lue gir- a Wtu te-lis perniei- rusame uft (iacuo ua Uans imtc vis stali» stattareat ,tei ,lrufiu 11 sim usli; leie imofia iufcsu trîla e ue- M 'lucei id) sulotrucive imcrt -tsidrmncng lut o 'lllll ccguuuiul iave, Il de' uî- Ljt à yt uc rpicît', vasto ile, cuîccesuiitl idùaaîîe- îliep tilutlpiwcit utheli [e lu i. 1' riau e, biiu t .lii rllly 1hutpînlesq, land lea ik otl boy aiirl.timnd, pro- ip ,ilummid (1a-tc-niuetf vilm id thbanl t-ýtihiIm~ie. ltucu ulim ilcs dîmesufLi Lt d to à tutu(by (lue tuustouîlllelut doci. l'i sPîiladelPila ati t eve liuî'ettaed for lî ekiuts , >rmauuy diieasaet $ 11ti bY' lue secret habiêî b bIlY macilior expiors.. a, l1) Orden te stlsty (u e ceml-l ut rts otlnut itulIt taiit lui ucuuy itisitenca whoes atis fatoryaftoruils tain trial juficuda by rccnrmng the fle ticr. t fertcmulttg lacorrect détail e rtrmuitoin(t ur bediclues ON,4 46 Eiut Ganosea Alet, utEllteott Street, Bufflo, re Assurance Oo." NDt trM itc' on?, LONDON0, - Agarics fer <anasda. etiimsTt»tntl*sby l'lltaud nicuit itua-attnr g nud 01ut nrecirlot thue Boanti lu -eea ~IeeIeu WNVlitby, TOWN PRO01ERTY> rit SALt mt a'cueraIl il n,îý9d.1ob- sot iO foot tnîîut oic Break - fdcccl ili ti aiîîul) loet WlMlc, 1te, dci s ti-at C40s-lcîel s1-L itJriiu tut mud (tIll )F' WHiT B y* rs 1 i t for 0thure-orths et ,li tit'o Vloc's lbi uca111V0 ruuv ii eppon- tih I)roperty litsilowpt4eugu-.. Jil. iPEuà m .. to Breedters of =n Stock. Itetjuenftil )Inn!lti îBull, tuu greuseiOradeC4. cile ie .tg-iultrlBti tIltctlrl(,Ulnnapply, RtOB3ERT MILLER#' RIL&ITANTS to-t ttilcckt tetii i in - cuitis c' yok, Peel, uit ',i1, týrircsc u tpo r;îfm1iu et sit enltioe clr> iicîcric-nd rîcat coi 1iî t1ua itret4ot auttntion tue lilis uil take te c-. PSON, Auctboneer, mît ncîILuiia eroo tuut vi -auttuà r la iIFSCLAY roN, Baiu rck rè~Sr ot, titherti, axlendad te .lu tuîts te oL etualty sud 1guaratsaed. ALXEJI. - qtw WO STO , Y immi ib 'vhmnvIl nii,2(tla Ocg S respec, mid ha à goud buà jiitoà o t3-- Théeoln a quartot aéra et h. attavle tmami.cot frtinobaharndmj- nVtmtall cccllti i ump. The prenilseis ant elttiitct Broak st., li (lie Sou(tu W-ard, anud linîneia 1>' oppôsice 'CThelhuron Ilotel." Tenu ao Fer terlmeAut fttheièr paile'l appîy to J.leCALDWELL 5SRUWN9 AnotoqeysWhiby O)N V ' CMtlS(N O eae,26, 1801. uil, Ali-ucu, 4eouuutauîîmt, luued Di%-! >Ieun Nit-ri 'ilt nlici eriJgmCO M ROu Uxbridgi. OIse.<igStrecci uucaly oupceulte O M R IA O kilo Mumni Hl. OCK LaTilmef, ýWVtiTaT, <N B-4 ttcaded te.s2 W»Opp«IOsf(uHamilton &dI Rbei..,j JOUX BILiIN(.55 ltrtipriec CON VYANCNGOMNR(CIÂL TRAVELURS WILL FIN 7ý7 3IAIRS, B. Au?%., livnbtebpilr ttittulitel, ATTOINETAT l ~, OLICTOR N (ey can leamu froin the Iteognta'f Book kept itacry, Cuur'ayancur, &oi., bMain Street h s h otstkob hi Fdveo Olanhaii UT.epropnicton takas (hlIo- ocvaion tethuai - ~ ~ ltsnumanoug patroun andtýiefInds fer tl - . .DARTNÊELL. libeaaipatronage hetoeaulon bi I Pnecetl t. PUTY IEGiSTII; MASTER EXTRA- ventilncfeutuof iii bisîions lu Whltby, ordlnuAmy, midl exuiicuhuu qr ln Chatuaemy for Go.d Stabling, sud attentav. ostisa tho Cotty oft titanlu, Brcký;At., Witmy. 4Y WtitIty, ay 160. <.i 3011JON INAII, THE 1tlPN ~ ARiSTERI, A'lrtltNîiY, &c. tOffic-- A»Coruaref ChlirmciiandîultortS(raets, (eppe PIlIE PROPRIETOUS 0F TfflS WEL [te Lhe Cab statîl(,) 'loruuctico . riknuwn $ai war ~ivin accu ialleq WILLIAM TEXPENT, 14. 1). Çfommerlykoi Myr.llnrlay. Ut.' prouls 172 N Gi. 'S T F, PET, OSIIAWA, CANADA ave bocn newy nonovuted throngbont, an Kt.WOcmL. 17 itt u)mutl-tueret sçtyla lievry pnocîînabi - - delloncy ln sosson. A algar divan fitted tp ci W. Il. TI1F.MAV Yl Ëpitélucy into vîctali noue but the hast bran, 'DAIIlITEtt IrIIUNT Ct-i~N A-l'o are pannittoti (c eîter, .a>uieY4, &i., i'., hics mntovei (e blthrmon - (an AIILEhMCNC 0vcier Lave u(ch'iw&I' crlisr. bMl'ilur- - GadTrunk Railiwny »oîèîa PoluitBrîcIic c, Brnck-St.- Wihy, Aug40 cio >(Soetidcte ffZwo1,Lkae, PM inWdy.) ADJIOSW. ' - - riit CDN1) nSWt'IP 1D 1BEGTe IN FOR3 Allos I. COI(,T lilafiands and thApu blie, tbt ho lula1tu BRCllhT[eCT, 'IVIL ENUINEEII. AND ilu i4esslsi of the ahovo hetel, teItiitiog £Liieîutm'elut itluof w- 1 et vmci le vilulifuture camry eon oitlis evn - ~icceimit. Gond Llquior, Wiuuas ant Brueua o. IJAItNE'I"l' i Ct. Ciguîréécr. ',ANUFAc,"'lek,*]ZAND i ilCLEltR11%'X Exealletul stubing-cumetiui attentien ftrnins rck' and lno 1on Lestuis,&c. i. -JOSEPH EUEBOTTOM, Jîclîi l Fbrect, Pont lhope. Porer Port lihle, itroh ti î, ili. v-ev Wly 1Wlictity, Jan. i0, 1loto. snpnoe ROBERT J. WILSON, - UNVION STATIOFIY OTEL. AUittSTER &<kATI*'u>IINEY AT LAW, FOOT 0F YORK R., ECitOND iTrueo LJ eliilr sc kiaieny&oi. %Whitby, CW. troin Depot Uio (Itilv- Wiulilice 0lllouk, lnukutcri lIy tlonIl er"e'; isIsSttot Tnetb a. Je GUJNN, n. De