Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1861, p. 1

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KU PAic'ÀRIIq Lii Ob (1 aabit iachaotl8eln4lied lài tgide often rowng epwtl I; sud wilaIeI, If net rafotI'ead iîyb ote1serioti baw4I* l1alo.1 ihat lvu rimaéJeoTj- te Usllols, anLi evaatatinig viowiru aaolle ta tLais erlcit' [býUrUof hü uiloquot I lin anrvolas systesi latierqai,ftee muue sumc leaibussilsa, bisal ii imalmaîl, or irle 1f l ui aUllAbI0one& iian siig e o I las tisedre c' i dhaem nm4t nea iso dotriaetîv8 à itliait iyteasdra*lnà IA LIgule thakelgLià a ý%>ià te tu ain uatsuiy grave.' IL de- macs"4 syiéten rapidi', wantes soi 11,;, causes aisial deratloe Jio Jrupar elev.lopmitasatu f- hs ýflse for Waarrtgé selsy>, Lba- 6rtl itslis, âmd Ievt tcùc l c l su dt slprQ& miaa tIom udas aisof vl '1ed Ilaciadeathiali. ICIENTaVlOClV Ti>t mn takal plaittitro ilnmu nÀsi liiteiU too i osi uii ftms.'t i Is. cuetre of liea abrv oiseisa I L'il l it utel l'y Liaisusoala a ' Il 1'aheIphsis ali I 221 tc~aatiasitigAe î4 mait eiver laieitâdd lbý Lii (1 kass rasy digou tfiab aiemi i b» thelaesurom 0ls i [o by 1 11111Ui r expressâ. asl ]ima urdtr ta hly themo so lie W130114 of is iainstruianu as tlt U aay lhswsice Whos ttatiii1îar> Ylor -- isir tral e riaitiade tby reorulug st ail trtiar, NTIC' sNiVÂtmî»aî ' part oitLiel Worid ilssay hemu la> fo)rwurlliag a eeýç t ltt hl a reaaittainsao for Modlicuto - SOIN, 4 4btI oesea Street, store, Greè-êlwoodl te* liata',}eatlorei, Parasols, L.tilias LIcte, &a. Aises LIa arait sismok ut [ADfl CLOTIN«, AND) ANUD mnolâg, T wua.liIim MAl uf wilosi wil aYiîft liilag piti .im tlt ltutu bc gvoutomu lu'anirs, aai liv. li Osai il 29 1661. fui lseat, ~l tlss ho aay amI't a.~ttsia¶ st'i u rrftall>' confiduialu s s 1( l tl)', 0 so trictatat htfutiou wikIth ileiaulîaIs laall tfik* tu TUOMPHSON, Auctoii, himal' wsy lieuse, seaa'bera1 'Aba................ItogIasi WN .... ..... a . .... .. Vriiglty. 1,1 ua thea Cromezo Om "il c'oru a01itif' lls ah sgi a'aas ta,~ ahtl ho atttitaaloaj ta, lPr tess an im xoi, witilout t'aitrambie of Govormnet agency, aileià coietu iectithtie and uîe [0 I)EPARTMENTS. ittaalailgýlta., Aima1 tutawaintmn Adaireas prelialti. Eý. '5 I111>11, Lanad an iaaî lîrui Agante No ,, itou 'bec. irola ra, 1860. QUEEN IANUIE COMPANY rua - Life, aind Annuities. OJIEF OFFICE.' lnsu.lrance Buildin , V E Tt p O O L. DA DRANCU OFFICE: ONT IlE A l. ar ilitaE r, lsiasrs3, . mic, I R saî , hîcMat liaaaiIs Wreahyan'd arraaisgentq1 tisamna' leamimiolds .foîiuauam.u 'Mo biisi'acmtaoîsau nii lanirs, ar t 'aulim i Jîmall alisa e. olc firt, . l"yera at, ol avar I cabmsiréfanorale Dermosa JLa 16,apmn 1801, stet0ePli> akosa taasquae ry osorlenmpn cf , . E, y tu ily 1 6, l.97 ~~t le !Lt &ilAATT0RNXYB AT 1LAW,, Ihtho C.utyOaaelO i <,0NohTI",N Hu A TNsL V. . Of -ce o 7t . 2 .I1 tareSter, Brok tr O i ,B roo a a' t j3 PFile uGenKSs' e., m .-mLlHAg , -o 'L-lI.-eppoitk io Ragstry w fleseBrook St&s8allxt>r. ' - 82 As MAIES, Bl. A., A TO BY AT LAW, SOLICITORl IN TT. aaaryprOouveYaine ar, &o., MauIa Streeit rslOhrahaan.o G.oIH. DAJITNELL, D PUTY REGISTBRI, MASTEU EXTRtA- "crdlisry amad exsaamianer I hlai caery for 1h. (.otnty cf batarîo,lBrook-s4t., Wlitby. 47 JOHN MeNAI3, "C3orner oftjlaaarm2hi sd CrtStrecto, (oppo %to te Cala stand,) Toroatn. W1llItAIII TEMlPEST, 1M. 1). 1 N (1 S T E E T, OSIIAWA, CANADA Waist. 17 W. 11. TftiiNA'k NB 1 AlIRIaTEII CaUNTY CBaiWN ,I"roit Bu Êiydi&0.1dle.,limeaaauuri thia lu a tivar oe lwl Store, Mcams. Mailier- uaosiBylôk lBlockt, Brock-lt. Waiitby, 4ug. Q, isto. 40 AMOS W. CIION, A XCIIITECT, CIVIL ENGINEELI. AND) Es.tato Agent Whiitim ________ bs DAINBTT, & Co. M ANUFACTURER ANI) DEALEES IN ^Ciganre, aad Loatf Tu.hcos; slmo W talle, Lsslos5dieJolis Cltecet, Port lpe. Poart Holte, Mardli tî, 1860. W-s W ly ROBERT J. WILSON. lARiISTEII & AT VORNI(Y AT LAW, DSolitor als ChanssorY &o. Witby, C.W. a. J. GUNN, M. D. SS URGEION TO 'rit, CJUNTY GAUL Byrona Street, Wlaitlay. BAIT WINDSOR 1IOUIOE, WIIITBY, WX. em»IlUY , rIiiT09. H E it9ve Ibid la lePtaimted lIna phemaust sd »Frotlrod part cf the Town, ona tIe frontrmail. GU& taccauoimiln foa r traveliere. (Iood BLabln sand attetive costhers. 22 AMBRICAN IIOTEL. W ALKERlI& 1'A'TliSm N 1li0L'llb;- Wtors, m'arjur u' Yaauaag au irut trats. ýrronto, C. W. 1 CAèNTON JIOTEL, UFFINS CILEI'K, 1'hCKEUIZNC). ulul) "3AISIltTElIR AT'T'(>RNEY AT LAW, Solciturs is Cliaaaairy, Witby, C.MW.- lae-Walimeea Bibtldiangs, Brook-eit, Wlitby JOHIN McGILL, West, allers lo m ervices ti tise liishashl tlaîtWf OI flo aiad Diarluasai Couilsos, ta at- an fid eesby nostionIs lotammald iFuraiture, Moi lanladleuis etlier shootei, at a reasoaaatblu coma4solW9. UOlu ECA CLERKO-Ir TEE FIFTII 1DIVISION COURIT, eonprisiag thu Towsashlip lirock. Ad- A. K. RICII, ABINET MARI UPIIOISTE1IEI, d&o., Ci. Gerrl's liall, Byroan Streeit W hitby. l'ai- r Han insg n atly Xone,ansudiA kiaaus of job- glong, slrepalriisg of Yîsraitasro ssteasded tw. HEBNRY HANNAIW, RIER OF' CaUNTY AND 1SUPEBIOR V)Cou rts, sindMesaseimamr rtoeruse(ou tity t'una- cIL Alsio plasinsuad orutnaintuah jainter, W I t b y. ______ A. rRINGLE9 ifEROBANT TAILOIt, 131100 STREET M .WhItbla. ROBERT SPEARS. CLEItu<AND) TICEASUUER o> TIIE CTowiaslah î' mal'Uxiarilgv. Adllr(,m., C atrugo. CHARLES C. KELLER, STTORNEY AT 11,W, SO)LICIaTORIN OIiaaiery', ioaavmyaaamar, &o. <icem-iis letoria buildaaast, oviar am<ho 1reaaimaffioce, Brook atreait, Wlltby. Aios braach oflns Is time village of tîsaver- ton, Townsshîipof Thorah, anad Coutty of Oan- C.W. talAhTIl, O FLOiNDOLN, E NtIAND, A1ICIhIIC Chadaimi l iiEiiaaotr,ý(mhawat. lir-hail, hp l, Ilooses, c.; i, laiignedan imd silcin- tcatded oun rasoaam ',le tenueàt. oien J. RAMER GREENWOOD, A TTOliNLPY-AT-LAW, SOLICIT1L IN1 ('laiaaery1 NotanyImlahli, Coaavepaiaaeen dio, Wilttm?'il. W . loaa,,l Victoria Bloc-k, uoxt tea lia' îtny Oiiit la.,Oahrcu 'itr 1* 49 DifE . OUTE & WAILRENIs lltIKhC. w'. J. FOOTE, M. 1). I. W'AitlEN, h. l.) Wé 0.