rittun ir ov a s methîe, Y eotRe twelye A nays eaO epe'fned ea nctyorder for 34 irn et the branch of the r n titis City. He srote tia i b.6 wm kisswnin itthiý got 'eah. iloweu'er, th£ n.d tte he nk, seit "sne e"à upon it. Ilis rever- puot, and,1 tteiIstîrjev net r, information wu swsorn a errent tutîed. He Ibi'tsight belore the niagis.< ied in bis frieeds ~paying tinYte&there wo,,ssûme ne mte ýe oitplalned in a faedaye, *aWver, have given Ipn ex- qnt of the carnarter aqtici. j.nfortious are powvllet qw tut l he u s#Ued Che- i,and1 0O'o te na ineousiidera that bis ufiià d haj beett'la ]Vties orf bu aetl odioe y, forgolten bià pursèei or ges. veditreas, rýud, eon. ýo borrow front bis Écquimî. Prise Clergy traiIepeapleý, n ai goo4ly nuwnbqr of at. olice ar~e nov in search cf ýhat chance off inceasa it ie cgdtc~.The anly re. 31ie; tat bis personal des. ý&l6 withthtiait of a gentie. yeors -gw4a ceiitemcld. EIIgIAtto fapir yeare p.nal rgery, aiddwbo, after tvo ion, gel a licket of le"e. iess-nay, more titan awk. arise ott f bits nistrai. et oniy ofliciated 4e te n- desk, but als» eAt the rs' Jrr#puduc tOu ted Canadlaai Emli 4 Muruh picauru thet Lord h bis oharacterittjogeuer. ago mtent of bhi& rIsh easates, utoni to bis agente %0 îf' bis tenantry dasireus *1 eaiada, andi afflord tbam noS of gaiitg but aIsçtpiievîde liVSayteols, alà jto ený edialely eon thoir 'reecing t~o commence work, t ta ay.thittmny bave already 'es cf titis , noble offier, and 0 n-r tti'rtitging ta foi!ow. ion Tegaî-dîng _Canada ta ýenn Irel imd, and 'the rand Tult nlwaivy Cont. edîîleusl suppiying it grat- lent ageftit, Mrr. John Don )nderry, aîsd Itr. 'Chairton, h actively enga-ed it mak- llieir sen'eral districts the- Lgeai Canada preseils 'ta in- te Ilium an, other ôaiE tii wtt b dueir anitnd efforts, )f be Secretary pf tha com., o, we &htall beruiucb dis resuits Cl the It'ihe ligraï. rult Bessoni be not cof the, ebaracter. It-ilsof.eour1 is eà riy pertôd ta alite 1t he frntilie. tlikely ta satile in thle currect .ycant but 'Weei TI4E TPAES r(quiýsitian itgnrd hy a' ratèpalyer8 of Ris %WorShip, onved by 'the Maor at> Iin Tliursday eveîîtug Imls or considoirng the desir4. lte COUtry Agîicuiînirail' riig à i tîe lforexhibittion 3 Mwçer oroek Ihetchair' 'Sâlk, rhnd Zr. George, Ieted teo 4ILaie Screat,.' )ltiaad the ol)eat ai' thei -. rertf 4aing Wencl!ed, an address ou the auiject.t- td nibers aIso spke.- TfeIoing retotiùn wMs ineui vc5è. TUîà IR .t lt3SE 0F i.RM. Ro«s, Mam-h 24. t, front Bremn uvd Dont lanud any booki.' When does a Qdaler insttitî e 14>? ~When lei sy, 'Thoïb e'gak' Wanted to lnow-.ir the girl w1ho tlluii to hope hitd«nt e lippery hold. tThat's ipiy buisines 1' ais the bute'her Mid Io the dog thntt waia. killing bWiéely. Te'o tht» choirs meke one eold; two colds one bronehiiisjîwo -ai tacks lof bron. chitis one fumerai. ltivnz on Smal )èeans.-1t'ortiat ait three dried- aipplé, without drink;- for tdinner, drink ai quert>of waterIoe-aireIl the bppts ;ake tea with la friand, preeirea ihait the suilt ihat lie wax pouring lnto his eoff".Up wai bouae of the ricect.