Whitby Chronicle, 26 Sep 1861, p. 2

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itel M4 To hêr.s- Rtn wr '. ip pwe o-Ott ,uvs mipu$ovu ~is ude Jf~l~i-T, i Brrelow 'Dry: (oda nd- and-lizenw :Jeall'fmc.s-tbls-oos nd Poel. il Cei l-. LGerrie. WhIft1b,y Raei-Io. T. Hall. ~hsnesyslePlssnuvo. Pies-sou. N1oïte Ài et-Thomas Myes-s. etrey TIcs-uc-John A. AnScuset. 11 fui tmpnrtralinn-lobmilton sud Roberts.. 19pOIeltNotibA." Tlsm Ilin' and Roberts, -AT'CTION SALES. Pasm setock kc, onf Richard liielco, Lot si, T coucesuin Whilav, Oetu$er 101,, -Thornus oMysni Anttonppr. ,Fus-m stfoc k kte., or Benjamtin,oclce. Lott 12, 2nd ese ruo ietcceriniz. Octohiert ltis-Thomnç Myens Âucticus.er. t Fsrm stno-ck &c, on Lot 1. Town Lina IdWO Wpi J4ps- te lab àito tCu t O aýtss-i, thre 1detrabil holding i publcmeeting ou tis âl w snt subjeot. -Ifs publie W O0W d U5ablS te Idrotei or tlies1Iaby of lstk. Bcu og , b wýr that rout; and inwbatii 1t i Mi b. superlor s'a n or- ,tePlactiê *isth'th os io mucein 1.mablkng the' Connty of On., tas-Othé tir ata-aiwater-way fson Laiî tS-rOn' t4 Qrtatriop, it behovoi thse peope of Our boun~ to take advaut&9g f . 4t nature bàsI So bountffuy o frtm an Askt bheqseîves. The w4oe fo Ibe ~-.ýWbitbyt Ohaa,,Plikrsing, and ev.s-y towuSIbP. uosthw.s-d are intMrested lInliais. À. publia meeting *ostd bcthe beut meausof 4r i~thse sterits cf Ouirsoute, interestin thea people cf Our Oouuty, aud placing infor- mation before the publie; aud ih would be the irouis.! workfPr udoptiug a memortal-to' the Ooverne settiug forth eus- cl%r». ta provincial, aid. W. trust tîsat the leaing and -inflnenhil tues In al i#actions cf .thse1 County will set in tise mattcr, aud Minl prOp]o4i9 fi Public meeting tob. beldat some convnient point. The Royal, Adelphi Ursurritlo Cons.1 à an?. Tise above 4Cpsny, ýopine. et lIse geebanlao Hall, an monday evenInA au.! abunilauti>'prove îýïtha te'dssv higis encomlumu tise>' have réeesed froms 'tise estes-n provincial papesi-s. TisaI eau. tiful pIs>'b>' Maria LQvell, fror» tise Ger. mns, style.! I rgomar, ft.e Basbau-an," Brolctn Front, propu'sty cf Richard Col-. pndtaetraumnul hcsbt lins inu Oituiben Lmd-Thsomas -fyers Mn. sud Mns. Stetsun Jomar and Par. - tono.1 titenia ppcas-ed te excellent advsntag.- ffick n urioréo vd Vners- -W. have seen Miss Das-entMis. John Tint 1.1. Ai nneasios Priekenlu-, October ow liza Logan, sud té-i,. Hsyne lun C'thMA rote, but as Il Mar celids. frea.bos-n (lee'ral %filpm nt Trnuzlam. Octoisers h daugistes-," Mis. S. uas boisin.!noue -cf WourmîtY aticl Thompmnu, Auction--ers thons in classie préeciiou cf utterance sud FamP rnnet o Sn. 05 ist 1. Iquiet simplicit>' of mien. Ai tisa Bas-bar- 10,.fislze.., T T. fIri -Fiurn stock ie, flneck, nmi 12thn0O Auctieueerr CHTANCIT ]Radu-deIif? s-,. Dai Octon-r-irbani lcunee -.' Pipnuon vi. Pieni 'jIciobr-rsrnanki tioncers. O!ÊLY ONE M Wkttby, Thuirs4ay, We have reagon t fi.d rnt the larLre adv which thse cynn,;Yrr .104R M eno 8 ta eiprise aind pua/ek Whhhby, adsncffdéei whole County -,fnr f Conty, wilh a buit whô do not avail th( lation of Itise c'sîuo ii tise representocive abroad; s nd thus ti ments in flie ennoci( "inde, lusinesg,and i of Whilby, and weI lieit ,rxpreosbon thati importance cf aur thr Town. Aecowledging wit of Our thaulcu the beai efforts have heretoforc siure our advertisIng p puit, Rn iu thse future,' wftting on Our part cure ta theru ample r cessary outlay which The circulation of of soft doua wool aud itwo.osisblainksU wr itlon fmm4thpIiuaof ms-. Hugr' Meuoe, at Cautiagton lait wèekf. '201bo Of tIse iool ha.-!' en sol.! 1* Mr. Allan Card., and wbea Iie'wmt.to fetush it, it vas fogn44to b. n 's. n smo uthes1.a cality bave, we understsnd, is-Aed .fsr thefts of ubeep and peultry. -Tauoas, li' , Cinnfugton lu b.. eoauing a favorite rseo-t .fes-thestriecas sud Mintrels. Thre, in genera1ily a tain, atteudauce 'to be hbd In the village, an.! tIhe hall h convenieut aud soomy. caiî&uv.-Cs-noinçomnV.80:teslm- Thesit club. are endeavoring teengage ln& fnlcudly matois, buttiselong distance,,tise ha.! soada, sud-tIse latoeeu of tIse ouon Do*# witias-eeiy alcu ofa 1a etus-nuîutoh being played this Fait. - ~Asa~uu.. TheCourt cf.Assise for tise Cunty cf Ontarlo open# on monday nzt bfore Hou.. Mr,, Justice Richards. Tues WE8LEyAyM McUODSnT Sundsy Scisool hold their Auniveruary on Suuday Canningtas. Soutis Ontario Coutsty Agrtealtusrst - Tise Nittk-Auissal Exhibite fts Count>' Agricuitunal Society' ofifSettIs Oue tarie teck place nit Whitby on Wednesday El. unO .