-EASTIOO, A. IB. Dit1D., ('I llOlhlî, 'il VIICAN, SURGEBON &u'm.. c WliitI" * ___________ HURON 1lOUSE, PON5T Wlsir. T BE unadoelgned lans taken the abobve Iloteh, whIcls ho liais newhy fittoci a1y' is Ils bout saomaner for thte soomniudaitiou of tho publi- Geod satiisg, hie roomyi> îcais, îtnd aivor{lit- tuon 'Iad to mand lionsm1, f ÎTh , u wlaasu.li casud cgaru attlime Ub . WhLL1AM TIIEW AHOdLO.AIIIERICAN HOTEL. T IEl absribor taiso itted tla the athot'u olti ,eàasbliliedchotel, wltht he view mifiordig $Véry socoaimodiatioa ta tise traivelng publie. 0.hamaici.Gooi stahlitag 1am(1uat sens 1le -T11IOMAS MOUGIIIlIGE. JOHN BILLINOS 1AW, CIIANCEET, d& CONVEYANCING Offies, Prine Albert, twc doors weait ef T~.Forasau'. tore.1 - w. noIsM. D. p YICIAN, SUBGEON, ACCOUCHER diO.. aImooat, C. W. 20. - OUGE MOTEL. (*P ON LATE OF' TIE NON- Iti uonHotl, tiàforierhv cf Wlutb , ai- nUota te hIe îaus unutho ipublie, tiat la hilsl roated thtla iove ai'chî-ktaovaa loteI, wlalcia lanoc i dri rate order fr lte rat-optIon cf as' Winex, Lîqueirasaid('igarai. (bcd gla.bîiiandsunmi attaiuthve Ostiir. 1-y .4 '-41 e-a ~ ~l. a?. a~"" ut :aara' *4 ' " i ,Ue m a4ap.aa47vu As-Y BowsN5&kr,1id, ntae isA 1 0 TI osm LI,'roulo stret, Teroatç.2-i, '13, IN0 the Euaa-iltof t4,iqrfUlw FIÂEBAlNA-*b- 0G ', ltSvoa orpauoraosai llr4 bf bthgltbribdl. i. S.:L'WILOOX. Whlîly. Dc. 2,1001 - 50 House ami Lot'.for Bale. NB ,rw S Y brick t.Thore a àqsiigtrt. aeir. »f land ly oppcit neZg;o ;4. ,c tesy. For terMs, and fi4tbaai pairtionasapply ta March, 20, 1881..I COMMEROIAL. HOTEL, BRIOOK 5TIEET, WITY, gV'Opi'oslte Hlamilton & Roberts._ffl JAMES OROOKER, ioMMlCIAI, TRAVELERS NWILL PIND %_)lt coyenlont atopplaag it Iis latal, nas they cuit laufront the o giitur IBook kept at the bar tho routes taIton by their predocessors. The proprietor taikes tils occasioan to thank laiis aaoaaaroumaapatroalss wd &fiads for the liberâl patroneagtbhci§towcd on blinaisnce the coaaamenheanAt of 1)1» busineéissln Whitby, Good Stabling, and attentive Ostiers. Wlitby, laiy 1800. 10-tf TuLE TEItRAPIX. r ITE PROPIITORS 0F TIltS WELL i k Raa alonn arcaowin lu ccuratioaa ot the, old ST. NIIO1LAS. King tstraet, l£oroato (furncrly kopt 1> Mr. Illirlaiy. TVie preoiss hiave becit nonwly ronovated throaaglout, asaaa fittod ii-> lat the, first istylo. Every procuraiblo delicaoy iaaseaaon. A cgar divan lIttIed up me- paratoly Into whiola noue but thea bes4t brnas are purmnitt4dtojaet e Grand Trunk Reilway litel. (&.17, " qh f RaîikwaiimD.pePM i J7IIh.) ln poiwessiloaa of the abovo hotel, ta thehs4ieme of waich ho Whi lit Ititiro curry oaa on lis own actcotaiat. Good Lîqlors, Wlcs aaand IBrandies, Cicairs &. Eaueoleaut sabigeieaattaition for nana JOSEPII 1tUEBOTTOM Wlltby,Jain. 19, 1860.0 pre. 80 UNION STATION JIOTEL. 0 F0 0OP o? RK 8T.,,SECOND IBOUSE frein Depot, Union gtatioli Torat. lilard, $1 por d1.Mas2dm odSa> llmmgW. OSBORNE, 18 Proprietor 111A ST MARRET SÇIUAUtE, TEJEON'TO,- 2 .L. 1. tiMITul, 'rQprietaar. Excellenat Dunoas- iiimmlaios. Every attemntion paaiitlu thema vaa:utdort RaîLROAll)ROTEL. CANNINOTON. T Il E abiibash abeu ewîy fttcd iaap ti re- .Laovted, adl is u0w falhy prepairud for thea receptiman cf guests. IL li sitaaated on Lie 121hi coneessilos cf Brook, en thie l.ailag roaid bo-1 twoain Wliltby, flaiamerton imd llimdsaay. Umod aocosnuaodatacan, ad niit saive Ostlens. eJaisuiigtoi, Jul>' lSrd, 1860. 851 BIRITISH AMERLICAN IOTEL,, - s1100SE TIiS, o5iAW. T IJOU!AS DOWNING, (late RuDlroud HibId Wlaltby,) Proprieter. Beet *iiaes anasd lqiers. Suporlor seeotaisaudationet-r travelereq. (*ood $ttibliiag, and attentive Omtiers. 7 BLACK9S9JIOTEL. (lrnesr q/ Brooek and Dusaicia trets, Illhittj,. T h lE AIIOVJOWELL ICNOWN, AN])D CEN- JLtrasly itaiated liotel hais beesa naiwhy fittedl lip, sud rcs'cated ln. a i uost coonlortaiblotniais- uer b>'thue 'promaiut occupanlt. No expeaissliais beenasl)îarud te insmarai te ahI gçueule anad visitors Vias baiel brataids cf Wiaes, Ilqnnas sund Ca- grs. Rious>' and cavonlouint aboula, poid stabîna and attentive osîlers. This iottal la situated intime very lai art o l ta Town of Wbhitby, anad wlll ho foussit ta c hoeIa stueconaventenaitstoppisag place lfor faîriir" anmd travaiulea's. JAMES I3LA<aCý. THOMAS DEVERELL. B U1 LUD E Rt, &o. &c., GRIEEN STREET, B Vilbly, C. W. H. W. WOODWARD, ÇIMMISSION MERCHANT, INSURANCE Vs.)aiasd Qeieral Agenit. Otioe-Lstely ccti- pied b>' James Ilodgàou, Waiaiay, 0. W. Rzracamaaoets.