Lsew.îr anid gd i & SON, (1'SICIAN8IN 1 II doin, [ina>lie eanutea l[t le t,1e0rainnît O u: veoandl snewonalaprao. jtruvI iuîuçtthe lionm, liad duvaî%tuting va>' tetili panuai- 0hiC. coisoquctlais, un syastia iîatteredt, bel iig aijU ei laithiiare 0ca- fr4tliliit»u <ii di) ehi ÉCyttiîn i's iiaag 4t ,Uaaglga ai fuvi aiae t laanuly grave. Itale- baxn tapiijy,'ivaxteà ýanses etutol derialu.- n(lvuo,îuî lof Lb amig , oiey, ipa.. Ita t ra h 01,ecit - 0c INVIENTION..z lctteaIei lii ainoiiPeltiîg ulttl?tc a i a ses. Ili I~a laiît 11ii011 Aliaveuor tar h 4oriay diietist <titi theliu caut laii t or)* ex praas,+. lar1, ta aaiaai> the 1n1014 -l aI il illelrîlxîaeîit lua' lllaii wiîa Wl(roa upu~ailr a iltiar trial tiiuanei o ile mluranco Cu. 1) IN 17#42. FFAT & CO.j 'à V "ito latis, al VN I 7PloileitT Stret; liroatly 01110,.- lialai, anal hotysi im ta lnurta u uir linea pIurïm Cent ipont>' a e loypi.. 3roodorfi of rie,! Darliaui lDi-il, lJ3iai l'Careil tucua. unat iliaat Weiliti>',1 raI ole O r d c u v e . lKieitu» I îL , (a. Pr îali 141Lt I ttiilAL oai EMENTS. r llà chince .) (i il h. E, M " 2rw hé Couwty £'oulQrto.- ' IBOIIGU. DARtTNELLi S ladwu~ re, 1rgk treut'Nility. B. B. AIDÂI<iKU O LIC COUI NOTAILY 1UBLICi &a. &o. gha aW. 2 Altl8STItR AND ) KfTILN]eY-AT-LANW. j 3tékimu Aftldavit#, Accountauit, Land, Dlvi ,oin Cour% ,Notary letîblic au4',Uuî,srid Ageni, iJxbridge. O¶ue $ln trocuourly oppiete N. 11 .-Ail biuafsedutrnsted ltea lîliao wilii <' ,sprompltly attundecl to. - 82 JoHN ii ILLINGUs, L AW C11NCEIY &CtNV1EYANCING A. MAIRS, B. A., ýATT(-RNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .CI.Ciîauory, colweyalidr, au., Main iitroot G. Il. DARTNELL, JI'PUr EGISTIIAR, DMASTEII EXTRA- D"Foruiirad xamnri hscyto iiau Couuty of Oritarlo, Brook-si., WCiauey 4r JOUN ZeNAIS, R 4IIITI, ATTOIRNEY, &c. Utile- AiConaterout Cii a rclaad Courl.t tst, (olapu ILe tho eb staîaiti,) Torontto. WILLIAM1ITEMPEST, M. De K ING STEET, OSHIAWA, CANADA W, . R N 'JA'NE I3 AItiITTEII CIUNTY CMIflVN A'rrOib îîa liy, a&Vi., l~e., titis rcixliavud to.tiie rooxis uven 1cîwea & Paoill'tStoe, Meners.. MoPliir- suai Brick Blokc, ]Jrock-St. WliLiy, Aiîg. 9, 1860. 40 AMOS W. CRON, A RCIIITEiCT, CIVSIL ENGINEIAND gtl-tp enzxt WiitIa- 1___ &A-NU FAfI'U llt AND, DrATIEIV lx m iasaalLeaai Tolauceo s ; ala-o Uilia..-, Joiua ?'reet, Port Ili. Portil ite,, Mardi ttlî, 1860. W-s4 w > ROBIERT J. WILSON. - <.~T)Aî îuirEl &AT'OItNEY AT LAWS, I>~lIotoran iîîaaery,&a. Wiithy., C. W. IL. J. GIUNN, M. D. L.U1Til40;N 'l'a)TIIE COUNTI' GAIII, Si B-roîî ltrut, Wlîittty. 4 EAST INDSOR 1Oii, V IIY 'vin. Guîiaee,i'il'iav-. lIl E ibî,î'î1ilotel Il iiîiiid litil aaplaisa.aîub îîîd I8 el ofi mthte Toi, on thoe lrulit roand. duo-I aau aîtaliiioaa tut travellere. Ooal shail lig xîmiaattanti ve ostiars. 22 ADIEIICAN IIOTEL. UTAI1<Et &1'ATEIIONPROPItIIE- fo'r 'Iriivt>llcrm. W. tJUTIBERT. W. IÃ. JfLLIN(d4. B AJtltlrTEII & A'rt'll<Icmy AT LAW, solicitora lu chuilcury, N'latlh, C. W.- Qtllu-Wllae's laaldiuga, Bruck-st, WI1tby JOhLN McGILli, J I'ENiEDAUcîor~ EiIFtl .ANADA L c al01r ler i" scr'.iecs ta'thiil lili tante or <Intarin anad Duîlla C11 îlîaeto ant- tenid galeaa hy Auctiaan lloîaaalod Furaiture, MorclsilîaidzouLîd tlair effeets, aut a rouuahu- eoaiiîssiaii. l <)siawaa. Anatîî.at 1850 îl' 30O1N METCALF, CLEI'iK 0<FT-"11EFi"Il TIii) VS10N Co)Uili coxîisiai inz 'he'owiimehiiaBrock. Ad- drese: Caituiiigtoti. 14 FRANKLIN IIOUSE.9 IAN'SA'a, C. W. f lB ilî iciiuuiiil faiton Traîveîlatrm. A. K. ICE, C A1INET M AiC EU, U111'anS'uEP.EIb, &c., er iaag liai ialy Inxe aiil al" kti Pistjo- kid rfjb aîuaîrail of F iiinîiî ana atetîdeal tu. IIENII%,lY IANNAlI, Cl 11111OFI 'IUýN'rY ANI) xiUi'EitItl Cou rte, aI Memmutiiirntu thu I'<liity'iOii c i .AlAuopliiaxud )iaoiiaa! u iitun, %Va Lit A. PRINGLII, ECIAN'T TAI LORI, BI1UCI STRLEET, ROBIERT SPEARs. f CUAULES C. 11ELLER, ATTUItNlY AT LiW, SILICITORI IN A ChlmeQaî'oîy, a oiiu'cyaaîccnr. &c. tit-in V'ictoria builing, îî' e ac(/iraiicleotite, -Brouit trcul, W liii>' Aiso à ai hnîîeîotHillxthe villaige officaver- ton Tovaîshil ot Tlorax, ad County utf(Oi- tarlïo. '40 C. 1W. 5311T11, Y 1 LONDON, E%GuLtNuI, %aIIITL;C'Z aial <ivil lîarxii r t> i&va. 4'iiir'lacei, C 1ujee iliiie'a &û., alc-aigiu-d andxtisexrlua- Litalalieiau1-cdieiune. 8 6C J. IIAMER GREE NWOOD, A TiT)INI'-A'l'-LAW. iSOLI"TlR IN A P; ii ulble, tîuî i-n W&c.,i iii Vi-Y91.'IIooii nuat tulu ei:cgar> IaMle. lxi lirctl ta,. 41< DItS. FOOTE & IWARREN, hl>iKIC. W. J7. FOOTE, M. 1). Il. NVAIZEN', M. D. IlANNING diUNSI8IER, p) IOVINCIAI, Iiiiil sixneyixrs, C'iuvit .Lilaeurs, aîi Lad Agweiis. Olîeu-ixt C, 0. IlANIXi, 1. . . E. I aeRt.,r i.s 1$' Deseonilit înis tan Deud isdnvn Uri lt ishort suticc. 