- MI fl,% A n.. rvdbg pasana Inurica> oI lait veeli, the l8tîsanc ,pmwood. Molîcit os-. ein trnwr n .icsveiihpas 19tb luit. Takiug it aIt in sîl, tluo exhi, ', n lut No R. 71h e-on. 0bi nti ar faygnl bition was aie of tise boit tînat bau yaî 1ctoisb.-Mr. fePlusnle.n man W v hacoeau&inca Wallack firot esua>'.taicen plnce. Tise dispîs>' at tise Plani cdl its reudition at B oalway Theatr-e, Neu al a o ocmlt n trcie Yor-k. Tise part of 41M nn, tis arassurer,"Illvsnts opcesdatets ln-Y SALIE9. y u etrl . >'M.KI ios fermer occasions ; but tisis wnar»-m s-mes, at -Whrlîy on I 4th Miss Molîlie William& u aigr in tisapi>' compensatoit fer b>'tise encreao;e.! umr. liu sud Mcuoucl, 'Aoc ~agu~ ber of entnieà in tîse punel>' Agricultural "R'ffougis Dismonc," was admirable. Thore sud Manufacturng classas ; sud iratise ,snat Whitîsy on l4dth umtin ehnynt utnilsdua supenien qunlit>' of tise articles au exîsibi. sofected i hsld tlaig ý .eV ru an.! Macdauall Aoc.sue utiîld'plyn, istv O tien. Nathing eau botter es-idarce tise use ilIlu ensif atnuct cf isegreat bane7it te ba derivcd frer» holding tiseatre ahI bs-onu af tise comiea nuqZ tiseo sînual exhibitions, thissniitine largo On uecl>'Ovnnug ~icerHuo' ts- number cf farmoni, sud machanies, anse Srille mla-dram% cf l"Lucretia Ber-g-a, othes- indusit- rin&o h cmuiy (tuL*t}IIJ1lJtisahePoiones-, or tise Pope's flau«ister.'ty otin fts cmust' w - ui plae.! on tise stage. Tliis glooa'vsoats>"sigtgtesitniagn OLLA A EAR sanies cf hans-crs represonting tise gisatti. îsuhsa. piinsdecsieing -z-. est cisapters in Itatian butor>', attracte.!-a sudims-vntseaiceudtokion ~September U, 1861. tisngeel sud attentis-e bonie.,Tise Gen. yean after yeas-. Thare conlil not be les _______________ s-are cf Mn, Stetson, sud tise Lue-lfa cf tlissa ,0 oiospeon uigtiass ,P.rimig. is ady th D u ofMr.Keler.andtheTise entries iu tise difi'erent chaises numuber- entitu; iss ldytIs Duce f Ar. ellr, ud iseed-Horasu 124 Catie 93, Shoep 85, te ha prou.!11amui grati- Gubbeue ai Ms-. Steut, uere uell vas-lb>'Swine 25, Grain an.! Seeds 40, boots 51, .lmef notice. Tise viole cnclddui vilstise vartiding putrnnage cf breqeo 'en id' nwihMs Butter 13, Ciseese 19, Penît->'28, Domostic r. as tise secipient. Ttburlese cfllan>' Lin.!" n isticis MissManuf4ctures 17, Fsnm Implemeuts, 19, ,but In a tiamniful spirit cmai'a ioe uts sa ia Ladies Depaninseut 78t Fino Arts 24, Her- ~eifsïify of ppuber tavle > *t td,~ ~ e itcaltural Depaninseut 141, Miicoilanseouu 4lDfroft aa 6to pub 41Tis TnI reinr a_1i4ies-- ,i gauçfr0ouss - .5 lun tan100 cutries r= -en tâe ii t '1t svà-. w. lbav-e neitiser the U"'f ou Ibemos elizoni, hey avespace ner inc linatien te puf his m»an'u of thîe luuieulens-m cf Io playrnt Ise Mecisanici' Hall pg u iecbr voman's pnmpkiu; vow mlgist ugay nftise duning tise remainder cf tise uek ei. thein place in tise ist of prizes moît speak feu hmsuiness mson in tise ard 111 lu on theu boards as va go te press for tiseir meniti. Tise Agnicultural diunen inous vonils îcumwiug, wau omorungst"la su uers-ed bots at tise Alion an.! Cer» emuels-es cf tise cinen. Eyed Sugaan" ulît ho remuuere.!. Ne laver muerciai Hotelu, au.tishe fermer tise iit, anui ui'.r'. Tise uewupsper ofth leitmate Drama iboni.! ho absout. tise latter tise seconsd day. Mnnue hasts, c f !ifsoui' localit>' PTÂ,Acu,------- ...Jou areBa las.Back an.! Cnocken supplie.! es-en>'deliese>' aling tise sunounce- 4À,AciT- onrarll atisaicoule! empt au.! satiîfy tise appotite,1 icP nimdex ta tisesuer mc-sidin.- n tise township cf Dariington,anth rieofti gssrnglu Cntarpnise of tise Tcwvu oiddnde b ra er fLtan.! bigi in tiseir fas-en. Mn. Messat'teck 'heieve it te ho tise No. Ilhintise 4th Con. Eau Wiby, ut bis dinner witistise cnewd tise second day, eau bus gis-en of tise an eariy luousn on Tisurscia>'manning lait. adM.Bahmd peh Deoase.! left Oshasua fer homo on Wed- u. s ec aeasocs ni-igan! mruienuunesela>'niglit, vitis his teanusd a Ilaas- CLASS 1.