-T Caat<larks5on, Eaq., Pi>- ident iboua ofTrrade Toronto; %V. 0I. Camaslu, Alq Maagor, Ilmi tB. N.Anaorica. Torontto; W. W. Ramasomn, Emaj, Mainaiger QuZe6eo Eiak, Toronto'- W Ganhîe Eq., Miton Mille To- rnato; lion. »P. McGil'h, Prosidesat tauk of k.on- treaml Mmitrcaiî' Mesars. Mitl5,hd, Tyleai & IIuite'alaas aa.Tmoato; Messrs. Andlersonl, Evatats &i Co., Montra; M3gssrs. W. Paicai & Son,QIue- baeMmesrs. Il1. J. N oaid & Co. 2-ly NOW 18 TUE TIME. GET YOUII LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark'@ lut Prize Pleture (Gallery T tyoea desîre a corsect anda life-ike Asmbre Itypae, Cainsotypo, Lattenraph, or Leatier Tnusmtafr, or ai Likaineasii li sa pket, Broiscla or Rin-g, l'or J. A. C. cati do t ln the bout tylo, aiud i i hort notice. WILKINS'ON'$ BLOCK, 88 Braouk Žtrei W/atby. M. IL. COCIRANE, L. L. B. I3AIMIbaTE itl ATi'tIZNI-Y ArAT t', 5- B iia aPCamae Noan'lubllic, &e,- Ofi lcu-1 mu ilgl'om"e î'c-aia litlliug, I>am adas M. J1ARtNETT, M ANUYACTURIERIANUDEALER IN Cil.gairs and Lmaai Totaaccos; ao Whlpm, Laises, c., ie. Johîna Street, Port hope. Port Hope, Mareb 8, 1880. 1>' WHIBKEY1 WHISKEY!!1 B>' THE BARREL, AT FAIRBANKS d& MACDONELL'S, A Strorarticle cf Faiul>' Flotar, Cheap Afor Cash, nt FAIRBANKS d& MACDONELL'S. ZWICKEY'S HOTEL. MAa.CaaMlMt TR sbslucriber decires to la form lls fionda sund thae travelling publie, Uthi ho lias saow- hypapereai, pgatatstalsd furaisiaed tIse above l 1 (lorierly occuphed b>' Mr. Atlcliicai) asud LIat the travsllasg coummuna wilIlaind coin- lortabiamsoeu=mdtlouatmoderato raes. The table le WeilI upohieai WUlsvrpthiaig luses sous. <ood atallîug assicarefail ctharsou tb spot. -JOHN ZWICKEY, Baddlery and Hfarneis. 7'fhIEuadoraigmaed aisoe baia ste tatiothat ho j.. tnts bia businessLp t hie aibova ingîa, n'id lenaimdy to 1supph>' ever> anie limaithétriade Imnemptî>' aud wiLla *aitait>-. JOHN ZWIOKEY. Manchester, Mai> 1, 1861. 1 TRN; MFOR S mores ou Lof N , I1 th eO<ls f med.la mls l FORBL'OEP ~ITOWN'OF WUITflY oop~l'là ÀtI8PESN Appyto B;arriâtêr, &Î., Wlaitby.i Whitby, Maay 21, 1801. 1 R. .OKBL AUCTION EER. IW ILL bcolIaappy to attend al salae% thaitas may ho avared witla, anti froanpat ex- peaieace h ast îesatr xtsaato.Sales aatonadd ait short noticea and Ian reaisoniable tea i - NVU.tby, Aaag. 80,1286e. 40-t Protecti on againut Loisanmd Daimage byFpie. WESTERN ASSÙRANCË COO?.!A1t CAPITAL £100,OO(' INSIUlANC eoffectcd on Bildingsaaiad tamer coaatenats. Evairy isfornaation sapplied on aîllacauatloaa to tlit rndersilaad. JOHIN AONEW, Trravellig Airat, Byron Sreet, Whtby Now Tailoring Establishment! SIMP8ON & FERGUSON. R ES1'EOTFÙLLY aainouhctute .n habitanrts of Witby aind surrounding ountry, tsait they have opened a Taiorls %hop on Brook treet, opposite the l'Ontario Hotel," whewe al orders entrusted to tbom wili be dora, with aeatness and despatcb. _ Whitby, Qet. 2th, 1859. 60. Whftby Brewery. n-IIE f;tSascrîbers uare cw preptre ou e ai-c T. nieh Liaepattons cof thaeWitby Breweryt *itls an excellant article lai sloe istssititios as usa> ho roquil-ed, sud ona terni. te mit pur- classera4.% Bottlesta&Io eqas athoti aurteul artile.ý CLARK d&-IVO0DWAID ILEMO VAL. IN retaaraing tliasku ta tih'gaiil'or tec il- beral paatroageasla.bie ro nci vomi sa cedns- a.aeacing btislices lut Mn. Caldwell's Bloce, bauga ,cave te litianata tlisat ith1m ineaaed lIs Amn- brolypu (Gallery ta thme receaover s'e mrtsoraf biessre. Lose&d Powll, Brouk Slreat. wlaincr lue le, prepamro! te fatni aîskarotp i keise in the but stylo. V- MrI. UOaen'. l'a-sent reenia areliliateil froant flias aol), arever>' spaicits, saldacaitaimimli l ia a pplanees fcrn akiag tiesaititpenfeemltla-liki liceaseso f aîlloisadi. Ys'hitby, May' 28, 1W0. riAR FOR SALE. TN tue Tawuiaip cf Darlntn ; belsmg t h ncnth pait of lot No. 84 i lime 2d Comces- s os, coustaiimdmag 70 sacrest, wiîlî 2 !wehliaag liouee, 'IaVas ssii!sitmis, 4ivilaag aooi, Wood- sis Btab5lei, t therconu. Thoro mrc s [a2 e acls aa slendid orelmerc sud a utvor-'allasg treusm w,îa it cieroussmathisKrmi. it li hîaiatifally mit amte! an thes Kingstoandis!Toa'onto rcetl,throe aulla. fom oahawF, un! six fijaa iowmanvahhc. 'fIais in an opoihg soldosu offereai. Tilie per. feet. PrnbceMoearato. Taîms se>. For par- ticuhairos ao., aipl>' tu E. R. B. hAY VWAIID Trentont, biti>'149 1860.,b ORSALE. T (iWN 1I)TS iii Wlmitlcy ntcar the Blaiy- AIO, Village lt i )tlieCciraci mu1111s ay>, iua'nd ut Perry. Aî'piy ta Jiuau1, 1857. Ci. IL. DARTIN -L Solielan., Broci a'a't2,Ihit;qa 221 «tILLIAM KÂXFFMAN.N ARCHITEOT, t> 144, Bay Etreet Toronto, Employment! $40 a Month. AGENTS WANTED 1 1 W E waint a a tioAgent un ee>'Con0 i tlme Usnato'i States and lCaisata sdMi the Frainklin Sewiaag Macie. To a lîboral smashber of Traivellinag Agomm, wo wlll puay a $40 per MONTII sud ail Expenses I To 1 aoail Ageuatauai eooaaaisgiaa of 80 per ceaint. oaa al miai. Evarir aachu.eluina' l wuannitai( tog!ve uaaivcrmam mattt'afmutloau, aiual uelat lai a'ihauir six nit>uatla.-' Itaceaut ian praum(tfaaaaaut mia,îar i iv-aaliaaim isa sautait plau îlar lua Um muaar-t. Lin faUI pumnîcu- lura aiad ai pernntaaaîlsuaaiaaes, aulr§s, witla staip for raituanas lattea'. HARRIS BR.OTHEBRS, Sole Agente Frashnkliewlng Machine Co. Box 186 Boston, Mass. Brooklin Houase. T HE Saibseriber basvisng lemad tue Brookli Bouse, sud fitteul IL ap as a trot Cimon 1121, le4nOW praipaireai te aiCeommodaite the travelimg public, wire ihe>' whll hlnd the bast anahlity cf Liquors, and hie table providod with ts bait thù ScausOn altords, wilh eareai uostiar undl hitnsefalsaison liauad,li~e solicitma ai are of the public patronage. 0 EORGE MoLEAN, Proprietor. X B.