Whitby Chronicle, 14 Nov 1861, p. 2

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n Lto,. e, oti lo. 32, lu1 t Con. %VIity, on 26î11 Nnrembe, -4wlpefty of fiecrge ;n.- Ale-.-Cnder Thomnpu.an, Âi1ioan salt 'of one ncsni,d actes of Iatî shntp in Scot, rut Plank's ilotel, tU'1,ritlge Villnr, on l4th january M82: propert v oJcbSlîer, l!arm Stnck, and, lm)p"ernts. on Lot No. 1j, th Con. Piderinf.on the 14#1 IÇx 4,le;prpriof 'Aice icoutis- C5. CSterine, Atitiontner. *Cheit Silo or Farm'Stocli. and Impie. menu,ým on Lest No. 22,- -41h, Con. Whitisy. on FFîïdny,1l Snovemiser, 1861); property cfTiras. Ci)bs - Thos Me.yrs, Atuctioneer. (preait grîio of Fnrm Stock, and Impie. mente, on i 1ri INeîember, on Lnt No. 26, )ths Con. Pic-erng; -properil of' Mrs. Roabert; 3il. *Atirrn nide of lasst, !China, &C.. 'et Braeklip -Jeshn ostAitner CHANCERY SA LES. Warren Ys., Turit r, Norensiser l4tis, ut Orono-Fa irbirks kMardonell. * Iuýrnnt vs. TIntes.. 4 <*. on Nov'r I19ti -Yuirbnhî~ ~fn.elr~oIAuctioneers. Lyývndcireva. Gaige e~i iVhthon 25th -,Xov.18R .-Faîibanks snàel Maejo., t 1-a -- of--y C-Pýi 1% i ,PitrulriW't'lW.I rs Celeieri eCron Ola'dAece . Knwe. Crr5fmkr in'i-î' Sidimpt. 0111Y lr . F*1waM IcLiR Ar. A ;%ei- wil b Tf-donk Triune.,b I tisMîrl nct-L eaniC2u bute 1 - L4U ieJn M fla loilld ie aletrie onTeGera tii- A. heKMno l Lfleont 4t Ds & b.Tr dsi. - bfiLr4t lecIe. Wtl . Ttîîî1 4 v. Noembîri 14e all61 theIncc ry, onhl - hidmon the2e ry instant, hiyAirleN ter, Edq Gst, wiI dcý-Iier Mharlereon Tmrric.onait ie, M t ni LulI ftreon2tbc br. nChuoiýa n M'îîs'eî-cf $1000. .Tse ir nt lttureo tise ao pnlh, irro. lite all nof tie nttAeon rid o, t ise O~ntant, -bv .lex. Mî ta Mlin, E . asjec"erà. * a nSaints Daày cf ".Aud Seoia." Tii St, Arrrr.éwc Socicýf t aI itSýy buasbeen îsrIctocd for &,in,, lime put, arid the cèle. - brutian or Iti'. Dà.vý in aay public manner, allowed fo Ccl I Iort dý!use ; we are tiser.. fore very mach 1rjlified at ibe moirerneni 0'lthtie part of tise warthy sons of 8aoîlitnâ bee torcorgan;z- ilteir national Seet - suave:e8peeially wisee a principal object of b. nrcrgiiznl ion lut the exercice of thtt MOc leuieul sa% the credit of NOs-s'tielsta Tire Leader stroag1y pressestire noces- city of I"sarly legislative lanterpocitiotta udjecitishe quesction of taxationI or v$ld -an'iA. case, observes Our contoe vsra ry, and i ici ias iitierto escaped obsai. Iratini, renders titis tire more necnsr7ui- tire issue of debentures, b! counities, bss.d upon tise sonresident taxes. Treý Leader Aleges tisai 'tise redemptiatl of tiresede beritirres le depeadesit upon tirs ability p-f tire auveral eOuD4.iea y tise ordisrry procs of sseriff's Sale, ta reulize tise ausistit cesseti upon snoccupieci land,,-asîd tatàc 1t0f cou m*e tise sectmnties -vere pierseia~ aeheid upon tise supposeci rigit and paver cftise local autirorities tis ta pro. tect tire iniaeots Of tieircreditare" 1sTire serions aspet" c)f tise question ilu lumen- ted lny tise vritsr in tisa. Leader,,tbecanse ise asîms, dit hatbidbsres working *rOng upon Ilitecrtlers and tise MunîCipntities, tise abseutee, upecuiatar-s. are eiiabled , ta depnive a certain elaus of Idbenture.irolders of neariy ail fie cecuritytisat exiista for tire Tise cpprelieîsions of aur contempoarry voulibcIre rr'tmucir qirietei bcd- ise vefer-' reci tasc, 162 cap. 65Ooti. Stat. U. C. ".tai any. iinte lucre be nal ?t h. "Nou-Resident Land Fend Money suffi. "deal ta PaY thiitereal upon thse debeit. "mare, or fa' redeem ihe saine sei due, ti sri infrrest ordebenttsre iuhMlbe pey. ~aUe orui of tise gemurai C'ountV Funs, "and thse paierywe Weemf.may bIen. sforcd mc tise sose ssanner> as is by law, 1À.Proeided in thue case f Other - Cossalj Sa sisat tise iolders of non resident 1Cesunty'1ax debentunes holci tise usrolk- Oasrety in recuniry for tise payment of their dehienturem, andi the operatimin of tise lav, aeeorebng ta CiriefJustuce Draper'. docision connot in tire aligirtest dépreciate a .cmnity go ample. Bat visile loohin; afrer tise interftate of tise deienturce.irlders, tire settiesisal lire Mruncipsalities, and beapeulcing u pcciahleg. isation in their beisaîf, tie Leadersoanid alson embmer tisat tirer.