Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1861, p. 2

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Dry (Joedgs&, - ý eaitélt.t Grcc0reas-l49ittt'iCampbetll, 0O îîvhedy.àmsc£Ioting-.lMbart Campbelîl.- 1 Faîl lmprttions-t I L lemilan. d4 Dry Gýoeda-T1. R. McMillian. -- dt Grolre T. ~Mitl1c Ç ymipnqao lb-4aa' Lamen. oSlall f Conve iolloua..J acdoellw Niotiv-il. J. Mlaavsnell. ',Adjearncd Quarter Seaios-H. J-. Mac' Speeîml lNeice-Jaines Cracker. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A Y WldtýhY, Thlurcs'ay, October 3,A 861 TIsa Gtdieon te Emeet t ' PomOt -Maitn Gvtiiarml. -- - -in h ol c tIle a nmeieg ýte marl, t j " yryiag tuescatura uot i.great à4n1 ongau. -Ashort waek bel'are tio tiaevtiiel cfIu -olMseGneral the faiillfel cd' liereets of Griii 'caee oleeuly asserr ia ladfto f té Poas lcn teceral 'coculd proveoIlîe overiliroce ai the.iniairy. 4ï Dafecl Sidney Sua'tbl' said tite orgen, il and yoe brctuk up tecorruplt doalil1cIa 0& De buttboat bhlm" it cnged, ut a,îd ftiire i mnuet ta a re.conarcctieu of the Caîlcet." The dal cfitea ,lectiame bac tlîvtune éic$d. -The organ pinys op idney t Orii sa lctcd, battîlit's tue great rmater i it -,liuiga utï:bddlticîual tretigtiste itae i * lislry I Siîlniey Sîsitbms defeat weld f break op tite micistry eue day *, bis lection the cexî day la amater fol iecaocquence; -i rasno udeituoal itraugilite ic" Govrnmct ? Verily, our cotemporn>cf i tîte lobe cinplicy tua miie. Tic defeati cf île Past-Mastar Oserat 'aeuld bavei been trlncpvied fovi oen ud of lie Pro-v-1 lace tsi theeallier, ai a Miniterual dot'et,r .mdcgloiaus Oppositionîictyn. Tie dcovent oftbe Fost-Master Geveral, coobd, aç'Ugorditig te tea&loblthe drstruction -of Ithé Gerernasent; 'blie lecied, the Minitny triuimphlu ln iii election, eaîd the Globe consvoles itheif '11h a 'peel I pooli lisaâa tnutter aI no coricequeuve. IThe -Goeacertaiulýycmambe itsoirf happy vîdant diStâ1tias. Wu de net grudgc otin coteru- persy is consolalion. Fats end Wlter Importation@. The acueunvsaseuin ou ur adveetiaing cotornna show tint the iunportutioueol our Whitby menrboots ilie reet fai hava beec ¶ ~unusl> large. 'T'hey vebrace every de- scripion of Stape amd Famcy ged-e 'cmili aspiles cf Grocriesaed voekery-ware Carmnegdaia 1ii ceattry 1'cliiIil tt a o. b . iey i cetainly ave money. ltA gond tic article catialiedalul in tae tocen or whiiily-'-tai man aquat priva sin Tereeýto. In Most cases Ilie price fan tbm caMa desrlpt!In cf erticle la icceoer Ilium tiat pald in Tornolor thi e marcimt lu 'Whity lama flt te àld tic items of hii 5-nt, lar*s»aries and lieavy axpeedituee tetc % r ceutageo on bua profita. Il tit peopla of thte coutrly 'ould ouly dei'cltli1 tteir owa gierninclhe tasaine apirit o llbermliiy 'itia whichiliey do 'ititmencimels at a distance uc> caiuld ficd îbis,-ad more than tuas -ilicy 'aeetd fntedorac- selves beller ervcd aîîd at clivaper rates. Beltte Custn1n ta go te Taraonto ur elsewbere and puy tlhe resdy moue>,wcul5 lbey otmiu redil forerlIe mnt-he, ad tradead ihumer ktI home. Let 0cr people titen tradte nt lons-Iet thiuainepevltirh gonds of our mrccata-ccrnpare "ibm quality and picc eb ihl iose ta li ad else'cbere abnoad, and cet jostly in tir c'ae cemrunity iti t ilacireigloborsanmud falliwrotpayara, 'aitobey uder produce, and îessial lliamin paying the taxes. New Ptaper. Thce Nra Ontario Adowes thOle lanes of a eéppaper ceicl islabmtate lie sterlteul lethbe Village cf Uxbridge. -Tic AdvmceIites ima pnýôspectoona mLiber Co emvativa Journîatlb. hecaciof ac urge Inte cConsenvative interest ine Nanti L-tn bs1t-e In&g fat.Thie Ad pimea fn oie ma»ch ttpsvica lamti tee sud çynev 'elovkinte ier~oai il beeciifleg fer, am eTittW ta lloreh ai 'toed hi- f ront a smple cvram* t tab*,A.-et- for two exteasiva plantations. Hia. eaargy ced good businrausP aitsaguined hitu ~tise respect and -centi lance of ie employera, asd ottaimted for ite l iigtaat post to e iio e coi-luib appivlcd duicg lis reaidineceoc the Wcs Coast. JiH i elhbecama omnewhitl 'ected lby teclimats, and mter avresideuice of fouriaee ers le Cuisets, lie aunlrm to Catnada. 'This'cas about 183.