-A1ac on harnd Iloresas nd Buggies te dr a travélers 10 as> part of Lise Cotant>'. Bruokla, Maroh 2ltb. 1861. I VIUMGAR ' VINEGAZ 11 7flE UNDERSIGNED IBAS F01U SALE. JL Viuegair cf the bout quality, nanumfse-turd b yhiaiaelf-on the prom masarsof Bottioea stý ehclolaid's) Store, Brook Street, Wilby. a-Id ailargçoesasnd aiihmuaaaatitlas 'wholessabo anmd r tuil. Biay ai cheu, and rendly good ar- tlolm,-uiatîiu foaand by elaa'aiual tests to bu. the bet cver proalucec i iliashetown. -MICHAEL 8SGBNAPPAUF. Whiltby, Jaaîy 0. 18a. 98 airctah - ii Lieuse -for> tlao wlocitait>', tboy âareprefAý. olatedalordes Wltlï prOis#tnès aaunion oi~s5iber hais fur Sale at Luit Tile Tard 1. '4&h'Con Whtl(laaaasediately ]aaut of Mr.eG. ýOgiton', Paraa)> aquantit> cf Drain Tehave been proutoancod oDy competeait erswIoibcaiofthe d bost qulty. 1,000 Puce liât faîraislae'l ond ordera tailei by Miammrs. llaianiloîs i &Iolaa.tA. Whitbv. JAMES SMILLIE. Deceanhýer, 1860., 49 T UE subscriber bogas tolInforni the ilabsitants JLol Soutli Ottorfo, tiutî livlug opled a Lixber Yard at Oshaiwai, for the salai of MEsora. Patton & Cos., olobratud Luwbair, ho wlilbe ablai to snpply the aime ut remwuable pries for cash or approvod joint notes. Oshaiwa, Jais. 30, 1881. 0. W- SMITHI. IDENTJSTRY! DRS. OALLENDER & CARD surgeons* Dentiatc5 &Cet, Rooma over Mrli, Carleton Lynde's Store DUNDAII STREET, WHITBY. T RETIh Oleai lu tise mout erfet uta er- au! noue but theias ot andm1ianoat approveul inaterlal tssai. Tise long exaperienoe cf Da-aa Calleisulr' &i Cuirai anad thiuethorau g la kaowlcaixe cf the prea thiai of' Dmaaasiety, eaable L tho aiàparecimita Ltma gm-cart oniita te bai damia-ad frntaa i ereffsl lre' suniratita of taeulal-isnatnaiat, atui iaiutilul rgaaas ta l' a ti. ithelireîmraimnsuion a greait doeiof thae iaalth, happinaes m nai couafont cf tmnkîn! clepesad. Tîteir OaeratiioUn tlis I brumncocf tî "MiaIPosglion asut l'ail te givaisait- Isimietioma. Let theailactemi wsah ciseamet cotîi5 oi>'y visit tImons li tism, before tha iseuse geLs taie firia sald. ARTIFICT AtTERTI lusmrte! la, (olul, 511- ver, Platinua Plate aise upoa tise cshobrated,aasd atl>' recommniessa ule nloizod tanu, alLer tise laitest ajid ioasa u aovnellaculs adopicai b> thae prîaaa.Thio)periffla-nm of Drg. Cullhoa dun & Card ire àse carefimal>'puttbrned, asi- o perfect is theniselvais, tisait not onî'Lb.theinAfjtr- ailexpresslcion Ipreeaedbtmî tulecae and aimaiu- ftot' ftlaé werer of thehn artîflihailteatis "i- moted t the aimm, lange, lia the duabeci lal l'oaan! liitrtiosIair attsntiocn giv-oaste thmesaine andl rcicimlatiu jof olaldreiaa tectît. I'tiaeats sheulti attendit t iis w i u.ca 'n'iportasat dut>'tt Loer ciispniag. Ail opertloasswarrnteml istitifacten>'. Tatti reeuoaslai. coansulation fa-ce. 20) TO FARMER'S A. B. SALTER, Vetcrlnary-Surgeon, (IRADUATE of tliasColhm'Eai of Vecariaiy S5urgscianaad Isedi-ine, Bostoîn, US., anal ass4is4tant cf tItrais dret-claiss ruetioaairs romîs theoollogo1 Loniaes, Eauglauunl, wili hois atieta- mdanceson 1'TJISDAY'S chirhaag oai c ok, at Mn. JamsiaCrmcler's holl, W'h itb>, wlaero hua May'h bc canlîedon ahi foraselcinialse te whasi elIorssud cattleaarc stasjeot. Mr. Sal- ter l'aid confidentsthLmat aflar saivenai ysars sus- cestiful pracitce, lie wihl bai abhe te $ive tialis l'action la ahi who iitayiy uieai lmiservaces. Maruh 13, loti. 9-11 Farm for Sale TIN the, Townshlip of Pieklulit beli inapos .11 ]ail rpat of Lait Na. 11InluFtlaa- raI Cota.aid NI'. il an thec 4tlu rat, eoiittiia ii-21X tucra, of luaud. TitlNe ai av aiimoucwmmi aunu iu tjiiulte propainy t>'.%t leaix. laalî,otaaflic svet5t,uaad as sacw kito ownais torrqauirai no fuirtimar dais- "ri îtiomi. For partilesamppiy ai tlIiPuât (Of- lie W iLitby tu lu A. bMcPHER.;ON. ]FAIRBANKS & MACDONELL GENERAL AGENTS, t3onmifssion Merchants & Anetioneers B10C'K STRIEET, WIhITBIX, C. W. (l)laaÇaste i-ily i lllea.) RIE prepoaaitu a attend Susil ii l lparts of A h tuicouamîr>'. J. V .MCO~ L. FAIRBIANKS . 1.C.M CO L IZEFEI1ENCES.-Z. Baariahaiaa, Euql., Jndgo. Couatytà tunýio ; Win.aa.Iuing, Es., %Wlmtby IL . J.'-idoataih, Emq., Mayaor of 'hily -J, B. Warrn &atEq., Miaiaagrar Oantario Baink . 1) F, Blurkei, Leq., »OSIUcwI; J. Ilialil, Esq., ôsh- awa. RUSSELL'S 1-OT'EL$ Q U EBEC. Ti ¶E asslmtrsmilzaauI l'naaînittors aol'tîtahe seV vilatauilled tEL, bLon.i eot u pprta iaIc Iluir faietis ati i tra luati dti' amve tîc- nutil>'reoa'atIa toi,,reh, i alis laact ien inq aIll wialan, w1li l m'fl'1wlo-Iam i aatuw ta, mlur tu thei Ma'oaheso f ta iuthe cumi tae Tnau a'aiiig Pubile suacerior a'a.aîaaalau lîtimat. lau ailditioml u Lo imeaîîauilaits tlac inlasltait sim- ton, tiaey lainiaaw l'iirinsatuttulbod-room?%hIiiai hanrge ltuss afleur thIslioll, wiiu, fer cosufort aind ocivenheuce, aire aaissupaâsecd In the ciL>'. II. RUSSELL & SON. Quoc, Marcha 11, 1801. 9 Bakery and Oonfec:ionery, R IIARD SNOW closiros ta lsform lis nninsrous caitoiners and thes pubilie, Lat l'e hais cnoved froua hisaoH prneoiat it ho l a nd aminluu v ow lused ou Dasidais street, lu thai praiuisC eslatai'oectaplual la' lir. J. Arutail Ail craiers Is hixE llus attended te wth puaic Luasity. suppers alteaidcd ind aupphisd. O)raiages, Fa-tits, Cas dits, aima Conifrailoncry of ait klids 4-îy FAYRM FOR SALE. OoAcres, 80 Acre. clesei, 10thé uailored conainag aOod bard iveod eu>rll tjii. Seut lIaf o f Lot Eo 8 the ith Cen. cf Picerin. Thero flut s gooaàhouAa andl ont -buildinigs;-aise a good bejsrng orchsrd wth abunulsuceoic fruit traies, aia lne nover- faihg StreoaWa l wter m'a. Lrouxht thé, fama. Termns-One-iaalf cf tho pireiise moue>' dowi, LIse reaMaILder i inVo ycsrly fl tait Aply (if byhattarfst pald) te A. MePiser- sm-n, 11eq., Il. bi., %Vl'1atby, or tIse propriaitos., .