-HOIISES. iug machine. Tisebas-ses wveufon.! neRSEaUs s-aDDLERrn.uCA e.tAataE ti tise haut expression standing attise gate cf a larmes-, aise na me.! Staîlion, lut, JohnSu . Spnawle; Lu.!, L. ct>' support iicisaur Farrell, about 150 rade frar» visone tise Fairbanks; Ire!, D. Holtida>'. -emnet, we beg ta as-boyo eesdwsdsoee. Te Mran oloW .Yug;2, patrens, that as lu tiebcdyc ecJohasdseeri, Tse Mr n .! omFna;, lui, Wr» iongl ud ne xetin ul h iud-heel of tise wagon appeared ta av1oh toptn 3d 'R . WIon. l'n exert o pase! s-r is pancn'stus. cauiug 2 year aid entire CotI, lut, Jobà Hislep; passd ovr te por ma's ond aus Lm 2d, Thomnu DewuineY. ne- ininautaforu theanes.22yean aId F111>', lot, Geo. Lene ,Lu.!, bey inatru tis Au Inqueut wau helrl befoeaDr. Clark, Ocor Ogils-le. V >tise Csanoicî,z lias Coroner, wshen a verdicet cf accidenitai 1 year aId Colt, lut, R. S, Wititu; Luit,2 il. #L 4-6itensti vas nturucit. Herbent Spencer. neen -argny caruinucu uurnng tue pain oummer. ThnougîuouetIshe Connty cf On- taie-Nerais, Souts, lEait sud West- tbrougis oves-y part of tise Ceuny-es-an ttes remeteut setler in far cf? Rama- tise CnneurIc'i c circulaf ou. Ta tîsase no suIsestisa tîseir business, and tisosa ituuirous cf deiug no, in erden te maka a business, va neait scarcel>' gay select t1he hait medium to make kuewn yens- wiÜieusud requinemouts. Moue>' is madIe b>'judelciug acvertisimîg, wviit inl -tisnown a>'y by usit knowing how te dc se -propeni>', an.!no ai te bning a nturu ta tise advrlstimar. Trent Division. TTluirnI' T T -r't vrnxOFMEPeS'r-MÀsvsu Wlattby Races. Tise Faîl meeting e tIse Ontanle Tus-f Club comnso f? as-r tise Whiitb>' Course; Ou r, ida>' sud Satunda>', tise IStisai.! l9ti of next moutis. Tise traek is ira splendid enslen-nes-ernse good. Tisa punies wili ho fon.! adventised ira ethier catumuns. Es-or>'. thning will ha doue h>' tino Club te make the races au satisfactory, es tise>'baveaai- wayu linretafona beau te TJurf-men on tise lVhinby ceunie, AM9. BaIOrou'u M1OTO.-du Resalutrin. sic value comnbiraed vitis 1ev prices arc aîvays appraciate.! by as1diueeining poui. lie.' ir. igelcu masus b>' this tisati Ie A cecontu-fi-cm Trent Division brnugtise Grecea-les sud Stationon>' aI iov picas, sud gnatifyiug intelligence cf I-on. Sidneay tîsat lii affonts ta de se are eppneciated. Smsiti's atection. Tisa Pomt.Mastes- Gon. W011 vo uB>' tiat ogist le bo; sud for tise enalta baseen ra turne.! by s majel-it>' cf eit peopto must rese! viaI Mn. iglcu about 800 s-des even hiss-opponout Mn. .55>'i cf tiseà'peopies' cisaap cash stoee," Billea Flint. Ai tise Leader sus>', sd Tise s-bien> has TaiP PaeVmXCcrÂ,pÀIRsWuITBY PIANOeS net been casil> vas,, uanoglat îot te h. TÂKF ItTIE PssZE...We as-e mucis gratilled liglgly treate.." But it bis beon ualt ta bans b>' telgnurpistisaItihe pianos man. von, sud tise Wttle isnavely longisî. it ufactune.! b>'Mn. Rainer af Ibis teun, have wus a fair staud.up figlat-betvoen the Gos-. taken tise feltowiug prises r Finit prise leor es-iment au.!tise Opposition. AIl tise pianos; fis-st prise for isest coîlectian, fonces fiat botis aides coule! brnrg mbtiste Extra prizo fer pelisis, aud extra prise for lihe ucus lotaction. Thon. vas no flouing. Bras-a 1 Whitby?7 41 BlIs-i Rusa" about it; sud tise Peut- Master General cenquened b> tise dint of HâusLT, .UAND Ros£awn advise their sisser bard figbting. Wbhojsou vilI write custamers per aulvertisement, tbsat tise>'bave Ms-., liat'u epitaph ? A fned of ours- s-c-il-ailtise isik cf tiseis FalIt Gaods. ,#ne Mn. Tir»O'Day-an ![dis Poot, sud Tise>'aise aunonnice ibeis- intention of of eocun a genun, insista on baving the doiag a Cashs buiness Oly-eu sud sItes- diulfrigsisIed benor, sud banda u- tise finst cf sert mentis, We have Do 'Rere les tise bhocf Billa Plint .!oubtthuis change uviii b. appreciate. b>' Tisat gel cffaeed devraira Trfs-nt; read>'.morae>'buyens. Au it wili give tiser R. saldoit evsusIltise peor r»nfrind," au appentuniîy' cf buying goodau-on Use And bine a Os-lt brougist on bis <suE, mail favorable, tes-ms. in denson Drie. Fs-uit, lot, M iss Ors-lu; 2n 1.Mn RFualler .Fn-uit presarveul in uugsn, lut, Miss Og dien; Ld. Mm-s R Fuller [. F ruit prfsers-ed witisouî ungar, lit sn 21il. rs .linm Shir ' JeiIy, lst- Miss L Orvis; 2nd, Mit JTar of Picliles!lst, MnRs PoFllen; Lué Mr .J Rowe Sculptunra in Marble, lot &Lue!n W Won, D)--îduing, Tilu', lat an.! Lui, J Smille Ifonu'y lu Cornu, lt. 1i Mitchelt Straucml Hny. 1lit j Mitchel Maplo Sugar, lut