46 6ma W. 0. EASTWOOD, A. B3. M. D., COItUNI(lt: IIYSICIAN, SURLtUliN &e.. C whit-J 1hURON IHOIUSE, -n NI'a IuiTuiY. TRlE uluîdonigiied lîus tskuuatIlie aihove Ilotel, Tvhieia ixehumsnuavl>' lttud al n ~at l oiat maîxîxner for thteacoenouadtioii tue publi-1 Uood mitablingutiao rouny &lied%, anal aven aut-i tention i;tu m utan al lhonse. 5W ThTa est1 wivlaig. iquone analcigare at lthen. WILLIAM TIIEW ANGLO.AIhERICAN IJOTEIL. t'tW2Id Agarsu?. T 1E aîabsurtber ian itteal up tie aboya aId T stabllslîod liotoi, vîi tiaheviev of atbondtng every sncoutimudato uaxthelaotraveling public. Giv, lIxîn a canli. Goaa>atabllîgaud inî ors. 16 THMA MGCIIDGE. a î~ 'f qtj iîtxl4 4oýos, t>* god. Wlîltb7,to. J4 'LKWILVOL 7i A NW T WO 1TIOY ÃŽlaro brick offl ru.qîet, usid lua gOQ rbelssbo t> rhere l..quarter mof utsdý aliseboal, ii icood frie'barn, and atiovor felling wuaiii iiiiiiîip. Tii.prouimare îltu#.led on Brook St., ii h i outis Witrd. aad Ininaltte ]y oppoelhe Tinhron lIatel.- Ternii cem'. Fiur termis sud furtiier prltl8 Nirtu FIIRBAN-KS & MAVDONELL, Aùetlonuuiro, Wlitby. mauci, 2ô, 1841. i OOMMEROIAI. MOTEL,9. WaOpposite Haialton &Btaeborlà b..a JAMES OROCKER% C OMMILCIAL TRAVELEES WILL 7IND V IL oonVeliîlnt stopplug 12 Lis hotul,sas tlxey ou ilearu f rom tilio gleer Bhook kcept nt tho a the routes talion by thoi.r pred.cemaore. Tii. proprletor toko, tht.ocsiOon oto tbank lanumaroaîs; patrons and friuda for tii. lîhoral patronogo botowsd ois hlm siico the. couwcigwountuîfot i,.buslainluWidtbiy, Good tabliig, andattentive Ostimns. Wisitby, May 1800. 1Ot Tuif EILRAPIyç. ru îE PROPIETOllS 0F TiltS WICLL Ikuwîî Saloon mDware WLtin0 the olal Su. NICIIOtA.uo n rslu0 (fuùirl ket LS.Kinglstroat,Ton i .yfnuny etb> Mr. IHarle>. Theo promie. liii ha. nov y ronovateal througliout, sud fittnd al ',lu the iet otyle. Ever>' pracurablo alelieac>' la soson. 'A elgan divan flttd up sa- paraibly fmb ihiehi înoue bibi the best brande are permîtteal ta enter., 21§ CARLISLE & McCONI<EY. Grand Truk Rattway liotol. (a2oeOs81de qf Roli8b PMI Faa6iVlif6g.) T.IE UNDEILSION>'» BEGS TO INFOEN hià orindsandth ubi, t ho ois ui liii laassteis&laaa aatthae uo liatel, tebeso; siccouit. Goual Liqiiori, Wiuus ana l Bradies, Exellent stiblg-earetnl attention for man anal aoreo. JOSEPUII UEBOTTOM, Wlathy, Ju. 19, 180 Proprietor.86 UNION STATION HIOTEL. F(T !YORK rST., SECOND liOUSE tOfrua ()Deot, Union Station, Torunta. Bourd, $1 parSday. Moalis 25ets. Goual Bteb- W.OSBO1IN, l'rcprietor ALBION MOTEL, of travllere. i RIAILROAD EZOTEL., DANXINVOTON. >.LOcZDKII ?iioPiti PIiOPtETO. rrll7e, bovc lmisbeail nowlv ltdu u Cauilngtoîî, July 28rd, 1860. 35 BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, BiNMOU E TI?,O5AiaWA. r IIO1MAR DOIWNING4, (late lbulrodhiutol r liîitby,> Propractur. Bs lc ii Gond tshling, aîdaitteiitli'eoà (ltes. 7 IJLACX'5 MIOTEL. <.arer aof J)rocak an4d Padauatt oreto, Ji7affb4. 9'ilE AIIUVEIVELL KNOWVN, AND CEN- JL trîally rituaite uaiîtel lias lbcuanuwly fittual thp, miaîlreioiaatual lu a m iost oouiortalîa moni- siar tay tha. proect ocupaiît. No expeia lias leen mpîarud tu insute ta al] guets advilsitors Tho boat branuds ofWinos, Liqîtois and Ci- Ilocaîy andalcanveulent isheds,good stubl'ia anîd attentive ostleri. Tihis hteiile &atitud ia thie very larcaii tlaa Tuwnî ut Wiitby, aund will bha tiuîd ta lbc tis innaat cOaaNeiaiealt stOlîpiLg plate for farinertansd JAMES BLAOKI. T IOMAS DEVERELL, B U1,1 E l ,d&c. &c., GRIEENSTE , H. W. WOODWARD, c OMNIISSION MEICIANT, INtiURANCE aand Ganeraai Agent. oMIee--Ltcly a.euu- jlual by Juanace Iladgson, Wlithy, 0. W. lbEllttYlii,-Tloa laCrksou Lii., Pro- midcîat foai of Trado, Torontp; W'. (0. axmscl%, Fnq Manager, Btank B. N. A niurica.,Tarouta;, I.VW. lbîaîaeoîit, Esq., Manager Qaaabeo Baîk, 'roronto, W. Gaaiîablo, Esq., Miltou 11111, To- raente; lion. »P. MuGilI1, 'remident Blanki of en- treul, Moîtrual; Messrs. Maitluud, Tyle & Il initeiiaoî. Toronto; Musro. Aîadeoo, Evans & Co., Montreial; Mi.tsra. IV. Priue & san,'Qae- bec Messers..Il. J. Noual & <Co. 652-1>' EDWARDS & JIODUER. fALlb DItAI'ElS, & OUTrFiTTE1IS, ~teuot, Oshaawa. Geîatiotnonaa' gar- mst nd ueuot lu the mott ashiotn- bleastyle. 108-1>' NOW 18 TUE TIZE. GET YOURl LIKENESS AT J. A. Clsrk"@ lut Prîze Ptctunc Gallery' ITF yaen desîne a conrect anial ife-liko Ambreno Jtypae, Caincotypu, Lattergnaipi, on Laaîer "ruausfcn or a Li k ane»s luta oet, Boacui or Ring, for J. A. C. eau do it lu tho' hut style, nal ait short uxotie. WILKINSON'S BLOCK as B rock aS'reai Wïif bà '.