I o bat fseqntly essu ilhato ia firta a ot tcfor mn-. ea 'va neyas- yet 'viot) do that orfos-mn. Irgoocie" hunisîr>' ha0'nol if but) nases-s ei. Il ha - - a yens- ights, *- 1o arn prepaïa<h u le 'as savait - id tbtat bu sait) îg, sut) haaoci hicg, sundI1aak mtan, the sane (ouned te me, or a mlSan U701r- daflcienclua sae in i poiical ýo ha undasstoot) s- ui Ms-. Gold' I,nysolf lie luege edeiloa au occident asd nt alw meatu et collage cent- nef take a filsst efes-auce te bis, 1 olntgs ofetan-- y ('o - ueuthig expressions cf re ve tete , su le euesglas et hav basont oves'4 apphiet) te >'ounr ýr oxpurlenca sit % - iraI>' te bave ae- - geot). Mani et à dvocsaoyerns-l. ; yeu no ro o sut)d believa rme tif te esva eom I aIse saise My' ýpIe, tafd for the uI) s-il e lu beo OuIt) do noilu oa aslvecata j'otas re repcand dur. Ar nimittaetor4 sn centluiledt)(he ced (bat bu lsd vtgemnt entes-ad t; (ina betweami 'vus-e te speahi nme fes-nard la utheel upon, an& Ms-. gea-ld'a in- thuenmxc spokuet . Ha iuatajeecs tbu issue etlb. a nianiber for [s. Picha navet) b>' Ms-, Burant, pommen the cea- conâequencég of uine Suj/icientie ireeorded VA amendment.- rartable pus-po- n amleidinut te per cent sIs-ck leC pus-oeasd nutil the 'vbole t Mr s-Ma[cDou. udt Iis dicbaase. ntilon, sut) (bat 4s. MsacDougall .ts-nck ouI, le GouIt), acting ections, refustil Furgnutin'., (e At votet) againat' au ppr. ce ut.-ý w (bat he noee 4 coît) de au>'- bh Cotas-le, sud Qw -in faler of I tonnas-t)sud ecl (brat "sone 'ville ethons onm.', or hlm- 'pposadt menon- cries of "Cam- ian>' 'a>.") of os" thea 'os-st s of IfWby dit) r. 0s-lrson ces- h iunterruptin kndt) 'vsbaibcd - ýts- ef 68TWI y, hou coninued, torme miuisln>',< ste anet) ou ai-a rut axcilanant .n 4jouieg sud s-s- effort ef If boas-t) dus-lu; 4 snd le cou- ecteegs net >t0 go position se m'iiae waba' C' devil himself untiilueo ad e stand, -sud sai3ns, callel le sait) haoti4 m mak a saian net comae fo. s cet placet) lu parat) aus a s-a ict)autified. aisent i tbat ha atm tho course usse h.onit)- - c 'va. (o voa cs ri ilo of If mne of fr sdil*t ôa mon rogid l4 tb.y b« Crdaiéds -of iano rg old," clfe emotn wh< bk ýIcji. iluunshi fi tha' tbouand dollars of the O*ut s-ue,.u ello 8 ur. 57 B5UWlt oul>dr agaha obtain a haanlng;1s&bd althongh thae attc'à it f' of-tha- Ratùask-nf"fflci and the oarns-ut entrait> Of Mr. (Camear tht Mr. Farewellîlb. aîlowad (o &Peak ori vnu paitiali>' nutored Nr. Fas-awoil i unuccasafui la nthée raIanrof hlâiie marks, and rotlret) amidat groSanud-h -.~Ms. Thomas Boistatef orÙkbidga th came forwas-d an.à tolad taeaèletors tl haviug folîcwed Mi-. Gimkdfs-oui ieeti te moeting during alhat wuek'lcet o assure (hem (bat haievas great'-imps-cv &Ince lie wua sent te Pas-iament [Clie( snd laughter. Ha, [Ms-. Gouldj cot %Peak againail ime, anad suely, haeaikt (bat showed b.e had less-ned isomeîhitg<.. <Laà ugir-.) 1fr. Boltter preceedaed read froua (ha Globe-.an acîhos-it>'ha si %vhlch no'Clear Grit would gaisay-Gi D3sowu's opinion off bis cemiaisionos- public ýwesks--Ms-. Jemiux-1t 'vas the affect that if there 'vas ath institutil fer tîjeepromotion cf slcep, 1Mr. Lemnie 'vas the anu at ought (o lbaproînol, (kughte 1 .) Theti ntoherofltis (Brnwvi alcgces-Morris 'ha accusedl of sviti lîng the Proviuce lu tbe Point Lei )je '-ud another of. (bat pure l3rowu'I rion AdminitratiouMlr. flrutnuxond ~*r. Brown said of hua (bat lie once bail character for lioner, but that it wuvasgoi !?avas-. Yat bas-a 'era inn aken le bis cabinet by Mr. Brew-the sine yoe'd efaple>' a burglar, knowing bbtx be ouch. Thilsvans tho Adinistiati tbar MMr. Goeld- suppoiicd m;an Admini tration ini which (liere woie cal>' flu U, par Canadias-.fiva Proetants-and a ,fe Franchuien snd Roman Cathôles.- Ye 1Mr, Gould who supportad(theoin( cried'eut againat Lowu r Canada demie tien. 'Buet Mr. Gould 'vas ouI>' ep ai down-s mura Jack in-the bOXy- à niet machine acting as George IBrown movoý hlm. Wba, ha askud, could (bu coutit expeet frein a lot of villianas ucli as th llrown.Dorion Administration deacribi each othus- te lie? Ycî (buse werc (1 leaders of tbu immaculmite Jeu Gould, art (bis the inut indic tloe Miffisîry I An Ns-at lad 1Mr. Gould proved thie Miniati to bu guiîhy cf? Net a solitar>' charg 'vas provot) by hîm,-hîe dit) net atteai Iti, but meruly repuatut) parro-lkc wlii ha aaw printed lu the Globe, or wbat h 'vas told. ln regard te Lower Capisda Mi Gould. sud bis f rievida plan appeured to t thiif tbey dtnet get wbat (bey wante 19Ywudkocktbcm on thu beads, ait (bat if (bat plan did ne: asmer tliey 'voul "lappual te Wahingon."' Yes titis wus th lb anguage of Mr. blacdougsîl,oue cf th leaders cf (ho Party, sud (ho wboîe wer, ruspousiblu for bis opinion. - WVbst d (base mnutfell yen ? 'hat the British cor stitution woi't do; (bat it is net suitedt, Canada; (bat it doea net uswer se 'vu as tha Amoiurin lst itutions wbicb f buý waut ho introrlucu, sud whicb t bey are da, sfter day inidiously endcavoring te sub stitu te, fer tbu ftee sud gîoiio'.a institii (ion& whivl Canoadas cnjoed sud for 'vhel 'va wvase indebted te the metes-country, The agitaflon, (hou feelingand tflIsgnag( 'df Brown, (hont), Fas-ow&h sund the wholc fratersnit>' proved (lus, but -bu rustce tsai. (hure 'vas auougb cf British fat-lin, iu tie ceuntry, sud lu the honeat me o' Xorth Ontario tu spuru (borne advorutea ni tha aupuriorit>' cf Amarican o ver Britial lustilutions. And lutt(hum oùl thumacîve:i who 'vas Mfr. tinuIt)? The standing jest, sud bu(tt cftha wboeucountr--the mn wbose ignorance sud wan ofc dueation bad browht tha Riding of North Ontarie iiic~ -4cule aIl over (bue'vIole counry. Mr. Cameron on the côrtrar>' bat)made s nai sud -fainefor imssilf-aak au>' one 'vo 'vere thxa grent ls'vycss-thu aloqiocut men ef (ha Previnec ? Woîîhd it net bc answur. cd M. C. Canuron, Jubi.i illyart) Carne- non aud -Henry Ecelua ? Tht-se weru (loi stan, aud M. C. Cimmuion tbu insu t: fi bring down i-ho flousa sud cet bis sleep- ing fs-lent) Jeu Gould. (Great chcuring,.: Mfr. -Mody uext (ouk the stand, lie 'va; recuivut) with nioch warmntb.fIle (old flot clectors (bat it 'vas vnot (lic irat occasion on wbieb bu appearet) îioîogat Ilium and, tha enamnies of bis country>, sud whes-e ha askcd 'vas Mr. Qoulîthelon?7(A voic-"'at t ha Don hridge"-"With 3MuKozie.") 