atreal 7 hotelý-J. 8tntrey.r tirgsq Ai frI e-l. tG. 1p1sibes. T.tublesfer satle>--acob lBryaieu ici farftf fer gsle-Josepli'cci er CQmptuuy meeting,...Ctit. 1l'sy. uriî41.-congulea. e- . 4Iu4M$ng Tinabetr-D. G. Fturbas. ONLY ONE M~LLAR A YEA Whifilîv. Tns)~ au 9. 1862. Wtc aup eqiRter) tea Ptftteal o'u Thons. 4Ia,'eenin;r mesi.f iunniîal 'ieetin!r cof Socii'îy 1wiilifll ii tiu~c- uingatfluum -Clîtuneùli-oif tits Town, ita luealtlrasuc hl ftle flevd.Iisr. Feuwçiëic, Uusworili, Ha,',, atlIm!tlrrMisn. .- 1ecît. ('F .ittat-ecni s iti<r tnrt ic.f loral cihruas nitli Ra;s-rtch or thie life of Colotiel V'rooisiau, wbtch s1 befo-rund on fitripae. Cottl .1cf irst.ores &C., cornîenea to- O~4.~e ai~ali metof a rieur Oysten aof l on, pni iii a moat ceenifnei-pr ntiune. !l"iwvntc's..-ltQRyal Aepti llDra. 'intil f"nîpuîyuttrecceudeti aniences tnriite eclat MaUill aeary au-cuin.- 'Vue ccuju-any i uecinoIldy tbe Mumi'populan ni wtell a tteivr, thst lima cir pîa>'i in Whilîhy: £aknancrl lay iso f Min!et lu to bc 'ornsiidceciibis (Tiiorsda,' Mutte or MsAt.----Wv lave-to tluank the ýulîiq1bor, Mnf. I,lin Shein, fer a neati,' -niunted tiluy cf hli stifRul inap cf 'the - oesîsiitf Mra.itbe ~hadsOWuStandi hecst exeululetitowuslii p s evabave aun M F.-rÂsurNIs-' INS TrT.-,Nr. Mae. [u1iîocnli cffonrs (if Ilie iuitillte thi i iIl rnot lie coutvanie-nt for- lm' te .' $SuZc un Wliuby bpe n Ile endi of the ~:'~'~ rer~ uci gS2esertany cf the - rv 0 tcf', vWit deiiveva] riuc 1 ron'lsy ev nuiu nt, 'bafou e i Itisiiita.,subjrrct. '<Au EnglisliVilg. Suitooi, Tare .,MnHIugli Fraser basrtpen re-elect4esl four the- North W.rd. i Ini tie Ceutre 'Witrd MNfrJ. S. M. W;Ilox1 lu1-t lirenl electerdli the place of Mr. lBen. i gciîgh, r elr'7rg, Trusea; anti Mr. James Canipbeil, in the place of'Mr. 'Watson, re.1 tired, lul Uic Soutji'Wsrd. un1 board foir tlie '»eierillj wA.1 ov meni in la l it, Dis fidcue. -ici tlie Ctuncli. The ftuicf t:ll lut.e tie n ti th bst evidesice o e appila. flnou f flubepePRe. Iu thie Southt Wardl'jli î a drepmainassuta - ieve *& retarned li,'acciaisln andi t>èucril caused the poltsi' the.Centré Word. Up te the mnorning oetche eiectior n'îher voul bave glren va,' for the Otiier; but soeavocr.seaîdas fientis of Ml,. D,îs. nu l-plaeed bhumeu on thea plibo1 o tes trany,te tliaî gattlenuan's expi-t'ed witb, andtbî neestted s eoutcst wv1ieb, vre ragi-et le mn,,as net prodnktis e' rt ut t'en, best of feeling lu thue end'. The set. tiig aide cf bMn. Draper-an nuliu- fnll, ant ittiliment repueentatve, la the Nanth Ward ff) r i. Ia. Calrpenter, ani cnntiAmn,and vwho cerfaîil,,-on grounda Of fit nasa on expeniçuce, conlnet 1s pro.- fermedth le electers te Mr. Draper, mts qiea sucfepasiation. There vas nencntesi in cthe North Ward lut 'etr, aîuhongh'tii oli vas wu epi cOpeni hi,'he 'Retnmning- officar, in culer te counpy,' slegal fcinaiuy. Soins iuupnsdet ienthds cf Mn. Draper vent tilentl,' ta vorlr, and ti an underliandwv , proanrt4 plumrpeiV'* fer Mn Draper, ini culer te plÀ(ce tbat gentlemnan ut thle li'ead oethle poil, las'. tng anoceedlinadoinz nand in ' Il"steal. un; a mardis" oeu Mr. Perre," numaset ing