gW. OSBORNE, LURGEtN TII Tilî COUNTY GAOL, us Ptre lyo, Street, Wli.tby. ï __ p--etor ~A5TWINsORALBION HOTEL, ICAS WIDSOt lOUSE, WIIITBY, EAST MARKET SQUAR1E, TORONTO,- wt u.liAiiBY, i'iicii'uuuirvt. E . ITIT,,Propnicton. Excelent acconi- MIE thora Iloe a e itiuttedI ic a plemiaatattd mudattoît. Xet'y attenition pald te thaevionit neimedl li il i trcw-,u, citie t'rcutt rondl. ortrlmvalern. ( ccmîtuur tccc or trîcrallurrs. Iluei Stsbliutg amdîtitîluituii et eticni-. '2RAIL-BOAI> MOTEL. ADMERICAN 1MOTEL. CANNDR TOXi or vo 1% & l'ATTEIISO"< RPRIîZ- IrlEao haln;beon newly tta up asdte- m,cormiitf X'otig auiclIfrnt stréth. -l.tuovcteti mcdlanpa1tuy llcpro -4for the neeptIcum etgete. .l ictnuutcoi(lu te lOtt ---- - ~ ouiveesleon etBrock, on tho e aîcliuî rouit ha' CANTON IIITEL, (voeu Whit(by, Beaeon and Lindsay. ,FIS.eas- i l't'I<llîiN,1 (ouaiaccommotc>sion, mnd att<mm(tive Oslmulos Dl) ucctneoditi tir'l'niuc'ilùrs. GODCenuiag£teli,Jtlly 2ld,18h0.3t W.CLt'lllPRT,i BRI'rlSH AMERICAN HIOTEL, 4s-tin lîe.iîrieou. ismntoax pRaEEr, OtruevAA. fItOA$ DOWNING, (tlat ihrouctiliotel W. 11. IIILLIN T IV Iiti>,) Proprîster. Beet sines ansi J> ITuiiIcics u 'lucrAr- Tliiliy . w'liqiior*. Supacioraccomnotatlon f.'nLtvcaers. O3 lWle s l lulduuigs, lIioev' W , Wîi(by " Saiutg, sud a(teu(ive Os4tiema. 7 -- - - 3j BLACB'5 MHOTEL. JO lIN McGllL, £hmrro Brock aidûmndctams treefs, Wuiftug. L CNE>AULCtli)ti lEEiIFiOtii ANADA r1'hlE ABOVE WELL 1NOWN, AND CEN- L Wtst, clehitu surcto tihlî uiabi L traly utuatei l u isbetun newty fictte taitc f-tmitiniiiiir ui ui ciiimi(ts ouet- uîiu, anti revratei lniia mont eomntallaman- utsîi(t Salas4 hy AuLwiuiti ll'îîaoold Ftumiitume, muaIbyttma eraoeenipsnt. No expeaithae Merlîîumuhizo uai otîlor titiets, aO. a reesonahî' enooi paeifto tue te al guîetsu anti vîaîîomn contmissioun. Io a houme. Ositava. cfAit-t 1850e The boat breîîdc et Winee, Liqnuis anti Ci- JOhIN IIETCALF, Reomoymuid canvonlout slmas,good î(ab'u LEIIE 0F "iy Fi'li DmVIS ONCOURT yaamt sliîtit'e stiara. I couisnltiig tc lîcmsîpBrook. Ad-T hluma lel lh cituto ln the veeart oat ha dnesa Cauuuiucgcîu.14 -Townu of Wlitby, muid viii ho foundte (obc the lu nîcs aceîieuîsct mtoupicg pince for fermermansd FRANKLIN IIItUSE, tmsc-allcmc4. JAMS ILA(Ik' LID- t Ytir, C. W. H DA DE R L, T~F.JW ETT,1 it!ii'Iili ETOIt. COMFOR- TO A EEEL 13D ablhe aceiicn aiiicm on 'ravallene. 1 1,UT D E H, &a. d&o., GRtEEN STREET, Wili(byo Jen. 21, lIM5T. 1 Wltby, C. W . A. K. RICE, H. W. WOODWARD, C'A~N ~AP l:, UioSIRt,&cfO MSI MEICIANT,-INSUBANCE i %J ucrioes 11111, î>)rnîî acîcior, 'W nîcy. ra- lqio ig il eîtiy d'lut, i cd ait kiiidK u' job- big,aîîd repà f i i ot arltueatteilded (o. J1IE4nET IANNAlI, ÇRIEB OF CULNTY ANI) $UPFRIOR cai Alà o plain andl ortntu.enitai tiinter, Wisit 'by. .2 A. I>RINGLE, tERIiIANi TAIILull, BiLUtK STREET, Cl LERi< AND 'ETlsiJliIt iOF TIIE To wnshiip c lf',riîr Addre's, Uxhridite. CUARLES C. ICELLER, STTOIWEýY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN (,liaîieurv, (3ov4, îîic'ver, &c. ofie-iln Ictorl builing. ocr (le C/coniccbec. nit'encrai Agent. QffieaLta' ocu pied hy Janies Hodgaon, Whithy, 0. W. Rzztxo.TtonsClarkioit, Es4., Pro- oident Bond of Trade Toronto; .Casiseis, E.sqManaoger, BaniB. N. AmoMtea Tonto;- W . . Ran>orn, Eoq, Manager i4ue6ee Bîintk, Toronto- W Gatable Esq. Milton Millm To.. routo: lon. i;. Me(; là , President Baà nk of lion- trol, Motreai; Mesrs. )Maitiend, Tylce & lintehinmon, Toronto; Mlesgrs. Anderson, Evang & Co., Montreai; M2snoro W. Price & 8onQuo- bec, MessKiq. Il. J. Noad & Cou. 2l EDWÂRDR & HODDER. T AlLtI'RS, DRAPEES, & OUTEITTERts, iKng Sticet, Oaiawst. Gentîemtens%' gar- m".nts mnade up end eut ici the cncist iahlmai- ble style. 108-ly N'OW 18 TUE TUIME. GET YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's lit PrizO Picture Gallery YFVa L4 Udt 1 Crec adIi i tti. Break streatl W, Ciiuiiype- ite rl; c~c iC,-iSor £5Zilier Aluo'a braî1cclioffice iuth(le village Of Beavar- i'muinfr, ora lk- î,%in' et o catrt URm si."en» tami1 TevîîllîîitfTica ali amuîtUuiucyitY(fU - hicg, fer J. A. C. catdo IL in t(ehaut style, gante. 40 afid et shconttnotice. "44 UR MUSICAL FRIEND" s Rare Cern- WILKINSON'S BLOCK, paillont fonduhe Wlntem (entho. C. W. SMITII1, 88 b rak S rei Whitbje.- Evamy Plunlat, 1Sho-sit rr thtaweokiy ~F -Lt>NDuSN, ENtiL.%NI), AFIIIICT L'ory singer, Poblietie-n ut Vocal anti ~~Fîmî (lvi tli.iuar, )iassu Cmurc a.cî, i 5. COCHIRANE, L. L. 9. Evamy Taneher, Piano Fente Mushicemot- S tn >% flottmeaseuiv.,Iigt. 8OitBlce iiudad (ern IlTtuuerREYAT L4WV S-SO. Eveny t'npll, ux bat 10 CEN'T$ a C c iollin i- -auuetau ehim- Atiîi H TtIFv> ute - esry Anmateur itr uner, and prnmneeod --- - - ,--_ - 1I tilce-ha Biceic,v's NwBu cltuig, .i)tt'îcîas Blt ho entîno Pr.,. ortthe Couuny,te bc J J. HAIiIERt 6RrENWOOD, Street. Vl itbv. 42,TIIE EST AND CIIKAPEST %WORK OF ATTLUNEY-A'r-I.