1fr. MIbcd>' eoncluded a short patrictie speech b tlisukisig biieievor aud seconder, sud ritirut) 'ith cheers. Mr-. Br-own couimeucet)b>' stating (bat bu was alwa>-s found oi the trut, ide, as a B3riton ouglit te bc, iii favos- cf Britalu sud cf Britisb institutions. Hle 'as a Ioyailis( sud descundut) (toin a U. E. L., onu cf thosa mon vhio al'vays stuck (rue. Ha askud tia eluctcrs te look at tIho two mec bafore then, aud te retieut ou their capa- hilities. Oue a tu>'ave (leie ltegrit>' cf pus-pose, but bat) ho tbu ahihit>' te serve ? (Cries et "No"). The othes- bat) boîh.- No asigma cou cît) i at upon (ha honor- able cbnracter'of M. C. Camron-not us-un III (bat meut virulent ef prizs-thu Globe, Ms-. Bsownu comhattud Mr.Gould' aternenut aboutt(lieunes-case lu (bu oxpenses cf the c-outry-and te hodeparumente of Gev. Mrntent, sbewiug that in (ho yuar refusrut) 19WMs-. Gould (5~3), thora 'vere ouI>' 80 neubihnluhea fouse, at $4 per- ca>', and (bat (ha nunhars 'vas -since s'vclled to 120 at $6 par day, tho encreue cf thli po- pulation, sud the requis-ameuta cf tha Gov- as-amont of (ho CeunIr>' cousequeuf thureen -sud (bat M r. GouIt) omittete(oinform, (bu flectors cf (boue ciscunitances. (Cheers.) That Ms-. Gould failluteto how tlîat (bu axPOeua 'os-a unnacessaril> iuecrcasad, aud Il 15I appoe-al ro I Stwe were t gat fRepréenation by Po anpopu(atio,jgo5as te seue e,a te lso now to Book tmre thanrenieâoý sa whilch will ho comploeêand final." - anaexatkçakets, aud, samree-t" t) wlhes and touà encies ao-t0,eu1tp7ýti 0R ig (enngt h Union Jack ti id, waved over the liestinga). aud pIge lu. edsiead the Stars sud Stripus. (ApIplause.). Instead of Uae Eà glish Ensigo!, 'hcmw4nt tha AItnerkýà n Èagle, wliThhstA Id pud-theso wero their déaires, aud, ifî looked at their antecedents and Mýlçu i la conuectiou with t hoir prWsnt..acts,,. idcocîdt) coý(ne .'Qther éoncèlusion. I concleded by rucommendiri he eleetc ofte rally for Camuren. rcbeerà .] te Mfr. E wers stntcd (bat bo appearat)1 fi oraem lu infav rîf~ C uoron, and Irn opojGoa 4Cbe a] e did sel cause Whou Mr. Gould waa sent to. Parl ment, bue vent. pledgcd te vuote fôr theE d.cularization cf thc Clergy Reserves, sud1 voted againot t(bu measure, becausu il word secularizatien was neot iutroduced The next charge hé - brotoght against i was bis action ou the bill fer (ha divisiE e ofUithewnship, and anothur bis action I 10 ite bill intreducud te confirin the distei te ylaws. The 'dithonesty of 1Iyn. Qed to poliOsdâl cotîrsè cdtuprisut) bis rossonsf Ooppouing thet gentleman. Mfr. Cameron lu in bis addrus eibedied bis ( M s1 wers) ver>' sentiments. If (bey eau P«freon a Consurvative, (bey wure (ha weîi c. f s (rue Reformer. Ha huard t renia ed (bat uvery man bad bis'price, aud td buing the case, bu Uiought(bat 1Mr. Car deron'a great abilloies could net bu purcha oed se cheapl>' as those,6f 1fr.ý Gould.U Id rged the neceuaahy forer uluctiug a me lîka Mr. Cameron. (Obeurs.) ' -Mr. Wright eeuld uxpruss ne wouduri b is buing neminatcd, wbun for 7, yens atl electors were sstisf:ed wth a inu ike M Oould. Ile sait) that their lumpt d Go(u)ld was juat as valuable te thein,1 rwaa that of Robip-son Crnaoe on the dute y Itiland,--it waa net ia circulaîing maliun [Cheers sud lauberJ: ?Mr. Wrigbht coi dciuncd the course of (ho disbb-nerabi opposition, whe lîicb uaad wns enoeght make tIhn minist-y resert te crrupt prai tices, and lhe deuounced lMr. Farewell înet praetising wbcn ut home, wbat J dpruachet) abront) lu re g-rd te a rusiduv candidate. Holuwarnud thecelectors againt Sbeing led away b>' demagegues, whose pec niclous pract.icua wuru luadieg sundintendei te oasd ever>' day, towards the adoptiono Amorican instuat) of British instttions and aîîpealr-d te tho inteligénce and pn triodain of the men of North Ontario t( supîport Mr. Cameron. (Cheera.) Mr. ilurd Ibroug,,bt up tbu rear of th( batI of candidates, statcd f bat bu lieî supportet) Mr. Gould nt the lait electlo, and Oint bu tbougbht thé issue in tbe preauri contait was o vote againat the Ministry.. Reretired withonts satng what bhis owt course woeld be. Thu show of banda was (heu eallcd foi wbich was deelaret) lu fgvor of Camer,». Frmein i bsuinIga b appesred te bc fui!j 3 te I. Z poli was dcmanded for Mr, 7Gould. 7 Tbuhodsys ef pellinq weru appoietet fci the Sîb sud Oth cf July, at flic followiu2 places. Uxuîîî)o-at 1Mr. Chapman's nuç bouse. Litoct-Schooî flouse section No- 3 SCerr-at-tbe Town Hall. Secou-at the achôool fouse. Iticà c-u--at (bu town baIl, Manchester. TriOnA-at thc Town Hall, Beaverte, MATLA AND BAiA-at Codcys Inn. The declaration wad appointed te talc place at Vromantoio on thbe l3th-July. The Itoturuing Officer aIse eallcoe attention of the difflerexot Deputy Rfettirve ing Officera te (bu change ln the law, aid that whun thse IIstrevised roll wus usud i tunat-bave bucu cerf ifierI and reîurned pré. viocs tote b S1Junu whepn lie reiv" dtI writ su ibat a>' liatsilicepcturuco i ii c taf' lit ited ,we Re Lors bu- to be. the in on loet Id'a fer Ur. ,me ,rda ek- Im. i(n th [r. of trt Mu. Dn- le te as let mt er- of is' t. :0p GLITTA PEItCHA CKEINs- RoorING.