supporters, thea msiter wu sblazonued fonilunext rmeruuuig iiin heGlo ebg ue"per; andti hai paper ti ifs siuizi W4& ëieont exulingly,Il tere's the. mant flaio à afor Kitig's Divionullio cou nt eéen get a uaajoiity ic-lis evu Word i n ltheutof-o, v'here lie lia been beatein by Mr. Chiester Drarer.i' Mr. Prt'~s friend in tihe Warl vluo soteti for, r.:Drar&r,.Ad villu vboin ilt lies ai anythie ta 'Pt Mr. Draper, Iti or oni tfluhe Townsi Cuneil 'of it voeaof ceurme indignantt, and thé rissaît vas tuai ibe,' voted aigatasi Mr. Dratper ai thc ele4ilon fuis Y1,'sAnd sati ue bir u. <Carpsster. M'r. 'Draper hai bemti moee the vicifin cf lbis' friènti' lui pvidece, li b-etig -deprv.d oc liseat in li. Towr Couiacii. Forut tis b. lu ini great pust te ftnir bis puttege,, Mr. David ÈlabWhoe sent the. bontisi; îoiegrappb(sud, as vs aore inifortmd, -vithot Mr. Dspealowledge,), tae - ld/oe navsPeps. W. mInost i-agret.4r. Drapr'a abisencee freinthe Town Concil, but, as ve lhave stated, lie bagls i.fiends a tneu. Mn,' vluevoted agaisist lieu titise coutrar,'tgte ur ieteri v. n. >'Ceenr.u.tdas icjotigmar1t. bunt tht,' vitrdetsn# uuîir Sehtol Emiafou. uipe ouitlime indilgnit,' offrai te Mru Ilahim; don e , man qhiown theiri oýVlsmi etlt i iai . Mr. anti pover, flue,'are reac'te uteorosi, i ov au'irn'nu, unuild b' n.Tue, have giveut a Rolandt for an mnit lu t11dm uu-ek's issue. Let cand barber ne fuiter ,-e enti. 'J- nuJ.~ eurcus 1 Ie do net degire te keep sie iI4isiiui (, and lo-pli'aTheaclie, .R.Ca.SY sî h -mî fti la i, ',acid ~ ~ ~ rnd 'e abnOKafsplc te forget an4'foe vsheli', f. Or repo>rter assures us thiat - T tifha ussth ie 1ev. gauifisman Rid iula'PIWt w' a ccelit lie resait cet Mellton. Net. toaôtial,'or wtl mination, nsagivea incisuajour.te provolte andI kpep ap Nbim utstantiall,' correct- ' i , 1r"lei4 freonllat~ LTCUAL -MFzTiG.-Advtrtie- ueigluberUt'od, and o ti î4nbp thair cliis annoeme wejinga 1 - ýcLitn <f tufllears, and ti hir huai. iItuiOaiar tune Milron' &rrciufial Socier, - ' and EtigtwIitliy, nît Brecllin ie5 *SlOsypauiig4i tcirmay; anil cf teSouti,Oci, the Nerthuerai States, vbo bal ' fui ~ . A c n l p lt n r s i S o ie t y - à : h o m e s i t h e A u e l ~ m U t n and vhuo have takeni great'iuu3a&g MWiS &7U1PI55 aure wlure bis t in~ i- VUPY il..- terftztEare -with bis vif. aad>itci bis houa. mwd ireside. "Wutre âý raan Itb'i1ilil vi hv fý'jüdi C"a L thie pff. We invite special attent$in te lthe article' on the ae ~ tii.,ijpet ciour WVbttby grammar buptcp byer1&& iteha of thscet ofllu ba<*vsard lun 'defendia; lier lava agatusitYrtr any invae.,- If parents wlsiu toe seheuir cildreuu grous a.We yil ýeotftt *e, wlvêadchid re r, tap quaLfisd tfiich h e1 r. importan dui. and eur l*,es; 1*fthuot %*king vbê the an tcsraquirci cf t(bain tir lprovince ;if vadecu am, or on which- aide of the su tics nrsliaes tiy w 1ere boutu.fIt is cuir duy o esidýâre te see the. dettes of oun C6unty drive tliem bacit lhst, and inquire their pcýe. fle- and Mendiers ef Parliamrnr. dis- di"re.afterwautds. darged by mean brotuihtap ti, and f1104 -AndI if 'tbis (.'abinidal eontsst shnnld ruoghly aoqainited uith the wanscf our