Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1862, p. 4

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mIL A>~ hi bal For,, Sie tiai va ar'rsatsd and as the guiner lied net auj. téaehoui the odjulant, id nuotit Loot hlm evoén i not-been for tho.gun- ating that lie iîîî ndad tt, conideriibio, doubla ealiy ueanite do deas, for eL abulta ila the rogîment, Citpt. Keate whea lie e gqtniaer, John îEd- iac n art solier, anad t vliaiacer. Net the cuiti ht traced for liis te. Thie doctora have staetýit ieIanis itlA i ty. Ile aya lie had Lira agatlnst Caipt Keate 1, buta itill peraala ithat Capt. lieate. A gen- îuc.utbitd at the Atiberge thl tu ta'y the prisorer."' Mwill nul bo .aiecuuiita1blu. tiitr,,iltm ic laiaihlf- a fu'ii a eto fi lIAtittti LS MON VUONERY. .S FOIZTIiE atlippillg 10 tlarir ole 1La ALtK &CO1 routo aathuir ejlel>rted- [ELL Ã"YSTERS,ý q iiibity ar e nulrp;ifiIsd. 51W hatIl oui ppllîtsd S aitt..aW, îilhb ):P; SID.IWAye relit I. 51;jO U Calvary,nov KS. se OaldwelVs Ï' Blck, Brook 8t., (L.tllýy qPp îpl1)ayr. Wetîberild wîo v îlZao r 14iix ý 1bu fLutbr Cather Flîdllg,*a. WILLIAM IURNS. Wlaftby, Ncvý o, »di, 49 ( T,12HAainga' Talanory of li. W .W .J okwa nthan.1, poaiaOiiIOUf.sdi4 tisa wbilh fsw othara n elai I no i trnde iatçpliod. -All klitidu owrk sollliOtp- HIDES & LEATIIEL.- r TIyE uNDlpsiôxËE» gI 'IIArED TO' Ipny eaà for tildes delivereduàllynOo" Old y off Brock BIiietWliby.ý Nvan BURNS. OLE ANI) ALL OTHER KIND8 OF SU- penoror w înd Lmatiior fortuit. at ibt »i .aîiaary. ~BURNS. NEW JEWELLERY T IlIE subacirhbaa iuow ou baud, a fulil as- PIE G0IJ JEWELLRT. Rings Brooches, Loekets, Neck, and VIeitOhlainIS, &C English Lever, And ,LwIss Watdues, WLîcla iivîrag arefiij eleetcd' Le c-au war- ranit ôetL4iasut qîuaabty ENGLISH AWRD AMER.IOAN Pla.ted ýjewollerv. jet Gooda, Upectacls11, Slbysr FIslteal FPorka, spooma, &c. jxiut r.e.d alurge suiiortnxoni of Whlaa elalis l rov sling lit aiueb lesa l'ti theia unaý prtomat.30 h6gir edocks varrauteti gmW titiue keeperalof:o.. ama-y article at tiar lovemt price. JAMES JOIINSTONX, Waicbnaaker and Jseollar,' »riock Strest, Wiiby. Sept, tuai, 1861.3.4 CONSULT TUE OLD ENGLISI IIYSICIÀN-S' Dy.qiiaz GaasalD.MWjy,,Feee and Arvie &rfuam, 014 e, 2&j,.Lpdot, GrCmiemt MfAsua , S~LaU qf pouth lan add s, d&c. -. DR. AXIOS & SON, .45 >.lzl <UfAm.. . t brdoori hVug . A IZE TII ONLY PhIIVSCIINS I N TLIi STATE vita are moembtra ofthtie 110>-a Colloeaiof $urgeons, LoAndon, imay b, conuluted from t8 o'cloeith e uioring, sii liati iight. lu saryo tge ani yptouni o: Dieaa. Tihe treatinsut Lbsy adepi t ias reaint of up. wardis of 80 yoasa'ssttoraahve andi aucofalprasý. tics lu Laiudeu. TOUV1G-XEN TAIt PÂltICVLARI IIfC Thora