ý are suuzy lion resideut Prlîerty hbridera, visose rugilu ansd intenessbave an equal dlaimsupnr tise ut. lention of tish esaue . Sene of thet may bave purcirused, and paidi Ibeir jactaI mene, ibut îtank out sna' patent-m tise full écmnvictioa tiat tise hand do purrelssec by tirem---leing usitiser "gtsintsd," "e55t ed" non 'l1iceuse cf occupation issued,- ç'es'e nat subject ta tazatuon. W. kuov non proft.ssisntsl ment alto, aliriou is naît livYers, lied given a gresi dei of attea. tiirn ta municip..l tatters, andi vere of quite a contrany opinion tao tiat arnived ut lsy Mn. Ardam Wilson, M. P. P., anal otir legl' isminuries on jtic ubjetof tsxing rson-residet, non.patenred crovn and clergy lancia.' Tisey beld, contrary to tire lepil - estisnîits, iret crowa rend clergy lands suId sinése 18513 iere av ihable to local as. s«u.ment. Holdirt tis opinion tisey pur.- eisased and paiti an eaeceased price, front tire fuel of tire-lu*not being subject ta taxaion. Nov ',tliraitii decicion of tIse jJudges sutains tilsti opinion,,tare prircisua ®iir l itispocsirion ta b. deprived ai tire full bLenetia af ticir purebsae, ý,y ans, de clar-atr)ry cîetofthre I 1a$spe,isncb sas tise* Leader nalicitu, in behalf o? tire mu- nicipulities, seitiers, and deber.ture-boldertil And if tîre Conmianiodtnof CrevOn c1ia, under section 109 ai tire stattite to"vinicis souciflont bavp a retrospeeire elfeot. Indeetl vse sn ,rarctsly heliere, nulvitir. standing tins' Uring of tire Leader, tisai tire Legiciatuni 'ould bu so injusi, as 10 faine aWAY frara parties lu tire position ai Mtr. Street,tie-1ls ra4 obtaived by isent in tire courts ofiiav. ,Tir s eicritle soe-residesst ax debers' ture-soldeua teiag na ample as uud re domired, ve tlsinkth iere la a caseil' fayot et thre ,sonresitihnt property owper, whe pieaing, of ail tiesoccial virtue-Beaeve-ola iior leace. i Tise Scetmmesa ruxer largely iu t Lglslatfvê lat tbis alIiy anii are respectable astiyen-S. ctive effecit e tii, as they are anterrw. Un'rited fer a crmuonobjuet i st ir eir power, tieuigis on tire' me'iun r cfa St. Andrsw'i Socetyle -acompliih muccigooci, wviile at t'he sit rtAtst isljeet -tira >Leader tsmststg thse paver ot' Menicipaiies te lueur debt vaniti prove of litie benefit.- "The realy feaclble sad fficent rentcty" s4ys tise Leader, ciappeart talies in anrtt or direction. In tuis asiin ost sinilar Instances, tire bais>- anti tire ntedote May be founci togatier- . -Tà sau'oniy tisai tise toierale debt andi aa iiste oexp",s but traifthie trulisê Tire.arNireocouse qutraces ; tise causé in beiid. Tise ruot of the evil ta tihe Pover postesseal bY:an irrespornsible multitude te initiate.- nader. talingc'contrary ta tise viii, ansd for tisa moat part detrimnentai ta tire interea, cf thse owfers aifpiopent, enoniin thtie fia 3sîity for dem 9'ý1limatcly tulia. Tire inuîy viro have net re" prapent,', farcir large local expenditum amir a view ta tise profil n! tiseir Mubr, ciill or traite; tise few vira have property; are ovcrslcnbed at tise Poils. nti finti themsels-es saddbed amish lebiIîies, vitir ne cerrespolndinx aitntaze, umnmediate'nr- enot. hea tise time for tire pa,'ment arriresunittire comMunit,, sulferine fromn its av'n rcians leisur-eIy repente of foulies bhastiiy committeel, tire lirborer or mechanic, ncd in mntrsy, iustancos, tire tradesmat, escepa fronthtie difficuîty by transferrni himnseli undit bi ta oirer ioealities. Tiraut once abandon tise plnce and thse deiî. Tise cianer ni real 'estsnte. isoaeserbis une sucis methoci of rcliicf. He protesteci andi 'oteci igaincitishe clcit. Re aav ners (tteextras-azant ex'peniditure But ire muet neverticieu rentais '*ý endure for- tire deit;-' andi i. tsust remain amir it, icirsocrer isard tise trial. Wirstthui ire be rmincit? Tis* majnit,' ofItire rate.