Mathi 4«er efltAý.4a 00 Got mps dola Wâéd> MM05 ne of thue mot fqrnsida 0 'gl#o' s'ts ioting aiselu tii, elIMN t. Liseses usodest.$i*ýv. ls11s114111 IystonTI, dranlutx l li"s~ tismouigli a us etv eua Sa t m iioaitliy irîso. ito! eu 1fé euss ikýl li orwste soei I i eu csa i sotu ,l t' g - atl is>' Isstplo'î,and lesvus eiketiIli body>'and ti nied'l stuîlptilî ansI a trsisi f vl oui tlisaIs destisiiet ICEIdinfC SE6iM ti ttke plassis-,le n naunln$ sveled uneslhri mnsortassilnl-. ens-e cr the scvo dIseuses. U i te sLi ttise Memnotîluj it essor lluentj fqr miec t J ao 0 byi "il ('ox I) ress 011, Ilis orisr to ssulsrtlha mOs l i fsilits of0114<lui ssrmat sm tiluusIlis is>' lusliinec sI5iue imr" z ti r- iitrlas? oI uintitsun, t'l pisat d fli %tdissluiua>'bha sua lu a fuuwuuîîga cet deta i i i riuittsisee ferMdelîîe kiUa, 48 Kat (Jenesiea Streotg Store, Greenwood, esIstm, Foaithmofq, pasMols, ss'guut teak cf EADE OLOTRI14G, AND 0 Trowcsislp. Ail etwlieoi wUil hms .r2i wii olegivelus0ptno-- 'totu ur4, udlime lper ceauntI )Iî a11cil a ait.u WRl. WARREN, Jr.41 nil 20o 166la1 -l'r IIeaul, us, ides mud E INHA2ITANTS 'il L &4iTE OtFA tus> miticInsutisssîll u tise 1hum- LiseU Cusuullscf Yu'ntu lecul, cand se uuîiuylisoms ebîsfsnJreil tsjuuii eyoI 1u LI guiljttisue hl'ro mcli se0 tus> slIy to méri'niit îtcousIt- î usclusu'flilly u'uulil d fl iiei IIIistîs uic Isiseil tek MHOMPSON, Auctioneor, llait.qWay 1ISou erborol IAL .&CINTB, ........ curmomi .... .......Broulusme ........... Wisty. 'u ut tIse Crosscls efie', wise sales sud eugaiosunts ls re- ,btil ha allaîstiatite. PRaces an. ýyfixetf i, tissuti te trouble. Cpss" sippai. 1use0 'oyornmont Agenoy. sseouuacîud wllîs tue Wl Lit9 suid otisan DEPARTMENTS. 4IIta iulte, AIse mulm uriilst. Atitremsa prosli I iîi(eussiAgu-tt, * Ns). p~, Anise Streot, rs, mon. -Quoeoug NU CU.NIP ANY ',and Annuities. ItEP OFFICE luurance Buildin1gs,ý ELtPIC)Oà L. RRANCH OFFICE. reluulsa, ,eenjtr'IusAigestms Uio IlusTiruias, aî MOlIS-7sttîFanits, aierSt m i nins In au ôrdi- 6 -1-111y ond Genera2 Agenùo 0 dtilNZ. Iungies, ad- lulaittis u o iils AIE t t.ilaeorablê earinsnt asI'rsi slîcssid frein tau>' sU tis luo15, uu I eorial> sOLT Cei 11>0iisftie PIl. elree>ersgata atu cha siuseiînu prssispat ftJTINS tieet, Whîtby. t. lt e titï ome RR JIRIB I cATtONEY AT LAW, GED2CIE i DA eRTG.0.LL, ' iitretr, tlBroo, Sret W- lby N. (0. IKAX rAXIRISTER AND ATTORNEYAT.LAW. Botce-()eppegitu tise liglstry OMtie, Brook- Strs9,Wlltby.I Je W. CALDWEOLl UROWN, (NVE'tANCII, COMM ISSIONEIt FOR p. akIsi;ASlduaIt, Accossutat, Laisd Dvi- sien Court, Ns).tuy Pculieaasti tui1eaal gent, Uxbrlslge. oile-Kiiug treot, ueuliy epjuolto le Moiclal l!. N. b(-ui iisi t.utrswto elitsa a ewiîi bu ha rormtiv suyttenudeti te. 8 A. MAlIRS, B. A., ,i ,TL'ltNEr AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ttaiuc. - - G. il. DARTNELL, ...or-lisar, iuxti xusllser list lu'Iasscry fsor Bise Uouuty cfousaî, Luc-t, Wlltby. 47 I >AiIiISTE, t'TtI&Net' . Offc- 10 Cortnar outs.;î,snc usi dCoust'rSrco,#t, (dilue lt'ethue Calbtsis, rur>ss.8 WILLIAM TiiJEST, M.D. 1KNG08T EE T, t>SIIAWA, CANADA K Wolits. 17 W. I. TRESldAY NE 1QAltltITEi{, COUNTY <'ltouW N AT'rllll .I.lsa&udc., tc., busas ns'i55s uslte tlis rsusuis evor ILcwus dc i'uwol's uttsre, Nosetis. I's- mousn iuct lIeuk, îtrsuu'k-sC. Wiltlsy, Aug. l, ibutu. -AMOSA W. CRON, iiCIITl<CT, CIVIL ENGINEEBit. AN!) 90iltiti, A guýiseWhIt, ___ M. DARNETT, & Co. l U NF XTUIEIIAN!) DEALER'3 1N 11Cligars, ntiLet Teluaccs; aie W ili, Pett liie, Muirclu ttIs, isî w-aw.lyr ROBJERT J. WVILS4ON. BAittlttEit si ATIs)iINEY AT LAW, oifcioir sus Clicie,mv d&c. W}itty, C. W.m office- Wallitut'm lllekllmcc-k Street, WîuIitlsY R. 3. GUVN N, M. D. &,IIltCEON '1< TIIE COU.NTY GAUL, 0Z Byron Street, W'istby. 4 retiruasîurt ucf tise owuu, emitetuefront rossi. Gond acceussusdstiois tsr travoilers. (icot stablîn; amand attasatis> ctlers. 22 17TALKEII &c 'VI"lER"uuN llulli W ~tors;, etunvusu cVuuig sud P'routst Srcots. Tomroito, Ã-1. W. 15 CANTON HO'lEL, . I LL1Nt45.r AliMiuTER &d AT'TU1<NIIY AT LAM', Luildngis, et, W il JOHN Mc(ILLs T 1('FNe,:' UCl.10tNEZItZ15>1< CANADA LuWcst,'oIters tua seurvices tus th islitbi talstm dcft Oltar nd suiDusrhiuuuuuCouîtes, 'o lit- tenusSatos bý Asutiosui lsussetiulitiFuis"ire, MerctussustIiZO Ussi910tisrtct, t a- ram.. ,u.5bl JOHN iIETCALF, LERZK tiF 'tIE FIFTII )NilSltN COUli', couuuîsir CiscI:Uwuttil 1 trect. Ati-r dl,". ctilîulgtoi. 14 A. K. RICE, - nABINET AIIIli, U'iltii.STiei<EIl, &,c., U C('srrio'st Iluitl, B r ous Strseet, W ilitby. l'a- psar llui gisg icutly duso, sci al kilîim cf job- bing, aussi e 1uuuruu g suf' "ititsourttuusiodte. 1,lumsituroucarl.uily reiiuvod. IIENIIY IIANNAM, Ç 11111OF 'ItUNTY AND) SUI'ElIOL Coeurts, uti Messner te tise Ccuisty Cosul-t ciÇ' AISs i lieasidorussususcutal luinter, W lit A. PRINGLE, MEIICIVANT TAILOIZ, 1310CK STREET, RiOBERTI'Sl'EAiS. CLEllilANI) OF TJ$lUiR I ItE c Towensipl ull'"i' .'