Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1861, p. 1

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,latlieii-Tecty -- e ; Wfth - alm Vrhcted iqwtu, p"ti UaugfrÂe -ad uinUrta VOL, Vè kIILU, e, ete iqluisca.wlli 89 A.., - - - L)LICIT9R IN te-., Melte Strict (l i rtStreots,(p- ;IAWA, CANADA CRu WN ATJ iilte tht rtiois e, Mesura. Mepier- t4O li.NmINEEIZ. ANI) Street, putIlIle.- - M..- , W w Iy WWISON. IINE% AT !LAW, &e' Wiit)* , C. m. COLYNTY GAOI, - --4 ' USE, WIIITB3Yu tei lac plcanlt andt mi, eutnte frot riUoct. trteiî rs. leti. ~OTRL. 1150 PROIlE 1 CANADA ier, -t ciu- Feniititre, 14 &Sc., Indti cf joli- Ltteitied to. SUPERIOR 'u iity Coti- ânter, Whit K STREET, OF TUE vicTORIA HOTEX. Chturcb Street, Toronto, . W. .ANGUS MORISION. I - J, . SAXPBM. - ?oreto, Ja1y 20, 1861. 2 8 C. 'W. SMITRI, Cltp<-î,Iloite,, dc., ilotignoti ati superin- 1) ROVINCIAL L'totlStiunevoinvc 'i4Eu. docile Dr. Reiât,, lgluch.iBctîiu-lc C.G. 1IlA' xxsa, P. L. # .' . R.Uuer'ej. l~Dcttriîitioîns for Dlieît, triiiî e, e shurt i teul e -2-n WILLLIAM MANSON, W 1ILOLESALE aed R tail Denierinu Brillit -cti Anîîriean màttiaîterv Goqile, Writ in", Wupinanti Itoni Pa, Su. 5I10o llltnkAceuntBoc,,pletîre Fralhes, d., &CN.1.Kiltg $trect Wctt. (late meauna. A.ltArmonr & ce.,) Tenoite. Torotot, Jity 30, 1861. dOMMERCIAL MOTEL, LWoppoule 1Ramiltei& RaberIu,,J JAMES. (JROCKER, uMf¶MWCA1L TRAVELEIIS WIl-L FIND Ijhctmveuniot >hntpping et tti, lutel,> te tlea ,r,, 1om the Neegtér Bock kelit int tlîe' bar tua nroutes takon liy theit rdzeos The pînopritor tîtke thiioccasion te-iiîcnk liii ttitinua ann citit frlilo t, ir thle. Ililîrai pîîrourre hegtowedofi ii hit citice the ccitieoccnp.ît oft])LAbneiîîie in Withy, Gooti tablin g, and attenive Ostiers. Whithy, May 1860. tO,-tf THE TERRAPIN. tir .RO(-PRIErOR:s 0F THifSWELLý ktoîwn ,Sîuontt tire eow i octut io tîte eldTi . NICIIOI>S. King streetTecuýntto (fçrmely eptb,ýMr. Ilurley -The jprirentfec fia * ' bec newey ioiate4 tlroegltitt, and ttttxttin tute firï1 etyle.. Every prouorahe dellcaey 1lmu eo. A iga;r ti'-fltted lop ui- PLIrittely jute whieh tione bttt theo boit brande are peituiteil te enter,' Cà id Trftk tlway Motel. (SoaUcad qftîlio D~uuiPori ll7d45W.) T A UMERSIGNýF1> ERgSTO iNFOBE T1t ietiotleai tte pttblic, ithat ho is Do0W* ile poueein of the aluove retlttIth e itthega cf whldt lie wil i Itîuture qary tue ou liiowtî * acotn GoodLiquçunaWbuîoe cnt Ilradica, Exitellet t tabliugi-.-caroful attention fon midi, anti berse.1 1 JOSEPH RIUEIiOTTOM, 1 -retui)eter. W ituy, Jan. 10 e 1860. 1 , . l- - 8 UNION STATION HfOTEL. F ()oT 0F YOIRK T. .SCOD1) 03 frnt Depojt, -UnIon tto Tt-uo - Ucerd, $1 per day. Mpale 25Cts. tOMd stab- - ALBIÃ"N HOTEL, E AST ltARKET8SQAli,-TItUONT,- J. SUMTI, 1'ncprien. Excellentt ccont- et tratellens,- i BIRITISHI AXERICAN IIOTEL,. « .8e u STET etititaaar tilAWA. U.IIOMAS DOWNING, (late Mrllo ltel Wlntby,) 1'ropnuetur. Bet uties anti d h Sace. nperieraceuiinedetuoti f.