h. an evil habit aomnetimes indulged in by boy., ira solituade, oftsn gruwauiig uap viia ihelu Le nhoni; and whvbii fn lot reformeil la dit. timneflt 0111Y beget. mrot oaimlea4 te mrimtil utý Inn..but glavit rimes lua attisa et prot pae iniliouia anti devaatating afiectinaIII. Fmv nitbos ho cive. vay. to luit peruiel. oua rtho. areawaare of ibis sonaeqîienîesa, un ti bylid the tervona syrioneii aliati, ismic trange. nad. u:ineeontabIcsenisstiffle. *ad We- IUI IlimL IAIVRI I OUA2orUIN. lW. DII§ttJ.' a)A1tnt:IatJAAJJWUX., - 0 - Where you will find Cutters and Sleighe of ev'ery dwlcipticma, of the beat worknnsMip and ma.nufactured of' the best materiaL Compiiiing: Patent Front, Jumper, Eoll-over Saat, Portland SleIgh, Box or Demecrat DOUBLE BLEIGES &GOMDSINGLE CITEIS P31R $25 00. ALSOIBIfon siEIGMSI, im FIT A" I 5IAVY. Parties wantin,, Ctîîersand Shekiizhs will de welI Wo cail and examine our Stock before puretuaing elgewhere. We inakeo ur own work. and emuploy corn- poetwoIcften, no> that every article &Mld can bit gîaritîed. Wu. are doter ed not to be unndemiod, so coine asid get a good articW te- Ail Our Cutters have eTEXIL SIROES, DONMV4N, WALKET & Ce TEA OP ALL RINDS ArT Til AN», UOFFEE WAREH1OUSIE. TIIOSE WHIO hAVE NOT, SIOIJLI>TIhY EIJG ISII ITAOK TEAS. 4.000 Gallons of Prime Whiskey. 1M0 Gallons of Fine Port WÃŽiu. 100 Gallons of Fine Sherry Wine. 140 Gallons of Jamaca Runi. 150 Gallons eofHolland Gin ['30 BAK-RRELS'0F F1811., Conisting of Salmoen Tront, WhIto Fiih, Nackerel, Cod and Herrings. A superior lot of FRESU Ekfis-H ELA(-K AND fLiAN TES- Sugars, Fruits, Candied Lernon, Orange a.nd Citron PeeIs, AI- monds,,.&c., c lnmeote l'My a 00 noutlt persan helore they -wS purobiivud, a=ito thetinaIal otr Who alunît.. a permanent home. anal a vuaable "g- rIut.nral prnprsiy, th.eprqasiatt Iibc aund a îaiîiratilo opplotuliity ?bllesiybi. gîowucw ou, oWvARmue1 TOWNSI#IP 0F VXDRIDOB. iai coin. saa,-tlt lot Ne. as ... 0 nef«. #th outh mi t 14......100 ~ TOWNSIPOr sco?. 7tIa t .$4 lfilot No. 4.......100 j .; WNXSRIP lOF ARAb lot iiqni-ai~lot 7No. 1... M 7th a oulii-Iîlil 7....Alvc 13hu-I mqtth-hialt " 4 ..A0 TOWNSHIP OP *AMA. aOnt %taflut NA 4.4 ........4 1B 44»99 . ... ..... 100 B à iî4 4..... ;.......10>1 fi ai i ai is. . il*il, 14...........1loi C 9 il' -4 14............ 1 f i 49 .0 1-.......... 100 a Il - i Il 2.......0 COUNTY OFYICTOR IA -TOU XSHIP 0P BEXLEY. GUIL River, lotNa1....... Nus-th fre-t Baay 114 ........... 51 ai i44 ai4 i.:5............. i IL1tl"tn Liii, a.......... loi li con. sorilpart 4 ............... th 1 i 112 ... ......... _200ai 7tî I moulb Ç 'P ............ 100 MI, ai a4 ilhi7.,..a1; a % < TOWN14BIP OP~ ELDON. Srd Con, efat-lilf1oi No. 81 100 it' Sib W.at-hlt 24 . :100 '6 tIIo ... 