.Aidýroes, Uxbirigo. CHARLES C. KELLER, A TRiNt'Y AT i. \W, tSOLICITOIN l A Ci tuus' mi, Ious tu. &.Ulc-u BrueluuksuioSWl toi su ilus'ustuu'i T ou lustse 5ulluu' c toavun-1 40 J. IIAMLIt (ILtEENWOOD, 'r'VoliNIC'Y-A' l.utW. SObts"fli IN l A ('tuusuceu'j N4)urvlPulieo,Cuss &o., VW' itity (.Vi. lit ictor'slia BIliu tiext tus lSu1,sty i Stc, ui Ilroek ttru5o.. 48 DRS. FOUTE & WARREN, lisiLic. W'. J. FOOTEF, NM. 1). Il. \VAll11EN, W. 0. EANTlWOOi>, A. H. M1. D., C ls> PHilIYSKCtAN, SUISulEON &c.. takmiiit tov tste. (bcd sitliug, ltisa roouuuy studml, sud evemy ut- tenition i jaut tsisu i uuud herse. h1Y"' I'luebesit winus. lusîslorsud c1guirs lat iisliur. WILLiAMNiTIîEW ANGI.O-AIERICAN IIOTEL. TlFIE l5. umeiosunIus itts'd suithte sloveoldîs Teat!uisliei luetl,, stiite viaw oftiusliug rvor>' seenuotlfdluioclie t suiselliig îubtic. (Jive hMin a tatI. IJuuitistalllu;id susttlerii, 10 'IIIsMAS Ii iXiiiI!)CE. JOUN JIILLINGSg L W, CIANCEUX', dcCONVEYANCING ricl'uooAlliant, tw decras wegt cf T. C. Fusnuuu's stotre.1 PiIYFICIAN, SURGCEON, ACCOUCHIEI d&.ccliremet, C. W. 20. ROUGE MOTEL. T OSEPII MOON, LATE OF TILE NON- eJ quoe ,lIotl, aid ferusaniy of Wiithy, nu- neousseos lus lis l".u, 1.4us tîeIuu1,ttit lus liua rontatithue aboieu'Weit-ktÀcwu isotel, whicls la uowelu l rut rte srdermtr son arot:c1tious et uesgt iemlýiu1sorti aussi igers. Cocti ~tablluig and tIsu us »teT 1- STEAM BOAT MOTEL, rosi s-PER. D«M4 Y, UIPILTI.Goot .1. Aeuuno utitiie. S8 ~Vtth S~I j'URWd W@Iis. i VOL. 'V. -gcney te Lond cn improv.d lvs YJA.F BBOWN, BrOke nud, Ztaso auc Gueral Agen, I3isonlo BilU, Toronto treeIt;lToronte. 20-12m BEIGtise Eaa-hlfpf lise 'Nrtl-bif ef Lo1N. in lutise 2sudconcemsieu«meb deitiang Fify'ÀAcres, wittsagSood P19AMIC BARN AND iýOG OSEtpgn For patlonlora enqutro et tiseosubgeber. J. a. Ji. WILcoX. WhiLby. Dec. 26, 1860. 50. -buie -and Lot for Sale. fA uNEW WO TRYlrgo ic ses eà %ee4and , aoodbusiness oai '181 ty. Tliere là * quarter acre of lsnd sttaehediai, ood fratrne barns, sud a nover filllng will wt puip. Tise promisess arc sltuâted on Brook St., la-the Sentis Ward andi Immediate- iy oppeisite "The Hluron Ioe!"TomseaY. For tornis sud furthar particulars applv to FAIRBANKS & MACD)ONELL, Auctlosscrs, Whitby. Marcdi, 26, 1861. i COMMERCIAL HOTEL, liIIOCK TInCiET, W555T13y, gâ0ppoulte Haîmilton & Roberte.itlj JAMES CROCKER, COMMIWCIAI, TRAVELERS WILL FIND it eolivenlont stoieliulou;et tillsit tel, as tlucy eat i euu ruiie the liegister Book ksupt et tise Ieur thu routus takon by tîjeir îrdesea The î roprlctvr takes tîis ocaion to thank luis ,îusnerous; patrons and friende for tiîo lhueraI patrenago lsetowod eit lf l uco tise ceusuîasncutlc f lla sbusineAssIli Whitby, Cood Stabling, anad attentave Ostiers. wlut', ba> TUE TEIlEAPIN. D E PRoPlIiE5-R1OFQI TiS WELL j.kuuwn t4aleeu are now lu occuL)stioîî et tii.olsTiO'. NIt>ILAS. Kng street, Toronto (fiirsueily kcpt by Mr. llurlcy. Thse promises nave becti nowly ronevated througheut, and fttn~d u-) itlutise trot style. Evcry priocnra'ole dalicacyllu soasen. À cigar divan ltted np se- paaey into whicl ioe but the beat brandui are pemtuîttcd te enter 28 CARLiBLEAt McCONi<EY. Grand Truuk Raiiway Ilotel. (&oUtf/& susl qf i 'î. ort WleWs1.) T AE UNDEIIIGNYD i<EGS TO INFORMd hi luiiansd the public. tisat lie is sow is 1us sof sthtie abeve listol, thîe buslusess cf ni, iuli cwill Inluiuture curry on ilus oye uccouuut. Goces Liquena, Wlussand Brandies, Excellentl stublng-eanafutil attaîtien for muan ant iohrsa. JOSEPII RUEI3OTTOM, WhitbtliJn. s.19,180. 86. UNION STATION HOTEL. ]FOOT 0 F YORK ST., SECOND IIOUSE fniDepet,Uno Statien, Toronto. Board, $1 p)oeay. Meals 25ets. Gooti Stab- g W. OSBORINE, 13 I'meîrictor ALBION JIOTEIL, E AST MARK ET SQUAJ . T(iiliLeO, j. smiviI, Iroprietor. :xcucticcomn- musdaicîi. Ercry attoitiou puid te tisecotssfont cftravellers. i CANNINOTON. ÂLitXMtlUuliiTH5MON0t, i'uost')rEii. rlliabovc lbas beauncwly fitted up ansd ns- ..Lîuuvîîteul, anîd la niow ful'ly prepared fer thue reccptionlîof guesîs. It 1% sîtuat(Ti on thîe l2tls coucs.on of B3rotk, on the l.adiisg road beh- tweas Wlutby, liecarton sud Liîsdstay. G 0(1oulssinisodatson, ssîd atte itive Ositîcna. Castsiitn, Jsîly 2ird, 1860. 85 IlItITIS11 AIREIRICAN JIOTEL, aimotecistaEr, eai<ÀWA. îIIOMAS OWNING, (lateRallroudllotel il' 1or%. Silurior iscoîsusdatioiî f.'trevelers. (bcd Stubling, anud attenstive Ostîcrai. 7 BLACK98 IIOTEL. Corner of J)rouk ad treests, TWhitp. T lIE AIIOVEWEý.LL KNOWN, AND CEN- JLtrally situlted lotellias bossu iuwly tttad îîî, !idisrevoiited lis a most ceîfertabic îlutin- ner by thse yrosenst ccsspanît. No exiselse Iiii>3 boots sparasi te isurua te aIl gnoes a ud tiotrs The bost brausts ef Whnies, Liquoisanoud Cs- gurs. Roolsy id consvciest siieda, geod stusisin anud attentive ostlorg. 'hisa lîtel s sitnied isn the very hurt ci tise 'rowiu of Wlitby, undît will lue f4unîd ts bc tIse nsa oîeiosoîiug place tor furuiers ausd travutiera. JAMES IILAs'l<. THOMAS DEVERELL, B U I LDER1, dcc. &o., GRIEEN STREET, BWluiitby, C. W. Il.W. WOODWARD, C OMNMISSION MEliCIANT, INSURIANCE aJusd Cantai Agenit. Otiie-Lutcly ocou- piead l'y niuns luodisoi, Wliitbiy, C. W. 1155E5EN5...-'lu55ua larkaeou, Esq., Pro- sidesit Bttucf Truste Toreute; W. 0e. Casselis, Essj Mlaisagorlîaîii13. N. Aurcrica., Toronto; W. V. lliusoms, Esq., Managerr tuueac Baikc, Toronto- %W Gusnle, Esq., Msilton BuIs lus - out; lieus. «I. StGill, I'rasident tank tif lions- trouil, Mtuteul iessus. Malitiud, Tyle & flllsitisou. T1oronuto; Messrs. Arderscnu, Evisus &c C., bMoitriaui; N mèsrs. W. 'rice d& So,tu- bec à iumsers. Il. J. Noasid &Co. Ls-ly NOW D; TTuE TIXE. GET Ys.Utt LIKENESS Ar J. A. Clark'"s Dit rrize Pictîsme Gallcry F ïyou dcsira a correct and lfe-lika Amubro I y aCuieotyîso, Lütturgni~th, cm Laitietr Tritýuur, or a Likauuessa lus a Loaket, Brouct or Ritsg, tor J. A. C. caii do it lu tho liest style, ali ut litrt unotice. WILKiNSON'S]BLtOCK, 88 Bî'ock Streci Whitls1. 8. Il. COCHIRANE, L. L. B3. BARIilSTERi ATlsiINPY AT LAW, 50- tlititom uii"t LuuuuceryNo'ary 1Pulic &c.