faIre id*ee'bets'eea f o Clristisâinations hy uge ictredctonfu - for, whl.'l&% 1 th v . h sum ee o nttîiS iutgta etreucto o ready-Amnieant as yeu cleanl,' point out., wuiII nt e te l on,'e&raalle t te mati dut,' etf fglticig thairfn evu entnnu. Tbem ~ ara Etiglialuman, nialimesi,sud- Scobbwuen, oni botaides of lb.ebonder. Wsho Ma,' enslotig be armyed agaliai ,cdi olluer, If tbere'beasu," cf ni,'Auterlihem'r feîlov citiztss ho diamant froint hos sen- timens of u9note, k thetumats. laknovn" but I amn sure there are noue.' As ,'ou bave talieiu occaion te tel youn cenryun tithe Usiit*d 81*155,fiai ilu ease of Iiinvasion of, -Canada cha,' neu'd exppc t uaistance hèe, se I viii mise nu,' vice aud telun,' counymen that vian Ibias urnggle coens upomi us, if coma lail races,sd.ail greolansd unit. %With oe heyt ;sud oue seul te flght, as Cana. lians, forthlu and use ive in., 1 am viii uuueh respect, Yenur mesi obe'îgenvasif,ý T .IOS. C. CLARRE. ' Du not suci lauguage, snd sncb mointit. cments fanrbaiter lucceme ie adepîcti Ametcaut.Canadian hn joinisig viuiiNon. tmern synipi, ' d accepting the Opinones of a boluje ~Ngrulern preas, bafoua tioseof Ctadion Journual spon utbehif cf Ca- nad 7At ait avents wvile lla iste dut,' of tsar,' loyal, Canadian fe risc in lafence Of lbis counttry to repel ivsion, it! 1, wtt cesicaive aqual,' the dat,' cf the Canadien press te siald ferusrd in tiafence cf Cens- dian opnion, andtinladeianîl,' ueplling the raaly tumast8an sd buljiti; attitude cf NotWbetanevapapera. Ihua thus wo tah-. ï7r sadia defence of home'and-countr, -andi tues.' 'vie de it ie ouir epmuion are stful liberty, l intasfree ceuniry', to re- taie tiueir ovn. Tihe foileving. 18a samarait, he b Eulectiou ali te diffes utnicipsuitils of the. Conuty- ss'faras heard trom- thibsnsad udtsgisters-than oa b.ob. tained nt or Commeti Seluola, hevever goodth le,' ina,' le. -ltis full in imelflicth publie voulut avake te ithe impo-tance or the subjacL , Tlioe whvbe btauuel mmptir-, tant eflîccnas hen lie,' aln ev edtucatad Mitai te cempete with, Mostlno moe aexpeet tbat thain mens eau do tic saine ilisa iluat tise untmrined militia-masi can conupeus ulîlu. thme di:§eiplinoti seldier. . Nous, vith a gena:al knce.lecf al the, ctlucaiiotial; institutions 'i the Province, va unhamitat- inglî,se,' ilisi diapanants lu the Ceuni,Of Otitanie usilI find 'the acisaufage, fer tluï styla of eaeationu, aI tha Whtib, Gramur -sabeel, supenien to an,'ilu.the Ceuniry, Amengast Lias. advantages. re ina,' cu- unrate tie felloustu; u Igt 7he teris ar istuuc/aleua (hastait aur other gocd es(aNUsent fin thé fPro. Ily uefèene to te d verîisentl, it uic ~Model Graoà nau' &hl, lTorintt cost $220 per statiià dnt uthe tu e r 4b mriîuenss not muciz lems. Te Ilieme mtgl& 'be rutidth e Cobuourg Orammanau- Schio, ai vhich Board andi Eduicatioti is $240 pr ,annuin.' Mcv, Board -anti Education cwui bc obtainti here nt abeout $120 per anuifu.