- M. H. COCHRANE, L. L. 9. B AibIISTEII ATTOIÃŽNEY AT LAW 80- limitor lit aaiiuany rpNoa r> mulc titlce-I1 ii Bigaiov's N'evBuiding, b)unua strLet, P"lI.thy. 42 M. BARNETT, ,[ NUI'ACTUICEli AND DEALER IN 'iairs and Letf Tobaceos ; aiso. Whlps, Johnltreeint, Port IHope. I>unt 1101)ü tMerc.-i 8, 1880. - 1> WHISICEY! WHISKEY 11 BYl TIIE BARREL, AT YAIlbBANKS & MACDO'NELL"8, ASupurior articileoutfenail>'Fleur, Clap A for tJaIIa, ut & ZWICJ<EYYS JOTEL. T IIE .ubsonîiar dusie ta ILtorm bis trîends Taal luae travelling publie, tht thu as noe 1> puercd al, adflri lIas heebove uioîel (lý oriaerl>' oeeeupied b>' MrI. Atiîaon) snd tltit ravelling CoQm1uinty viii id corn- fontahia aioulixuatiunt inudorale rates.The tab>le le vuli suppioal vîti eî'uny l o son. Glood iaitg anal carefui ontiars on tile spot. JOhIN ZWICKEY. Saddlery and Hamess. rflHE undcnslgned auie begls to state that lis .ouutlueisbumnus,.in tii. above Ilin., anal le rend>' toasupp>' ovon>'article la the trade I.nontptl>' sud vitia>'. - JOIIN ZWICKEY. Maixeliebter, Ms> 1, 1pôt. t W. ~O t6 blé ù?i ri. . , J~RY8XU,,t1 UI pubÂv lâtt the 0 d n*ub hfti b s t tt-iýW t ý4o=âi. wl boaw y epars U f 4 ," * iâ îJ'1HT 201 Ii anti siencivo ader UOR SALMCEP A3. Ãtta gnultso.l on coliforne, IJII ~ btroëte lu tbo 1oaliô ale.tAgd atahai > W1 W. H TREMAYXE, B3erljter, &a, Whltby. Whltby, M'iy 21, 1861. 1 flILL b. lhappy to attend ail sales that b. Tmlay ho f4varod with, eud fromn paot ox- 0e0oo hopest to give autire satisfaction. salas auteont short notice and on rossouabie tormi- W41.tby, Aug. Bq, 1860. 46-t Protedli on againat Lois and Damage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPAN4Y CAPITAL £1000 - TNb6tJIANCE effeted on BuildiW ngsd tulor .à . contents. Every information suppiied on application tWthe Lndorslgnod. JOHN AGNEW, Trravoiiig Agent, Byron Strool..Wbltby New TailoringEst lihmot I SIMPSON k FERGUSON. R ESPECTFULLY nonetthi- abtnts of Whitbyand surrouniding ountry, that tlmoy have opocid a Tailorys Shop on 'Brock Utreet, opposite the. "Ontario Ifotol," wbore al orders entrusted to them wlll bo dou witlî nostness and despatch. Whitby, Oct.A2th, 1859. 60. Whitby Brewery. T IIE Subsenthors art nov janepared te fer. ulslti.epatroasuioft MIa.Withy Browory vith an excellunt article in such ua antîîîis an May ha. roqnl.-od, and on terai#îae osuit pur. Buttied aie eqna to the luiported articile, CLRK& ODWARD. AMBROTYPE GALLIE'RV. T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l Nntrigtaxk li ilaofor Uluei- i. hrelptruaaaae le li,, eda »lace coin- lieicisig bustlîaeoe lu Mnr. Caldwelilî'%aBlock, hcgs leaivo ta iutiiuttîx at lhe han reaxaouail lis Arn- brutypai Galany W tii. nus over thxe store af Meissrs. Luises & Powelel, Bnauk Stneet, vilerc lie in preparealtto turuliala 4Al'irt4ap# Like«aaa lai tii, hast style. Mr. OGreuu'tiliraient moetire ialgixcal traita the top, aire ver>' istdelnuai, auxa coîtuin adi the applauce fr IýlnFthemont pantaict ite-lika W hitby, Muay2f5, 1880. ]FARM FOR SALE. -o- TN tua Taviisip of Darliugtoia; baing tu eo J.nati part ut lot Nu. 84 lu tlau 2ud (Coaaue- sian ,,eolituijting 70 acres?,,viutia 2 do',ellsig Iani.eliani anal siode%, dnviaîg shaed, vanal- slica' stabues,"ercit. Tiiene ar ine îu o2 vella ai splexîdid urelaurd, anal a noeur-aaiuuîîg sineani viiicli cromses tlic tana. ItleRlîeaatifuily sit tiateal on thie Khigotoui andiaTornuto nuatd,tlaroe miles trusu Oslaaia, atualix i ,tt loviinaasville. Tliai, lmenut opeîaixîg saldoîn otl'ureîi, Titloper tact. Prieo Moderato. Tuie oas>'. Fan par- tielais &o., appi>' ta E. R. B. 1;AIWA]IJ. Trenton, C. iV. Trenton, May' 14, 154§0. 115 FOR BALE. T OWN LOTS lu Whltui>' enu the Bu>.- Alie, Village Lots ut Dubim'n rcrnh Bnayiefi>, and Pont Penn>. *Cckl'eei Apl oG. H. D.ARTNELL, J (Ile 16, 1857. 2 WILLIAM KAUFFMANN ARCHITEOT. t>- 144, Bay Street Toronto. OUR MUSICAL FRIEnD. tan UyRUIC"AL FRIEND" a Rare Coni- 't.f paillon for tie Wilither liontuas. 