- Bigelw's cw Bildig, htidats S. UARNELTT, M NUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Cu"'gars ausdiLcat Tobaccos; Ise Whips, Jolin Sireet, Pert Ilepe. Port IHope, Ajarclis8, 18ly WHISKEY WHIBKEY !1! BY TILE BARREL, AT FAIRBANKS &c MACDONELL'S, ASuperior article cf FiiuUy Fleur, Clseap Afor Cash, et FAIIIBANKS d& MACDONELL'S. ZWICKEY'S HOTEL. MÂuodHIOsEn T lIE suscriher desires te ii mn bis friands ausditise travellin;gîînhlic, thît ha bas uew- Iy ppomos, paintistiasd turinhed tisa sheva huo (f ormoerly ocupied b>' Mr. Alukinson) and tisatthle travelling comnsuunsty will Sud eom- fertahie accomouidation ai moderate rates. Tise table a is rolsuppliet iritiseverythisie;lu sa sou. Geet stablisig int care notoeee on tisa spot.J011N ZWICKEY. S5addlery and Hfarness. TIIEunuderslguet aise begs te *tata that ha T ontinutes hi& business su tise sheve lino, sud dis roady tosupy evemy article lu tise tracte promptly aid>'. JOHN ZWICKEY. lisucheator, IMs>' 11861. 16 wHrr FAR FPOR SALE.: E IPTY seon oILot No. 80, 4tis dncio JOWbitby. Abot 2$ acres ceanesi. Tis tmber eh tie tncsred land Ioi sstiy isrd ,wood., Tise sbqosé a-m fo sltusted 'iiin8, miles oftbe Tos',n of Wltby, set woulti provo a ment dashs-ablo liestient. Por tonnsa, "c, Apply tg WIL. BAKER5 'Wbltby, P. 0. Barrigter, Whtby. FOR BALE CE"A. A Nout sud substantlal Brick c rotta utIoni, ben .t. ttrap lte nCion jIT WK 0P W UITDY, formoriy ooonpled 1y CIfARLE8 PIERSON. TheL u js balf au acreof lAnd attachod, on which thisc a alairge Stnblo, with agood well. Tlsere la aiso a clstern lu counectten wlth the dvelling. Apply wW. ETREKAYNE, Whltb, Mv mi, Barristor, &c., Wlstby. whty &Ye,1881. 1 R. E. CAMPBuL AUC 0TI1ONEER. W1LL bco happy te attend ail mlest that lie W iybc. la&vtred with, and froe pat ex- perlence liopea tW giveitt litiratisfacetiou. sales atWidud at short notice andu rousonuble WMWtby, Aug. Su, 1860. 46-t Protecti on agaluot lois and Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £100,OOP I Nt.URANCE offcted on BaIldings and thier contents. Evory tîstrlgtlon suppllod on applcation te tdie .ndorslgiicd. JOHN AONEW, Tras'elingc ACent, BYroia Strcet, Wltby New TailoringEstablishment! SIMPSON &- FERGUSON. IPESPECTFULLY aneounec to the in- 'habitants of Whitby and surrounding ountry, tbat thoy have opened a Taller'. §hop on Brook Street, opsposite the. "Ontario Ilotel," whero ail ordors entruntod teo thrni wiIi bc donc witb !10tfl05 and detipatcb. Whitby, Oct. 20th, 1859. 60. Whitb y Brewery. LaUR & à WOODW&Vib. T HESusrisers ans nerirerpare I te fur- Tniais tise patrons efthte Wliiîthy Brewery with an 'excellenit article la ueusqinsutities as may ha reqnl..ed, sud <eu terîn a t sit pur- ohasers. Boittleid aie equsi te tise Imuporteil article. 'T.AIIK & WOOBlWAiII. Wliîtby, Nov. lOtis, 1850. 681,-44W. REMO VAL1. AMRROTYPE GALLERY. AU a 0A rs I N retnrnlssg tisanks te tise l'iihile for taIl- isenuui putreiarebelisax rnoeinslce cini- s.sesîcing busîusedsalu Mn. Caldwell'm Block, hega ,cave tu Imtinîse t hat ho has resues cd lits Ains- brotype Gaillery te tisermois over thîe storu cf Mesers. Loe&cs& Plowell, iîmeck Street, wiuaro lie la preîuarod te furnimis Aiibisflyji Like,îeares isn tise best istyle. Mr. Grecs'. promeit moins are lilitoti frei the top, tire vcny spacious,1 andi cittaiîs 111l tuc ampilncos for takiîug theIseust pcfcct i-liki liiocuomss of ail Lisidas. Wiitby, Maiy 26, 1860. FÂRM FOR SALE. -o- Nt Lneu Tcwisliili cf J)alunitous ; bvli< t i e ils l are cf lot Ne. 34 iii t aie uti ('C iaas- siî,cotiiuuig 70 acrs, witiî 2 dwia ).lig 'lieus, larn andîtidsuuasisiviuug sîi, wu sues' tallcdctsec u tire lu 1.1li iwells a spliiditi orchard, andt a isevor-failiugr streamn wluîch crosses tIhe farm. le is-iycatii*ulvit uatcd oni the Kiiigttnî anti Torous to roLtd,tlunse ilies fresî O§liuew&s, uetidsix frasuu lfwnisuisvulla. This la an epc-uuiig suldoni oefferati Titie par- fact. Price Moeraut. Terus easy. For 1pur- ticuilars d&,e., aepîy te F.i. . A WAHI) Troistusu, C. Trenton, May 14, 1860. il FOR SALE. T lOW N LOTS in Whitby noar tise Bay.- m:u .4 Bey, ud Port Purry. Api:, tu 1 âmeo16, 1857. 11 I. D AR TN'E L SOUetsn c. .Brock Srse, i ktSg WILLIAM KAUJFFilANN AlIOHITEOT, t>- 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. Employment! $40 a Mfonth, AGENTS WANTED I 1 W Ewant itun active Agent tn cs'emyCsn lustIse Ulitod Stataa !iCm a SiaesIt tisa Franklinu Soeisu;Machineo.'ru s ilierai siunnîber ci Trcvelliuug Agatt, we wiul psiysu mslury et $40 per MONTIX aund aIl Expenses i To Locil Agents us coinniuicîu cf 30 Item cent. u ailisaes. Es'ermacheline la sarrantoti to guive snilversisl suuisluctieîs, uui kout luineiiusr six uostis.- iluccuut iuuuîre'euuous routier tiis umacintu Ie lisict pepusiar lu tise nsrket. Lýon fusIl pardocn- lartan asts pommuaent businss, atidrasa, witis stausp for retuiru letton. HARRUIS BROTHERS, Sole Agents Franklil Sosin; Machuine Ce. Box 1886IBoston, IMass. Brooklin Houso. T HF. Subscribor iuavisug icaset tise Brookle lieuse, anti fitLedsit n p a sflrst Cluse Rael, !K Dow propadeste acccmnîudsste tIse traveling Public, wsCore tisey wiil Sund tise hast qulity et Liquers, anti isé table provideti with tis hast tihe ason atlords, 'ssitlu careluil ostier sud him&eîf aluays on baud, lho aclicits. a sharp cf tise publie patronage. GEORGE McLEA N, h roprieter. N. B.-Alsc on hruti Ilornsusand Buggies te drive travelers te an>' part 0f thse Couuty. Brooklu, Maseh 27th. 1861. 