Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1861, p. 2

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il ~,ui Tel, P~eAWm ~oter, Jr. portatIona il Jear, Of flon -~'itna~liowinla1847, Wh, lu Dpouiory-.v. améahectolitres, -~ re~rvlivse.-sent wantsa r'h eetitarP - iùea. 'Tr tu~'J1s~lurl, ,~ between theu î.e<K,4.-à,ILl rom the tmi eliliiýîi'A l'ouis tntdh IIIe-jas. Bain. Cr',wn Landels lor, mu-4"rown Lundi . ' pelttngill& Go -vaîd lr"srt Petcgiî & Ca.to LeRIII r anir.i] Fiindi'ngs -elas. Bin. ~trîeîl 11sv. Wtic t1. Rosa. bu',oeVsq.Iliereeoii'-Postpouemnt eîof AUJCTT6i SALES. Ori but 31, 2ud roi. W'ltitby, oun Thurs- Ilib y Qd. 24t1 1 îL îraperty af Mii. O1, loti1, SOh I (on .of ltby, oui Tues. lu,'Oct. 2211(l, lCbthîe properly of.Jas. Tebtîy'4luos MyraAucliaoneer. Ont lut 1q, !3I con. o? ,Rearlti on Fri. &Y ~Niov. 1-1, 1561.thIbe'pro-perty o? Wus. ltrsrecr.-î'xiib;meks A& madourlit Auc. Ou ilite Noile il(faflots Not. Il and 18, Isi con. oulçr ng, au rsday Oct. 1îsilI, îepu ort f 1.Laxuery & D. MîVvIt-.-A, . Titups oniTuea. Aue- e' 0,) lot XIi, Cu tWniStby, on ues. * dy, ui 29, ltI, It propety fjo-«W Oi i ., 9nte co. hi, on 1tiues.da on Muds Ç~'t. 2is,18 17, 18611,s 241h Oc tmiber,10b le4. r. G. It' ttob %p- i a -1 p. ____" a, a rtaly T onîy '21 buahels. This islaiheel, as th, diffiienc. betice e tItiicimemaures h èquivaheuî îL te ifrnsbt« ti I lio estiilà et. df~,c blc h tmge of the predesa i neq eather, ant6iid W plIeabring io marketî aIl the cheai, apbab'sps'leg wtm, wbieh tbey posab beycas e oldrerommend Ibis course, tlcReiey art at piaeeai offered, its full mairket -valu,-anud '- id Very doitiul wbeîher local or anîside buyers wUi ho dispoard ta operaîs in sprlng wheai during next iier Or sdnimner, excopt ai yery loc pniei, lte ahipaisaof tb. 1mui -iessn baviug. resaiîed go disaaireualy, trots thm fart o? the great bull. o? tIerspring wheat gettin; Lied, Lefore reacii;'l nglàn4, and haing ta Le sold vt ruinons pricEr._i-. t is uuppaued, and likèly the supposition id correct, liai thé îendeury or iiability o? tLe Stotchý or Fife wheat to bit, id aliri- Lutable ta îLe lalenéis of the season inbenl it id. barvested, and the consequent dispasi. tiait au-the, part "Ot filmers ta Lmfirry hi in ?rou tLe 'iIeld before it ln thorougbly dried. Tt in fered iLtis srisk of beatin1g vill aîwaysluivc ta Le ènéounterid vith isi balesck m pring vicat,' MA the' exposai'. to tithe eé'v il, of anyaîber lxind ,precludes .any chnge'.