1 .100 TOIVNSHIP-F VERULAN. ISia ~ toiK.1......... ......0 COUNTY 0F'(GREYOI TOWX5UIP 0F VoLLINGIWOOD. lt II Northiparttlof No. 1;. ..77 i TOWÇNSFIIP O0F BUPIItA!91,k îid hilto1.......... ..00 rowNsHIP 0F J.IJTUEU. 11ti lot No. i.............. 248 44 [4t1 h 26 .............. M 1 t taLla ......... ......8 Also 1* beue for a tern or 1 î?yearaaina lt TOWVNSH-IP 0F'MABA. 100i1 Con.u. tur-hafilot No. Il...îlo I ~oaj t. ha a hi 14 :.... blîli îa ~ 200 a1t i hh 2. .200 1 , li 41 aaintiblait d-1) 1 lîn1 rha uonîla-bîlf Il 10.i 14 Ilt i uoitii-iiabi' î 18 ...100.c 1201t sontb-biubf 18.10à$ l2th b «Lh.irJ ai4 I. 100 a gEntendlug purolasusr*Ilb uata ilme &n.1 raiamtay peouuulhy sairuirghelàÜ11td % i thea ttue fir4ilt a nuasd thbnsué orpiean Wtsi .Appîy if b4Iloe, prepdi Il, MIhN HAMl PERRY, %VhiLtby 14. Nov. 1841. iby IMIROEDFARMS, ANDe Aste. or Lanal, 45 acres clearerli eomi.o- lit oferet laW 34ofLoi NIoft., asudt!, Iu bituai ondomsinst of Uxblrigo. Ca, ntvlt op- toiiiL. ict..a-aaawthla n.ei lait R au, Mil iai 1 Received direct from Baltimuore, at prices defyin; 'citjn iAlso asuperor lot of Rairnoi CANADIAN TW.EEDS-DOE SKINS ,r;, ilcrs,C, Oloths, Satinettes, F'lannels, Blank-ets, Buffaulo Rohbes, &C., &c., - tN which wil be sold at a smali advance advance on con, for ash. ý lVhhiyd<y ? stT. 1H. Mc M IL LAN. 'Sot lasia, 1(X Weai laiOVES!!1 CHEAP1ER TIIAN11EYf RM ,ware, di., cap bbo men i t the$tore oî Lth, ",,der*ugnd p pnta 4 s.tla axai qiattubai aiail ha. bliun ltrntnci-1 t mniligat tuther varietisP TIIL? KINU 0F S7Tà 7£se PRINCE-ALIIER7, UrAYY sudU$se. JOhIN BIIYAN, FO R S-A 1, t A witha oldt-bnillidigaa, iiictndhiiig alrtrînai tx>a-s, wodabad, iau esicelsuat wll, wih'n finl rirebiard tuf beiritist iippla tr&,ea. &C.. 0is the *prenueasahisli eîhriesa tlarso.nrtra of ar acre tif baud. Aban, a vaicalai lot aIl hali etcr. The wi il iibe mel ispnaitely or togotbaur, toi ait rt iu. r. I~la-lC0fur theo tiii*e andlLot ont- thti'i ro o epi tidu, tlie. baitucira in. yaiar trom the lii h)cub :a . Fur furtiier p.siciar, aqîii ait thicit eî. Octouar StIrd, 1861. 41 FA IM /yOltS-ALIO-- T Il . srlaarib, r lfer ,sale lot No. tM, ira Ttlit t ia Con, ef- tue taawsialtlp ut NWbuîby, euubaniag ' ace.maure or bei(%. About !50 cieured iiiial lu a goodl OInte.of cultivaluat, ibis remnder beiug eovecrod vwi goud buirdaaood Tii. abliove atm le unc if ithelettin tlîs iewu- 1Ilp b,ilg bocatetil taciveera ite' Lv» itaaii, rocsta ,lti whuîhy, ai îustaaeaigvery bd- vattage for iouirkein> pro>dace. Tiiere iuon i.pciIar ag aebarna, dweli'ig houa. aîud ore Ta'n l $200duc». Ltpremnduer te, suit hn prirchapôur. For further piatdettra apil.uWi the