Àw, SOLICITORI IN THE KIND IN THE WORLD."1 A fi tciccm"ylNumucîr' lil'hlhc,, oiaaucr8. BARNETT, Tevfl-ioPgsfeaatpaoo., &ae., Wituiildv.i. L ,licos Victoria Block.DEALER IN MudPastof Ver al andis. noFot uaxt ta Il tui'lle!i Jr ccci tr ti 4Ak 1ANUVAC'TURER AND DAE NMfl o 0cns m jjCigaîrs sud LcatI Tbaccoa; &aseWhhps, yeinly, 4blalf-yerly,$2.oo uatni,î.s DUS.I'O'î' & ARRN, Lmufcut di., ie.John Stroot, Port Hopo- Sutbscribe (o 'leur Musical Fricot," or ortiar BflilLlN, C. W. Port Ilipe, Meor(.b 8, 1860. yly t frein Imo e nast Noviticaler anti you viii have MUsîoti-nough fomyonr antire taiil aneu JFOOTE, bi. 1). il. WAIIREY, M. D. lau gniblant comt; sud gf ye't vant mîaa!c for __________- -- - -- -- - ---WHIKEY! W'HSKE! J the. Çlutro, Violin. Cenumet, Clalienet, AccordIouu, H &NIN(i& USIIEI, Y TIIE BARREL, AT &o. 4-., subseribe to (ho pROVNU14lL Lictul tlureyers, Civil IRit ARAK iMCOELS PIgcucuit d LndAge'tits. u>liie-ext FIBNK ADOELS g b U ts@JoùW door to Pr. ilid'e, Cluroix-st., iýoluWn'eiviiia, Containiug 12 pages, estlug oniy, C. G. Imt .a . E. R. P»Uasu, P. L. a. Supermen nrticle et Fsmily Fleur, Cheup 10 Conte a Nà mber; Teauly l - MrDo~rlîtueus fer Docils druwnu tp ut A.fer (neh, ut ehort no___ _____ FAII*IBANEKS diMACDONELLIS. Ri.eai,*.6 WO ATVO,.B .D,- Ail tb Bock Numbers u 0esa adBcdt WW0CBAEYWcS MA.TEL. D.9Voumieul lutiuigl7 Nuohors, at $M.boaah ORONER, 1PIIYlICIAN, SURGEON &'e.. WCE E. conotautjy an baud. C Whitby. 9MACouauaW,5ýgent& vantait for (has. pubications. rTEEubseriher doniman te lI fonhi bi nds C. 3. SEYMOUR d& 00., - - HURON HOUSE, su~~ad tue travelling publie, thuil ho bas nota- - 10N5aiStovYr FORTeav vucuvar.IYpapood, pijnd uiît)inlsbho haoy. hoe o imerolerocc edb> Un. AMkinsouî sud lEundeogmoibusliaitkon (heaebove Htathât 2(ho .aauaBOokigý» " jjaj Jlieue uevhy thttat miin ta tIc j4lrtahit0mcs omoauiunil yul fiSud cena- oE -<THEncltou o(h u1ic tl . ecl in:îatiou at Mode'rate ots. Tho tunrg h oonnait ftepbiteison Walol oa Tlit eeytig nnurfESribsriborhmvhaflesnod the Boildk uptin . ld t ÙZ1 s"duico WThtex McL.a m Codue h -fu..1qo»adegr ttebr m*iiP WILLIAM TIIEW be WCE. rvîlt P ni hy i liodthie b«tou Saddlesm aîd ~arnes nafoa ithedîî suit - N~clO.AJEICAN MOTEL.@ Bsud bimolfuiluayaord~h ala tl tieà hr A uir.Ncu t.tiimr.UE = 0alpiuod ise aate abats (bat haofo!tube pauli atonge HlE cubadrbeha» n ltted np (ho abeve el d oulus l los h bi Ia ~EEMLA otabýlîshail btai, viLb the vlev et affendlng ahlarmadyte asuppiy oveay articleith rd odte.s *very uocedcitloui (o lime travelting public. peityadN. IL-Alaec ridIom udBgi givc. aAlýGodxaln n *tes 6-ONZW-TOKIIy. --acrl vlra eomuiypart <if the o Jny. TIIMAI M(iIRDGE .Manhet , s ls0. 16 BroekiihMarabSI7tulm18. 11 loi re ANotan sd subsantiel, Bi cL. oltage ituatol; oColluc a, t4rme , * è repld l'l'di bESPE Thare shaitansa cof LAnceiied on vii thoreia mlrge Stable, vitigoodwvel.* Th lu bais scistero lu ooîîneotlon vith (ho dvollli A p l o W . FI TR EM ÂA . E ar. Whi~,M~ Barrînlor, d"a, ht wh1ttý M-iy l, lu. lie I7TLL b. happy te attend al cales that ho Y mny ho favured wlth, and frool paletc perienue hopeti te izive elutire atis-rletlcu. sa ru sttndud Bt asîttnotie sd <un roanonal * 'l'tiy, Aug. 80,100 Proteçti on.aualhau Lou sud Dama byFPire. te WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPAN'I d CAPITAL £100;OOt' le- NUILÂNCE offactoul ah Bnildings aud thl 1Lconîtenîtsu Every Information Boppliod application Ão le a .ndenalgned. JOHN AUNE W, Tratellinig Atéiftî i tougStreet. Whitl SNew Tai.oHLugEstabishmeni e SIMPSON & FERGUSON. DE8PECTFULLY ainnounoce te ther R habitanit'of! Wbitbyý and snUh-oundiî In otintry, ihatt hoy hate dp<ined a Tailor'as$hopo On Drock Streec, eoppite the "O0ntarlo Itôtei," where à -orders entriîntad te (hem wiliib. don. vit neonn-a anti despteh. 9 Wbitby, Oct. 20th. 1859. 61 WltbY-»»Wery. - n îîh an excellant article lnn neh qî i msy lie requît-ad, and «tit tià tte soit pur ehesera. Bottîcul aIe eqnal tethe lmprted article. - Wluîtby, Nov. lOtIt, i rn_1a REMOVAIL. AMBROTYPE GALLERYý N îefri n thankn te (lue Pulbile for tao il. b'rlpatronace ho hau recclved since cern u.tenecing business in Mr. Caldwell'& Block, hegi .eave to inthunata that he has.removad hie Amn brotype t4allery te (lie 100mBe ver (tia clore e Maon*ns. Lovlos & Powell, Brook Stroet whert ,le is prepareci te famnisb Auic!r'*3que Leon in the. best styie. Mr. Oreen'., precent rom#i are liglitod froir thte top, ara vcmy ,ecusei, and contain ail ti applîuunees for tak n the mont porfectiflolk ltlcanacs%@of ailiklisdo. WItitby, May 28, 1860. ]FAIX FOR SALE. J h n onlip of Dalngton; bini t i-c X northpairt et lot No. 84 ln the Ond Conces. sion, cootalîuing 70 acres, vitlî 2 dweiliu1 lises, tbtraandi stîcus, driving shead, vood. t4ectah ,claeu.Theme arc i. Ioe2 We'lls s lepleuîdid omehuirc, and a never-î'ailiîig ,tromm Il)jluihceosse> the faim. It is îeauifully mit natcd on the Kingsiton aud Toronto road,tiîrou miles tram Os;hnivi, und six froini Bwmanville. Timu an openuuug neldoiu oti'arcl, Tille por tact. Prive Modarate. Tcrms eunçy. For par. tîvulars &o<., apply tu E,1 TLRAuonW A RD Trenton, May 14, 1840. Trno, . 