Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1861, p. 3

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TIEN<~IÂ'OurI M.A»AblBM I ý.LITY miart. fiilt Io 0'ltair lretledS tii. N. 9.-hia N W-0uier tan eteur 5d Ageni 1 C. CRORBY, Getrecleute Fort IýfIs. C. WV, Dufiitoff. y. lu, ugimnîre p' 0... i o eil tle îniiihtu wrspucr. CHA.LLENGE! ,, <ha f otn. Davidi Reouor, M. L. tC., an'~d Edîtor, Proliîttr, irid nubleuli- or of the Ic urkhuun "Economist."9 ji t lii t218-1 te OCd 20s i JVÂA, .Ily 23, from niLiverpool, <wt otn thne 14tb1 ins, Lord Pa.. tlrat *IeJHngl ýecommended thei ) uoccelve thes ad. ýlt uffls. it se. ty 01 the oi!ng -of au - ucqceoi ýay of War.2 reil ixiown inoble& '41 son in thd lr was entitl.d 4omlng of agd :le te pay. f £4>ooOOOO waé arn0 whieh wAs%%À nerally appiaud ve to the intro tino Frenchn colo. advancung pro- y, against tbose Lly favor elavery, lypatlry of the, ffo confliit nov ' vile intonti saili ttteh Gaverf ýh kingdoirrce hiishop of Foo. a sureca.d te the a Pope'. doatb. :iut presse.cowt d iis sreglis and POOî, Jily 14. iraI Cilini bus tta-. tho- Kintg atý i mals han resclW. are te June 164, Ic ditricts have ýave fallen. liti, report ta, owung ta vol 0 extromoie s it.,- thte vifs a dauglter. . u1al., tino wlfo 0( flr, of a dounglc t. Peu'. Cbureht 000.o. -Vine!.$ ,Eaq., te Miss m îat. lIannah. Ay on tire- 9t elOveti wif'o-of aitu daujtrter of ageai 34 years. theo iPtirinstant, y, tire betoyeti raged 49 yearma îly 24 1861. loiîds cf Wiroat ici is quito briuk, ' :0 in >price. hd ays. Yestordsy 1, moid et $1 10 iltibîg At sots f a iiginen figure V'heat crep ls noevcuntà givoe muatr of Pieker cd, anti wilIl e Oudey next.> If con(itirs osigu - îaping machines Inean of smre ho ulekie. Tire Ne'w Yorkc haie tio, «hlch iras rrp th inomltng in Montrual nt bua bcon solti tirer tire gouloe1 slewty, anai ryaor foriegl I. oireti for In Ymir uiip,îr if tlilitî1; *hly, yon hîuîve tliiiprîpîmtg attick mii' ie reiaiiluy. utîul itncer amy et îoi i igsticti v, 1lit ihielu v.ourlu11t. litava lnown î,bvîerreîl thuî>î it.' kieti thitt-I Ircut olt Me gatîie îu'r'sane iic['ih lookeil iueto by ai itrii'sCe, .a4irii. lotilltcng 11tt on l ueet Ituas1unr wlere Ili ii iîi.r'e l 'i el , 0 d si o u e e tit;t A tm u e r l n t i t lé pubtilite Iscii csi,,rtir l eou niila n -oi iil,layitr pnrtur. lte tittle>.ùtiitua stiltetuucnte wttîýl thi mle ajiii t'otri coir Mil, laittlthe 41 ut i i 2V. Ct.15h, îîîviîi Act 0ir plan. ttd iitti u ta tfu nltm o, m utlieda 1 tncliaku ta crtice vair n tric,':cter, cid frii the coliinlumeor the ' 1taarIiu tiîr ;c4ntiln lîrool (t iny dî'stra tatmtet.vt 1auîIcit tatiicyta depasîit $10, $l0o, tr $Ru>11 in tua liaitus Ca rasçu.otaluiur urrly .,p ravithOuyaur d1rpedt utc eqs iii& utit t1 F i l'y u atim it, yl ftîulI bI atliotry tu eîttttituitlr t ltlîî,t narîuiîer, tif Eeer, W'cat, utal Nurti Vnt, wliîa iîipeui~r tiu lucre béeurpraetult whte il'u i cis ;rendtl u,' ,fraadpîîsee, (is Mr. WVrigîît lit'trrtrcd MIW Mmuu J.cgteltt*ica AScItilayiticir de o- mtng ecciilui aitit itiîîîhll i t 'itIde 1 I wtll î'it dojwnu. 'ri'iettti it nta brîiniile-iurl caîcîluctecilnta c lura nînier, ta Ira ugnreal lipon lierccftor. STEAM JBOAT IHUTEL. rnitTHC'r 'tuY. E Aecealttîaîîd&îtlotîî,. 