Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1862, p. 2

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Pceinc Mclianitc stitute. PKëkIernig Acorlcu1tiiral Society, IIpIti »ramatic Cnumpan. li'a Select Schçiol. àb~Q~rnîe )N DOLLAR A TEAR fhîrs4ay, Janlary 2, I8tÇ. k, Bston, nd Pliladulphua ndétpýlýPccie îayliusnCs ûd it la liait the ther baniks cf, thé bt7%ts are not.tofîlvsit it i, Miai.HtJohn 1A. ivho for qseé imé past bas of !iIlll afTiarshms been ga. ieroftlil. Richard Naýh, lat et r Iiftecnth R-gimvt, bus beén Depjy. AtIjI.. Ucééral cf Militin Caxuýada. ýhc appolutuient it te bc m~erely pr0visionàl5 the téeorgaiation cf the MlitiA -Wué have te thank Mt. Sida- lecntitî Caada for Roive & Co's. nysters, fer a superior samplé cfý If tliey al bé eqnally gocd *é btave tiieti, hcy nectinu ré' ii. The annuuncémentiwhfcb niy lzcs in our PN lcrisin itupox tant ta déneir. rv m-Thte x.tmeratus visiter s cf Ilol twniii regret ta e-tcru ith r,îN, lio h-is sc long ikept, ihnit, lias klýcitiud ta retiré lrptictot lip .. lt- lemelit erly 0 tCi lobe hote1,%\lBrook- r. Bry place.Mr. iD,%Avét andi wefeuel nssuredti h un- igemient the Ontario Il otel ivili erioratlen lu public favor. ýar ticitot Examiutîc. win- Nvaiutdvrtontly omibteti tice of titis éxanination laut dAilb Comnpoitin-Henry P. rlac, 2'isï Sarah ER, lltowu anti Jo~'hn Thompsou, 2ud prise, i, -Eq., M. A. examiner. bztîîDitÂmic CoCeAt'a,. e anti poptflar Dranvie ic orn- r hei inngLnicnit.of r. F- L. iviicia gare Se nttllcli sntisfne- r lid Âppvarance hunre. eppear IfehilcLli, on Monday st- Tiîey rcm'niîn for thrce, Oigw aid favorite, 1Misa Mollie oc ire gaite tuc,conGties o' piPy, 'l- dccii ai o Mr. Sudl. exceliant juvenile brast anti 1liasa aise hen laýldc1 to the MOéLtat SCU0ci. EruîwIriT; u t ns' Hlal, on -Mannday veing, lbtreaiur cunactrThere 1ifrty pupils prescrit-the b 'r héitug girls-anqti tvo or i çutlu ladies. Théy sariff ltaniperformeti juvénile L ruanner ih-it dtirwi o f frojt, a very large, respnetable, audience, Thé space béforé' 55 'nativ. <eccratuti, anti thé hé 4xliiîtriicn luntiré geeti organlzed. One. thtg C r 5(cGilll annot proturé thé voliuteers ie- quired by theé tgemrdo ýqh- fouet imé. the nutabér are ready to cone forward under othér cirunsancesï SIXTra BÀTTÂLION ONT1Âaxo M11i Lieut. Colonel Plank cafled a méceting of the ofices of the SixkBttalion-et Ptattk' hotel on Saturday, 1in pursuan otf the Général ortier rééélvod byln frein Hlead Quarters. The finest-sipiri andi enthusislsm prevailed, andLia muster or thé mon là .to, tkoplach at Uxbridgé vl e at 12 o'clock oh Thursday next to Caliont thé Volutefflé< foriactivé sérvide. Mr. Josecph Gould, ex MP.P. attended the meeting, and beslds spetklu-iu a most ëecouraing mutiner, exprpssed bis readiueaw th ea4 a, sbi acriptien list toetip thé mon. Blut litile coptarative iuterést i ani fýsted ithe re;uIt of -thée Municipal Bisé. tions this ycar. Driliin, and soIdiering ap- pears wa givé far gMtetr intereut Ln thé. lrce and indepeniene,' electors W. ligve inférination frora the followiégmui. Cipalitiai- Re.icn.-UIr, Jas. Ili Campbel vilI hé electedl for Warî No. 1 without opposition, na, in ail likelihéody viii Mr. ?enhalfor Ward'No. 3, and 3Mr. Barber for Wartd No. wili contat IVard No. 2ý and for Ward Noé. 4, Mfr. John Nott and M3r. J. W. Morris are we ho the c4ndidates. 