1 TWN LOTS iu WVitrmy near the Bey.- TAlso, Village Lots ut Dubli'. -rock, French- inil' e Bay, and Port Perry. Gpl t . Il. DARTNELL, Solicitor &o., J une 16, 1857. .oeSrst iJ22 WILLIAM KAIJFFXIANN AROHITEOT, t> 144P,]Bay ftroet Toronto. L UCENSED A'UCTIONEER FOB TU Otl3N -O F ONT4XIO. lonk 1> E go mo t o pe tnIlte rturn Ahoiro p. aetban le tIon itantIi ef thecu ty of Ontarloi for tlioLliueruinpport thay i reeIvod froin t hemsud woldà hindi yROI a farier tlontitn of fthoe i3î. Uà v -Licance folé thii *hole Cqunty, they are pror <id ib ttciid <41i ordorc wIth prpmpcioAi libers! tonna.' Addreiu, pns ALBEIq, SPRING, rleb T118.OS.M R, . roubîmnk, P. 0 10 Wititby, P. 0.' oars t.'îîE iicrhnr linfr aiithc Tilt Xt r . G t ou.Whltbv, (imttîedfiiîely Boi Mr eOgston'î Paî)s,41aquatity of Di Tilos, ail sites, and at nmoderateoprives.T Tie% have been pro'nouneeéd by Uompecî 19 udgon Io bo of the cary be-t qnality. 1,( lay wRoda.y Prico îlot frih ond orders taken M0,urt.hiantilon & Bobu.ns%. Whllbv. JAMES SMILLIE. o ai& LUMBER!1 bi J7l ubeiorhg to inforni tha Initlar I Soiith Outorlo, thiit a*liig open(* Lumboi Yard et Oshawa, for the sale of Mcci Paxton & Cos., ceeebrated Lunîber, ha wil] ge abO teo sUPPly 'the o i t raaonabla prie for cauh or npproved joint notes. It Oshawa, Jan. 80, 1801.- 0.W SUT lir )ENTISTRY!1 on tb DRS. CALLEN';D & CARI SurImgeons, Deatistm, &c., Roonas oit Zr, Carleton Lynde's Stori In -- DUNDA14 STREFrr, WRITBY. g 7TEETli flhed in the mot perfect manne T d nonbtla but e cc n uet approvc S Tho long exjcrieneof<ut ri. nilencir boardand thir t oroihlc nowleiec ithe pau tcoof Deuticu'y, anîîbla tuerntto appraeliîte t grisat I enofits ta bc derived front à a irt'ni pie o. nrvatien of (hose ail-important, and baenititi ergaus tflictaetiî. t pauitieir premervation -great dieaI of'hîa luaîltiî, happiness,,and oomfoi eofnîankind depaîîd. Tlucir oiîcriitionis n tU braneh of tihe profcsîiah ttahnot fîll te gite sc istactioti. Let the afflicîcd wîrh disteaed tacth ouly viisit tueintln tinte, baforo the. diseuse get t-oo fitm a hold. AUTIFICTALTEETIT insurted lo(4old, Sil enver, Platitna Pitalîo epon lté ceiebrated,am r- justly reommanded vçïisizîed bue, aller th, .y îatest arid most arrov'd methouis adopci'd I) a, tho profession. Thealaîrletotis of Dm. Celle rder & Card are so car'fftl ly porformecanud i perfect in tleiecvec, tduit net only the nattS alexprexsion in propoervcdbnt the cuuccend con fort of the werr of tbeireartli4dlteth lu prj .moted et the gainotirno. Iii tua dnmability 0 - b. mantoriil ned, and th(le îuaJ a blandine ot oolor, the grestest uaitt éibu vi] be found. Pà rticulâr attention givan te the cars ané regnluition <of eitlldrau'o tecth. P,îreiîteshouk a ttenîd te thlsîîs a very Important dîîty tuothai offrelîg. Ail opemutiona warranted oatinfhctory. Ttrti roasentble. Conctultation fiee. 2 TO FARMEIRIS AL. B. SALTER, VeterInary-Surgeon. t GRADTAI!E oft(he Collae c f Veterinary # ..Surgeon aid Mcdi - !e, Botoin, U. S., and *assimtaistof tiîrcefirsç-elams prîîeliauerc, irom thecollege, tonde,, twl, uîd. will ho it atten- dance où 'fUtS DAY'S duriuuw ench weak, e Mr. James Croeker'n hoiel, Whitb>,, iiere h# niay b. cotîîsnlîcd on al l'ormis of digeseato wlhluores -nrnd cîîrîla are suti'ji'vt. Mr. Sal- ter feulas conîfident tkiîa after severai yeurs ne coaftil pmetica, lie viii bc able ta giva satis Bfiction te ail wFo muuy n-led utS Burtilce. - March 18, bO0l. 9-tI Farm for Sale. e I N the Towiichi p ot Piecktriuig being rompos J.ed of part of Lot Nce. Il n ile ri i con. and No.Ill in the4tb voit, entainiîtg î2lJè acres of sund. The aboe nul I liiwn farin acjolus thi0 propcrt oef tir. Alex. Dtitilop,etltae Wes4t iti cri 0 eà kinFor fitereqîtira no fitîther decq qrPto. Fr <atculersannepply --at - 'l'îE udercignVd Praprictors orthte ahoco - aiadl T<ELbag rfespeetefll> tb apprize ohir friande anîîdratrans tuit lt hav-e tua. the wiuler, viiujclî enlales Atîîc'nl lîîuw toffer to lte Meinhems cfrlte cigilaîu re, and tii. Uit. vellonFPublie surnere ccomunodation. iu suiditton tethe apurtmneim:c lîîey hsd mt vin. ter, thay lihaenov l>arlors eandl led.rooms ig 11a large hfutte rieur thoeIiaiu'l. vlîiati, for eomtort and eoiivaîîîaee,,are unsurpased lii the City. WV-. JRUSSELL &SON. Quobo., March 1l, 1861. S:IIIR NOW «]o»ies o lu hentli Rtsnumereus euîstomterm anmd the puolie, tlîat, lie bas ronioved- from his old premises Btt(ha Bey, amd ls nov levsted on Duticîsa itreet, in t4o prerluoa lsteiyoc9npcd by Mr. J. Arnai tuSuliciror, &c., BroekdSt., Wicitey. ffnon , Fruitb, Cndies,,an on1ec 1 e al klnd% itci n u cboy CATTLE AGENCYO FARM FOR SALE TE anlt-ricmn beg to nfcalrm hblonds6I SA L IL nd the pblie tlms( they ave (is day 100 Acrie 80 Acres clearel,(.1 t4/II'~ ~Q~nSres the leared, eontelning î '.' higfbofr d o No, i a he Yý4r nd or 1s p t Ju. cf, l aii n h u o h( o b rin g .C(, rn c k à ib - f O u t - ~ d a ~ e e e r y i e ll itl y f r- t a i . P .f m i l o . - - 1 7 . tjgu al lOcili uXng orchre.b aomy' o epr'aSà THR sumcaîtu reesoOadu n vor- oe 0yar utcn'frkt loilm5T kI ihiýpnuiDÃŽofwatèrmrni.s- hrangh -thr ernia rim < '4 res Utai dC t'osn-,Onoiaifof the parohama -mouo1y tie Yatrd, cffieatguuaruinead o e h lir er Alovu (ofrba' ler in'pai'yntlan ftvo* Ratpnce of 1Iho dey bcing obtaincd. Mr. S. M )tA'MePh<ir- rcarey'î vItobo.atteétiun boliugd6v" o ýtec o is PI.,-joeha-pi«rtVoPrlat« brndiI of (he Businens.- AT.EX. 'OrO, ~e t ae rmil. u Rm Aidioy P OVucf tf75 e ffo al Pickering, Jonc 1l 1861. 2%20 BREAICET d& TAYLOR. loi hi el 0 vc ;t )n T ri le vc th Wc roi hi ilit th ,et ;11 In thi bý 311 tqi Pli. né lk eli Ifil ry n- et h#3 to Id of. le Id Eciu sitlofora-.1 "Oltel fumlv, ati ,quile rcnuy, etIt ctîcieuiu otit-Olltresg, )atu, e.- Tlure amn a iiand auci tanits ocuîntiîg ec'ry vitnity f Iuit treas Tleru i- a nce'vcr- tilimrug ettrmcrîu e uuielmcîlna lody sailet foi- tmiuutaetumiiig purpé0-se. lic property ha situ at in the lient pcrtîcttWhitby, iminei-t- oypposit hae(Grand Trtnk &Staton on (le Lue LUntaand il ha sold i ertetons o r a t o g i t i e r t o c i l a d é l u p i " b e p u c r a s e r . - Trins liboal ; aid ili ho xechangati fon ainm- ho boure proprty' le mec'( dciraby situaetd for layiug ot inu Bildiig.lýots, on ould suit s m ar k e t g rd e uur tr o tt i t.4 c c m ign ity to th e tev. Apply o GERGE B. IIAL L, Port Whitby, uto JOIIN RAMER GREEINWOOD, Tho. cOolai Press tppllod vitIt ~4~~Bfr ~ TYPE, I-PR~S O0N%xNV5 L4TTEE8.-' ---And any Et ,pauiGocO ilTOttrhnT --'§e vi d:t ime CTý ulu- -gu 1 ,1t - H é îÜ ad-Loit tir Sale' par-- - RtmMa{Icar, tics Dvoeiillr gol FO aid"letnu lBYRON STRE! 1111 il t 0 Tovmu ottVIuitby ýlalcl lu au c Lu of J. -S.Dnioi, 0. For prive.rand i6 te" pl 9 -j ulH. PERRY,r Fobre~,' - Whitb1 to ten SAERaci; (bte-l by ncoipigti tirle No-rth.%N'estcoui et Lot Ne., iIl, (heo tttuuieodso iot rt Ph ing. Titane us e go>dliJottsc anîl Blu,- 49 eut-officies. AIse0 a largzen autcl trîiîtl îreébu -Te pramissanre voli vatoeed, and sibumurci a nMost lIualtitnî iloality, Wliin 10 Iiles Oft Towu of Whitby. frrmiibenuch. Apptly lu i n e I I E I I T L - W IE N C E ro. O n on th e prtulli 1be scas Sale Of Mortgaged Promise B Yvrttletr oervmil sle euttuutel ir ut bJeorgiaa, lun(tue Couitr ci)f York,it Pi vinée et Cainada, lvcoyiut, eortir- tlrst part, Richumrd Silr, ttuaet-er. #if tire 'rol'avuluip Broock, Couuay e t turlum, otire cucul l-ru-mni theuomi l'ta u0 t 275,1 1-t. ll îmercust fr. the dia t raof, tid, tiuit tie lm iilhow diua l a f d l o r t g g o I < q i t m ' r 0 5 t $ . j $ e ,8 9 c ;m c k » à m1ldtme titis dmiy $328 iiitiîc mitiemmte v o III cftii.embove cniotut, beLl: -nits cîuuc i ito-.t, O - c e n e n p î i d , 1 I y ul , o Thursday, lot day of Augui NaY",Det tvi cuîi'loek lu the' luienern, lrocard l m c u l l s I t p r om i e s , o r M o5 0 u i u t c i t h t r - a s wc e là m i e y t i r e d e b t s r o m i b d b ul i t ui i c t n ie tiae c-îutmn albtding eitîch sale, uti-iait îilucr Cii, & di e i a i n u r o n e î c t e d t h o r c 't i t l i : i l m e t i ce gat lîrem.scs m eiig part of lnt Noc. 2t, ln ti ýha finct dcuuit'cmusimoet tmeonuc-iliii hic- iti! uuOlty re- York rc!oersii ,enictaitciiip- Iru iucaui, titi5 acre , te sia mure or lîciund a uit ri dsaniicl liaforeiclîl umccumt£uî. ot Sael)ttapaeouireI m ties. Fon theoMortoaccie, h.31 hil > I trfADEN, Dmiled t Brook, tiitrst dqclii i - 1n ,îecî. il he IMUiI>ROVED FAR31îq r- I.L 221W-; t jAcurc o f Landi, 45 nec-cie oleaireci, cçimp n ut l i i sa of t e W 1 e t h nN o . - a îd 7,. jrt gent! Dvllug 1Bo1itcs 1rà t arn tirus Id W IÃ"O came, (l85 s es ccamo, cniî 'f ti r W x uo r 1 7 . li u i e 1 l t c -ef le n ei t l f I t nbid Coulity ouutlrie, vibh Dcerttig lousae, Fri-u f p B a r n s u un d S t a h i r u s u t0 WIL.D LANDS. - Lot No. 2, in (ho Psui Cou. Ennismore, 2( Doesc, Cuîuuuty et Victoria. Lot No. 14, in (hl18(11 Coui. Sc-menvlîa, 2( ntrc, t'ouiutj et Victoria. M'est 4 Lot Ne o natie it Cn. Fenel-m 100O acres, Vtesuty et' Veteii. I. Sou thi 4 Lot N i.