'Eelvr>'Plsaîist, fiulprocure this veeki>' £very'Siaigen, Pîblloation uaf Vocail anal Even>' Toachur, 1Piano Farte Musia ost- Every Pl'pil, iixg but 10 CEN'TS .i Ee'ery Auxtaur îauuban, na-I prîauonuateum 1L' Lie ontira Presn Of thxe oUamIUn>, lo bc "1TIE BUST AND t'lAEAPEtiT WOibK OF TRE KIND iN TUIIE LD." Tvielve ftilî-slzod l'tiges ut Vocal andal io Fuot Musio ton 10 couis. Yeani>', 88; Halt-yainrly, $2.80; Quiarbely, $1.25. Subtecnibe te 1"unr MialtFniena," aoor It fronithe nneet Ncvisdcaler, aal >'-on vulu have Miselu enougla for>our cltire faunil> at an tnsgiiicnt Coul; ar.d ie y oui ialtMiidc toi lie Flute, Violîi. Cortiet, Clui-,uoî, Aca,rdton, ciec., &ca., subscrtixe ta lie 801040 UILODIBIV, Contalning l2pagos, eustlng oui>' 10 Centsa Number; Teativ 02.50; JIalf-yennly, 81.25. AIl the Boeck Niinhons ut 10 ait*., anal Boùna Volumus, oontaluing 17 Numanr, at $2.50 each, coneitaxitî> un banal. W~Ageauts vaut for tu-ose puiblications. C. B. SEYMOUR & 00J., 9 107 Naseau St., Newi Yorki Brooklin House. T RE Subscniben having leasealthe Bfinlin 1tbeu, aud fClasaltIî na as ant Cuase lotel ln nov proparoalteactcuoxmuoate lie travelimig 1Public, wvIre tho>' vîl i Cud lie hast iiuit>' of Liquors, anal hie table pruvlidnitiL t seabut theSuaOùnaflorals, with canerai entier ad hlmselfsidwaye on bandshb. soicita. a sbure of thu public patronage. GEORGE MOLEAN, Propiletor.1 N. .-Also on binal florsa sud Buggies to drive Iraveloesw su>' part citeib otfJut>'. Broeulini, Mancb i uth, 1801. I I J .1 tî 18115 VULUii5X~5Jl r,, aSpeeileetfialI,. SA THO. MEIL *JB9$T M'JING, -M..Oostaus iù)>à squiutit>' of Drad Tiés, aIl sizes, an&t at moderatpee Ti Tnies have been ronoUncod by c ýom Ã"1POu agn80bc.-of tever>'bc t 4uaity; 'P,090- Pie. it fnishel ond, ordors taken b! Mousr. Ilaiioti&Eober-ts. Whltby.,' Dmi.nbr, 1880. f9 MUE ubsciberbertoInformutbe inabitatita Paxton & Cos., ceebrated Lumber,lie willibe able tu supply the. sailn t nesonable pnus' fer cash or approvsd joint notes. " ' V. W. SMITH. Oshawa, Jan. 80, 1861. 8> DRS. CALLENDER & CARD, Surgèeous, »ontistî, &ac., Bgooms over EIr. tCarleton Lyndoes tore DUNDAS STR.EET; WIIITBY. T METIillMal lis theii otporfect cne Tonud none but the bout andmnt appraveâd mateugned. The long exprliencu of Dra. Cilouder--&<t Card aud tlalr thoroisgli kuowledge ut the prue tics of Ditlsâtrsv, eiablo tieuto appreulate the. groat 1 enelit.. tý bu derivcd frout a catreful pro. servation ol th,e :ll-lnpantaut, andl bnutitul organs, thue ted 1,. jI)On thaîr preâer-aition s ponat dual utho ia aelth, happincos, aud uonator91 of inankinal dcpeîad. l'hoir operatiotix in thié brauq)à oftOpioaec,sanucaffuot rail W give ia Luacin.It tue aailicud wl:h diseaod tout' oaa!>' vlà it il tin uinne, buforu thc disegu txa Crainil 1101,. A1lTlFICALTElRTH inarted lu Golds ver, liatiiaaPlate l4 ao h o plstly recoiiu ded vltu d dabraâte' lae5 n lotaproved methodu edoptedliy' tho profwssion. «ho <paratiolis ot Dmi. Caflen der & trd are so ourefuhi>' portoruaed, "ladsu pasrtout !ai tlaciisulvos, tuait not oily tihe uatop.ý aiexpoilma praservued.hnt the. eaa'aand coln. fort. litew~otlaratlltieaaii 1* ua'atloJritahongln ati ntteîîd o lIais u as aver>' lnîpombauî datyo Ail ok'bratioii irnaalsactony.Ternis routablu. Cuîînniltation rue.,.20 1A . .SALTER, 'eterlnary-Surgeon. frîorguoa aîad Mdia un., U . 5.,ana aineistait of tîanao fret-cites pracuioiens, emn tîtcolie, Londii, hngleia. viila c ilu stan- dameaiouon UitDAY'8 durnlu acdi wdok, ut Mn. Jamxes Cnncken's houx!, Wlitby.wlaoeohas maibchaumslted oisal ifonaiorudiseuse tu viîal los,, aad cettle ara suitajaut. Mn. Sal- tun fuels contilent ttut aatiur neyerai yeune sue- cosel§ul practiCe, lie t ylLac ableu ta ;ive soties faction te ait vhitunauiadiâaidssrviesx. Mlurai 18, 1061. 9-tf Farm for Saie. TNthe Tovimaliip oftPiak irng heimg onpos .d cd utpart ot Lut Ne. hi u the ird con. anal No. il ut thxe 4tIx cou, coutaiiiiiîîg 12111 aunes ut lanad. Tic ahave w;là Ikî'aartiiiiiie a prulcrtv ni fin. Aloi. Duiop, Oaa bhe viat,uiad un ,s»o veIl kîiowavs te noqiaire nu lurtier tdes- ci Fai,î.lonrî'articnlars pyaca tt liePost raf- lie Whitby ta lu A. IMcPHIiRSON. ]FAIRBANKS & 19ACDONELL GENERAL AGENTS, Comtnlssion Merchants & Auctloneers BROCK STRIEET, WIIITBY, C. W. (Opposite Itugistn>' (Ilco.) R3E prepaaed te attend Sides lu ail parte ut L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. 1). C. MACDO:IELL î<EFEIENCES.-Z. Bamnhau Eeq., Jalgai. County Uxtario;in;.'uaLaing, Ea W y IL J Maconol, Eq-, ayorof ici>'; J, B. Waaruuci sq., Manaiger Oxntanio Batik -D) F. Burnke, eq, Oshawia; J. IllsIu1, Enq., ôbh avia. RUSSEjL'"S HOTEL, Qu r B1E 0. ru 111E underm eigd lPrupriator, ofthteaiaboie ii1 imunid ilO'FloL, beg à nospeutfnlly ta apprice Ili, tniaeidndpaîtrocan, liai t h>'have tluo- roîîgiîi>' rcuovatedltlxeir etabilieînî aluini thae vilen, viuieh ehcnle çtiiueni îovi Luoffen lu ths Mleitans uoft hueLegielaturu, ead tie Trai. %v6111i9 u b >llic sixienion aiccommîodîation. lu aiditiîa ulthue aaautuits thuuhxd last ola "er, tic>'have Lnou-Painions aadllualootiiii lu a 1.1111o liaeaur the liutuu. iviaili, for cowfiat unud Ootavuixiie, arcnausnuscal lu lhe cii-. WU. RUSSELL & SON. uecManda 11, 1801.9 BUake-ry and Gonfectienlery, R ICHIARD 810W idusires ta liiufona bis uwnumerous euatomoaxi andtlle, tint be h as rnnovea tram lais olal prsîniâssuat the Ba>, anal ix nov locaiteal ou Dnida. Street, lu tho ypromnise,. Jateyci>' Oe ialby Mn. J. Aniaull .411 ondorsilubils linaoait ended tu 1%thx puna, lueuity. t61pjeréata tideal anal aupphl . Oanggeis, t uitsj, Ciaxdies, andal (o tcîoncry FARM FOR SALE. 100 aak- Aeres, 80 Acres lse1 Rodhard wood, con. eosn thema utilon f~ huiç lf :LttNo. 