- lie a to Mq itt4kÃem, 'flaven'lt Yeu an knilk tht is more Meerfisl tbâut'thi& Wliat do you meain h that P' Wh~y, tht mil k là over-powered4 ythiue #u Thé Federttl,&are heginnin, 1.4eËperîi. ence thf- trouble ckf keeping open* the'ir onu'ctlions in the enetnl'i coantrr; the Confeleraiîes have got tnt» tÉiir rear and caiptured e train ha]weea e 4hvilIe 5ud Iiowling Grecu, The Militait. Traine, in aummerentrura, ýà à tit wtLdraiwn ewords, attracîed.ai greiat deail Sf attention aie U'ey maipghed thrqaîh Mont"ea « 'A horsdal morning for the first ~time. 1'hey"presented a remarkabla upruce appeamnt. Marcli 2.5, 18612.f Thae roaids are aittet à ttnabIe fat- Ioadod teaims, air.d 0cr nttrke te conise quf-ntly quite desprteà by ftrmèrs.; flnot a. ough wlhoat olffe.ing Io warrant e1taionpbî Good spring uiight coniînd 85. aIl neglocted. JBarley lun active requttee; -à htgh as 58cehis been paiîd this yack., Peait 1ower, lac. Qats secrce aind wanted, à 5c, il about the price, aimai] tipeculatois buying *t that figure, Poaabra 35e to 40C. No .pdqltey ollhring. Ilcef by the qaarter $4 Ito e5. *'he Waiaîdrices front Emgleud hei put apeculatora; in -.:h'eat in ai ragîng foyer. The New York aind Montreat Markews 4re declinînX aind repgrted very dll]. Cînf.RJýY-&t ]Kin,&stown, inlte' Islanîd of Su' Vtne<nft, Wet Inà iee, on the 29th January at, thé, wife of or. Robe-rt Cbackley, la te of' Wh ithy, cf aoit. MiA R ILIv E D). GOUI D, CO OPER,---On ýhe j.9îh inst., 'by the Pev. H. Lloydt Mr.J bseph Gould, of the lto*nshia) of Wbhttby, te glas Phabe' E. Cooper of the affle place. -SpEdIIo NOTI[OS. UeIief lez Teh *tntitt ýxc mon teM fi. itt& pty3f etedy trop diserormed fit, oU »a uf liýfà t;<fret id .aaiigo. Caa<i, gha Iorse.Dv Wî Brret*ie. lan I rlirf re ,rtIw*irl Uerfe wlid mg j"eimr,,e. a". or tavin Ite ~l, rep**jît Il iîaj ceTiRf. haé,de t-lot,i l<;,, rdtret'il; ft5tlleali w Ill otl i ttîie i Pie ielt tal ' 0Il ClaSsera stILI a". litti*atidi trial. ethi,tîtcr'iuoi..~~ mtaetaiol htil remgu fe lt'. e( la IL 11! ait aill dines. tertiaite liai tmbit. cltnaaieatul iler"', l wot iup e u> .103 çJI1i1 fnl fusri em, «ltahaisîc. N. Y l' airou elle rwr hîx, For tae Il'y G. A. Bt !fierr.r41 4 W : ir.il. Ooo 'th* GBEATÈRJENCK PRf1%IÇDY. jTFj hiyëmt 0 8ofe Refteèyiffr-aIî Iiritir naiti alii ii. ot.rhispeae1lwhieh t h e t4 i Wt anîd tfithgçcqre înIýiaclyI tap.- ¶'hegee'Pinti cauiT ti 1eeu.il 1-1~~tIn ONTARIOU'TURF CLUB A mEr fl"c o 0taiîTurf r twt l.e tCil~t upliace et Crockcr't% Commercial FRIDAY EVENIKG N=ET, At tiaif-psgt 7T eXOqk, P. M.i A fuît meeting SVliitby1jetti Met-ait, îlOt BY~L (1. T. HALhý Tojl.at he tiend 1 plaes for ?hidng the' Aaialnl gz.i»of DLueUt'a ij th. Yft 4oder4o/AcPort éAt~Jc ËAX È&ge, iuuioc and, huron ~XTlE1IAR AeOI!ISGTO TIuE PRO-ý VVVISIONS of,' "An Act te ainietiétamnd onusnlidtrîe tbae evratý Acta&In(r lt fortption, of Joint Stock Ctpie-, for te coîe'ýtrntctte of Rola d Mdtlltît works lu VUrc Caadfo,ý it li ordpred wiiii)la ]iietittgr o iaetioderai for the tttr eo' p puitting Directer* lice Tnot hi11 11J . u Iî"Y"nvntioued lu suoli Aci, 1huit th, 'iacor aies a By.itv -aming a day l'or luichit tuietitia ni. ît ltite n1i-av shalf r-e'tte tlite,'ianntiai'of votig, the i latie andI luîr ut uolttg.