înrvelor». J t lIîg, auJ ttetive Oslti i-. 7 8 . D. CRAWFORD, DI. D., RMIW.R oetlte Royal Coltega af scgeouc, Englouti. LiceutAte cf theo Dublin Iv- Wliltby, So.t. 16, 1961. - 5 B LAVK'S HIOTEL. qf ibe road Duad-u srooLs, Wtitbp.' île ABOVEWELL KNOWN,,ÂND CEN- -trallyeîldtnateti botel ha, bbrou ewly fitteti uip ati dreotatet i n a uett eeufrtcble incun- ne b>l tue pregefnt occupant. - No expenieelh» bee i tKpcod te meaute te al guiets anti viaitene T te brut brande cf Wines4, Liqeoisancd Ci- uy4d couvenietahede, gooti tabînu an t ecntive ettîer. T 11htle s itocted le the vony -Ieat ol tii Toviti of Wlithy, anti will beloued t» bo the tàat cenveulent topplr.g place fer <runcr,- anti trcveilors. JAMES BRLA('K-.. TROMKAODEVERELL,- t' L E,&. "ta, GRIEEN STREET, BJJ'WhIltby,C. w. -- H. W. WOODWARD, Com TS 1IOW ERCIIANT, INSURANCE and en4oeal Agent. Qflbe-Iately ocu- Il 1<0W 18 TUE TIJIE. - GMT YOUR LIKENESS AT- Ilarks lut Prixe Pîctore Cs-iIeaj desire s ecoret tidllfo-libe Amnbru Catnotp,1ietrrp, or LeCthe r J. A. C. ccii do i lu thn est tylo, Oenteibce. WILKINSON'$ BLOCK, tlfrok SLei WhiU81. wiri~nY, o. W~, TJIU FAMFOR SALE* F lbF1Y acres on Lot NeO. 10, 4thi n a. of Wlttl. About C îcei is titner miia aîe ard As-e uilv hhkrt Inoôde. The amoer l ctnlti nil mîles ofihe Toawn cf Wliithy, anti niulti provaî. h tu0st dlcsira!o tvstett Por tertua, Iê apy c WMf. BAKFR, R .WILSO',q ., FOR SALE CHEAP. A Neut and-i anhatnthii'làe Cote lt, n, thoéCebon i9 TWN »V WUITMY, There t; halleun er r tTiia itiklicl, d iti uwhil îlJr0 i al.re itoîte -lii ondw,'l.There lm iis aine a iltcrn ûu lcttîeion wit là theodwcllîg. W. Ir TREKIATN, whitby, MAly 21, lui. 1 R., E. CAMPBELL AU TTION R NV1LIJ le happy tei ttenld I l that lie y T av hu tïuoreittl i1, Sinid from Épot t x- perlence opatoohel"îriiic.'îou.Siac<-, utitodud £1ttot noica td on noît'oîable 'I lîithy, Aîîg. à0, 1860. -46-t Protecti on agatin" Los, anti Dama"e by rire. WSTERN4 ASSURANCE COMPANY veinifornî,iiuountî1pplîod ten ttPIlic.ui uthi iîdqreigiiî-tL JOhN ANEW, Travellitng Aent,i3vrou $lIrect, W hithy New Taiflorig Egtab)lishmoent! SIMUPSON &FFRGUSO'N. R ESPECTFULLý,' annomtncz tiithe in- liabitante cof W71itby atd iîînrounding ountry, that tly l4avè opencul a Taior'.e Shop oýn Brock Strecet, opposite the "Otîtirio Ioci"whîre ail orderut ontrito*teql td ilwmt will liedonc with neûtnuesnti despaici, Whitby, Oct. 2OthI, 1859. 60f. Whitby Brewory. C&"Zà! WOOD WAFÉal 7T~~~~~a lI tlerteaaetow repîredtO ftur- .i filte liatroni or u Wl irewer.N withaun Pteliî.nt article iniictiitqaaîîiies ai mnay le reqiuu'cd, aîi iiotentti to lt pur Jottiedleaie q nait tite iîîpcrte'i article. ('iAI'K e W(tOi1WAIîDP Wlitby, Nov. l-ti, 1859. fiss.44w. ItLEMOVAL. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. T N eiiiohigtltakî ii 1tit otiiefor tnee 1, JL eraIîîtongl leliai rectived stiiaqeecoma- I icneli)g bîuîeiii Mr.,cilei'Block,, hogs léave tetlîitîaîttat lie blia i riuoNedtlAie- linotype Gatlerv tbe ii,'-oin, oyecethe Mtorc' t Mcautn,. Lýoe, & l'otcel, B roGI thrcer-. wiiere lie 1- îircpircd lu fîtrifali Aiii3ratype LiLeace lu the besa,- ît. Mr. Crpuî'Z lesnt roonia tlare liigto'i fronti ibeo top, are vtryep asiŽ 41ue, ti otael l te applinucs fer tte ii, iî erfect ife-"k- llo of itifal ltnîda. Wlilbi, MayLv 2b1860. FABX FOR-SALE., Ir ine Towîîeliip cf Dflinîgtoli; bcun, t l e A itet-it part cf lot, No. 34 lî0ttîe Cui Cie sien, -cotîtalîîhgz 70sras,. wlitl t ideIling l toitaiitui alieot, drliîg falitau, wood- tihe eahie,&Lteroîî.Thieru art ýl.-u 2 wclia a pleutid iorohat-d, accd a nvrfiiger Whtra l ou these fli<rin. It i hetifuily mit nîited oin te Kihgion ati broute roaîil,tltre uilea frgim Ostiaw,.1 anti ix fr.ltîiiowntnvillo. Tbîs lait ooeitîg seldoin effereti. TIt. pan- fet. Priée Modeurato. Tortme cosy. Foer par. ttculara de, apptly te- ,E. R. B. EAY WARD Trelit TieuMy 14f 8.0. . W«AILLIANI KAUJFFMAýNN ARCHITEOT,. t:' 144, Baty Etreet Toronto. Employmontl1 40 a INonUtL AGENTS WAflTED 1.1 W R vatps e cive Ageont in overy Conutyv li te niteti Sttei ced Catiedate 8dI lte FItcukloSewlnig Mane, .i.Te iliberal aunber of TraveIlin Apits, w, vili p'ey e $40> per IIXQITK and al Expenuss -Te L-caI Agent. a eoonnuleiio f 30 pen cent. enaiaîls.i s - Yvry uuaobinneit, wamTtedtoglve univerel pgntationtlit, udkopt-ien epair six tecaiitit.- Itecet iiitnpietcnta rnieii thia tinlinetme nicet popýýuiler lithe mariket. r;or full perticii- lari cuti, pareiautot buminesstitdrees, nit esteuni lor tetttin letter. H ARRIS -BROTHIERS, Soie Ageunts Pýraitlin Sawlug MachinenéCo. - Bolx 18 Btoi é, macs. Brookli n Reuns1, Sus cbSerI aviug Icaed -te Baookllu c"'.*ase, co4 fteditnýat,_ .A reCls8s *Vté,iI no r dte uwa4nîtu4tte NISW Yl OLUMÉS~ - OU' THÉ TOUR' REVIIEWS& & BLAC&KWOOD COMM~ENCE JULY, 1801 1TEIlkS PER ANgU1M. Fon au>es-o Iafu lîIw...... Plir any taré ftjle four Bevenia.. . Fer auy tînmeetiiitt t ftiriléuiiewt.... Far ail four cf the 1eviOiW8 ............ 0Ã"On For Bluecl-Woodlt, Sie.t.u........---3tat Fon BlIAckwoi t'linu tirwe t ie vs..... 7 (0 For Illaelcwcci andîl iucoe ieue - lu ... (0 For Blc-oknoulandtIlIte fout- lltvewx... 10 00) A - CLUIIBING. A ieiunt f 25 lpet-ceni. froue tithea-oe \pticc wi!l>lie lc tîlluIeno Cutite ct-tîiug foreor tlot-c iplut of 11v uenyoit, ci outt iieloi-e içonLus. bine.:-Foor ct,eigcf FBiiuei, on i tf o01o0ileviri-, l hbc ent tiionueaitircifin I $j; fonît- ci'pieiof the fonut- IvictuýantdtiBlackt toUte Ituiîli-u al L4EUNAILD SCOT'& CO., go Nu. >4 GCou rt., lui- F ork.. LICE.NSED AUCTIONEE RS, FOR1 TIIE CtUNTY OF ONTAIZIO. I~fl toît t-upc toît1lv tri urît il - B m ct'nitatiki ttît ititialilaàut4 cf titi Jut tycu (dotttiio, Ccr thé'Liticral îîtprt tltev liave ru-covl tr tcmtitrî, aini %woi kit il icit aî t4dr ld îiiiî:îit ietla mnî. lt-it'g n l.cè'ttc for thîe wluolec <'iiiity, tIi-t- are Iîre;pon- rdi vo ctet-tti li -l eru. *tltprotuptncsmn and til lihOral tenîts. Adiilt-t"- A ALJEIZT Oh'itING, TîO. Y-lOt1, P. -e'bak0..O DRAIN TILES - T mI ii lt-crlr1ieii.,lut '-,&l ehntat iii,,mTi r, ard T 401tiont. 