8 n th suda out-hufllangs; aieu a good burigorh vuth abnîance of truit troc,. anda sfine ncver- utitg Streaniof ut ser ru 8s8Lînonghîthe tarn. £enîs-One-hailt ot lie purnlaseman.y dovin, the nemai.der lu live yoamîy instaiuxentse. ly ( Vi ett lpst;ipia) te ÀA. hom-. ALEX. DtUNLOP, l'iekningJnns l IB itale>' P. O. 1iuenà ~ibard Street, 1»oidéo.n; Iarm forslé.. rWlty.P Fý, tetaà d., appiy OQebaoes% tiéDwellnirfRouse 'lm ~t ounJWgloN STUXIET lun ~Tawiî owldtby, l'à ' oS tuc MllÃ" .B oadon. sud termes appl>' ta J, IL PERRY SALE R TORENT I e MnoMjsîg the. Northa- West itoraîtr t Ia8lu theu lth couea'aiouu ee Theu'e le a xe)d Ilouse auixalBafri,Ùkanaý - Oua.ès Alio 9 lange sana lfniu(rchard. I prboMIlearo wvilvateroal, anal situatea lul lliqùMt heýtaIileuaityy vuttain lu miles ofthéb e t-'renne libunial. 1IItY LAWRLENCE, Ilalsan, P. 0. Or OùIle proinieuos. of IMortgaged. Promises. vîrtu, paypoer, fat ~ijicoiataliad fil a IL. crinMortime maie b>' A sdruv i rhanî ofGeorliau ,lu the Cointy ut York. aaad Pro- uin et Canada, yconaaiui, urt1 tii- ret part, ta lielikrd Mierth~~eeider, of the Taavitîiaip of Bv.k, ouityûtOlitaiu, of theiaueial Provîine xeprnan, ofthte second pant, îaar anal lu cunside raà tson ut the snii-f $276 18, with ia inint troin te date thêreoft iiat tit ure is aow caire eti $Msd mobgugo lier iataîreaat $58 319, iaa.kiiag itu ai.dlue tis dia>'8828 69, analî t e Z lewaîl iaboie aenait, bell: cataiaaal id tteru-t, ba ao sooner palal, 1 ..,lu, un Thureday, lot day of Augusi t ttais o'clockIlii thie forciaoon. procecal tc naimai praiaiUre0, n sa mol tiaref ian viii theîdedabte creuatea h said linaertoaeui sta.attcuding suëla sale, sanal al atagu, ots bharges cunuet,,l tiL-rnevitîî c eal, ialontu preM.el ialg-art of Liai Na. 21, lu tact rtnsoéouecsof ut oriinu a luthuCuilant>' o rk efaru.ed, uolitaîniug t»y aiais a reliaiit acren, ha Lihe sama, mallre or le.., anal full> eserihea l li atoreualal narbgige. For the opaazaiscs rudy Aliatianen. NEW GOODS AT Warron's Store, Greenwood flomrprieain Bonnets 1latg, Peatlioe, Parusis Mï,tiioves, Laies Boîte, &c. Aliea, thi liargunt stock uf READY-MADE CLOTHIING, AND UOOWis AUU S'no-t Ever hal lia th" Tavaisliiip.Al vlaiofa vli J lba solal ut the iowaist living Iirofit. Twecîve monthase rudit sf 1 bh. givon tu jaunne- tutl pa- iug customîrs, anal liva pur vtiaa- cotnt ellounalal caseh ,ala',. WM. %VARREN, Jr. Graiaiuvood, April 29 1681. 16 N. B.-CasIî for Wieaib, Wool, Ilides anal Ilenieaik Bnnk. z. Ti'b4 esnolbgaiu.,6 al" ?lue lâtte sboat là sl'thepoach1 Cho rosy, radgouduuehlns"plcy T h e io us oiold S p en ie l i uî g a' l Ii gi Âlo'ng thoetn.a~dhd Tho:ilOttod kîtten ftLkà 'anlohg The tbéai floyes r* raie Or, basklugt throws lorda ppied 'foin, To co*nt th.ewuruest =y»'. Tho open cassîelnitr 9flnkltg wIau, - Geranlunis givesla viow; Tho air la stili o'ur icatiî uad hall, Tiso pousiyo wiilow boude tgkîos Tii. streami so Jeep axlil' cler; Wlaile dablaling rîppks g lidlug.ont ]3uing inaiieluta Thp mnovur whaitlua o'er lhie bll, Tlhu em'-id graiats njit yll1l; The iscythlà ulot tile swlartia lis down, Tlaure's intensej lu tihe fialdl. 01i11 Iow I love ta cialuil>'inuuo Lii sueli a lour aie lIai Tu nurse tha jo>' crustion givels, ln urot>' aud blits1 TIacre 6le votlon il, ni>'oul - M i p eau no'ur Impart : But tlaou, oh Gad, wiltdeisign Wu rea Tho tabalutot Ina hourt. Anad if tlaut heurt staula l er li'glect Tiesoiotuaga ntltapruar, Lesit(]ttu nauru'eai aicr-ploc.- 'Tu ll alwuyâ wureh§Ii1,thora. Napoleou's Firfit Love. ut IML>IOYED iFAI1MS AND Ih Aprosi of Lanad, 45 aenecu-nt, ua lied of ttxo fuintm Nu.."îa 7 i tii, luiad c.axcecssioa. t lxanag,(t'lii t oU- iai , togciixcr vitia vil xe-- h-lut SaîaMilii ic tva "Ilod Dwelliie hansea, l'iai in ai, uad Ste flaa. 100 >acre, 65 acres clearil, eiinliiiia-lofl'tixu W X. ni' 17,.iliathe 1hiat colleessiiii utUxbindge Couax.y ax'tliataaio, vitla Dwu-litag llaaaiaiu, l'a-uiaoe Bamru anîd Stablesi. WILD LANDS. Lo0t No. 2, lu tie 9tl Cit. Enniemono, 200 aiýcuCaîty of Victoria. Lt Na. 14, ini tic i8tiî Con.. Samuville, 200 aien-e, Caiiixtj utVictoria. NIVuet 34 Lot No. 80, lu the list Cut. Fcneloia, 100 aues, Coant>' ot Victoriaa. ISouth X~ Lot NL'a. 17, ia tb 1'eItIaCou. Pont- lainad,100 acrea 1'oxiit> of lnartaiteiîio. Wux 7Lo o28, litta'eIltia toni. 