« Nlit il lereforeenît-tei]. 1'Y tIte B"ofaiND redtore ciK isC4mupîq, thl d' te meeting ai' ShairehoIt]r' for tîi , &Wlon oi' B»ireeturai ehtsl lie lield nt the office ni' tua Coa' , Pert Wliitbv, un rueaday 2îttd Ar 1Bi2s~tha hour e£ ci' 'eirký and thtttr vt. in ~ ita]]o4tst t loe abeeîit rmaSvule by pitny.- 10JOIlJ-s, ATSO, JOEL B[CxÈýOW. Tailors, Shoemà kers, Caag Builders, Dresa Nakers, and RHoadiof Yamnies CI nt %ANZIR & (lol Mahin "fBo, Whtbv andepVie large amportmnent Wîtbtst cimprovemente t.ud ait 1ev price. jA&MEs H. GERRIE, Agent for CouotvIlîtitri. Mlarcli 24, i <12. I $1O ff'~fTO !VESTon gooi] fart App']1v tun * SAMUEL M. COCHRANE. Il-ln iarrter *o., Whîitbr. BXIIT ' lft'.1aerca .11 cirtaici, to %jt for AppI'. to ROBLT E. PERÃŽY, il Whlity. PROCLAMATION.- $20, IEWÀRD. Tww c* f whithy lT IESevit ýI To lVit; ttsuuit]pew ,or peonga, bt winv vnloie md l ttml'poison- el e ,rI.t ti gru., eîd Cveelon,à ritig to rate- iii'. tri othîti ',t 11K-abemerre nrd ai' 420 iii Pl iteta I nscln a ile elIta dlt.'ii-, prc-heti-ioi i ni uction ofcimi PÂRM FRSALE. ami teifilitet] witin (ime Mite of tae village ci Fer tîrmit ian] ftither perticulars appl>' of tiy lefmlIrr-uimit]) t , ,JOHN XCAPTER, cr Breegit t Per t Orne.. A StÊALTaPARM FOR SALE 7T W EN.TY-FIVE ACRKS, hene it of nt o LN.t.l. ii îh aînCýIegaSu i' Pricaer!g ,'rtncrl3tîii haeec p'Tton oiMtttrew Rat-bitrai. Tite liL 14 it ittrd urthan lqtc-rlr oitt mile of the vifflage of Ueived ird à &be0od roomy dwelllng. lîatel t ! at si ertnSýlI siateofi'1e- hiers ait-g sili cqpDe tire.e i c f tt'4odiîu For irtier purtiéalrspply on theopreani% MIS ARPftOLlS l'ttp' (TFRUof'he aihovo tI a- - u'<~V.) ono nda . pril i4th.- 1 ttte;fIl iii'ict 1) okuowu on applicaticn t, the ItTeIhetr.' CANADA AGENKOt 4&SSOCTATÃŽÃ"N! M ON EY TO LEN), n eirity of Fairm Prnjierty,,at tritprcent. Agent, Vrocinaint4n . AGI<CY0FTIIE FREEJ401LD JLFermnera of North Gnilliebnry, dGel . ns. Sont MdBilrook, that lielhiq beeiln pp<>1t6d Aff ut fer the ebor,' Society, end] 1%i 00w preo. iiitredt t»advainqemnY on zoud eaarity, -fort uterM i a.nct. n o ýaN* JONGRÂHIAM, Aient, Vroszn 0. Ut24, lIgt Con. <*'eorldà ..- JLfant oaou Wýlititâ e w mile O'f Whitby or Oawà .ctrig'la, ere,&e. À1l i yItr ~~~~~11 LtM.E MIALr, <>ahnere. Dehina n1trah ],18 \VOON'S HOTELi lv0 0 & BROTHER, Senior tConty Grammnar School. Il '1iý~riiac Terrn dIithe al'ovo et]] tutz- n1 mince (IlV.) 0on Moî'diY, MAN-11t 31é;, eut] end oin tlie Lisit ni'Jr.ne. The rate.' of toi- tittîî nîî,wc front $2. $4 'par teint, aacordiiîg te ut th Idic. jturiedt.' Sttdit,. (relit a iiitea eau obtnaubiord, tte. ii h. eTotwnor it. riainitv et $2.25 te 82.5n1 per wëék. For titrixfrmtdpoeai- Pîy t't Wiil'. tt'Oele, l' 1eicpal ai'filic.shoot, or t tI uilleritenet].