-WO invite the attuntions et eus- sendura tted st)s-endaemdnt cf Messrs. Johmns & COscle>', New Yorkî, Eunuenther colum, Tîe 1nunneruenn expunimenîs made for the hast ten- yens-s, te preduce-so substituiao for tino, siatu nsuahiuughe recta, las-e ut lmt led te s perfect triumnph lun(lin Gottn îl'cs-ca Cemiet hooingi; citee t) > hose gentlemen, Posacsn in lua greut t)egs-eu, dihetentures cf elaiticitp, (wih o lua oqualification et a Ceonent Roq,ing actualy neussa-> ant) lcng sought ates, ) dus-shlily tidsoit) cuapocss con bisud 'ithn tle faut tînt it la n-etIer aut) fis-e s-cet, its guenai aà )ptiou canneS bu toe carncati>' urgdd. Thirs OuttalPenclot Cemeut tes- coûtni ansd s-cpais-m; MataI Roots et aIl kinds, suit) for ps-sesvin; al metaha fson resta and) cosroion-fscm is greati dus-abilit>'anit)ulcupnus, is faut - upeizdiung paicta ofcf ses->'description Ianetofonià usat) for aunulpus-poses. TIeue mates-taIs (fos- n-lddth iri Premiin bas-e bac na'vas-ed b>' Lhe Aine- ricau nstitute stndian> cf Urne principle - Stste. Faits dis-cegliut tha country>,) are] recommenednten liiglait tus-ms b>' du. Newv York & Es-leoJR. IL .Ce.,sut) mas>' etf the principla Rails-ona North -aud South, ant alue b>' thc officurs of tflicbadin; Ie- sus-noce Companims Sîsougiont the country>. Do* 1 p uhA rqwn tells me, ad I vôtes with Igrowi,. 81 truth, or the aildenm fmown i es FIs aCar Ont, whataver thatmai m'en£ ____ buaia 1 don't want (o spaka lu (haeflous,- I Filbela*d*t Gaa illtadvoate retronà ment au I ssMnainêseiîresoînt1on of aoîyl1(id ;Jm Mc- Çma go rb ueo- prepave sap nduuat..That'sonocf. A o)e asrld sit itélu telfin I Ivotes withBProm-n. 'viuic itI euanateg mé~ae lie * -- t oeuta;"pp'ei!er u(lsusly n-ce fsenI lasfrthoeconry-tbat'sthubusnca s cievional>' itens wboluseme ligilation, h cwa forsnes entails expausaý and) excites feelings cf lion- et~~~ ~~~ th o-uiii(yQit u f uatill(y ait) bittéeses. line. l Ian posat) teahI aalm ures calculatadt) Ivotes 'vih .Brown. - oimeui.saeis (bat bint) i t h - 0j. btinohla umug-fpecialîy o liafi Pasaqis i - Mube 1- an lu foyoiof s wull considerut) Bank- i dista - * rp taftw et a sitmplu chas-actes-, sut)inox- t 1 voles witb Rrown. -- - - pensive enoclinery a The Unionbu hhed__-T-"0 CounIs->- i tat(. et piosparuy, f I votes 'vith fls-itn ocli~eîration inberCe;ticil Chats- - T th deîl'vith llils intittios, bas-s, henestv of pis-po.a sut) patniotistu Tathes tes- lu 9ft nsiutos. 'nthé bearti of -ber bogisbmters, lier fs-eu I oesfr Bnewun. -pooploa suoujlil njo>' (Innextrumest happi-i Amus-ucotfor evus- 1 nons, asuitean hau bu anotableani)d 1 ots-fo Bow.enviet) amng tlhe auds of tbu uartli, But tt I oesfr 3-ou.with unseemly c,&nbitantiousansuit) trivinga Yankee institutions I for place suil pe'er, beér 1lediuig men un- I votes for Bs-own. serupulous, selflsb suit un(s-utbful, 'vith 1 do aIl (lia for six dollars a day w'ithout -wenk; pliable sud ucirîfosoet) foîlowurs to makiuog eeg mistalce lu tha milcaes ait)(em blindI>' in the stri 'fe, 'va eau hope I ~ ~ ~ ~ o vtsfrBwnts-nothing but.discord, leading te anardliy am ar s-et)>'t p-sn e gain--on 'ask you for youos- suffrages oitheut v tlie sanie tes-ms. pledgue t fttus, as a ireuman shoult) giveg Hurrah for hlrowu t1eut) s fs-enuan reeive. If 1 arn heneat snd intelligent, I shoulbchatsuted-if net, ni>'phet)gus 'oult ho 1de, and) nccep(ing (hem you îvenst) dblindl> ducalieyoe-d vus. On thiese (arma, I anm'vilîing te h sos-vu yeu. Au>' othes- 'ocît) bo unjunt ù aut) diooretitalle te you anit tome. V 7lb tl& Edito,- of thse Wklitby Ce-oide. (hem indeet). Tesebers as a clasa are not b1 - scustomodt)at public speaking, and) bow-a Sehool Pic-£Nie. evar clparl>' flic>'mn>' tliak it la oftanw -vus-y difficelt to express (basa thouglits bu- tl Ma. EnIORea - fore an audience. But the speeches de-w In (haeestirsiug clettion t(mes, cas lis-es-et)ounSais-day 'vos-onet ouI>' ,valt yen tint) reemn luynur columus for a short thougit euutt)ndceberentl>' connectet) but b acceent ef s grand ucitut) seholee ne..'veeclearl>' aut)distinct!>' ouciatedasu t At Ashburc on tha 22îdof Jue, 'vas con.ps-os-et) that sonna tachessut lenat eau c guumnatad -cue of the moat numes-ens sut) couinant) the attention et au assembl,.-it happy ga(hesings eues- suelunîte s-ca? cf Ms-. Jabaz Olvas- delivaret) the fis-st adds-ess, Wlithy Towndhip, uneeban oee (ousant) aud te hini succuadet Ms-. Rct)gers, Ms-. ce men, w-vemen ant) hilds-eu Isere supjoset) Stone, Ms-. Balfous-,suit)Ms-. Beston, aud r, te ha ps-osent. t 'vas the desiru of ses-usah les-. T. Shas-p sud Ms-. Campbeall. Aund hý Teaclonra cf Wliiiby, Piukering sut) Beach uew1(lie dock struck thea bus-for retisin; to meut cacb othes- 'inh (buis- respective thce sun w'vaoring on (o'vssda (hae'wus- s- puhils i sema suitabla place, aud spunt) tes-n horizon, sand (basa fsona distance et togeCther, childi-un, parents, sud instructors heweî-er-desireus tbe>' ma>' bave baunto b e11e pleutsct joyens day. As vins nacussa prelon; diaet)ay's eujoymnu a fu'v heurs fi s->, in es-es-y section (1sf intundcd te take more, fuît la 'vas (ina for (ban te bundhe sdvanîage cf thxe Inlida>', prupanations 'vee ut) goi The vasions companias are ns- made aet) precisutiens takaen (bat evos->'sembiet) (lie mustar lu mat).andut) (bas-o tling aoontoul cos-dur!