&LEX. DUNLOP$, A'Idley P. Piokmraig, JuamoIl1001. 22 'JS 'I ARED TO VI.5iad dm asreê.u W>s brates, and has tIi.> uoat responuli- E. Êe SECAM. ýrffE tNDeffl1GNED) 18 PRE.P'PAIEDTO £puay Qeh for rnaes dellvorid aaL Lyndlo ýWm -BURNS. QLEb, AND ALL <)THER IINDS 0F SU- p erior tsnaid Leathor for sale at tho WV lit- by Tanaoy. Wm. BURINS. BOOTS AND SFIOES. B )(Tg AND) SIIORd <)OF TITEI BEST 8.Woa'kmtnslaip, aaaanofaaetaalrcmi aaasalaaa lai owaait saperiaatenalaiefor suila y the stalamcribaar. Louve yoaar nîaaaasureuaid 0tti gQao Jarticle 'Lut will lit easy and weaur wuol Waan. BURNES. TO SHKOEMAKERS. X~ANTED TWO G001) JC>UINEYMEN, Wan. IlfllN. 24 Diýss ttreae, V'litby. House and lot for Sale. Font4alo olaimup . il>" Dwailf iaa out .7. ' t, Towaa tf Wlaiti laa'luely hl i ucc1- 5~' atiomi of J. S.13oamuult.oau. For pl anuad aoraas aapply to J Il. PERIVY, Fobrtaary, 7,1861. ht. IFOR. SAL OR TO RE2! 5OAcres, 42 uirps lcarvmItiut exmllcîmt 5aFiran caaupnieirmg LteNanrtit- We>itecrr Or Lot No. 81 lai thue Oth i cacusiria i olicitr- ilg. 'limeri a s aigo)d Ilau-i mu lid 1m: 1, .]l, outm iltc>m aisemiamrge al,ria aii i a a lrl. Theo îremhssire welh waere'a, 11u41al iaied aul h a niop;t liitlmftal ocatity, wali 11lu <mes 0i tha Towau tsf hittay. 'june ljl.crmi. Ap ta IIENIIY LAWRIINCE, Bamhmtim, P. O. le Or on theo prenaîsis. IMPROVED FARM&,S AND Aofa c Lanai INacr si#Iee 7,cu ,b mA 44.e, a'itvol'Ualt- tanlo, to2egt isiai it cu -ta-Il. aut Sa' 111 ai 100 acrs, 05 acres Cleareal, easl vsai ( of thti W % ocf 17, lia thee lut easica-,asiom a' uf Uxidgo Couamty ofa't>itaro, c-llutheullitag ilouace, l'aimaî Bains aa! Staibles. WIL.D LANDS. LtINo. 29 imrtlao a-tm Comaé Eoaisuorai, 2a1e atoreai, Cotamat>' of Victoria. Luct Ne. 14, in tle iStIa Coma. Scaoîihhvle, 200 aairas, Cotasat.Y ol'Victoria. W~'et 1XLct No. 80, inuthelIt itoa. Fcaselaaaa, 1uo menus, Commta>' of Victoriai. tiolmila JïLol N,). 17, liu tic1itlit Con. l'en' - West Lo1crNo 2q. lustlaa-Ipt1t'!" ta. wui ta- itia atrtes, t'a taay Aatliauratu LotNo 1,cli lelait C n. I a lliuc Park lot of 6Il sonmawia-lafr.aaîa ioluosa aid uatl- baigilllg las utata iidam -eu tat i it 'a, ai- tre waaraa. Also 20 bvai lotas. lFor tra inauio aaar'aifuu proert> takti lit otrituage for thu culai laitais mavo uaataaai CHIARL.ES C. KELLERI,- Sclimitar, Wlîltby, Offilcclas Victoria Balîduauge, cicr the aImiatxa- tiare cilice. t-4 CO0M PET U 101, T seIl Iail kialis aferk i uu lis l[ut ofI auAi-; aimas eleuuuj acilt ua> tiaor c.aiIa uuîat thse iaaa ailtrcoicliua itiai s lis coia-4l made up asadar irli. omîti msruetioma, il cà-<mi bu ac Vi sainte! Lt' givaiaatefattt.Fur UcLaplatuh et f0Iolcielu laces mil1 aiîaoak. Mens' Ware. Beau FraineCalCilBous...- - -$4 ...tA. C'aliuala 66.a' .. ... .. 4 25 a Kiî pp ............3 25 "Ccw ilile .. ................. 310 a'ae- li ..... ........1 7.3 Brtag.41uua............ .......... 2 mu(e Lait'Warc . Bolneu ae' ;oaai.......... .il 0 ("i otut aaaa au Botsi...... .. 1 i amdi ut tla r atiiclea l atca buc ltim tc cr iBrcokliin, iarcli1i*'SIca. 103 t VALUJABLIE PROPI 1flY FOR SALE. T IIlE asudorsigneatiercnes hl aic'taiale 0propora>' at l'ontr at ht6y fuar "ieutiioalaia.aa lur- totel ada alfaces, Two Excellent Dwellîngs, Enis ia amt lie fora agatcl famuaili', mti i auIliaa ncoaau1y, ciailu ai <'ttmalaat-oiliaos, ilturat'-,a'- 'T'ho1va' c -ia aua al i dat al l cua" e'aittaaili ece--av ci- tai' Iguïit ta-c-c'. u- au tac r- fui:lig ,furita' wautr, aîaad tii i l'ad fiLiultt situlî e 10 1 'i o U tc Ic ar ut of%%' liltla>, maaiautil t I - iv oppositote s raina i tisk ratation aaaa ime Li ine an! wilh ho sola itla me ciate jcmilmJe orie ictiao Le sai a desinamtahapirolae.- Tne ituraiI ; amnd will hoc xc ange! for famrnu- lut' lande. Trhe aboi'e propenty is moi4t desîraisi> sitituteel fer laylng oît lu Buildinag Lot», cr wouaml suit s market guLTraiesmr frinlils eontiaamity te Lhe towai. Appi>' 10 GEORGE, B. HIALL, Fort Wbitby, es-to JOHN HAMER GREENWOOD, Solcitor, Aie., Brook St., Wuitb>'. Wlsithy, Mi>' 8, 1581. 17 cA'rTLE BAGENCY . bbontril, bits>'1, 86 1. T UESsaibimrîborai boa ta informas tîmir flis sud LIse publicenmatt ts ave aiothis day epeucilthiose oxtatsseai promlis. Coreof Wlingon and Queen Strets, To Foamr*ionsid chios wailug to aeMd or brlng Cafttie teo Las Markt, Lb. sulcrorf. fer oves'> tincIlyfor Sale 0) onsaamisaiôa. Mn. F, Brearo>" . olongepncne as BLTCIER, cver 108ya)n lamSt=An'. MaktaiIo 8 sra se propriator cf tsilLu"Vle!Htl ia a ic Yard, lesiftllet gsiratteeofLise fais-mair-; ket prlce of tao day laing claincul. Mm. S. Bnearce w îvtitteratimatabeiugdoi'oted '10 thim hnaaalc-la mathelui usiaaca. f/'raae-2yp6r centt,.0(AJ ré î.ilîraaled in JPactl a/ff »MZ»;e?sale. S20BIIE EAEY Ai TAYLOR. plootbon md b.as ,1,11 Sfflmz!t tQf 1 tLoipï: <if thé Bsm Vidu.tlotnxudu b it nllom 1 . compile, liom t«ïCa foregi sperdi"4hb, Lb.woauld.be imurdervý sud of the pecadiirl tapois',to life bis aon- . A Lendon. aienl OZTIOEDENTS or 111E BÂEON. a The sTismLrTabout te ho t-lai8 lu 1 Àuele i il Lia. sîsof cr4uao, fu't'horo- Mance cf prvait>'lieor, in those Ste rlêa of &oMepîctie rsgd Mfaîar te eveQr>' Baighisisf ioide,."I bi eune cf the ,,moal fearful incidents that hâve occurîsidlu- Lisa ceunIr>' for main>' ycrs past-an stt0mpî noL nicrel>'eait murcler, buattIse monder cf a son b>' ai fatisr,a man otrank,of diatingubis.