ý pas-ens decreet tise debt, uni]lise ma.p lu, miougis ut tiese cofsies-en bouse and, l o ai:e bsc .calta iimseif tise ovner...- -Whst, tisen, is tire truc îemedy ? la ut not ta revîse tis yste minhch isvises ta tise tran wiitisnut, propert, tise meatni tof mort- gaging tise propentyr 0f iris neigisior T- ls ît net'se toa nitdit4e franchise thlmn praperty sail have nigistu 4a veli as lahor 1 -trai prapert,' shahl have ome paver nt protectiug itseif azainst theiencroarhmcîîts or mer. numbbers." r Preciseiy. Ever,' cyllable vel sud: ightiy expresceti.- But isov appi,' thie remcdy? Mr!r. Pernj' in bLs caseras nt Ktrs' Division mudei tisis antencimerut ta tire Municipal iav, ott' of hic "'pIauc.. Nie renteci, ,and ib lave isca.'d rotising ireter-vas totire effci :- Tiat virile for al election -pnnpasea., of reprumrutratives, eitiser Municipal ori Panliamentary, ire vouid place aIl quai1îed votera, as at pre sent, upan tire s tnplsvei-vwisets t came te a question da? M nicipal, taxation-misen it conte te givîtng tise poser te aoue man amibout pý>perty, 'ta rrsortguge anetisee maissftam againat tise viii, anal consent 4i' tise avier, tirea, Irc onteasiet, tisat vealuh isironlti ire taken into ensideruflon uast* as mèe-niumbers. W. lielieve se, Arp- *e blces-e furtirer tiaI ere sncblirec la"v heretotore anany snnicipaities aev ever. #iss1lmed vils tiehsi, vessitbe 'savetifresis tbe'ruin brougiri upon tisent. Vice andi Mises,. Tire evidence before tie Coror' InT.- quei,treperted iun aniotirer cqlmn, lirouglst te Iiigirt a ccad pictur. o? vice, ntisery, anal vreteuiednes. secreti,'sluliîng, unicrioil, @Mt uapitied, ir our esid#t. h vas giv en ra -evidenre.tirat tira nfortutate auleitý motber, Isavlng ira place te lay lirer isçnd, lept by fsnres 4 on thse cammoet, and --in 'outiroires, and wvlercver sire couniliebst obtain a irigbtc ciselter for berce!? u-id 10r msiserable ifani.t'n1 ,,andi decerted, an anitcaat andi a vagrr-r-, -,isuüned ti e virteus, as a tling tee leutirsane te jise toucied-sre vwu dniven ta tise terrible alternative of prostitution. Drink, its ever.attetsdat vice, o(cource foih ovet, and The tadeisSed Ns faNitef Tire relief of tire Indebieà1mu s1dpaUitien ts - itiiger th.'"d 9ugist by te parties Mayesin tlisIqb er. -To throw lire soiso'eburden apoe tire Provljceê-or sn otlier art,o'persrepudeheaonrov appears te bic tise eutd, and aies of tirs agitators. At a meeting eld in ooboturgoa thiéfitis iussl,>of>? eiegates from mnsicipeWticc in- terested lu tise question of municipal in-, dsbtednss, tlip folioving reaglutons- moved by the iWuyor of Porti lope, second- 'cd b7 tise Mpyo-i af.-Pelerborottjb vs n.r arinsously (el cosse) adoptes!- Rte"ot>ed, -" Tirat. ti meetin g approve ot tisa vievs set forth lu tise Becolutions -adopleciathtie meeting ai Municipal Dine. gates iselciin Toroato on tise St i mi., no farras 1 hey relate to the Goyernrent assum* ing tire irsdebtedness of tire varions munic,- pelities for tise ametunt expesnded isy tisem on Iteilways, on tîeir surrenderng altiseir intercala in tbose roacis.tu tise Toyernmerrt And visai do 0cr readers tink are tire resobutions rcferred ta in tire abore rcsa* lution. We sirail let tises knov r 5Tisai'viser-cas tise varions Mtrîicipali- tiinl Upjrcr Cinx(aýla aincis iave bisrrowed eis'er irom tise Municiînui Louai Fcrrid, or ou ticir credit, forrasvypapee only, ver-e itsduced te do go by thre aci-su of the Legislnture, and. have tiser iy Isecame >ens. iserrssnsed by liablittes irscurred for gen'enai rather thams local pnrp)oes--be it there. fore 1. Rnsoer.,-rTirat a unitecifcourtlire madetg.. pnes upon tise Lexialatune tise justice.tus wcllntherscneccssiity, ai asarin1 brg- thse irole amourit î Provincial liabibi. 2. Reored.