'W'wa- naolxlo> ensCeuni>' futilînax. I ast YLot N'o. 18,lu thueuth ton. Daivu, 10uaairen, Couat>t fLsmlton. l"ÃW" 3 WMIigr Park loî t O acres, wth fehtue lin eand ont- buidiiigs, situata on Dxinalu istreut un tieCetua tre sarai. Alo 20 toila lotis. Fun tenuna of sala, a&Ce, spyto the suiaeeribaer. Impruvel'Lovila ropunt>' takun n o lu i for tfic -wild Ilifixas iboeîautjad caug CHARLES C. KELLER. Solicîtaîr, Wlalth>', 0ffle0 In V'uctoriati ldingai, Or thaenI]Ooxi- OLEufhicu. 14 CASH!1 FOR EVERYBODY 1 W liewieshos ta have it, 13y tuirnlg Surplus Stock Into Money Tho unudeaig'nod rueut" us causigunate for Where tiie liglaost pricos cen ho oblained. AIl parties coignitig goods mn>' roI> on PROMPT SAILES, AND IUUEDptAWvERiURU8îs T. F. NICHOLt4 Aurbionuer & Gonural Coinm'n Morchiaî, -Puterborough, C. W. N. R.-Tii', Towia in aoknowludrud b>' the CommerWcil nunîauity teba the bîest a1uthe. rrovîac8 for b.iteiis. Poterboro', C. W., Duo., 1880 51-am. STORE AND II1ELLINGI ON *moa ,.zzw,7 FOR SALE N easty terme, or wlll bo exehangoal fan O other Rl u ete. Appi>' to JOEL BIGELOW. whilh.v, 2olMay;'1561u ;tliroar. r1 fi iE Thea fuolawiuîg iacident lia ths liu utilhe "iait if Cu'iial," buaisuat. teo nainkaînvileaga, beau it nelatealla' xy alla'is uaaae iooaunBiograpliene.j y The "Reprosentatives ot the People" bailoxarcied ibir autioit' lu Tonion s0 approssivel>', that et iast, the indignant populace anosu againat tieni, anal impnison. -ed, tvi af a Q fa>i-ihihir.a jutra m1~e~~ealb>'fligit. 1Du ie. vards, nlanmed b>' viat the>' Lad doune, anal consciaus lut ihe>' had provoued tic i engeance cf tie Conventio n, viic iti vould ble icpeess ta content! vihunesuia. ted, ihe citizen& adopteti the deaperato ne- source ot treaaon ta their conntry, sud eaul. cd in the aid of tue Englinh andl Spnarda, etu vuaom the>' gave np poasession ot the City', theotificaions, the ponts, anal the ahipping, The footing thus givon la tie enemy seomeal la open the rnd tbuninvasioni of France, sud unade it an abject of the grenu- est importance ta lie French govermnat ta necuver the possession of Tonlon. aient- anal Cartaux ( ) vas sent viîh a rather innalequate fonce lu baidge tieCcity'; >but no decisive progreiss an made titI Lie arrivaI of a youug'officen, alosignatad as the Second lCummandant ot Aitiller>', via im- rnediully nesumeal the duties ot Firet Com- mandant; tint officur heing disable b>' sickness. On is arrival at, hend-quarters, he fournd the anm>' complutel>' desiîtue of evun>' tbing, indispensable for a niege ot such magnitude; but his fertile aut active 1goulus appenreal La onoata reourcea ns if La> magic. One ofthte tirat measunen liej nalviacal vus ta uîtablisb batteries commanal- 1ing the ponts, i vi of dià ludgiu theie hostilei fluet. One day, vilile ha wa suit>' ongaget lu tictatiugi instructions, auî officur cuine in and aller apolojizing fon the interruption, aial tiene was a young- girl vitiont viho innisteal ou soeing the Commandant ; anal1 believing froantlben importunit>', that it vins possible aho brongit inftormation of impor. lance, beho ad felit ie isdut>' at leant ta announco ber roquent. IlAdmit her for a moment."9 The officer soon reternel, introducing a girl apparent>' about sixteca >'eana.of age. 8he vins plisiaut>'tongh uoadly apparelleal, but lier penson had litile needa of toneigia orusmeuta. Hon figure vas aliglitbut ex. quisitivel>' mouldet; thore vas au ucun- sclous grate in aIl ber movementa; the cluslening raven curis, tic aott brilliance ot lier dark eyca, thc detieso> of ber com- plexion, anal the expressive beaut>' of her yauthtul coun -tenanco, made ber appeari like a heaveul>' apparition among the gniun1 soldien>' that sarrouindeal her. The Com-i- mandan, after une napial gisuce, motionut ber toa-sent, sudda&itd nbrnîît>, tbaugb not rudol>', Caapeak, but lue briet. It vas uat hoviever, 10 couve>' informa. 