- 17, in tri cIltIt Con. P rer lanud, h tR icis "outity t q*iiitltm. W 'es t U iL e t !N o 2. , in t ie tttl C o i. W a %ici 'Y nosl, 1iuî<ccc-, ('icyut Iiîî1'nîî1. 11 West j4 Lit Nu. i1s, littire Stli Vouc. Dan-ii n 100 acres, uituty of Laiuîbîîi. ýo Park lot e 6 trs, wthî rtswuahuecu'a lt i 1- buildings, ictaoi Duaduistrct lit te Cei > t e a n . A I" uo 2 0 ta lv î m lo ts . l'r ( c n s c eMi l & e., applyttoirea sîttscri ber. Tnprovci 'owuipropaty (<ien lu ehîngý t for ie ild lictidu abere ucuu-îuîiîîel. - CIIARI.ES C. 1<ELLEIl, Solti'r, Whuitbun, Office lu Victoria Buîildiungsnoc-cmhi e imuix CLE Oulile. t (oMiPETýITiON. T JIIE S U B S I 7IB E U I 115 lE EA R E I)TU nem, luapr lita n ar)'othcc- estabilhmt co ha kitdin rookliuu, cd luit vsorli is umti J.j~iq~ - cJi - J:~<--i - NO. L~f$~ ~ n-'- Mt tbe motinul Of tii. elilcknewn short M-fî îý4. iv j ,~ 4. te,~4!q'PA1p, tp0ler fi c Lb reTu y et ii, threw lice s ~hO ~ K~Tqoa. ~ mou lim, anl PrPasoed hiiiito fi'ir -wbil aboabO'Or4liamdg ou bis'foiehi mis. ::::::~~~î~cî '~ 'bis eheek, bisli -tey ; -A d h âýgt O il h. i,é ýtil 4,_, à or ieu tidol Of~nj.oîItô: ve- To-iua<if f e r .igh t. -- ?t m e.~~~ie..frr,:5 tus.soolI iBo tho athotnd, neiy vn eau- TIma euffermmtof liaenotha , fomn r1,, e-d ,if And wor-sfoeitdihe'oidu 1 'el H had* u kn b t I bate uind To bap e miffeing rotht.. . eibravece. lm tun6 i eIoow aîy h.. lireu nsfu da olbr, beryeararesses. Ocb- Tosu ring SvrAt eb edmit<t, i;and casp8d lwe, Le ,nhtppyf ~~~~. ~ l Ah i-en hare d0f sboel, ontIre ha rnondthaô andl", ot dut i And be l a u ferlesîig nalel h cr e rtw tu nm 'item.ý, l' 0 cor-~~M toteorn 5uo lidii1 frue a u " iusy ereü ch lvaus te mvfr co lt taintes ermutcart V intiiPart l-uever ie neyerz 1'ÃŽ Bid r e n t wa rc bs t&ei t h o fme A"R nu niothleriOesiSehasol li 1 Riv as ta'nnie moonoeehaneio nce. Se huateld AndIbo1;lndof eures miht, Mteiinuthede frme elîhayour wn if. A nd th e r htcoou' iitoe.1 h a n red le te orIl, u s s Andtinhinued tiAdye Lweehttryn ol ]lten lvngîccet lt lIi M'eotîha "Finel 1Cet mertu-a fego Irui ay Cocuieis inteoîrlcîîaland cuî so lnt I mu ail no T ot a paus e, çbae an Io lthy kina n t le Iua lard FLenco.t a b c uuld o abl and WVllim' " o t wiII n befnaihJuI Idm ten avrun tu îon i v o mmence. mustvi parye VI Quitt Aht1mnili ot.î phenieosharotltienghiailsI ~~iAr viii niako proposaI e yauî. th ho,11 er4,nI,(iausuc ha e u binîly m ter 1thdnewl e ith n seapi - eaul aeseorendtpeecfuncliteeengasial t 68.m dagha' disosl it Lv . ne longer An d o hat mis to Laeme et wien- la ~ ~ ~ ~ a reuehmc 'L ahargeme ohoinirge au 1 s As sIe spao, haloake et br vit ~ c' O y et he ni my den ol c I n i n l e e p r s s o n to f u r p e , n d g a t o h c o u l d I f n e i r u o t c o a and scaonet vicd snten conlirete bcFilthi e t rng t ? Nebeteo, sh o ualdn hlt sm ii Heme, fen d Is t nio cav ed h lut rltelb ciEoog, onupant ii ou§ e onc- sl Bnpn4iWa.rete i ens- ly aaoc rpsit u yeu van j n a pa teflings heladycb tr "Hesut yJuilt fr mea e ukeI ga veP mse, ItIht 70 0 arc n ot p m a e t " O h, ye niskt. a e O , B o u sacrfice.yu lhrdcîne o (h e fy No dii i tli o t e av e ,vit loo i w on. mace af le. oul cs e ahis c liscsin,, iut 0 ol co -e coi ei rm toavier y onmita ncdcla i c omrct. 01p venwl"Hemhecidopedonhcabo 1 cnt illmiaitapropeoJuiet or ta FrQnca."henuA sh slofbed uuud. hrug a '<Fenc, hogh my ,ua tU sheo In- it Wa;tbn tryw i ment len; arntii e î b.1. reak 1 yioded i bi estolonsus t ask him4 be O1_c nd hsasue d yoïa." iiîhuthlm, and mac-ny r , rog ihadesa t h o-a Ho bowe ad siencfi e, aiondhued' intolhcaopsto;bthsgn W< mydugtrs ipsiin,1wlln one nndg antdithursbomeont ad a- 1 d raledse è oly aong i. dep1 ad4Wmfl aoaîth e ta heiqed ant ly.- e-m 1114 (Asgt The eci'f,, lIoeaoke ie ied ia sem ted as t o he r 1 goc et. m ile me tt é in!i tumxpr sidnof rront ,n igat eion, vwcud h 1t oretber? n ue et hn crite s] wbchîmyglr cls oteuim sould tian - hotIis Ite prof- hnd purd t h h s fr ont m n is he rt itu votfitte ooe'Mpi of Julits!pfit yes. H Auufid muy th eGod wlt Armd th9'Enoevas oan ane cd mo stui telfriandhet icnocouc1 can mrte prooî illy bis cyca uc poa n !b t Ilt e. FscelIbe cdd~ yo Eca itig ecopthelenlinogms t effec tuaI Jo e i arelit fonet e' al -vfb esiesa acmisty mcie tha dveyaietthu oud eha rop nhsbsr S , se nig e ,e; a t i t u'as da i et io r th a h n e ct liea n d e o n we o u l n ei i n l e r dayran lcetuhodho mmdc onrt sMl- Ttmacondaproorchmoment; and e.s' patance e i situo bati bee nuoif At wttiismonut bercusbe tu rreui Iha "Li stti irla, h ia00e t n ev unid svorda hr a l liofeIh PO B- ap n N e e fi t i c ,an c d t eed h at ad p ' se.