1h VINGAR VINGAR! T E E UNDERSIGNED lIAS F0OU SALE JLVinejgan efthtie hast qualit>', nssnuftnred syhmelf-ou tisa promises rosir cf Betio's Stersofol a 8 Broek Ssre4 Whitby iseld se large asud 8%:à dqusetîtîce visoiesale sud r taii. Bn>'Ia chSasnsd real'y gooti an- tile,-s-u article founi iy chemical tits to ho the hast evor protmctiUintisa tewu. MICHAEL SCENAPPAUF. 1Wbith>', Juîy 0, 1861. . 26 For suy two cf tho re ovl For suen bo ofttls.four Noviea. Fo ali f oftii Evl For Blackwood's Mxagastins. -.... - Paîr Blakwuod mAd on# Revlew. For Blaokwood sud two Rovlow...,' Fer Blaekwood <sud tlsrcee BevIowsn. . e 001, For'Blackwo>d and itse four Eevlews. 10 00q A dîscouet oet25 pr cent. froni the aboya prie. wii be ailoweâ5'ta clubs orderintefuxo lucre copies cf any cn@ or moro ie b wotks. Thua: Four opies'et Blackwoudo r ef ue eview, will b. sent toi ene sddro efor $9; four ou'lo tie four IioviO-we sud à c wo>d for 80; snd sa on. kgir.ssaittaueimsioald alwityo be sddre«sOd te tise I'ctllthers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 80 No. 54 Gola fit,, Kà aw YoÉik- L10ENSED AUCTIONEERS; FOR TUE COUNTY OP ONTARIIO. B EG mnost rospectfnilly to roture thoir s&ln- acere tlisnk» tthé liuseabiti ttiste Ceun- ty of Ontarie, for theoLlberal support they hâve recolved trrons theni, sud wenid ksudly selîcit a turther cuntiniuicu of tise sanie. liavisg a Licuns, for the whole County, thcy arc propan- 0<1 te attend ail oruiors witls prosepteesa ana on liberal terma. &4drens, ALBEliT 81>1<1G, TIIO)S. MYElUI, Ureeubank, P. 0. wisittsy, P'. O. D]RAIN T=LE. T Il E subaciher lias for Sale at thea "le1 Yard 4th Cou. Wliltby, (inieidlately Zst ef bir. G. OUzton's FaPrin) s qniartity cf Dratin Tules, ail tlzcî- and ut imoderate prîces. Tie Tules have been prcnonced oy carapaet ndges se bo of tise voty bo.t qualit>. 1,000 i1'ilcs; will iay 70 lieds. l'rice llst 'urinislsori end orders takon by Muibrb. liai' ,î dc EcRfhees. Wiltby. JAMS sm=II. Doccieber, 1880. 49 I)ENTISTRY! DRS. CALLENDER & CARLD Surgeons, Deutisti,, &e., Rooms over 1Y[.r Carleton Lynde's Store DUNDAS STI!ÈET, WfliTBV. T EETIl fllicd lu the, meat erfeet mne andt noue but tise bost asudmocnt apec naterili ued. TIs longg oxperiece cf Dra. Calleuder &c fiord aiul thiar tîserosîglikeowloe fth i ie prao ilrlos.ic..s Alsa<iensteuapprecluste tis, ergamîs1, tihe teetis. uat hiar'peevtc grusedec1of tluchleaiti, huuîpinessg, suecinfionta of nInîunind depcuîd. Thoir oeimatinslu this brîsucî et the professicîs minent fail te give set- istacitoî. Lut theîcfited wiuisdiseased teeth, osî1l- visit tlîmien utise, beoeotise d iseasuqu's<. to in a luolsi. ARTIFICIALTEETII usg-ted In Gold 1 ver, lutinas Piste, cisc upcsithua celcbnateâ,aud ipuâtly reomeiineudod vulcasîizsud base, aften tise ntst sidiost approvad matlîods adoptcd b:, tisaprofession. Tiuecsprtîcu cf Drm.C<aleti dear & Card arù e urnfully perfntssed, anud se psrfectitliuuoitIat iset onîy tise lustur- Il exprmessiosn is prcservcd.bnt tise easesand conu- fort sus'tîsa wcarae ftluii rtificiul tset, is pro Isscted et tIse saise ie, lu the durability ou thea nateril u nat, asnd tise amouy lu the blauuduulgtcf eclor, tise greateat aatit'uctien willl bc fsusuid. l'artuctulam attention givan te tise came ansi racruletiou cf cliiran's teetlu. Paroîtssiouid attenditit thia as a vary iisentatit d uty tu tisoi r effespriuug. Ail oPeratieuss warrassted sitisfactemy. Termo reussenablo. Cenulutatiess frac. 20 TO FARMEIR'S A. B. SAITER, Veternar-Surgeon. G IADUATE of tiseCollegeocf Veteninaùy Suirgeon anti Madiu lue, Boston, U. S., acd1 assiteutit Of tlsrao ttrst.-elusss prioiners, tmcm tisocoliege, Lonudons, Euglisut, wili ho lunstten-i dansce ouinJ'iiPS])AY'S durng eacts weok, et1 Mir. Jcîuscs Coker's isol, W titby-, wiiere lisei ilia u uecoltusitti ciiuit01 usmisus c i diseuse te wliIîelî turses muid catîie srostsitject. Mr, Sel-1 ler feula (,oeitt is'ist t tit lLr 1su-venu lYeuumsune- cesmusaisipractica, lic wiii c be t tgise catisi fuctissu te cli wLuo nîay uatisLis ar'.icar. Mercis 13, 1*6l. 9-tf Farm for Sale. TIN tIse Towuuitu cPf Piclzirneig leu;ompos .1ý uImt)f,1'Lot Nu. Ilhiii Suc3rsicon. cund Ne. il Iiith iso4tsColiscolituiuisuuiiil21,Y actea cf luisi. Tise aboe vuel i kowu futrie uadjoins tIse Il roîucrty sf Nir. Aliux. l.iulup, oitIse wst,iuidj îs se él kuownu ss te reuieeu furtîsar des- crpiosu. For particuiuurs apply et the l'est tif- ilou PW'iuItby te lu A. MIcPIIPRSON. FAIRBANKS & MAODONELL O.ENERAL AGENTS, commission Merchants & Auftioneers BItOCK STîCEET, WIIITBY, C. -W. (Opp1osite Recgistry 0111e.) R lE pmeî.araul te attensd Scies lua hl parts cf Ltise Country. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. D. C. MACDOtiELL 1IEFERENCE.-Z. Buruhain Eaq.1Judgo. Cou"ty trio; W M. Laie;, ]4q., Wiitisy, il.. :uutsiosiaî, Emq., Mayor cfW iltby; J, B. WarreElsq. Manaoger Osterie Bank' 1. F. Burke, Ëauq., ôsiiewa; J. lllsop, Esq., basl- awa. IRUSSELLS IHO'I1EL, qUE BE O. ru %ItF, undersignet Proprietors of the aboee i nanoti11I'TEL, ho; respoctfsflly te apprizs tiseir frueutts sud patrons, tisat tisey have tise- rngîsîy rcccvated hir establshsment durne; th isa iler, wîsicb cuabiest;fison now te offer tu tise Meinhers cf tise Logialatura, sud tise Tra- velling Public sutuerier acconssedation. In adidition te tise apetmnuta ths(hsd ]Isat win. ter, they Ihava ucw Parlers sud Bed-roonss lu a large is#uêisier tise Iltel, wiloer comfori sud eusiveiance, are unsnrpawsed In tise oit>'. WM. RUSSELL & SON. Quebee, Matchs 11, 1861. 