98 IIAN14ING & USSIIED, T)RO0VINCI[AL luit nil S arveyant, <'i.il Fni- C.G. RAIÀeNI, tP. L. A .I. UMIItitt, tP. L. 13. *:M I)seriitionî for Dec'. d(rttîwn uliut Blit tnttice. 2-u Notice toe 'armers and Otherii. N . BROttWN lins n tew lituraof hisouît. N e ltîuî Ierr.itind Nt(%ver,t t lit A.rl- culturail %Vork W litiywIliitwlluhpc tif mit leayotîiula Tarinf, Cali îtd examiniie N. W. ll()WVN. EDWARD ASIITON " ESItLLS ta ii it tî tlt Iîîîîhîlt; ht lie i ..l./tîw1 rturitit), i i taIt tIi nu ' e tr liPJrîî,iîrittliitittg, tiai, lier., <lmt, tC. Do"m Creek, %itlia nromp~uty rttatî(lcîl i. Diilin'. Crcck, Jitly 24, 1861. 28-tf FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE, LOT No. - 82, Ird 1.IANG h, Bttîtîît tFraont, t'ICK(EIIINU, t5e CONTAINING 80 ACR-iS, 0f wtiletî 50 illlîîlc ilîlia t ili viru im L iirit-raîttiîrîdi iiiî t mciîu i t liii ý, i Icii i to Lot, itaiili in ciuated Miiîuîi vi iiT-rot - te an ltae Kitii toi vtl. ITe lPort Utnionîititillcir on thec(ritiîia r É ktl.lwnw l6 ouy i uitdit i-tiith ulf i For partlctlîrs eUpiîy tla J(ilN . wî c, x O liliiirailmCe. 01r 10 Jity 24, 1861. JîliN LEYSi, I1-rrW-iir, Tariil. t, 1, 'ttîaîîeriS, uit 111 iii illtiCU lInA it iiiiîî lii gîte lîrlet miilmeitlIilII. i tlin i luhiSt iil'it ii VrU . lis 1riec aoi-ti% lîitlty Clîî Uii it i euil -t_.ý . îîutîuhîî utuuîti t ie Iiaîitii oy o ilyi tailli al ititliqom ititîil t *atld for oealtoatr. Viune oiîtDvo 11 h mt fest C ofpudi u 4 1flues. ltla rr p[uil it i 1iiiîîspiraeI hua hîîir, or theî strhtu, ini le îuiglitiii lestrv. The Voitln Dyc Wi'rlue witli rîtjiulitl.fni iurtîiiiln. lt eîtiieu lia îîir-yailcuini' Ir îi>ia 1' liiiî,a' o im ie il. "l~ieoVeiluctttat )ye t;roîlieiIuais ite iti liiit ti c h>.i li.recîln tilt twihi nju ildhve, 45oIel l iWiei i t ; (lie tictt in is iapra tiltî t i t 'ic iitiri Ls I. Tie Venc'tttilye I)ees nut, 1)iii uîy îiiiîr, iiurfure îvlthlî he nîfilîîral suifluemsorii tluiilur ,itkielivcr cCuiviuulcm :iîur tîieuui. flte 44,lieviliuia-it, saul, u -t <11 CCl Ifluo eutulriit 1, In luat l pcriiiei. hý cr- tincl. The cVeiictiiu lyo llncing geiriitti tul(iiuii i luiî,thie puilira aîsililiicdlî'îi- iliîcih îî In larit i tit, Suio n iv , lu Irlii, i ssile osi ils iteeitn ii, i,tIl(!îy ire os, n iiîli-ition iîuîîii le aby 'ilDiqrja e 1 rini îîly lîy A. T. NMA'TEW9', 29 BTi~flrai, N. Y., and Fol'rt LEna, C'_.W. W&TSON'S8 NEIJRALGIA KING 1 T lty calnlulu,îa îîuîî triîiîilîi . iicura for Rem4ati4,indeîîlNtiiîlglt% ever discoveretl. Rîrilce, lit tue Keit tir i loita lsnr, eraîiliiîtes i hi. Bitl laesut lntracea ljluitiîl. Cires a iou,-CIlit 1tt110 t)yittpPiii. lir 4reti.cl hua luighîet tes- tlllrn,î,iili ront It'liei i sl i cii lu'i', N C(Ir fuile. cilsts lhitîî lti o llarsibt le uU î. t eil tiii i ca iot- CeOtil. ofl etaietî ure. 'Vin 'grLait ui.eocary Oi' thetacge . l'repinnail iiy A. i. IIAIEWSi 8liiilIula, N. V. Fart lle, C. W. DIORRISON & SAIMPSON 'flA ItS'rTta, Attornueys, Soiiaitaî, &-. A> lt 1lCl-W'ueierneAïitrancuiafu.vii Clureu Stotut Tarth, C. W. /LNOS MOIIII 1N. J. A-SAMtISOM. Tarotnto, July 0, 1881. 