- If use add travelling expasses, tiaA. wviclupuipils aetus,-M ntp Most 'ccl e . seluold, use-shal Iid that Board anidEdi., cation wiii cust burtlitîtle more titan osie blaf wbat ut dec.nai mcst cîluar aohnocfr r*ani aMide liglt'; e have long featit h'sas ceeessary' te mnaklie lôýanice- for a people, whee govarsitent sies publicefopinion 1> coim- Imitting thosc-wuaîber Mnen' or woeen- ivho'daré te give utterance be thiiet hoghts, I ly iic arceralion iu fortrease, dspriving an,' uigittathat. a free goveruaient afferds. When,,tiierefere, 've cluroiciedth fle exuli- tation exhibited ti portions of the Unitedi Sjatcs ai thecaptuirc of -Munso Slidili, anti ihein allachies, wuse usw. we wre desting withl tluýetTussions cf the uirelîn"m'of a cor. utupt adidztttinsi, and net- Wltb the de- libenats expression cf the scufluacuts cf Uic socnd aud monai p'ortipu cf the cemmunitv. The bîtternesa anil bostiiity te Britain, lier institut.ions aud ber people, evincati lu ibese jnui-us, May baveý fenmauted te a certain citent in the puublie ninti luit Ihena are &tilt a large, andt t t he reipectab[s-'and sol, portion cf th~e coinmunnhy ià tîo wlom thue venom hbasnetbeu infuseti. The ëz- pression 'cf -sncb 'nitucisbas been te lue founintl sdujoumals 'asthe Niv 'Yorkt Comimercial Adee . iser, usho'froin thei irst characteniacil Uic violation of ibe sanc- tit,' cfîthe lBritish lfag ns proluabi,' an ia- fraction of internationial lav, sad ilurefore a fit anhiect for repaatin. With ilint alasa use licantil,' symnpathise ci ti a uni- lisition te uliit4 hy ind thein 'countr,' cx- posedt irougli the rmiacosnet cf ifs mIens; anid evon,' honorable mira? muai regnretthat the question vas pushed a l'oitraoe, b,'t thue Unaitedi States Goveranmen ef otai once reputdiatig thei. so f'Coin. Wilkes. 'Iu whlat position does hat Gourersimeur stand according toe le tter of Mrt. Sevard buiscf? Long, efèuue an,'application usas muade to biinifor redres' b. anticipateil il, io carlyuils 3th Ntvmber, b," wriiing Io the Aiertcau Ministen iin Enigland, Mni.r Adanis, 1"îrustinug îl1 i heBritish Goveno. inat will conidan the sebject ;ui a fredi,' iciaper, aniat if ns expeef the beat diapo.. iton ou cor part." Ens lis ovu cenduct ou. thits ici<iof the AMianii ,been stucas te vaurant tiis9 friendl,' tcrper" that ha upirates eon the part cflte lBritish Govern. mnct ?'Re teck, in bihlmltter te Mnr. A<bims, extiacrdinary pains Io segregate bis ova {Iovrnmcnt froua tbe fault cf the cture uof Isson, Slid.iIl, &c. ; but lieu eethe haccouai for bis 'veceptien aif Ibaun, adcomilient cf theu n ute oustetij as- ira»eswhisen luarrived ia th. eUntedi 'WsUtier whôse antbn,iv hbut iha - It isinit in bave frequesuti vheu t aisehoo edirccted. lTaptly, use have ,.tÈiu" îltanid of Grcaî un defeuce, and liat conjoîneil rr, pattiotisun, and loyaity cf >pe te thein cons4tituition, vili ýOnt siot, to"pneteet:'asu frei 5i~~-ia, to ui5roilan A meeting cf mubsonibors vas' bell at ~thc Wellington Hotel, Msrlciham, on Fnl. daLy eveniiue 3Ilst aIt, te presenit a testimno- vital n ui 5LuA or esfteam antAregard (c An'ch;bald flarken, Esq., inu recôgutticut of bis9 ver,' llCfieîuî lt lt iiecîil srie uas %iecrcîary anal Trfatunjer orf Uic it Riding cf York Agnrictultural Sciety', fer tbe'last threo years. Moveti by Mn, AcdamnArtustron, sudn secoà nded by M<r. Win.IM. Betton, that~ J. P. 