17xmEiaEu-The lame (louncllors 'are again iu the ficl. À contetsiolspekcn of, andi we regret te learu that 1: vii bé tcar- ried on on pliticai groandâ. This isUn wise, an d wi 1, ve trust, iiet viththé coa. desanation it deserves at the hands- of thé ratepayers. eon should hé élected on their own individuttl mériti, not accordinig t» their politfcal hies. Men seckiag the euffrages of t6é ratepayers on ait, éther other groundia re net worthy théir confi. iirV-n thé e. uelthp théesaie* in vii, it is auticipateti, ho xeturne4 ivithout oppOsition, E&sv WaIitya.-Mr. liateliS' has expres. secthi bsintenton te retire ; this V% thé otnly change vu libàve héard of, likoly te take Pacricaxo(.-The preseuf council, viii, vo are told,, hé re-éeéted i but that M~r. Chaputan is likety te come dowu as Députy Reevelunthé pae f Mr. Wixson. MàitA xND R4NÂ-Itt this township therewilI hé a change,-Mt.'Kennedy dé clin"s re-enlerlng thé Council. - WarrTw-In thé North Ward, thé présént Coancillera viliui ail probabi1it3, hé candidates1j anti n addition there wilI, we are tolti, hé acmé four or flvé freah mer. Amonigt àhters, tnes of Mr. Ir .Carpeuter, Mr.,Thqnýeatu Mootly, Mr. Stuphén Groas, Mr. RobeiCaiapbéll, 3Mr. il. Fraser, Mr. S. H. Cochrane, Mfr. Sterr, Mr. Laiîng anti others, are meutioneti. lu tbc Contre Warti Meusr. Brovn, Devenul,, anti Billitiga wiil, in aIl probability, hé electeti by acclamation. la thé South Ward tbère is not likel3 to e hén>'centestthie preqet tCountillers vili hé electeti. Thé' fun cf a conicaft thon, if wé aie net umis. talién, wîll hé c:)niftned to thé Nortit Wafd. Greenwood, L. 0~. Lo, No. 167. Thé follewin; are thé ffilcer8 ceétetifor tliè ensuureg yoalr. Joh-n %Weîr, Mastér, F. McQuoi, D. X.~, Wuu, MeCt'llough, Seéretarjyr Job~iL6 od~y, TrcIiuér Uoutaitee-Saîl.Adainisn, Qli#er Johngon, Wns. Phippin, Wtn, Bo-~ delii UI, 14cQtaii.L S mi. Joue., diretolr. Ctnaoniés, Aex lcT<y, ÇQhaainl' MAYOR8 BECTED. ÇoLTiNawovo-Mr. Johin McWatt. DinsM.John M. Thorulon. Losnîos' 'Mr. Got'ulah. Muî.'oa-Mr. W. D. Lion. ' O~tvî.î..--M K. XCiaholm.. pitscT'-Mr. W. HI. lrouse. ,ST. C,&TU.It, S -Mir.4-J- G.GCerrie' Wivy-Pb. J.~ Gunti, M. f). PETE-iato -Chas. Perry. WiNcsot-Mark Richards. PEUTrU-John G. Hlà '-,pr L ST. Titox-s-Dr. G, Sout4vick. Btax-*roie-Jes. D. Cleeant- (hvs'-Mr.Robinsag. PICTON-Ws.lter Rosa. 8&.xîIUwzcba. ]Baby. WMTOYa, Satýarda'y'Déé. 28, 1861.'l of lté Unted Sé ltaim a& thé stupenilous î - --r aaüoa-4aterau .tLat the' rupture béa Mf ad,,v ba4h&,hg4r> tîrne yét té véigh it our ttds thé politi. cal ouséuences to Canada o f a snuccsa., fut isueé to thé South ln Ibeir strugg1e, and, of theirfbrtatwetôe , Into-thé fahily 'f nations.. Ut *,-the,îaka tieauéry viev Âmong the' prloeary écases which ledl to thé bccession movément, lu that -one vitb whbieh thé first mtifétéof thé sécession govtrumént Bote éout-&a protést againat the insufforable.taiftt intalustihy thé North- ere States, ln favor of théir own mandfac. turcs. TWehs eti liays béci fuît as ýa bea ybardén on their inustry bya peo-, ,pie, who are débarréti by thé physical con- sttution of tbeir climats and contry froat evér' beeomiug, 'tu any profitable extent, aveu thé mattufacturéitof thé simplesi articles of îhesi own home useté s«Y uo. thiug cý thé preSts of an erport tradé,_ sucb, as ithat éujoYéd by théir Nortbern fél. 1ev cottotrymen. This 4éadthéy :could noyer hope we reutove white téénibérs cf, anti jinked to thé Northérnsection cf thé Union., Pérbaps ibère hJné0céuutry in thé 'vorti w*béré a free tradé in importa la more! emasutial. té thé people, or vbéré that gyntn émcutidhé justifieti by vircumatances béy»nd le glsiuti colitrol, titan théegéa CtctRiea ~ ugar prbduciug stmets cf thé Gulf, anti îýe valley cf thé Missisuippi. ,k country *bosn climatépermiîts thé profit. able ',pursuit cf field< labor lu ait séamons cP thé $car, laisili uitéti, sud cati neyer bc. comne practically a manufçeturing contry. Thi fat as ntéiiigibly underatooti by, théý ihrevd New Buglantiér, vhosè eclimabe, liké 'cure, iocks up bis productive labor ln thé lield, .at lésisix asontha un thé year.