2 8 , WANT-ED! IMMEIDATEI.Y 2 Piirt active viuhm wlin are deci roui iiletirg i:theia T'eirtiug lu id- lies; or ttot hict avaeîîît Solotîll iîît 11le traite, tii wlitiîtualic eaott ufrl li In.trata XjpIy iiiu.;uidittalyt aitlicu i prpoaillyor i-y - J. LLIMLEY, Pih'utor1 MnnîIciuii N'illiege, Orta i ai. UNI:iiu ' ii clui iin vt, P. l. HE Popritor f this establimnt bas dotermfraoa to dispose cf thet ré- AT A, GREAT"< SACRIFICE TÃ" MAXE ROOI! F1or EXTENSWVE MILL IJfP##1TJTlOýN's Those in wanit of Goods wiIl SÂv' MoNEY by patronising 88TUI~ EPLE'iÉs CÈIIÂCsR STOREB."o Du udes .5., lIîtI;y, Jtr1> 23, 181. ,JOE égb ý NEW ÂDVERtI8iEMENTS. - '4Y I'PUBLICNOIE N~~ ~ ~ OTn .laab ioat nýIlprtaIn as11-teul, tit ttha neialO0rni t tg EnaitdTowtiipm of Mitre and BRma Intend. t'> l v-uitt%. for locuting and l etaii-tliag> ttîa tolio;iilg rondts Initheidufreitid lUnited To w îctmîps, in accordanue witlî the SOtittute 22 vie. Çap 54 Seo 321, vi',: A rond frai,> Lut No. 21 in gMe7tl ilomn' Mcm pnsetng 1bctweîî Lts Noi.. f111(12ý, in tlie th Colitto net thte olt, ro.id, eîîrntnoiy known an; ti Nine àMite, lluî>î, ani a anad tTîrong"h the front cori. luiti. eitîg a continînatloîr 01 tiiet tgltell eg C- îîîiiliîcî, comiîîîncinc rit Lot No. 24, ater- iiiittittig fil Lot No. 4ý, lit tind flrutttcotteessîin ot Raillaa et thoeet bralîct i ot ire Severît li i vr. ly (Oter of tie Co 'inell, DENNIS O'BRIEN; *TTownshp Cierk. Mora ertl Raftir July 15, 111.-28 FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Mangles, Washing Machines, Churns, &c. TtIIR, lndeprsigiit e(lt t nintieito, Lisi eii.tcrimrstiti1theirpubie, tiit lie ins ire- tlrock lStreet, carnier af Dunîlop Street, n few rocil Smiii o<> tîîckr's Ilotetî, whi-e ie ipre- arilîîecltte tilt ardlern tr, h i.he wittî pr lotîtitoiid titjilqiai,, ni Lprlce tiiet titnt[I!bgivae fit sfîcctian. Hi ek cint ore huit> n trial, enul tram is 1o 111:r9 a 11e l itîlni'c,, -and the ttcceas ,Ii le 1 iastî itiiertar ltttet dlilAin tventions atnd liih îîmcîlh liiitg tticeti ;rize nt "Il lte Slitiuvs lierte tiîey %wrae ctdhîtctd,> lie ltoeîita literit iî itl iiiititti e ofnIpubltîic p:trdntt.!Q. :4;îtýIIimii (Jitîtrit cinnot he c.xclcd, nutîl c1iiiihlie ini avery fitily wttcra biittcr t> ]Iettlettilti.r tti the urccî JAMIES CLAY FON, Blrook Streett, A few doors Southt of t.raeckt'. hutli %%'ilitlry, Juîly 24, 1811 28-811 le"L[m RM-fLWAY 'Pmmu ~ aB.[ Great Eastern NOii AT QUEIIEC; FIRFaT CLASS PARE PROM WVIIITBY TFO QUEBEC, AND BACIZ, Goad ta rctîcnn up ta 31sf .truly A iîl î .tirprlnîîity for eeig the bigp A f; Slili(-11) fli"ifly ilevr ngan b lt etit- The exticuita owieas officr plîieing it witltun rcttih ofinl. 27 2111 HARVES £ IlIPLElIENTS!' SCYTHIES, SNALTHS, rilt ral rain Seythes, Crîculem, Farkie, FRESIL GROCERIES MM4,1L L AN'S. OLD HIEIB'URGH àCHEESJZ -AT- Me MILLAN'S.. Choicn, Liquors-anid Wines -AT- ý _H c Mt.1 L L A N 'S STAPJLE DRY GOODS -AT- Me McIVI1L LA N'S. BY SIIEIFF'8SALE. WILI, BE SOLD BY IPUBLIC *AIJCTION, ONi FRIDAY, JtJLY 26th INST., AT ONE O'CLOCK, P. NT. c&: tçWO ]PIAOS. 4:3 May la geont t lîro galua n ifMoaure. N. O. UEYNOLDS. Sheriff. lýFOR SALE. ' All or mntched Ponies (blacit). Tcruns 12 inttîits ireit on pproved joint ilotes, intercit if tiot paîlcl wtîn duo. G. H. DÂRTNELL, 10-tf Whitby. Onitarjo Datii. "N.OTICE i. lîcrobinta t tthefallo ~cailta a.