>'aud welj as-sauget)no ne ekihîed, 'voundet os- mssig-the sud as tas- as human tes-esight couit ps-e- veliçcs i-aceived (bals- loada, 'vIen (bey ride accidents ebouît) bupruvuntet) and) fu posa (hoaforesit) " bridge et sigî"ast)and il ---'o-- .11-- %,"ulo'jitueeve m malthose fteafar- nest sta-t- Isug-hng, mis. d Satus-da>' wliich shilli i im oC li s u a l (i c a e c n e in - , tire t) a un d m e s-sy. . A n t) a s ( e y a il lta white atene, as-ris-ad. OIt) Sol a'vas-ocf bannassthe Ashhus-iiaus lookat) en higll> bi iumportance ou the-ps-osant occasiru, satiafiet)an sut) > huis-hoek" pîsiuly béà éb- bav hinself ikea agentlemnt u tbde e t hem lunithe'vos-dueoft de'oIt)'lc6bift- day bera bis brihhiauot countunauce bat)on 3rIndiafigunut) b>' doceudin; uspois sud - vuu0rm iskitin . lu;in-uwts-y nasses, but dus-li; (lue course %Vilt -e nco e-muesk agitun, ly efth(le ciglo (auxicus te indit)ge the yeeng Buet'e 5 dvu cenis bc, r.fok as of oll-vide Oviel>lbu bat) 'ipet) WI - o eeebc gi, iface with TEetis' apron, sud ou Satur- ROB3ERT PORTER. s-r day mesni-ui; hoeeoet brigîf, choues- Picke-i c;, Juneo cu)tmpsse 24Rh, 1861. j In thie ment remete seetieu-Cla-emont, -------- w -e-erybo)>' 'as 'vide an-ake asuatirs-imi; luquut-A Caution te Pas-cuis. at ait asrly heur l ia henoruioog, Es-cny- on e n-hc kows Cias-umont uxpeexo that On Fnida>', 28tb lit., su Inquest 'vas n-bates-ar eantes fs-en it shah! bue uxcul.- boi) > Dr. Tueker, Coud>' Coess, ou lent afte tu-is kiet), And) mccordiegly Mr. the body et Roeust Seukur Jr., s fine ps-e. r. . Bsto's upu 'vnu erns-oaweîî. miin; boy lu bis fitth yeus, son of Ms-. n. behavet), hoomusomne aun-cIel dresset). TIc Robert Sekes-, preprieles- et tle Liverpeol tas-unes-s s-un> kiîîdly suppledt) tîis bornes Hotel, Piceri-ng. The ittie foilow it ap- ce sud wn-ggous, aud oves-y oeeiluthb village puars, isas passionstel>' fend et hersas, sut) aud out cf IL dit) nIat ha counît t malce nwu un the habit cf fn-queuflng the stable le thie dît>'a pleasant sant) agroable eue. At lunmiitaet the. cautions et bis parents.- - abaut 10 a. ni., the childrun te the umubor On Thons-sdn>' aficrounon Mr. Seukas- lad s-e- t) cf 120 hmosiug assemblet)ntatheua chool tes-net) home 'vith bis teani sdan-bwilai cn- t bcosen-es-e heston-ut)upon fthe vssious gaget) '-if h bis rmanu lutakin.- (le barnusa 0- vahielcé destiriedt)te ncaive the prucieun cff theu herses lu the stable, the duceaset) Le ]nat),sud the processiou moet)ou, nt ils hein; clone b>' tie stable door, oeeof the t) bout) iras a large îvagge&n ds-awuo Iii four bornes broke a-s>', knocked flue iitîie boy- t)herses, snd centainin; 30 of' (hi larguai den-n, sud iifictcot-such -injuries (bat bue schoaubIs, aiso the standard beas-er wn-ben- survis-ut)oui>' about su bous- atethl eulcc. id fusled te thie bncuzc a beutitul fs;ô (s-ct), dent. As it appeas-et on tha luqucat (bat l- ws-ite att) biue) beasin; thue siguitlcant île deceaset) liat bomon ses-usal imoes pus- 5 'ved Clas-nont. It is calculated (bat bu-ihe)fe oi;as-hrest i -a s- (cex tireanset is- uhndrut) you(bsanadt)sonabie measunes adeptet te kep birn fron -, moideus, chilis-en ant) oit)folks heft the tîcou, then jus-y auquittedt the pas-ecra cf d village for tle pie-uic. Asri-u;a atetIo! csrelesuess, sud rotunoc a verdict li ae- th, coucous-se wanasweiied b>' the addition cordauce niîb thc moec acts. o f Ms-. lPestes- Stooue' s apholas-sset)d b>' e--s -- et the pas-enta. itesublu; the ton-n-linaet To tise Editor cf tise Wisitby Chronidle. -WhiLb>' the nuinhersas-re again iccrensut b>' Mris. Baîtour's pupile se (luit 0 ivsggens Sua t-Non- thantheccOctarieBanck bas lapasuet) os-us-freinPickersing coutisinlu; t obtainet) ne extension oe ts achas-tus-,sut) V- a modes-ste estimate bet'veu 500 sud 600. powers-te luce-cse iÃŽta Capital, tbo public Thprse n-is no confusiouneodisodees-us s-'>'na>' naIns-aIl>' xpuc aun expansion et tas th(ing n-as 'veil ans--ue) u 'etncI.bs nessd lu tunthes-ancoof (bat abject 0rAssanut met flic cavalcade about the probable openin; f et cn- gucis.-1 d tlre quartesofa esmile fs-nm Auliburu, The lattes- l a amatie es-nal 'vestI>'et ofc-1 4but it muet not ha imagile t (at ne 'vuse sidusation. it ithout music uctil n-e obtainut) the assis- I have juat ruturno)fson sa tempes-as-y 2 tance cf the instr-umeniale, fer tuses- sut viait te that portion cf dhe Province 'veut axoxomigIt behohuart) ineling on (ha ais-et Tes-ente, alec; due icseofthtbJGrand the dean sils-es-toes et the chihdran, aiug. Truck RaiIn-sy Compan>', asuit)l n>' pro- lu;(bus- yma at) cbol 0oeg e pu a lt)occasion te stop at more fluas he oves-y son; 'vas chor-usset) 'itb a euoe cf the Tewcs n-bld are rapidI>'simig1 et innocent laugîter. At Icc;tb comin; te importance En that section etthu Ps-e- t» Asiles-n(baeevas feurt d aecul>' (lin; since. Amengat (bau n-hich I visitet) n-bld mas-sedthle pîcasura of the day. TIcetIcs-e tam eut 0o0e n-lido t-uuk nue se fer- bridge batn-cci the chus-ch andth le villaigecilya'si a mercantile point, than tbu pic- r as undsgoin; repais- or s-slhes- ieeoosto ne- tunociquel>' situatut) TonnoetSt. bMnr>"s ilu 1tien snd there n-as ne muanîs ot tranait ex-~ the Counut>of etPrtm, distant about 100 cept b>'an ufe;ks- loking lo ensos-tiimiles n-ast of Teo etond 25>cillesnostI- endt) tde bridge, se that t 'vas nacussar>' cat et London, ni> sojeurn 'vs protrau. te uniont) bues-n reachie; the village, tut) mes- t fscat otersplaces,ast) I but) n-huch causot) some gremblin;- amen; thu consequeciiy an oîopos-enity cf