> Thr onîy course to hi sug. getesi, is tlatslI and sLip as siacli of the ebeat la the ýfail ol the -JeAr, as possible, as ai Ibis season, iiere id no tàsitof lieating. Brey hevin; lieen very extensively sowa bâst eprin;, Lbora endeivered len'large qtianiîiies., The average prieof 'tus sresons purcliasea i4 about 45 cents, for a fewy days, 50 eeuts'a al md for saome prime louds. Wiib a duli markt li Oswegu, sud elsewhere, prier. haaisdeclined- to,40 ceiita ber.. The great.bulk th îe llarley bas been sold? and n ai mnuni mar* expected lu coeur n Peau are in request at lrom 45 10 50 cents. Xery ?ew load4 Lave oTIéred as yet, but for goati fair simples, 48 cents ha ?neely aufl'red. - ~ 1hitlýy lIserests and Toroato Opinions, W. Lavie before aowceaîied attention Io hie antagoeistie position wbieh Toronito lia, licays lbeld tocards lhe tbec of WiitLy. The followi.ig vwiii, bacever, perhaps, dis :loffe ii est ad webt as the lateat exempli- fiation, o? itI Pianos 4Lare ben manu factnred lu Wbitby utile.1857 w*ben -Mr. ttainerceiomiired tiehuisines. in tLe tile. 'Frol al lt ime doca to 'tite lre' seul Le bas takea prises aI evyprovincial .MihsLLi6on. At the-last, held lu Lonidon, te obtained as imany us four prises-tva îrdinary ours for thte be6t plano, mnd Lest taîbectiou o? pianos i aad icoré xtordi tsry prises for the. Lése>olîiag - .,of Lhe instruments exbibited by him. A rorotit.,mau aed lThonsa labu bes au The ladies o? St.-Andrew pose ta obd a bazaar of? W articles,nas early in îhe.appt as Ciretlnitances May al!Ã"I àu la Le conducted by -theP eliation of te citarcb, undus- of a ronmittee appoînted fo excelleiý*dmJkin the Ble1h. ash use, Me.-. rearnd I îte consideration ofthe Associatilk thora, 'nongsttows os Satierday nlghi, end yeserdy Commuitee, andl bas Len rvedtr vboe cra achs4îlanm gure& ai Iengthin l te Globe, .~ti~s. li is;avybgiregdto th. Me-. Kelly, tite vramimr noool hacher eai sUent, boweysr»mbut Mr. John 0. Hewaud's im)portance. O? peri'eclLl$ad effectiiély Bowmaesville-...ho gai litse second placi laaDld&vft H bsst wr osyaot an tn '- publiecinsutislons -lticth e ertaieby honorabe dstbaotlae. Young Mr-. bis ownalslure la illegal ainitalsiuin buai- recent arganisathon ofSt. Ândrec'is Cittrcb Bigelow eaded Ai the Whithy "M&%iua, Re basualetasyilalse to <>er ylenits prêsent clrcunustances, adse t h ue "y of erPiastta aofIhelb. qgsep Iat, Ia great enterpnise alresdy sitoca lu regkrd bioludrl tkslotapi cipl ontravention o? tLe lac,lhe pe-orurna Mr.. toit by ius chief promrese-, - e beipeak Mr.,:McCabe; and iL. taking Of the Ihlghemt. Peter McCtebènn's appinItï,in thl ie for lte laies, liberai encan rgemnenî lut Lo upes laclassica muaitLe' gratl?.vig alike ederal, a,,On ibneepoitjs' he orers their isucable' efforti, ?rom ail lelitlituste la os tbtas' and> his papils, andi spesiuîeithler exultanaîbon nar defenne.le pasoustrces#., , eofolbowiniscare tie metubers seil for ltse mode o? îesîtrucion Stl our ilium by as lacis chsihb. aaep ot geaut-, o? tLe Iasetar Commitîe.