î the ail1dj loirsu ntha Capital à~v f tuhi4slîtii.atlon haive ti edtye BLlureul, an lmadle payable i et e ankE or its Branchle., ns foll1ow, vii:. lii 7tlî CatI ce 10 pcr cent on thé lit Ait ut . Thte th ' lopercent htx~t.et. The tt 10 pçr cent lot nezat. T 1D par d0 ecnt lit Nov. nett. By ordar of the IBoard, .D. FIS11ER Bnromnlt. J nc 22, 1881. 28uhir IN CHANQERY. BETWEEN Willinun Gaa(ltltin, Jamea G. Worts; and lJalnt Wiluiat, anfls A ND Rtobert TL. Lau-dcr, t'nd tfolnn Wchslt, lly origitrit Bll, Botwoon-WlVlliiiin Ganderliutt, Jamon G. %Verts, iunrdlJolir iutîot, Iat«. ANDi Riobert Hf. LwteWlhtiun .1 n Ma- lionlel?, J011ta Mtioribituiks Ltawdcn, tittdlJeuuicsMorrisoi luh ? tty iintiidaut billl'y une, tif reic n,) dti .Tomue pi cLet, NViitd('titlrtiirt itîitn <'onirarîit uttoJutuiet;llowc, }tbcert Jottutitnand iiJout Wut-cd", (ruadc pîutice; in te Maeter'ii tlet,) Dl>catinuts. IN piuctirica ai' the Deerce inuu intub enieanid tieeriuit clioatua Eigtttietttî aîuîy tJnnticr, A 1). 15a9, utîtutoai'naFinait lter for sulee, imul e lciui, iris tue iothe Twen- tithudatv ai' Airil tuiel, là6t; thora uillt tiasoli by puablié Anttiîi, wittc theapttutiblitiîi nt Gteorge Ilanry Dantieli, Eeuîurlira, Maserta tliht Court, ut Wtuit hy, hy McsAns. WAKEFIELD, dOATE ek Ca., Aîueioneare, witttinthotiir Anettamn Booms,' int tltJ CITY 0F TORONTO, Ox NiH Tltirtrýenth day «f August, A. D. W86, AT TWEi.vit laCLanu, (O thie i'lotwtug Lciîdsaund PIrarnlssi, î: îu..-Ttuct vnent cernier Lot Na. J, in tihre Iîî"'k Na. 5, 'otlillug ane hdf cf al ctrer, or ttierccaontC marc or lce, eitnnati uthteNortht aite i' of liti$untl Street, n Wit of Ttlêlmùuud Street, t Windsor, (nao* Wi;itby,) ln the Coaiînty of Ontatrio, hctug poÃŽl cf Lot No. 2i, li Iluie brakeon fronui auceian cf ttre "an'tttia etîlîxl iiconuveyd ta dne Jamesro. 1Gw, hminit- edi.l e flîtîr, th Itli te ta11iY. Coitrrpetirtg on Rie'tnuroil Strtect, ut tite îhst:îtte -f 84 leet, frontu tite Noutiertu unit cii'IîîuittnilStîreet. 'ruai Nortlîerty nlourg eid IRichmnd Street, 121 fect. Tlueur W estely pural ihtuluine titît, rontdl103 5fvpttteti CCiittieiîy parauili jtit tiiiiîuuru Street, îtî fect. 'Éltaii P'itteely pi- VOICIelta tue te cuululiruit litre rouai leti feet lanlte pli-en. of'.~iiitit tuh-tiiitîlintîîeul thi!dreiîct or aluture ai' thea (eceei l olir WchI, in Oitucu ertutin plere or parcet cf tnd arlrnte ,biig enpotàeu otan rd krauc'urlns liec icicncly heuieut'r strip tf tine, l, irite ture tVitlage ai' 'iiiir, uou h'ra'ci ai'Wti I -l'tid oppositetralcen Lot ]Na. 27, iii tie suit tlirokeil fronut of thto Town- shpa'w'titby, 'iVest t a' 'laie i iet ihmond sîrct, lrctng coutnricîlofai Ta IlS il tu15, un ti, Bevci. Tilre(,,icavttiitiiuule rein And getuerfit Wcre hlit enteeiiiîuulitinai lîutis pna1prty, caupable ai'Stonring cahcre q ucutity of tirii. A partitit, f t4 eI ,rrituga cviHcli ea titI inn ire cinon w. lîu4ra ouirmt1aurer ea ton aipotire uapreiniegr, uctutlli o-i firnttlstiec ovtit ulinirue andî atier cyiptimiuieuifor thte iniinghipunntandiel torcaLy fxi' tiend lPro- n.-Vanct 1Lot No. 14, in tihcie;No.*2 Ici WVtuuutsimr. ,rîiuvWlit.y nlonesniil, lieinitipn4 of g9itl Lot No. Q7, itu tiue tînolen fronit(Ai te 'Tiu'nsli3 p aýi' tîthy, conatuinuniee a itf anu acere, or Il reiuhoile, more or tees. 4.-VeecuitLTot No. 12,00n hlonîl strit. Wti-1- cor, nlow Wliithy are.gnolh, rouiifiiniamie 9îîirter ai' an tîcra tir tliîau'cboltt, more on ec.t bu-ttiLY parf of fLot No. 23, iii tira roken Ironi ..