-- ITéri thea, in thé &iuthérn section cf thc Union, vas an Et Dorade to thé -Northern, manu. facturer, ivbich neédé4 only a high tariS' agaiust all Bropean compétition, té umke it éxclusively bMs éwu ;antinoe h praticly bécapi. Nearly qverything worn andi uset by thé planter, fréta thé décora.' t iens of bis parier, Ithèbseof bis peorsn, anti frout thé materials uséti on bis plants. tien, té, thé clothing-that eévered' bis slaves-ail bore a northern tradé mark.- Nevý Englauti béésmé a vaut vorkshop, aies ,&re, rlch and haughty;. but thé rlgidity of We holti on ber southern custotuét vas toc streug for thé chai;, anti se "thé last link is br okén." This people, thé;, untier théir ,ev political organization, vitl héc*me,, front necéssity, free traders,; anti it is thé kuestiedgéof thlsfact,morý than thé mor. bld pro patria sentiment!H0f No rtheru' patriotism, that &purs ont th-p north we sncb hertculean efforts, for the reovery, net loéti cf, thé' "Union," but cf théir blos 1ooply.t Môw, thea, Canada la tiéstineti.seoner or later to, becomé a nianufacturing ceun- try.:- We caunot afford to hé 'thé per- peteal consarn-trs cf fcreign manufacturés. li.ther can vo afford te déepend atone upo n our simple experts of wbeat anti m. ,ber. TÊeré are many ,coîîtingcnlciés both ofsaéaaa4ÀoftmdeN that suigbt.irieg,à thé valué oféeither, or ailI, belov car neces. sitiés It vere as vésk te dépend upon Lhésé tvc branchés of iun1ustry- alone tu tnet Our labilities, as te déepend upon thé » perpetuityof ur forezts. Thoe ein not withént fluctuations, anti thé éthér is net ,iexhaustible. Çauada *ill -ye have -¶o insu. herself popsîctas audiutiépendeet trough thé ex- of the lW NewcastlG (Seward,) ho wouldf '*ff~ir gave was littie1 ït -prudet 'Itr. SewSz on a tour here, wes41orced te admit, a nu~s..w rth~of4éla tie.. aaitt of . States, andithe révolution now in progméa tw thei soutliof us a yyyet maké thém rg lào ad vaâtage. Nations lilte indlvldnials ioélr frat t their owta -intéresta, and we in Canada' shouiti util be a whit bedWour néighbor ou théeoaber aid o -hela, n Ibis res- pect. Âlthongl the 8ot them May- hé glootùy, à h94a. ngQ f ighusfor' us, and t i cnnot theréforé be weuderéd 'at' that thé "'Ilkttude Of the pas"alidi 'people' cf Osaid, who repre4ent the tuce principlé of progretsive governtet, should hé an- liâted in behaif of a people, vlto are forcitt free rdréeunstances to bé thé éustomers of. [tflStttféd l t tes1 iu théir stru -le to ernsucip4te theinselvei front a vwumercial Mld poli ical ce#c ticun thatiLupoveriàbés Thé Dublina élm, -li im n Thé Meeting cf syt4pathy wîi$i thi liortbem States op thé threntened rupture wiîb Eugland, helu inDublin, Wai one of thé vers' fucliAh antiridiculon,, things tliat have freqnently taken place ln Irelitt& luI no olther country undter the son coulti sncb n farce.bave beén enacteti under similar1 circumstanceis. Pt' we annot believe that thé seîtjible citizeni',ofI.Dublin coulti haveý made theniselves so fcioliah, anti