- cd manutens aud poaition,moving in tise bout socimat>. Nor ia tubs crime ose et' dares on cf seerey; it waa perpetrtma, if ac- cotants ho truc-sud, unfontunatel>', tisere is ne reasos tu douist tisem-iuî broua day. higist, witiiaa few puces- cf ai freqnented higis reai ina aipopulous ueigisborisoad, anda net mass> yardsaiway froni s palace wbish tise poîpetrater cf tise cnimeo aisppairent&. 1>', ounisis waiy te vieiL, aftor culliag assa bciaag aeceuved ais ai weleoms gucat ait anaîhon rosideaice cf tise saie royal family>. IlFor semé years pnst tiser. has niove! bu Londons social>' an incividual conmeonl>' kiaowna s tise Baron de Vidiî; us miuunors polibsie, iba madressai mnîaîuataaxg j tall, giace- fuig elmgittaitaid aicoaaaîai8laeai; cf browtn comiplexioan, in ripened ai nhioed, witlî iuir stihl blacke an! eut siorti asu one wiso re- monibered iiucampaignin isAlgonia, an! isow ver>' nici tIsat ia-ir isai beeu lu the wacy wisen an Arabi seize! t in close ean- test; witi wisslers jusL powdered b>' ime ; repliteil wealtisy; cemiug loto social>' man- dair tise respiectable nome of tise Orleains fainill>, witis tise ramaiantie reputation cf fidelit>' te s faihien dyaasty-aio wonder thitt tise Baron Alfredi Louis Poue de Vidil reiadibl>ionsai is waiy, under auch auspicicai, imte tis euantminai centre ai Londhon socbet>'. SurI ai mana came. suiw ma!d ceaquerouh. il In 1825 is maramled Misai. Sussanais Jackson, coiseïrs cf a wealtlsy Hertford- shire gentleman, assa foauil isis associaiti- ens wltb 'Oigllis soclet>' aiengtheeaibY biis 4faimil>" ies wth the brother cf bis, wife, s gc istlemain cf assient faaialy sud praporty. Heaies hé soon isocame s mem. ber of tise Travolar'u Club. When the premataire ueatia of bis_ wiéo bathfreoil hlm frons Lis coisatraittof domettiua tis, he lived a haciaclor nt Cp5aL b r -~ ..>~ = 'oves', lhewas luit' sigi j y thega ol1 fer a ime. Tis foreigia noblitaa, ci picasunt mmamnerai eputoul wcslîis as! ma- Ins-e! ctpenimauce lam a son, athe hein cf e large portiounetf1hsmotser's fortne us(te descend Le bis fatisr if bie diot! aitheit heurs). Thais soit, baiving gradauta! ait Caimbridalgewu uow 23 yeans cf aige, sud wuas is a position te dlaim issfortiue- Tise fimher bu! net permitte! tise gaietbes et fionieumie o t maike hlm forget tise ploassrés cf a parentl, antm!tia it liappeue! tisut on Fnida>, Juise 28, thaut i justta fort. nish t age, tîohe aron settote his sen. Chamnbers bunaleranyn street isaviting hums L camte tu breakfast with issi ait Clarendon, an! go witis hlm ta maike a cail on tise ex- Queoam cf France, ait Clarement. Tise>'loft tise Clarenadon togetîso ait tweloha o'cleckt an! procceedo! te Waterlostation, visoe tise>' tek tise 12.45 train te Twickenhasm, an&ltisera aligiste!. It willho bi ememisor- 'et tisait tiseaiàbuaira Inn close te tise Twick. essians station, andat Iuther, ait tise Barn de Vidih'sai sggtiana isason ,Alfre! Johnu de Vbii4 weutî wiîh him, aima!tise Bures bsv. ing selectedo! vr orses, il wais setticai they nhoul! ride osata Clircanont, about bix os soven miles distant. Tho Baron iumu!ad bis sou as ligist lady's ridima; wiip, an! ask. ed fan eue for' issef, but tartetl aithosil alOis sacinsa;Claremant the barons at finait wishsed te put np mt an inn an! tube somno refa-esismouat, but afterwanda west for- wur! a short distanace ta Seo wisoîier amy ai tise Os-eains tainil>' weu-e ait tise palace.- H1avis; ascentuulusod te prnceo f lise Due d'Orleans, te>' retorse! tote ise kmputup titeir itorses aa and unlîtoLethe ClCîminont lonne. 'l'iisDuc d'Orleamis receycai tise Ibarois de Vichil ns auliuoaorc! gucL, uad chaîted i ctis him bis sfrituteli sutuoneu anaions sulajactu fer neminî>' itali ma bon.- Tise fatisr an! son titan nîtartie! torelien Lo tise inn, remounte! tiseir hanses, un! procco!cddgentI>' aI aiwalleing paca homne. carmmas. "it wunat tisis ibis tise bis sois lc- essai impresse! caitis aistraingenosu ef bis fatlsor's aatamiscn, aisingulair abaiorption ou is part, wiih led hlm, froni sanie un- lenown impulse, te psy-parîlculmin attentiona te bis fatlse's ovcmy action. île notice! lIant huhas fatiser culue wus a fine Iosemun, made lais hanse taassag ait! curvet, as! occaiior.slly roan, but Iis ia ament tise of feet cf makiig his sOa's hors. cveu fiaigo. t>', for IL vas s duIl beout. The>' kcpL on aI a walItuntil Lb.>' bai neaicheal Hampteai, wahors tise baron proposedtheL.> shaulil roat sud talce refreshameni ; but his sou iccliaisi, hebng suxieus tLe geL il cf bis hors. andi f nish Lbe jourue>', during the visole cf wisicis li feIt dopressedas if b>'lte consci- c usaiess cf some cemng mubfortaine. Re tiserefore rode on, but bis father sean over- tole bimu, snd on coming up asked hlm bt dine ait Hampton, whicb, tram ai aimilar fceling, youug Alfred agabas docliaicu. ai As tise>'paaaed ent Ibrongis lb. gates cf Buabe>'park lise baron gave his aoai's bora. a ah>' ont viLla lb. vhip lie iad taken from bim, but thse herse vos ao lame lin apiit, ou so uscai teob hteaehing up- tbe msual portion of MWredbuchs--isat it tolc no notice of il, sud thse baron retaru- e is soanea the. vbip. Trivial as theae. matera ma>' appeau, tise euunlertbo Mai character cf tem tend 't e ddictious of importance ita relation te sabsequesat oventa. It ist lic obseaveol tisat the Baron do Vidil carnie! ne wbip, Stick, on acapers ciis is, and tisait ihobai! ait>'about ii Lise>' maitbave boon conealsai. 