H I B etto ;2nd1 Hanper Confectionarv. lit Airs R Pollen Boquxet cf FhOem-s, lot on.! Lu. R E Lais-cir LlnpesPrnutin-, lat IVHil ]izgtna Hou-sel Shoeiugtis ,wit Cnlks, lit R Alîlîn 2nd J ICeitîn Horse Shoeiug witlîont Cautks, lutj Keilî; 2nm. R Allan Panet Dianr, lot J Harper ; 2usd E Ors-i l'prtuer L'ailier (cowhsh!e) lit sud 2Lu Tye & Collins Upper Lcathen (caîf> lai Tyc & Colline i 2mîd W flu-ni Ontan-ie uand, Gueeuwooel EXTRA PauZuis Wallring lanes, ncompetition Double Candage, lot Douas-an Wulkey &Co Sin-le Canniage, lut Doues-ami Wstkay & Ce Double Pîcasumo Sleigh. lot Doues-si Walhrey L& Cc Cuttar, lit D'i)osan Walkey & Ce Butter, lit %Wm Young Paper Wonk, Mufis A Thornnîa,, Whitby Fnancy Table, Miii J Thonton, Whitisy Fm-oienl(na do do Woalcmi Yarn, AMis Betts Churu su iecnk Saw (Prise sud Dip. tonin, J Cînytuin Tmsft Quitt, Airs M.uhiit Plum T'l'un, Mn Coleman Conmbuiit lieapen & Aloisen, (Priza an.! Diplama> N W Brown P'amity Sewinc Machine, (Diphmsa) J HI G erri e Simug-'u Sr-wimmg Machine, (Diplama) J ,H Gem-m-e Euss-traaîgh, Cals-imiBenîl>' Norh ntiOario Agntculmunsul Exhtbition (Fer lte fViiîby0Chronide.) Slim.-Th 17t11Y Setutemisan vas ona of tise bmîuiest .!iys aven uen inraatis On- tarin, it he;ng the occasion fanriholding tise 4th Animaussl Stnw, in cannection with "IN. O. E. D. Agnieultural Society," aud Ux- bridge Villa-e va3-tIse place aI 'shicS il la uIed. That mornin, theosiose ini aIl itusoumtnal sptenton, se.! ils raya aven "uatre,'ssaft repose," sud ditl'used iti insicoating ami.! hautk~ing ligtist mI i<m ubl lt, J. 1, David i : ude Boeau; 91d, J. Ùiller. 8Two Rives, lotW. etey 2dJ MiIleçr;8ird, W. Jerfrey., TaSborling Ewes, lotitsd 2od, . Miller; Srd, W. Jeffrey. Two Ewe Lambo, lot asud 2jd, W. Jef- fe rJ. l. Davidian. Southdown Ram, lit aud 2nd, H. Spen- cer; Srd, J. Wixsan. Two Eweit , lot, H. Spencer; 2nd, J. Wixîon;i 3rd, H.ý Spencer. Rem Lamnb, ~lit aud 2nd, J-. Wi'xson. Two Ëwë Lambt, lit, 9* Spencer; 2nd J.Wixou; Sqrd, H. Speneer, Twa Fat Wetbers, lit, c.'gcott. Two Fat Ewou, lit, J. Iflo; 2ud, J. litchell. 4lr "OZ, lit, P. Carruthers; 2ud, S.Drown st ,lot, M. Bambridgè;j 2nd J, S. Sprowle. ,Bôar Pig cf 1811, lot and 2n, J B l3ckle. Sow Pig cf 1861, lot aud 2nd, M POUILTRY. Barn.yard Fowlu, lot, J O Guy; 2nd ME Carpenter. Turkeyu, lut.J Story; 2nd, J Ruebottoi: Geos, lot, J Besat; 2nd, 9Scoett. Ducks, lot, T Dow; 2ud, J Ruebottux GRAIN AND SE EDS. Faîl Wheat, lut, 0 Pilkie; 2ud, S Sure merville Spring Wheat, lot, Wr» Gardon; 2nd, Wr» Thomion. Barley, lot, J Pile ; 2nd, D 8 Dows. Peau, lit, J Stol-y-,2nd. W Gordlon. Oats, lut, D S BIarclay; 2nd, Il S Wilson Timotlly Seud, lot, Alt-x Mackenrie. Sweedisl, Turnip .9ced, lot, J Mitchell; 2ncl, B Rowland. FlaR Seed, it, L Carigil; 2nd, R Si Wilson. Corn in the Bar, lot, J Carpenser; 2nd, inCarpeuter. ROOTS. Potatocs, lot, R Carrutheri ; 2ud, J story, Tisrnips, 1lut, J Willig; 2nd, A Maclienzie Mangel Wnrtzel, lut, J Iliehael -24d, Carrotsi, lot, W JefVrey: 2nd. J Story. fleets, lit, W Jeffrey; 2ud 113Carpéuacr DAlIRTYPaontyce. Butter, lut, W. Yonng;- 2nd. Casper 1Wilson, Pickering ; rd, Ms. IR. Fuller 4th. Mti. H. H. Bettu. Cheese, lit and! 2nd Mrs. D. S.' flarclay; 3rd, Mns. R. Fuller; 4th, Mns. MajriÎ. Pull Cloth, (home made,) lit, bîrs. D. Tharnton, Pickering; 2ud, Miss Berrili. Satinette (home muade) lut sud 2ud Mis. Sumrnerville. Flatj"I e(homeo mcde> lot, M IL R.uI- Woolen Carpet, lot, Mii. Lorin fBrown; lu.!. Mm. R. Bettu. Rag Carpet, lut, Miss Lilîlu Orvis , 2ud, MIrs. W. Majdr. Weolen Illaulcots, Tot, ébo. James Mitch. el; 2nd. Mns Joseph Wixsonn. Cov'erlet. lut, Mns C Willaen ; 2nd, Mfrs S Summerville. Shleîhcrd Plaid, lot, Mns C Witluou. 2nd, Mns Summerville. Woolen Stckiiîi, lu It, Miss IH Strick. land; 2nd, Miss Lilli Orvis. Woolcn SocIi, ist, Yrs D Thompson, Pickering; 2ud Miss L Onvis Cottons Stockingu, lot, Mis Il Stric<. lnd; 2nd, Miii Mfary Strickland. Cotton Sockî, lit, Miss Susan Powell n.!, Mns S Grass. WVoolptrr Mittcus, lot, Mns James Mitech. DI; 2nd, Mn8 R S Wilson. If la 21 el Trou Plouglu, lut, Ceo Prenlice. Wooden Plonglu, it and Lait N W Brao. Set cf Harnism, lit, 'Aartin llambrid,,O. Tue Hanse Cuitlsater, itst Luit, N x W Brownî. Ouane lrse Cultis-atar, lit Geo Prentice; year old Filly, lut, Wm. Atkinuon1 Fanniug Mille let George Robson; 2nd, 2ud, noue. Lewis Hlouck. Heorse Colt cf 1861, lut, James Carpei- Stnaw Cutter, (horse power) lit, N W fter-, 2ud, John Wilson. Brown Filt7 Colt cf 1861, lot, James Neibit; Stnaw Cuftnr, (ban.! power) lit J Clay. 2nd, R. S. Wilson. ton ; 2ad N. W Brown. Matched Hlorses, lut, Sherman Brnown Washin.