-9n Tiat wvils1 tire Muni- icipaiitý'et wiiiclrirave Irorroveý front tise Mcfnic!i.sà Luen Fonci are so far protecteci hY 'lis ïe i-csmcnt-as to be' requis-ed ta psy Ovc entcîrinlathse dollar only n tisir .aucessment of 1858, tire Muateipauities; viies iorroweci on ticir ava eredit are Iieibe btirteir ereditors for tire flinteresi sud tise principal as if fallu due; any feailrre nu ltinparCs aoirid affect lire cre- dit of tise ltcnvince." .3. Recolvd,:-" Tirat tire action of tire Ljegielature is relieviug tire(lrand. Trnk itailway of tire amile tsf its large -lialility te tire i5rovitice, tiereby tieviug tise lor-j den upon tise generalirevenue. affords n gtrong grouîîd of daitm for relief te tire Mrrniipaliievis winh Ihave hisceome invnlved lsy expen.diturc on worlts of a similar char- Acter." 4. Resoled-" TiraI uan t eunt of taxation exceedfin;X 124 cents onth; -dollar, or 2s. id. in the Pound, on thise escd value oiea Mutlicipaiity. 'ru hurdieîn4auie anud oppressive,. ciecicu its pr-sperity, dltrnses tise value of r-tai catate, sindi fuls i ii pe- culiar seeriry an unoccupietIteaemnenta." 5. ReWered, .-" Thotat uong aitir seciee af reluef for theirnncibedIf tiMnièi. palities, suçis ameudments sisouiti l. made in the Municipal Act ai wi1ll preert an,' Mfurniiîty - in future fim borrovlltg money, except entier a special Act - G.Resolsre,-$ Tiret tire teaectkve Muncipiitese-requr.tolesusrentier ru tise Govermntishe vanki an - 4hiîcl'Itie isave matie darices, or- tseir intereut in tisese amarine upon rclief bcing grasstéd ry* tire L-gisilarnre." 7. Redvee,-" Tisaitire, Municilsities intercoste in lathis meueet tbc requested Sainterfesslyae bp4Véâ5i' for tire immediats relief ai tise ixdebeted 1eirpaiis for it in -obsiaus tirai, shoriltiey nov be presset Iotemeeltireir, liabilies, tise canfsnnes Muet. iére ini Io t ieir' prospecta, ctsnfia5èation te tiîeir pro- perty, andt terelry distroua reulta- te mthe Province." - j Tise nrearing ai 'tise e rseutnons in as pi "a if it ve.sait iun ce many varda j..the tr Province bc; rtire. irtiren oi aur liaisilities, wvell det notin, in tire moatter."; Thaisisbe-measnintrof tise 'isunited effort" te force fthe gavernmntstol "ssumo tise 'ibiole anaunt as a Provincial r sblt.Wilisaut ans effort boyrds bselp ing.tietusslves isey seele ta tireur upon tire jProvince nt large sire bertisea of tireir debit. Wrcn tiser talk ubont tise protel'. fiais affordW eti ncpltefiwihbv luorsoveitfron the Municipalitiu vnscirae in beingf requireti by goverismeat Ia pay buaI, five cents a is t llarida tisey shsov tiat tirey hsave paiti, or tlrat tirey are eran willin"' te pa,' iaat aunt T - Do tirye,'e- su,' tisaI uise ylpa,' maiag ? Not a' Woyrd about it. After securiurg tise advais. tage oi tis ork,tbey aant tise Province te pesy for isent, anti gel off scot.iree frein selveu. Lonaen, at tir presesst tinte, oves tice Goper-nisni.$500,000, butiras steve leviet i etier the rate ai intereit or tise gosernmeat fOve per "trt on tise dollar. W0aoleki Norvichs, -Ns sru ircoe, Coboorg, an 4 aoier >Iuicip'alities are la borougis, that tiscy are Provincial' marks, and& benefit ta tise country? Cobourg and Port Hope rein tisesiselves to gel neilroarhs, and tien cee e a aie thse Pro. rincé pay for ticir folly by classing tiren vitis the Grand Trunk s Provincial vprlucl But ivisen vs look utvisaItirhe goyersimeat bra done, aind viat bas bete doue, by tise Municipulitiea5 tire co»tratit oýlatI.lgreater.. Tise action of.tise, Legialature vas ta assume thse grand Truuk debt, ratirer tian repu- dute;, tiat of tise Municipalities to.reie. diata ratlier tiin boldly assume tiseir lai lites. lustend of, follovifig eunt tirs ex. ample athe Provincial Jegiîsisture tirey' taire prèciclely tire opposite course. Tire legiulature callcd'tise Grand, Trunk mbut existencé; vlsat isand isad il- in creeting tire local dabils, and rival abjeýcts of tire defaulting Muicipaitics ?1 Again the resolutions Bay tint a tax ex. ceediîtg 124 cents in tise do!in:r would Ire hîrrtbtirscràn- uporr a municipaiity. If thu be tire case wirat relief vould lBrocieville obtuin-vitil$ its6. Id. mu tire £,Ltirad diîon te the gavennet rate of la. fromn ite IL-ilwery dubt, even if nssted hny'tire L-agislature ? Tise autis of tiere esoluîions cay tirat tbey wonid reqîrire tise surrender of- tise worlca ta goverume.