0aa the-e as no cDue csfori oaet ôsid 4oa115 fAthaei-that be cOithsiiot uder- di sandtýwbiy tey lhamTgoesin luht ane, f The baron madie qjpma repl>' about, feeling. uwlantd akil oit.aThhorie a e'got off. The. sets did se,_sud ' iaiquiredvhietor h hoaid',dil' u fetefrtome brandy, but the; baron daiolined2 go said psy s viaut te tise Duc ai' Aumnale,, an! tiseu led tisewaiydoýWn ai 'run e te righit of Orleains Hanse, floretise>' met a wcmnasswho lufermeul tisenitise>'wene geiegp in a wio-og direction. 211E ÂTTItPTB5) MiDoataca. b iTise>'retrace! tiseir stops, 'and agaru d bis fatlser led tise waiy doa anotiser' laie, i aima tiso an sotiso- wbieis broiigist thien to a tise hack décf Onu liese, b>'thie stables. Thse sais woudercd, hait expecteil thora muaitn ho somao reaion fer tii. Tise>'di!ntct enter tisa bouse, but agaiistairaedonouee side, wiei led tise >oungq, gentlemen Le suppose hiai fatisor was goiug up te tise outrance. iey got up this hans te wisere it turne! aImait ait a nigist angle, fdliig a s sisat!>' oek. Tise laus weait ou foi ai short distance antutisasmaide aictsr tairas ait ai similtar short aulo. Wîmen Lise baroncuil neaicse! tis sspot ismalsteaiisahlorse ait the corner, aimd gava a sorutiuisiaig look bathd waiys No aise was te ho soon. I 64Them young Ahireai hail iddesaou,. but 0 is fathor's vcice scion brougist hlm baieh, as h. oation Lise>'h were aIl wreng, aimai must came bmçk. Tise youtis was titan ou 9 bis. fatisenr'oait àhqud, andaibaai cl>'return- t ed a few pasces wlaen lis félt s violent blow aima ou looki-ugrnsd te 500 wheaiee it bail proceedu, saw tise barnu aivainbs upon bis with is ihanuplifteai, a and otisinga ia iL proçaring me atrike in. The bhowy fvlia ascadt1 iane mas tisoeuanmed Yeuth ;r maid tise fatimer wns abouvtL complote laisv diabolical îaunîosma b>',anotlier anaafinish- iug blew. Tise youtis's hait iai fullem ofF. Tlsere was notiia te save bita. Tise arderer's bîo!d was up. Tise poor boy's !oreisUal eut antd iattereul, waà streainsig viit gore. Impulse made hlm premu en is horse. sud as tise hors. rode te tise spur' IL caugst -tise bhoîv on ils iseau.Tisait moment savea tise yguth'a lité, for lisaaw cmagrudtscorner ai main and, a wo- man. Without u iuataùt':i mlay ho slip- r ell frasaiho bIsyI<, raiehe! bav-ards Wa 1il7-kl-i ûd nu as aay cf "teror- SpoDr yeutlt-cîaasg toiser kasees, saiyiug, (h i protect ma-save, me 1 ' Tisai answas John, hivers, nahaborer, ma!d as ise was comisg frons Sion ncw, down1 Orlcans rend, ho bahaccu tise two- genile a ncu ridbatg up fraintise Tlihanes towmr!s hlm, To bis greaiL bewihdermnat ho saw thse eider gentlemen utrili suaiden!>' ait tise yuasgcr onuebit iin on tise forcein wiîh a wisip as bai tisongit), tis asar.dlai of aviie waa brbgb a athLiseon! tiat straicletise pear youtELs face. Hle saw tîme yous; ftoiîuaw's huit falisa; off ass ai srd Liban en>'ont 1<Oi1 dont raut dian'tl'hattLihe cdea' advascd up ltise youtsgom'l, utui is iten leyouué aasaiîa stippe! offh>his home an! nana fonward, them elder gentlemian rnisferaard tooc amis; ont, '4 e>' ho>' i iere ils your bat,' ais! is isaioaat caaagit tise yontb ; but tise latter mnm au! fouI 1 tise womau'u foot imphorbng &id ,issforces tmeaing wiîis blocai. TU1E tESCIJE. "At tisis momntîltise>' bad regchod s spot cchere waa standing anether main, Jolis Evans' ai b4ngernan. He smiw thie youaag, Alfne!'s face coc'ened with bîeo!, ands tsait ho came cruoni lite senis hunte!aiaid terriitd isat aI itso!aeienu for tsife. coevrii; dosa-as as smacrie! eut' 'Heull)mae, protc'ct ano, save se ?' lie suiv, toc, tho Darniduo Vidil (who a trn a white bat, an! hai a aidits; wlip laie i ais!) corne, or ratiscu, mua ep, ad utalît iami aiglaLate! isassnen, 'WVis a tac ilsat bas ismppese!?V aiaatheo Baronmastde a rusht te tîse gaLe b>' tisenoamd, aaadeadin-, te mafiel! dowate tahie Tisaines, au! trie! ta geL oemr ia, tîought Juit Evamns tolal huma tîtene watt nothingeaoi tise otiesmiale :btut,,tlura;lini asooklver>' nucla, lac atihi pers3iste!, an! iii lut4 hu-ate taltreinuiuaaliuuess Blilped a3tbu gelt Caor and tome luis htiadal witishumaehoule iaials tîaumt were enth ie top of theo gaite,andi aceut onas Ivr n hmce es c~te behin! isemas shrubs. a.Thai young de Vidil was bleedin; pro- faiseh>, asd Johsn Ivans supporling hica. &oh, I amn se giai! yenarai bore,' saai tisa pcoar ycun;soan; do aset, do nst heaive me.' ' No, l'il saat beaiae yen,' replie! John Evans;' but Isuca- aid iL happeis?' TIse yoiutli opeascaiisamorut te sPai, but bis eyets fixe! with a terrible atane as lie sa vblis ixtliaisa ye stetail> graii; oaa hsisn, attdh letra iilulau amuranaur soang2liiai;about s waib aid a fatil. Aaad 5 tise>' pr-ouecai, sjuppertimag hlm iscedin;, te tise imareait panilbiouse caa tise nom!. 9 Vis> did yen gel ever tise gale ?' inejuire! John Evians of liseIBaron.1 To feteis assistance,' tins tise rend>' rapl>'. <How aid IL isappen ?' in. qasircai Johni Ernct, aucatien laborer, wvbu came up as li ea5w the group aimd thie bloc!ý lu, mai. 'Iloar di! it happeai? 