'Wheelair, EqPresîdent' or ths Eust Riiding of Yoik Agnicultural Society take the cibair-Garried. 1M'oied by Mr. Wm. , Poton, and second.j ed by' Mr. . GOo. ~Miller, ibat 'ïborrnaeA, Milmc, PresieItfthef aManlchaun APnicul. tural Societ , act as &crétany-aniel., Mn. Wheeler thon read the fellowitg ad. dresi, anud preseuuteil a vcry luandsonue it.; ver suiff' box te Mn. Denier. 7b> 'A Barker, Egq.. D)g4a Sîat,-lu the naine anti luhaîf of certarin muembers of thle East Riding of York Agriculturel Society,, 1 have flue pleasun o~f ptyeseutiug ,to-FOn thi-4SiuiffbOX as a amR aîl skneuledge(ment cf the Valu allie anti eient-services reenc"i by yen as SecreW.~y anti Temasuncto thiis Socipty for .* tas¶ f 1 ece'yea&g. ,TholeciCit' la nous ini a ist 'efilet\an~ sd satisracton' wckn o'lr,, and lu a great mensurae tbmngb ou - disnterectail xertios las tbis hbeau bn_ tuluîbout . -Thenefona lu the naine er the êubscrihbens 1request yoeu' ac- ceptance of t1iis tastimniial. Te ~ . P.Wh7cler,Ev, DEtSiet,-I r4lceive witu uuuch pîcasare i i asimouiui mc lundi,' preent- eti me b,' tic magcrof t Eat enkA niçuitural Society', andc] teg teoffer yen. my meat Miocare îhaniks for the prement1 'valui ulble inu hself, anud cotl,' 8oexpressive of the lciud-and genenons symnpathy extuedd fevarls mIna uthe donont. 1I bave 4boen associated ustî yen, MN. Chainmanî, and othm rraaund minafer umore than atquarter of a centtury ilu the usonkiug c f Agnicuil tirai Secîtica cf ilue tousnslip of Mar-han, on soflre ccioiiS as Presidcsut, Vice Prest. dent, and ,piivaita e meber, a a tterny &9 Sécretan,' anti Tncasuren le this Soýcief,'. ushil itss ail are avare ruInes the place cf 4feLute Mulorne istrict Socety, and lusail occa.~sim, 1I have étver fea'ntiycfa ai active' ceadjautpr. I have peu grestl,' 'euccii- raged il thfle ýdutie.q 1 bail te perferin by tuie willing co-ô'18ration of th<e Dincetorx, ;ts duin Ut ns cf tht tes renties n. -and in cd in the 'te PVriuice o folesnnd i(j FflPher'it De 111 h. ~Tnth1xo #éuld tnrc,rse tbue respect wbtci the be*r4ed family now rommand. 'it wola 1i *Ivtion with whicli ail ltq me1nirM bari neavured1 tenaid and coin- for»Ã" Queeiuin hr affliction, , wm b. ibis-eth e VPee péf Waleg bau not falleti short orbiss ieter, the Prince Alice, in this respect anid ihat lie has aLIrcady tacenlbis lace y i tb 'sï'Yt, s ler jtay aud support in lber W. -have, Indeail. as a people, e.very reason te hope' that tiuis good hegining imuny bhefollowed by a career equaliy m iious, uand thlct.- as the QMMO s bsithin "w'bouevelis father' s ,îlt, esi Varoued Io ùaý8ocistp lir wfith ber n .thelie rdüiiq *rçicorfti -Brifiglh Mona'ttly, thie Prince siiay fell ÃŽ thbe s mennihofty ejt lujltinsi nad fith4self for the part te whlcli e'is destinsited. Tt Must be'obivions ibat fo)r the Prince nt Wales the perilod o monazne. -spuat. Thnneh legrall a mnior umail ?fovembhcýr 18C2, is Royal Ilierneeq 18 nearly as nlid s bis fatiier vas asitbs fiftlher vas nt luis msar-v rtatre, ind more iluarn two vesn rs olJer ti, âîmnther 'was wbni qhe a9qceuclecltue Throne If we ailti to this that he bas hreen Kpeially .duicAted