îrt. * Very fsoliâirwvould it Ire ou the part of tse 'go vernmeîît to assuimt wvans that d;' net pay ruuuing ex. penuses., Tiose muunicipali varks, vouI Ire oisly a isurtrern ta tisecou ntry, as tirey noiv are a Isurtisen and s leu ta tise meiri;pali. tics irbose shior-riglited policy dîctrsted 'ie ]bn.t res.îiutursn requesiiug scîsici- pabi ties ta "IrIreçs open their mresernta- tiveà" ke., bocks like a cambination ta coence die gaverumneru, ta accede te tise wisises of tire dtufmulting r nunicipaliiies. It sliocaa ow far W'sîerrt repnesentrtives- et-ru paueC'iear Crnîti, w6o inveigis a4iai Eestern Canada nut, anti Frenchs domirna- lion, rire ready ta go, nu-ien it touches tiseir pockets. Tîscir parQtîts andi îarty alegiairce ail, ail dir:tp,,pear before tire;aI' migisty dollar. lu concluin uwn amila-sk irmw doe 'tise case of tirese derfautiug munirripaiires dif fer fromu tiret of tise.private individuel uni. able tn mcci hîs engag,,enients? -Wisea the busisirrcrsman isecanses a buinirupt,' sard fluscs ilurcr'sary ta compromise vitis Iris creditors, the f raitiiring lire is expectce-' te do îs ta shoaw a dlean statemetnt of iris ut'- faines. *Ilf municipauities Jeclane tiseîr brik-- ritpiey tire Province, froinvirom tiriy ex. pect tel fi3srelf entii.ied ta tIre jrme cansideration ? Let, tien ,aodon, aTm- itrWeodstock, Simcoe, Niagara, -Ca. bourg, and tire.otiser municipauities seeing relief, shew astaternent of tieir, affair~' Iheîr reccipîs, taxes, fonrds, cats, nul ex- pedtradurin tire last four yenrt, if tirey de4ire to deuil sonestly and uî-persIy viti tise Province aend tise Goyerum.-t.-,- And let tisen, aiî tise samne tint;mnaie' a 1titan irnsior thc îisira and'and uns littie jobs, whinci brawlingr municipal reformea of tise prescrit da y have recei'red frein tise exp-maditure of tisese, verv 'monefs ; and Costcentss TeQrrwr.- aSrturtiay lait, W. Bi astwood Esquire, M, D., )Coroner for tise Cssnty of Onauio, isclit nu inques fit KOnÇs Ii Ride, an tire body of '-Ehenr Davois, 'a,1 ciihoa year aind a IraIt ad, amios" ih us as alegesto ta ia 3re talcersc plae in c"pn et c- iant ill. - treamit b iamither. Tls bodty e? tire chl.presenteelA afrully t' maciateti np- pciunance, sud a m-osi pitiful &spectacle ta laok upon. ;thnd tsd everah mrtks oan tire bodycaiied by tire dectors "lbcd &ores ;II, ils lîttie arm, uas-ve tise lbov, amas bruiseel rend biaeceurrt, as if tsy violence, anti a iront fmots ý(thie fit incisor) swausisisg iron the iuppas-jair. iDr. Carson mades an axierrnul examiamion efthtie body andt gave it l si& o pinion tiat dieati r esulteti frouat negieci, anti ant a? propernonurisirniesrt. Tise haseair tise torti ir auaributeti to un usîceratecl state ai tise gPm$, andtihie marin au tise urne from isaving bpecs lanupon, or produccd by violensce, -E lizabeth Davis, tise- Intnaisr ai the cirili, 1Mr. Samtuel Cochrane,t etrs. Butter3, Georjge Johnsonr, andthie Cirief Constlable vWer.- examinsc, analtise tuquest wa3 iadja)urneal - tntil Suctiay, ilu order te isave a poetorteaa examinstion matie by Dr.- GuVj. Ors- Suntia,'sallen a'clock tire Jury met ain, vien Dr. Gussi's irnideneaas tancen-doama. lt ugred wamitirtat of Dr. Carson as te tire * Progreâs a1 thse CWii Wisr Ini thse j Atssrelat tates. Thse inaval expedition Lo thse Sou tbern erC«st, han, it is reported, captured tlsree of, theq Soutisern forts nit tise entranrce of the' harbor ut Port, Royal ; anrd information! bua aise b een received (of course isrough a Nortirero source) tint tise ttswn -of Beau7 fortwucain poscecion of theNortberntroopc. Tire late sa le ga'ecuqed serions disaster ta cme of'tise vecueis of thse feet, and it is ýeported that the Union and anothér transpotwr recked on -tihe Ncrtih Carolima coat,, aqd ail on board- mrre priconers, fears are entertairîr frotsr of, thse vessels whicls were in a digaisied1 mâate. iNewcbhbeýen reeiîved of a isattie biar. iug been fouglit