- lc was ecgaged ln tise troules cf l83 . ,a orqYed timmlfait a uach loyatstià Widsr-iotoeItoWbtity Post Offic acd illeel tie office crediittbly ap tethe ie ah. lis deneme.. Be cas aIme me OIE- sero e'Militié frocds tite 'cf ilS <ýtgalii latien, eaîd cujoyedelouire fLietitemaut Colonel ai 'tie turnle na'laisé decvase. H ras a% 'crm ead aitaciad irlemud, a loyal cme amd a good ptrq-mcnd fe'c 'ho kncece lictinai 'IIol ntieouna tise *laeu ed deatlt cf Alexandetr McPhias. Mn gcpterson bas left a large familï. pf idece mcd cighh citilureo and 'eare gbad tu ble îo' toate liat hie frugal anmdlpro idnt- lhabits avlueaacured tetem île ceaxta' oh leicg. 'el provideel for. lis 'eneral chicît took pame on Monda>la aus one of t-be rnoîî ltrgvly mieedelti veen Lookplace ie Whibyo' FL .Goe.-Tle remarIa 'chicla 'c 'ave mcade electene lireupect la Fal ialonites^mcd deling, antliome puis a ;iv mmof . Cuiepiell'8 cdvvrtlvemett 8.9 ectmihte othe perual of au recuers. M. C., importa lis stock direct; and t-at aitaieel 111ejour ' La the lange alanrayyear yet imponleel. Oz~Sec M. bMcMilIm'a cilvertiseuucu of Dry Goods aud Gravaniva. M. McMiI laut 'clidrive ut trade, mmd de tuainess, aI lrabilcards,ad lae llb deotttytling soonen tisu dîsappoimal a cutocter. Juat- ry Mn. MeMillan'astmin,-, aute get a bangain la lime. BOOTS sire Saoc.-Tie reag eglehle la oomieg on. Tholegreai recommevtlition ta heatbitetokecp thie evidry ttnd ean andl tise ead cool. lny thce ÏÏclent wonk umnmaturcd ly Mn. Jaesea Biu, toaccovre the lancier. Secadvctiemient. propety afIRey. M. Yieer, dvetiad,,té îa)ïý place ettc ie dOf Ccîoecr btaise withdra'ce.1 civil Wmn au tisa Amanicati States. Thou amppy Civil 'car cee ncgieg b. lwemîthttcNoiliera and SoterneBttaa ef chat Imiely compuael tic Amenicami Union, 8îlîl continuees;and front presse appeartoacees hlsiclittle prospect cf lt tilities sapeedily cesming. The telegnmpb briega ticeos ilimt the Nontheme fone -the Fedarcaliata, gaiveel a greu vctony yesîeu-dy, onrte day.-befrn. -htS30 Federal troopa bave routed tac tntes b etinter of Confedaates,-'-aud the ccez day tle telegrmpticintselligence of tis unme great eveet avnucce at aItic Fnl ate troupe, tilsr avant oh wmatere', on Semt squtlly poevtiml causa, w'ce. srrondeel anel abligeel le sarrender t he seConede aes. latintlititere is to Boclitieg a elialle iuntelligcnce. Al'ce keo'c la n. ceiceel frocs, c Nortitenusource, tisceegl ;ottleru citaccela ; and 'chitteamugit accceafut kira'sh on tise one aide làsa na 'itel ua a4 "Iellam Vlclr" te Ibmne pulses t teailier aamni fert as igno albinos defets; and tbcin succasses descri- b.d in deprecmiag term. A Araen iaitbe lsac Fedormi triempi, or a Conleante de. lenti a surremider mrelya repua ue l atiytbimig bue a far jitctvd tate a victo, ry for lie North. Tic rlleeiang la laSestiniiteligencte. JEFERONraueCvv, Sept. 28. Captai ta Wale, nf Col. Marshall'% regi cnt, 'che eas ut Lexington annlveel ti eming, htvlotg leiittan.e on -Tinraday eeoe. Heesac ne Coutedeatetrope te 'ccc,, Lexingtonu mcd Selulia, a autlayte aic body co' Pi iee'shforces 'cas t-tan. 'cli r depmrtudelancdbetieves itait teyl nten el to take a staud mnd meei 0cr trco tene, as tiev'tciauly ila eslcalcula roaua ilsStreaman md deep Miry Banka 'itisoat itnielgýrtte trouble amc melvaccie >Aitte Pedenail offcers bava beau re eau on parole except COL ut.Kligas, Whl fusa lte gre iis parole for pieste ras report n Qasý ef* Dand sta E! Wt&re and $40 oInttike eut tiha $100, tnd tise ta ppro. raimitliostothte Wards. Aiter "cea-l1 resilen th. adoption cf tita 'ciola repent, wui allowed to rermiii over*ion oea 'acek,i in ordei to iftýe Mr. Devenill. itabi'aplace, lie Comrnttceita 'meaucima ta procced t tae éoasmry imp rove mentse ' Couneil djeentee until Mondmy pVeO:ý eg OecO.erntis et baif-put macen O'ccck. Tis ePoylncill 'Exhitbition- - Ti Provincial exhibition bld ut- o. ton,tlis year lias been a cemplcte suceass. Tlie Lovdoners diel their test le malthtit Exhiition aIl thtt tongitt o lic tvcom. [ag ha impertance, md thiey failel lenautit. eg ie dieg m. *WQ lave ýamfictecl.fn - - the liis.feuiae tt iul'IoitOur sewn Incaliîy, frorn'ci-.h it 'ill b e lai Otane-as uaual hlia tmls fair ulimn of heapremiem amwrdeel. 