-a 8111 80aen tîtmt te eape furtber trouble - Miss Orsden, Mrii. >W, Cotntygrataa seool - i raisg lsgs.ud oa i usicaneerning aibar ii. Keitit, Missma eous, 3fr, Ed;wmr arren, "oU - or wiliani malter.. Mrs. Shseir. MmsMieDonald, Waýrren sq.; ait tbe Bay-7and. sotiter Mr. Brown'& &bae atite Foreign lEn- Mi84s1 uis, Mm ringl pai of Mr-. MeCiâbeed ce bave just lessu. liment Aci buAna obvions relereuce tea Mii. P. Tsayior, Mrs. .,W. MePers OUI edtaim psar tIi utersealne lte icaibility o? Ils raforcement in ii, -a.t'iug Mise Dousldson, Fa ti r heaD r, ncase, Mr. ltankin's criminnlitis netl Miii Fairbanks, nalonlu it Lc Fculj ? It Uevtl'5- i'eîter-îtana tisio? Mr'. B wu- Ilutîs. ~ '" -- hyaI ave violate t he1è-à r. -q ,,1 ia 7b te Editor of lthe l lbi, Chronice. - resi im le auasihîng the lac la la provide 9&= e Offeer cf.- Th a ouy t ainâta. siaaya The cr-P tet îL etra ppeeoo ment o? the Mecinicai"Inaliîfor the But tise 'ewrd AbIE das'iî reinfins, M AI5 X2itT-b tnati-aeis l p4etaal iai.TeSno ut t'y o am erSlteb prsàenî Jetar gords a grétifylu; proof cf Browna ýtI a' efre the conte)r, IJ. It cetuot -'Lava fxii4edtesrk ee titadisireier -- ÂneauptheQial t -telo'earsuceau t4ndisire f t le m'.iioaf-ltaule, eBOR.Adupn1ht etmoy-d as eî as h sur urrO1ùn]îs of the sbove sciooi, wouild crate a houprit -for obtauinguslefai kuov. iluéiýita,- Mr. Ilrovp, are lez ~d iL iborouglirlara ieLidugsdfno lei*eoid .pr ?is mpaLlIe. The liai tou wbIo ameengagea in l a kqliîugtheaIiinereassry -for thtir pretservaiion, anti o? lecture'sfortLe .noue-se Ibis seasons llac, in defylsg lte proclamuationa o? thevoi]tn ieî attscofi-.?îe abo-ut tise brai perisua et publisheti dur.,Qe ,a adj;ira.csL oes taiessdslsi ra Wusgi L o ideiulify Canads uL lise fte aof theleiowed ap by a lutile dicoratien citlsitde. îttg any jeau. A persual of the liai' haalb stahre trocs, r'rnnmu'uitel plifig agateg &c. The ltami ls neneaary ta atiraci pulicl attention interitir of the Lidit* alibuugh lu a bel. anad eutitié publié l'aor. Roi alotue every 8Sieppage oftîhe Publice w,,&.a at esîiihnLexroyunasfr eutani a ny aiLes' mats" aboula Leoîe'aŽiv. repAlt, alteration sd-5eleaning. The tmuqa tees of ibis seliaaT'-liaié et nol eu isiblr mesbes o lse eeanns'lutille The ii.Ottawa UVnion is out on thse Qse&c ta' lie utisaiisfactorjÈ condition o? tlhoie sidw tise alantage 0f enjojing the Iecturem, CkrieaîCWêforilis siatesnents ia regard ta ruattert, Lui bey'6 een restrainet] ?ro'm îlsere a aImatakitsg eeyautin'vwiil ea vieta ccrrec'l tWe i b tetat oflte excellent, Libi-ar>' the stoppage Ã"ôthlb.- Public lbliFdits;a aIet, at>'?