macico, à grut 'vosterns- The passage might at soeu nquinies as te the (rade and) business rlat lave beauonmade sotel de i a8y etflic.capacitEcuesfthîe pince. The nusuita nue ceas loy s fun- ouru labos- judEcioual>' ha. sul as (o satiaf>' me thut it1 muet steadil>'c ston-ut, sut) the Aulibus-nians as-e ccrtair.hy advance lu pnosperi>' and) importance. ant) te blarne tes- theis- negigunce iEnoct atten- in a place te 'vhlult n-cuIt) bc 'elI if (ha ding (c (bis natter. Dis-actoieaof leheins-leoBanku tus-ced lais- Hleadat) b>' ('o bauds (ha multitude attention 'vith a i iew te (le opaning et au nus-rchet) north te Ms-. Ais-sm Maddan'u agence>'(ls-. bush 'vhli 'vwas seen as full of bustlu; St. Mas-y'slieslensat)eep set) picmresquea lite as ma beehive lu summes-- Pas-ties et vaîhyontce abauks cf tdoThames, nbicl fle,(n, ('veut>' 'vra ittin; aI round liseenalarge sut) s-pit) ris-ar, Treut( pa>'rn; (bais-insinuntiug arstseses ote eCrack, a strean et sonu moment, joins uod ment sut) br:ad, to tho varices kiedu the Tînmes at this point, sudtde 'vates-.h Cf pies ast) cakes 'vhldl tha ladies minis- powver et the Townansd naigherboot) lu torin; angels as he>' aîways are, breuglot ceusidas-ablu. I bas beau las-gel>' takun fertb ahundanti>'. - At about blnf-past eue advantaga of b>' the inhabitants. A nmna susa-a speakers ascundadthel platform, ber of excellent gras-ah ronds conneet it9 set) Ms-. Porter 'vas appoietedt) o (la clair, 'vith London, Sîraf fort); Exetes-ansut des- but asulie 'as net fO, bu focut)Mr-. Potta, places, sud it la the juncticu of the London yeoman, vwas cenductedt) t the seat. With sud St. Mary'o, suthLI Grant) Truk Rail.p the exception cf tle Res-. T. Sharp and) 'a>' Companias whiab, latter hbuse itsIc Ms-. Camipbetl, the speakers 'vase taaches-i, principal S-taien'veut ef Tes-ente. Se> s--i ane t haeadt)ses ' voso asy ce-ditable 10 ccl!>' as tonan 'îs a.-.it ceesiatet)'ef butM.r nome. - * - LB Is alnasb art lfor grain., which;is vell ttondat)by bcyesfreintahI points, as vAR s ppas-b>' tha ,fact, that Eu* fivê- inonths,frgm thleist-cf Octobai- hast- thre*reÈ OObuushcla efgrs-aippat) frotp St.,M M4q'lndpendeote o.quan- ti»' usadI byiloo riflala i("ho manufacture of flou si O "td,and forleCal eConump; tie' n. 'Thare, E*slaseo ah lxteesive C1o6& faatoq, (woifeundsoqez sud multsbs (brie ianè4és, faniâUhjries, onu bs-ivs-y. suit ansilu u) uextensive m.nfe turaof o0~aoidih ,,,~i Ceooperagas, sud Otber mmnufatatreîcarniet)ou ot)"dyet lu s pîsa- t)eiuge Su'xteuive a buiiness, u'isiiugodait fa, se napidI>', ln impor- tance, 'th&~t i. rncBank eageacxjile tli tomsn and tha b-.sinass mec as-e oblige tat do ail their,Bankin; business at ILoudon and StratfOrd at great inceuveulonce sud expausa. Sfies-ah>'ten (bis place 'veul) tacts to offa sfine fiait) for the axtandet) eea"Deus cf tha Osntario Bank. Pe-haa8It mn>' h a it)that if (hoeuad.- rantagaS realI>'Praset) tbansalvas sonna of the oIt) Banks 'vlich haive se Ion; luen in eparaticu in (ha adjacent te'vus of Lon. Ion sud SLs-n±fos-d eult) Dot have falu tat take advantiagaetoftIen, but the>' have net hitherIe douae5 go uo ill tisey do se, for this timple reason that tisey already di vide tise business of tise place among then-ai tha inducemnut8arase ceenter islancat b>' axpause et a ne%, agune>', at asa of busi-iess te branches aIs-esd t)'n vos-k. This objection 'voeld uet app>' te bhe Octarie Bank, 'vîlch bas ne agane>' s-ast of Tes-onto sudthe(b advactagas of it ta tha business people cf St. Mary'u, 'veult) te se great, (bat lu ail prebahilit>', hcfo-u it as onuessesin oeus-tien the 'vole of dha local uupport'voult) bu securedta t it. The mËaLter la cestsisly welh 'verth tie reu-oidas-atioc efthfle Dis-actons cf the Oc ta- ie ]Bnk, sud if the information whipb I bave (bus gluanet), as te the standing sud capaci(let cf St. Mary's ps-os-etabch cor- rect, as L bulles-e it woult), 'vuse enqui-y iu- titutedlnba epeniug cf an agecy> linSt. Mary¶a 'vouit) bu productive cf uouch hene- ft te the Bank tand) its Stockîoldes Yours &c., VIATOR. )sbawa, Junu 2Gth 1861. An Admtion ta5te aElactors of Canada. SPîECH BYTUE lnt, v. RYXOiTESON AT po'aeçfal appeal tea(lie [çe - Wesflls-nt, sud inciduntal>' (e »UVppes-Canada, 'vas dulive-ut)b>' (bu .Ruv. Wsi. Ryarsoui, nt (le K-eriy lieuse, on bu-DANGERbu OBE JunIe. D Rau. William Ryasse on commun; for- ws-d 'vas ruceivedt) vfdxprolongut) cloues-le; 'vhich bavlu; subsidat) bu sait)t-fe s-ose te address the meeting cner (la influence cf emotioc and) feeling te vhicI la n-as sîmostatsuts-auges-. It 'vas tle firattime nel bis long lite le met an>' numbes- et lis tel- len subjecta Eu a pas-el>' secular chas-acter. Ha lad cuves- ufcs-e appeas-ut)ilupublicein s political chas-acteas-nsd -ian hé saidt) t dus-n; 38 yça-s lbu lad nues- voLet) but on twe occasions ast) bat) euh>'attundet) oua luatings speech, tbe eet(ing 'oult) undus-- utandthetI pecuhiar feeliisant came oer hlm at tha preseu fume. But ciscumtanees, oves- n-bld lie lsd ne contre!, hbvs-u ns-io n-tieh appeas- te compel lira- te pertes-m duticos fs-cmn-hicbhol ad ne hou; kept hlm- - s-uIt sheof. Hoen-as anas-e (bat hbulcut bu chargedt)nih a duaire te make hixîseit pepulas-, but lue caret) cot for (bat. fIe a B 'vas preniptet) te talce bis ps-sent cous-se set oui>' niîh feelings et des-otion aud un- diEu;oecfor lis Queun suit)Countri-, lut fs- erasli aud painfîx! keon-idge (bat thuat love anu)d dvotioo arnen; (lic masses n-sa in daugres et Icin; 'vakenet)ant)di- s-ested teartn exteut gruates- tlaoo toe n-nuit) le 'illin; to suppose. Thiermt