'Oh, theo >'onug gentleman atocai up un is isaddbe te hock ovor tise W1171wus lb.fatser's repi>', $an! bis herse raeud, sud se ho fellI 'but te John Erans ho saai tise hese shied au! tbrcw the bLia>'agaibistise wlli. 61 Tise>' wu-shcd ana! baiho! tise 'iounais, an!, ta isatonrar, is afalisor vsiseil te asibt la tise cperatiou, but ho bocaîme alarme!, aaid cluug ho Johna Evans andl [bogged net te e le It Thon a surgeon mum ad te bina b. cominiucsted his de- aire tist thse gentlea's assistant aboulai accop.n>'hlm te towva,i fa t edaed ,s boue1>' jourie>'. aied sasolitary ' nigisiirntis that fearfaul main. Thsurwgeons, Dr. Clar-ke, cf Twickenhamui, whe imagineaisometiig, wu&s notas IL aboulai b. consosatoi te tb. p:eopesal an! raw il curnicai cuL. Ils ex- amine! tluC wotiù uhi ich ho ccnsi!orsLW havt- beega preaiuctJ b>'sout e vSpota ike ai iter preaiervor, au! uloclares tisat no fall esceal iow I wss. I cuald 'net iu8woa hlm, aud begod his net te touch me, fer. I was ver>' tender. Mr. Clark came sud 55W me with is baassistant. Ho Lied up Lte two wenaids-aue on the front of mj fore- iseai, aud tise otlier ou tise aide cf iqi îsend. Tise baron oecasionally Ieft thé noou. Inu mne of tise.intervaa I sais- geai to tell Mn. Clark I huai net Allcai, er kuoce aagaibista Wall, -but lisat hhIad doue iL. I cutreated l tat to go with me Le tcwu. Hé sentI bsaassistant, Who sccom- panicai me. -I1meuuicuca inbuthe publie' boguethai su>'mon.>' W"ihave gote fta m>' amnte ean4 eusins.I have .nover beeat msrried. 111Iwere Le dis vithout lawful issue, sud witlaout makinaWillyI, > atiir, voulil saeceidtcaabout £3,000,' 1 be. hbeve tisai aisýfather'-W ouude« me vithi~. tentto niurder a.- (Signeai,) 61 ALY199DJOBS DE s Dt. w 'h 4~iO r~q ~ NTOL. :';J a-" h0 Olareudon, mnd lut 'Friday diuo4 ut rai memberâ cf tIlitForeign Offlesa Ga tond,>' afteruqon ho as unomtcst, briaa aid wtitlithe'accusatiosn of murder, flling -"The BarontViil vas forasaoryattac»t te the Ëreauh EmuatasyatStckhbolm. Hô ra 'le laaiL Bardn createai b>'Loau iI1 Ipp1 sd hiî. pattant bears date Yébnaaart 23; 1$U, ~Ho waa ><arresteai in egaia, 4t, tho rNOM& of'rw.. colobrateai Jockey-Club of-wfiis le a Wa mmer The club- hequse winsta unis aicai Aina.mteii b >'a, cordon of p;ie1L;preveut hac.oscs.Pe. ~The trial is 'uow goiaig on inu Lota..s anda the fu ais crarly eetablighod tsi tht baron atruck thé blow. -Tise man Rivera leposeai tha ieo aw tise Baron strike bis sii atubeklssd blair with tiseisanailo cf a waip, aindisedrai the lutter cry out, ippareai t l' aincis litt. IL wasa t the ,cor- tee of the haine leading Lutiste duke d'A- anale'.suad at about moyen o'elocin bu Lb evenbiag. "The folîowiug bi the deposition of thal sait) Alfreaid è Vidil . "-tThse deposition ao Ahtred John de Vi- ili 1 hive at No. 40)Daike atreet, Westmiu-, iter Ian th~ lawful Bon cf Alfr'ed Louis Pons de Vidil, 9mmnonly es!Ied Lte Baraa le Vidih. Oal riaya tise 2Sth .Ynnè lai, E w,95 invitai! b ni> faither te go with bini en tisatday aClairement Le viaittise ex- Qucen of tise Frouais, liveut on tise saut ISîli Jane to-tue Clarendon Rotel ban Boud atreet, where 1 niet my -feitil, -sud freai tiience 'went wbth hnm ta tise Waterhloo ftailway Stationi, and airrivea b>' trainta Twickenaham, where two saddle-horgea wveral- awaiiting, us. We wentaiaind muale te cai ut Charcsllont. Oà otan reunal, juilt, befone we came te a public-houso, where naside road hoais Ltiste left, liai aaid, Iisali aak whicis wilI ho the bout rend,' whittis saon- ilaid me, as isekhoew the rond perfeetl9 Well. Iie dilot asc, but witmont aayiaeg a Word, teck tise left. I ai, II eain't ur- denatanai yeur cousin; isere.5 Ho gave rcaal ta ndestandaithatlho wamsulfeicn-gfrout boweî coasplaint. I said, tmWoist yon ur back sud go to the bisn.' Tisue iiwmas qUtit. cailptyý wlaeu av esatered it, but after- ata"lsa womas appearea stheLiensa. Ho sai, iWiIi you haold niy horse?'V-I si1 4Ea l kolaail 151! aaasaag, waix&Itd remnaut oit m> own herse or geL clown.- Ie saaid, Oh, nover-mndu.' Tisa woan wass ait the entd of tli4 lune. W0 Wtldd batikl ista tIse sais coad. l i siaa tisa in I ungad hlm te take seuie brandYltiserut He saul, No. iso; thnk yen-bt.due-a not lookt e ry nice place.' W inbutise haine ho tel! nie cf sis stomaeb.ache. 1I salai, 'If I huai Itaawu tisat, Iwotuldlbaive diued at Hampton, as yen asuued ame te do! He aaid, '4lhiaissbuvon>' km!.' On roturnin; ta> tise niainrosa ie asai lima aboulai go ttes D'uka d'Aumahe's wlaicis astonissied meaftiýr is iying tisait ho bad tibistomac-acahe- Thte rnd ai etise Dasicd'Auniae'slis b>' n ]uise heiattiase to eroadaido. l'homo tare several otrrhanses Ieuing to the river- Tise Baron taul e a doa-astise irait cf tbetue5 aimi aamu' cprasin soea, surprise, i aid ho did not ksaow wheîisen tbere, wa a read ait the eo f il or mat. ýtisere aa ne rond at tise endi of it. IVe rehuî'aed IcI tise main rond. Tise buron teoI nie down tise second laine, visicli we betILknkuca did net leauta thie Dake of cI'Auniale'a. We tison went oa teunie Icaidin- ta tise Dolce d'Auma!o's, but teani>'geaisuîrprise, ise dlid not go butte iseluse, bot woaal'oit %Ilon- tisehaine whicis turas ta the heft, thse oen! of which is parallel to the rouai. -h turnsai a tlinLu tieft îm tise anain rouai. 1madesaino reguare as te bis net going bute tise Duke d'Aumalas. I hai jst «geL a litthc cea>' nitisailaiuneat muhiaigta tisa nmai n oad cen I., suaid weladulmufle a aci-îaie, ad musit La ina ctk. I tait-misa bacli without ,aysgnword. Ttlii vc'ny aisady in tisat kno. Isaw nne n0aeana 1 got ta libtle %a limaua of thoehhuroa, limabt.iag an tise niglal. Iimadi gene a pacie or tien whien 1 Itta violent blow otthe istau. 1 turne!i-otund, heiaa,,:sll rist on theo aaddle, aid saw tie barona is ai upifit! ants t;- 4 -t xc

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