--Pcuetri brakin uLot No. ?26, llit e brakan front ae i' tnwneltip of Wlritl.y, eitkili lic. ocre. or' tiere:bitroîîtemar nles%. coin reiuiglZoti ehuuies froin tue ver's edge ai' Lea nOnttiria, utsn itimntr nîîrîhi iî ecparniîct- hino illu fats 25 nid 2", :1licnce oust fieraicns iluartcreulel hUne wltl tire lase litearndnî, the'r senttirtilletîting ithaig rthe cnti divisionrilitre letwcen tul25 cand 24 ; thîccice ustfive chaitie in c perchiultreto t hîuscidaie aIiîra ta the piiu.eof i lgtii"g TiisLot ie; éite adIult gc;ddIttnct. g.-Thtat vicptit part afi' ceuI roteen loit No. 26, borinuied p ofulawc. tuaIte sta Rcy, camman- cing an tiare nstprn i'dit aIBoAuîetreet, lut Wind orciw Vhtthy riflremuldu, ferty foot frn atenddircetty Copposite tufl hast phentoul et tute Rattli-e.ct îutîulal of towr hot Na. 12. in Bltoek 17 ai' Wirduiar, iaw W'tithy efarocetl ; tîteica rrnninz nntît74 lezreonst latete mtrenm onr cek rupauil !ileir atlrwery lira Ican eorectoul by mia Ahuer Neuttu; tlieci eilltawt ng the crre of tire saici creok ut pucrli rril tîtr enidc reak le Inlersn-cttlhy caulino dreuc ln tire sorne ditrectiann4oireîaNortiuern b nlaiury ai No. 12 aforecîttul ; tîtenceaiang suid ino entir 889 degri'ci 80 mtinuttes wucejitondTiacltrect atarascila; tîratcealcotrg sii t trece t uhe lu cf bezi nningz. 7.-Theacaimt ldf aof lot Ne. 2,3, in thoe eiZhîth conucesionr ai'the toiwnshilp oai' ckuerng, cccli- tiniizng na iilîuîred ocesmare or ]uri. This is-a gond terri, uaoit éciciucen mihoq front thé tauvo ni WVlithv. nunul fotir mutes frari tii thtîiv. ilx village. ai', ltroulgrhcur crutid reeivoadj.- Thora i. cru exeollerrt trcame ahwtttne toiuee rp- on ttire lan, with gand unrna criai oirititditg. AMon an (lrehni, of tabouît tirrea teras, moure or lags.. Sevauty trv lç, or tturcelroîutl, of til. lnulitielenrèci. Thara tincMo n agaaî i al an tho piremticis. s. .-TIr outii'waust quarter aof lot Na. 27, hlr tha sth caneepriaon oaire eaid towtilulp of Pick ci lngZ, canteliiirgfifty ceros, marei or les. This Fpropnrty etdjoitns the prccdirîg lot, anti it goomi feriti nc, and el len iaonly cl treti. Thrarer na huil(ltiugadi tiui1lo. The Lots will ble iblid e"peIrrtcilY. Teeo prdlrhz et dr pimettnsers sitchl et the ime of celal, pe clwn a depasit aof £10 for cvary £100 afilsiîpurcluea ranoy, ta the Tenders or tiroir Solicitors, ertul tire reririndar with Inter est, wittin aceCrlnedr nrontir, frot tic dey of ge .- 9 Triai olier rcsýpccte%, thté enditiang of sale witl bc tire saie ms thosa coanea in tire gen- crui ordani ai' the sa'd Couirt. Fturtlier pirtteutersanaud condiltian fs ai'ale mac llrimt the Office cf Meesrm. Caniîeran, Mc)îMiehrel & Fitzgeraldi, Utuirre Street, Torotn- la, cud atttltea ace f W. Il. Truitayno, , lleq. Wliitb1r, ai thtescai Moiter, tand etohe île u tianoare. Dctcd OUtl uy, 1891. vEO. IL. DARTNELL, Mater it Whlitby. Tifeatu. srr.rat, TurMnc.uî.& Ft-rcertese, Torntto, Veudors' Sletr. 'Foantr, 1it111'ÃŽ2. 27 Vi. W. ftneralt.. Robti.Farluv.. .... Michael M'flcun....