sore injisuences note jervading wild andl specu- lative politiciacs, heipwas sor'ry te say, thuit wculd, if sot cisecked and Mt/a prom-, ptly, result in consequences as dangerous as tisose insane and fatal influences that actuatee tise part icipator's cf flue troubles of 1838. If flue icfleenccs cf meni taictet) viflu principlea et disloyati -nes-e net spuet)ihy cuntas-actet), nsuminda 'vouit) lu carnet) a"a>'and) tha>' 'ocîula aeubjeet- te fatal consequences bates-a (bey kuan- n-lt (bey n-are about. A cartaie Fraen- rites-, privions (o thae eactnt et fthe Frenchi s-a volutomat) nécort)etIatt (ha roe'vas a centas- gioninapublic opinion le (bat country>'tînt affectedt)hei.minda et tha populace, ant)b>' n-lich the>' n-re cars-lut) s'ay. One yexorbu- fore the anacirnant oft(houe davastatin; scenes 'viti 'vihal readara of lister>'as-a acqusietedt) dea as net oue ansein s theu- saut) whe t)rest)udtde change te infidul ndn republicansenutiments tbuot pers-adadt) (- thirds efthde pepulation.. TUE TERB(ATENED APPEAL TO WvASHINGTON~ Ant) lu (bis country>' n-ure ini danger 'vIes iu the alsof eus- Lagisîst um 'vu huas- mou, cas-s-ed sas' 'itb s falsa ides of reform, sîting opani>' tlst due>' 'oult) 'Look ta Wasqhingien,' te les! the disieasua of tbu conntry,(cuc,-) aud the fatal ceuse- qeuncus cf such au expressien il 'vas in- pcssible to caleulate. <Clieurs.) Mes-e tban at au>' ether tue 'vas it ncen- cecsa-> (bat into tla nint)ofe usun>'chEit)shouit) bu intuset) a los-e for B3sitain sut) lBsitish In- stitutions sut) a sane of the etanînl hocos- of living under tle uladow et Bs-bains fIs;. (Clous) Ha coult) notunderataudthe(bune- tien of Canadiaus;bs-aaking leese treni the lust)ing strings oftBui ais ant) setting up for thamaalveu. fiHenît) dask n-hs( benefit Englaut) daris-es frein us as a colon>' 1 Wu are bas- debtons sut) lave avarything - o gain b>' tlu coectieuu[Cho6tr.] RZIsON on onIECeMIiNCi ACANDIDATE. Ha fuît t te hu lois dety at (bis tume(o place bis aervlues at the disposal et lia taI. lev subjauts and) a the sacriiéaetffriands set) et bis ease tesuhjeet hinsaît to the sepsosbabuise and aspersion et ebasactes- amfnt to menui e ma e lnqhh ui t :ê nwil,,gja>d teo 9*wefirïof.Çâ; -intareets, and ' l. Ware-oo-ju-as!. that yggr- itll *efrorte wôî4l ha (1te<s-azgtben Bs-lthI equnxieu, isud iulenslt» mong e people 1 à ové-for B6ïâifl, tabeeusý asud - (balla 1your tands (ho great subject of a- souu& tBritiaj educatien wocoId lia grantet) te -the ple4g, os-' proisi wbstovr *om yen, Ne snbinit al in1ieor hashuls LOeer.]WsaWe (hr vrsut 'énfideanea ropà sa4in ua, soand 'Ws it possibIe for ýhou oftO e rtAiu th ' in viles. .Ldheers.] HaNeke f u (o conasidar, andeon Moud4 a sat ho adsss- et) s note to Ms-.James Roue>',ý sethg forth (ttbuiewouîld le muh proefée.boing sUôwa& >(t continue thb.irlife ha at)lad -for tn>'ý years. Iu theanutixna, asaEbi lt o ledge, sa reqnietXn te lim (o -allow bhitusaf t,à l' places! En..nominte('a set ou foot sud nunieroasl>' sig;net),asud iost 'un. expactedl>', bis highly esteomet) friande,- Colenel Purs-iu sud Colenel PorI>', prusen'tat)d thatunselvea 10te i'in uperson last Tuest)ay,' 'vido sncgr fs-oui Bus-ford,(bat iL 'vas bis- previdect4lal duty to sacrifice bis aeue sud domuomîxe confort ou dbis occasion, suit) come for'vasd le do battla for the peo- ple lu acother sphere cf lf. Èlear, huas-.] lie fuk hitsaîf ecabla :te refuse, and askad for (bis day to retaiten sw DANGEILoUS flÂAdTzu 0F TI OtGIT SCIIOOL OF POLITîCIAxs. Iu bis fathur's arma ho was tau-,lit te love bis km; su ad country, sud if raquiret), te sacrifice aIl te (bat uundand in that ligbt, dedicatet) as lue'vas (o the Crowu of Ecg. lut), bu came hufore tbuin te day, bel»; deturinuet) te submit to the decEsion cf bis- fcl!ow subjects cow assumblet) hufore hiuu. [Chocs-s.]. Ile stoos! bufere thema as (bu olduat Reformer la Uppur Canada-sa Re-, former of bis ewc peculiars- chool. Ha bad heon chargut) thia day on the streets, of turnin- bis cent, [laugîtar] but hae cas-ad net 'vbn( 'wa sait) on that baad. Ru ws net cf thiat clas of Reformera 'vIe to-day spit mion (ha graves of such mec as Putes- Pusr>', Paul Peterson, sat) othars, witb wbom lbe bat) co-operatet), te suture to (bu Wesleyan Miniatura tloe right of selemci±ing matrimon>', and) cf (buis-people te huEit) chapelsansd te bur>' thuis- duat. [Chues.] Il belouged net te thosu Reformera who, 'vIe wben Ham Purs-y, (bu son of tbu du pasted Putes- Pasr>', cama cuti for tha ouf- fes-ages cf the ulectora, teld hi, lia, [Mr. P] 'vas but baîf a Refermer and) net worthy te bue truste). (fluas-) Ho (Ms-. Reys- sou) liai! ceonr et. He ava sRefo- mur of (lie old Baldwin uchool, sud b>' tha belpi cf Qed, 'vouls! novas-ge fus-thus- [Clous-.]Andt)if lbu[Ms-- R] was oit) sut ujiablu (o keup up 'vith the NEW RACE ef REFOREM. (Inughtes-.] bu 'vouit) col grumble, -for ho lsad ne desire te be corunted among IÉe. formers who woidd place tise Crewn in danger, and ou1bîet our country gotes re enacd enet of tihe troubles of tise days of 1837. [Applause] The mat) osy of Re. terni, bat) lut)moc astray lu Ihose days. HIe came hefore dihe as s thos-oughleyal Britisho sub, eet, sut) if (hure 'vas aminu 'v lovet) net BridaI hinstitutions, aud 'vbose huant t)id nett (rbso for eus- Quen whoaa boas-t is sinkin, under tha waiglit cf se cumulatet) dut>' sud respensibhin>', lie [Ms-. H] dit) net 'vaut (bat mac's support-i [chocsé--bucas-ad not 'ho lh a mn>'ib. [cloes-s.] The fisst t)uty that devolvet) upen as re-ý prsasauatis-e in Parlismun, n-as b>' al law-, poe nesdt