-m .dfficuity wirichislaex- tavsul i.mebrao It usiîeqoOiaSsd. tius hLds forth la condamna- precdi io fi, ni - i punicipalî. ibig year Lai'. added-soma 200 voltena. tion ofi.sbrother scribe:e-' p ricd in prcunin ue aid fratu TheQubecChonile acnolededpý?tl from ile, incomluesete suate o? tht' baor asaerI seloht' ef a tla e tise orgen o? tLe Adwinitralioa,) Board, ifssif--file latter difficuit'y ia bret ttes>ig <"'~~~~~~s dbasel ia& position and proves lisait un-. a nrL L diinb'îeCui &olemrne wcuits go hy D.G0. Forbos, uiniful of dite upecial dignhity vthab iiouiri Councvi,<fJuieltitiam r Tikr lisýj On a #be-ne L uttle more titan a foot' aurroatsd ibm -tterattres upoti sa important a tend MnBoat a r . Berigter, ta the Huard. lin heugtli t itre *vere no les. tsas eleven malter o? guverumentil po1ié>, wven if A meeting W. 5ateordingiy calird for crais-apples, cwhlii. utkelIse ue tèue the' pandees taeniera tet u>'lcal prejudina apan llturs4ey lest, - hein four metuhers aiten' tri ca l fal baom.Oc Le'besîsh ucit a subjaci. Sncb canducti must nul dut] vie'.- Jeel-eBurutieus, Mug&rs. Sîxisr, nlyi>'recoil epan lîsal?, but it aIea cull te- Park'et sndN~iesnn lefi viliz ust er. e e. tme aselaido»n lIectdiscredit upôn i ii3 ho a re dirertiy If a l ssri! .ecd te appoint Dr. Eastwood biastiama, as collas3 tLe apples. Dges noi reaponaible for the oaeti'ue-ithe- overi- nit] Mýr. Siir, a cauenijtesltiide upot Ibis deserve thoe name',a? a "sau" -cario.ri. matît o? tise(daY.' The organ cf tLe gaoy- tlitisvaxk requniret] ta place the sicinol in a enument, aitithe preseul sent ofgovetimeit, sasuifeetory-positieus, preparn su esifmate is upposed lipon great state tuattors luo ofii'î'xpoce tabe incuedt, tant]morne- 9r4ý-The Lest. acias maieoflte saon tonesbadoc at. basai the sentimnt'of lseth ie i'tain coucil farthler amanut re- cas ehheld bayle ta sat, atiie farm gaverucueut. The (?/roice'h- eni- qîiired, cnd]geeely> ta condact the mat" oif r ry 0lhîertlt , lit cou. ralee eeseataire"" "s' inn laan issue.' tao fl'er observations mite e Tt- Il cs sugesledaialothal the sCitool1 oU8eaele. -Ftli.ale &aei5donotillI5d the lser der et quebecoais -. iiblt adranîalgeo nly be pbaced proiunt"n itoidunin e I. sI, mta 'yfutIL ofrî th îe goVemmeutly before tii nolice af tLe public, av pî tu i Iq s tock, fat cattle and im. spots si osasio hon as~a f setaiîs't] nnouneee-ilo? ils cisa-"- lur plem.s4 u cas o s4lre4 amutelsabee he greé.t publiaca>nlxis, ln &c.,tand tbat srrangerreenta miht bî utuendi mmr~st isea<tcnte-y itut. ftevital iIV-cure' sari accomtni for nussilit N~ow~ ct~é . The 4ttoriJ '*bip klenT y <j1~, trox asu dc b' iOtoo.14 lvý lfî ýW 4ork, as wràcked at Cev 1b~ ttisaSt4t4aA. Crew and pasoiigers t leo ion t 1'Q ial rétuijns show 'that the imporis of B3ci i rvr wheat and flo~doring the cigbi months" btliec ti ur edng with'A guq, reached the value of tha îL M 'ca Gver' wenty millions sterling a-ainst seven =ii- l- ment. bas aslked feor a boan rÏ6m our Gov. lions in thie sarne time luti year.mo eruiment tof frorn five to ten millin, ,pa.I.îeuf, iuP.frf.