in- lelmount, Missouri,1i on: tise, 7tWinst, tise las on. bath sAd6 i4 rporteel to bce beavy-sone .150 on ecdi sii: nnd tise brttie is deciared ta Isv rcsulted in a complete viCtory for tish Nbrtîerterc-lîha~rtise- latter thocumhit it prudent ta rr-ire from tire field afc ivinning t/te baffle. Tne New York papers, Mary 'Ail accorants cfnceur in plaeung the eba )f1 thre nerny mucîs heavier Ilium ours. NGa t et îhY nevs have. btenrei. Cil frîro col. 0,gilvic's corrrmand, tant it ý4s rinoreri - tlie bau encOrrnt(erpd Jeftý Tliornpson's forces, killing 301 andilsn 50. Blin't hans bren nbaudoned bi tise reisels. c!1'irey have 150 prisoners and- ne. knowtedg'ed 350 lilled. but voulel not per. mit the Union ofilcers who went-ta Colum. bris vitli a flar of rucre yesterdrry ta visit tie c aeto -wiicb tirey iouveyed tireir aorClarke Wright, wiio ban jirat re- nn ifromn an exteiive qcotitigig e.-pendi- tian, reparti tiret-tise main lrry rmltftise etremy are nov statiminec on tise norti fcrrk of C ranre Creek. about ftrrîy-Tve rk'ls Soruth or heo'. Ilitirrig 4 tirttilis fore 'i.4 aIrntt2ý',000 stron-,. lten hecrnillocil ii on Fiat Creekc witir re:ve.n ta ci'Mit thmrrrerrrd mcr>, andl tisre are rrrîmeaous bnindi ranrirr- frorn ioue hund rrrIo ronue tlrouqarrd senttprell about tise- courntry, Gem. Pir's ;o4iUan ii o01! Cîirre eCreek ud is 'faralîle for de.-ferrae. lIc hbas Plrutenl lerrteric-, on tire el'uTs oirr- lo-ngtise approaches ta tise place. l. Tus; Bermudja arugin min tise bloc.ni ant.Srivannýh, and this rime wiîla a cargo ejfnally velrreble %vitis thet sir, bore Irefore. Sl1e taIras 200 bAles of cotton for Liverpool. Tire Ftýdi.rrliats luave been autiel pateci in tise work of openiu-ia n cctton 1ïort K esCr.Nov. Il. Tiqs orning rit ten oWelock Col An. ilony , with 150 mnunteci men amas atîrrekpel on nu open Prairie, abouît ten 'mriles from licne ho 600 Confetleratea nder ommnaud of l'pton Hfarper, anrd at'ter a s;evere stre-ç ,-le tIhe Coufederates retrenteci, takin-g aise- lei ihth ie voodr. romain hcis tise7 vere rigain vouteti. Col. Anthony tîten fli brick abrout six miles to 1avait reinforee. mtýnts, iic i a i peediiy be forw-ard tiet ii. Ti's isupposed ta b. tieseane baund oir Confederates tiîat captureci part or rapt, giiel-'s8 company, of Fremiont Ras- sa, n'ear Uflt t.ic nta Fe. - .-i It it saisi tiere are 1,0M0 armed seces- uioniat in tlîii County. Capi. Dowell brin-ri intelligence oi tise lom of lise Freneih man-of van Cantalaisian, nearlleaufort. Sire vas rbout 2,500 ton%-, Frightrut Acceident. (Fronthtie Leader.> Onu of tise sont:fesfui accidecnttoz- , trrèd yesterday rnorning aminci it bha been aur lot ta record for a lengtlry peio d- fearful, net in pint of nismiers eli'eted, ,but witis reference. tq tise circumnstpncec visicli attendeci it. Tisese ccaOmasances wev will endeavour. 10detail s clearly as possible Âbout.sevesi o'cloeel in tire moru- irsg there arrivedat tise Custom.iso*use whanrf, belongingr ta Messrs. Brown k. ig-irs. bothrrm, n two-horse cab 1 contaiîiing Dr.. Caîmpbrell and Miss Sa1ssis Eizabeth Gib., bard, thse latter of vslrom de.4ireci ta enbark crn tis e ateanrer Zîomarmal' for-, inara, wlsere sire-irriendeti ta vIititire family of I Major Grange of tire Royal CarmadrallItRues. Tise cab wus dritren on 'btise wharf by tire driver, s'a al nameti- Neil hIcTrrgcert, and brotîglit ta a stand ne-arly isalf.wrry tire down pîtr. Owlng Vto an accumulation of mnert'iaidizeý, tire space leit for 'carrnages amas very limited. Unfartunately lire Stea. ruer.liad lefi isefore tise cis arriveci, andI was tien observed in tise allina Urner' lirese circumstencec it became ueceaiary for ihe party ta roturn homne, aîndi th.e i- ver, viso iiad Ieft hic ho , , rceeded ýtr turr tire crhby beekinc tire horses, h- rr Aceupicd space beinrg 100 ummli t o enrîble hier ta tu-ri amîtirtire usùal sswéep. fil doing tns lire faitî'd ta perecive tise dainger -of nc iygii< vclricleton cloqe*totaIrie edgApof thti wter-a (langer-of course leat rspîrrist ta tise inmrsres of ise crrriazt', brît quits maànifeattantirode Whosasood on tise Wharf. One of ilsen seeiug- wli.