8Salie-2cd Joeph TLerpson, Mark ham î 2îd, Johnt Miler, Brouigham. -Two yemt otd rlly-uuî Ce.,Miller, Yearlng Fily-lut Ge. Miller, Mmrk Brood Mars-2u G. Miller, Markitum. Treycmr old llt-2ud GOro. Miller. liakit1a- 4tli 'J, P. Wlieler, Scantoro'. Ceeyear cIl Bl-lai J. Miller, Brouis. tam. Bail Cal-2ud . .Miler, Broughmn. Ciuw-4tis Geo. Miller, Markiam. Tbrea year olel Ces-lue Gea. Miller, tMarkham. Tee yetro ad lieifer-2ed Cee. Miler, Ileifer (iluder anc yecr) -lIli G. Miller, àfanihata. DEVaN CATIt. hM. C. Cet tic, ai Bocemenville tob the iird pri e foc Butin, tire and îiree years ai t i ourtt prisa for Bull Cutif, and ecoud prime for Cow. - 1- OALt.O'AY OATi.E. M. George Miller af Marklim oo k tbhe lt prisfor Ccc;-, sd for one yenar id bilen, aed Ird fer ileihen clf. Mn. Jeta Miler cf ilneeglimteck lie sat prima for slieerling Ramin, rd for Ecca îeo slietrs mcd ceer, and Suielfor Bec larnla. - M. Gecrge Miller of Mrkitam Leek the lt prima fer mearin RBamn. cHeleOTa. Slicaring Ram-laI G Millor, Mmkhacî, Imiel Titima (]uy, flubuulcea. B'cea, tee seurs andl ever -let G. MiI- cmr, Makhia, Ece Lmobs-Ird T. Gue Osawaa. eeam; # over-2udT. Gsy, bla ea. Sisaaing Ram-ist John Miller, Brcu.- bmrn; led tvu. Miller Mmkiam. lvma, t'conbears andover-lat J br Sbeaaneg Eve-let .i Milleir Brougabm. - l'o Ewe Larba-aIs J. Miller, Mark- ban. SevvTtiO'b' Ram-led J Spencer, Brealilin. Sicsrieg B'e-IaiIbuomas Spenucr, lIrookln. Bs. Lrb-ltid J. Spencer, Brookliui. Itust-mtd, EL. Arklaed, Osawca. Sisearng Bm-lai and 2 B, Anîlecel. Cltaina. 4 a-i-E Arbîmiel, Catase. Evqa%. t hesan md ever-l a udd E:Mrdand, Csbm'ir, Sbcar ing Bwm-,let and 2ed E. Ark- laudï, 9mita*ma ois musa Bmsse(Mmcmv eoom..) RLAM 1, 'co aitearsanmd ovn-lit J. Spen- SBZc'.tý nb leao. Miller, MrkisaM. Sliearling Ram-lad Juio Spencer Brook- Bies, tee* sheutr anmd ora-lat Joie penemcBrootilin. Sliemlnig Ee-lul ail led George p~eeMankismu- 3ra Jolie Spencer wev Larnis-is J. Spencer, Brooklin, ud Geo. Miller, Markia. rio, (.saoc attiss.) Mr. Gao. Miller, Markbam, teck lI primeon o, os, over and under ces yemr. itomr uaden ea year-2ed E. Arklasd, Oshaae. Bmley-4tiWitoe Allie, WliitbY. Pea-lat, J. Storcy, Whitly. csmsv naRorucva* Clama HIoney-let G. Miller, Marnhast. pia-lelt J. F. Rainer, WlitisY. Aacei.7vout.ALMN5d5E5- . Titreaber mcd Sepeator-3rd -T- Hall, N.. Joa,1F.-Tt m au 'ugara, frenIUivrpoc, Satan i& Soutlmuptuîs, 23i4 mrilvee -m eiafto ie 5abeIoing5 , t'ùvehi u I »;&" butula Nus decimemd "4à*wsumamb. 6m Hantera-ale sidwmiNi Iay 2 tli »qmese Sgo. TI d* treati itecu eallcd over lic iai weled t ieir1 -x IIsq.>F550 Aitear Hurdjr., Ira iocn, Philip LUpp, Wta. Bolater1 John McDeeatdî Wm. ilîmr * Cee.-W. Post, 'mark Carert, R . .Ferry, Thos,.E- lk, Aavpa A"mimEcrcitne, Caspc ,WIqocn, -Tiere 'ami net eg'e xtrdinari in tle beleas beI'cre ti Court c- ,il sflbried' fais ialvealto W nthlawyete. We neiietd. tite folloclaagentsE nen of the long rai.ý plisent fnorn *d'itance, togetben 'citïa, i afituadane ir nCoenîy lecyr.- Jolie flggaa q Q. CO', M. C. tauseron Ei.M. P., ? ,Jaln H.Caneron 1M. PP Joie Bel IJ., Skeffiagton Ceccor M anLL. 1 ',cd 1'.il.Spenicer ldtq., of lortd and Mn. iPark of King- mone, mnd Mn. M wduo of Bocucunville.- Tise -pnitîipab i'- 000litiuineascbeteethe court here 'u sof ussatit llauLarve- ny rpffdbaele'I'isc civil busincess il 'cit b. aveu retît' d priavcipuiily of crises cf Sedactieni, quiomis of beucdany, and aciioneiaof, djsc til. Rjicc te. M#er y.-The action in ibis Case 'cas trovgb Illte cother cf Morga. rei Ryan, a yu-vag -sicicti26 yeau-s of cge 'item 15 'aas aile ilid licou ocduced b> tie defonudat B uîîy.-Iioa. .John lH. Caunerou cituMr. ';on, Csstitel for the piîil'-.C. ucerSaci trhl . J. Mev- donell, 'Cuuscl fo er iudaut. -c' Margarei llpa severu cail exeuilied liy Mr. Wilson. mbaîte duugliter cf tlîc plulclhlli liecane sa, cmioited cii tchede- fendaunt fonr or tii ris ago i %lien a ver- c-cutet lais acte voll buce. Had impropen intencourse w cullui «. incocteqouece cf cluil licaeno n t u, andd 'ca dclivered of ao cbld atill-lii ben notien 'cas e widesý e, b dercidu ces c farmner mad occrel 100 acresof ni ud lu Brook. ]le., cas Ueanried ccen the impraper n ictc course talo o ircetwcîn-e thdeui. The chluill 'cs bei-e four oui-s ao leci My.