Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1862, p. 4

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i betdetcilt -cres, vexa<mou, ua.m 4 of ait kindm*, A irst it went. Weil enodagh -bat bow wAit Itaftrwards. Mia parti, w hbie intruth vasnuta atrmai one, lhft« Tll, X]OY, eà ta hiwllingiy ehe h l 'o' h a n U l.~ ~~P di playeci bis political Iuowledge, but they N81 A C CO P Y aima lid ne objetion te a cool drink now North John 9k, LIverpooI. and thon betweeil the fier>' speeches. So Muter l3aptiet, froin fiime totime,ilu 'Dr Cpitl 2,o00,000 in 100,000 der ta 'leep up his popularity, vas ohigedCa to let a cattk cf ale go the rounds, and thut Shares of £W Eaoh. wau Dot qulte go picasat W him ta h listened ta vith attention, and ta heai the F I R.E BR A NCOH heurrahe when lhe said aomoîhing a little T11Eilatm% cf Pauh arc excopdintly More, violent then tiuas. Boudmees.tha oc'~imit'1'sud Ilvernad iiînmifol<aby R were <ther leadersa i the people as ho, who treu iul Uior. of the rllt propI48d. stodd ili higl fitvar with tbe maâli, but Who Fr rmu 81 220 liad Ver>' little monoy, white Mater Hlein- iePe im16,$ 6,0 zelmatin vas vellta-daand cauld %T tiio< I E B - offer& a acriffico on the sitar of i county, L1FE R N.H and-ho otYred it. Oi), samelowý or Lnirre Bici4OA d.cired-£2 lier cent pet annitfW oit Ibesein axsurol, 1,0file t tnl eo otiier,_ the sacriffice Wus wanted un oflen, eôîtinouxlsy dacllired by tliec ompàn>'. aind tbat vas iual mch tai the liking or theDiion ! rfte-ei1 or, tischlcrrmiter. Ilu nthe end-and that D tvisio oPl*e hon Èive1 5tOfl worrled 104n the mot-his journeyxnen be. tiPlii two en i e ers. camue reflictor>' ait of a sadden. . They wished aima to have praperty of Iheir oavn, * THEE ROYÂL'ý and donianded lhigher wags. Baptist Hein. 1% dlstingîtîshetd for Vic promptiude and liber- zelImaîtnUlied revalutians very wvol), bat 'lot ngain hlime1r, sud so lie tbld aethi, IL C RS hands-to go ta Jerieha, and for a tin e8M E CR S bemiiinme ent ta sleep. From Iiisit hap. No extra chalrge tO VolnitoeiI.*1 pencd that ordera did nat came ini qolie se, PERCY M. DO>VE' numerousîteas befare, vhich puzzled 13pb. -Mngr list no0 aslitile. 1He begin lttu ii clver Torontto tIlco, Yiige St, tandWeliîngton St. in bis mind, and I ml at lie bethougjît hlm. FR.nNCIS H 11 l¶EARD. aelr-Ofvwhat hia good.hearted vwe l ac] aid MteeTrno ta hita one d'l--.r- lhemembet i the skin j ý,A. DAVJDSON,ý* nearor liban the fleece." Navet lied the - isetr trutit Of thia proverb corma befare hlm 50o A1maacex, vîtît ample dtailla ofthe Con- paya 'mrtianla andeý'veri' necomA> na iiriingyad fotrcibi1', as uo tsdeti-itafoRyaîlid Ite llge mêQlui were losing their trength. A in-.- JOHN AG(NBW, gular aud irresistle langing ta rettu once Agent, Wb.tby. mare te his former tranquil and retired aud Wiiitby Jeu. 28. 