ît WoeiJd.l probrrbly hrrppen, cried out in warning, andi Dr. Campbpîl bearintg it imm edietèiyjurnp- - cd out cf tise -' ab, whicb wut open nt1 rire ihe sdes. 'Not a momnent-toqoscion did ise maIe his escepic, for juqt ar isbi feet tpucled-,tire -wharf, * tiie lveiile terppl'-d over air cl b tre trfl [envol by itise ha)rîeqs ibîcis e r lgge& rsil, btise hrsrnes3. As it fr11l Dr. Campi bell; madie an' effort ta seize- bis errforttrnatp. conipanion, but bibihisse wai - unsucceas- fret arrd cht, sesk ul5tiste weigisty vellicle. tise. humses strugged-desperàtely jet vainiy ta fr-celthemgeiv.-s4, alla tley were drriwn Irencath tise surface lry tire cab. Dr. CaImp. bell Wîirhout amomnenîs hesitation Jîsmpee into tIe- vater. after -tisen ansd bericaIIy endtiavored ta extrrict Mie, GibIrard rom ismr feer-ftil poiition. But in tis ie wts 1 unsriecexmfcl, for ire awa unriblie ta- reurci Sit Irefore tisee abcurrk. Ries noble- anrd1 drIring,ý-atîeýmpîtuîmarly C"sat 11WîMir pfs or ii foot iseame enage i ieuo of onue orftnh(j wI&lrc and ti k w î'tb thse nrmosgt diirilty tirat be mat,. d 0o re * iiacf. Tire pirningi of tise affrigitelj animal Is aludrled ta tise ditTtrtelty ai daiîrer of [lis pO-natior, rand ire amas flnally coropelletl ta relinquisir tise; elourIad Ris ' a ire visanf. The.water ..iser, tire cab ture ~is'tueigntels andi twelve fetint eî., Tis ~cilcrr oeorie, lscal cncsed a large ornb r o PeoPie rogelser *ons thie wliàrf,. Anrd ma(iî,ofitlt nuisber villilogly lenrt'a hiaîd 1b eU ct tire caibatnd its intima4te. luams hoP(Id tint Miss Gibhard -woold Ire resced in îime te save ihr E lfe by tise ap. -plicatiai of tise means nsurrlly emploivec in cesor drown ing. A goo d deuil or haette' vas*tlàerefore nisaenved in rtire preparatiorîs te raise tIre cabs, but thîis proved nit tri Ire tise work of a moment. Tire aanod weigist of il oridi'tire iho rses, reislcreml it extrerrely difilcutty toa11fr tisem, andti iev had tu. bc druî;ged some dictane b ochoolier, isy rope f romn - amincis tiey, aere frittaily batuled ipu. MIjs4j bied l1err -as sot in the veblieie, and it vas nat until ut s ir-and a-belf aftcr tise accirieut iret Neotwithtsnding tise incessant exertians a o-f n îesiuet ber olicé-rs-and creir, sic hat ta ire aban, ISire pr^eniedth ie apperi tiated, ana lal isautis, incitsline tfi offices-c, seret! in eowned persans, sabliers aund cearnen, vere cempewl t lafinc i censly aitiota truggI cseller onsn hoe.as Stt ihy canici. Tire a t rrtt ae tu- ves5el vas artsrsardi s ordlel isy a dtitacis- ae. etreili i ment, by order ai tire cesmmnilng officer, iccsrnayttrtbe nti bicama tp. Thr eurono! tii'pr- off lise whirfithey aere s ceeding vaai -att înw- Trams impassible iesoecfravîcra for thec kesta) ehtise vesel. îy sornte men mci a rassi Bn * isoociMiss Gibmmird,virase - thisîrurehaîi.e, nvisa1nen Spelcn;o(jheno iuihdin; erecteti e timnabIi, latiyan.l herde& for thiî huttittitieron 'i Urontoithe, si < ,,0,regttpdi by a large çirêle passes tire (oUdvinig wael.teriteti enconi- I.a Sa r-nbreteroka lD UMM. land4, andl si-tereof William "Tire Onstario Bi*cl is npt yet foir~ Provincial lAnd Surveyor, yetrg ia existence, but alreucly-lit ha; crea. Far 'tise iSStt fie yearsa. led fer lîseîf a large -andl profitable business, eiriefiy vus thre tunihy of andi ion tise confience-of-the catul4a!,Y- Rceidiigrg ime, înts, at Tise founder of tire Institution wu ise Hon. literary pursuiti, te visici John Simpseons, ciiBowtsarsville ; after a îy attaciiet. Sire was cancer ai markced neuceesg as a mercirat, yeuse of uge. lier ibody% tus gentlheman aitircrew hiiscapital - &ont tise nsidetce -af Dr Can tratie, aael iniconcert viii prontineat men streumi. An inqteast vais1 ia Mentreal estAbliaires tins BnkI, o? amicir Hailolese. ire becante President, Wisen tise Banik Thre jtry xsfr ouse deli cemmeencetibsiness tire subserhirci capital &-verdict to the felict tiss wus $700,000 iiti $140,000> paîiup-lut iseeut sccidently dtirarneti. ce conrpletely uira is get management - eurnsetithse confidence o onrîieu, ntiraiTeril sairs airendy tise subïeribeti capital la neArty $1'. to te axlou. idnuey isestia'. At tise dinner lateîy given ta-iifi.ge~.