1V itI-n, (11tu1eifttlitly Kit %pt ',- r ., utn Flituui) a lltttltlitN. ni'iDrtiiiti jtbgc etof, iltt- vicy iti-t quaiiiî. I,&t ý111e, î-nill in 7At Ihila. Ni>iÈ' .Il-fi tiicii- . ttî).o iet ui îi h -JAMES SMILLIE. - D IEN IJSTIRY! DR$. CALLBNDER & CARD surego, Deutitt, &e.* Roomu over Nir..;-Caneton Lyndels Storie DUNDA-'6 .TIUET, WITV T ETII Uliletiniithte waOctpenflet unnnitoir- anîd oi uît ttilte beet sunditi et apprv 1ikilre t 1 cxnlceocf Dri. Cilltètier & 'ratdtlurtlt'uil k neldt e itpee irat tuf iols t, cbedrv tro m nteapailu t ot-gautu, i- rlb. Uuntni rna-totn a JL-uA< 'i of ttlîcultît, lilppineg, ane cinfori of utniîînti tîritut.. . Tîteit- perctiietî nsintim lraiticilt tue pruifescin n tcinat lliiltue i-e ktn ouîlv islit tht-tt it titîte, iteforo thei d ise-tc gvttu toJOtfitri a holti. A1ITIFIC('IAITEETII iint'rted lit tioli, Sil- eIititti ael, aieot poli 1tîn t ccehctaid îuety-cuienied vuuînlizcti l'uste, afierthie iatotî tYatît nost ttîunloveti unutotLtadolitedti ty thé prcfe-'tionTit. )Iuqopniuîi4cf Dri. iJahici dot &e Ct-il urne c urtftlty pctferieu, antdl ui livtfeet in thentaete, tîat îlot e- th îeitottt-- aleless-ion luim te-cd heît ue iotîd ciii- to.rt ujtth.eweatrcrcftbclr anuifh'hd ti-t, is lit-) inne t-ot ttue sttite tinte, lit tîte ditroitiliît,îù tlite mntcriit utii, aod th int itoici- nten Ii Oruî~atculot-, tint grocteett itikhtion wiit ito fouti. - Patrt*wtuhar ttettit ii cn to thecnt-e cuti rrutlttiotî of cliîldreot-eef icli. Iirlt îoîî attendu.toth Ibis a ove-y it-uaiit duily ta thei-, A11 tet-cicnn u-arititt ittiîfaccory. Terne'. reqtsioyt.tble. Constatoncft-e. FParm :for Sale. i Nte To>wtisblp of lI>ckirng icg otnpoa iofetpart ef Lot .Nt#. Il ine Snîl con, anti No Il111e thîe4tlî couc oîtttiiuug12 X &ocres et landi. Tîte ao-e Wuil know» ant n uins the Of pcNtetuIt'.Alex. Duitn, cii091the weetaknti uts clkenowîti [o nequnre imo. frtiter des- fice Wluîttuy te lu A; McPHIR$ON, IFAMRANMS & AODONELL GENERAL A(iI-NTS, Commtson - Merehants -&Auactouoe BROCK STEIT, WI1TLY,, C. W. (Opoîùtite cn ,tc. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. A) C. MACDOI<ELLI REF Ch$-'ZBiirilim,Ec.ý,Jldgc, cùuty eiulio ; Wn. Lig, Esç~hl" 'I'N IH. J. Maminolt, E J.e, M*yoT tof Mhi-y, B. Witrreti, EcqMiager Oltutrio Banul - D» F. But-koe, OitaJ iîp, Eq., Ii RUS SELL'S JHOT EL, QuE 13E C. >Prorous, Knowledge, l3rotherbootl. B»ER .0 1M1 XAAWEIIC MOTEL, - ~ ESO~~'l1lîtTora llîetkmofth of tbe> Market Sqnamr, Torooto. Cufortale ea iniioitiei t at odera'to chargzes. Pariin-' laettenitit tUti i 0Ifarinora .oallitîg frein the SEWJNG MACHINES! I!auniiy So'wing Mittitîncs, to bh h îd nt M R- GEO. YULE'S, JR., AT NEW YORIC I'RICES. 