te wear the. lrItilu Cnewn, te vbich lie l ias enu Heir A ppa. rent fnow Wslu.lbt atu4ýtat lie him bail apportunities of seeing the wonld which ve re desiied to bis pareuts net te speaik Of tbein pnetieceeors of the Ilcuse of Ian. ver, the' Prnuce oirht now to show ishe racultieq whicu' will malin a gond Kunz. ft is rndoublarisudilon chantre whicb baq colstpon hlm. But a few daIYs mgo heli was a youth iili the niverslty, witliotL a thouglit of' pumic life. anidtiowc lie flici biniseif on he stcqm of the Turcnens itfs flirt friend and ceencille)r From hein, restralaerf even heyond whcnt ÃŽ4 uut a rt hiia atzc by tlie cane cf a prudenvut ffsîhen. hie fiud hiunstlf to soue etent the heacl cf his faiy a a rate, it.q oldest malr e n- [unsentative, and in s,ýoea sonme the ue of bis yonnger brotherî nara? siÀîters. T' i- deetiny for <one se ynuuog , indeed a-rreýaf orie, but lt s at the anme ticne wirîd with the héoaiu'ts care".'T'o hear tho8E! Care lic nwe mut qnov main up hi. Mini, If lue wi8hveite gain the aTlýctïnn amnd esteenu fof lv iic unry.'. The nton r'ecutw;ll 18 nett f0 le Ohthinedvfi;tout .4omp sacrifices, miiitheIi, rince basefore hlm, as in the fable, Ive palia - those cf diuîy angi plvastiîr. The rjext feus mgatls will drcirle wh(ýticr lie is to stand'in on lar estimation uswhirehia la:e'fatlienstood - wlheltr tinthe K;ing wlivo ita t<rult, ureri UA WC, are in 1'ok- for ine viii, lilte h;s parentsî, vifll xke-an intencat iu ail tha. be.i netits his people, an(] viii show sibilîty asi' emerey l in hesuuidy of it or onue whe'wiil omiy rerrive the convential resFýec wlieh bniloiigs io.his rml< and oefile.. x~ie te mauy tempt5tioiî, his Royal FIi,hnts2s muaiý reacis'srte easn 1puhlîc pauebY reiti Jal that yuli draw hlim froin the I sid,ý of a mother ndi a Queril 'usho equires, < bis belp; and from tihe service of n nation ushiclu needs every Consiellor if' Can ind.i To fteEdilor cft0 theMetby, Ckrodde. In case the gentleman namil by ycur correspondent ocflasi week tices 'not cori treadiet thq siatesiint therelu înWuted 'ien m~e, oblige by iuscntiug (ts 3by 'way of aiýi by tha Cabinlet at« tO ble Uns avPrtej. P tdn he neccipt anica tin responsp'to t 1,1 thc Euiropa,'tbhere im -ls to whiat deeisioui tauflrliigliap Mana 'suit is beitg.itjl,' vailing opinicn bouseý lse. Wam riakis at usturd taenceky. Tise culate ou thq ldisjpat( Mn ges rd slslis r iu regard to fh lue tn gouvriecnt.- The iuiI ibtthe Frenchu iispat tngtcin in time te influe, The Parie preagesu "ri Cmiine ha' Genusutu Lnpoirtani lan 1 at aIso)MPe ngîLiuo s.xinion of tia borro, liti- thany. France ia aboutto the wIquadronni tisefn Aiuercit. li s aIme utci a sqiuadrOu cf cibsarvati flue 0:astaru ccasi of An ral Itnani. 1Y The Parts Bo.furse ci( 'it 64f, 2 jc. forr leftes. The 4Mri, ridCl orrp Span ui.-4tesend fror I. ru )'Mcxico, and ilu t dii ruil trcadee suca LATEST XLV A1, Thue Ut-erpoé)TBread craiy qui-t, Witls a (dit Pru su.filli ansi~tei on Ihtdraat ai903toi de(cli:,ed on Friday to mmnt iiraviesTI if the Bati. of Enigland ne- of titeni, j olti Coancil. tsuuuP.- Camnpll, )Oil, 153;Alunani Bikr,64 ili -8. Bl. FI Bel, W. 1 1