1882. yet hippy Ilfe over came hlm. Whmt vs__________________ the. elfisit love of thte moh, againat tbe Pure "ci truc lave cf vife aud rblîdren 1 f BOOTS &SIIoEIJ.l*3 a painted bubbie in comparison vith a costI>'__ jevql. I3uptisit Heinzeimina plucked or a 2-9 M AL '1::' i. : h.plt towards evening holf he 11 tb l.caanciD bondge and vent homne. No one vas lunte LATHER FINDINOS, &C. garden ;. h la>' therin 0deep tillness. Il , u» 1$tN.bgersp f si letale dowvuIa by-path ta him workmhap, 1.infotu te peope of' <Whît'bt-, tUe caunt: vhere nov but three bande employedti ocf Oterloi, oad 411 uiblie tgcî.eraly,thnt liebas of the dazen taI formeri>' vorked theroîn, pna it~it n threw off him Suda>' clothem. put an BOOT & SLIO'E ST-OREi bis dear olti camfortabie jacket, lus car on lu thoe. fpalo400&Pr-miaisktova am ismiteat, teaced clown the dlay pipe whieh (aldwell's Block, Brook 5t, -had bli) clia long test, lit ik, andi thon l.tel eni.iU i.Welead vîy vent saftll trougit the inner La the outer isa b. h fonti l i indix of Letier, benluer r-oin. Wife anAd huîdnen at as often ho. Jîite [LI1 3RS foret au the titreshald, net lit-el>' a,,te>'Wht4,3ov 0 i' i used 10 be, but parti;culary quiet aud dowvu. , t-even merry Frit hadmcearely lawnr î< V tMuA] ta amty for himseif. The mon wu drôopping B li 3: CDra M . o h, v ~cln te blm aettinz,aud cat goldens atteins W . *B.c e rt baud, poetssae cléIli ef light t htogh the thick foliage of the- lieu vhieli few othein letie lino enjo. Th vine vhich uen atheti the door an or rtide sopplietd. All kinidaofvoerk soi char. ,t tli-.t elarwhote. dlAi, doi7n apan the dlean boarda of 'the ... fleor. Sveetaodeurs vote borue iu on the.Il [DES & L1EATIIE-R aie fr00n the garden, the bitAs ciirped and UN»F 0,-j 'EPRDT twitterçd titeir laut eveng -notes, uai4îea" f uttIde dIIvotRd ai yDeTC and trýnquility reigned aroond, exeept i lu QilÇnery, off Brook Street W htby the h ', rus *hlciioece knew nothiagr elme Win kI.N8 î.haa jby andi contentmetit. Y>Lg AND ALL OTIIE KIND8 tOF SU Usimiszelmalfnn leaul t-etite ior. and I r ta»ntied îatlber foudeatto < ït Tfor a timue îonld alt bis fitmil>' in silenéèe. L""~"yWM. IBURNS - he put camne before hic i*daspléailiant pictuop. "Wliat a foal vas 11"lie alAd in- CONSUELT TIIE (IL! wardi>' 10 himmeoif; "vitat more biesmed happinem a ea there b, thmu the happinesu N LSl1stSU A N lu te circle of one's faml>'ti Wbst aEm FOR11YS CI N fool wu I, ,not tW se this long %go, that FOR,~Dblj# eera-g Scouli be sq long hliided b>' stiipid votnity D>p4m0, eraDb-ilFe nd p -and falish prido 1 But thora in>et tin<e, Ovw U a WVéeg1'. t Ilat>'154, JreU h" and1 i viinot et il escape., ,rus cfof l.cd, Sj1t ee, pi.pla, >Fît"J ýla-art, hesad aony ad ith .44,a., IlicipiiA& <.bmusuptws, JJnW 'mrgaetylitmui alnti md idoffq, cée. . frionldi> voice. . "Baplit-isîheI you? indsmuest)>' r _N'o lMC tEI - ahe cried ud tsprang up ; "and vhat do on. kAMOS & SON, 1 8ee ?