- The defeolcuut mecer .ve ,lIlas-ay support; ,nor diel he even îîay ii>Obicgý te the caolu- er. Ho hld unt li ats locardli er, uaîd thirecteued tuat il c c gave ec idevre lu thua case tint lie c-s lic faitîcer cf lt he ld lie Wrald laie lienr Croqc-cxsauîrdi i, .Mn. M. C. Caciven Tht clîild e-uicbenuî c un> yeus ugo luestMay. Mn. Cuunerci-w' t tinte diel yos go ta lire nt the pluelcîlfa scs? Witnesa-(ncitati ,four sce n nutec) 1 Init tise iouse abosil'Our ycurà mgo looco May- 'lo Ille Jude-Ai uuî cyean irfore utie binili of thc chid I w .t te lice ai Bour- vcy's. 1 caiee iee n iMii>, ail lft the May followicg. Ci-oaa-exmminatian uîinuedo-Lived lin Birook, about a mile fonetishe dcfeiidauut's boeo is lien iielxe Ioecvcccut te live critî t1it e fcudutu'c<noer, Iled leen living ant lien oioe's Ion aout six mnitbs liefore ahu e rît lu Burnuoys, anud cas aftirrrndabsout a uiticli ocmelie- faremîi li-eunt iclunucny's.Ier soctcn ces payilig lier cages. %$s livnicg ci the drfeuuolouà ot'smciu'r lieuse jusi a yecnonloen thte ctild waocbori. 'l'ha, ebuolol noicbore ut ahise lied lueC"111 --t¶uiW-lyeLfore the Coroner, Mn. sla loiat suie h-ou ce cluild. Riccu Mn. Bhlsi-t', and lMn. Hant, ancd did net say i iinthircwsenuicvthasaie îîecen bild chrild lbi-eat lier îîcctier's bouse,.lien notisen diel net îuy liat iolue <icites,) uerer lied achcile. Mn. M. Cc, Catusro-Did yeu mver vey diat yun tuad aehd uctil a yeux ugo citer thc Cornîer'c Jury sot' It'iccc-Thal ces iiae firol timeag~aid aiuytluittig abonut il. Cocunoirlàeu yoe ItethIle nntté Met fer Ilimce yceua c itleai aying aucythiiig abouti to W is-ecaptet thecc-cnes liaI tea of it idin t 'iasboira. Neven lad uciyliiug iv do citb u.iy oeur tîuait. Wuus 20 yeai-s oh %,e lest toien. Rade no inclunuaper n iuircenmse o ilu cuîy cticn yoiuicgluneî. Met yonng moen wbcîu aliubut lsd notlîiîugto îay tote iec. Tie uv îunucîr ccucduîcîteck pbace cI aiglîi- Sielpt in a led roun l ietiîf downutilsu; di-fcudait'a ootiier ulept lu c bcd-room, cloivestains uiexu IolienIler soi(delcu' dauuî> sîlltclu stis. Tlue itproper inter- course took plae c ceeliosr lic allter cisc cane toi ticuoue. Ilura bad boey vo airagicmneiit lee e- vla nd tbe de- fendailoît Sie auttcvit oprerveni bita but soi uaile lu do se. Tld bisniuotluer rebout bis conducetand tiq landier oaid - tut lie could msorry lien. Tolel ber a'cn nomotiî-n for Itue firiniceites vbî se cane hiomce. Iled liceu livling aIobier Ibiâcas. Thue chllll ouibuird ly lierndiîcber coud tMis. Nuge-ntientco im bie botI.r'c ere at honteiclit ilk'- bm'. Mnr. J. Gi. Biecr eracmiccd ly Mn. M. C. ('usenon, for tbue dcl, cc. ltcclcccd holdîig au icqorsi con tbr body of a Cduel' mielis Iolutat of ilengarci Ilyîo. At Ille iiuct liuogunet hlycît cs msoed clietser uIc ever lbail a rsihl, cul she caid co.- (lenentul rumousa scu-ibc t u livre bldchar- acter. -icethcat. verdict ceas crdercd to--e cterad pro ftt msa ln raoier cfthecPlaitffte Judgc ne' futing to try tae qeastlu cf boeuidary. Lund --va.Savag,-4hla 'cas a almiluts' case, uand iaipoed.cf li theuamre manv,- M. 0. Vameecu 'cith . S..F airlieke fei plaintiff. H Ouý- . II . Caucrot i ltit R. J. Wilsen -CarrulAa" raw. Rejtmlsl-Actien fer illegal aeznsi-beiag 1teaertalu riglits cfprc ber,litahu e prt>ai lteé seler wu air ejeettion 10te Sieriff. 1 erdlifor Plints.fffor $45.Hôn.3 H. Camnuronend 1R. J. Wilson fan pliainllf, M..C. Carndrobla'aa eorge H. Dartal for Dafenilants. z 4rCASOF c'acDucos. MceigeîllY v. McFarlain. Theta c- tienine iâ uaccawaa bresagitiby thea plaein' MalcolunmcGuaroity againat.thie defeeduoci Williamc lilFarlaint for lte.seducticu of laiis olc athe'esi McGfecby. -Mn. Jolie Bell of Toroato -'citb 'Mn. Rerd fan.the pbitsiM ,Canaîon lIt H. J. Mac- dvlfor tÉc defenev. Cath'erine MA(Geacy. acre maid ex- mmiuvd by Mr.. Bclt-Lirved ilaeml, cane Ibere a yean mgo lest Maccl. Tbe plaintif, Mualvolm McGeaeit1 'ca lier brolit' e. Leec.-~wiKMtofeitfiie, Ii . He eonks c furie. Cameccfroidn Dùlington le lieudt. KepI Cornpany seila the delvua' dentl i tbemirtirnaty comrnucedl a year mgo lest May. Kept roinpatiy wiibh is for abouit thnee mnot thel'efè tIhe sedec- tieu. Ilea 'as -%parking" lier. Vcut oc-en te ber înlc'aon morne ibusines lu Aegcsl 1860, and îbcrc lic aeduccd ler.