9 Bakery and Coniféctioneory. R ICHARD SNOW desimiro..t inform i& i l'e haremeoved frese bis oIdprsm'.est tise B, sud is eow iocatod on Dundà as treet, in tise prensises liToleccup-I lsdbyMn. J. Arual 111 eiders lunlis lino ateudot with puno tsseitty. Suppuers atteuded sud supplsed. Oranuges, Fr uits, Candies, sud Confectsoior>' ef aliskiusiuu1-ly V@Oaq ~acsPrereas Kal14ge> Erc. .AU-GtTT1,l - u t 5 s uut u ' , . t n IE iuform tii. puilo tisai hola ii-lnw pépreta execate auleors se ltbt r .Editor,-Twout -fvarsgo Pareannt Paluting trQi, . lwn p. ri ?otsf Al OrP ~ Eotd tise Csueotl, VucAIppure' t pesu'dsyi P*fs'CtuésM, wlli ho prom t>'itnda ito. Dafnrsek, ,uiy 94lf, 10. 54 "lgESTCaHU1ci LNUAIE&GENER AGE T __ ýItot-t ;huu-« Tef ,What ds ia ls' a o Pfter Lià '«daniMaria. luonrance ABiko Sisousut have lest hnbar t- PZor lts. Groon I1isesr là alek *l reasoubablo rates, andiln tieseit responal- Wlth tise tIc-dolofi0ux. B. . 8UKAEa'BéecMr#. Jouie gsi ambrongis; utà haws, aJti>'2 lu.. . 2-Ã"n prî>'sty dasr; I s iso 1nwl take It oct, 11-h I nwIt s yoilinag like a bos- IEILES &LEATHER. Or p 'ron ans teitilà u ge -:0:;Telt ont eh tewe- lIE NDESIGND 1 PREARB TO Dean me I1 wisi se large s mn n Ildes eilvred t Lydo's Wcoslt neyer weusr a guwu. Pld~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~L 4ppy f rokSre isty lw >'ou lîke ins'new blond ve Wns IIUIINS. wki6ikoro uîvinehulua1 QOLE AND ALL OTHEBÉ KINDS OF SU- IV prler tauned Leather for ialaeut the Wlit- by Tuory. Wm. BURINS. BOOTS AND SHQES. B OOTS AND BRiOU O F TuIE BEST 'Workmssîssht;p, mianufacturcd under liis owis supeoriîltiacc for sale by the sul>sc'ibcr. Leave ycsur iniisui ruancd get as good article '.Lust Will fitca»y und wcar wcil. Wins. BuliNs. TO SHOEMRB. W ANTED TWO GOOD) JOURNEYIIEN, 4Iuply tW Wmn. BURNS. 24 Dundas Street, Wlîitby. Hpuse and Lot for Sale. UA O sl cbeup, the DU linnliuse and0 Lot on MON 'rSiT Erlu TilE.thîeTowix of Wbitby, lataly lusucu 0 iption of J. 8. Doono. For ice asîd tormzs apply te J 1H. PERRV Fà bsugî 7,1881 liitby. FAIRM #SAIE OR TO RENJM ~Aýre%, 42 acresciscareul; tisit cxi.-ileîît 5 onJ.Sus comprising the Northî- West cerner of Lot No. Si hi tiheQtsh concession of Picer- lu;g. 'Illere il; a go)d nlise csud Barn, nsud ontý-elUe. Aime a large and frulti ni Orcluard. The prènises4are well i vtcrcd, and mituîuted lu a mos Woltbiful locality, witlsin 10 miles ct thé Tw Whl. Terns libcrul. A pîly tu, MYEliTLAWRENCE, Baisani, P. 0. 16 Or oii the promises. Im OVED FAM8I -100 scé t, 85 acres oloaroti, compogeti et tise W X~ of 17, lu tisa1lst comcesion cf Uxbrligc C 'unt> et Octarie, wieh Dsellieg Bouse, Fraeuuso B.tru sud Stables. WILD LANDS. lot Ne. 2, !lfilue 9tIî Cou. Ennisunore, 2<50 aces Csîut>' of Vicuoria. Mo No. 14, isu tliselîttu Con. Semorville, 200 acres, Ceuunt.? cf Victoria. West 3X Lot No. "u0, in tIse laI Cous. Iclous, 100 acres, CesuItlýof Victorias. SontIs % ~ LotIN,). 17,.sus t5' he luCenu. l'ont- landut ho100 acres <'cssuty e'Fro"ntenace. «cuAt 34 Lot ýNes 28, lu te, ls i Cous. Wsiwm- uclis, 100 acres, Cuil>' ci Huron:. W'est 3-j Lot No. 18, in tise 9t1 Cusn. Dsissu, 100 r-rs, Cuislit> cf Laiubtoîs. Vuark lut of O acresmi eh fmeus in i e ansicuit- huuîdiuis, isîtîs ts. o01sDiiiia stecst iii fiet toi tre wasm. Aise 20 Cc¶5 Lu lots. Fuor tersuis cf sale, dcc., c"> te tisa mubsinue. Irupîumved lewisIsmpent>' tuikanin oecsasugo for tise silti landti cuss emaictioe. i CHIARLES C. KELLER, Sciieitsm, W' itli:, titleo iin Victenisi Buildings, 05cr theu s io.-us CEoiusl. 14 COMPET ITION. T IIE SUBSCIIBiXISI 'REJ'Ailt l-' o oili l kinssofi' onk ls in c is i ougi- neas ctiaauranais sus:,'esr estasblishumenitof tise kiudclsu Broûkis, ati as liLscuiris i6 sîusti np under lis ose:. .jistruction, itecuishoumvar iutei tut gise ,Utiuf.etituii. For cieulusiesa§tise feiteseiu; luices s % Slt sîîoek Mens' Ware. ilemt Ircisul Cîsl Bouts....... .... $4 5 0 .6calis.. ......... ........342;) Ko 11d.............a10 L.uce 1luoS. . . i75 Broiuuis.....................5 0 Ladies' Ware. Beat Laeilcotti................. .2 0 Countuuon Bouts ............ ..i1 hi) Buakisis... ........... ......i 25 anti a otlier urticles iluisc hoaliUne te cor remostuti sith leu. WILLIA MeMB[tIEN BrookîiusMercis 1 '8<0. 108 C VALUABLIE P1OPE R'FY FOR SALE. T BIE undeminet1 oti'ers Iluis s'uuîuiiiuieprossrly et l'une WIstby tonrsie. it couunioms our- teen anti a lissîfstratt, Two Excellent Dwellings, EÀ1011 suit 'Itiefora geuteci faiuuiîv, adsuist n reuus>, seulsspucieus ostciic', tum, &s - Tisercarac troluanus aussi ( estts coitsniuîg a'rvsici' ty fruit trucs. T'liie a s usvur- tulugsras ( *wuer, au u ail sbIody sutiuicîse for muuaisuufatuieusu;purpes. TIse propae>' isA site tati in tîu lisepart cf Whithu>'.iiiisiini- Iopposite tise Guransi Tmuek Statien eus tise Lasaise sud seililur d',ali spaite portionst or aitegotîser te suit .. tiesirsubia purciucer.- Tentus ibenel ; andt wiîi ho exelîcati for tarn- andims. Afrus a alomo perty la nst demiu'ubly sitîuuted for lmying eut lu Buildinsg Lots, or seoutul smuit s suankot ganýdener fmron its comsirtzsitmtfit the tewus. Appi>' te GEORGEt B. IIALL, Port Wbitby, or te JOHN HAMER OREENWOOD, Soliciter, dcc., Brook St., Wlhitby. Wisitisy, May 1, 1881. 