î G. M1. Jaiguan.. .. Thon. aa . Tertitie. Srntk. .. A; B. Dl4..c..;... Junes Bourgmott. A. Dttbord. A. lochret .... J.T. iry....... Vincent Martilu.... John Felton...... F. HL Pratto ...... J. T. Lebel ..... .....n~Autdo.. . .. T .....3 . ....... NAlumetted..... ...... Careirda............... Klntudce .............. . Allaînettio ..... ... Sýte. Annle do ltberramh.... E3-Pnioan ............ Chicutim .............. Clierbritti............. Stanfol 1i................ wall'on...,............ Par àfArenttîîl orth of-the P.tt....taw ....... ;.......... l'art of otlcti ...........- Part af Ottanîi Pcrt af Argentcntil . .. PartotfPotrtta.................. 'North d the Terrobonn,............ Montcalmît....................... .Iliîîtte tutu Bertilîer.................. At. Manr~e iralaMeukinoogo.......... Chstnin ............ .................. Portiretif., ................... tuuîcnhttu...... .. ....... 1ne Otta~wa. i ~{i: I Iliéigtn.et"tOllArutndel, DSsàla1ery...... .I...... Portlainat, pWotwrr6nBuckingham.. Wakefield, 1LoW, hihLalîi Tiîk, uii. Bcl.litu . Comeron, Botîeliette, NorthiciKnLitn icott eti~ gu /eidfield, Thorzie, ('avoa, Lale edâ i............,... y4i Aunoe1t, ltnt), àn,.C.......................... Ab.rorno ml EBcOsfGv'ore........................... I'itheurt Klautp,,~iitt, t)ndau........ bly Cal Rcbrl, Lsxtn Sltutweuteg..............ina siar Gcrar, Sto.Mnrtu...e.........Il"............... Boaan, dîbrt Iocii e................. a........... >South of tÈa ieiSt ale~e Slansteintî Éherbrook ,Rioltmtdaa et ofWle nuîlCaon Part ofAtaik. ...... ......... JO.C. Areanuhi.;-.St. Joitepu Beatirce. PctofMgata................. H. M. MKe .i . Lnmhton, La St. j'nci aue............ Andlrew osît.,.. ....t prmmpton.. .......Dlcetr~ n etoJeui........ S. V. Larue. Fre. Tatti.. .faî. Jallvct.. SIntelulcuit Tlnipcnn.... st. Chle iBvsr Bayer... St. Thaues ....... . St QeCrvice......... St.Jci Port Jo1y... Beleolehî .e..................... .. L'Itlet iucd Elgîti Rad................ F. DeGui ......*..Ste-. Anue la Pocatiiera..KniuoîurcLka ........................ L...N. <nrn .Tla Verte........ ...... Temiilnnatit ...................... J. Bt.. Lepago .....ilmouski ..............ltIMoî4i .......................... J1. A. LBOi .......New CannAe............ Bounventnee......................... John Edoub.. ....Geape Ruin ............ Onoe...o........... ................ Price. of Lands range from 20 to 60 conte per acre. -Mneor nkhund, lHeraferd; Weoden, Hampdien .............. Maddingtaur, Blandford, StiarflÏl. Buitirole............. Wallon. Rai n ai Argimentitlon, Woifstawur, Gnrthby, St «tnutfad, Whito, hnlw.... ............ ..s .......... Tlouglto, îtttr.. ....... ............................... Iccnley, CJauiY*Marlodbr Tti;anehad rkBnyChbt <.:rttnaô me; cull ......................., Wcr........... Mhtonthigi', Acibortor;,'Doi;iivie, itttn............... . De aitseeluncre, NporeoftCt, Fluriiu, no nn ridetr Adnureatcr, ihr, SG. Dens, LCeogra oin caina, ioe, AObrig; Rcl ro Baeâitl...................aniel............... Newor, -Percîi, WodbrieDog, PYork, SluhcrkeBy,otht GolrerBay.rroySdhm....................................... soIoOG 6000 * tomc 2000 920000 116000 2000 1850000 180000 1200000 - -- - -- - -- - - -- - d o- - Amonut Po? Acre. 60 centi. do do do sicnts. d4 do 2Ocentai. 