are tiierefore inclineti to tbink thef. thé Dubinu meeting was composed of a few liot-beati. éd youtig m erk yugIrti1sders," Who 1 &ýQlefoir the peple of Irekud, as diift r.eétailors of Toolhrj srel 1vén theyýrcIlainéd themaelves "W# t'hopéo plé of Buglanti.» Thé préoedilngs of thésé mlaguiéti, andi uninformcd pérsons haLve béen unul~rilly magaîfi6efliy blung takeni $0 mneh notice -of, inteati of being lauhe tas they deservis, GC*kti-Iné. rance of théecndition of Irishmettjin Ca. ua muuai, WC arm.sure, prevail inongst a certain çîass of dirr.cotrntryiuén ne rossth water, i$ien îteypresurne tw inelude thé Irish-Oanadlan as a sympat1iiser vith thé cane ~ irlshrpèu i the S&tesPr. he dWa affected Itishman at home, against England. Cauiadiaus-wbetber foréign or native- appréclatq their privileges tco highly, andt love their country, andi ber free institutions 'too véli; and te thé MNothe4 country, te, wbomn they are indebtoti for thésé blés. iug,-they are too gratéf ul, to bé forge fui of their alkegance and duty. The pe- lîxical, Sooiai, and religions freedota vhich Canadians éujoy-which are sharét iue. by thé lriishman witb the native Canadian-. without a îbought ci. distinction, or anidea of différence. on account of a raér rei le la ccun-., olliy tnitiaa; ilicîr ym. while pesce ilasteti among ai çrf dor ertiténs. Matîy 1-and are justly hlt- iai estimation by their ail érigifis. -ut îhey cls whtheut na~ulaLct f Ai lu thé 4éjpths cfcunpo. cion> net te stey aversion. ru, b, îémpéraméaat andt m", social var onit a - 1, Untiér any prélélicé 1 I ry bitter tmunit dlvéctét ricau inhabitant8, as an age i as viehatiée oftée '-evér sacréti viti the Xilv cf a saninitary strug.. mu cf angry estranigémeut B3u whiie 1 grieve .over, utM a'the philipiea that n ~net 'the éxpeuse of so e 'mincoritl cf Our cotn. the other hént) reipect- nin to yéur Scciety, that tiblil teniper la ne% te hée îirittatiotia out cf seitou, gard 'cf théetout aérionUs sj wlhme ant aditional, lied huesBluaiSecrétar)r Stw'ard it proper1 te statu that Capt., Wilk-i without instrutiîtns, anti the subjec fore Wafrcefrornt ny étuharasmer miglat bavé esuuétiif thé nct hat i cîally directeti lHe trusts teB i 13 vérniuejt %viii. coîtauider thée subje friently temper, anti il may expeet, disposition-on aur part. l'he uext létter ita tram ari Tb Lord Lyons,4ateil !Nov. SOth,in wh tails thé Trent affutir. Hé séya it1 péars dttticertain itadividuals .bi forcibly talien frein a Bviitiat' Vs snhip of aneutre! power, on a lesl innocent voyage, tan'set QtfYielnOi uns' anl affrolt te théelBritishflhagg violatioocf international Itaw. ler Majesty's govermeut are si believé thé Atl vas vithobt nthai resl* frout a mîsunderatatiding. govérméent cf U the té ae fuily tiware, bbc Rrittsh g'Oernié net al!krw'sich a unaffronit tethé hOrnor te pea v itho)Ut fnl mrparati thé Brîtisi goventiepnt l nnliîu lievé liant the Untited ' Stats*edlit îi iie tinnecéssâarlly te- foice a di o segrave a question béttcntIi goverumenta thé (Iovernment ef the tlniteti SuI an olti snec4oe. é,,6Fré,zo pera singÏr unue day htésl fùiiel yicto 1 au éditor'. e##dc*g*tbraudlultlg lM do l% t onlda andi bqlding up a foided paW injthé éthier: "Jii àr opuf a yoa de ti- Atdeu orfdispp>r in Wd ibe sai i ç p d ti g h6 sband inte a titaret i'is m eSaecre, titi you eetr 1vbat yott call .