- Ile folloed lber titane. Ber cnvle'v cas uot quita c mile frvcm whiveece brother li-cd. Huîad a child. the reselt.of lien lu' tenceerse 'cîli tbe defénd4n<ýf4a, bure lu May lest 'Twea aîiliboni,' Dl'o1ttta provasecd te marny lier belon. iidia fier c~ oeductioiý.'-M Ci- Croàsa eaviaedM by Mr. À.C an ern.-fler uele's came 'ca Douald Me- Lean. -Mer faîber died lesit Apnil. lic - us-clieliveive i he mdcion took loiçe. anod toe 'cas living 'atit blui aîî telis dcoih li A prît lai. lien father cnd bre là- ers lincd îoJcllusn. Shi 'cas Beîportibl i)y lier boothens. Tbey lieed in Mn. Wilh-ic soi%' bouse outli îhey goal a linue of thumr esc fixed. IVas daîcg lier lioueri ew-ri tilicre. lier faîlier tomequie cvacil mion, andî res supportid by ber brotiers, Iii wlîeuîibe farti belongtd. lien failler hla cpiece oflanuud wch lie gel from Ilîe bretber-iîu Iciv, aîd onu ceitrelievbuse cis bu t. Wes net et sernvice while c inreh- Hen mge 'cas peut 20 yers. Kejt lien ocvi vionoye n li e ewonicd aonliii Dar liagteu. Leoked vpoc lier fiilovr easliv miocten, heaaue lie was lier feilier. lion wcci ut lier liromben-iii-laic'u place. btc' uai-el ta go to eclier vit lier bnotluu'n- ltuucs. lie cwastfnot ber bromben-ic aw tlieu. lier olaer liret i ceuieni, cnd, et tu limne lie(Wilkiinson) sani for lier ndi tlue facîily te conte te- lire 'ati bile, andi hc mannied ben olsten. lier blinîlîca cci wori-ing for M. Wilkinson. l'bcy ail tooli Oliir nmcule tadcbmr, muidosiecoi-ko-el anod c"shed for lier hutter anîd lnotucus Thle mariage teck place on thle Subi of Atuusi, ansd itueaeduction cant c coeil cf ci-ek ufster tlîmS. Kuuew Johnu Milite tié itl, acellie renaitîrd .ýle]inlice-c.; Ha Id dnul vlay lainbhin lieuse ce thaot ciglit, île diel vot stey liscree ilte moitis oI Aagemî. Nvîhiumg iupnapen even tisai pluca iteen elvreelh auidlMilte.'ie> diel net clevp iii tho canie lbcd. >iilne casteel ta keep lien vuliuity IbutabIe nulel niet- alloe hlm. Tise improper ittimavy, took place at- nigli at ber aacie's lioeu- Sis keew tîtat Mltîv plmyed t6e a Site. [f Milce esiel thalit)ha lepk 'ith lier le caulel Hot liv telldcng uiteer;b. Ite-examiuvd by loIr. Bell. Wiscu site sil îbhtlier ftiei 'caslier master, ebe uscant thai iho'cas ber atier. Mo ces mu oid icmi, md lhe sas living ine bo iuse cuhliber braticie.- lae diel net uuderâa.cd Ecglish properly, lia Gaslic ceas her pro- loer luirmcage, ail d ai agisinetav see an- desîood li tise questiomua put ta lier. 'lo Mn. Camron-Iletr Irailer Malcelu took lien tramn,'ber lminmg place, ande saiel la' ve iern il aie canteel. Mer lirouuer' tank 'ler m'csy' Gai mùtiîug frota ber fat-ici, lien bratien gavoelier a iti dreus, aidiel cothes tosgel narried le le McFar- lii. Ban ceitgea cel i bed cut 'cas $5 c 'ceeti. Denviel tVtson gare evidence as t-o bia ecquaitaucis cilla ticplaintiff and bis Bia- ter, andl tis>t tbe sisien 'conkeel for lier hi-o- ther. Bue ave thieg of any amnane- muet lieeee ltcm. Doffltd AeXIimu c f Brock, gave Iimilar M is#,thes gini's aset, mcau le Scotch ~y-aud 'chose testimcmiyres gircu hi Omliethiroagl amn interpréter, st-oued tir ituiuvitelge of the partiesan md ot their laeitjbeemi ct lien toontce ieigît ai t-be llcgeel méduction. John MlIco kuie thte girl. Becane mc. quaimintd weuh 1cr irai in Jtly. Kuîe'cof bis ace kuacledeo f maxual jaervearse isaniiig akoui place b.tsftt 1er, munt éthers beuidèa ScFmrlttîe.Ilie alcpu 'ii ber'o ouhle iigli cf tictenîli cf Ji:*--,utm huer failier'a iouecand aheneaida c n sin the luter endl af .ull, onrtté te iiofe Augoat, le clept wsîcliber. Os tIi- hi niglit tsle emt te b.d tnt. tCsau-cxamned iy'Mr. Bail. First lbe- cause maiîluted wejliebsnat lier oec (ileiiug,, omm the lOti ofhJalY, 1861. Laïceti im lîraci viglit yenrs, plmyed ou tisa flots0 ii-co Bornetimea gat drntk. 