- Machine, lit Phippin & Peu- 12nd, W. H. Trerusyne. tecoot. Single Herse in Hanesu, lut, C. Roberts, Churu, lut J. Clayton. 2ud, John Hislop. 5LADIES NWARTMEr.% Saddle Horse, lut, Gao 0î,den; 2nd, Lady's lnes, lut Mns J Rowe; 2»!, noue. Mr@ J Carpeuter. flaAL'onT HOBEaSu. Genîtemenus Shirt, lut Mrs Wr MeKay, Stallion, lut, John Mil or; 2nd, Alux. 2ud, Mrs A Buruett. Wilson ; 3rd, Jas,. Pile. Ladt(y's Blonnet, lit sud 2nd MnA Roche. Rare sud Foal, lut, John Milter; 2trd, t'ieee Work Quilt, lot, Mrs D S Bar. Wmn. Miller; 3rd, R. Wise.- day ; 2rid, Miss Mfatilda Harpier. 2 yean old <stine Colt, lot, Tlies. Evcns, Crochet Work, Couiltripat;p, igt, Miuu 21ff, John Wilsou. Mary Strickland ; 2ad, Miss M Ilunter. 2 year oId Filly, lit, J. I. Davidien Silti Couniterpane, lot, Mns J Carpenter. 2od, A. snd J. Anderson. Fancy Netting, lit sud 2nd Miss Stiek. 1 year old Calti, lt, co. ljig;inbot- lan.. tom ; 2nd, John Elliott. Faney Kiiittiug, lut, Mru S Powell , 2udj 1 year old Filly, lut, Wm. Waddell ; M ti A Powell. 2nd, Jas. Neubit. ,?mbroidtityyon Muilin or Lae, ist Mis Hanse Colt 1861, lot, J, Miller; 2ud, Gordon ; 2nd, Mrs Loren Brown. R. Mitler. Erubnoidery on Sitk, lit sud 2ud, Mins Fitly Colt 1861, lut, Jas. Corbett;-,2ud, Mary Strieklan.. Thomas Eveus. Emhr(cèiJery an Worsted, Ist, Mru I Matched Hersaeloi, John Thampuon.; Aunes; 2ud, Miss C lowe. 2ud, James Kitchen. Crochet Wonk, lit, Miss Striellnd; CLAS ILCATLE. 2nd, Mrs S Suinervilte. CLAS I.-ATTE.Raise.! Gerran Work, lut, Miss A Thora. TBOoot'cu aag» ton Whithy. Bull, lit, John Thampan ; 2nd, Rnbt, elà Wool, 14t Mrs J Rowet Miller-; 3rd, Thos. All. Guipure Wrk, lt, Miss E Strickland; Y earl~ing B ll, lit, Joh n M il er ; 2 d, n y M s M S tricklandli s d 2 d Bull Caîf cf 1861, lut, John Millers; 2nd, Miii M A Rowe WM. Mller.Daruiug Sooki ar Stociringu, lut, Miss Woeh olt. M illr;er. oh M Strickland; 2ud, Miss N Stricklsnd Mlh po, lt, . Miler n, on Braiding, lit, Miss E McKtay; 2ud, MMs Tlieapuo, Sfr, -.1Mllr. p»s-w 2 yar ld eifroit Wr. Miller; 2nd, Quilting, lut, Mis D S Barclay; 2ad, Robt. Miller. MnLprgl Yearling lHeifoe John Miller, lit sud Tattiug, lit and 2nd Miss M Strickland 2nd prnze. Bead Work, l1t, Miss A Dow ; Znd, Heifer Caîf cf 1861,,Wr». Miller lstand Miss E StricklandI 2ad pz. Papes- Flouers, lite Miss r Thmotn, r GRADEWhitby Bull, lit, John Elliott j 2nd, Wra, Wad Hair Flowers, lut, Mrss . Tye ; 2nd, j doit; j- 3., Wnx. Kurr-. MWs H Striekland 21 Roue T4bl 'e Apples, .vîntes- vrety, lii, Scott,., 2ùd;R Carrutaers. - -B a li ng A p ples , li , M i ss O s e s S Summerville, TalePears'o, IL PfblsenSo 2nd, W H Treasyno Deécrt PInnas lote, Jas Mitchell; 2n Wr» Jeffre>' CraisApples, lot, H Stars-; 2». 8SuSi Tomatoos, lit, D S Dow; 2ud, G Rebui Grapes, lut, C Rtobos-t;, 2ud, Mis It Wilson Watermelons, lut, D Tisorufon; 2ud M18-Meonlau, Tbarutota; 2ud, and!J Auclenion Citron, lit, W Joli-e>'; 2ud, J Pilac Caulitlewer, lut, G H Da-tmael Sommer Cabbaga, lut,RIL Harper Wintes- Cabb "' Iîlt, J Roe lRed Cabbsre, lt, jas Roe Squashes, lut, H Gant.!; 2ud L Brnou Pumplcius, lit L Brnown 2nd D Tisai ton evenymiuioaimte Ouiliintiy cieerrul,at tlurougliottflue day tise ramegergeous son- shulue cautimiued ; ns.!eseryhait>'sccmed happy. At ncarl>' hur scores cf peeplE began te pour n-mte the villagre, an.!oe longf, es-ar>'stnret aussiiy.way mai cs-vdod 5' aid menandum tisir wvueu-yeung mon anid ilueinepomuges -and lacis amitîeir lady lavs-al seemcd doten-minec Couaec, sud be seen. Thsis vas tise boit ettenlel shîow es-on lîcîcisince tisssouie>' s'ils eganizeit, whnichCLî cleat> pros-es tisai the people une bcamimîg intermutein iiagriculture, 4-e. Thne managiug cemmitte vcîe busil>' eragagd nliIe Floral Hall, srnangiug tise -diffenîsram-tit-lcs baough. thene for exhibi- tion ,amd it vas miot titI about neen tis5t teir duies vare brougisî t an close. Tise Floral lfhtceuisiste.! cf the9"Geoci Tam. plars' flaht," an.! s temponary adition built for thenoaccasion-makiug, in att a Hall 24 feet b>' 88 ted. Tise temporar>' addition