1 lion that she bmd corne, but tG presaut a1 petition. One cf the engineera iaal told i ber mother tbat in conrse ut constructiugJ a oontcmpialied fortification, iL viauld beho neeesssr>' 10 demulieh t.he oue ah.ocen-y pied ! and as thie wonld occasion theni mudi dietreas, she had acîcal on the advice fi some one bami given lir ont appeail to the ii Commandant. IlI viii net flatter you, ni> chilal. If it c la necesanan>'ta the publi: servises your pi houe cannot b. spareal; no, -net if it vere ni the bonne of ni>'ovin mother. France be. il fore ail thinga iý But 1 vill sec. Look ait thie uiap; un you paint -ont the location la ut yonr bouse 7" 1h Tii, girl gave a troabîedl look at the n>'ateriaus document, wit i is wilderneaa pi of wiudlng- linos anal its minute insriptions; ai and tIen, wiîL a losok et increuawae at wi the maister cf sncb recundito bn.e, canes- kg ed aiecLaad nover seen s map beturc,' if N' tbat vas a map- At Ibà is lpla>' of ignor- wi ancc the Commandant for a moment re- va turneal Ler look of woaâ4er,* but dieuiasing ad t vilth a&mine, ho turusal ho the. - oficur- g6 the whl pennc o lb1à ulê indien tada degre. of:poverty lttIM bovo desti or ]ýWisme7 ffa ay wone-sgaab as couldon 1yi~yqepuacq&io...p,go soipa er,>bu lapd rhenjý l va yt u nanat armte traîtnd èrgw.-es nwhc a h. ~ ~ É1 Wa- ee lt s i 1 lo i '6 n bi ber."iacîèù f îdà g tue aLi. titild gai the i.yotug offi wuich ini later yenrs acquined,& ,beat mýosî p jqpçruura, u,9taLthat Iime enia ejetd and er .r ha, mau*sivç igranU deu utbisforhea »M'a hidden y thei long disbevetleà hair tint, 'elf ovor'it;.L drosa, which Bt no périod of Lislife inu remarka6le for disp1 j 1 vis novýi0oiîadd torn witb coanstant toit anëd*exposur.- 'Stihi tixose dsils'snà tages might have been torgotià n b yà s-partial spetà tor ýwhon bis eysyca laished with *ani'tuatian, on'Sbs fade brightened up with tbat aile, which vin one day ta ho au irrosistible fascination for vihich- millions viere ready tW die.1 Ou hi6 nising, ta taku icare, Madame Vaunoy p9litely' invited hum ta nopeat his vieil. Ploaseti With ber -conversation and ponhapa net laîsensible' to the beaut>' of Juliet, ' ho etniad more tban once. Borne. timea Le found Juliet alane, aud seatiug Luisielt at-her aide, ho eucounagod ben ta ce 'nverà e witb ýhim, upplying huimsoîf to thât, mont difficult tank of geniua, ta taik dovin Wtue leveil of un intenior mind, wiîhout making the effort apparent or the condeiicuajonfuît., But at tiaes hoc would torget lalaself, sud carried sway b>' the ardor of bis thuigit., would give utitersuce W1 is' lofty aspir;itlons anal magnificent conceptiona; ta vý'iaic' without c.onaprehen.- ding, Jaliet vioulniaaon with ý rapt ae, as ta the revetatian of somo inepireal praphet ; tilti, udalenl>' meuting her wouderitig gaze, hli would racottet bimie f, aud graeeull, descend b sanie theme more congenial 10 hie lovai>' companian. Thongu bis superioit>' viuaneyer minen- hionnît>' oltrudta, Juliet coulal nuL romain insensible ta it; atid at limes aie nekeal bei' laoart how it wan liat a innaor inch c.-cten- aivo attainnents, anal no lotty a goulus, could condecenl ta notice n poor illiterate girl ; and that ienit replical, &Becnuse bhé kuowa I anm enlirl>' bis ovin." Andl with ever>' da> that huart druw ucaror anal noar- er lu bum. And ho avwos it with hie ovin? Ha canild. aiadly have tolal. At tiret lhe badl merol>' yielded ta the. impreseion of that reineacal se of the beautiful, whetber in nature or art, wuich le an insuparable charatriaitic of ganua, and nathing in art ornature bual Lau ver lookeal upon that cantld comnparewita Juliet lu the tiret bloamt of laor maidaiîly boauty. But whon ho naticed iaw engur>' she watcbed for bis caming,-with vihat animnateal dehiglit sbo haaaiened, at the Ûrst «Pionce, ta nieut 1dm at the thne5bold, -with what rapture oh# bade him welcame,-hovi abe bang on hii wurda anal watched bis ever>' look, a nevi feeling aiwake iiithin hie bononi, a attina of the niant cxqniaitu bappiîta, anal a sentiment ut gracaful aiffectian thi the source ufthtit felicity. Othor cia-ennitan- ces concurral ta draw tbemn into mare un. ditaring intimue>'. It was a part of Napa. laon'a nature neyer tu aec an>' imperfec tion ih bu could repair, without aun im- pulse toanpply thc remcdy. Observing the dcficieueies uf hon aducation, ho undert uk ta direct lier studios; ania the roanît wla rapid pragreas, perbape ual. in ber learim-a but cortain>' in thxair raiprocal affuctiboi. For, as it hua uo 1c trul>' thon claquent- t>' bcoaa obsurveal hy Goethe, i& aytîtig couple formed b>' nature ta love each ather, nover foui a more pawertul mutual atIraction than when the ane ie auxians ta inatruat sud tle othen eagen ta loaru. - From, ttus reciprocai inclinati 'on arises &bc mont intinatu >mad amiable inturcaurse. The tain pupil clacnisee in hon lovcr the crator of bain intuiiuctual existence : the 'aM Madame, I will believa it;' and« Goal is >' witness ow foundi>' anti entinol>'1 I ve hon." 