- mais, C. perry, q, Mayor ofiPeterboroî fourtir Vice.Presîdent , Jropaued 44'F ?j Pneus."'Tire toat ravint beetn ,drutk, callii vere maide for' Mnr. - White, or risq PeeboQ Reriese,visa made tiseftuila, !hig jnrd icous aud very sensibsle remftrkg - 411 titauk youi for'ihe manner in ambiji yon have reeeived tise touai. .Withr ail its. faults tire presu in fainly enltitled lêson, cousiderat ion uit your handet. Sa lti-g&s il ;a independettitly andi ionestl,' cossdncteîi it ia, n hlessing.- But tise great danger vr. have ta mcclt in thië§e cauntr'y il a pres profesuediy puislirfed as9 an arguas ofrpulnie opinion, but in reclii.y simply tua atirce ti iuitarestî of os-îtl. Wiruttire effet. of suci a tireiesp'ftirtuit is, isl see',- (ra tire letter of Mn. Iac Buciransan - aincIr vaa ree aeto-niglit, but wie momne cf: May not huve lbeard. Tiat- gentleman, Y whis front Us larýge exqeriencé1, 1Ï5b is li.- sive business asrîcu nnrd mit reat pofiticutl kuowleilge. JirasootI means ofa understieuding fisehe .at irterpstg Ofj ir enurntry, telîsus ii at, virile rcnl.in Errglaund, liere iunrfitirrit tire Ta)rcînto Gloe- amas a mine of u4ealth Io tise luici aud teri. - , 1 4011 sa4gents aforAllatrsîii and New Z-n_ Irnuel ambo pr-jve from its colusuns te) tise iurreudînu em-.!,rnatt iht if tisey came fCaunada iseir firres amauld e l l menigaéd on ee'crrwt of tire (and Trenîl. Tirt uni thse î-erîrlerscy ofr- rewspeIr jubishred il, thse inte-ýeîtet of ne maju - aot ettire -ontine publie. Ev-n elsýVimu,ev-ery int r~ of bhis, no- miltter boysucs opporuelt ~e rreat intenets of rhe ccujntry n a rge', rZ . ai ievncre! irotusgisits erslumn-1. Wlnea - sutoi ptive teridence tirat thùace valuions fer Iris aggrarndizemr»ntt, lias- e becu sold tea fntrei gun peri-net, ve have4 camle can- cepntioin orsf icevils iviicis s pneus 8sueis:-J 1 have de4cr-ibod st_fy infliet upon -the çrluutry. Th ireieampaper¶press irere party G,'overnmpnî prevaiu, mu.¶Ir e Ca Party Pre". A neutral possis as absurd as a nrutnal pslitician. But tiere is avielitntsr andi -,ne tiset sisulci neyer bu lost sigilt of, betameen a, pcrtyv pr-cIa rnd a preve .srrbaer.- vient ta parry leaders. - Tise bus3iuss oraf Presle; slo iidéel v-iristire inlenemsotf tise Party u eale,1 iAd ienrevitir theela terexsaof tise c). lntry tlag. Sa letrg 1u par-ty Ierutips etac in accordante amide irleareinftî res, s8 ieisg sionuld thiey bu sus- pernd ilt »ot atle monment longer. An. rusher iî piýtndcîy af tise preasis âtu en- fos [* a si4> 1qlsneof political, sentiment iinong tise peuple. Tiri. tsystem of toral A 'rniration eAnd jafaruiouisdetructian amici t.iverds 0cr Puiblic men ,as reuati iuJtrui tes ise country. Tise lîunrof i ur publie,- metn sboutd bharr ta ieverv truc pitrlrsi s identified vin tire isnor or tise caountry - ret hcrgez* 1 We may differ irom tiseur, bui ph tliat liceouint w. e ed knot and euglbqw te branid tiseir cisaract rrs as inlfentoîs, Tï wu!; Isleassertion tif 'uns doctr-ine amicir found & 1ieadiogl featere in thse ceutest jusat -ire birtis divi.sioný Tire moderate men ai rrent'were biend ta do justice toaa worthiy puisie servnnt, vire ind*lseen mccl slîs-,recefutly rejecteci-I* v tisase frou< viran lie des.,erveti Ietter tinge ; ant itins demon. 'trntuof to.nighis th ie croamnicg assertioa of Iret doctrine. - j L48 et' tbe MeNrth Ilsiton. - ITire foiloviar mresare vas recciveti ber. heckin" 4ttibude,..1 !aOrc tIhsy 1iscea Anade rcetivi i 'as iseigi rreaven ;e ia tire neig1ibor- 4e criÉ erduti a'u tve rcesmpli.ised asud auth wili be der ply le s>flriertd.ï. Sire r Join Gibiraril, cpf6rdsisire, Eng. n Gibiraril, Esq, aio Collingwood,

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