-in the aid cap and jacket 1 Are 4 dU48 iiGnm 1rthr-dmoI.V5 15 700 ual going attagalaP' icU Bfln .". "-Net to.day, nor îo.motrov, inr after. A tkTIIE tNLY l'IIYSICIAN8 IN TE 'wars,"ansere belomiing lflththe A ETATE vtto are uinbets cf lt4 Roy ~tiads, anverd le, mii',ig "Wîk ho iolege of Stirgeofli, London, ina>' e conunt aid tirets, 1 have ounn &gain in, aid heart. froîn 8 o'clock inathe mcouig ultil 9 nt nigli The saida it tecrer tbmu the fleece; my Mar. tmevor>'stage anA sympt*tu etlDisease. garet, my ootThedearvif.en" <le>' s44lt l iste res;ll cf nl gfteý y goddea wie 1vsrdéof8 108',extnsive antdsuocStsfilpi'i '1h, gpodnes 1' sie exclaimeti, "vItat lice tn Lvuý,ou, da yop mi>'? vhat do 1Ihear T am. 1not in YeUNG SES TAIEP.RaT-ICULAE NOTICE a dreani7'1 ..There samu cvil îait sntÎmsiadulgtIl 91 f vu re r«mnrtha e ld coA nu. ut-boy-s, lliti ltde, oftengfr ý g iv f e s I. r. ~11 '7 yIiWI'JF'AU'iIJK SOUi'THtOF N. W ii'W'à-ý5 "I~JLUW1 Whiere you will find Cutters and Sleighs of every discriptioxy of the best wrkmnahlip anid rmnufitctate4 of the best material. ,Çompnlriing:- Patent Front, Jumper, Roil-over Seat, Portland Sleigh, Box or Democrat. DOIUBLE SLE IGHS8 & GOOD SINGLE CUJTTERS FOR $25 00. ALSO. BOR SiJEIGJis, JIGFRT AND 1HEAVY. Pa1rti(ý9 wanting (Cutters and Sleigliq vill do well toe outl and cbiî,mineont r @tock b<efore purcihasinig elsewbere. We malte pur own work, anid éroy corn- paent torkmen, so that very article sold càn bin gimartteed. We are detr mine dot 10 o undcr o ocamne, and gt a good article. tUr..Au1ont. Cuatters have STEEL SHOIES. DNO N.W LPT& o 49L y&c O F A LL 1INDS AT TIIE TEIA AND COFFEE WAREIIOIJSE. TUOSE WIIO IAVE NOT,,SUOU TRtY- iNG(jLISII1 BLACK TEA. 4,000 Gallons of PrIme Whiskey. 150 Gallons of Fine Port Wine. 100 Gallons of Fine Sherry Wine. 140-Gallonsi of Jam-aca Run. 150 Gallons of Kolland Gin. juý *36 BAItRELS OF F1511. Herrings, A swperior lot of FRESHI E ý L SHBE3,'K ANB IFAPAN TAS Sugars, Fruits, Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, AI- R$*ived direct froin Baltimotre, &t. prieea defyring competitio'n. A]SQ a superiQr lot aif CANADIAN TWEEDS, D0ESKINS, ,m whiçh will be sold at a small advance advatîce on cost, for Cash. T. H oI~AN Whitby Net-. 27. 18r)1. WL L Tr ~f~)wlotsand parebi of real ed1u at aslow Arice, The .,ewerO aret Inspecte 1, >I7a cou. etent prMl nbefore vrerc plrch"4d, ans tW the atl.i ettlei, Araireis a perinnfeflt home. an a evaltabli lcti1timtl proprety th.eptemet l bc AfAVOI*ble opportity for nieunt. TOWNSIP O F IXBRIDGE.- le.t con. oat4ialf lut No.-28 .....100 à lqotltl1.llAlf --14....100 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. dh eaatýhafIot No..4 ....100 TOWNSHIP 0F M»ARA.ý let titift lot No. 1 0..50 7th 94 g-îpfT. o 12-.h 9 . 00 1311. "Ai4h-Af 4'...100 TOWNSUHIP OF RAMIA. erôntýRncýlot 'ÇÀ .44........84 A Coit. ,: ..... .ion10 e4 si - - 5'I.......... 100 B 4 i . . ........ 100 B 44 4"6 'l........... I di 6418........ 100 si 4" 14:........... 10 fl~ " . 4 ............10) 04.........................100 F id.i. . ...... 10 north.hiilf ......0 TOWlnaiIF FBELEY-r Gril Rilt-r, lot WNuI. 1........»0' North wev-t lia>'1114 ........... 