'a iuBt.wneetlà S Ien sm a M.i. Jeu. pate, I knovi yen anal your lotty generous o lature; I vili not or myscît the t, vrong te suippose tint one unviuiti>' tugli m 3as evçr sulîied the grandeur of yonm soul,e 'ol it la uaL you tliat 'teoulal ever thiuk etof vronà ging ibe coufidng giortaig a- mage of ber truttul, inniocence.- Your leétjons&, 1 yul behieve, la as pure analà dd unerous au it la ardent aclidimpaiined.,il a. yield- ig not To YO qýitd- reqîtire Iii a eféWan- ibtelleet thatwoau cmd eie yous-a energy ahtwol ustain yeur: owà S Can yoti l ook for' tia tuJniiet Pl lýsae o,[ are unjuat to Y-Olii 'i N. lapealt4 your oin -convié- tiopu;aq4let nie itio appeai ta pur jus; "What 'would Ion reqiuire oÉ mnié 1" "Nati4g bat itie :-to ho junt ta ynui. self, tOa yn1 dsughtér and .ta F ronce." 197 rance v?" nHo raiaed Li d.-oopiat,, ea iins sd i8eye fiasheal *!th aupernalion' 'ý4-i"é'Teà FraticetI Se Las sadaim ofi 3;Yau, evea n- Oe o ptent tbtxithée piL 1Of 1.yohtlxnllove. You know ik; yo afeeX it 1-yonr lop<s hetra> tiie consciousness. Hem 1-daim i85 tt ili ae haoneed of yon, and not of tLe imbecile butchers who are sacces. 'svl'bünhing each other dovin, witbout a Itiolabt of upholdiug ,tiercountry. Yes1 dFrance bas nesaloatyon. Laaik at bar situ- *atio,. Ail is anarci>' sud contusion-- Rapine andI murder walk the streots at Manda>'. Na mmn'E lite 43 safe. - Blood dovisilike viaer. AIl h1gw1 divine and bu- man, are nubvertua. Monahily la. a jcnt j rvice is canenized. FMautlc Atbeiem piantâ ils foot on tic ueck of prastrate Rehigioun, sud havis iti nad blauphemios ta tic lndig. nîtut beavens, The tirone in dcînaihli the, sitar is in the duat, Got imnseif la au. nouucaal, Oh, France, unbxeppy France) havi long must thou remain at once the harror anal donision, of. the worid 7a Napoleon sprang to bis fuel.; hbc eieneh- ed i$ mvord with a convulsive gîasp- "lB>'the living Godal I lthie ahaîl hoe han- aIl Mi>'Goal grant it!1 Thc tuik taore yon le a great tie ; hinhUmtilie i. lu holy ;-yaa are 'caulel ta be the saviour of a nation. Appiovo yanreit worthy oaf tyaur misesian. Lçavu bumna pussions ta tbono viho arc ul. requireltu u ho mrc than human. Throa s*de <ho aiuîken fait- tains of love, anal gird an dha armeof rua >resolution, anal go forth conquerin- anad ta F onquer l1" IlA glaonostdreaîn, if it ho hait a drenal. But, MaiJameni elglory incomipatible iaita tiappinoesu? Thieg fîle loye o utnaîtry petý mit noa 6lier lave ?11 Ill viulal not ay>'tbat I tratl, anad 1 knuîv, you yull chotapîpy lu tlîc accum- pliâhimeiat af yaur gîtatdouigris- ha.ppy, alno, I voulal op, ia e oloveof±ta wo Mati viorlatu ptîi )Sel odas-s. Na if I Colt assuroa tÛat you. coulal bu truly iiaijîpY vida Julite yuu, ut all men, are tbe a)nc 1 voulal cho6ýe for ber hutabanal; fur 1 kaxuw the g-ouituei!s, as weIllns the greunt- nase,ut yur chainacter lBut tînt tinîo wanld arrive îfhcu you wanld final beran i absilc in luyoar iatb-wheu you vionlld c- peut the tramaient delusion that burdeucal yuu wiii, ber irenane, ut the moment yur cir-cumstncesreqniru streagth t'rotn aIl arounal you ; uud havever gencrou4 yau nia>' cuiceal yur regret, sic couid liat but ho serîsible ut it ;andal it tlaoî woulal remait taItt, iluier wouitcddlove, but Lu dispau'itîal die? Fûrri ve u, Lu- ilalarte, but ihis must nover ho." 16il do caut thialt tt havait vcoulai Lc;"' saal the hero or Austoa'iitz. (Conçluded lic aur nexi.) A BÀTTmu AT TUCE DEL-uT--4.itunîber ut German anal Irleli otigants urriveoalu the train tramn Buffalo thii înorniiig,. %Wilc on hourd ain1- ishbmaa ett bis pipa in hiq scat a mamenat anal a Dutchan, wateinîg bis oppontuaiîy 4- coîiiiseate-'it. Puit reaieeal a rumpus about il. but couldaa't ascertaia wiuihad niolen Lais pipe. Sijoriiy ater their arrival nutthe deput, Pl.tdiscovereal the Duteiman smouking thluilot pipe ver>' couaplacouxly ounlthe plattonni, nud aL naag a andalou attace îupuu han reguinoa ed s nee.sion of il. Ilans rall ie iyînma1dzed cuntrymen anal made a pleiiaticecharge an Pat, vho as hurieUiy furuxelhime-I ioa n1- home guard" anialarincal iiîst vith thnt favonrito lire urne uf an Irizibnati, dsilelah. TI'lic ceo oulal batubeexe creditîble ta a Donnybruuk Fuir. Pot leaieal.iito the aidaI ut the Dutcmian, witi a &lliooup, ffîurauiwlaie shilîclah, witb seientifie louaçuese, kîaueking air a doubluns have beasu campellat t capitulaito or arrendler, isal not a forciga pawer ie- trferel la the form 0 ot ibu dopaioalice, who, seao"teed the aisailiiug forces anld estabilsi leu Co:lt lu tue peauico s8ossiu pf bi'lpà t.CedadPaioeta WÂ&Tsoyvi'a NsutAi-î KucG is.uring al>' aillcanes ot Neuralgis anti beua- 13., nom