'rh to tiýpte premnnoevcrvwi'ýr, ni *ti, h<- iet$ lineliie1, lfor alAîly ccc. C(a1iliti te ilii hm Operatiuu. htittriiitttoiJtgive rc Ltoti rt-'-rklo genulte lasuNe hýe1eor &W~ bt4l 1ldon the plate. GEORGE YULE, Jp., TORtONTO AGEINCY. SEW'RINt MACHIINE cB'Y* 34, füng Street lat oaau uuuitl Petu, lettiil imatiti I al'illt- o liti trtk i t-uo-u. - - Tii-y or"t lie n'tîin Prift-tuilî u- tap i- ou-sic i su Ile ecîchuittuei ut-- îand nim oriul ut- tliîîe. - -i, iTh- îlu --ièktC I luttiu e. (eut-I c ïc lt, i ly î i ttl 1ît u e ltîti teCati eut- [ ilout 1p-i-tiri- , titii ' lîu-vutuakl iti- 1 ttil u-u-tcteu iut ic il leuîî tielt I tu itili 1 iiia t u l . I , I)iieillkit t-o h, tY WCilrt TIr lî titil-,11. ud t.qut uc'.t-t gTuuit-urond, tin, tîl m tk uiti) il Tlicv ct-Wfr ei l in turlitiluc pal, til utx ttlitit iOp lîc-ii-a it-t tii rtlliuîult, Ai r u1, o ; - r tu u , nlit t- - t in k e u i i t ý 1 i i u u s l o cin Lýti nn(! vticu,. riCi il oIr tst saiî:hem ulcu Tlîcy tonlti lu iic, tîîulietci -,,lt V iui t1lîoytM'il ho, lil Lin EvvtMIt t 011C' dreî I tt litteCuth oeet ili fie tuil trae. 'N. 11I4 Clet-gyy-racu4ndliuit,ru r..îiug notl ,îauutl fat- thtmilr.o litse vilIlibe til< tcu ,Wnî e o i tti toulint tir;if tteCy O e iciroin t luauae fcnIt Our Maniutaturing MacéhinGes .tt-c p tn, priecipie nstheioc~cu~ Shtgcr' - ~tt eqtîî l lit tth iiOh!1untd il) ti.,naisla i lt al tt. Ài ltei1)ronelta tho tii 1ii inmpurteti tuu iGe oldiut. Tii- Taa e %ff Il e - 1î.-, 01t llon itteli,$Il-. 1ut'revv i,-limu iuttieti atiwil it4e pI iiiuelir (tIe-Cari-nitlielîturu" ieietupt-îet-. Iytic-. 'rinet uirt-intsgi-cie. Tlity uili aIPose i eicofrecouf ctailuitî ten'ir arc 110V It* MANUFACTUiIE. Nectli, Oi, Cttitaîi bletiti-lat, 51, Titl, tnery WirLt atnd eu-ry ttew t ielino- t-0 AGENTS WANTIID. - Al ordera te o etidres-i«-d te - S. S, MLi-rTs, - (i-euAgent, 84, ýKi'ng St. Tutti, Toteetot, (Foi- tt itst ô ypanuu witlî iîcs-ni. ileoLeh A. T. Smih, B. F. Stulod rviiî Jas. , HnxGerrie, Drugglst,&C,, Whitby, Ageu ft Ile tContIy OfOtan. Atigtl 4, 3ll 2 FOR SA LE OR TO RN 5 1 % .,42 tciras-lcareti; that exteIt ent ootýriicplriltg tino Nort l- WceskOtluet ft Lot Ne. l inIilite lutincoopsahsien of iieer. ing. Tora lota cgoiti ltti&e cîtti Bariln d ouu-ollr. a l arige uti <fraiLli-l rctntrt. Te îrenniiîîae i cîet ecreti sJ ituttlOtinl c inost t~ ltlfilcaflty, wM1Ioul't) uiles c01tUl Tuwu c-lltn.Toimaislibomti. - uiinP. O. il Or oin the,-preiuuies. GL.OBE MIOTEL, BROOK-UN. i' nt tlttn'tne ihi cncî, 1 Frein t leuoettiteS,.