vas upecial>' des-et.!Ce s-at, grain, isarueus, sadittos, ire, lu tise Ter». plans' Hall, tisera vas. ilunce long tables nuuniug uearly tise IsaI. leugtis cf tise Hall. Tisa ouaau tise wesî sida uai de. vote.! tetise producti af tise dais-y sud orcisard, an.! tiseeue au tiseoait te iroolon manufactures, ie. At tise nants end cf tise Hall uns an eles-ste.! platfors-n a viics wsu oxhimiîed Cabinet-va-esud Boots sud iShoeo. Os tise uboie there uai tise bout sow Yet hald-eve>'ting îeer»ed te gis-e satisfaction. Ths-ee Bauds of Music canlnibuted te tho assje>meuts cf tise day. Tise isaren Band cas-rie.!cff tisé $20 priz. Iutise 'loral Hall tisere vere sue, plendid ibums, Tomaioei', apples, ire. Tise ladies s-os-k, as usual, waâs creditab1e te tise.- 3eieu I subjein tise prise lst r Blood Staltion -2 entries. W.& J. Turm- monita lut prize; B. Major2Lu.. Sadilo sait Carrnage Stallion-2 ent-les- ohu CSs-iie lit;, Donald Carmicia un.. Tn'is RpeTaatoi-I ntic. Rsions the maaden wil tI timise on tise foil.lew. Tis.e receiptu inNew Yark aren ie,~ ationlut; Rie'o aoe.i 8 iLis.! . D. iug-" lHe (, .McGînire) manufactures aillange an.! thisnuakt is daît>' aivaneing. S i x l a d u o f C a b b i g e - L e t r i e s . J C a t c e i a l p r d c d co I w i t S l u t a f C h i c a g e 0 S p i n g - $ 1 1 6 . Widdfled lut; . truhat 2ud. aste I But nu5I1unave neither lime, nos Upper Canada Spring l er'acie l Boquet f Flow rs-4 c utries. Dr. Na- in clination jut n w, te notice ail hieuerncnu M o troalt * 1 a 1 2 ion lst; W. IL. Sîipmnan Lu.!. in compoEition, 1 witî conatcut mysetf b>' No 1 Flour s h seiing ai $5 ta $5 50. C o lle tio n f G re e n l l u s o. P la n ts , n e t n o ie in g m,, o e i o re - w iie h lu s M f ll ew s - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leci thsar six-l cntny. Dr. Nationa lut. um Uxbridge hmis a Grtmarandur (lmmon _ _ _ _ _- Six Citrons - 1 cuill'. T. C. Fornu Scisecis, &c"1 Pit>' Mn. Beach vont.! net > BIRTII. Thc qusss- unis osp oeut tisera for a tortu or two r il 'cueld- On- Monday tise 2Sril. tise wil'e cf Ms-.F tebe It; I.hiaight 2Lu.!.do hile good-t& hie eadrs tee. P or Peter, Crewh r f a agiter. Twe Ptumpkiu-6 ontries. Goa. Smsith fetlowu hou1 ity isila»1 t liu a pit>' tist On tise i&s,'tise wite cf Mn. William lut -IL Haigist Lnd. persons msleing tise preteutions tisatise doos, Hlave> cf a dangisten. l1uo Caulifiewes--5 aunres. Edward uhout.! net be--imist t write grsmr»atieatty. At Wiiby, en tise, ilth' 'nitant, th@e Morsison lit; Robt. Speaa 2ne. *'A worse -unitten papes is net eiliy foundi wife cf Jais Andersuan, Esq., of a daugiste.- Ten it ib tir'snorltcy. sud if I'ans fartuuiate eoeugis te uean>'yRiD TnIoButte--lO entries. Timsothy mre copies of tiat ýjqurnal, 1 lhaaU 'take- Muunro let; R. Spears Lnd ; A. Spring 8nel gond. care e e tisat -his ha.! gramràai At Cobourg, -on tise 111h,' by the ROY-. John Englisis 4th. , shahl net, esc .spe exposure. If-he-wi'isstoe Arcisibal.! Burpea ,Coiigregatiousalmusti.,' Tan Ibi. Cheee-6 enâtales. T. Mins-e ead às quiet hifé -hafinad, bettes- tirop aside at hises-aiilnrae, M- .S;Psie-,t i Vernon 4th pasl.;J . tisec sitic's pois, an.! ence maore beoma a -Fizabeth My -,botS of Canuingto--Ass o- pupil r sud lea'rû cfttiose, able. te instruct, Maniil dat tise Episcopal Clmnnel, Co D05(STI srziuAcsis tht "isuilsn sd f ols si e t han. eun, ortise l8th isati,.by thseRaP-C 1 Ten ydg. Folle.! Coth-6 ents-los. Benj it edge tecls.e - 'Ms-. ;Beach, aIinlu, C. 3eiston, M.A., HenryFoote, Fsq.,of. Tanlip 'yulaunal-forii e ne.-d. Chrs iuld racelleet thee cIelLatin adae-.' ne tise Ontario l3aùk Ousawa, te' Miss Hait Le lt; W. O'B-ynt 2nd. tor 1ust a crePdam." In tie eantime, E. Clarke, daugites- ofBenli., Clre, Eq, pais- ucel Blankts-lI entries. George I ans.-dean Chironicle,'Your' obedient uer- DIE' -ýaa '" ventt8enals . oslo lt 3UBEC1. At Mn. McEIs-oy's Othaus, Willard Ar' w' h m u n 2 n .p . 2 , 5 1' n o ld a g-e d I 2 6 y e a ri . ti br ig, on TIU OINT1À FRIDA lSth 'fer hluess ,Colin N. 0 o? ý*100l;tl. 1 for sit grefcs Or l'amite. Il eratr es. J ~ fah ~ tes lit;M nas G utd' ' Jj. % h us zg iew U.n10 1s1, --ýbe.B-- l foring Dranght 4, entries- radqg8 nt- s Jhn O Wlclndb ntg in.a~ t';t Jua Weir lut.J our'Gutc n fi el.!lit W as- tan ld.' -ij cy n., ntre, o a aes-ntrici E. Mi lt; Fscyldeatry Wck- enties .1 ad c. eug Onitaneh ay üeà od ly tCr.Natdn. Crst F1riuX ÂII5 . abdtIthae fr"d oi» b -einçug 0en g l à Sprin Cil frDAT gtLE, tie. rndn- Colec torc A s- othe- n tr ,ies.