17 CATTLE AGENCY. Moutreal, Ma>' 1,1861. TRE subsenibers beg te inforin tluir Iicutis aendthie publia that the>' have ulula day openet Cose extonsie premnssos, ,Corner of WelllDgton and Quieen Streets, . Ta Farmers aud ethers wîmhin; - tesent on brie; CattIle tistis Market, thse susiuscibars o f- ton essor>' seiliiy ton Sale on Ccuusîuiisicu. Mr. S. Brosney's long oxpeniauco as BUTOUZI?, oesr 18 yessrs lu St. Asun'a Market, aise 3 yas nas preprieton cf tise Bl's Hast Hotel set Cat- luI.e Y-ird, is sufficieut guaraste efthtisafuir inar- ket pnic-a cf tise dsy hein; obtainot. Mm. ?. ilresirey's whloîeattentionu lingdaeoteotis brandcttlue Business. Temm-2 w rc"d.. Caâs7sresuitMui in Bak P gat t i fZ, ai. 20 BICEAIIET dcTAYLOR. gsete fl- ok Uko 1 Veil Do Ape 1pul my bishop up- I Iear tiîat Dr. Sseitis . preacî- (eliveranue frein his tnisgue;) lu'naulu;Ic 1cals hover rende-" Oh i how 1 imeutteisong. Wlsy tIser. la5 Jolîîî Iwiiis Roman nome, ]>rcssed hi)ang reenItrock cet;. I Wonddor why hae desst propos- Ilie kieown1ou hlin dest. 'Tis true, tisey saay ht twilliam Brown Ansd Aun Ausala Loe, Inteudto W uslw usurprise tise tewn By Ytaiii011euecftwo. Our rga'a sdlyout of ttusse-. Tlîit bal's tise twonty-it th et Jun- Wu ua"t looîc very biglut. - Cu.oit4oTu.- "Forward to Ilicliîsestlut ns ly il, 'rua Yankee» slioist.wlîilu bluleing ou, But Davis clîsugedsi lîir battle cry Tu "Iiaekwsimds, boys, tu WuUaingtoen." ErîoaA.- To tuiko Mmnumias Jusuciion 'ris Yankuces tlsonght wais fun, But grcatly woeonistakeîî For tlîey 0141YL the u , A Night Upon a Mouataaln in Africa. DY T. Y. 0, I set ont esnly ti e afternoon on a ride up the mountain and I had gene about six. teen miles when my horse and 1 came te tise very Wise conclusion that it was tinse te roture te lodginga. At this time we were completely enveloped ie a fog. Per. haps yen nover had occasion te reînark thie efl'ects produced by a fe;. A le; changes thseformas cf meuintains, it eelar. gos tise volume'of objecta or bides thons entirely, or persils but part of them, te be seen under mst fantastie forma, se mucli s e g o t h a t V o y e ~ g r b e c m a , c e 4 1 aAfter some tmme I reached tise smi tse swamps, thse 'SUn warnad6l lk and 1 well kuew tisot darknesswonld-oon'I evr ail tbuusgs, for in <bis ceuntr>' nigÈh steps ienaut indignuti>' pute out tise light of day wiih but littie ceremon'. Iu tise weît tisehast rasys of tise inn were linenig or holding on <te hels with ingessof luit ligit.-My herse seemet te gein isepe, and gallopeti towends <hem. But whan we reecis thtie table grounsiof tise cliffs ns> boise stoppeti ansi bore as sutdaen. 1>' as ligbt veuisheti, ss a nol>' iat lisi hope desurtet i n. Ye coulti hope forj uoliiug 110w, sec nît puisathse night eus tise meuntain. Wet, tiret anti huegy;. sst tsitednotiing since ni>'ver>' carl>' break. test; 1 got tiosn frein ns>' herse anti took scite s et<ho feot efthtie rock te pretoot imsyself rens tise rein, 'imiicis et this tise wsa faIlin- fi torrens. Ihuit net long becu in mns w position, 'imien I seas Start. lad b> tise savaea anti proicîîged or>'et tise jaokali andth ie short greseote s solf.- Tisey huitdiacoemns'herse, asi I kuew tise>' soulti soon be upon ns. I wss wiîis. out arma, I pickedup îonse pieceà etf fint, and atrikisîg oee eainat tise ethen îtrivieg te produca igisis, aethle saine tise yelling at full force." Tsmocm thrce wolvé*s came close te me ; andt I believe, tisut ne mutter uns' famishcd tisese animalBis mu> h, Chat tIse human voico strikea thons sitis terrer. It asen t t iwlesssuni>' velos, that nu> herse placet isi confiidenice ; ho pressedto-t searda me, lie seemedti t loek upon me as a cemîsanion in mistortune, ho lioketi ns> isandi,anti rubbiusgbiiisineootis hoatiegainit my face in sueS a wuiy ai te put me aimait te Sloop. I ceuld hisan tise dulI memielouniSounti et tise weves sus tise>' dasisdgisgut tise fooetftise enormens cliffs ; tise fe; was dense eus al aides, anti shen tise mous for a moment seoulti pierce throng i is dense- nais, I seenit discovor a icone se seilsi auss teselae that it seili evar ho present beforo me. Tisa men sailedt tisrougis tise cientis like a trait skif, nosenitiuug ce tIse top) cf a wave, etu s nking te <he oea, it sheti a colt ait gisostî>' shoot et iglît arounti the gray ansi elaiteresi roces ; a large blaick ldntwonîd ssi betseen me ansi tiseight, sud uigeiu in utter derkneî i wouid heur tisa iout noise et tise savos as they tiasiset eue by oue ageinît tise chitl's. Andti hug wo passedt huit long, disusal tireur>' night, litoning tetise bowling efth<le Storm anti te tlie more terrible bowlings cf tise hue gr>' snimaili atIlongod t e doeur us, tnt 1, sttiug te thse noiso b>' frequant sisout- inga wiseesentise beasts seemet tu be get- tieg too nean 'ne. At tengtli I couldte Clt b>' tise cries et the wolves anti jaeksls tisaf gnew los distinct, tiset tise>'seee etiinig te tiseir caves sud tisat momnie; was sp- proaching. At last I boaardt<ho bootnir.; of the morning cainnon, anti neyer was su>' sount more sgreesbhe te ns>' ear. The cionda graduati>' clesret sway, tise sun was up tise trope on tise surn-nuting flowens andi bualies mone bnigisten <lise diamnus, andtie <hacone se tank anti desolate before, in a moment was resplendent withlihlt anti beant>'. I mountet ns> horse sud dlimbiug eue of tise mehul elevatet summits tiscover- cd what I isad been seeling- for. Tise tisin miat isuug ou tise aide cf tisa mounitase as a Veil$ <is cel>' atded more heaut>' te, tise tco e, hoadveuturo iras ssci exacti>' an sgreahle oe$ebut iclitan>' excursions prove a source et great pleasune o me. Tise green iseath wvh is hasinistens cf purpie, tise hindis'wits bnilliaut plumage, tise iiti izards glià ing botweeu tise cetf ci rocks, DODOui ed,u extri uNfLi18 ai antiïcm tisein ses>, te expese isimasmîf. T~he prattie whicis tise>' dopise tisu'eyecourageo; ho. cause ut ensuses thein by' . euderng tise speaker idiculous. Tise>'leat i usou, un- suspicions oetb<hin design, andsetecnetly pluming imsîcîton his happy talents iii mntiering himssoif agnooshile, anti deligistot tise mst wisen hie is meat tise ebject et derisice-frensoeestep et fol>' lu suotiser. B>' degrees tise>' coutract anuisibitusul net fi-ns tise style et conversation whieis en- subies thein ut once to diaplu>' <hein own seit, aud to gratif> tisein passion fer mirtis, ansi tioir <ale for tise ludienons. 