< -Wl . 0. ATWOOtk$l; Chr.irienm Board of Tr'natteee. Wblby, >Maeh 1562. 1 TO CONTRUACTORS! Tondore ofll be.reeei;red nmùîl Saturday, 2mthof march; 1882Z For Vile ereerion of a Brick Buitt]iiî on Break Btre-t, Nîrth of thie Regk*tti (>iltc. l'lineeand Spacifictis ausnpb. eree t tse Office or The ÇwC'teRsio»s aind Expericnte ot ai levitlit. DDCl FEED for tlte acfit and ns aw.qrn, JL ltîy and t cauntin tii iilîgmen *ho aei'. fer frovi Nr Dt r.ntiit, ?rean±ra »)eeny, -&o., eîpiiulthlIe nane tinte th ienne ai' sclcîîre. ' tyrine wlîo tiiaeuret] tilmielsfler lxliîiit put t» grcart epeiti tlirough medîcelimi mo-i andîC»t q9ll'iry Irpre-pfti tepostage eiirecopie. rond in haof the titeniltor, FOR SALE -OR ÃŽO LEASE AT WC~ in thie Tornsitp of Blrock, a 11 lli,-îketitth'* 1hAp wiîh ut n qfilehed Dwililiz lions. and ha]' cmntoare di land, ail situeefotr bneines,#-. forr partiaeinrs aplyy(Plhy ietteritfps$d> 4EOIWE L'uDDEN SEWING MACHI.NES E 1 71f'Ùciit. itt ln,, hio assorl- inetmencf Wanzaar & Co' attitalcliltt tlî SngQa nd]Wlesa at]Wîsiinîie lie hast gaerleewim nuaites evet- ofiarci] to lthe publie. JAMES '(. ý3ERRIIE. * i,Èett for CcattOntaie. LICËENS I) ÂUOTIONEERS, [s mowr G ATPLEASURE IN APPM8TI ING EIR N )U IRIINDS & C USTOMERS TRA&T 111IEIT STOCK OF' uplete in ail itt departmcnts.,From ithe-Rpiiuct dr tege we pr'rtgee.s en-ibting unieatntmcs-to purebtiee our' e in the best markeiPL, WCen witlhil0ffidCnc calparticular attention ta our vorîed and comiplete ~'h14~,6~ Çrwely oeffe- at ILinail dvonîui te cooliandpi liet, in 1 COBTY1~WINCEYS, GERM1 Shwe irfaMantas, ait elt a, :n WOOLES-In road Clethai, Dneeking sid teeg, et FianneIt. BI5fketi, &e, COfOX$-4n 'rimte. OtnglisMtl. vîitu amd gra> Cetbeucý j"" Cotte n'Ysros, W»btte and colored. FOUNI)RIY--FÂRM*!$ 1111 eceitiii WiiI etu d, u il4 ittnt pytn cutonergt ln Fancy Gooada va have soeterare navet*- Tit 7lorin ar ap&'lincy I CO.LW7WÃ"OF ONT AR lO.' vers, Pilota, Canadiain T700ed.q, Sabanellet,, Maintr* CIoths,Vethi Stlip d aReg uttchrigDrtnTçîg.Ct Flannels, U~QTHlN%~! CLfrNHNQ ! I Raiving èh giafit cùaut é eâtt. he Ll'Ti&iIorir.ýpç:tiep:rtJt isailgrtentq witll be gt upi b>trc;1class %'orlm"teq, ianlth Rady.toi'de Clobbink 1 ilvajAW a ii 1ndc. tatIies puhrs tin?1 tnili b. ori]Gentil Toui, q'fosý1é= uditRefle.]ant Suuo, S81ads GttrOUM,1afi ap ndtMaceluJtîe i1ssudSal bOut-LqiS' of fit-I-tssin1eity, ecôs1l -- of'- Port. andl bnd eUaadian Whtakcys, 1I.ohotonaind Dubli u Porter Abi>ob ment,. vr cen st-th conflilencie sou1tti esi?&c Ç ofpubl,irc'pstrouage ua nwest stylos, andi warrltuteil tis -IV6é t ii d. A'XIlerg. lot ci nTbtin, -Mink, Fitch and Fuxr G'î, in varik, iPoluWt Rôbes'; Berce ucsvado Sgsr.Tnbie,,;, Fruitsa, Spices,'Pic4%1s auCes, Rici ultt ckrel. Codfish, Ir-tng, & hert'-W ineq. Ttcnesig & 1fttreii*s PAýi0 BrautiL uni- Gin.,Scotch, L.s Pimerior Pale A, &c. leur, Cern. sn& Ofitreaî, Anterten n4ndtanim ClieesÇ4 tMge1?er wrtl$a t'a6oed Mýitrtmntmo<f Christiei Ptize Wine, Soda.aud Arrov Reot BWtseets ~~~.s~~~l mit ~ -c 'r ~ ~ rt in Uaiand 8iUegs awh ulsae nd rçutî, th lcp5 odii h rfne WiLeitv,Dot ail; g~ .BAUl accunta ,ast dure, anld npa per celit inteieat. Tri Ctmea 6atttr&sýthse Tweity- V. (0. Este». 