9Bm PrOueadc bon toi mare> bier,-andc ta refied te marr.7 lice. Afier t-be bt cf Jaby, s. refaaeil te mcm> bine. Mien ugetabast e rfuced to ucarry h0m-ombe gave imtnt nlacsal- île coud atîvru tisai be Wlad accioe aith liber, andl menetsad t e mie m b.lie0 -toll. lHe navrntoltl &V 0130 .1 t "MI"' -an bit holicouldglflc'cvideiealu lt a 44aaiut thelitn. ter ttlert - t - -brailiera, mcd A.exmcdcn Wlbca"'ce'a j thehou tise mîglt lie slipS eltI làer- -Tien. vas' up alairs Mad dOWU4tmlf l int bousael Wtvv ee t in lthe11raccudown tains. Hèr fiaeer and iber brOeler MAI voln alept doiea ic HM evditip' chmeigetlie Ie7, Matà i verdict lut laveraif the pIùigfor $0 'wu *Cotm i efe »L qelacc for Asmtult, chester C oolia udc Ça. Wilaoin, abcsp.3 vftliflg, .J0*n1Ltibell tecvcy,JSitic a rkcr, Bape. Tbc priccnei wcre ail arraigiiid WaI- ,,dd guilly, and the ailier prisiincaul Ssaentvnefnvs u lt Mocîlîn imprinon' ,et sil itbart labor ri theivCOUiiY G Oc Tb.priocvr in' tbis case pleaded guli îcvred jute bounda s iaide thresen-uE tene of the Court. >casa abeep andcvele sIcaling caesa00-1 ,,Pv ie div thile nrnallcdcn cf Wcsiliis' d., aftvr whirb an adjouruseui took place 'a~ to.darThursday- ýnfhe Editer of the JJ'AuffsuCiiroîice. Knooing ycuc- colemils anc aicuye te the repoarts ofh iuemperasue an Be ,iouso demouucratins 1 taie Ible lben- t> f seidiigyen man aýëCuit cf mh-, doluîge of pego eleofeGreemnacîl an Itle Of e the pi-sAnt mocitti. - A Unioan suali el Clol la li apertioni lee-' cotraed on oîthe mccc, libeemI prnciplrs, adilis nfliceeiOC>ccrncy reflcms gucut crctu.lpothie Su1entceudel anîd 'I'acbî eush carce îutuirivg in tbeir chants te ,sai, itniet the iiuct eSmnguinet antiipa lieus for tire purluece of reîileuui4liiugiluir aIrr-sdI ecpectabtle library <cielnt tl ,i" tiru Iooi aibisuit,, n mu 'anouiimd cilct" Oui obîldUn iiannulicelS;1tutuouli Sciiecl Soicriliît uriniully laets oiuthibe mess0, ttiottc'iîii>1 ouccees, tire elun oh tire t7ili cira ' tiinoule, teoie le urc Ncrois tu bicoutils- tled fo i iicsiimpossible 1teli1 faui- Fuira, r befaresaîud thc yiiiiî ladies cen s,-esaT1tly cad eitectic-ey:Ciacdi l t~ogiecccaary prepîîraiioius, andeltî tas-eriii i tîei parntoves lieu farniel la 1ooel ait praice. To sec tlue table bce- f0er!oc vorius jîu-euilcs citlicretcuuog teu- and aebiuig lueunis cere oufl'red to miak in ars istîiablattacti couule te v volol,, iof cuory taeithe nîcst acîclielued and oii pa couirer ofaI au>of Our cities.- Bcs s.lic roceiliuce of tise ables c-e lîuol tot - an lisuiuiui5iercus maud selecet picea toIoite1, iy tirue scliclai,, cnd uuse lectus frsount liecel. gentlemnu clic re in Ai-olsur. oltoàetben tireuadys pros- pect itre good-uiitilly, uconaliy, and ib$1-ve could el i benefiteel. 'lTire apte ut' irOle uuriit cous railer ami- prel' %oIictîil-îîudocît bild auncl'ect uo' ouiiolauee, bul thie gaouipoplle ofliii ouroouily, t ire tremîuileaifaabout fci,,. .iileil, i-ouigrgited ut tiue Ornuge slekvo on ci d a diuiuug crcîul for tue - cioii-it i îuluuoiîted luour, cli- pio!ituiiuiiicd taulebu i inte for tilur .îili1v0 gOod thinugs pronidlel. 'l'lie irst.,Id nos doocutu o ucee, iit i. ten- r ouoooand atiiciaciury item, oi theluop-u gnUioos is theic tinug. Justice lis cocu- pIn ~ ~ ~ vvr exd-[occoo5cin- icellent, ci-us du w - i loi-y "ilIliii tire tuile Ilue-iY sato- J au cli evcryiiigi coud cncnyluooy. Ator o:itloi'1 500 siel tlmi in icemilciui,' tIi-o iii iiord (ici ca-sac ho aur coinfortoalle muel â0ioascehout oaî uctiacere ces ete- ted - o --; 000000 plaotuioiouiceiisere -te Ji 1île f'iri YOUttlus cae uaîdeuis ecîo coniiieth ci-Jilobig liite tu tire picasurea cii ii -%. T'ie1iceccu clerted l'or neci- taulai-v îou-renuoluoni> ilui-clclote-a gi-i-ot mii- " -niii telucStuuýiy aciaiuieu cilu 'Vit ooî 'ii iro îand tuc mcriner- iii viclil tii-c -ii iui nlel prov-uli- otueen- - cîoi o of otlue Messioc.1-lotie ~ cs fniiOi' uiy dit îuot, or tîteir otfeuc of' i-: ùoiiuiuliviuuro t ini.igt inudce ouc >'IIItuoiîpîloi taadoîoi a Course of 1 luitai li[ onistiaenut iliutme acre- ioi ohicihîprompît il. 1*1e0recitaîiouuc ceooaaunoly iiteiasiienced liy te coul. stirii.s Mans of Illue Oit-irio Brac Band, ciauroy îluudly vilutcered Ilair appre duoù seritces. After île penfanmauce ol' i-loldocuî, umliio acd iinuctive crd- cr:ý ene eliehutecelb> the Ber, lin. 'a-, rouf 'ul'iiily, <aidl 1ev. Mn. Wilaon aft. 