'ilU>' becomo iuwsirdly impatient ihn it .uusgs, anti more imspatienut ehsen it morts miitis interruption. Anti if a mnmiof grave aspect aud moe eukeful nefllction,. prostiues to stop withiu tise cincie, <ho>' ussail tise un- welcome intrusion 'iitis a vol> et bnilliant railler>'aneutiÉ5arklinug repantee, whicis besirs dewn knowtcdc and iIcaring betere il, aud convulse tisa deligited auditors seitis peais cf lauuta, whila ho luisons in lis hous'>' ucotintremnts, nEter bis igisi ammeti autagociat, anti reteives at evon>' turu a sisosmeof etaru-osv sclu hoceui noithen parry non sithstauusi. NATuite.L Cssxî'E Tus.EuLs-There la uothiuig butter, autimuthiusg huIt ns cîioap, ius a seeicou ntry, for a grape treilis as a amal <rue. Coder luj bust, both ou et duruabilit>' andtihie usatuul teri, but a smaui chostnut on oak, gromu in oen grounds, haut a lînet>' gosi tonus, aussi mile st at-verni leurs. Tise pyranudieulterniofuthCiscedar witl give a plot of grosundi sut sitisvinses, tra;mA e ueclîunits -coder staundard, a un-,: uique aussi essutiftl ppourunco. 'ris- troc is eut closie te thisegru ud, or dug np 'iill a pou tien ot routa, ansi diveat- s . ofe ahi tht amail branchses, andtihie laro ones eut te s suitable leugth, andi thon set sehene tise vinai eau bo traimueti upoîs it iii- stoat ef a sinugle stake. Whou n tlly cover- et seiti vines ands brancises roclothati sitis tise toliago, tecse stakas look like green trocs, auss arc von>' ornemental in guaticns, yards, on lawuss. HoUW ne sr RIn ceOfi i UWI.cItU.-One- et tise easiest s'ays te gel nid cf large bowttiers, os- déisard heads," nU tise>'are cailet int soute parts of tise country, it te sink <bons. It net wpnted for seuIl building, i ilni oist more te tritl anti hiat and isan aea>', <heu il seilI te dig a pit sut tunisie <hem in, se tisaI tise ppan surface seul be et least a foot tinter grotiedi and quile ont of tise wey et phowieg. Examine tise stone anti select tise lcwer r mail favorable site anti tig s pit, goim;partI>' nter tis a tone, anti deep enougis s as te be sure <c have roons, anti, <hou witis cnes'bers levers, or oxen <s-un- hibe tise stoe njte tise pit sud lord tisa iti 1 ov a, an ti yeo u l hosurprise t t e ieohow ciseapl>' yen have get nid cf s trouhiesome occupant etyens-fidi. A man will some-. 1tises ber>' a itou. lu eue day <bat coulti not ho blatet anti isuleti oui for lisse dol- lars. A negro woman was reîating ber exponi. ence.te a gaping cengregation cf lier usen colon, set amen; mac>' ethes- thinIgis he sait she isad heen iu Hoaven. Onecf tise brothers thon asked lier - "IWell, aimter, tid yen îoa the black folka in iseavan l'" Sis e mpîiat-"Ohyen get out-sipose I s'eut jute tisekitchen, wiseusI sean tas- 7' V t u ', '.' isnîsînes wite ; b ho fa a-iduly iu, stalled guest. ,Pers a meting ina tisa th~e èbaïiei1on . sf a dark cýlor wbile lu, thse streetfolUow tise se custom, and noono âisad butti.êécting ai tihe colora cf lise -es05aeytimsg improper a theoactiou.'l horbaie wisétà sn. sinessupen u .-Nieander ' Icîus, olen ok travcfler> Â1I"b.,.sîg 1 givo me gretdeligist. cf a centimj lates-, aIse advorts totibis os- 'The augs-y *ahez tlsat duis atm>' li6e<, tise él4ItOrJ - Issiin, "Thse 'Roglisi," ise £clte. Plouds tIbalsail &boy@. ni'he*Ad, 'sud, j l ya'nuifest inuch slmplieity aud lack &Iù oving nahtur earounfi, spake with sic- 0Of jealou sy in ei ais sstoms as regards feo queuceof tisél bdsut>' et God. 'Waiq nojv. mlels; for not onl>' do membens -of 'the criss,ý &Il thi, l~,ear yen say. But tbeôsame Ifai>' Iand isusaeliold kisa tli,on arc moments r wonid, fiy social>' <ogive tha lips witis emplimentary salutations sy solî.f np todthose tisou his tg e al back sud enfoldi*ngoethtie ans round thse waist~ ise inspressioîs of nI i>'eldisood. Tise ne. but'- oven" atrangers, i isen ietneduced, fol- ýmembrance.of tie paît la more plesssiâg .lo tise Samine mâde ; sud ila' eue wviic <han <bat ef ihe present. does net appen 'teise s n>'dereun- beeeming." Tise <ird commentater 55 conlversation@ Erasmius, sud h fa asôriaiing hoy livsly tise Dutchînan becomas wisee expefiating on- Among a large proportion of youeg tiekih subjeet. -Witing fs-en England wemen sud espeoiilly ansng <boss -who are te Andrelines iu 1399,eholsys, uit net remarkabl#'fos' the stengthcf <heu cautional1 hy aeacà tçýto underataudissMdand ilobave' net beeeau wscsyi ie sv utnte aceustomed t<o colmate tise weeth of objecta Onyocee nover be ufiaren' emmeô»ëdcdI aceording tu tise standard cf rocacu andk yneurriva you enarue ydcle-usèd offt religion, conversation leadod wltis flatteries ksa.O es eatr e r otaI C! sl>asbeaegrsteotn with kissos. Ifyen netitmu, tise mbraces u sllyas the ar gru, oo fte fidd'are repeateti. Do yen redoierr A vijit yenn welcomo beusers. Henc9eo, sdiîcourîe init ententaient icfkaes De o is ceuflncd in circles oeth<is descriptien, te git1 a rr -utistiue ise scones, tepica, and incidents, wlsicis embrace anlztepar yenemusC dumtnibe ie îlittl more tissu