44 6 6........... 114 66 4l 4 138............t., , t Batisant Lakte "s..... ........j* l 0 lot Con. nattapart 4 ... ....... . i 4tli 44 g "1-2 ... .........2M TtltIl mouih-34 I9..............00 î SttU '4 g 'c 7 .......... .. .205. TOWNSIIIP 0F ELDON.- lirA Cont, est-t-hait lot No. al.. 10" Sut "veetbal! " 24 100" mlt, nortb-iiall "-Io ....100 ~ TOWI1IIP OF VERULAN. 7thî ' Broîcu, lot.Ne. 16 ...84" T.oh t Nou. 14 .............. 20M COUNTY 0F GREY. TOWNSIP F COLLIINGWtOOD. 12t1: il NorthparI lo! N;0.1 . 7 TOWNrlSRIP 0F EUPIIRASIA. fInA I l ItX0.10...............0 m roWl<SJUP 0F LUTHIER. SlUI ". . .... 20 Also in leassofor a tenu of!I10 yestc Ite TOWNSH-IP 0F MARA. tOtU Con. uîrth-hei f lot Neo 1..I. 100 baoth 4 l11 14 ...100 M11 . . . 2 li14 & L . 2...00 b-lît tlî-aIl' 9 ...100 ltiU"soth-htl! " 10 ..4. 100 igth " sIti-haîf t U--8 100 121h " onti-balf Il 14..100 t" geiotendittirpurclisaieru. ili cave thue au. troeb>'plonualv exsmfiulno <lue taudg if tho tUejrt lumluan sd thn lot prico auîuJ taries aipI>' (if b>' etler, prepeid), la JOHN HAM P8IRRY. Wbîtby. IMP>JOVED FARMS- Aurs of .seutl, 47) ocres eleutet, coulpe lisedcfo W e ý tfLat,"Noý. i and7,ti chv 2nil cmceaasiett o!xbridge, Ceelit>'oftun titrio, teçether vith mu extillefil 8mw itlagi, I o g o d D e l U ni l eBo a " , F î m e B a r , u 101>acres,.1 ocsres clearcd. eouap->l oft W X oef 17, lu the limt wucee4aiuoff txlanli Coutl>of 0utatie. vwith Dvtelbiuglpoe, Prom Boru and Sblesèm.1 WIL.D LANDS.. LoI Ne. 2, iu4he 9111'Cen'.Enulsuie, X cres, c ont>' of Victoria. Lot No. 14, ini the Igth Cou. Scuuervilhe, 2( aicres, coulity et Vlctotus. ea Lot ?go. 50 lalte lot Cen. Festoi l oaee n~et ', -. 7,ln Ith 1Con. Pet -land, 100 acres05 'otity of! Icroulenste. nomb, IN 'actesq, <irnt>' et liren. Wegt,% 1,a)tNo. 18, l in t tCon. Di 100 ac-resg, Cont>' of Lambten. CAPITAL £100,f00. -Irourance.etirqted on Bttildio§tg" adthel, coiltê.itA. Every- informationfl mpplied OnfAl} pleation ito the nnderaqifffld. - Mariie Rtkt, forthêoumesn Offorfltob JOHN AGNEW, Travnlling Agen-t, lil» tO1 iect'Wiltbi *pboe"nix Fire Ass5urance '0e. <iMÂl T AN 2D OUATEING Osa0, LOND0O14 STOYES! ! GILESPIE, MOFFÀT & ýÇ0 APERTIIA E'V R NS1IRANCES againat LO>BSb11- tE a id -CHE PERTHA EY '-i. eTcted î'i the moNt fiîvo>ra?le torPIAand UEAlGETW~<CKAN) I<ATSTLQSS KS pald wlthout rcferanctah Ia n ýl HVnrety n Stovei', tcivO- }itiiiitt'l, Ti0 n do I * O W A D ware, &o.,-Rn ho taon st the Store ut the M A.oti %. nav-lital!' Ai6eni.Connty'q Ontaiirio, Torouto, Do' 1AppliqatLo l4artry. WlII DR. FphysIloi debility.n et Umm A ~ ~AI lhznaded tUe eüJtlalh- epilem hems heen'introdecd amougmt cîher toirletias - IYI07Ie Owlilah t-r>' Itu te tai l TUE KINU 0' 87VV ES, MA na nase. generallr ceua.d hyr ha. MRON DUKE, BR TI II EVeW tceffcs or.Wlîch i jtedizziruf GRAND TRUNK, ýf-gaNeit wkuem ofthe luuck Uo PRINCE M.LBR7, J C(TT Co,., Nov York, utiet a ics, celinles1 n e ie enlcs DIVY4 CROCJKE7', ~ ~ Lepouliti lia f.ilowiig leading Feriodîcale îinhl nistet PROTCT)O IST 4-c Tu LoaaaaWe have, recentivt- evoteulr p SE1L (osevtie. itîitlug thtle UIROPEAN ~~Cahtuf 11eQUBRYt .C*1 st-eiiîng orit-as .4of the knr JOHN ' Ts Er.cueoî Raîsi fVui- - .eetchen of the Most Akiiléd 10 1 rqBRYANstirgeonsln Europe and t ho(! 