- pone if ena Y aln lodtzjnte t n tré ; J 0 (Agec leld le t ; s.Win. flcyn . B.Veraonult it asouuisl2d Pusa.os»- uii ivnt 2n. Pac GclowyBuli ns- s rdeBn eX5'LEM5cNT5.l ate man t ari c Gnd ew Ya O. Bl, l181S u re. inl Pera- play1.or.-.24 Wr.Peati lit Jhn Weirutd; e.Morrisos lit.OLD .CbiCKETbon Ir Carianl t JaAmbrýyp- tis. utehhe'Ilatelu. e Int xlo a a Of Bill (Aed. ).-2iran Pieu-iy thels-y.ctA.fWthlker.lut BsCaocfn6-4etne.Wr. Boyn-F. Wootl Piei en;-y. Xr»Dou aracyQ d., le.facsset ferh otifeoolîine- ton lit; A W r».nal2nd e.MesebhielItn elrCemr»oni tdt sam fi~ Milcî CowlO enrieîSJohnW le pî-2enture i-Egh lt; . o . seme tinter us-n TtwobtYears 2 ul, nd;1A.0.-Sumerîle Ctrsun-2 tri ra O& l!e~t ie orewsc LDe mes etEo î. Kott 2ud snaehire-wlnodhaJeohdpteil hyparadin r» e Twc earo01.BulHeie- n 6- tri-J s Gain .Cr ale- :ent'. Jus. azitier»hfn iepbi y. W elet fn. flCigins lut;huOteuu2nd; John en lot.iutmfrewîuan an'u piat uuneIs'a BulealngIofer-tO centies.Wm. Wn.'Irneslus 1chneient-y~..T aît Tefcsstfrhi h olwnl niPnh lit; WJoPeh lladgnsd; e Writsn u lt. chracer. Bomuntdta u ane oplini MileierCatof 1861-4 ientJon er. lSetfleeSo cs2 ntie Edaey 'ubie na4u e- ut e di net falloir w n ynîst; lt; Jearî ts 2 .0 ud; ergile & lîilu-2et; A. Wnîer n. entei t e rsý eai> n epcaiyeu ~~~ 'htmescournse. Onudozethe gdeTooof sdheuges- M.t; o. juc 2c.UhpsNa -lety.. .Beb ema hon s ulblive ca ned ang Fwat owo Iieifr- cntis.m-t n! it 2lgnd ; onCos2n ohnnweir.GPane uleno 1S ntr. . J us tonz i sesiaet d erecu. o u u d, oke cf or ing Oxe -6 nt ics-J lit; .'îo aus 2.. thraa isor e tapu logue af tise esapaest id ,m,(Log W i>tul.-tl enîies W gde Sol Leither- ientry. Saîssuel u erere pth anteeedenîa; bu t eo knd erhuul it; KJohnglogn s nd ; W. l>ml iuis. anb e . Bout se.he mt tsc aie o Btton Jr . Sdrpdctîe- ty . Parih' pe t l wie whoteare rssa tse» go luierCuus'ling 181-4I entie Tson S etCafSkHe re Sîcd- entr. S an Par- uleito'iale-oun.isecha.frct erud aho ('oyton lt; John Stone 2usd; Georgeiîreiii, lit R hm o lIn.!, l,it eru'sat i BntA lcit nice. C. deut ulim se rescÎtadiliyefetiei. Nca- m aa a , Ln ooe)1 etls M na .;t A.oisl*g d.ol n uem Fri at xor St ur7es.! I.;.otuwu urc ess r.eBoli-2 eIVis. ondeiiahein ttckau Dr. Gnu lait week. l>t JLii . (. o j ndJ. Wn t . celt C M r . Pan .~ W fl e a o n r, s ts h l'ir Eusos,(Lon Wote.l-1O entnes. p n i xi'Ple-1Bentuu-LJe .i es. C od resoba ho n drtse weec 'l'loc.F at iorlit; Wm. lcntic st n nli t . tMumak6h lue;uliA. RocansLulou. Ja~.fluu:juot .'lcl..10.? Se 'l'uîe llrîsss-lcoi>'. <Jerti e sfear c'te a w s ud uitissasfor upright id, ue in g O ei- etieîçu1.t i.'I'm mgn n. agistnusate lc aDr.gueu on -tie epée Leir u, lt; ISan. Wdenld sd . . Suit <antri es s-W. IL tny. Centliet;hf ein Waiadeedu and r»is -Dougs y anl T "oBue L îsi r ong Wom ec A.l T o t ii.o n ."ibe neeet;-b tý ad Itne, Jasongrata l t îd 2sd; IV. Goit'iSe aie - eue ry. SCo urce & olute symtopat i rilcy tonl Ird. lngo 2d i.Boi-PRops l. freý on a ehs r h e ton rd. ideU.pprýLctlir-1 ntry S.Parih-Tectlie Edor cf htac e /i l C/sreaid te f RreedigE - 6 tnis . ThinsCAISk indteT WAICenr. SliPr TR Ft cten-Letru Bu Pa eire TabeS entie,. J. Migulne Ca ns enteresmecbiity of thtu r. N Rinthainit; Lo-IVmoCet) 7e nt. i t; Juihu Nlt; . os 2 d. timnDrsil toe eg tlne litt . Boyo ut a fidLu.!. lot. uuhspPairwofe'si destoar.sud whs--2as usure (Luerge Prgict u ; a 0. -Menris. - MJeli; ntaCrs lVallace',' ld ran.!btiseuffane 17o o, Bnged>-2on e s. Abent s ofParLdis- ite J Maguire luit, .tise couse n t> oe e.th es sud esht t Sjiu 1m .G .ut .svi. le iiton. C', M iîee1tonA.f RodsT2 n nirrsoghe-L eradî-triealui. 'h T oSierig. 