tiseamuisents cf ttisey grt-e yu'wh a cer yenettsons, precediug or enaning atternnen; tise looka wbicisevem way yentumu, tiere la uotlsieg aud tise trosoebthse preseet censpan>', or .of but kissing. Ais, Fenîtus if yen isationce their acquaintance; peti>' anecdotes of tise tùteise tendesuess, ise fi-agrane et neigbborhoed, and local scandai. It is not isese kisses, yosi wouud wias te sta>' in woîit!erful, thon, tisat- the wiis prevalent, En-land, net foi e teu.yeara' voyage, like lu iaett moun, sud especiali>'iie young mens, Sulou'sy but as leng as you liveti." I te rentier lhernselves acceptable iu social louve ts tisa bacisclons teui)rcnuunce epen iutcrceurse te tise fomale sex, ahenisi betra>' sic mania tsù tIisscustens-niiclamuat thom nsete a mode et behaviour sehîcis <lsd' have liead it,% disad-'autegcs, tee-a queli. porceiva < c beou genemally welcmo ? Itlaà fied remark, whicis I tise more feel bouud- net wonetieful hacwlio duacovens trifling tu tu make, as, wore 1 te join in tise estatin. ha thse way te please, ahenîti becoea nlausiatien of thse grave Dutchman-wby, triler ? <bat lie wlo b>' tise Cauel intre- tue tse I:oed's words, 4isi1have.s>' fears duetiemi of a subjeet whicli seemed te ca-li about my cara; imnet esiegie man- upon tise reasen te exert itsoîf, lia brouglit -4 Dr. Des-eu." au emmna syawu ovon tise countensunce of- bis faim auditon, sisouit e'namd againat s cap. Tise extnaordinas-y conduet ofthtie Eng- etition cof the offt-nce'1 But itla snet eni>' te h-h divine attracts tise atit.ntien ofreligiene womon cf moderato capacity- <bat heurs cf circlout. TIse 1ev. mn. James, of Nos-th Rit- trifling sud flippant conversation are fouet igsas foanti ressed in a drais wide-awake acceptable. Te tuipse et supenier talents bat, wth isino 5ibiosOîI.1eaiebkci tise' ar ne enfeqentl> knwn < gi o l~cuta for tise fermons, visitcd tin, (tise the ar no unreqenly now tegiv afarmers.) anti gel dnunk. Tise fammems dogrea cf antertainment, greater tissu On wmic teligistedto te meke tise parsen slight cotisidoration, we migisi have 'expeet. dmunk." Hc "ia stole money anti geL in, et. Tise matter, isewever, me>' ho easiiy tu Maidistone goal-thon imite St. Paneras explainet. Somne wemen, who are entew- wonkhouse. fle wîas a native of Oxford, ed wlth stromsg, mental pewers, are littie anti ssas etucate t lutise greunszsr sciseel incline tu tehie trouble cf exerting thons. attachosi te Magtaicn Collage. Tise>' love te intulge a supine vanil>ty e -oaîîî-u ld'ratn b tisongis; liaton te nonseuse without di s reaticmpoin ulidetet- satisaction, becanio-to liatmtei ti requîtes cient agent ln uBsroiciVs$ Kalliysten. noeoffrt ; neitisen tuoicancis, non prompt Tisose wiso bave used il are lOiel in iha otheri te seencis, deeper tissu tisesurface rieaapeaatowihimaSa of tise passiug <epicetofdiscounis - and perae, s andprearaticin wbiue itpthski wereit'notfor au'oceaaîona reessx tat dean, ut sud beatif s;te tise skny ieo th-cmo thâotis 'oee iii.lelam ws isrD ,is4hi, PMU . ..-... '5bow do youen cdte û ~ "d5 dean, I Otîjo>' ton>'-poor hl en Z Tisis umaici is ver>' dutress' lu se-. whiso1 Igo- te shcep I lus>' auvke al znigil, ns> tees sweal as large as gousO hen'is aggs, se seien I stand usp I full doen mmnteà iuCo- An elti gentlemen seio lied dabisiat all luis lite Ilui latisties, îaya lie nuueehatd et more than oee s'mati sho insureti bon lite. Ho uccounts fer tis, b>'tise siegular teet cf eueetftise queutions cn aven>' lu- surunca papen hein, ' Wiat ilayon age V" 5Summy>, Sammy, my son, don't stand tisane scrutching >'ourn iet-stin >'os- stuns, or yen 'ili maice uno progroslus lite." Iu~l y, futisu,l' rcîlied tise isoje- fui, us4I'vcefeetn leard youSa>' hat tise cul>' 'a>' to gel ou in this ssci-d %was te scratch, a h1ud" LiFE, wo 550 toIt, us a jeune>, anti te le saes tise se->'ini mhicis souse people eut, y'ou weuid imaginse tise> smeue takieg, pro- visions to last <oin tise whoîe lauglis cf the jeune>. tiCarveos tu hbus Niiteïu, iii v. ttuuug scîst tieserves touo u td, ant in us iitguiut- kind haispicr uaud butter ton your Ife. 050015<tise ingmorat ;it cherishus youîîs, deliglits the ugesi, i3 ansornsint inlsc- isanit', mansiy ueldus eenufsurt iinsslvcrsit>'. Tusctuars of beu.siitarueulie a hile couetis ii, onfur a msomsenst Iltut tlîry ui' alshilue selts greacer lustre thauus hoikue. Au Irisismasi iuiusgnsi-ueti 'iîs>'Le ione luis stoiuasrcigside ont, rolulios, i.1je, danse tiserusa i ole iii <hoeolier auie tus I l ahussble eciterprisues, <ho ladies arn tIse eriectnisi tcle,,api-fssr usienady ce cf tise mftie. Mccxv andi tima Lave botis tîeir value. le whio mukes a buti useof et icoune'iili mevon suiue a garnI tse cf tisa otien. liaux exista in tIse bicoti eîu praserveti il:- goiti, or tisa love cf it exista in ise iscer'.anti comrpta it. WYussm thore is lova in the heurt anduttiera are reuubows in tise oyas, coeses-m er>' black Chaud seitis-,Orglcous bues. SoYsetfns fret inseerdi>', andi iomezont- 'serdi>.'. ¶}elate- is tise botter plan for eur friands,lbut tiseseorse for ourahes. Tus mesi dolicate, tise msuisensible cf nil pIea5nrýâ, Cou1cniat in pnouotiuig tise ploasure oet othars. SLÀ>îERSt ssing 2nem beautifullipc, are like apideni cnawling brenstheb. busbiug, heurt of a rase. WÂR isboand is nover gre>', but somelnes balti1 Tise founeairs'iendi. NA'TURE lias grantesi to al ote ha sppy, if re titi but knoîv how Co use lier beluofits. TüUÂT tnu cars net ho y ou r fs-fond iris wiIh udt mIlles' yen te teacishMm anlytiing. iii u V f 167