-lt rx~r Coý rre gards it.high>'iy important, Bank of France "I , probably soon b.. Just et thli i nie«tut Moxico- sbould have compelird> toadvauceits rate of discount tIi moey10 Sy ite4t on ber Engligb 1*yond 6 per cent., The rate ofeachanZe P,' deb1, and ý bas rele ast b+ rfro w ie rslà t. continued uron gl 1 I sv rof E àg Ia lion eÃŽn~arehienîs. ' 'V Bills on London* wëre in àreat deîuend. Our- &ad.omie 4 tad X notilethat the priceof breàà wlTcl KII by Mexico rit &Il bazards, and protaci ber' he increaid4, centimes bail p roduced a .gànsî~r46a~hmeîs y fregn Pow' . *Lad impressiîon. and added to tbe des-pon- Our Coverpeiere Ladd&dresséd, cûmmunn dcncy of the Bourée. ,cations ta England, France sund'Spain, Ict A report had beèn circulated i Lononî L-aow -Mbat their intentions are,, t,) wbh!chb ibt the- Bank.l of France lied applied ta the nu reuponse bau beeu jet received.- Bank of Eugland for a ban 1 te > uMillions Co1ucs .f becre ram arios Iniansterling on French Renta' or othere-Lcurifes Chiefs, ta Iboe Governmeuî agents, have The Londan Tineapoint» out that the 'bre n received, ail of %Vbich brenthe loyal sorinder course would Le tla raive -te rate sentiments and a deterrdluation tea stand b7 ofdiscet. bEt >Gorte rcin adt o'a Cu- epn>tÃŽs have Leeru torrent that tRie-soli LtIart cr Len~ adelu xold aCou Ld sent ati ubîimatàte tothe Iapini (lavprna 71 ferrre n îe O~ge rerwithailtuement for tLe seutletment of the Roinatit tqes. Cieifi in regnrd ta their future pqicy;- tion. lTe Turin 9pinione sayJI that lt 'fi Tfhe Confederate agents are very busy unfaprnard. niung îhem, lýj1t fis E15 eîd that ail the A deruonstration hy Neapobiîians lu fi Indienis Who>are in arms agrainst us have #lro ped etpen fteRm ire bre corcd. 2: qarst.iJuwan expeute.d onîlle 2,ud,,ba none hmv TIre teamr Ocober took place. Th-ierërLjiniine rrived boersibis Vie fficiaI journal of Rome arnounices have orning , and b rought nearly 100 pa sen. stheydi l m t e p a n ul n s vcu i g~ ger, nubdig 0 faioriolk, wlau were hier. Cbii itu Spein.n 'r l1eruitîrud by tire, Conifedorate, anîboriîces - h i arresttd Ibat O'WDonnelb. continued o leave, a large proporîïlon or wbumà are i9-ud cildren. to. ýoppoâe cO mOn action îvith Fance suid Btiu Englatud in the aflairs of.Mexico ; be thinlus~ Ail persons teavingwere closely searcb-ih. og r a L iuîyo p I ull ,tcprcufl ~ latcdte fýLTW Par ite ya tir nestotietiius w o rfo lk Da y lB o o k i n lies ru tk sca p e d b. 4nt 3 0eu x x u s i x l u ac defrec io . h cont in s a dixpaeîh from N eri ýtwou t e ed. . Tàd -n t be ù il Orlans gvin a econu u a esurae. Adyjees froue Mouteugro alate tbetî the i:y foughtl iattle beteeu Billy Wilson, Pi'- , , 0îoehi Z cueveca and 1000 Couifederetïus et Santa inlectarçîw i!npetuututy &,y ibat Eufrope mighi sec ibat:;, tout, Iland, ou the Rt-h imt. The diîpech Turks and flot Meuenerine were thie sg scy a-About twoa ô'clock ou the mÃ"rtsu2 g1 r. - eua 4f the- htt tb -,t.,he Conft!derat es coin. a Psa etGîko j nteuded b7-Gen. A iderson, crossed the boy- mrStermand tGaz ~iii lai;le d o n S a n ta iR o s la n d,1 nier i .u D o ON x i>;r g I Â K T .M o WVilsten1s Zouave. eneemp)meult,wiihont becbg Tic funds on.'