186, (Lan e nted>-3 YS . C. ornuanlt lnNt mî. aviâe or linte Dr. sal u. n ho aot T tre. as.lut iiponhl 2CiiesanC. n S eCase a! D es s-ey. J.Mauire tYeigel bsdescrtsand urs rnWl So' ig, 1861, Lon-g B1011)1lut 1,lot. Bdl'o-, (Siuît need)-g nre. Go 'e bsMpeSentries.ntresmC.C. Te tire Editerof tire Wliiby Cirordilu Sta Fîat Beed)-2entie.q Cleeng OuCentre alcf Flos Iurie >' . MGore Cuit -leîte equene ft is fttowingbm minlcs-lli st; in. Cote2nd. entti;i. he n 1,1 shot su2'tmsthul tla tusc fso0t o Rw a e 5ontr Pig1861, Smnll Beed(2 Se Parer cfPiig- eutry. Jauno-iie moal.neti rflt h ue .bsp A.t Snmg luit. Ibidem lut.cf dapy Jaues Wslactiseatenh s e èay Sai' ig186, Smlt red)-i uty. PitrcfraGcs-2 enînies. E. Mor si entmiast ierf te sel Ys -nd t se f 1-leur' Rebsîsan.itelt Tho. Gntnsed nt ita.!pfrise? Lod re otssfae beou su, L re BrAil)-2 enOTSi. Ab Pa oi cf D trki-5 entn i e Ge. teRobin atir cseanonbt6ý Two b S. Pul Whe t -ryietn. J C.oi; .llctonoft Lu.!. tg- e t i sm b v le msn 's lasta it ets C~~irujilgoin ld-Ino-!.C. orm an l t; 1K. len on Lui. cftsCiuc fSotu.,rtWîbu ' 'Y ttentoiîJ. Pili; SNesthes . Jli; es .Geoy o nS gr- nabxrgattdeiep raie u Tmo us lareyl nn Ga.Sti Cia.se and Dlit. abuso wiîhout limý t is t npe? o n tis arn ed Tira bus. 18t1, (arge Whie)-4 eà.- Laf i'ofnred- nesJo. wýrtsec luh htsse ynfosathaha , C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MSELAOS C.Jue i.laeSsengi Iefadety-tan hs? onr h tsamn my ? t Tebua s ang Beea--l etr. GS. Eman I& bitpe lu c tis.C . Oenii snel te swkiMm tho go Nethice tou - Jr'lit. Baud cf Muhel s. sus-c.hhoerit t an. A fulweetaeo Walsets bail Toa wo bu86. Sall eas-.- ctries. Seme o PDiSCTICNARy. Jmcoral.t'bis t y NA.tion, Su. lut; SdNethesoui, r. C u blpaismtseeinsue lcf Tenlb.s.igS1'61,iSh Tu rieed-l cu wIl hipmrn ofeR Rui.wit tse legy a. ice r fo l ce mia Ilai bra. Flx Sc~l - enties.D Pafr ougg;deosoI t uriud B Min 10isosefce tGspeluufamas euet CHeny oi nsotni halqu d. E. n'aiks. -Sptn n hs. Ga. cannoit leîp no f ngt e ord a s f isame. Twlelripu -1 cu OTnis. D Pair T oCferman-oîen Phas.et(ie!Y»i e i'us uct;s. FNethet- n r u . j rCcd).S liht2d hsvlemnsagr Ls-wek h VennLnSeMatlertols 2cls-es.J. Gco ais on-yad Oves-nTripe. T e.M. K.ladtersecelps Enli s ui;D. Cîiî0L. . A osin lsif bush.cfeTionby2Se.!. h hrh fSotad tWî4,ii T wre bus.CarrIng -11 et -e. S.N tre .S. C leto of ofet ney 1ety - wt Waac. T e utr aighms t, rlit; Jr», O'SBNhryauî Lu n. 2nVIiITï3y MARKETSt.. 'i'îî'clv BloumilBeets- - intaicuoGce. atEditud-cf tire rlri(by /es-cund Roeulit ; John Clarir f rut pesrvtineS prLu.!. aus wtu iu ueL n-se trne Peckbucf Onious- 1 entr. C.oC. Jeui SruR. -aer.!it.e dto MftieWs gh 7'et n5t, 81 lut st. CniTeLu! rar ojiI1ebh nr. i ciiISmaby.fn din Ft, o r lea feandys paimse IlMniet as bor Buig-u,;.Poaoi, (Cargeps)-2 cu tries.B. aul wth of r -sto sd punctusion. e lthuppi esd oe fi tion s-e n g fi'k Phtr ies .Not; o n Jr.tis LuI. lrv new thi gen temay ndh. etAs sfo , ie dis e re W l l a ceth etenomJ at Toba.ful >catoe, (Piuk )-8ey es-G w.a cnitic, i my t wo eut cfplactu a ti fis-Me thouan l9' husls dsit.Fau i ate tries. Johniesutis. i;Tse.Cae ise tteu ing f tisa soudons cf tis reas h ampeis 7sorld to.de an simsas ? is Lus.! tu.Lre Pa-lety .erany ar tic e isaIjunlctieltit 115.omnsdIfra O.t" Ba-ulPoaesan Ie -ait- isat ettecUxcsceuVrtE 10.Ainlysange proporton effere. daegs etetnî on r. ntu ut WBalrsu n dveof ini li n uichsho Isaw t lamg.Awe up a Na i s andad, ud i.sub Lu!. ron Sen.îdgecfEnliss;ramSrbysayngtet 1rscasdralreduqimton. Sning o usnurcdLLirL.....5'Dning tisepaît weecunse ha ve.id t heictiny ativ, ad tisig is u 95cul Peck cfoApjîtes (Wi is 5enîtnie- iVs l e hi fiui'ihiugvilage, c, s. j wpinto.dhe Cforgsey extscra mly ommBa-se tR. Jmon Clut ce. aIsut i 2usd.-eto Hbs ose fRm srt h incn ndrse eaie t'ef us. FApls, Sîoe-)-3erîtic.-D.hforBeggy;do-ver, fgter Mn. Beac- ley s ci fonwan' in reas ciequa Chrusti onishnt; tn .u'ihiuaul2uu. sE. w g e. But wi nxiCantill 4 p . iu re7gi- te fr u>' hintsham QmaTw ll mînTuni, (la enties. JDavid luThec en.! an G rapis-he sys, us wed loat e0aly uesser e> u TurnrImil t; S.e. mths Lmîd. ass. ! isar vy hihrdI oudn os un!sou u tu o. tdyasii Qtw lusîMns of am i> - hsa"nty- i fi e cl.i.!?MasadI ir di d-yc u nw. n 1e eui eatusp a4c TN rlItl-t- la-, lu tse eigbt bnIr; 1- sule maie ti Aus-s-t, A. - lic Auttio'i, MSS. 1 TOW] 4 Nonday A. D.,1841, felloviufg tam -- Tou Jets Town of Whm - munm te uue for a pnisrateri SThe pnrch: * et po i lnl a. ps-uit of te"u1 the Veniur o lie pbnlia tf&Yaof, Tu ttied *tesae. tuecemditieui getim mi uer Far funîluen WsoVem fer')f the Cu Witby, Seî't fi nue mute, ~ $175. Trc $10 cmvii,fIl thot uts-es- $100.11l Io a I IlJres-i Tturec b, tua te stas-t, iibove raves4 th% l11 a, FAUX IMPLEMVNTRI el J - AS. P.wI Pnu Wiibv Sel ~iwow IN~, CI

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