60 cents. doî 430 Conte. do do do 20 cents. hbore cr@ fl ye f ric Grant. Raàu in Lower Canada. ~h' Elgin RMcd, in the County of 'Isiet, about i85 mitas long, frota St. jean PtJoi ote'oica io 'sdn gh .biEFu,Ès. tt otoy Týho Matac andi Cap Chat, Agent, J. B. LEbPAOE .,Piatk.atoltatelmincÃŽln.RsdntgctS.ICEA, Esq., RitmousPotkJi. The Tache Roud, from Buekîna, in the County ai' Bcllechauë, tlZe~typt Itocd, in Itimoursi, about 200 miles, Ageut, S. DtRAPEAU, Esq., uit St. Jean Part Joly. The Mctpcdic Roudi, from Metis ta Paccligonuche, Agent, J. B. L;E'AGr, Esq., Rimouski. The Tcmiscour4a Rond, rôm River dui Lodp ta Lac Tenscouatc, Agent, L. N. GÂ&uvInIAu, Esq., TIe Verte. In,ordcm ta fuciftice the settlemcnt cf thaso parts of Canada, the government hcs cuthoriroul Fnio Gmanîs of Landa aong theso ronds, net exceeding, in eoteli case; 1001 atteil; andi obtainuibia upon the follocing conditions: lat-That the Settier bo 18 yeats cf ae. 2nd-Thnt ha take possession o« thp land uIlloýted to liniwithin one ttontli.. 3rd -That ha put loto a saie cf cultic'ntion 12 acres in thec cci-s i t ouir years. 4±h-That ha builai a icg-hourse, 20 by 18 <ecaland restîle on the lot untîl the foregoitr,- éonaiticns ara fuilfilletI. Faities may reoida on a sincgle lot, nai thre scivemuil rulembera hrnvirig landi allotteul ta them cuill bc exempt from buîildinig end r esidance on cacc individuel lot. Tire non-f:iilmerit cf thase conditions wiii caeatireimmediate hase ci' the lattai which will bo solul or givan to aiother. Thasa racais hcving bean mcdo ntitIha cxpcnuîc cf the Govemnuatnt, the setlIer ia boîrind ta kccp tlcm, in a "ccd condition cf repairs. Thc Lands tIns openeai up, andI gratuitotrsly oil'amcd by the Govdrnment for settiecient, ara chiefiY ci' xelieirt qtîality, andi well adapteai, in respect o soif and cli' ointe, toalal the purposas cf Iusbcndry, For information ns ta tIre beet routes and cheapaît rotes cf ccnveycnce, toacny cf the aboya Districts, application should bc mcde te the underorntianod Agents: QUEBEC ........................... .................... A. C. TBUCHANAN, Chief Emigratian Agent. MONTRE.IL ......... ....... ...... ..................... C. E. BELLE, Crown Timber Agent p J. Il. DALEY, Emigratian Agent. P. M. VANKOUGHNET, COMMLSSIONER. Craumn Lînnd' Dopartmeni, Qlutec, May 7, 1862. HOUSE TO LET. TIIAT TWO.-STOTIY FRAME ilîîtie e ttnnte oni )îînulies $t., g*, na dur"irsiotf Mr. M'in. Lîui m"'e aIi nd hîttety acenu ead hy %Ir~ . Vin Scott. Apply taô Whillîy, Jîuty 17, 1961. 27 i10 E" Çz1 o VICTORIA JIOTEL. W iJ.li $(!OOTT, PTIOpIIIEIt: ÀRE SELLING AT RLEDUCED PRICES LA DIEU DIBSIS sli Wsi Capes, Parasols, Bonnets, Hats, Rîbbons, Gloves, lldisery &c &c. A largdé stdck >Of Clothing on hand. Clothiug made to citder, on liloril noticL go ormn0ada 0gj- PRIC3JNTif 11T DEFY COMIPETITIOYI , FRESHl SUPPIES RECEIVED IN TR ià IdCÈaY* DE-PARTMENÃŽT' IN CURRANTS, RAISINS, 1110E, &C,. P ROVISI0NS- FLOUR, IA.MS, CHEESE, &c. WENES AND :IQOaR WHSESEAND) RETAIL, fIIB LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F' IIELD IN TUE CO-01NTY AT WIIOLESALE PMICES. L.& P. ARE SELL-ING l5lbs._BRIGHT SUGARi FOR ONE DOLLA-Ri THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR B3UT'EÈ,I (t871is 4OMfVAEMBER LOWES & POWFELL, Nos. 1 & 2,*' COMMERCIAL BLOOK,' Brook Stroot, Whitby. ,II01 Ailmen Jane; B BaTo-rr m. J. Ballard4Ilenry, Bell Jnc. Geo. Braden lîrigh, Brown Wm. W. Bright John, Biekie Jann Broun Ihos. lluslrby Maryr J. Boyle Bonaparte, -Curpenter Jas. îCampboiL R. S. Catplin lMrs.,Juhia curtisrbiîti, Croightan DI- Cdldwiit i rZiG. Coomba Jame, Collins Jcbey, Coii'c James, CIcark bMiss Ticitie, Dickey E.S. DolyîNOlrman, E Etd y "'il î. E-mny.