'Llit.l'lie teveeMn. Viner Buîgliili Clii ot Mstiser oe hulis place, ate Ic'ler. lIno s 'csloiniouMialien of Dufliu'à Cor -. wei-etotos caîucted toevbu i tîcu daiini out io touuiess licI ticy Coli0 icnot osiliy ueglecl ibey cerce.c icuni auuutteodisg. "ibe mec lad dis- apî l cdbîclinultise westerni hctizon liefore lhc - ofi su the dey cers brauglît Sa là Ci-, îandoltlevCnmpanuy returnrd t h ii reaîoîîvc hocmesa ighly pleased l cir te day letviiec caîd beatoeiîug devere Piluies ulbn ircle iatf-dozeu ycuîug ladies 'chu. llocot auy asisanuce contribeted se mattiali> lu iluir eijuyuuenl. Yuus i rîly SPECTATOII. Gretoud, Sept. 2itt, i861. - WIarru, Scpt., 2Itl, 156h. Ma. imm t IVe tic uudersigucd mura- bers ulue Rouyal Adeiphi rimtiç Cous' paiu-l me cetoretua ur olicen. lianks le YO oooandlaldy, for the ussny arts cf k'iio - reivrd ut youn baaes during our loiteaitus W'iiriTuylandl te assure travel- lvr'Oooe ic-iiici uîsmy caîl 11cm le îlhe ti- 'niliou of WlitLy, ltti t-ley uil fueldithe losi oftbe Comamnercial Iloîci ua geuuo so, and hisboahuse m comhortalile boit f o l1t ibeir sojomiî. - t rei-nilyoursciel the Pablîc'a 1 oteiediccServants, f Mr"'. T. Sietsa, Mn. F. L. Kelber, Mi--5ilie Williams, Mr., W. P. Sisell0i MS01aînîao, Mn. G. L. &'out, Mdl\Iii, Mn. J. W. Carolb, Mn. T. iftetionli Mr. J. K. Dvmry, Mn. A. Major. 1, Kuler, muid Ducton Oscel SLeabie, il b dihun of te t'Aifby Chrovicle. 0 ltiiouthc lest issue ofiyoar junal, r-as tuari-utable aîttack made upiipuJ&q. nr Ben, andl uscself, le regardl tustise Crick- et>l i-ii iinitvu. Uxbridgr, lin'ciivis a va ynd, mou the prtculmn neqaest of lte -Bras e'eiicemr. en ", Mn. Editor, 1 'cisi tot maire a plain a- sattofh îe fumes, mcd tie e he t d. "<'rcecs,(ime ave ltae mark!) jttd,aboui îlee c.rresaelg sidmorabe a oee.(aicu laueeigc froua one iicirter 1tie tls facta.- Upon pitaliing lte c W tc aiUxiri<M theilUxinMege C. C, i ethel leteplayera ian tae-elvca net El. the f dia i'aklmC. C., tut tha cUU ecti .1u, as 'ce 'ere mad4e bon-Irmemles aImeeihz pVowe'W th 'lehc, but tise Uxt>simgme ieketat wceu l disaism6cd7 -andettletar ~pceal ae "enmt 'cua cteced it. a out o ù1e:it o ac eehid #the score or e nftliteul expuaim e re24 buet 5Wc t.nd fonwmdd to youn paperfr bik itou, wich --a îIt onfly a breich offaits bui a cou rse 1 consider rxlrenueiy di;., e c[ Rurmet(ta ebuit )ecoume o acufoil m, 'cI thaf e olady Cidc'l' ia regard te the fictilicea carnes cced,I Ddt0 N. hanve to 8ate for Bratie and MYvef, tit thaï wrc, ,und -by, thé Bruellin iriclvtcn a clae c d'na1cnn Ounr rxpnvseil wait, utBIRTIt. Itocviceilithe Uxbniovçilcltcrv tiea 'cll ALMANBpRÂt A or.n cf et aete.Brooklin, on Ne 23rl vt, li I fti il hilicneaitnloà l toMk hèeAlxander Of ausoi explaîîaiieîîinleonder iliat c Alse rpcea sieno afhei Cricketvrn IcI'Witty, 'amcd MIII Beati icd myccîf' ivi aticulan,, abouid ELHERZ.AMLgTON-< c îîot go ulirsaid. 7ut., itîhe bouse Dr il dct Witlinny thauka fon'theuortc of er thé 11ev. WIlliam clelai, celcaans, I romn uWbclvn, eldeat auneor e Yonn'a lrcly ~~SIecffeille, te ,aIiaeetiailt J. V. lRAM, ja. dîitr c Wl taonacj bridge. 7b the Editer of the fltiiby Cltranice. COMfiSG -lEOND-(Oa il Sin ,-TheC reicai-ka I mcdv, we'av o i t ine1e.Wlim llid ycc jonne, iuchng he ccîlaCo ncg, to "i.Elizaviih lsc, ibroalh or ornl iuiagte achteTowshiip* of Set. pîcycil beiccru Uxbridgc and BRoku, oWeca it îîanîg breugîci forth a reply fri-Dm ' Au p yiea Imraieo c i nid crick'ern; I will trouble yoc fer asvmcîl ftler yit e e Je>cLOfthe spalceic Sour cohaica in anawcriug hirn. Beîvîr, Jer., P' Kr LUîlik etloe.gcîicrîity oftifuewspep.r cote-' lcia Rlte ceten, irdmn 1e ilst, i ol etatit tiopt te crticize Thom~acs theltepson caillr o xb thie vrry lviiuiiuselliatîs f ni ii ôpet MiissvAîîy Tlieu paee .i ro r xr.. or don tie carenstic. But imprîini1 IBrunswick'. i-"."thco woul hie Od Cîckete teundrstud, At lýitbrid.", on Themad h2 ilt aio t 11 cc mnpoligiai for olhe coîidict Of p erAyte2i eiclier itîe Brosokliîî Club or tlîe fe ocliate by th-)lire. 