45Brook-st., Whitby. <vlio.plmcs themiielohome undetn F0 1%SA ETu£ NOR-itDB81a11REYvîsW (Free Chuircît) hef uUAlivsIZMP)IS l'O SAL * * 4-.abler)tn lntro<iiite Inititont Top -WisrmiNstst RFYitir (Libefral>. pilIle icnv test n'u-netedoe the A G><D iWBLiN ioPOF lu Spatta, d lty, SECRECY. aur) attentl A ith int-bui dinsC, incndinir<Torin>tIîirca.e" tt-)tich lisý a, ne < hrig, suoxcllnt-élhalt aB. EDOS iL it5 NtAn.tziNFs(eory)e1oî1fot%, a s f 0f r I rtdîa c o f b c a tîu g a p p et r c e , &c . . o n t h Ti t ell o 1 r e e u t c r t i o s i s ta t s o r KF u to p e a n a ff a ir a T ' t rCU t l à eit d c .p o rtn e n o pranise ..tw illeî atibr eetu thrcu-qeettte utoran t-ltrute r lîeîze p bicatlon s unusuali>'iner- tie .f rlAR- 5 eo * acte ut Iaud. Asavcn otn u usr.emliig -tint ng te îrthcomiug yamr. Thoy FIMveCil 1YA LE r.tsm. - Lad Tie w irea vîlihosoid sparatel>' or togctt, ~illoccnpy s middi ronrbetteacel, tet1t141y uadiciis the Paicey ofetwliioi te noit puircittit-rs. wrlîîon neis-ile is, crUde tuttec 1011, a lu lUouýam< m of ciaue, nud n e i'tice-$1i00 for the- flouse aial't oe-iyina u,0%oý h dal ,trual1adteeeeyerF itotùi o thid ii c aiddeirrf,ý fleholane n;11 yunr os; ouTourte or the future historiau, rril- noute but Dr. De Laiiey s or th laI Decunh eqier. bi c. ton aller thie iiviugir lere*t sud eMetemuent fPfis. - Fo ferharpartcub rs. îîquto t thxe t e re t lp litial eé s ft h e tiloc hall have Prie $1 p r box -. The> a Octohor 9tSrd, 1681.41 piued tîvay' . la la totema I>aiodicsls îhhf at ~<of tUa United Stitee or4va reaider n umt look fouit<heonl>' reali>' intailigi- TO 'TUIE LADIF.S-Who FA RM FOR. SALE. flic sud rialble hit:lcty of entrent evtants<Vaid raIsat1tr1hrgr Il F, qbcriber offart) for salIe t'oIv. 25, l in rrvt, uolonltiftc, and thenlogical chitictr, jîîlziti ufreudors t hoin abit, T thic IttU Con. orfte uowruihip of Wbhtty, lvage u ni oiu ni-uthe couideratlion (if tthe uvited ta coiuan. containiieg2410 acres mate or lais. About tîo roading publie. Tc Secrets o!t enu cleareci sud la a gooci $talcofa!cultivallea, the EARLY COPIES. A 71t-eiie os gheeaeu of Pre ronaladat heiug coverod vith goond bardwoar) The roceipt of eut-usesmizzEtSfrein <bu Bri- slcmsmering. .iutptue timnet. ti1mb publisîctm givesA àiditional vidneotta theiuethLidJearorsceir The abau t-enÎ%l Oo!ofthe Urellu thetovu. rlntu, inasinuch as tUa>' onu nev ho plmcd «>btutIe ,klmis0f Etbip, heiitg tocaeor)betirelhIoi e1î u l twt fsh.rihrsabout as poocu aseigc .t the ,fataeU4rt1at isOcria rôeti&ftom WUhy, and poaeasiug e v or>'ait.theatlglîial c-ditius. îiffl, andl devefo>suîg îhse wiej vatgfor marketing preodue. TERMS T'EU AIfUM.re .fom M. ite nemeat to haeonthe prenîlses a largo fanbrt ?r t>nu iefontRotlete . $ 0< J eet by uwml on rm dvelingUnuseatti tehrd.For iuîy trI, nf tUe four ýRat-hair........ Türtus 81101>0 dointu, treat-.qdcr te 8cit tua For on>' <brai ut thuu fouirr cirs,. ... 'i7o I0t0uuau al Anti>' ptehfavr. For turtti er tlculara aipi>' Ou For ahi fout of tUheItevlevit........... s00 miutitng tu)Vt g I ght. anA c the promisoes ho Fer hlieckirood". !tIligsziu . ...........i11 (4) ii 5 p. ni JOHN IttLANE. Fer tlockvood sana Rne -irw..... 5 ()o Médicilnls vitU fli irect F at Ble k iood.sd tw v o mml r... .. 7 00 prirt o the l niited tt 1esa u( 14 .Alhu. For BiacIcwrood and tbrce Rtti- . 9m00oo lit,.amiiaiîgthelta3 For BlackÎrood su-] <Uc flouir Itvieirtu. -~10 Bsuu'trUrc~undnaci Cautiou Aglsst et oistot bus. . 3jâne Cirrea* in.the S tafr e-Sert isused .eia b e jilr L'aOffli p-illlI -Te high rapinle anut ee$91l0otcie.Pet-fitw" 'd t Par- 31Maiden lAiue, A ibsuy,"lN îeutrmpe.ot-iittesigltct rrr t~ ulaautCLURBINC. fatr . «V t enniir?1k Mleubif A ue o!of25 peahi, t. ram theo shave sre lenai1autl_4 e tiodertft iisguatroarlt. & 1.. nutre opictet oamy eortmort-o it eabat-a pny& o.im id ufleo idenec rap otit. Tlue: Four cole% o! )ENTiIS'Id,-o pet af!the CealiR aim tSyiaumiavl wt t ut u fne ltuvia.r, wvlt ha seltinea e!sctdacs or DRS. CALLENDEY meut sd ttfrtiie.edi.cs. sot lmabato! h $9:e- four cu.pies of the fout lieviewianA Blak - în dirice. toUte ni.th ole otint ituiAî vrhtck ig etany;, ýû'V à;adP 1.grenDniç-& j mati a sutlhîcuat l M esr. Per t m nedicies meo 1in~~, v c o 1 . u e a .M e e ts e t s e Auatml al.Chinmýa suail ether ijurt oftthe worKd POSTAGE. vi lia pceeofted tiy a paiet atiptWle alitd--> ru c anelilan Mail a,îbscriherasepplicu] freofet Mr, Carleton Lym b o u l e - e a 4til # b e lti u a e a I m n iral t it; e ndt O v r r Uiy î t l s 1 o s a o 150 m i baile tts t rrut ront t hb ' e Y T h* tei rent hiritain ofthlie fit-e U I A T E Frledeatwhch te nOIded lunte <ic. clrge.l tir leriodiels o tube annai tas*31 par ana n. th me-"-d iciitslaasetl lvp b dresr FpKTll filledlilu the nias ,'z thle Pulhlherp. aw" o* lr"(lT Pidsu tebet the ha LEONUt>SCOT A O.. The og oxperienoo cf1 3ogous 0 Nn. 54 Golul St., Nsîv York. Cari) and thoî r thetcnoeh knos tieo!fDîisty, enablo <lie &e-r. l e1,. pxRn & Co. nare nnly le h ao-,_ l S I~L Y great 1tnfta tii b.e lçr). .11tted a ikei resd No. 19,IDeniers 8 La.. im--JOHNSLU5&ICR A.JL aYtv i ftheeal)-itpat () dmca. s ît- nete rsy atrconuealirai f1b..ue.inteebth. Vpen ti in eibher u i agu e'u la-i atibeylerpby moell me rQ Sle oManuofaetn-eim o teitpro-ei ~ etauoUij t-Puli sit5tse' erum uinihitrait.GTTTA PERCHA !nikndi depend. Theçl d ' ~ .ocaî»îpovoy e~ tc EM EN G btuneh ofthie proféussic es id TbeZ-realet Mdet i v fteC EMEN T R. 0 O F 1I G lefs<ioui.* letthe namleted ' the clesuet and it idurable hloelIug inurue. ?n I 5Zmî then iln tlMe, bef L> ltat o te go ne a14 MANUFACTURER 0F ,ALL, KIN] ri - 1

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