îLe 2n opcned -witb cqu.- coli discoverA', drove iu their picketsuad tinued depFmsion, but subsceiutiy rallie4 ' sitormed the place ini lem than a hour. -.And closed firm et a sight sdvisnce. Te 'fhey destruyued ail Wiiaon's te uts, with In the discounut market the hast blls , 'f tie exception of îLhe hiospital, and captured onud %VLoitnai~ btter a a large amaount of rations eqnipucellts,1 ucreastý demnnd at the Bank of Ewna FI etees ud namnhtuu, sd sike ai îhuin preperaîcon fer payaaut on tLe 4tb. the g;uns1 jeixiced in position. ~~" ~ oi Aeuuug the Confédersies -loss are Citpt.- The St. C-atheriîîesue maîal of ihnu I tb, i; h lrdford, a? .F orida, and L e t. Moines, finstaint Baya --B Iya btter !rom King.3îon ) y of6eorgia, killed, aud Lirais. iligler sud daed thSî instant, wc learti thât a very sad 1 '$vnebeeIIy wouindeîî. accident occured thero on Moudav cVeiui iTe Cauîfederitt orce candigted, of tIeree su, by,,whuich a wvoman, wifa of Corporal etu rparnies of su Georgie regiimeîi , a pur- Cullen, of the IL. C. Rifles, sud', tio chu'- liaw ir df e Mla6ileo Continencttal, ireaeren, sud a man named Doinuelly (a broitb. 'otupettiies dr regulers, a dcinAement of er of tirs, Culteo'g) were druwueid. 'le 1 Mi ' iaî'uix's enî Garis,200AbLet.nan Donuely lives inu Soxl Towui, sd tita nnd s-tiextber o? naval afluera sud Culleti's wjfa auJ 4-wo rhildren crosned ' r? au'nena, Z-cunuued C Ixi.lrent, for.- arer iri a siiff fria riee du 1>onit arreokâ ,, iuerry Oatlî uderal $vyt aitil tr'ni. Weuzeiltnin, tbey ' ere IUîee 1"ai Mîrto~,Ortober 12_ cotpîîe by Danriell, snd "front mrne' Apart7 aor the New York Zouaeseb cuse they vrerc upset and ail driueurd buf 'i were smeul out frora Newport Nîews titis Cuiliru. lie eauie ofthé upsetting nm-t ena uipg ta cul fuel, werr. alttaced,>jPro. hâve eegrass uarîehtsness, the b41W b. vi,' bably' b1' n'scoulin , Paty or tire inr'xider- ' ing perteciby ei tth ie limie. Utes, and driveet it, witb tte.las. of onO1 1 -- rCi teat. T wv oCatrderate starn lgs ap. W e larti frotntho Ba Jock-viile M onitar th,% peered ati ti ,me limteen atn eeliver. that tbe Townu Couiil, of lrockviliu have L'îvtiKy., Outober 13 ' 1l#ied tLe taxes 'or the curreul year et 4sî.X1 1 The E, ening News learna upon nuques. 7Jl. in the £, exclusive o a. bs 6d. -n lite "Vr tiln:uble eeathtlîrity tltat NIesqrs. 'recken, lcvied b b. eÇaunuestc,' Caucil, fiIxliýif11t ridge, Prestanl, lobiiîon, Dibs), Wilhaux4,' the rse'amuut îLu Le'paid 6e. Id.'in îLe aitle 11aws, Mare aLxil aier seeseouist nota- ~,Titi is rither aa+rp .airuniejueltaxa- 1 Pali cdwrelke AU sew cuiter ami "se tI rus ilt. For Sle l) ' Il, ucexicrteain e Axià "laur,u )u,.,txit,.bave t,, 1 tiiutiltîrr teeX? Itîitiule rithryel, ui., >gtirsei, et.