premilutte, -14 Abun 1h. high rspUteamdsetekve gl tub ofMsmaoe.Pet- yalluo (nai U" the spiilat i.c IIana s'pumr.ae-' prmlison n(irew wn îirepaaraaloo, MVa.ilrrry lad ioiaiw praoa iarh~aai ih-i ms.liiiamat aisq Pe al" iacorinual altar!4)n(8ytum anal firnial-..z die s. uda hit namiUadreaul i! atha! of the-,ne- W.l aonos îhC tlst. in iiuhaîs whick la (slamy, &M.L im iillI*~I inLel Me". Perry'a u..diclnea mo&kl an A-ni mwChina. aa ilt srjraux w(fhe WorM vil! loe prolsentea ly a Paaiea poule omxtd linsae boiile. bearaagihetin.;anadd re lu full ; anad svsry jbkst and hi 6 411 e fuilsaitrompenpnd byreayn Preem lt nfile I EI I KM Yh len the aMedicines. Msaar". .R. A&L, Praaav& Co. arr oeilt y le acona- anlical ai iliejr resaialueio. -9, Beniéra sea m don. a5 by lvuuler G5 auy esiuimt r t-Ithgr Kthome-) anam* a y harsiy auu Iboah treurance eneIo . on i M ngsra h @oiteaf. 1Every Informration i uj.plied caap- p1içation to the, tndndgnod. Toiel £Và inuUk> for L.the qio oV». A:11 JOH*N AGýEW, itr Tr2ivofllhiiitAgoent, Jvro»ii*trftt, Whltbl DI Phoenix Pire Anisurance Co. 090ID si» 'rlax? .413ciAitiKa ou1'O, LOXVI,04Phi ~8TÂ7 ~8EI~If .8 2.12? OILLE8PIE, MOFÂT & Mea> 1NSURAiÇC ,&wiintn for Canada. ,NUAÇSuniia ti i ff I E~bY FIRE sud LOM bal 6pajl wihoat roforonce tt b habirln London, Whlîlrr Anig 10, 18501 BRIISIl -REVIEWS. L. ~ Ne u;î~ York, eaiitnitett VU.- TuE L)iDoN QuàaarauuLir (Coniaervative). 11154 10IllarbeYa'Vthe liulhItoji )i to woch e 74 r , irl.<a aiire IAo aaeaa1. loelrla*allY e miaas4 baybant lnlieeaaiîaeticiua i rinaig il e>ea vçkaîeaaaut ic baick ai»( niulnsaalv aaa% bu cursai PEw IutAiANDLi)ND0N WVe bihvu, receiitlv alevovidat il, Viîi4ingr thu E1iOPtEAf tuVuali ~ titatit of ut l,.kilo Port . Tf ILL a train ol 1A I&W. (Ih<TlIlN. 7byrt rALg~a. O F ALL Ký ,»and excellku Ohests of Draw -awint,.to Chiairi- 48 Zasi «enuetStreet, Eliloots Street, Buaai. 1 - Nrwis; i;în Earopsnnd the Co Tri£ REvtiew (%Vlîig), I '~A.11 ui htnta-iund.jrru 8. laauvu.-t esf(sali bu'aîefit 0f ulua MA Tata ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F NorrI CAai CI OUw<FeSCurli R ENI EDI FS w 01rlt nti-f-alueu ltao on 4 Ipai.ltirv hitnVrua ia-ntid 0t t aia itv, .mitaiattiýýi To;ua W sTirgRcvicw (Liberal). îialrsa<a, wich a lutk oAn lc guia ha i erettifote. "a aP 5. i'lCUùl aN 1b-ptatient otfjPr BLACZWOÃ"DS FE>tlaaanum I MÂoazriut (Tory) tice.f,». Lie f25uer; VIie prouatt critiesîlitais of Puropeauntf F tici ýJîtYlis.I ahi rutaîer tiaaa.u. pitlbtaittgiannnaalailI lîr- jiedieliie.théU e flhezaey 0fAiich culjig ur lrite ualorhtnîiirÇL.4&r. TJey ira tlsofta.nr m of rauvuu, sadne% cill uccn1pý a siarbbgrennd hoeisai the laat'lyspaI'cdy ",ctureta wilboiil- no bitli r1tteti1 îstv-mu, cruale