-te e ly a s C r d i h (hafat eTonon epededouiIhe fat io tthe xpratiobuegrt itude, ndh ad it"nhui1 causad a aler7 aonho sceretl itc aecl 1yci u lesel i -Il, su41 ldeut sort Th n o t yho eeix'icl oe frocadb dRutanco; Ibame-eag concaediforontr 9etam Vhaua1ovy. '<I vaset d ee vm., r. tha eney gby- sem evatho uh fr sout. ieanid, ppin my ositale etho grnde 4butu saean as he btîc ry vmineunmathed rt e my se. ram von thevberînMycfn 20 iLe niish open . a t lie ti ns ini' oo nsthes un it, hai len buta pin'odcn 20fie Thobocl8 tboc-a'ua-1 a te ioupn oetu. r y p odon hl preiivious resaxi wntî tedgunstet i the uamoeitd o n noea e sh re ro i ')I fo-ti cdIa u oira rtpde-dseîd îango et s en u y Fareecf! batniii ear* ih. Excba ie g ocluai is thiecy, Be arunt tom 1rciarewel 1 c getimhe ty. va*ths tis civt nothe gea mser H as o te a o a alluy a l'essaI i e eauton Flu-coco nacied i ensicuos chaea"The sdseudv btuil eacoea otg CuDy tmn iîu or!"ad lcdlw ii e dcpor rac-ds hea. Ilut wh descrniption l ui ontc (omade yFo tau- scen - afornd a -cndi îe youlc t? ln that gtatty chry aneiin the rmy vas an tonboa iunmeyunfinshprcs 1 prove himacif a mac motithoutttour Bà teIlantteGalt (arenT hesiasm imtte vimof liet viii do jiiuîine le the gronden phany y ti eu eanslaookr e yof sacrifie ad ib gi tdend b Dgo vihe isateo Tuo edd. h enoh t t ort.the 70u le lu. Id. paapetliercaiedha moatte ouineeuaBnpatrquretot(o atine abjectdtan(ha leamy, htacd ndaed iving va e tlî t vus b eumutti e F aornot tht istadent-m4the abr e t ticeetb, fr iewMead me a in g Mad I ame nuircey nul' fi te ml y n if s a l ie secl in et1bis he mdn Ilhinrt e i atofar teîaneu 14sBtud.a cna hemvy acocyadicg cantined ta' ofelsi n' ccPthe be wil ,or ir te k et n p n t rri etondu t im sud ( ha un; frtwich tiren eo b.olimt e oot iled it, th , o thcan n se f od e uy tîte ypasag. ik t 11ituubltmnofi'er 0Mijesty's .Servcanuts b ut, Pe pîhapru-" 1. 1Weaoc ratetil fo- youn kinkness iu uit i wul 1tbho hiî.r foc- u5 te se t(he Ena. purIn., t1tucg-tue cmi>'e-cent llme peîihiîîn by aurpn-csotlt--" " Dii cV~.tbi tbngatlte. t1aruuly tmceru'if' tucert mcrouldth(lauuir me fo-r I uxrviscigi; er to suieh annoyance. But I citl n-ucc-tut rc-i-bcldonc. Vlor me." lii' tuirui-lfrrao-Ilep*riuicipal octranic, acîd lil.u-in te n uittu-doon, ivîi a soi.- uluci titret';Opi'rcu t lisiappreaci. F ci. biot lmby 1inrituaiý, lue asceutied a eciutdiui sîtire tti,*trrirer'nd a corridor, anti poagsoc thnotil tic-na trt st iii ha sutdoen- ly luateecl bitture a little dean, ut wii ile ,tappet lna aprentanrnumair. Aç thie clumuin tien- open, tue, lies tfooccitheunselvc.ï i the boudoir of thc Eroprots. - site mnte n moementtas iftoenlso, but ut n oo iof et li sÉhorosomatber -seat.-. W hile tIme ladtin s teootaionlcnn Ocam (ho dean, lie uppnoacieul ho Ereprens ciataer. eutialiy,.huit wicah srm'tiing caf ïgod-nator. cdsa-cim onluis farce.- itilo -he a au, "1%'iti yortr- Mojtaî togiv-te~icutn once It toie itehrt rt oenltr eepe titicîners ;te eu'M'rat? Thoenm,ùpreas-ernmilcd, an-Inepieci, clory velI ; aiffl if i(ho petiinitomalascieiuleIy yen,-" -- ne means;," imo\ meplii, iatity Io net cveuîi, ovcriat it iq, mincihet" 1i0 ir'l tonithe, aliljetbuttîcuityeor Ma- jasîtyl viii ntske useietofycevr.awve jîii;mostn on the ueriuu et -thoe 'caso, unccordin- . #, -chupdtliy pf-din lire -un, £vie, W-i bud. o ateni gav 1 a r Le 1emseis trui br ovr.- . Ofjulit,13inoan 1ev. ~ ~ ~ ~ a wu~ icbr v gh~iailrs n kine-a bu iihe > iJ5p uaaagof- de4i, ako' tien le hon crnftbsceepc(ob eur vhe, - t- v ber bmailte b ciod cani- ia rasct4nmi a.etitn t.1ev -mthen, gadu.i nty mober dover.u Witeraiaoud av my boc tiehemopien vit b abjee be' 'ud ofars p>cf ice. -las gemaibeýti Tbou'sih e liiy dis eaelsin, tlie. h.n grio o ifuer cfon bserece ta ber thnd am-is; esud e1 mmoea -ulcbed is lin d as- Vleuisimmfultent ii int uidnioth~fegaj htin reershe* outd sonetiners adit (ut bae 1 My *ne-er'mauch4iiocl -howitte bt ofhi. 'ndet anld havfeau n te mchdrad I ut otanm mmmc livbya isoti ejiousi tehae de goî ofc a sBaatne camedin be (butie e ul ;ad qilsbean avced utawièenl axi md, eusisueeýs e! li n mpel iisgiificlae nia- nudmimke ier rum(hlm "ie ewdr et! ~ .' ost vu(a bot convicts vo ro c erfawul le soin nts are sebjet ad.o Àber many isoncudes in tiico tiayws 10.bae pora tloec-nl'sennbauiis fon ëlitedbninký thu utrlite tot uvsohabvrer ha ne mes- peclhketitrecercîtinhitik-ea te o o-prs uoi, sot aelltefints vbt cuid blrd redics t ow f.a Ilovconctionys eau ha ti h ul- i oie moed -li s reali thohrluareta. Iler lhy vic.ut e hinillorepad - forbeM. Dporte tram stmtirteniy cersel aru onei ,iIIet i vtnat ouoetlu;frmýwi-riuijuv, lIte pe henofsmeofitinil tendc-cpi7 t dhat resac cia fri uuccc- r o5c-eaingoneir tat hoinu r; nciot i ['ucieter, th e hec-e3 vithe fol tatisfuitaco oseaeinteeruuo ta a Inca- Pu] ce moec-thaà rpuind, tihM. DAna man - ia ertuse Itnvin been uta amrent«frluM n epot %V1 1ut iu-nunrttinet