influence, te strngthun the iE thnt lied Canîada te the motlier ceotry>, andoco, ste intooscty, es-en te enthuai- asiu, s spirit et devotion te (lie Queun sud -Croîsn. (Checrs.) Tbis salîtbhatliaguxd. in~ nias-cf ail public men dus-m; tle ps-e- sceut a-itated t) t4ofeth(le country. (Ches-s.) KOLICATOON. Nex(tue suljcct et an cducafioc anitot) to ahi clusses must recels-e due attention- not sul an eaocation as is lu-upartut) in tlu Utited Staotes, but n g-oot) sount)British edmucatihoo. (Clces.) It n-as lis boneat opinion n tailtes-rm ns regards tho -Unis-n sicy -ethtbe Provhice, usut recuis-e tic aunions oattention et the Legisiature. (huas-.) lime University must bu nisintainut) lu its imtegiîy sces-ding te tMe spi rit of tise lauo b>' ivichulit n-s feundet), stn-bwates-es-sus- plus (lucre iua>' le attes- tînt, ougît te lee pur 'vithlu s-oacI cf ail oteLls-edecaticnaî institutions. (Chucers.) 'Next, the represuntatis-es eft(ha people sioouodidn luheifas- cf Got), endeas-er te rrususnt thu vian-s et those n-be sent tIhen, as uean as possible. (Chuesa>He 'vas tobt ltabu on-et)bis candidature te (ho Tories andt) tIir influence. (Hueas-) Al bu badt)u(ea un>' ce is oad n-as, tbat ha wun-a ot asionnet)ofet mheTories, for ha conit) ccl dispel fre i lis mid tle tact, (bat if duer s-e a nbot)>'oetmen, 'vose bimotoss-ooebous-el>' loyal, it le (bu Ceuses-sa tires. (Clueuna.) Sncb meu's breasts as ftbu Tisdaies sud Perîcys, n-ho non- stoot) befors-Mlu, neyes- es-as-ut) a ts-sites'sliens-t. (I-loars.) ie 'vouit) a>'lbu bat) net bacc br-ohit eut b>'Tes-y os-retenomes-, but b>' British aubjecta n-ho desinu hii sta ses-s- (hem. [Cheers] fie n-as toIdt) bot le n-as tee uofire te think et untering Pas-lis- ment. H&h ad yestes-day undurgene a- ens-ct îl uxaminatien b>' bis physîcin, 'vbosu canodid, epiînion n-as tînt île chnxge?,le- stent) et doiri; hlm an injur>' -onît)be con- duie l tbhis bunufit - [Clieurs. ] And) bavicu; beun gis-en te nnderstaud b>' mac>' et bis religions friands (bat il 'vas bis dut>' te sus-seiluis ceuntr-y,o ieb)o cuI>' tesa> thnt if lis ceunir>' seci geves-ument requis-. ut) higserovices tde>' 'ihi bu accedt)moat cioes-tul>'. He cama baes-re thon 'vithut s-auk sut)position, suit) beucltht t ie coult) net appuar in as goot) a ý-coat as n-ruit) neenideais-abla, that tdo tact 'vouit) net be attoibutedt)utOcontempi. on (ha part of bis frieîîds, but, ou the contras-y, (bat (lie cause la (bat et secouait>'. [fions.] It la us-ge t at as- a Ministes- of the Gospel, bue ouubt o t tolenter tdu publicas-eusa.- Hie 'ould' observe tn thtaer- a servic et 4-b ycsrs hle bat huas euannua tet), aud as bis bandas'vocit) tastif>'u lad tecas-n bis lisi-lu;b>' dint t fhi. dail>' toil. çfCbeers.1 Andsi o voît)not-bo duses-ain; ý a sacs-et) office li coing tes-nas-s! Leserve bis Go&!, Wý opelbd to i'frm tfigi.#ï , o p p ooe& dto te u i t m o i r e p i0 t E & diT& ng or .aW 1,o BqiIwy comp4: n ae s i 4 a a n j s u d W O 1 4 f e t I 4m u s w r q u ;xr . ëd tï> djle ha '.*qRZt bf 00oo (ha1~s~ ~ Oo~pay nov befor Paristn*hï itWth a patitioa iô h~affeect. [Cbéaasi-J With reSpec(,to tha hobby et 'Bneuiî" 1hèr0 bè ïn m'ore Iou to the coti rh ý the-.aImount. c f gas, non. ïeusa, oraio,ýa 'ýnd' decla iî4tions;à wlï i1ie advocates-'îdes oo ' à flot whit they were tkinà abouter daclaimiing. (Cheer?] Show hinm how any grete ar acooy coula b, affeced and jx woiil4: en aver to pro. mote it, but ho woii14, fevpr' descend te idadecs*uti~ w$iot advancing sny ,ractical. idens.- fXaiar.J Cômn ébsé itd, paotisnÃ:wiI eff4ft.a duÃe ecqioulyiin tht expanditur e fthépub1ic' fend., while declamnation on the part of thosa who leüoW flot what theY are takinr aboui ill ouly incrçease oexpeuditure. ([Cheeru.J Ha repeated ha had Do'fpiedges -tu nialebtit would act as bis cnscencAdictaed hlm, havieg in view the welfaropeprt n appine*is of the conntry. Chers~i "6Looking ttd Washingn oudprvé sorvy cure for 0cr evils, [Cheers.] .If even the toubled waters Ithére were quietý ed it would be years before the country would'be restored te tranqnllity,anid wfth w~ MbrrelI tarif rinding the, people of dau urhappy land, Canada wonildlu ( be-me ani. tlme benoving onwards commerciallyi ln manufactures and agri'iiture. fCheers.j W'hat is required hers te make tha people peiteable is te sHlow -théhi te à ttend te tha diligent purseit of their varions avacatiens, withont inflaminr their minds witÉz nioré than eless declamation and politica agi- tation. [Cheers.] We shaII then have uothing to fearx.InÇled's cname bu now placed 3himaelf in tbei banda-of bis fel!ow subjects, and hoped that they would bc ble8sed in their decisienl this day. If elec ted , he would endeaver td répresent (hemn 'faithfully'ardd at honet1tly.twards al.- Mr. Ryerson resumeci bis seat amid unthu. samtie cheerin-. Mr. Chas Watts, came Éerward and mev- et) that Mr. Wm. Ityerson is a fit and- preper person te represent (he West Riding ef Brdnt in the ncxt Parliament of United Canada." lHe aaid bie vag duligrbted witb the address (bat had been, delivured, wbieh carried mo're weirbt by reason ofita eoming frein an henest man, ilthe noblest work of Qed," whieh was euried amid grttat èn- thusiasin. l'c rmr IAT.