- iercaie 1Atotç'ttel e ttiu Wltjeno t;tc toavesukc uoluiae, iVittittu-îe'itîof t4 ccii. Titi-t ita, .iî lir,ÃŽlîele 01tei 4 e-tvber tiar fair E Ca, tir cwcet i,0trhlttia ilIttiI liierî'r etitlicIitler & .Auid stue l'te ,l itlv, n19s-ne'Y,,, AnsO th uioet caves tle $tie. Err Ittîiititg c 1ýl i itu mie', IVc bhfu.l tti4ttitîtliersote trriît cornet-, FrouthetIi, aitti uvtee tUitiafi ce Wc l'aiii, oi lion',yax îW'ue lutit Iler, eadly, .lii lier, Otiricir Elle, tar yeutigElà.la, irdr FilIai- Ley lier wha i~iete long gauhvnptî 10 tte fpliulof totaey- ît x-e' Wîterc tIlislonely viliow wOtpeth, Lio t îriton hy îlitfttl o,, uil - i aitctiîtîlttie« Atitgi-lteiçtriît lié, Jeldet inlile icii iiintiittl, SIlibelirîi!g pettue îl isigcea. TI'itet Wt' luIt l'en, vut iio'îti lfthon, md Otti hait luer, Jli, Elle Leu. The Yocng lVidoiv. à TAL£ FIlOX A DETErCTwVe PORTFLIiO. -Stin i the front office onue hîereie3, zna."diin pcrsu!jig theta'New Y0t4 papere, Iheatil, tbe chiera bell,,thjikie ratiner _ez- ciîetily. The Sen;can t ans eeet it. "Se4nd Bitandon te me,'ýnglxt reachbed mi *ars throtigli the hatlfopra deer. B3eforc Ith, Sern-eaet coild repeat,,Ihe oidet-, I hitîtpasot iq2i', d wus :standing by the sie of the ef. "Sit donMn., Bizndon,' 'ho said as lie conîiluxd nnaking a&0nme eoies ie the negis. I obcycd, and anxiously awaitad bis, commanda. - b0 iavé, n iuu1as eebefere 'ie tIis tïrn e,'ho eYa.; ean I anu bouud te l-y- youÈirienity ote enravol it., - liy expoctatuens were aneuseti.- .'Onu i'n 9îinof last month, due Hue. M., F-ave a bal at bis mansienino Fiffl1, avenue, nihicin uas atte0ded bi nearly .Il thne dite; otaCte ciA . 111 -emcmben lt,t Iaaiti. 9,00 yoc nciuemben nihuatoccuned tinere V 4,A'nost eveny lady in the room elos so-ne jewlei-v,' 1 nepleti. -iJxSIvfor riieh îbne onoe ould ac. counat.as the nnrty wUne mîst Seec.,t- adit of Muie, andtiheio sm T'his al niont eeeiSu $ l nias pbecty cf oppoi-tuufty louaI pict.pocbeetiu; -but- r'otaune ile mat no geutleur fer ail ivio siFTe-id Wiuel "tTisis ie feeti ingulan "-Parhaps respeude il- tainieu nsbec. 'Nentfor ,YeSterliq mcrning- as yta hennI, -Mn. W%-was ni Ion cf Col., H-, at 'Ino mtuebîy nies largo coteptaset eutirely cf tino necerveti tin uraith.iios frfenls, anti left tino chut neae b o hecatlifge - n ditaceve-tmtlthat oeeof Ilu gente. A seat-ch nias intu lino eliurcin, bndiiiwas eo1p Then cane enotliretlryfrc -ail ladie-niebcha o st-uicles of jonibem iltinae meonnaie.' 1 nias-gettinfr*excited, I&What, sre yonr coenclu 111 woolJd firsiihave luI the chaer, Ieektag tt me c te test MY -ecUetraiiora - - i NO39 --a Mire àhrinkicg of the eye, a double Palpitation cf thne nert-as she seentuet te recd my vocîtion at a; giance, sad lhft a flluh cf fe.t'. This îupay, howelvere have .been theo reguit cf iwy.1 wîuconviction-- She ow diastieset i un hat was tertned second .mogningoconsistingf a 'black s-titn ekirt and.,-liuncea fringed.iMd iïbroidlretftwith greon ledts, a punin oiie, cnt lew iii tineeck ced inordered teitn dare velvet.