marstdatnured c ff lts vte t s othe inoenaétdînqitîru etl touatbie t teni-rdd meaondte pie mn enton an-ýeuIt-imi hueuce, isl ha bnci tegh bcppoet tehave icter tetinely er-h et d pvi agetbismpcenereuinoteIa- 'tsontantsatutliteiiogrnc. iî mote ?r aTe tceorehne, lu ilthesipae to isurne dien t vi oruslunoirbinncentein{. -n io, tanteaoy tite i ne parresphie lui aantyfo lieriîionsnihel'rg bich ho vhad t leuppear. lihuteif lItefcas entre propenly on ait tienture.hruceumpa on, ibt, ieht con- wtm lintt and te t'sinluity o i. mtives c et, andut, totf cusie t it cax-p sti mn- !O te te attur, lsmnolmjotsSqtaldn te dme aT ny ic ot "o tliq innoee. ti et neust le epani lfl le saisf hribunalpc<cpeo It, Ithiiy as oitI eta hçs eeprpely lier la tid i aiethe E' ;uer aî- ty ve it con Do i' e n i-ciMajet',ie uittutoinft Mtionofe of truli,'-cetut Il ci u:e ofthe uslco -tjutuce ocuc-tag:u. We cccii hnton b i ru IlOi mi r ; nt or us îcitha tplou: tleEn1has Ie ts-it Ire , -ý c or -1 ,r ccd e it -p-utail i0 it'ts. h tc-tth lildnit icul.îm ul'co-a pel 'nvl'l cc the cdtike on aut;el ete as tue-re ' n-ti inî, "for jsuetic ets-he 0cm (borit- orrt vrrt -t as, nto Pahu slt ? t a îeitu tuotn tt e Em resno. uSheul4 u ÃŽt L ivoc-t-lu hir-' ititulclciL ntiuue 64 ur eu i cc-b -; t lrt e-enîliuii tan ltittl Cc Onc t-cii-- rcri'. ri it Parishe- mn celeu' r ie t;io , tii h:-L-luitieer pu erc t cmcthd lite ot-c'il-i ctiLladh o f', m court, t torsirtÃi lul c;rctir:tttey i tad ne iin ni lis p re ù t-Eitin. hý-. ur Sun-r n'ai-u n r'iu ier mail etnn;h Ir (Iii fci o a juntlc lincc-au pr. ac i i ttîi a tl, oll i , I Ltvutlnct cc-tilt bor w Pr t 0,0 h :nîcsid fot" la o i -~ ~ ~ ~~" cJr momm criiiylouciuatent - g a v e a i de r a t a p o i n t li m a g u c a o n t h e a e n c - b a t i s c e V e r 7 p c - m i . uin g e x p e d i c i t . " * mys îippng. Iti va decsiv et(ho There la noliag moenahumiliating leaa sigfrlmgcnyiati vcaetigncomes nature thn te bc obligeota (o pphi' Tanlon, aften doing ail the injory tbey fon a bean. luit eurnyiug ont the pricuciplo could ta tiai laie allies. The 'bniilinnt af nelt-sacifuce- the yooug beo retolvect t services of Bouapant tiuring the siogo utharod dmi uie habniiîoîh efnt escaped lihe notice of Gencral Dugni-aauming it biîif9l, Ideove ucts. hein- mm ,iter , o in writing an accoont et the qit ndqil.u Ie ne cî, l ilSege te the C emmitteaoftSafety, made use o n rtg. W itb consicleabia diffiëtiltv, eft im remarkable expression : 61" wr n fe Revend arifiSrpu .,ý anid pmamote tii youog man ; for if ho ti succeaded in raisnia the naquinat i a'.nua tnented with irgratltui bh is capable ef1 the lie coniîy cf bis arronîn ef pa*Y, upti rir am utin g h i ns aîf "- a p m p e y afi on- lcl oe li it uano y no usly t e M ada mne V uu- v arda soý vandarfuily faIMhed. -'n,î, , it thlIe tull comnvictioin (but it vos -Bt no inmediate evrd or promotion lie final mesure ta pat hm, fonven fnm came, and tbe young oaîcer, duadai igto Julice and heppinossa: talre eny part ini the pillage gund oppression A faw ypams passad,- tWe Most eventfoî te which Lthe inhabitanîs et Toulon voee inthe iatny oethe o vrî; andtinuithat n w s u b j ac t ad b y (he i n o w o c au n try m on , h o b i f ti ni5 w bo ci u ug e d va xs - lime c o nd iio n xperienced, Qen lu the boom of victemy, of rance i Soccity as regenerýeot, luit the pressu of o vemt. and ad an vee stablia td,- M oi s ere T h e ( a m u î t' 'l t hesi g , < t h bu n d e r r e p e 7e t d , r e l i gf io n r a r cd l ie r i 'r a ; a n ti of capleins, lthe ihonîing ' eI d "e rnc eca tond et the 1imad fi tonttti ( o Stil im ail volvo 10 bis eat. In a M agnificent empire, xceedu po ver, mom entary expecation et q iting To lon, extent, and gloy il that ,th a van9ld J.dý b. tlsoagk IL incoMbont ou himseiffligr te even yot vltacasei, an is even again likely see i t h o c o ad re n te r a n y se rv ice t e, M a d a m e le hah o uti. A n ti ail b is va s à e h i eted b y Vainy 8114ber. dangur. Hacaheci t- theindomnitabe nergy nd' à tùpeMosà a 'hur ben ho motion as unaly st genun et he mni1 home, 4P4,iM 't haPPenet, Juliet VA4P.1m.- As Gnra, Firt Cnà ui,ý Emperorn ee as sate& by h, indar, bt ith 'c ing of Iisiga ;"',s tito Concîmeror, tie b o n e a d a v e l e i S o n i f k i n g n o f or t i m r D i c t a t o n, u s 4 t h e a L e - i s a t r o f E u r o p e , iriterat iu xtenai bjecs. A book, hicb evew n 0thaeligest plaitude of bis powe, h o r z c eg n i7- e tl Ma n o u . h o ba d g iv e n e , . h . fl v e r f r g t th o s o i h m o a h d f a t *as eld party apen, bt evitieuîy ber au interest in bis any dai; but scretly mind vaS ethenvixe aecnpied than meuh its ecaed(them ta hc sought oui,Ãliti ho cOntets - * Mot probable wthr Lb. giver. nugh( prmoet bcr interests in thc man-