& Whitd;, ErigoWartI, Fisher D. Gremnt Chie. Gailagler Michael Il Icyn Wmn. focigson Tîce. Hlawke G. W. Ileamrna D. lieD. Harrison A. J. Henry AMarg't. Jcw6fi 'IV. D. Joncs John, James John, Jcwetir C. TI. K. KimkpatnbectThes. McGibbons rs me lItnson -.Il. MfcKallen Prancisi Morris Mm.. Mac ro Mm.. Elbztbet4 McNnt Ssm'L; Mits Jchni;- Mont Ccpt. John, Martin Sarahi, McLenrian H. MeCruhmn Jas. Norrig . Nornis Dr., P rks Matthde, Panianrortt StttI A. ipost Ant, Park Elizubetr, R Rtndd ary, RohAcri Jonathan; Rice RaIL Rogers Wirig, Bitchey Jna. Tienkin Q. i. Rankin J. Ndréis, JRnlbinâ;qn Jacob, ]Iicherdsdi Frcdekj Smith lIcît. Southwaîl Tiras Smaith Win. Simmons W.li; tTtickncy E. R. Stevecns Wwxt Trevpil Philip, Tata Wm. Thomason Tires. Vuinslyko ]1ier ch4i' w Wbitcsinitn Thoi. Widtiefleld 3Mm. Weaton C. G!. Wnrner Jaseph' Wickhum Riahgtd,, Waeton m eon, Wbttis! EîizabT,ýb< Walker Tiras Wilson Mr. Wahker Djividj Past.mcster- iÀ i . 1- i- - i At their Ancti -n Roemta, Town rof Whftby' on MO1NDÂ-T, tIti2ôt't ay fi JLYf" L~ot No. M West of Xroec ï, tesal4 Town of Whitby. Tliera lis a god Firame DwIl- Jinrg Houie tipon tlte lot. " Ï'3t5S-Onahitf cnsli h3 Ure e,la Il meonthe, ta ba vccurcd by mortguige on t4 promises.- -GEO. II. DAIITNELL, Jtriy 1 , 1861.l QuoeiI >nsurauce -1iBildigi; iL IVERPýÃ"L CANADA -BRANCH OFFICI.? 'on home oî. 1q, ITIp F Toun ; i flsxxîi-Mlso'sBanik. L.qiZ Aoi.ersMe.rs.Tarrine(t& Morris: M.j1 d 4dler-Wmn. ntlicrlend, M. D. IL ere~-er .9 princihe, Auditora-llecîîr. reenitltieidlc Jajhrion. &eaident Secretary andZ General Airet 'UnionB lfli"ig, 20 St. Frencalis Xavier Sc. Special peature in Lite Department L Ied OnM1FE1Tî RýO ou'rcbîIfhsL- TN case tiletissueaim 1ltnîllfrarn any cau"e J.disenniiîitile ticapra nîlîms ilanl ordhuusry Lite Potiey, the (Joînp:tnyi> wil,nfterthe'Policy Pliay Idiiifr yoiyfor the total inuintît of pireitem a i in. 1i Fir nis 4taien ripoco every cdescription of property ouait lo most favorable tarinsi; B. E. SK tE, Agent., r2Ot12e-Si.atrM Street, ojiositc the poit, Office. Ouîhaw. Jilv 15, 1861, 27 INSURANCE & GENERAL AGENT. IliCUBSCR1BiEU IS PR.EPMiiED TO Pire, Lîfe tndà Marine lusurauce Ulskg At rainsonehberates; îînd ili t t b t v4 ril4zhà- ble c.ompnnies. ,.- -E. E. KE Oghewn, .Juiy 2, 1861. 25 HIDES & LEATIEERvJ LIEUNET~STIND 5 RRPARED TO 'Il? ci ai for i [ideq delivereil at Lynd,'d <>d inery, al Brock Streùt Wtitby... s OLE AND ALL OTITEII KiNDS 0F SIU.: J4ierior tatrnaîl Lentîtar tor acta at tho W hit- by alîcry. BOOTS AND SHdE'S;. B OOT9 AND) STOKS 0F, TIE BEqT' "i'arkî-tncnsluip, mfiiirîfztturect lancer bis awn a4itperiîtcîîidaîîee for scaebyliaitsrb; Leava yoîîr minesara end get aî god article Ihat will lit easy and iweer Watt. Win. BURLNS: TO SHIOEMAERS. W ANTED TWO GOOI> JOUItNEYMEN; Al'ply te '. Win. BURINS.- 21 D a d.î4nisStreet, Whitby.' IJNCLABIED LETTh11s'. TIST cf letters remaining - t tha Whitby .L Past Office unccillad for up ta the OttM 1

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