-l , ly duc iqP ,Mei.mirýtuàt, (eg Meit<ttil tM'ruprtiu,, itevoal . ,. vei26 uuitliu ter tees. - ir este -G. A.itetias >n.La aitlil-. iO. setxsrlmuuîuu%, VTtiiri. hsd ait q t eie lee". sui JAW55 tt.AtiS'âs. iý,Ibrated 1Fom&le Pil1ij t,, IoaeuxsJWuiuIssr etU ii. t2e 1115 crll111Ieuvut zt-eiePilie 1- n'. inîssue'i'iii'u, tit ix uiuune ta- teie ruitixi' fuir tiec !ý ultirgwui{teunttute'ruai caesewhàiý 'a) 3arreIrel L.sit~~t euelanrititx. it 1, itn f i 6t Cune, nu',1 4oui tditee'thir'l lo] %vbtunifit- 'lie 't' PHis-us;vrkiovuta fut11 iéer ildirruutunut euft Insu2usd pxiiKeuapt iul.arr For Aluth pariiii'A, get a petllittica, eto 1B.-$sMI, ansdlJ; pasttLre taispua enPeloitet tanteuriuu Agnt* t eusuc11rp s bouleae (;. A1. 1h a uuit iu'. Il. u il. î[ù ;, lc Wtuhie, plail sdir"usuases .ADAM tl'N1rt'ttAiOsev . CUut!'iiS>tAt>ltt.lt udta tisee tr iis', i iihuethWe orn, WiW~ Meulehfr a'p ra- 1LeSuxi. Y tii-. PSitt uuisu. ,, ut liioue% nzi-tt4it ut is(at, i ti , ex fi flthee ar'i ut. 'tTue ii» w lw uefunat. ee af i exl dclWecriei fram ligil r'ates viliiraIe dur. nuli-'TItis, togetiti.r -ci'flrtteE'glauid bas inufe prIiases o? t i qiratu fulli sueit ai. rIlirmo, stid apin soc nt wlilehhpieu di> es' ex-Y ,ecl-,î prevaiing a4i- uts Iotnl anîd Nec 4îes-rupt, it] - 'liai prices il btusuiii furthen i'ilé. je ut euieii pricera as lissli ' hu i tise dqli"snes, <4-sut r? Isle ast tIrer iulueofa olie bah? eus d ij 4eîuthe Pm- daî'1 II-used 1'se.iiig. a eut hen Moesîu'cal or New i t ptm"~eni about 25 en MuieAti 35mcetinla tîhe trouble o? praeiag,à that tue>' cure of WhVtbI éven>' respect. The Glé a a 61 vaaiwud tuaikit it the til'mt'prîze lu tiheuPr maiunctui'eilrit V.î ita allegation ; or ratitar by puiblitsisla; lhe folbwlîo tromu 2loss sin,-In cas an advi as"x-nihaeî ni lion 5 u iat r Glbe,> trade-et raste-day ltoe' r toriL varhoîts Pravine 'e cher reputa. s'ertisec 7vbereis Mr*,-.-la u hein able tl e rc asserdoni ut , ,Leps &iéa tîyour- PL"é mg laals for ibrei dajs. -See Mr-. S. B. Fairbans' adl- t ofthe Trstsiand!Lean Cous. Il"&D au> moiulof- moaey ta arma property. Booi T *x-Soa. LiNu-.-Tlse iema welb mupprueil Ly-Mbr. James hi4 t a ay etler part of tLe àLeaibee-. iîtiugs. Se.lis md. 4 and utge of ibal e says. Re >i huWord, ans! viiido, SlUhal àm S»vms-Our readsrs ree Y. W sup. vtewu, ed mus ttit Ou"5eùWIs ý - biter jeahoîssies liai é'urroeh- s' in err itu r-geeea.l até t thse cotirrya- lie la tLe resouthils -' afdlinitain as ie professs îýi i eadairesseâlItitaseif tthels cis tu-y lu sruri a uacity,-thLe liesb et] public respect,simd bis nuduct enîhy o? tLe position ila mmcl bren plaeed." -Officiai Appo':cleseua.. -Quebee, Oct. 1:4 1 Him Exe.hletiey tit' Gau'irnoe- lias ite$u pieet maire tise ?olou poinîmenis, vis. William uvig ' Stanlons, of Ck Es. arii<er Pt Lac, te Le a tu be a Nc lar. ofi D Ontai silie inl lescelt, aor ac1 20 Lesa aperaee chlithe autuorlties lu tbinpeffisnte 'o m u> Iae nilig. -îLoispe a Procuxire an allendance bkewise, of pi-offie sud li> ath arie is iontl0r > Sm; euss pesans lu esmie nncunstris- rculaifnine arecdble atonies i ct theili. Oua, il e anemn edpiae eol ention ti he'tiiGovecinei. are peýrforesnn;a valuable edýi t -lu eir Thse Néesus abks e eGoverimei ta luace respective departmrents. it seemi' etat ta promuit1>' tLe requisite forqe in thte M uti- airike the commenit>' liai exaca suit] ac-isus, aroud ebinithe Unihon forces usa)' eanced scboiarsbip la ta Le sought eaainhl' nusl>' Otaer1. 'ia tIte Gu-amuar 'Sebotil- We knaw o N aotOcoe 3 no praper reason vi>' the aiteudance The, StacIttoii Jnepeedese* aays thuat sitouit] ual Le twice tes gruat mas il hatai ue>'failuresarc ereported aus bas'heg talaru prrsp.n te nd wicfel asird tista I bule piace on Mosietian d Inesda>' luihel it hý interesl frit b>'the citizen& generaîl>', anti h wiiiiobds the cames. 2 vweil timeti ait] girmu toý tLe finances, o? The firm oa? B. Sction kMcCantis, thr seioal, mîibî ecaver it, 'taeis roper- iiqtsrarnsit provision dealers, Sacramenato, place, astue oflb'> maut imprtant ana! cas clouea! 1»'attéehments on Tharsday. ieful institutionsa(o? aur Té-wud Cainty, Titeir ihabilihiesa ake represeatid to e Le L la the estimate of every, intelligenit mais. lweeu $7,1)00asnd $80l,00. - - - .,Johi> C. Fahe & Co,, of Marysville, bad -BoaeatISurd of l'ubhas,,Iasruàýfiliet] for& a rge amunut. liton. -W.sas.avox O c t. 13. Titi aboebod>' held itliasemh.auu»$ h-.asstaied iù yestertiay'm lespatele' esuelig-ai ls GisLi'EieI lraadi, ~ a iîLt te Castaîderatei mer. ises 'tanfoi-ce lite 4ehi mt., in caqtinuesnce o? i#S wotk wm ftefltvheadndrsc m P cs iàcioa elnabedemîae umsaaces as taitisducelble ftlta tr> onaly n t Us iial et igs e ult s r - methted aa(attaehç, a ntatia ceordigly- diey antd Frida>' o? last veek Th ew alnýdi isiýenIe qi pressent the Bei'. Dr. Tiartion, bata etsibae'puc!îIisI, aLrprf and Seretary, ad Meurs. Wyatt, Brocar oitont 1 1.4 e~~. 19p4e ue. rcontents, chile çersersled in mstiuu cisesile. tLe Jamiua.Street Markt. -Lead'mg geutlemhen lu Kinsgston an. intg ate l a jsunes for titi esitbîst a? fa oolets feieîdry lutisai nit'. Josepli:Dodds cas kihiet] ln Lindla Selurda>' last, by' the fallI of a brick1 Wiilians Fare-et, the emitwnt. Come dird a feir ccclxi ago int London. -H, retched bis 76tht yerar. A member of lte Mîarjbasid Leghid wbo wcg urderuô to.baiimprisoned, Iej Lincoln, ,tacapet], aisti anowin ipQueli CIIOTHERS-HI I-4th ie'it, by the1 Thomas Croîbers, tb Wbitby' ite~ Qc selif te.is eea'tllî ea.re Xi'eiisi ttisyaiar, or 6.998,151.' laî,veveur for thte rai

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