-tite dis hsré articeéV?' "Yle,el saya the éditor, 'withlt bfr d "Sakre! diabl.1 youiay Ots- té dat "raisin- bis cae, $'Des 1 éohtéa té givé yen on-v-hat you call-omne grandi vaslîopiug, cmsasêu _ Tho éditer hère witbdrev bis band, andi présenteti a pisîci. Thé alaruaéd Frétiel. man lookéti at eue anti 5f thé éther alter. natey, -andti etn Wlith a vaqy loy boy and. sutilegaad X0,">. ecovtdsctcur, I vas jus trop iu te crack de Ileéj ok. 1" Anti so nov with' Msr. Steward on the Tr-ent alfar. Ou Jehn BuV& présentation cf his big Armatrong pistolst Jonathan Wu ouly ",ciéck-ing de léetie oe' The Rifllea'ns Etsétion. ut AN 134RAvAtI. *[Nettt'aslkost! dewe lith eoo« rrof thlii.ua Thé Rineil mteut, SMdqsbteokbils We The (mii cfa tauidethie chiéffmtn dit pare,' The, reevé b e itsrhotôéu the greU chair te 911, Aid liturier wéut>irtbla e l e$Lt 0till. Wfotxd keep rprencuer whtle,éuss venrit on, At1 thé deur Ihtimi uvassarieud a terml'té Duna. 7% it mli s ibm uii., La a voe ttsud ud ciar, WlIuié a hmlr-d rieép.ien ait eéboéd. 'lemê" "hum." TIe ait helisg gtPalrA. th"té,auuuot aieè, The éChnirmain Ihégaii-'5idiéra's1 tit 1ltym e ima. " Ciitiesa Ceutrymnn eartiu n W heéti yéul 94ILai wti n hé yeur etulr tin é tvtté ila a Fu, 14Cemaaî,de(rt <vrtenr anidwu" aqwéll tttd, 9Ais whtaJtPkligandt*iid ,wtedge, ucomIet &M.lu ."De ilhéh'uaé i' byvote. anti et qiiélyté wiwk 14vewy uilh thé cowardi ttc tihe ddtr woultirL. 1%e W SrI-. ua wton VCbmeBrevit ta he;bick. Ituba h gnuhut, AM té 'ui,,g résnhéd. muaar saiimm "rr,, lla te tios n apta etçgaIamui3h MWuv#u, 5t.ieemio.i vagreéttedutie.a.1l é.uhont oyo, 4Amol héeumptain %usu vnel. a boeih of*abeoy," émut"Ciu nat. theérupt=a id, WbA ittuéejýits. L h1ith àtu lthe imu," fending, as véil as battliug fer thé IMol Méttts et al ie Thé e uilet uWkeé n xil cltie andi thé govérument, sud thé connexion ~ èéts~cd wiîh thé Motbér ceunît-y which secures 'mhé offce or i.éigiî mniiàrxî théni te hlm. Fer different is il utththeé Oe 4càrk..>teMt i Tisbrouelt ut i vé hes uit1l [risboesn luthé frecanti enlîglatenoti Ré- Buat Ctaxiéy rarriM tit ili téo- public. Ifait forgotîeu hou hé vas pré- Ti ui bsopren1tt e séribeti by Krow Nothiugism?1 Are thé iter, ctutrageson bis religions' hélte4 'and the Anteter Young ttualgxhad the W he %ssatçAi the rilhersvIte, burning cf bis churchés sud c,)nveàts, for,'For thbis hner Wadé, ?a ,til. fotten ? And Îlihé redy te ovérlook thé Ptieht twayeu i d'#rtsisty aU VOCUCOC 44étd it ii,nô lonmr. ltti1' insultB to bis race anti country vbich W0< rhior% e dhton) appear in théeÂiuerican papera ':-tWau. Antd emtll whenilnéudm tht ted a Cook or Hcusemaidtîl-ani an Jri As 'ked ev ré"(1yc ,Iior'Ù girl te-do thé dirly wum*?"- ' Ittthen hé va- émurt te the ;- r Let thé syuipsthy of thé, tieafféctéti Dnh. t nhçntehr""hî4ji linérs bc preserved Worthéir Yankee coun- ,m WiAde teei thé té. mi tbe port productions cof ber «nvil andi ber tl'YWé i.i lopin, us véil as thoeeof her fieldisand -foa;- Thé hlah in eau. : Our country s pecou1àr1y aapted4 bu homes, fami umaufàcturiug pprsuits.Liké al 'cibér ceulttry I noirthépuj'imm, 'qr fieldi latter is, cofiuéd hbiefeb ~to ablnteé.alf of'thée Thée u. t10 useup ai ei~ m6hitlts' are Oar ô" y Pred9t'até. oélétR mon. Thé reat cf the jean may lhé resson- sal3ts- Aid ýMy &et dovuuas thé coenming eiaths,î«t, ti tiare te uthé leréaldue tsf our -somamer' trs -1, re -âiéérea With thés.facis béforé unla dois nttréa ltaPerialIgcq 'r MaGee ou this >T'. te bi$Ssentiments, i,and viii séil repai thé fellewiug este in a worlti.ruî that hic' di anti Collin ra ré nuittry. ritisil

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