-IIow many persons abese this delicate and heautiful ornameut, by burning it with alcoheic washes, and) plastering it witit greasu, wbich bas ne affleity fer the skie, sud is netabserbed ; Burneu's Cec-oaine, a comxpound of Cocoa- net 011, &c., is eurivalled a a dressing for the bair,-is readily absorbed, and is pu. culiarly idapted te its varioes conditions, preveuting its f faling off, and premoting its bealthy growth. NEW &DVERTISEMENÇTS. INSURANCE & GENERAL AGENT. T llr SUBSILIIJDER H I'REF'AREI) TO cifuet Fi ifte and in e ins re4 tii lconpanies. W ' i A"1j O C R IN sausFrieeas - .iW eI une Dla- cixaye slfer ONool. té ialho4 amemorbes O E titovLT a 8, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o 1wcIiooi-qîi>uî3L~. TO THE OF THLE IiRTH elDI14G OF THE;~ inlinentilEtaers M (the Rlditig, prof'eming diffus-eut cedansd politieg, to bueunse amsit dldate fty5r flssa tthe eixtleetlas 4u1 etmi euber t 1_te c enl 1s-iDmutý I huise datus-rîloucito4ccedet bbilS e4t ; and uow offas- mvelf ÃŽa oaplinont fus- yens-sup-, Shosld I bu hocredth i(b (bocoufidoea; and chasen te s-eps-usent i-eu, I1'vill cudeà vor te the nimoat cof>' abtit o dLlu-gef 7 tuIly the duifea ufthLe tioom-sibhids tfit trust raposed int ue u vl er)ahiip aIl mensures onblcated to prnîiloteftIlepdtbîhît wvat, no mettes-b>' wlîat pas-t>' inus-adece), sud 'vili strqen 111sY oppes il othars. i afa1ns- af reeresntaiwn hy oepulathlti ail'nuis- nriglita cf Uppes- Canda, bt at t1 ame time, w'vieudeîîvar t(ado sis-s-t (c-'rd justicete»eus- felloiwaubjetetothe fe'vs-Ps-o- vine.poethut the>' uayiinmtsaûd 'vu meek a ct) inii essertand eqbity, amiumdfio rithdé>l-df aiObt hilictuga ueLltroii p _9aleth6 L ihtture zu tIi-ejnsjds-- i sucn oppeet to Ve 1..,. , t, i tfthè se - vile,--o -siemdiig the opil tm~ua e-pus-oe îîot firet seiloruiîut) "y l'oirII)IliL*t, aut) abalt ici soc1it oi'o--~ru.ro t ii,o tfle eo-rs-anea et due-co.----r'- fOri0-lti-upfflI - - 1-ý -!ri-onodTs-uk Railv of t1c mtrrtith ctfont 00,-s- -o, à --i1n'-té1 i on roi-o i i-.-- -o-s-- c,, "îC 1 1::.'l o 0 1 or.ie cai J O-- ai--J .nsi1er, lui10 -Lt- :ain oom1 i,, -o - --o . gv- onod or 05-0t-oOa tui- iiu , e - (lie .- - iv tùi i:r* à *d mou t-o --i flicIv, ot-li.in o iotat ooa e oiîv O, h itiiodetus-u1timi llieca(noihelc Ulooi t>ers; iutist>'of cimrpo- e-mc(li cotriutsi4 iithe ile:rt4 QIfu fies -gisiatoors, tocs- s-e', juptoic huld etjoy the Uoo'Ct-ouesLtooaliiiui s, sd the I;d illds aul be nuoota eau eiivieaongth luand of t) he aaosth. Btu vithtlinmsoeeijy euiifiitn ortfi .4tivtug fos- plaoce asit( pus-ci, lier Ie-situg rup utiiisýcsupnl-oîis4, suigls slt) UtitrUtifmLI, W5ifc, pek , j li abil u a nd tiiirft rîcud tiullnw a rsa te .1.1 (lt-mbîtuidlis tii hittifa, n- e lahpa for- luttoing biit'diicus-îI, leîoiiig to isuaraly seul -1 sqk i-on fr i-ces-sifsages oitiiaot pldgd or buttes-, as a frueieooi shuill-iie aud a fred iidu reeuis-c. il E1mson ooL ot imiitehigeuit 1 ,îlioulîtlit rcnsitcd-ifnot. -nv wI-gs -olt)lie idi e unidu-outi.îîg the . iOnsoiw'u!it br.otlv "oi e ueis-s 0e.. ates-us, n i itf î;g to ene soie. Auy ties- 'ouit-3 hmuojiîst 1u discs-odiiiblu te YuI)I mi t te ni. I aoct, Gentlemen,- -Yeur cobedieuult ucrv't, Joue 29,C18(31.O-1 SALIt 0F T O BEý SOLU UNIER VIITUE F AI JL p n w er t a e i t i eed i e a ce rt i e M u'lo t- gg (t, ' be ro .lte c d t the 8 lu,) dati- d tli .ny of Jiuxuury A. i., 1i C-), anni tu.u l'y Job ii Zwiekey and %wlb te E, J. Ilitbburd, by MESSRS. FAIRBANKS & MIDONfLL 'At tlicir'A t ctin ii r nin , T<own e? W hitby, On thu I.5týîday of Jmiy, t 10, a. ni., Lot N. 24 Wegt o? lrock Stret, in theu ud TIowvi u e t nltbv, ltri,'r; ia good Frille I)we- lig 11unse iipoi the lut. TERNS CASI. For ferthur partieuhîrs sjl)ply tu GEO. Il. DARTINELL, VedrsSolicitor. COOK'S ROYAL A M PITHE ATR I ONIwrwrre'r WITRI 'IVILIL XIILBIT AT' - - - At- the lions- of 12 'li oc, b>' Lnot No,. i-O, 7U,-- c---r-. T- 01 tci.,ci coliod il--- - on (Jl yitoiOmo. o:il oit o - vil. -- . .30 M>WE1!' N. T.i'uooslc1Wilîtl),m-,Joîl>;t. 2-ra OP Rlieas-A.%O LOT I~ Nut IN CHANOERV, -s SAIAIBtTNPodult Cihs-les Emearson Cos-yaiî, ansi NVl; Hiam J. Corycîl, DafundanLi. Pursutot tu a oeierefthCooudftruis-yý mode itii cuc-anose, iuo-uyiiuz date the liitooy cf AuosiI, A. DOi. -U. a-ui aîi os-do- "Otîis Cous-t Iuenri; irulthicthls-tic-t- LLof utArsii Pt1) - li.q., .'t-.stu-ot tsiitCourlitt Wititby, n-ik lie el01 cuOntige . ADMISSION UNLY 25CENTf.- Sc a s fo r aI. -, N o ha ut p ice. N o al - (s-a charmge fseins-s-arvd Sutis, TIS GREAT SHOW Front the City of New York., T Iri, NLY LEGITM.Vb'ECIRCUS J14 the oults-, LEVI J. NORTI,...-D ir-etoi. Il. Y. N IC IIO LS. M a'aui- cf A s-eu. OU t U B II IN APM TITS EXCELLI XI IN TAI0LENT t EXChLLING IN SVLNDIO & SIlASiN1IN IiFINICIENT. Ai t1ot lins beooIieootte een fluAscim, psesouoltiig iloicoîegr iod0700570do. Aou(oooomomrsý, mît flue L a-h st toijao u iltbe c- ( * ga-t1r, i'o, it -mO i 11m,-.. m-- cJi'l4404i il O Li; l~ot Na.o11 filtie ii -is V o deogreos sC,'-- 4 lt Nofl w.t D twoLs o' iumk femi - , o luugei uof l4vi wuse 'herue Ioner orist-5 ia a of 'thet --, -l eu -rola 1 -o, ooo pu koL t io the-.. i o . ia- I -- -Y t.cth etsu-u'a ou e---------t a -oh eu der o ie ieuos- muc0o I-Lit ,-: -- o gl, n-ititie otO-atoo-y u i-i-O - o -Wall - - fao-t.q Aboo mu s,,tltioloç Ãth -e sale m - - os'n-aid ti intuad. Ttsi, sest le Isuf c.tesd gerantee aguadaplt eb.rk m~se, shh u tiis Lncee f saha, S-,ai -duuafde- tetI eeudo-oot' Sleitor, eUâhawua, anu& the udy j1cd sle,(oise palE vithýwLu es 'ak fS-cn B a ?îesi nuu b us-le A Blaze ofTalent CiktmSlity snd RWe- Fance. MI$S ASteELLA 'vliiiakebr do-- ,giu 11eà usoneuigla ise 8Mo fat lorg, it 1 o010 c= a ,o k . on t s cetid eof the c an Mjus- MucAs-&c e w ork B sB ' id 'vll 110t the gr av.cuts-.uiueIit ech uiio- at Si'lculr., .le nBaü cs-s uene t fau es-nr cîco.l'es-ti- CARLS C PýELL,ï Joîl -"- 85I ' 'rtd<A-u. - e - h--- B. E. SKAE. 26 1 Otlltlwa, J nly 2,ý 1 qr, 1. 1