3&reuiîlt-day afhlbru' 4rg, u n tm < tuent4e. fti er 'f Mie r.ign etHeu'Aajety, Quarta Yitria. a'm in the icar o Our !azrd, tF»TWEEr1; wiJoilai liny r Dcie, 5lut. J i . - TPO N #te ftFllýatilrn of tire plaintiff. an4 îit 8.3 apcrti ffidiavtit tlîat atler due diii- sor tha utl n offiaê adpy ofste laintit'c'13i]i in Shrian*te"; ITris Ososacuithb1hheau] DeY- tordant do, in ut- belorelite slxixaiuth day ot Auril neIlS. ansseer. or de--,tirto e itaie mdBIUI; ao~vu~s & POWI~LL ?4na I nui a ~ llocit, Brooik streel, Whltby. iidafter the lst Jaiiuary 1862, will be char&ed ton Xn th l eTn of iiti.,,ltt)'Iiin5ee>i ail InursdaY, 3rd of April: M82, At iL o'ts'ij A. M. precisclv, le 4qrn L t. Vilige it-ti tttl'i-ro,rrmior; tht-oc, ail 1)îrt 'af -i'orlv-toirer, oeif'*I St-cgt in l~Ttil '(J îî,fîo hii c erep-d n large brick }uiiftr ae ltj.. gare If erti.ý. (contre tV n ho ru i t( i]îuv-t - n0Capital bt lte <'nuit t>'Of GCtt idt neeuqpi hiîlt0, iteFîr4 ti Miilîn -np - FA R NT. 2rî: "ai iiIniitile irryi citumtadI] ittft-' , n tu ne t ,f 1t f ie 'r .w iîolip ai' W lfiihv , exept ftt~tI i ti- 1ý1rf owitf îfl'yche rend Trîîîilihîq iusl acres MI Ihl'ot, 4Ã"11i, -tndijiiîo he'f'twn cf Wlitlbt-.tA frîi.a-' stanil îîfrut*nte ire r uport te tif,,tti] 1- la ndil i. n' ee qtilit'. Pii'tar.îttuicit]inae ltrv to e mfet _tri. hhî'ai-îuiedicýtnt trot oe of t1wht cn,iritsMar]lstiofi'Jiaiula. IVILL) LAND. - *rtl. 'T i( uii-c'ifeL tt.m iieTo)ýi aihi1r ii'tir n-'- itit til ottilttyclv Itra Dit Nia- Ili01v It oCii. Iat,ý4.e, wjà 0udi i.cî N-o. r 701ii 11 20#ii1 LAîn t.î' l ,nr îl ilt a- m 5.Jin JAAlti itiisriîrLtt:11iîn. u$tof'tox Le ai]Gtiii>rl.clif>o)i *B l't N.î.il; . 4 J'it Nu. Lot Nci.,eiT, And] L-itNof., tP utiic iamnoî- coîît-ttigI2 el t,! ttC'. 'fThe re irr - - J..itittiI Ie coud sci ani]lire " -.-r(id tc.îtlt caclcot hlîmber eittreo,f.t tcoul iti-uieritg -lictrit-t ner 113I11. tilesghi t.pt Pis.I12l, S t et', RbrocIt ,u-sl iibncçf NIrto ani 274 in 1i itrl;Ii4T li ijk ant 2 ittt bii t".iw~rtftI~o TleL iueI t tot,,ltreet-ele tlîf-tigeaii] frtîtîe it't o tî ln Broe "t il- iu I, c i, uS ie 1-ail 2 77 Pr'5 !et pretiet next. 7b joki twieduray, the aZteee na fendant.- Taee otti , tlint ifvouti do ftot as demuirt h ut $11 put-sUnttlIte, ahi lte tliailiiy abtaile se etdur te htw" as eou$Iisitieglife yenu fni t] reygrant lta ,pleiitift fmcilireliefa b. eitted to or, Ith ovin sItaiweg and ti receive aiw1 nlier ntia oe fui For N'ai pKýtiflairageit aPal5tý)lt]e1, free, of the sgane. N. p.-~~<î llos1a!ge etani pienclos'md %0an aiyeuthorized Agnt, w it1enmore ibotte o the Pisby rctllrn pai. For "ea inwhitby by (. A. Bamî>ttter pnd5V ô01 qe. ILDY I4ethrtnWi Uxbrià k.!, Jatn H. (%'sMç, Drngk' gist, &t. Wlutby, mmda]] mdiciné 4dlmlis. kfi-'Gtiii)r- 'l l 1 1