te bu tse imoal cer produtcuol iiitht lva., MICHAEL SCIiNAPAUF. Wu.ltht-, Juîy I9.1861. 2 - OW 181 TUE TIE. GET YVUE LIKENESS AT, J. A. Clark'. lI Frixo Pisture Galler-y T F yeu deaire a connut anti lifu-hko Ambre tylue, Cariet%-pes, Lettsngraph, or Leatl.,er Tranaftýor ansLikenu iai Lockt o aebor Xitt;, for J. A. C. eau deo'I itte 'buat aty),s, sud ut aeortnob ic, MALT VINEG]A]R. NALT VINEGAR cat now eha1ud in-lar-ge Whitbv ]3rewerv. Quebec Governmeut &gency. - Buanuatas conntueîtii t3hets GROW N LAND and ethen PUBLIC.,DEPARTMENTS. ittended to. 4180o 7ITzNT.vg 70 1 tvzwniaog S«eono by tba'ùsuaitmbr. Addre--&nprepmil E_ J. CIt1E ', EY . Lai and (9neral Âgentf No. 2, Anne Streeut - - , QuÏbe. Qun.bee. Match 3r-4,1360. , i Farm for Sale. IN TIIE prm w \zlv IN TRE COUNTY OF' ON-TARIO._ B Y VIhTU9ot pevers of uai. centained tut .. fou u m 3vr ut.gàsasih mil-ti re- duced i 11thenumeof sole, thuno %vl bu 5o?.d At titi Anction Rotiietof Mess rs. Fairbanks & 3facdonecl, Illp&ovnio?- Whltby, Contyoet ntarlo on Thureday, 3rd of Api, 1862, At iloteiack A. M. pMIelauy, tus lolhowins le. Nillagp e.t8 nmuentlhrsi, fouir, forty- Ibm.,,anid part 0f .terty-tettr, ue tor lui-cd Street in 'ue -'wnaf Wiltb>. Uutiltfu l si-cetetis a I-go ,brick Founndry andtiMaidmlise Sliop, et pi-susuit oeupisti sud ussolh> mstaara. Bruwi»& Piîttei-aouma a Feuudy-shl laind bol»; pontioc-i lrribed inthet-s siti Mert. gage titiren. Thie alvahto epropctji. tmtid lut»he oumîne of' 1hic Ta eI f fWIb-îCapItal et the C'etuty oretufrlo. a peotses n iny (atilîtib ltcf cangun fuIt uoltanageoasly Ithe busmiffl mof a FQeîmtiny and IMseldne Siih. tud. Thatl"0<taiJble u fsn u ait<iilthe Tuiwn*tmini.-)ofwimihv U ....t r... ,r - ~elIc ONLY! 4,OOO t s, 1.4s~ j -l. -71, -ý ..J. qlý WýI-IITBY., C.,-W,,,,, T-Il

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