iîsnîîuî,nia 1I hume li111Dre LnIai.ej'ia Te e iaaa rIaîllo,a fitLb.edniy Jtit*iiii, ,athe l 1r puidcra>i. a',»,oh the (niite, Iiirtorlai, u ri- 1rte41 par lynx. They can Loai litti 11(liv iuîinilsret aaî ata p isrimcsut ohf aa-rt lie Utýaited 4tzatcs or Va Lb. igroi eta Iiaîullll ihevelit orthe t tiutilal Itvu, T0 TU F LA DI P.S-Whjo ne piatinat awaaY. h li te thrs Pt-rio-bicmalm Atî Ianîclhs ilviaier withrgi raa swto reraalot4t. iua0 t ta .r tIi.o iy.lly l ntiligi- t . a eiornaiplaiînl.r to wbichi be .aid lbl i siaory of nl-i eliveiata, .andb L*iiîîlt thîi repi t i hmmliable, 6a mtela, i a aldutiote ibincir îvuîlcutathilisd tiaçitaflte rolaui:1t nr. ia-rairviciutilio, andti ilnrinat an aicter, Thesetoretasut ofulut yc nr« s hnni, #pouîthLe uaduatotf 'tham -A a> readusiag hilie. * ai Nzlasmnaanq. Jcfpullishea 7- BAIlLY COPIEq. tii)aeidieil Pr Q &a'aidss~ 'the rtareipt t' UASSaieTfl-tan the BIri- ûu*Asi # e1/aa ofzld i Aa- ft tigh P1îhll"r'aa.t livca ndiionaal svaductu îbie l aI It ,iff tU i UncI iaria 11l init.a, iiiariuus iiily cin nov ho plaie il ;Mx, tIII'i7&>q,aIlfZkWtEupe ii n t iin--t of nrrisuabouît au acon a ia woet a> f thai orighian aiîiuaa, Il îtuit.M etb m to TIERMS PERtANNUlaI. ~ tînne ahy r Fýrfhn iune o0 f them four Itêviewov.... s 380 > nriit'agtei9 atiiih, aud on Pot ir3u twe.,iftheinfour Reiewa ....5 Of#tub 5 Flor u'izv tr-c ot that'finir Ifviewa. . b lt? iheun ,ii 'iti fnll dircetir Foir atil taîtar outhe Rovievua...._.....8 #JO 0 yut of the Uot Lmt*tnesalana For %Ircwe t;z-iziiiïue . .......... J's0tiaaitc, annitcire la- Paéýr lilaaakwuaeptd sanaît one ,w. 6..5 I0 nasiiistru %ni trie oK lt-,ko'tant o Raivinarai . 7 4,0 :î I. Uaa, (iffli a. t«i1i lonu Faar 131aa11vk al ' Ï-llLIrOeii.-vaewr,.,aa F - VOh4) l, litIl(rrthluniemcof 1)11. LA For Iit.kvLuid tii-i h tour hcisi... 10 1001131 laaaieubrnae, Alhainy, !fY. Jfan4%v Cum-niIàlk*tdw tiaa tu sae ta bij Se ruceioea/ «tJitt. -: ' CLUBIN&l. ibis aboya Adia-na.ntnt f!Sper *ori,ni.roiute, býv. price. ti!li4.ailotumal teCliaibai .rderi1iag fatitt RS (JLLE riauCep1 s. ait y 0o10n or inr t iieaua wRork*. Thitia: Fourileorha t lncklcTvrm o Of une Iêisti ii lbcassit tri one autulrsuifor Dnha-,&. Vit. fta ýitoubanof thc ifot ie ýviewsansd lllck fl' vuoti fuir b;s aa Id a-0 0'. fr arletonit -U POSTAGÉ; DL) 141-î$8TRlET, 'W (andaîMasil] aiurtric" muppliasalfl'ce of - N.ft-rprice. i , i i noue ht îî tl, uan Poariaaaicl, bolIV8naînsti tas Al peaittriii ii. fitc$ild ied1». £rtiiiaîesabouid alwarebadl dro**e i'TI;ýc104fic aNstiieeof Dr _LEOS.ARD SCOTTrIL CO, I eacDIiutît'v ,;eibetiioii N0 . 7 'MfaGolti St., NAw Yorc rk '.ionaaofaltboaa'ue-iinprtai

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