'm.Cvlbm& l -~ ~ ~ ~ Cu 'sdtlccfQ.Ou- t1i f- Uici, imcý'c'-,- ~E6 u» teio.aicicg tic X.Iliat tlîe pick of tîte yîîlieg (>Ontarioceci-c deft,Žoîic-d liv tie Ix- IVUITUy TAki b iJýe. Old Cricev lrci.silieeou - 11c hîosslin aboutitheiv vh'ttî..c'Won ;11 il 'ureue ' sccl liv'tilisase, iUy ideas dtieculynis The cll'engs fcil < 2Aici l. mi lstebsodly ilclicieiit. But t i 'iiit, creuse cand prives ieiinî thei. tlhe Most l lilloi at iîi it 0(ol Ciii. cler ba.Alrgpootino , Wriýe , irY.ojseùIs ioa challeinge 'r cniti is tarly teiîuîcc of us ne u SecrtV,-Uxb 188 O ut 8,aI ihifor vo,, , isacs 0.wspoiltthuise 0. C., s elnmouiller of the Ueobridge slai'en wrî,tes41c à, Cricket Club, lie mcct l oorlY kîow that a inv - ailthe uere. Faîl l'rtl eIi Ctiallengv Wîisenctilvui oîth, frocstlhc as Weaas n i Seceary cf the Young Onitrio te the Icads, .6lm bc adlrxa Sperrelar> ofthie Uxlridge Cricket Cils, fer beit 4 te $1-1 ilattec tata.8 anîd 1 kcooe for acertiiy tiiet icrus re, af prives lest lul'erirselaaa i circdl-cîîd low did Otie Uslîidge uitrcat Whemt la e s loit as 3, ga if"' iy ic. vcciicoîîdeccudiîig cit un- more aitentie andidnactve de cirer. Noie 1 wocld acciOld Crieketer if tien tg], FulI we'eS le lcgivnatli ibis 'a t ci li gcnlccaly cii their part ;qeetetica,0mon 95lc. la the comecian cooricsy ut lcas-olcmîaîlddcatiret igu . Pella, t Dalla Bel a rclîly. But ou gice thicn euîsilerciancre,active n ci i. te 48c. Ii vppli the Sccreîoiry cf itie Ycic Ontairio bas te 28v. ocarCel soniia c callplige iii thc mîîîîr oîggtcd The lMarkets ln Mon loy Ontario Club anîd 1I beil cllllibc re- York alre sitll adrmatîl, i seolotin iiitoî umicootle maîiier ;,Md eireugthviacd by the neya -f ioliilcoull1cecciiter lioît iSales in biontreal vN.of ,orela crîllîes iheicro Clbs coîgîo-geul infi nocly c$5.50. Canaedau Spnilg ,t14.1 coiîeli. 'llice f'orts cf OCriekelccir'scroin. akeo L 1124ofl'red. timi niatiOli efe îîiî g octhe nis-roudnct of coîce cf Ilc X'ccc-r Otario Club. I nl J f ' lias toi be cîscvcrccl hy iliecce, cclo areTElD Iccoler*zlliil' vlîîi dotlc the farces. lpiiug 100liaiDWlOF lOiOiD lt.tcn ru soli to iîîct (Bd Crick'einî grciriiuper- DX100 S' WLR* coui cetul'aOc er, ciilîboit cand hall. 1 romuaicn 'oîîs înoly, t'arricrs Bellt A oicoooii Tl Y . . FO R SALE. To ors LcvFiti Li s.-Amtoigst the ;. t 0-,o0FlEN ÇiiEl 1 maîîy coiucoocids iicce cuiFrig ta ocr lady avoic'tsye'.Ae iiin~iSc fnirîîdo., tiieearc e e ilîîWCi ne cccereadi- DONOVAtN, WALKEY &PC, y recmvclddas tîcooeecaicoiiigncua m 3 oriuiBod Ille cels'lîoocd IlcOuscc0cf JoccciA lloîruîctt & C0-'llîy Ilîcess IWsOcoqualitieo te cliîcl TAXE NOTICE. OiC mcclii nxlsniilly cil lii-l -1 voii Vll chS St 'l'aemüetioL lige Oic<veiciiiroi'n nire aece o'cf ail dleoics su saicT tloue Plice lic e Scl,'c tbf, o and thic eriaicc nit lîit tîy cili perfornm PIDslAY, lTUE 41h INSTANT. Oli olcy li-e, sitoo(lado. 'Flicucplea-uaiut Ilfil oîî u t 1 ci iisîîiiO verojci.ii andl0, oiiciiies 1oiîfuul ect ioociindiiig -J.)S AB . _ _ -. _ iTz- -""-çe :;,'-cS ra-, 0 t Bogs to 'uînount.o the. arrival of his FaiI Stock, ex CARadi Stcai -r, dir e t rie i il t n.ni ch liev i detericnnd to seli at a Fmali advace on "tiri g t.t 1cr tJASIL Coiitng of the latest neveltiesin ~REss*o089&e* s#j&~WLS NIhntles, Ladies Furs, Sowod Muslins, Ilosiery and Gloves. ncls, Blaiet.4,i Factory Cotton, StrÎpe Shirting, Carpeta, Daivika, In the Gentlinen's Departniont ill ho found an extensive e nment of Broait jiothR, t.Caiîncres, Tweeds. Shirt,«, Cll]Mr. Udcr Clotbing. BHa% Tics, IWool Plaids, &ce, and the largest stock lu the Coutl of 0--7 RE ADY-M4DE CLOTHING lu 'Mon and Boys Top and Body Coats, Vests, andi Panttý living mtade up on tic prernisest toe11litldworkmansbii my b. dcpendeon i. 0:>- A FRESH STOCK 0F GROCEBIES JUST RECE» < Cciii beforc purchisingelsewhero REMEMBER, ROBERT CAMPBELL, IpElRUrS BRICK BLILDiiu1S, WIIITBI WIIITBY, Octiaber Snd, 1801. The Suh'i cer takoî pîo'iSurPe u1k 'enDPidincrg tue .6 wiof of Stapie and Which for Vaiity, Quality andi CheapnOss' cannot beslP by mnyllti s n 51 e ir;tdce. l itniost pmretiila*tY eil te attnion 1 I ti vrr. andI the public gil r l> te tic e lin-ing-gIpoditi roictiiig q Gailla Plai Winceys t Cooe lga, Mrremeis4 De1aireA uqtr Le-dAIE&CG, an Shawls, in all thirr i lkreiit iesgftFoFure t-itats ut latçsi 4,1Zis cl~i De Cîrot and liîngroe t, lliesve itîs muidVIeis. Vlan»Oh. Cleth Due Skine:, Satinettevs, &c., SlîortinîîgcIrish Lînecie, &r-, &C. IN TIIE READY.-IÂDE CLOTIIING; DEPÂ1TE Wili ho founti Heavy T op, a£ild b y Catu, Fauta, Ye hO. 1 MeFESH GROOF3» Just received. a lot of Superior Fresh Grocerie,120'% t Young Htscn, 41 P., and Black Temo,am, Sagavu% Rel»&101% &i.,Lc. 'Jerfti&, Wlaita Tlab, Lr- m .ûe] à-

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