- TËhe alce ves nieee exceeding-ty niide - witn- loose nibite undereleeves; À inhiue -scaýf en: circled lher waist. Bina-tro- o ecînaments snve a plint breuit-pin-s-nd a sol itary dia-- moud; ring upou ber muiddtle fluger. Hcvieg madnte tQis eot-utiny aet a g4 - duniug4 wbicl she scemet Iot have doue the ame with me -1siïnniuetiail rey rescer- ces, andl at oce begitu an ettac iu Frencn., Sino seémeti jaiioî it a ny aeities.3ie honer ira-Ihat. lafiguago, antid whether tinea i-et, uvere mgurant cf that îon<ýiio- ornfor nhat cause 1 keew flot, nia feunil ounselves itinue Tino fair nideui seeietiquita jIf elY, cuti badl it notbeen fur lier nihitel, 5ghu%.tIy orx-- pt-cssiou irae(.'c., cliii oulhnae le handsomne ludeeti.-- But uttdt toithi, tre -nia awild le- t-crifir e teven itorniug iiben dank,luuz- zding elyce,, nhiçht ut etii-ci-ymue one- fr-m ba<rdeneti stel tahon etruiel. -Wc atton beiumo ietsnntè laed Iuwas ou the.ppohît of uitelfg- hanrtoprotuenàdo M - tino Iat-aen, wanul I héltiju3t;tut-oeil mýbeau téïlo fut Nf is.q p-, ,wîuen 1 boart in elight cîlot., anidfuit a gentie - pull abott *tine wi 1 I iti eut dont, fer 1I cite -ex pet it, béat leckieg c romid -creleesly, I mol .tha cod ftitîîreî caid iery ees cgf - Mnadlamte, Delcey ternedr upon ceancd I theuglit 1 coutldperreivena piieplaItue rip- pliug beneatinth surface cf-lier pale, skien fellinaheittves ofs- laIte. 1 iidnet o t. oo denin, fantueuacnl- it nias cet ueeaiy, for MoAime Deltuoey's licc ies "tow4rd.ï ai ls-rcoeirno, land q as ltceti ititi it, I Ëhteld ïtny niatei hain nantiît tn Muy vtest pockut 1l'oee ide ef i L liaI beec'eut I - nas neni eotueincet. Thé icyweiou.* adept nt pec-kotet i~~nhlldthiror. tdiaqem 'cient cla eý,-t-t' of Newi Yt4rk intG ta lit of regelae ccliteent, aninde lýtinera- lear to appear jenîpulic niitintheinjonielry -tle'lbeiug-niio - at i ounçd cciof the-- cincle toc migtt-ut tho Iuouesty of theo otiner -stcti heforo tue. -Yat boni niusI te procced I - It %voul4 flot d6 te> arrest , ber oe tinea sot;- Mrut. Joluist7on would- eer- fot-givritme l'or the seautilde it c'oul l rontta, aed tio cotupany -beoso -lhir eujoyrriodt. 1 nrielen adilem'int, andti o ue -of-the yôueg uidow,'s ftiendias-proachel - I mado zey oceiauce and i r-eil cin. A's nielieti touvurl Mies Belle, lien inclier in- tecpteti te, and askteti wlt-prospect I lied; conîti thore bo any suspilcicui perso r) now 8e ethe Company ? Il Severuil, tedear uiadauuÇ> I1 neplicd niith ntogk gravity. "Gracions mel1 who nre Otl y" laMNfi.,Le Clair, nihoîn y ou iletroducol, 1 ropiieti lauginng. --- 'Il Nýo -jstIog,'ýif a hee l'Haye 'eu 1 put nty hâItLd luwete show )ber inY ent %é.atcb ebtalu, but -it W8nias Çe. Tin fiai liad inawc± niith the ait, hineelindau The affaefr niLs getting 218t-iùg, and I becoieing èXeintuJ. - for tino profs- qualutane.atf auieue, Jur unute'.rtit the remtustiable wnutd Play iMy cintporone, it wGouhî ho bet. ion nie.e rebel, tner r u c eeee." - ladies., Mi"s Belle was a gay, foiituggr,0 r,,] 1iepie& aciglteon, trit black oyes aed a tenty tine chief, le a lauging ucutn, nias especilly fond of cd- limhe lest eveat. venures, acuti eîng b] e tino accu-et, on have pltolnnbly. gave honr rady asac-ut te acept my.. p-e. eIed - te a daugh teCcton for tinst evening onîy, as tno pla-y tGrece' Chunei. bills eay.- anti cf cent-se, - Tino boxt tnracrulI recived a spociel 'ton.' Thelia ue invita.tionto1aten ri. Jebunson'a scineo shei bts-cel not as possible o f ail bis geests ou- the i oleunn f thbîlt' oH et cit- a- fan minutes and then ho rotura cd -Inadeti mee c Compiete lust, ninicin ho obtaiud fi-cm5 li.idy an dowu tin'c o euinwilthin cao 1.tnct many cf-'the pensons I beiotiner, penstauliHlyor liy-nprlaiôn;eu thuey niere pnîcipslly marrioti mon ccd tinein famies.ý, ()D On e-e-a Iatiy's-seoioed te maltep anc iuxpnessiOut oun iy uind. l bal -onerh heardtcf ber, aned tbtouginitnias a ina7ai- eu$ mor.e, I vetened, ceddcokoti niho sino nias. z ilO%,99said n F , itt D e D- laoey, sain a od fend. l kueni iner-fi liusbau4 MX. DoIaney, nihen I nials-uei to paris. Ile was second lntciideut -cf t Police, antid ffet ireng.mylot-m'. Binla an Americauhýby bt, nihout bufell in t love, witin, white ouna vinit te Pirie, nitià hh fater, -a Boston mcrciant-Sho li4U veFy beautifut c"et amianle." - ý Tinshis antuelme,.for -I kneiaunonr question nionît ir f v clencc, antihi-report 1 *ias -PCrfectly gatisl'actony.' I uoett askel tino ninmes cf s- fenipensonsatno ihal lest1 jowelry. I thon #ook Émy les-vo nith lnauîy e ex ressions cf oed nilliani hepes cf suc. ceas fron thetinoninonnle gçeutieman. lily oxl VIeilaia s leto e-résideuceocf1 tia Iludies nino laid in etitiovictime cf thé o mystenicus pfckpoeket. Mis. fl-, niith vrhouni nWaa Wel acqu4inteti, recel-ad me kitndîyaud tttgcrly gave me ail the, infor- motion fin lien poeen. ler 'l ' snias a, longe dijmond breasipiet, cf griot volue, cf whucb sine oa"e 'e ceise -,description.- aise gcîd Icoket. coetaining tin' orttrait cf béee -ioceased, intiine. By: honerkinti' ues Inias ietroduccd oi esevoral othersirlnç haul lest rai4-,i narticlesfî inoe.way cf con- .ieîa, innoaine eokîcces, ced varices oth. ore articles. Soeteof tineadabeecn taken et thno Acadenty, and othérns st tino neddiný, at Gr-acia Chunchl. Iai;obtolueti aIl thiinlformation I sot'louve te cons3iden, anti l'ued enyselfj ahbou t as trite as ihnu I comurcucel. Une cf thea ladies ba lest, s- bratclet s-t tinoi Ilrat mnticuel bail, anti als oancdth e io fellow i ti.-Tbîsbeingthe no îy cue I resolved te niork.ou it- Takî - lfct cf aIl tino panbreers in tino city I fvisited each oeeof them tctid matie n tlorng in ieotony oft'htIcrecent jonielry reccipts but cqud id unuthiug- te match uuy bracelet, cor accord 'with tino description cf theno dinr articles Ict- ýWhnt nias to e honcc ? I uskgd unyself tbe question as I 'vas seated in te e ffice, s-fier my long unI fruit- lets seatcin. Iut nai*O erf t, Ï4came - an julea. lu c motuent 1 vas in mty carriage gaf o, atnd ofr te i-s.1B-18. Il What r bave yen gaine1 a 4îUc alreà dy ?" &he xcéimed, ~as I enteoreauy .1 iz,

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